Author Topic: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~  (Read 132906 times)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #180 on: January 11, 2015, 01:47:32 PM »
Sword Dance/Blade Flurry don't really synergize any more than blade flurry's one extra hit; if it feels like it does, you may not have experienced how crazy it is with Sho/Bucc dual wield swashbuckling in EO3, where you usually get 4+ hits and can go up to 8. (Although they don't do a lot of damage, it's just for proccing chasers. If you use two with Warrior's Might though, gg everything... literally everything if you use a TP battery N/Z)

It does work alright with all those chase dances or a linker (although with a linker, since Dancer has so much spare SP I'd sooner just sub runemaster to be your Rune buff/debuff caster and use one of the multihit runes for multiple link triggers) but that's more of a fun gimmick build than an actual effective build, and in either case there's little point doing it with a mainclass nightseeker rather than a mainclass dancer. You'd get gobs more damage off just casting Swift Edge in terms of using their proficiency skill, you have autospread throws for randoms over half the time- and that's not counting how much benefit you're missing out on from not subbing an actually useful subclass.

Dancer/Nightseeker to abuse Mist Dance stun (with samba procs on the side, probably) can work though. 5 D/Ns just lock everything down forever. Literally. That many proc chances overcomes built up status resist.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2015, 01:49:03 PM by Selery »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #181 on: January 11, 2015, 05:30:32 PM »
Formaldehyde is the best RPG item invention ever...Unless another rpg did it first...Can't think of any that do though, and I've played quite a few. Also, I can see why bushi and nightseeker go well together, that said nightseeker/dancer at very high levels also looks like it might be interesting. Assuming sword dance can proc/stack with blade flurry, for the first time, I have a feeling it does.
It can.  Due to Sword Dance being capped at half level you're capped to 6 attacks when you hit your attack button (Dancer/NS gets 8); but it's still really good.  Especially with ailment forges on weapons and investment into Mist Dance (gives your normal attacks a chance to stun).


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #182 on: January 12, 2015, 10:01:56 AM »
So... I am stuck at last two floors of
Clock Tower
in Persona Q. I mostly explored both floors and i know where the stairs/save point is located, but have no idea how to get to them. Might be mapping mistake, but i tried everything and still can't get to the unexplored area on either floor.
is back. But due to him having so many attacks, there's a good chance he won't use any "bad" ones. Also defeating him is kind of pointless
all three times
Silver Spiders
are arguably worse.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #183 on: January 12, 2015, 01:33:17 PM »
So... I am stuck at last two floors of
Clock Tower
in Persona Q. I mostly explored both floors and i know where the stairs/save point is located, but have no idea how to get to them. Might be mapping mistake, but i tried everything and still can't get to the unexplored area on either floor.
is back. But due to him having so many attacks, there's a good chance he won't use any "bad" ones. Also defeating him is kind of pointless
all three times
Silver Spiders
are arguably worse.

This probably isn't that useful, but when I got stuck in the same place it was just because there was a staircase that I had discovered but never actually used, and it took a while to realize that because I had to keep swapping between floor views to see that there was nothing uncovered on the other side. After I figured that out every time I found a new staircase I at least entered and then immediately went back to make it more clear on the map that I had an area left to explore. That's probably not your problem, but hopefully it is and it's something to look out for if you aren't already.

Regarding that FOE:
Yeah, Reaper was surprisingly weak for pretty much the reason you described. I found the spiders to be tough but doable, since they never seemed to spam instant kills more than one out of quite a few turns, but maybe I got lucky.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #184 on: January 13, 2015, 10:12:26 AM »
And it was indeed a mapping mistake. After meticulously checking every square on the map, i discovered that for some reason i decided to mark a door as a wall. Beat the game. 100% all the maps. Unlocked
fusion. Due to me getting lost easily and battling a lot of FOE's, it took me 96H 34M. Was fun.
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


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    • Tormod Plays Games
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #185 on: January 14, 2015, 07:54:49 PM »
Etrian Mystery Dungeon trailer

I'm still conflicted over whether or not I wanted this or not.


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #186 on: January 14, 2015, 08:35:39 PM »
Etrian Mystery Dungeon trailer

I'm still conflicted over whether or not I wanted this or not.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #187 on: January 15, 2015, 12:01:39 AM »
F.O.E + Monster Houses

I'd probably pass on it. I didn't care for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and I've barely played much in any of the Etrian games I have. I am playing Persona Q right now though and have gotten to the second labyrinth on Risky P3 side. Currently around level 11 or 12 but I'm trying to find where I missed map percentage on the first labyrinth 3rd floor.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #188 on: January 15, 2015, 06:15:44 AM »
I never played a mystery dungeon game, but I've heard people mention pokemon mystery dungeon like it has labyrinth of touhou elements...which is an instant yay for me...I've also heard it's a roguelike...which is also a yay... Etrian odyssey + roguelike + Labyrinth of Touhou? If it's really like that, chances are I'll like it even MORE than the rest of the series.


  • Wow I'm back to playing this game.
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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #189 on: January 20, 2015, 10:13:09 PM »
Finally picked up Untold again after setting it down for way too long, currently in the third stratum, Story Mode.

My team's a little different from the default though since I decided to forgo my mass elemental damage in favor of making Arthur a Hexer; could not be happier with my decision, even IF he's even squishier than usual due to much lower level(though he's catching up) and low-power defensive gear combined.

Currently at the first boss of the third stratum who'd been kicking the CRAP out of me when I first arrived, but now that I've been doing some requests and upgrading my equipment and such I think I'm almost ready to take her on again.  I nearly beat her in my last attempt, but my lack of TP recovery options kinda killed that by the time the boss hit the red.

Setup is:
Highlander(mainly used for Bloody Offense but also using Legion Thrust for randoms to help speed them up a little; I need to level it up though and be careful of the party-wise damage.  Used to have a Grimoire Stone on him with Chasers but decided to respec him for using his native skills instead, finding myself happy with that decision since the Chasers are awfully expensive for him yet and not QUITE powerful enough to justify 12 TP.)
Raquna(used as expected.  Max level Defender for the opening of most tougher fights and when it runs low, then Front Guard/Rear Guard as appropriate)
Simon(Totally healing-focused)
Arthur(Reclassed into Hexer as stated above.  Not sure where I'll focus once Curse Mastery is Lv. 10, but i'll worry about that when it is.)
Ricky/Frederica:  Mainly specced into Ice Bullet for all the ants I'm fighting here.  Considering getting her back to having Vulcan Stance later to give me an all-target attack, unless I just go for the Highlander's Burst skills.)

Also three of the five have SOME level of Bloodlust, which is silly to watch, especially Ricky who's got a Lv. 8 of the skill on her Grimoire Stone.

So, should this team be ok, do you think, or will I run into problems later running this way?

EDIT:  Beat up the Ant Queen, now working on mapping 13F.  Doesn't seem like enemies are especially difficult here at the moment, just gotta be sure to have Ariadne Threads like usual for when my TP runs low.  The Aquatic Butcher FOEs are annoying with the OHKO chance on their skill though.  Gotta look up their Codex entry to figure out ho their conditional drop is likely to work, see if I have the ability(or can GET the ability) to grab it at some point.  I already need to hunt down a source of Paralysis somewhere for Dragonfly enemies so I won't be surprised if I need to go out of my way for another item as well.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 07:03:10 PM by Jq1790 »
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  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #190 on: January 24, 2015, 07:24:51 AM »
So I finished the main story of EO4 last night, and did some dragon slaying + dark-whats-it-called dungeon exploring today. Had my 2nd party wipe recently to inspecting statues in the dungeon. I knew it would be an ambush, killed the muskoids despite having low burst meter, got 4 afterwards, and tried again because 1: maybe the 2nd inspect would be safe...obvious ambushes tend to have better responses if it lets you inspect a 2nd time after all, and 2: with 4 burst I could try to insta-death them with that burst skill for conditional drops (I cheat and look at wiki for conditional drops after I kill something at least once, since there is 5 in one encounter, I just had to know right away, especially since I never saw one during the last HOUR of exploring, what are the chances). Needless to say it was still an ambush (you would think you at least don't get ambushed the 2nd time since your group knows what happened the first time), and all 5 used all stone, and despite using a meteor pumpkin or whatever it's called, my entire party got stoned before Ic ould move... lame.

My first party wipe was from a rare-spawn suicide-shallot thing in the misty rivine. It expanded on its first turn, and I couldn't kill it right away despite me using a burst skill on it at the time (my dps was really low at the start of the game, I just have a late bloomer party I guess), and since it was rare, it got to move first on turn 2, where it oneshot my entire party. blarg. I may have had more but those are the only 2 I've had where I actually lost a lot of time exploring and @%##@%.

