Author Topic: New Touhou Fan-Game Looking for Programmers!!!  (Read 3645 times)

New Touhou Fan-Game Looking for Programmers!!!
« on: April 23, 2018, 05:19:42 PM »
東方封剣伝~Snow Country
(Touhou Fuukenden~Snowy Country)
(Touhou Legend of Sealed Sword~Snowy Country)

Hi guys! It?s Hungry Cat!
I have begun to working on a fan-game, but I need programmers! If you Interested, please write to me in Discord: HungryCat#8937
Thank you!


?People say, if you watch into her eyes, you will turn into a block of ice!?, ?Her heart isn't beating at all!?, ?Her body is completely cold, as if she were dead...?

Very cold winter has come to Gensokyo. It seemed, that every living thing was already dead. No single bird has ever flown under the blue sky. No single human was seen outside. These kind of things seemed very weird and one of Three teams is deciding to find out the truth.

Playable teams:
1. Team of Illusionary Barrier:
Reimu Hakurei and Yukari Yakumo

2. Team of Magical Grimoire:
Marisa Kirisame and Patchouli Knowledge

3. Team of Sky Miracle:
Sanae Kochiya and Kanako Yasaka

Stage 1: Izumi

Stage 2: Yukiko

Stage 3: Akane Hayashi