Author Topic: Memories of Yesterday  (Read 1596 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Memories of Yesterday
« on: February 12, 2014, 08:07:54 PM »
Memories of Yesterday

Memory Bank 1: Creation

Memory Record ID: 1
Date: 28/12/189
Time: 22:56
"-e go. Damn thing finally is in there. Now to make sure it w... oh for the love of magic beans, the thing is stuck. Come on you little sh-"
End of record.

Memory Record ID: 2
Date: 28/12/189
Time: 23:15
"Ooh, I got it, boss."
"Ah, ok. Thanks. Well then, let's see if this recording thing works."
"Ok boss. Let me just turn it on then."
End of record.

Memory Record ID: 3
Date: 29/12/189
Time: 02:12
*a mild whimpering sound is audible in the background.*
"Ahem. Once more then. Hello. My name is Okazaki Yumemi, and this recording you are listening to will detail the progress of the creation of this machine. My assisstant is proving rather useless, so I shall see about making a new one."
"But booooooss!"
Yumemi: "As it stands, the frameword for the body has been done already. Remaining steps would be primarily deciding upon a power source and making the brain work... more effectively than my assisstant's."
"I'm right here, you know?"
Yumemi: "This concludes this recording. Let us hope my assisstant doesn't mess up any-"
"That does it!"
*A loud metallic clanking sound is heard, followed by the sound of something large falling.*
"Ok, that's all for now, Chiyuri out. Bye."
End record.

Memory ID 4:
Date: 11/06/190
Time: 15:14
Chiyuri: "Whooo, doctorate. Gotta get this down somewhere. Heh, I guess when you're finally functional you'll probably wonder about these records, eh? Don't worry about it, I hope it's gonna be as fun for you here as for me and the boss. I wonder what kind of person you'll turn out to be. Oh snap, the boss is coming, gotta bounce."

End record.

Memory ID 5:
Date: 12/06/190
Time: 00:23
Chiyuri: "Bah, that Yumemi, belittli*hic*ng me again. I'll, I'll show her yet. Ye're gon*hic*gonna have the greatest po..."
*The feed grows silent for several minutes, with the exception of a regular breathing pattern.*
Chiyuri: "Power source of them all. Power, power, yeah. Hee..."
*The feed grows silent again for several minutes until shuffling sounds can be heard in the background.*
Yumemi: "Hrm. Looks like you've been recording on here. Poor girl..."

End Record.

Well then, after a long long absence from here, I return for my own masochistic reasons. Let's see if I can actually keep this one going for a change. Sorry for the first part being so short. Thanks for reading'n'stuff.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?