Anyway, EO4 was great....but I think I'll like EO1U more, and almost sure I'll like EO2U more. I like the music in the older titles more, especially in the U versions where you can swap between fm and modern audio styles. (though eo4 still has great music, I particularly like the quest-boss music... quest not mission, ones like baboon king, hallow overseer, cursed prince who had the quest boss music instead of mission boss music for some reason, etc). The airship stuff in EO4 was WAY better than the ship thing in EO3, but in retrospect it still is kinda tedius IMO...Because it kinda promotes you running around wasting time hunting for the food you want before you do the dungeon you want. Then you might bump into a gold outdoor FOE you want or something, where you decide to kill that instead, then you go back to town and rest since you blew thru tp killing the gold foe, then a pooka appears or something, so you kill that, but then you don't get the food you want cuz you wore airship gear for pooka hunting instead of rare food gathering, so you rest again...You get the drift...I know you don't NEED to do this, but as an efficientist (yes I just made that up), I'm compelled to, or else I'll EXPLODE! I'm sure I'm not the only one either.

I think the whole air thing would be way better for me if the food thing would last a day or two in game rather than magically vanish as soon as you visit town or something.

My 2nd gripe is that money is even more trivial in this game than previous EO games...EO is kinda liked by many of its fans because it's supposed to be relatively difficult and unforgiving...being stingy with cash and making you make hard choices about how to spend your cash is part of challenge in any game...Unfortunately this one NEVER made me feel tight on cash, and even if I WANTED to go on a shopping spree buying all the expensive stuff, I couldn't cuz virtually everything expensive needs a conditional drop that you can only get a handful of before making more money obtaining more than you spend buying what you needed them for. I always thought EO made money trivial like virtually every other rpg game after the first stratum or two, but in EO4 I never even felt tight on the very first stratum.

Last, it's not a gripe but just something I think can be improved...I like how EO4 has multiple dungeons. I just think they would be even more exciting if they all didn't have the format of a small 1 floor dungeon, or a 'large' 3 floor dungeon. I think it would be more rewarding to finish a dungeon if you didn't know how large it would be or whatever until you reached the end.

Anyway, more random questions if you guys don't mind!

1: I have gloves that cause death...I also have a zord that causes death, do they stack?

2: I forget if it was tec or luck.. but I read one of these stats affect how often your ailment-inducing attacks land. Is this a significant influence or not so much as the ability/weapon/whatever? I ask because I am pondering on how viable it would be to make a secondary party of nightseeker/dancers for blade flurry+sword dance wielding petrify swords to try and petrify (or whatever other status, but petrify is one that my 'main' party has absolutely no hope of doing at all on their own) foes and such like 30 levels higher than them. If luck/tec didn't really matter THAT much, than it would obviously work great compared to virtually everything else, but if it is a significant factor, I would rather not bother.

3: I can prob find out for myself but work and lazy to level up... prob will if someone can't answer cuz they didn't find out themselves already...Does anyone know if wufan, kigami (or whatever his name is), and...uhh... whatever whirlwind's name is has the exact same stats as an ordinary character would of equal level + no retire +same classes?

4: I read somewhere from someone else's post that my party (which I had from the very start) isn't good for post game for some reason (actually other person had the same mainclasses, they didn't have subclasses yet, nor did I)...But so far it has been serving me just fine, and as a matter of fact, I'm doing better and better now than I did in stratum 1 and 2. I have:
Nightseeker/bushi + Fortress/arcanist + Dancer/Land
Healer/dancer + Rune/Imp

I'm more than willing to stick with my party even if it isn't the optimal one, as long as it is capable of everything...But I don't want to hit 99 and then retire and then find out I need a new class or something at the last minute, any comments? Frankly I don't see how something can kill my party that couldn't kill any party. Regen dance is so amazing, even for my healer because heal mastery makes her subclass regen dance as effective as a mainclass one... the land subclass for my main dancer isn't really stuck to me though, I just chose it to provide chaser element to my NS...and if you think my party lacks long-term sustainable dps... yes it does (since my NS is half my dps and they run out of tp faster than hell...unless I get an ailment to land, at which point my NS simply pulverizes virtually anything in 1-2 attacks as I'm sure everyone would know)

