Author Topic: My first Touhou Crossplay for Anime Boston: Utsuho Reiuji: Help me make this  (Read 6673 times)

First off, I hope this is the right place to put this. I looked at each place and none said anything about cosplay. Mod, please move this to where it needs to go if this is incorrect

I have been cosplaying for about 7 years now. I have done Kisame and Tobi from Naruto. Rinnosuke from Touhou, Link from Zelda, Bad box art Megaman, and last year I did Team Flare grunt from Pokemon. I enjoy cosplay, and its nice to make my own costumes. However... I kinda always wanted to crossplay.

I love female characters in games, but being a guy who used to be quite heavy, I couldn't justify cosplaying a girl, unless I would just be sailor Bubba. Also I have worried what my family would say. I have lost over 130 pounds in the last 2 years, and now feel confident on trying this. My family are raising some eyebrows, but are going along with it so far.

I decided to Play Okuu because she is my second favorite touhou other then Tewi, and I love her outfit and design. Plus I think as a buy I can pull off Okuu a bit better. I already started collecting things I would need. I have the wig shipping, I got the top and skirt top my tailor lady(who helped me make this awesome Team flare last year ), and got the cape almost ready to go. I just need the back part of the cape, as I found the perfect space material for the inside. The cape, skirt, and shirt should be completed hopefully in a few weeks.

That just leaves the Arm canon, right foot, the chest eye, and the wings. The Arm canon I am thinking of using some sort of cardboard tube as a base, and building around it. I may be able to find an tctogonal tube to use. I think I should put some sort of rod inside it so I can grab onto it and keep it on easier. The chest piece I am not sure on what to do with. Shoud I make with with felt like I have seen online, or something hard like a bowl?

My biggest worry right now is the wings. I have looked online and found some good ideas for a wing harness, and like this one a lot It can go on my back under the cape, I just need to figure out how to make that like a backpack. I am most worried about the wings. How should I build them? what do I use? Should I have them move and bend to make it easier to walk? What about the feathers?

So I hope you guys could help me out. I'll post pictures as I get them, I forgot to take pictures of the skirt and shirt and cape materiel, but I'll have my tailor lady take some for me and send them to me, and so I can post those here. I hope I didn't start this too late, but I think I can do this fast. I got my Team flare one done in a month, and I have may cosplay props before, like Kisame's Sword and Tobi's mask. I think I can get this down in a month and a half. I am just mainly worried about the wings, and any help on that would be great, as well as suggestions for the arm canon and right foot and chest piece!

I see a lot of people have looked here but haven't said anything. Thats cool, but I hope to get some input on the arm canon.

I got the PVC pipe I am going to use. it fits my arm perfectly. I am going to drill a bolt through it by were my hand will be, to give myself something to grip while in there. After that, I was gonna use this stuff to mold a square around the pipe, then sand it into a hexagon, and then paint it.

Though, I wonder if I should do that. Would it be a big deal just to keep the shape a tube? WHat are your thoughts?

Also, I picked up the pack pipes that the wings will fit into. I am stll trying to decive how to make this back brace and the wings, so any help on that would be helpful!


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
I would definitely make the wings easily removable, not only so that it would be a lot easier to walk around at a convention, but depending on how big you plan to make them, they could get really heavy so removing them without taking off the entire harness would be good. In this case, you also don't have to worry about making the wings bendable, unless you want to. Unfortunately I only have experience in making Flandre wings and not big feathered ones, but if it helps, I made the wing harness from a backpack. XD For my Flan wings, I also put these sort of loops where the wings would go in the harness, but that's only so I can hang the wings on their own for easy storage without having them lay on the wall or put them in the harness. I also use the loops to help secure the wings inside the harness if I'm moving around a lot so they don't slip out XD

For the chest eye, I would take a look at resin casting. It would give the perfect appearance for it :3 But otherwise, I'd use something 3D instead of something sewn onto the front, so a small bowl of some sort, or even a plastic lid to make it glassy and shiny would look good.

As for the arm cannon, the hexagonal shape is pretty iconic for the character, I think, so I would definitely try to shape the tube.

For the right leg, perhaps some good old paper mache? XD It would give the right texture.

I would definitely make the wings easily removable, not only so that it would be a lot easier to walk around at a convention, but depending on how big you plan to make them, they could get really heavy so removing them without taking off the entire harness would be good. In this case, you also don't have to worry about making the wings bendable, unless you want to. Unfortunately I only have experience in making Flandre wings and not big feathered ones, but if it helps, I made the wing harness from a backpack. XD For my Flan wings, I also put these sort of loops where the wings would go in the harness, but that's only so I can hang the wings on their own for easy storage without having them lay on the wall or put them in the harness. I also use the loops to help secure the wings inside the harness if I'm moving around a lot so they don't slip out XD

For the chest eye, I would take a look at resin casting. It would give the perfect appearance for it :3 But otherwise, I'd use something 3D instead of something sewn onto the front, so a small bowl of some sort, or even a plastic lid to make it glassy and shiny would look good.

As for the arm cannon, the hexagonal shape is pretty iconic for the character, I think, so I would definitely try to shape the tube.

For the right leg, perhaps some good old paper mache? XD It would give the right texture.

Yeah the wings are my biggest worry. How did you change a backback into a harness without it causing trouble for your outfit? Okuu has a Cape to cover the backpack, but Flandre doesn't. The hoop idea is pretty good actually.

We were thinking of using some sort of bowl or lid cover for the eye, to capture the 3d of it and the shine. thing is we may have to attack some fabric to it, because when you look at her chest it looks like the green is attached to it.

Ok. We will give it a try. I read that the stuff I got is supposed to be good, but have you heard of anything else that could work? Another type of putty?

I didn't think of Paper mache for the leg. Thats a great idea. Put it around an old shoe of mine.

Thanks for the tips!


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Ahh by the backpack thing I meant I completely cut off the straps and back side of the back pack and sewed them together so they could fit on my back. The backpack straps are actually backwards and upsidedown when I put them on, so the thick part is on my back, and holding the wings.  I don't know how useful this would be considering your shirt is being made but the harness is over my shirt, and under the vest :) The vest has holes so that the removable wings can right slip into the harness :D pics :D (i need to fix that one side of my harness haha XD)
The last picture is the loopy things :)

Also, if you're wondering, the wings are made of coat hangers bent to shape and wrapped in newspaper and electrical tape :) The crystals are made of those clear, coloured, plastic duotangs and fishing line

The fabric idea for the eye is a good idea, cause then you could sew it/button/velcro/safety pin it to make cleaning the costume easier

And sorry, I don't know of any other material that would work for that XD

No problem :D

Sorry for the late reply.

Ah I see. Thats actually quite a good idea. I think we may use that, or another option that I just thought of last night. See I forgot that I bought Fairy wings from a Renaissance fair last year, and I found them. They are the right width, and I can easly tie it with the attachments on it. I think we can buy some feathers and attach them to it, and boom we got the wings all ready to go. I'll have pictures of what the fairy wings look like, and see what you think.

now an update on the control rod. We decided not to use the putty. It wasn't sticking to the PCV pipe well and a lot would have to me used. Instead we are going to take this poster board like stuff and score it around the PVC pipe in a hexagonal shape. We took the measurements and tested it with cardboard and it looks quite good.  Tonight we drill the hold for the bolt through it as a make shift handle for me to grip inside, and then we will start to score the board. We are going to glue it so the top and bottom are flat against it, and then seal the tip with more cardboard. Not sure what color I will paint the end, keep it copper like the rest will be or make it red.


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
I'll look forward to those pictures XD

And wow looks pretty good :D If i were cosplaying as her I'd make the end of it red, but sort of a gradient from copper to red, to give depth :3 But that's just me XD Will you add the metal prong things like in her zun portrait? :)

Also if I may suggest, if you feel like it, to line the inside with black/grey fabric tube that extends up your arm past the arm cannon and ends in elastic to keep the fabric tube in place? :3

Ok so we got the bolt in the control rod so I can grip it from the inside. The bolt is half an inch too long, so gonna buy a new one on the way from work, but I still took a picture because even with the longer bolt it works. The black fabric is a sock, which I think works perfectly.

Next is getting the board into a hexagon shape and putting it around the pipe, and then painting it. And I like the idea of making the tip red. As for the metal rods at the end, I'm still not sure. Some art has her with it, and some doesn't. Like her SWR art and sprite doesn't have it, but her SA art does.

And here are the wings I'm gonna turn into Okuu's wings shouldn't be too hard to do, just attached black feathers to the whole thing.


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Ahh looking good so far :D yay

Touhou characters tend not to be designed consistently :3 So if you want to add the metal rods then you can XD it will still be accurate either way. Although, now that i think about it, I will say to watch out for the metal rods. If you could somehow fold them in it would be no problem but do be careful that they don't accidentally snap off if you do intend to. :)

And that's a nice base for the wings :D It's good that it's black and sparkly too so that if the feathers fall off or shift around or if there arent enough of them it will still be all dark and spacey feeling XD

sorry for the delayed reply. meant to post this wednsday.

yeah the metal rods may make it more fragile, and hurt others. I'll just add the markings.

I am almost finished with the control rod. We scored the poster board and wrapped it around the pvc pipe, and taped it to the PVC.

All that is left is the painting and covering the end with something and it will be completed, and we can start working on the wings. And yeah the base is perfect, and will go VERY well with the black feathers. I should be able to buy them at the craft shop


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Wow it's progressing quickly :D You know what'd be cool is adding led lights to the end cause there's a lot of room inside the cannon heh. XD

Anyways awesome job so far! :D Yay

LED lights is an option. I am just not sure how I would turn it on and off easily.


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
maybe have some kind of switch up near the bolt? :3

that could work. I would have to set up some sort of wire and switch.

I can worry about that after I get some the wings, chest, and boot done. I should still have time for the LED after that

Ok the control rod is almost completed! we got it fully painted, just need to touch up a few spots, and I have an idea on lighting.

The plan is to cover the end in red tinted covering to make the light have a red color. Inside is a tiny flashlight that is by the handle, that I can easily switch on and off.

I think this will be good. Another option is getting of of those plasma balls, but that may be a bit much


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Yooo that's a really bright light :D Which is good cause then the red will show up well :) Good job yaaay

a bit late posting this, but the control rod is finished!

I could not find  way to keep the flashlight attached inside while keeping it center, so I will just hold it. Its a small light one so shouldn't be a problem.

The chest is almost finished, just need to put the eye mark on it, and then wait for the shirt to be finished so we can velcro it to the shirt. Tonight we are going to start the wings


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Ahh it looks great :D very bright!

Good luck on the wings! :)

Wings are done. They are not as wide as Okuu's though, but I think they look fantastic though

all that is left is for the outfit to be finished by the tailor, the boot, and the bow. If there is time I'll do the atoms around her left leg.


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Wow they look awesome :D

thanks. It took a lot of work but glad they came out well.

I finished the wig/Bow and the chest piece a few days ago, and right now working on the boot. should be done tonight if the painting goes well


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Yay the bow looks cute >w< I like how its layered to make it look sort of tattered.
As for the eye, what is it made of? :3 It looks really good :D

Sorry for the late reply. Yeah the bow came out better then I thought it would. As for the Eye, we took a bas for a plastic bowl or vase, and wrapped red cellophane around it. Then I used magic marker for the iris, and then glued green felt to the bottom, which we will attach to the shirt via velcro, so I can remove it when I need to unbutton it.

The outfit is done, I need to pick it up after work. Just in time to. In the meantime, here is the boot i finished on the weekend.


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Ooh nice boot :D The texture turned out pretty well. Can't wait to see the full cosplay :D

yeah i am happy how the boot turned out

And here is the finished costume. I need to fluff out the wig a bit

Not a bad job I think. I hope people like it!


  • Ferrero Rocher Lover
Yay its done! :D Good job it looks great :) Yaaay