Author Topic: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings  (Read 12883 times)


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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2013, 07:07:01 PM »
Have you ever drawn the characters doing spell card attacks? I think that would be an interesting way to fill the background of a picture.   I dont know how they could be drawn realistically though. I have faith you or someone else will/has found a way.
This is the last time I buy weed from Tiny Pete.
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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2013, 07:29:34 PM »
Ah! I have definitely given this thought, and I should give it a shot. Only recently have I come up with ideas that don't make danmaku look kind of silly in my style -- also I suck at smooth vector-y graphics, so I wouldn't be so great at traditional danmaku shapes from the games.

I will try that!


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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2013, 07:41:11 PM »
I have faith you or someone else will/has found a way.
Aoshi way.
I wonder if Danbooru... 2K, huh?

I suck at smooth vector-y graphics, so I wouldn't be so great at traditional danmaku shapes from the games.
I think plain white orbs would be "realistic" enough. You may see that Kaguya's bullets in GoM are just blurred circles, for example.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2013, 07:45:58 PM by Delfigamer »

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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2013, 03:14:25 AM »
No danmaku, no portraits, and not even working on my costumes, because apparently I can't be arsed to do these things this week. Instead, have this weird shenanigans:

I'm going to straight-up say "really now, no serious critiques" because this thing was an hour's doodle. I can tell you a thousand things wrong with it, but I like the concept, so yeah.

I like to think Nue actually looks like a freak show and that the chimeric thing we see is Mamizou putting on a show so nobody knows what she looks like. Also that other nues look different from her and each other, so each one is very unique, and nobody actually sees their real form because they blur it up all the time and disguise themselves. I do like the "vaguely awkward and disproportionate" look here -- if Nue weren't, I don't think it'd be Nue. So here she's kinda top heavy, big chest and hyena neck and heavy shoulders, with little arms. Sort of bipedal, sort of not. Loose stomach skin to hold all those humans. :P

Youkai monster forms are fun.


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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2013, 03:24:58 AM »
Ah I was expecting a little cute girl when I saw the name "Nue" :P

My only critique is that I missed her right limbs, anyway it looks pretty good, it would be a Castlevania boss.
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( ゆっくりしていってね)>


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Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2013, 02:31:36 PM »
I thought about the kinds of things I'm talking about when I say "I want to do realism." When I say "realism" here, I mean things like this:

Things you could see being real people. They don't have to be "photorealistic" -- I like the vivid colors and effects in many of them, and fantasy often looks very strange, but they are not a far cry from what you'd see were they to exist. (Note that these are not mine and are by other artists; they're just what I aspire to.)

Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2013, 10:40:19 PM »
some people called these kinda style semi-realism
maybe u can look that up
it need lots of practice on shadings and anatomy
I say maybe try to make sketches traditionally on observation drawings or photo drawings
once u get the ideal human body and facial feature try to hit the digital canvas for shading practice
never done semi realistic
I either go realistic or anime style lol


  • Do not go gentle into that good night
[Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #37 on: October 24, 2013, 03:05:56 AM »
I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, because I'm still here. Here's a WIP of my next "people facing left" portraits -- Yuuka.

Don't comment on the fail that is the hair or the shape of the head. That's left over from before this picture was fixed up some. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and mention some of the things I already know is wrong with this:
- the head is misshapen because I haven't retouched the hair
- the hair shading is flat right now
- she's kind of staring into the ether, which is intentional, because I wanted to get the look right and not bother with complicated things here
- the right eye is too long, which is why the far corner is funny-looking
- obviously not all the shading is done
- the shadows around the nose are a little too sharp and look like outlines
- the hair locks around her neck don't have shadows yet
- the center of the hair part is done wrong
- ...just all the hair
- I think I'll make her a little more tanned

Things I have fixed up before posting
- The face was reproportioned to be a little more feminine and shorter than my old pictures (and this one was one of the old ones)
- The nose was adjusted to be at the right angle
- The lips were fixed to "wrap" around the face -- really, I drew alignment rings and everything
- The lighting was adjusted based on a "face planes" sketch I overlaid with the picture

Speak now or forever hold your peace if you see something so egregious that I can't change it later. Also, if you like it at all, I'd also like to know ;)

I figured I'd give people a whack at it now before I get done, get all happy about it, and then have the hammer fall :P

Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #38 on: October 30, 2013, 11:21:00 PM »
What an interesting take on the Touhou characters! The idea of realistic portraits of touhous is very appealing to me. But I'll have to agree with some people who have said that their faces look rather masculine in your drawings. Well, whatever, that last Yuuka art you posted shows you've tried to correct that! Because Yuuka does look feminine in this one. I liked her nose very much, but her eyebrows are a bit too close to her eyes. I'm curious about your choice of colors, though... is her skin darker because she's an outdoors person or something? I'd like to know :).

Now, I know you explicitly asked not to make any comments about her hair, but if you really are aiming to draw realistically (or semi-realistically, whatever the term is), you should work on it. It's not that bad, in fact I think it's interesting... but it doesn't suit the style you're working with. Also, please remember that you're drawing asian people, and that their facial  features are indeed softer. Yeah, even the most average-looking asian has soft facial features. There's a lot of reference books that feature asian people! A google image search could be useful too.

춤추는 작은 까탈레나~


  • Do not go gentle into that good night
Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
« Reply #39 on: November 06, 2013, 08:47:36 PM »
Her skin is darker because as a nature girl of sorts, she's always outside. :)

Also, for whatever reason, I don't imagine them as all Asian. Some are more Asian-looking than others. I dunno; I draw what's in my head.

Yes, I know the hair isn't right. I'm going to fix it. That's why I explicitly asked for no comments, because I've already thrown out the hair in my latest draft in Photoshop and am completely replacing it. (Also, I generally like masculine faces; it takes me a lot of effort to draw badass characters as feminine. Just a personal bias I'm still working on.)