Author Topic: Infinite's Danmakufu Lobby(Reimu B and Marisa Player 11-24-13)  (Read 30030 times)


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2013, 10:21:55 PM »
You commented out the entire OP. Is there a reason for that?

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2013, 10:30:17 PM »
I needed to fix those games and the OP was kinda centered on one script.

No sense in keeping broken games up.

Maths ~Angelic Version~

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2013, 11:49:09 AM »
The lasers in Patchouli's noncards need some delay, otherwise the players gets killed suddenly with no warning.


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Spectral Nexus

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #34 on: September 14, 2013, 12:36:56 AM »
All I really can say, as well as Patchouli's lasers is:

Way too many safespots!!
Momiji is practically the easiest boss ever. Her nonspells have SO many gaps in them, and a few of her spellcards do too.

But I do have to say, I love Momiji's Chase spellcard and Patchouli's Explosive spellcard, and I can't make a fangame whatsoever, let alone a stage, so I can't give advice in any way lol. I also think Victini was incredibly harsh too.

It does need a bit of work, but I still think it's good and not absolutely dreadful. Good job.

Edited post formatting to remove the large text. Unnecessary in my opinion to get a message across, -Hele
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 10:48:48 AM by Helepolis »
COMPOSING FOR: Magical Moon Story / Mystic Memory Drive (Full Game)
- Old Chateau Story (Stage 3 and Title Themes)
- Ephemeral Unnatural Balance (Stage 2 & Stage 5 Themes)
- Illusionary Visual Twilight (Full Game)
- Hopefully a few of my own future fangames! :-D

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #35 on: September 14, 2013, 01:08:27 AM »
Yeah, I was tired of trying to find a balance in between the nons for Momiji, it was a lot harder before, but as a stage 1 boss I thought I should dummy it down. I guess, too much......
Anyway, I'll sort it out once I get started on the next stage. Thanks for your comments.

Victini's Review

I can't really take this review seriously.
What the fuck is Momiji doing. Her animation is strange. (-3 points)
Minus points for giving a stage 1 midboss an event? Yeah, ok...... Being a dick must come naturally to him.


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #36 on: September 14, 2013, 01:34:49 AM »
Yeah, I was tired of trying to find a balance in between the nons for Momiji, it was a lot harder before, but as a stage 1 boss I thought I should dummy it down. I guess, too much......
Anyway, I'll sort it out once I get started on the next stage. Thanks for your comments.

I can't really take this review seriously. Minus points for giving a stage 1 midboss an event? Yeah, ok...... Being a dick must come naturally to him.

He is usually like that. But take the review seriously. It was because of his review for Pok?DigiDanmaku that I realized that I was doing some pretty bad things. Follow the parts that aren't unreasonable and try to implement them. If it doesn't work the way you want it to, find a way.

I haven't played your script, but I do ask that you take his feedback into consideration.

EDIT: I just shot you (I hope that it's you) a Skype contact request. Also, I have a bit of feedback
-The spell card/lives graphics are too close to the left.
-The stage background is... meh.
-The stage enemies could do with some more attack variety
-Momiji is not bad. Second nonspell is weird though and final attack is cheap in that you have curvy lasers that follow you. I liked the claw at first, but... yeah.

Overall, I have a much higher opinion of it than Victini does.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 01:48:28 AM by Sparen »

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2013, 01:53:20 AM »
I'll see about it. I generally don't like reviews like this, when I do stuff like Danmakufu and other fangame/creation stuff I'm used to honest and insightful reviews that tell me how to make things better.

Things that actually help me make my script better, not catering to meet the needs of one or two people. I'm not ZUN, I don't have awesome scripting abilities like some of you guys have, but damn, help me, or atleast give me chance.

I can understand the parts like abuse of the same kind of enemy graphic but man.....

EDIT: You edited your post while I was typing mine. Um, I don't have a Skype.....
Also, thanks for your opinion I'll try to work on it more once I get started on the next stage.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 01:55:57 AM by Infinite Ultima Wave »


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2013, 07:45:56 AM »
Victini's Review
Wow, seriously? Like 20 of the points taken off were for minor graphical complaints and personal preferences. Seriously, who cares if all the enemies are Yin-Yang orbs or if the lasers don't look like you want them to? Don't even get me started about the "Lives" and "Spellcard" supposedly being too close the edge of the playing field.

Even though all of these may be true, they're all MINOR. The gameplay should be where the criticism is at, not pretty graphics or extra stuff (unless the extra stuff actually interferes with gameplay). Hell, I'm impressed that there's even a custom HUD and effects at all, because no script NEEDS them. IMO, all of these should be treated as bonuses, and points should not be taken off for them. PATTERN design is paramount, and I saw very little wrong with the patterns.

That said, the review did mention several legitimate complaints regarding gameplay errors, such as Patchouli's non-directional laser spawning with no delay. However, please do not be discouraged by that review. The reviewer was being overly harsh on relatively unimportant details. Furthermore, his last remark was rather nasty and uncalled for. I certainly wouldn't blame you for ignoring most of that review.

In conclusion, I would like to say that I was rather impressed with the script overall. I ESPECIALLY like the dialogue tree-ish system you have going with the midboss. I've never seen this in Danmakufu scripts before and would love to see what you do with it. It gives the games a bit more replay value, IMO. Stage patterns were also pretty decent. I know how difficult it is to make a good stage, so it's really nice to see it done pretty well. My only complaints there would be that the patterns are little on the simple side and the stage can get repetitive at times. And aside from the gameplay complaints previously noted (safespots, no laser delay, etc.) I can safely say that I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more. Keep it up!


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2013, 08:16:15 AM »
Overall problems I found:
- Like Victini said, some enemies never leaves the screen. This ruins the flow of the stage.
- Patchoulis nonspell, no warning.
- Patchoulis second spell is too much like a nonspell.
- I really think you should rethink your idea for Momiji nonspells. It's not just that it didn't fit with Momiji, I just think it is too scary. Another thing you could do here is making the vertical pattern more dense, but deleting the bullets if the player is on them while delaying.
- Momiji bodyslams the player if you're unlucky between nonspell1<> spell1 <> nonspell2.

This looks really interesting though. The yinyang patterns were nice and Momijis spellcards were fun. This wasn't that bad, not at all.
(But please, try to include the player scripts next time, it would make everything easier.)


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #40 on: September 14, 2013, 12:37:06 PM »
I'm just going to simplify Victini's review to the legitimate issues.
Here /w my comments on some issues I agree on.

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #41 on: September 14, 2013, 04:22:27 PM »
Once again thanks guys, I'll take your feedback and try to make things better next time.

Once I get atleast 3 stages going I'll upload it again this time with the player scripts since last time I was rushing and forgot to include them. After that I'll work on the first 3 in order to make sure I don't make the same mistakes again before moving on.


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2013, 08:08:29 PM »
Regarding Skype:

Fondue said that he was talking with you, and there happened to be someone with a skype name of Ultima124, so I assumed it wasn't a coincidence.

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2013, 08:34:56 PM »
That's weird. I use Ultima124 for my PSN and few other stuff. Though I've never used it for Skype or even tried Skype before. I also use it on Soku Lobby too so I guess you can find me there when I'm not browsing the forums.

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #44 on: September 17, 2013, 02:08:34 AM »
I've got some screenshots of stage 2.
The boss here is Soya no Kanise. There are four main antagonist, Kanise, Luia, Rinoa, and Dia, they're all sisters, and Kanise is the youngest while Dia is the oldest.

Those oval bullets move in the path of trick lasers(lasers that end before the delay finishes).

Simple pattern, enemies move from the sides, kill them and they shoot suicide bullets.

These enemies fill the screen with bullets. It would've been to easy if there was only one so I added three.

The enemies at the top are still shooting aimed bullets while the enemy at the bottom is doing the same but moving up.

Progress Report:
All enemies leave the screen at some point.
Replaced the STG Frame.
Aligned the "Lives" and "SpellCard" text.
Gave Patchy a 20frame delay on her non spell lasers.
Did some edits to the way the sun in her 1st spell is drawn.
Added proper transitions between stage backgrounds(fadeout before loading the next).
Did some edits to Momiji, namely her non spells(still need to fix her first spell due to a shot type glitch).
Added a Menu with five difficulties from Easy to Extra(Extra doesn't work atm so you'll hear the invalid sound effect).
Finished the stage portion of stage 2.
Replaced Reimu A with a homing amulet shot type by Ozzy.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 09:18:03 PM by Infinite Ultima Wave »


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2013, 09:44:22 AM »
All right I think I am getting slightly tired of this external-commenting by channelling it through forum users. Here is the deal from this point on: What ever review/comment/post a user has been posting, it will be posted by the user itself on this forum board. He/she should register if not an existing user.

If the user is existant but has a banned or probated status, then that is your own problem. If you want to bash a script without insightful comments and call it feedback, you might as well deserve a probation or ban for ill behaviour. Rika Nitori is a no drama zone. And I take it very seriously on this stance. We provide insightful, clear, friendly feedback. No lousy reviews with a stupid point system. Numbers mean nothing when there is only 1 review going on. Ever heard of averages? The more data, the better the results become.

The only exclusion I am going to make on this rule is the following: If banned users want to post their danmakufu work, they can discuss it with me first through PM by asking another user on motk, But no script-bashing or drama-spawning comments from external sources.

I will make a warning sticky post which will be existent for a week or two, so this thread doesn't gets polluted any further.


He is usually like that. But take the review seriously.
That review is nowhere to be taken seriously. I definitely agree with Ozzy here regarding the review. "He is usually like that" , sorry I don't buy this nonsense, but that was already made clear in my previous part.

- Like Victini said, some enemies never leaves the screen. This ruins the flow of the stage.
- Patchoulis second spell is too much like a nonspell.
Did you notice these are all subjective personal preferences? You might want to elaborate more why you think the second spell is too much of a nonspell? What is it that in your opinion makes a non-spell and a spell card?

Ruins the flow of the stage? ZUN has added in his own official games some enemies that stick around until they are killed. If you don't kill them the stage doesn't move on. This is nothing out of the ordinary and is personal choice. Whether it is pleasant or not is again, subjective. Rate that as part of the game play, not the actual work of the author.

Edit 2:
Now something positive to report which actually caught my eyes in your screenshots Infinite, I am definitely loving that city background you made there.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 11:03:03 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2013, 11:25:52 AM »
Did you notice these are all subjective personal preferences? You might want to elaborate more why you think the second spell is too much of a nonspell? What is it that in your opinion makes a non-spell and a spell card?

Ruins the flow of the stage? ZUN has added in his own official games some enemies that stick around until they are killed. If you don't kill them the stage doesn't move on. This is nothing out of the ordinary and is personal choice. Whether it is pleasant or not is again, subjective. Rate that as part of the game play, not the actual work of the author.
I would never take Kyuu's reviews seriously. True, he got a few good points, but most of his points are strange and really rude.

Sorry, but it just seemed nonspell-like to me. Maybe because it was the only spellcard in the stage which I didn't see as interesting? The same may go for EXpatchy's philo stone spellcard, but it had more variety. But yeah, this is just my opinion and no statement/fact.

It works if all enemies are adapted to it. I didn't feel like they were and as such, the enemies stacked too much together and made it way harder. It was a time since I last played the script, so I may be wrong though.
I know this is possible in ZUNs games, but it's nothing frequent unless I try to pacify the stage.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 11:28:51 AM by Darkness1 »


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #47 on: September 17, 2013, 11:33:46 AM »
Now we're getting some sense here. See? When you take a little more time to elaborate a post instead of creating a list of things with vague description things become more clear for the author. And no, you're not wrong. You're merely explaining what you felt, experienced. One can agree/disagree with someone's opinion

Oh, so Victini is Mewkyuu / Miransu? Good to know on my part. Amplifies my concern I wrote above. Also, having good points is meaningless if you end your sentence telling the author to stop scripting full games and return to solo scripts. Might want to rereading my concern on feedback.


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #48 on: September 17, 2013, 03:22:38 PM »
Those screenshots.....that looks a lot like my Reimu player from KoM. Is it? I'm fine with you using it but I would like to know if that's the case.

Also why does that background remind me of Rapture?

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #49 on: September 17, 2013, 09:13:37 PM »
That player script was given to me. That's why I didn't know who made it. I'll edit the post and make sure to put your name in the credits.

Regarding the background, the photo is a screen of a rapture. Though, that's not why I chose it. Stage 2 takes place inside the elevator leading to the moon. So that's kinda what I think it would look like. A bit too real for a Touhou maybe?


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #50 on: September 18, 2013, 01:32:51 AM »
That player script was given to me. That's why I didn't know who made it. I'll edit the post and make sure to put your name in the credits.
Thanks. Out of curiousity, who gave it to you?

Regarding the background, the photo is a screen of a rapture. Though, that's not why I chose it. Stage 2 takes place inside the elevator leading to the moon. So that's kinda what I think it would look like. A bit too real for a Touhou maybe?
Not at all! It looks nice. I was just making a comment that it reminded me of Rapture from Bioshock.

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #51 on: September 18, 2013, 01:37:08 AM »
Thanks. Out of curiousity, who gave it to you?

Trickysticks. He neglected to me, but I neglected to ask. :V

Not at all! It looks nice. I was just making a comment that it reminded me of Rapture from Bioshock.

It is from Bioshock..........


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #52 on: September 18, 2013, 04:00:19 AM »
It is from Bioshock..........
Oh, I misunderstood.


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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #53 on: September 18, 2013, 08:29:00 AM »
So that's kinda what I think it would look like. A bit too real for a Touhou maybe?
Worry about your game play more than your graphical setting such as "is this bit too real", imo. You said it yourself, it is an elevator to the moon. And you seem to have chosen an urban setting so I don't see the problem. Your own personal choices, depending on your story line and theme.

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #54 on: September 26, 2013, 01:23:31 AM »
Update, been working hard on this, finishing up on Kanise, I changed her sprite(twice), I need to change her last spellcard, designed a Menu and I'm about halfway finished with that. Starting stage 3 in a bit.


Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Magical Moon Story Stage 1 uploaded)
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2013, 01:24:57 AM »
Took a break from MMS and decided to try something in ph3. Anyway I'm too lazy to post everything I wrote on bf so here's the script.

Ph3 Kochiya Sanae Boss

As I stated in bf, this is a package script, though the single and plurals work regardless, somethings may or may not function correctly.


  • Danmakufu Artist
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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Sanae Ph3 Boss uploaded)
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2013, 09:51:11 PM »
I will play it and give you a detailed list of issues that I can find. (Since finding flaws seems to be my specialty). I'll post it below once I've finished.

NOTE: I did everything via the package menu of .0 pre19

Sanae Boss Beta by Ultima

-Please use .ogg files for music in ph3. It saves space and is the standard used in Japan. You can use audacity to turn .mp3 into .ogg.
-No select SFX used when choosing difficulty
-You use Absolute pathing. You should not require the folder to be named "Sanae", and you should DEFINITELY not distribute a file that is stated to use a package and then require its components to be in specific folders. Please refer to Helepolis's paths and directories tutorial.
-Also, what's up with that Mitori title screen? O_O
-The pause menu's images are low resolution.
-If you are on the pause menu try to return to the title menu, you get this. Also, boss music continues to play even when you return to the title screen via this method. In this mode, trying to load a replay fails and returns you to the puu.shed menu. It occurs in Spell 1, Nonspell 2, Spell 3, and perhaps more scripts, but does NOT occur in Nonspell 1. Once, it went to a black screen and no keyboard input was able to resuscitate it.
-Reimu's power is not shown. This poses a problem since SA ReimuA uses power.
-When in the pause menu, returning to the game can cause cheapshotting a little too easily.
-In the select screens, the slow alpha changes of the images makes it hard to see which one you are currently on. I suggest not going completely transparent, and making the alpha change significantly faster.

Nonspell 1: Crushing, colors unlike Sanae. But it's nice.
Spell 1: Fairly simple. Feels like a non spell though. Nice job with Sanae's background though. You did a good job with the effects.
Nonspell 2: Nice job here/ However, it feels like the first attack, since the patterns are basically similar. Also, feels like Ichirin. Also, there is a LOT of lag when the player dies. Also, the cross patterned bullets always spawn in the same place. Try using different angle increments, because it's impossible to get under Sanae.
Spell 2: Nice spell. Seems very Yukari-ish (SA Stage 4), but it's nice anyways. Butterflies don't fit that well though.
Nonspell 3: Nonspells are getting pretty repetitive. Background is nice, but... Yeah. You need much more non spell variety.
Spell 3: Fabulous idea. Note that you're basically dodging bullets from the right though.
Nonspell 4: WOW. By far, this is your best non spell. It is AMAZING (although the bullets are a little too fast and shiny)
Spell 4: Meh. Looks fine, but... Just not interesting enough.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 10:23:06 PM by Sparen »

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu stuff (Sanae Ph3 Boss uploaded)
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2013, 11:50:21 PM »
I will play it and give you a detailed list of issues that I can find. (Since finding flaws seems to be my specialty). I'll post it below once I've finished.

NOTE: I did everything via the package menu of .0 pre19

Sanae Boss Beta by Ultima

-Please use .ogg files for music in ph3. It saves space and is the standard used in Japan. You can use audacity to turn .mp3 into .ogg.
-No select SFX used when choosing difficulty

-You use Absolute pathing. You should not require the folder to be named "Sanae", and you should DEFINITELY not distribute a file that is stated to use a package and then require its components to be in specific folders. Please refer to Helepolis's paths and directories tutorial.
-Also, what's up with that Mitori title screen? O_O
-The pause menu's images are low resolution.
-If you are on the pause menu try to return to the title menu, you get this. Also, boss music continues to play even when you return to the title screen via this method. In this mode, trying to load a replay fails and returns you to the puu.shed menu. It occurs in Spell 1, Nonspell 2, Spell 3, and perhaps more scripts, but does NOT occur in Nonspell 1. Once, it went to a black screen and no keyboard input was able to resuscitate it.
-Reimu's power is not shown. This poses a problem since SA ReimuA uses power.
-When in the pause menu, returning to the game can cause cheapshotting a little too easily.
-In the select screens, the slow alpha changes of the images makes it hard to see which one you are currently on. I suggest not going completely transparent, and making the alpha change significantly faster.

-Uh? The pause menu is directly ripped from SA and look fine on my side. However, I do notice that every visual effect seems to be a bit blurry in Danmakufu than in the original.
Compare the STG Frame file to MoF and then Compare MoF to the frame being rendered in danmakufu.

-When I get the chance (or feel like it) I may change, it's not like its uncompressed wav files.
-Forgot about the sfx for the difficulty menu.
-Player Power was purposely omitted, I plan on changing the player types in the future and those don't use power.
-Can you provide an example, because I don't think it's hard to see. Maybe I'll change the color similiar to how to pause menu works.

-I originally tested for absolute pathing before I started using the package script. I'm guessing it's the stage and player paths that are broken?

-This may be caused because you're running on a Mac, I've playtested many times and that doesn't happen. I even tried again while writing this and everything works fine.

Nonspell 1: Crushing, colors unlike Sanae. But it's nice.
Spell 1: Fairly simple. Feels like a non spell though. Nice job with Sanae's background though. You did a good job with the effects.
Nonspell 2: Nice job here/ However, it feels like the first attack, since the patterns are basically similar. Also, feels like Ichirin. Also, there is a LOT of lag when the player dies. Also, the cross patterned bullets always spawn in the same place. Try using different angle increments, because it's impossible to get under Sanae.
Spell 2: Nice spell. Seems very Yukari-ish (SA Stage 4), but it's nice anyways. Butterflies don't fit that well though.
Nonspell 3: Nonspells are getting pretty repetitive. Background is nice, but... Yeah. You need much more non spell variety.
Spell 3: Fabulous idea. Note that you're basically dodging bullets from the right though.
Nonspell 4: WOW. By far, this is your best non spell. It is AMAZING (although the bullets are a little too fast and shiny)
Spell 4: Meh. Looks fine, but... Just not interesting enough.

Nonspell 1:But Sanae has a pattern similar to this in MoF.
Spell 1: Thanks
Nonspell 2: Lag? Didn't notice it doesn't lag on my laptop, I'll add an option to disable the dissolve effect. I'll change the blue shots a bit to make things better.
Spell 2: The idea came from Sanae's second spell and Yuyuko.
Nonspell 3: Nonspells sometimes seem harder than spell cards, I didn't want something too complex, I'll try to think of something new.
Spell 3: Hmm....
Nonspell 4: Can't have Sanae without stars.
Spell 4: I won't lie, this was seriously rushed.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 11:53:32 PM by Infinite Ultima Wave »

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu Lobby(Sanae Ph3 Boss v1.0a 10-17-13)
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2013, 02:04:44 AM »
Since I don't have time to upload to BF atm I'll post this drive link instead.

Sanae Ph3 Boss v1.0a
This should be the final. Also, Magical Moon Story 0.12m has been scrapped in favor of a ph3 version.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 02:07:22 AM by Infinite Ultima Wave »

Sage Ω (Ultima)

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Re: Infinite's Danmakufu Lobby(Sanae Ph3 Boss v1.0a 10-17-13)
« Reply #59 on: October 27, 2013, 01:43:35 AM »
And I'm back with another boss battle before start on stage 2 of MMS.

The battle is about as long as your average EX boss, there are only nine spells instead of ten though.
Nue Houjou