5: Do certain ailments have a greater chance of being resisted than others by certain enemies? If so, is there one that "lands" the most often? I maxed venom throw on my NS first because I felt if there was any ailment that would land the most often on most enemies, poison would be it since it is the least debilitating to major enemies. Something tells me that in this game they all have an equal chance to land on every enemy except death/petrify since it would be silly to 1shot a boss with those. Though maybe sleep lands more often because you need to sleep the cradle guardian for its conditional drop and it took me forever to kill that thing, and I never landed a single status ailment on it ONCE between poison, 3 blind gasses, OR perma max (sub) rank nerve circle (which lands generally within the first circle or two to any other boss/foe...cradle guardian managed to not be affected by like 5... and 2 poison circles for full duration)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #191 on: January 24, 2015, 02:52:46 PM »
1.Ailment/element forges on armors/accessories mean you resist that status.
2.TEC and LUC faced against the enemy's TEC/LUC does significantly effect status chance. Going against much higher leveled enemies won't work well. LUC has twice as much of an increase to status power as TEC (unless you're playing EOU1, where they goofed up and switched it)
3.I can't say for sure, but probably. Too bad you can't get retirement status bonuses on them!
4.You don't need an ideal party to get through the game, it just means the postgame bosses will be more of a challenge. (A really good party might not even have a whole lot of trouble, so this isn't necessarily a bad thing) You have enough really good classes to balance out the less useful ones. I'm not entirely sure what your D/L is for?
5.I believe so, yeah. Poison is a great choice overall, especially because Venom Throw does frickin' nuts damage at max, and Venom Throw+Auto Spread is godly for randoms. I think Sleep tends to land more easily as well since it's a minor status effect- but only those lines, yeah, you only get one hit off it! If you make sure it's Shadow Bite, that works pretty well tho'. Curse might be easy just because it's such a bad status, but I never tried using it either; I either used Nerve Circle or Venom Toss.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #192 on: January 24, 2015, 04:51:11 PM »
Thanks. My dancer/land doesnt really have a purpose per say. I just started with a dancer at the start to keep my front row buffed, and over time never felt the NEED to change the class. I also figured she could do decent damage at the start since it said potentially front row with swords... Sounded half damagey at the time. Currently, she provides my front row with good healing and can make sure nobody is ailed or bound, and does provide a buff too sometimes (normally attack tango, beat dance is also actually decent damage but some bosses/foes prevent me from meeting its in-battle requirements). If you are wondering why I need regen dance to heal my front row when I have a healer, it is just that line heal or party heal cannot heal near death to full, and with regen dance, it can, not to mention its far more tp efficient. Most of the time I dont need to heal at all, and yes my healer does sit around with nothin to do much of the time, but I chalk that off as a good thing since ive never lost a battle that had that situation.

As for ailment armor, I knew it provides resistance, but for some reason I got the impression that expel gauntlets are an exception where it provides offensive death rather than resistance. i mean even the name kinda sounds like it deals desth rather than saves you from it.  I mean there ARE some pieces of equipment that feature forge boneses that you cant make yourself.

Also, the npc turned playable people, didnt occur to me you wouldnt be able to retire em. Kinda a shame if you like their portrait.


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    • Tormod Plays Games
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #193 on: January 24, 2015, 09:59:43 PM »
With regards to money, I honestly was glad to have it so free-flowing in EO4.  It was not at all fun having to either waste skill slots on my party to bring the gathering skills into dungeons, or have to build an entire separate team for whenever I need to generate money.  It wasn't fun spending hours gathering and teleporting back and gathering and teleporting back over and over to afford endgame equipment.  It wasn't fun having a dead weight class in my party in EO3 to be efficient.  Etc etc

Of note:

3. Yes, the NPC characters don't have retirement bonuses and will be replaced as normal if you do retire them, sadly.
4. I'm pretty sure that you can beat all of the postgame with any team you want - although the more synergy in your party the better.  You have a Runemaster, which I'd argue is the most important to have (either as a main or a sub), and a capable healer, so you're solid.  You're probably going to find yourself wanting to tune up your party soon though, but at this point experience starts flowing really freely and resting  when you've made decisions is child's play.
5. The base ailment success rate on enemies varies significantly depending on the type.  As noted some are generally more reliable (Poison) while others are rare to work (Death, Petrify).


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #194 on: January 25, 2015, 01:32:12 AM »
Oh yeah, the money thing in EO4 is because in the earlier games you can mass harvest to farm tons of money. (granted, only EO3 made this an -easy- task, but...)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #195 on: January 25, 2015, 08:10:19 AM »
Yeah I like how you can chop/mine/take without investing skillpoints, and one skillpoint is the max investment, but I still wish money was more meaningful, and shopping felt more like a strategy in terms of what to get, what to save up for, how much consumeables to get for preparations, etc... now it's not much choice, you can just get everything you need at all times pretty much.

Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #196 on: January 25, 2015, 03:29:06 PM »
Partway through fourth stratum in EOU, just finished with the MOST BORING FLOOR IN EXISTENCE.

Sticking with my default classes because I don't want to suffer the level losses from reclassing, but I've been making use of grimoires to supplement my skills because Megaten taught me to be an awful minmaxing asshole. Simon currently has Lv* Forest Breach, Lv* Hypnosis, and Lv9 Seal Arms, Highlander got some Gunner skills like Penetrator and Double Strike, and Arthur's going to be holding on to that Hexer grimoire because Staggering Word is hilarious whenever it procs at the start of a battle. Raquna has chasers which are good for following up my back row when I need a lot of elemental damage fast, and Ricky just has some stat boosters and another potential shot of Staggering Word.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #197 on: January 28, 2015, 08:31:49 PM »
Well, I just did it.
I got Persona Q.
I'll mourn that the dragons aren't in the postgame. Nor is Scatter About. But I intend to enjoy it very much.


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #198 on: January 28, 2015, 08:49:43 PM »
Partway through fourth stratum in EOU, just finished with the MOST BORING FLOOR IN EXISTENCE.

Sticking with my default classes because I don't want to suffer the level losses from reclassing, but I've been making use of grimoires to supplement my skills because Megaten taught me to be an awful minmaxing asshole. Simon currently has Lv* Forest Breach, Lv* Hypnosis, and Lv9 Seal Arms, Highlander got some Gunner skills like Penetrator and Double Strike, and Arthur's going to be holding on to that Hexer grimoire because Staggering Word is hilarious whenever it procs at the start of a battle. Raquna has chasers which are good for following up my back row when I need a lot of elemental damage fast, and Ricky just has some stat boosters and another potential shot of Staggering Word.
I actually got a Hexer Grimoire myself that inspired me to switch Arthur over to Hexer as his real class after using some of the skills to help me down Cernunnos way back when.  Staggering Word is a lovely thing, too, especially as enemy damage continues to climb.

As I stated above, I also have Bloodlust on some people and when I use Bloody Offense on the back row where Ricky is, it's hilarious how powerful it is when it saps her HP for the trigger.  Well above her normal attack strength(Her Bloodlust is Lv. 8, and she's my primary damage-dealer.  I really need to get the Highlander set up for doing more damage or something though since only one powerful attacker is getting kind of bothersome, though I HAVE been working on that).
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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #199 on: March 11, 2015, 01:21:32 AM »
oh hey they finally announced a release for untold 2


[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #200 on: March 11, 2015, 01:33:52 AM »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #201 on: March 11, 2015, 01:46:36 AM »
Rip university.


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #202 on: March 11, 2015, 03:33:09 AM »
I was super stoked when I heard the announcement. I've been waiting for the Western release.

Then I heard Atlus is gonna price it at $50. What on earth? That's so disappointing!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 03:36:00 AM by KrackoCloud »


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #203 on: March 11, 2015, 05:19:53 AM »
I was super stoked when I heard the announcement. I've been waiting for the Western release.

Then I heard Atlus is gonna price it at $50. What on earth? That's so disappointing!
Not even surprised at this point.

But hell ye

I can be excited for a couple days until Codename STEAM comes out and completely diverts attention


  • Long twintail-o-holic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #204 on: March 11, 2015, 06:03:48 AM »
I need to get back to EOU1. I was really liking it but then when 4 came out via amazon I played that a ton, and then kid icarus, and then darkest dungeon, and xcom long war and a friend of mine finally got into warframe so I can play that withs omeone finally and and.. fuck.. game overload. Need 80 hours a day, help!


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #205 on: March 11, 2015, 01:46:35 PM »
Well if you buy it from canada you can get it for about 43.36 dollars based on current pre-order rates :V But they might hit you on shipping instead, if you live in the US. We'll see what happens. I'm pretty hype for EOU2; It has 14~15 classes and they're actually -all- quite powerful and useful, -all- having a variety of effective builds and new skills compared to the old games. Having memorized the jpwiki and watched Krimmy play the whole game onstream, the game has good balance, apart from the added Princess class seeming a little -too- good... (Spoiler:The story MC Fafnir has an exclusive class, cannot reclass, and does more dmg than the rest of the party combined. Sorry. Something you should probably know if you're going to play story. At least you can reclass everyone else at lv1 now!)

Oh yeah and grimoires are vastly less stupid now. I actually think they're interesting in this game, as opposed to planning on never playing EOU1 a third time ever because grimoires are just annoying. I could make a huge post on how they're changed but :effort:

In other news; the Etrian Mystery Dungeon page released a lot more info a few weeks ago. The game actually is starting to look like it could be pretty interesting, and not just some odd crossover that might be alright.

Namely; the DOEs advance up through the dungeons in real-time (I doubt it actually occurs whilst the DS is off, but basically I imagine they mean whether you're in that specific dungeon or not) and if they reach town they'll wreck it up a bit and disable some areas for awhile.  (There's also a town upgrading system, but there's no info on it) To combat this, you can build Forts in the dungeon, which not only lock down a certain number of dungeon floors depending on the degree of fort (Mystery dungeon; they normally randomize each time!), and not only impede the DOEs... but you can staff it with several guild members who will GAIN EXP EQUAL TO YOUR EXPLORATION PARTY. (And if a DOE runs into 'em it seems you take control to beat it up.)

In other words, you actually create and use an entire guild, not just a single party. That alone makes it look more interesting to me; you can try every class without any grind worries, test all kinds of goofy party combinations like multiple dancers or weirdly build characters, and change up your exploration party to suit the upcoming areas.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2015, 01:49:08 PM by Selery »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #206 on: March 12, 2015, 02:11:55 AM »
Well if you buy it from canada you can get it for about 43.36 dollars based on current pre-order rates :V But they might hit you on shipping instead, if you live in the US. We'll see what happens. I'm pretty hype for EOU2; It has 14~15 classes and they're actually -all- quite powerful and useful, -all- having a variety of effective builds and new skills compared to the old games. Having memorized the jpwiki and watched Krimmy play the whole game onstream, the game has good balance, apart from the added Princess class seeming a little -too- good... (Spoiler:The story MC Fafnir has an exclusive class, cannot reclass, and does more dmg than the rest of the party combined. Sorry. Something you should probably know if you're going to play story. At least you can reclass everyone else at lv1 now!)

Fafnir's toolkit is pretty much revolve around doing nothing but damage-dealing tbh. Overkill is stupid, elemental waves with Element Boost is also stupid especially when there's only one target. Etc.

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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #207 on: March 16, 2015, 07:23:09 PM »
Chipping in to say EOU2 rules :>
Didn't use Fafnir much though, I zoomed through story mode on picnic with endgame gear to see if beating it unlocked anything...which it doesn't(other than carrying over your story mode party which includes Fafnir). Which is good, because it means classic actually has pretty much everything unlike EOU!
I did 3 runs of classic with mostly different parties, and I gotta say the changes to bard in particular are super sad. Princess does almost everything bard does, except better '_'


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #208 on: March 16, 2015, 10:32:17 PM »
but are muckdiles still a thing

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Etrian Odyssey (+Persona Q) Thread - New EO Games For Everyone!~
« Reply #209 on: March 16, 2015, 11:07:04 PM »
Troub is actually still a pretty useful class imo, at least in certain party setups, but princess is stupid good. I'd say it's more that princess is on crack than troub is actually a bad class. (EO3 princess was already a little silly but this is also like an eo3 princess on crack and then some) Troub's high AGI and sky high TP also make it pretty good for putting bow/gun grimoires on, or outright reclassing (which you can do at lv1 game start afaik) into a surv or gunner for massive TP, or for a really fast higher-tp medic. Troub has really nice base stats apart from STR.

Muckdiles (dinogators?) are still no joke. I won't spoil more deliciousness than that, partially because I don't remember how Krimmy's fight with one really went, other than he TOTALLY DIED. :3
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore