Author Topic: TH 2 SoEW Hoot Sound issue/questions  (Read 3046 times)


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TH 2 SoEW Hoot Sound issue/questions
« on: May 11, 2017, 06:27:16 AM »
I have Hoot, the 2016-12-31 version.
I also have the Story of Eastern Wonderland soundtrack. I have others, but this is the one in question.

There are 5 versions:
  • The original OPN
  • An SC-55 version
  • A Vermouth version
  • The Mystic Square OPN version
  • The Mystic Square OPNA version
Firstly, the MS OPN versions sound exactly like the originals, except MS pitches some tracks lower (by one semitone). Is that normal?

More importantly, I'm having problems with the SC-55 and the Vermouth. The Vermouth soundtrack does not work. Period. I have the Vermouth driver, in the Hoot folder within a directory called "vermouth", but Hoot refuses to play noise. I just have a beep channel.

The SC-55 soundtrack *seems* to work (I have no way of actually testing if it's correct). Occasionally, it sounds like a drum hit is missing.

Except for Complete Darkness.
There is no way that is anywhere near correct. Between the random noise, it seems there are drum channels mistaken for non drums, and loop indicators mistaken for notes, and the whole thing is a mess. I don't get why one particular song is screwed up, and the rest get along fine.
I've uploaded a recording
* Incomplete Darkness.mp3 (12908.44 kB - downloaded 64 times.)
of this to Mediafire. Be warned: it sounds like hell.

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« Last Edit: December 25, 2020, 11:45:08 PM by Tom »
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL