Author Topic: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread  (Read 232689 times)


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #180 on: June 28, 2012, 10:07:36 AM »

First one is the Fan/Death Blow ability.
Second one is Meiling's Hat/Counter ability.
Third one is... I don't know. Maybe it is used everywhere.

First one is surely.
<0:COLOR>%s</COLOR> was invited to death.

Second one can be translated to
<0:COLOR>%s</COLOR> dealt <0:COLOR>%s</COLOR> <1:COLOR>%d</COLOR> damage.
But I don't know if this sentence is same with the one that usually shows up.
If it is the same, it should be translated to match it.

Third one is
<0:COLOR>%s</COLOR> received <1:COLOR>%d</COLOR> damage!
The second line is identical to the effect of any normal attack.
I'll update these in a moment.
Is there any file with 倍速 in it?
Found it only in exe again. There's a group of (probably related) texts 混乱, 泥酔, 倍速, 鈍速, 目潰し, 幻覚, 睡眠, コタツ, 金縛り, 怪力, 無敵, 狂化, 囮, 冬眠, 衰弱, 筋弛緩, ゆっ!ゆっ!, 動転
From what I see at least part of these are the effects of special attacks and drugs, that are displayed in hud (at least recognized few).
Not sure how long these can be and if I'll have to look for a way to change these widths manually, but looking at ゆっ!ゆっ! it should be possible to put there rather long words.

On a side note, I've found few small mistakes I've made when replacing code. These don't seem to be severe enough to crash the game, but one can never be sure with these things...
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 10:11:29 AM by DennouNeko »


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #181 on: June 28, 2012, 12:20:10 PM »
混乱, 泥酔, 倍速, 鈍速, 目潰し, 幻覚, 睡眠, コタツ, 金縛り,
Confuse, Drunk, Double-speed(or Haste could work), Slow, Blind, Hallucination, Sleep, Kotatsu, Bind

怪力, 無敵, 狂化, 囮, 冬眠, 衰弱, 筋弛緩, ゆっ!ゆっ!, 動転
Super-Strength, Invincible, Berserk, Bait, Hibernate, Debility, Muscle Relaxation, Yu!, Yu!, Panic

Is there any way to collect all the existing lines in the .exe or something?
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 12:44:27 PM by Sungho »


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #182 on: June 28, 2012, 12:59:02 PM »
Is there any way to collect all the existing lines in the .exe or something?
Not that I know of, unfortunately :/
It may be possible for English text (or texts using mostly Latin characters), but Japanese text is too similar to other binary data. There are other data stored with texts (basically all the constants and few tables needed by Windows).

I'll update these names as soon as I find where these are referenced from.


  • Adventurer
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #183 on: June 28, 2012, 09:53:42 PM »
Id just like to say this is AMAZING :D

Can anyone compile all the translated stuff together and throw it on mediafire? i looked through and it seems like a buncha different folders and stuff and blah i don't feel like looking through it all lol   (you might also wana link to in on page 1)

I'm going to my graduation (yayz) for high school so il be back in a couple hours. I'd be great to see what alls been done so far :D 

 i love mystery dungeon games so much there just about the only ones i replay, especially izuna 2 :D
There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #184 on: June 29, 2012, 10:35:24 AM »
Id just like to say this is AMAZING :D

Can anyone compile all the translated stuff together and throw it on mediafire? i looked through and it seems like a buncha different folders and stuff and blah i don't feel like looking through it all lol   (you might also wana link to in on page 1)

I'm going to my graduation (yayz) for high school so il be back in a couple hours. I'd be great to see what alls been done so far :D 

 i love mystery dungeon games so much there just about the only ones i replay, especially izuna 2 :D
lol Thanks :)

It may be a bit difficult to put together a package with translated parts, but what have been done so far:
- Player/Enemy/NPC/Location names
- All the scenario scenes and shops/forge/etc.
- All item names and descriptions (except items in shops, still have to replace the names with translated ones)
- Almost all menus should be translated till now (barely started working with images)
- Few of special attacks and their effects
- Part of generic messages ("A hit B", etc.)
Well, this describes the current state. Part of these will probably still need some kind of quality check, but so far it looks good.
Also, some of these are missing from the test patch since we made some progress after releasing that one.

On another note, I may have to try and resize the status balloon after all. "Drunk" test:
For now gonna take care of the WorldMap scenes.


  • Adventurer
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #185 on: June 29, 2012, 11:27:11 PM »
T.T plz compile to a current verson? call it 0.1

If i might ask, what program are you guys using to change the text to english / what editing program?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2012, 03:31:15 AM by dawnbomb »
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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #186 on: June 30, 2012, 10:03:50 PM »
*delete this message wrong topic*
There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #187 on: July 01, 2012, 07:29:20 PM »
T.T plz compile to a current verson? call it 0.1

If i might ask, what program are you guys using to change the text to english / what editing program?
Well, I guess it's as good time as any other...
Still haven't relined the files in "WorldMap" (so forge, shops, inn, etc.) and the item descriptions I've skipped before, but finished with conversations, both main and side stories, swapped item names in shops with translated versions, and I just hope I haven't skipped anything else.
Didn't do much testing after the mentioned fixes and adding few other texts, so can't guarantee it won't start crashing all of a sudden.
Also, still have to find where's the part responsible for the width of status balloon.
Things that haven't been translated yet are some of the effects of items or skills, item descriptions in shops, the newspapers and "events" ...and whatever is left untranslated in exe...
And still haven't touched remaining images, but including d200 again just to have it as one package.

With this being said, here's the package with current state:
Just swap the old files. For those using this for the first time, I recommend to backup replaced files. Backing up whole game's directory is preferred, to preserve saves too.

As for the program, it's a set of tools developed for repacking and (de)compiling game files. It's not something that has been found anywhere around the internet, although I've found some helpful informations.

On a side note, I've started relining the SceneXX files, but some of them are a bit too long. There's less space for these than in conversations due to small image in bottom-right corner :/ (old screencap as a reminder:
Will try and find the lines that can't shorten myself.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #188 on: July 01, 2012, 08:30:27 PM »
On a side note, I've started relining the SceneXX files, but some of them are a bit too long. There's less space for these than in conversations due to small image in bottom-right corner :/ (old screencap as a reminder:
Will try and find the lines that can't shorten myself.
SceneXX are mostly shops, inns, forges, etc if I recall correctly. It shouldn't hurt that much if we rephrase the lines completely, preserving their meaning. The problem would be the actual story text that gets mixed up (like the park and bar scenes).


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #189 on: July 02, 2012, 06:57:14 AM »

Before I forget, line 21 of Script.ADV.Script\Main\014.txt should be "Welcome to Hakutaku Manor!" I can't believe I got this one wrong.

Half of "main" newspapers:


I'd like to know what restrictions I have to work with when it comes to newspapers.


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #190 on: July 02, 2012, 08:46:18 AM »
SceneXX are mostly shops, inns, forges, etc if I recall correctly. It shouldn't hurt that much if we rephrase the lines completely, preserving their meaning. The problem would be the actual story text that gets mixed up (like the park and bar scenes).
Yup, you're right.
As for bar and park scenes, I still haven't seen these anywhere, but I guess that this game still has few surprises...
Before I forget, line 21 of Script.ADV.Script\Main\014.txt should be "Welcome to Hakutaku Manor!" I can't believe I got this one wrong.
Half of "main" newspapers:


I'd like to know what restrictions I have to work with when it comes to newspapers.
ok, thanks
Well, the text versions use same space that item descriptions, so I'd assume it's 10 lines total (2nd and last one seems to be always empty) with no more than 36-40 characters each.


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #191 on: July 02, 2012, 09:15:14 AM »
ok, thanks
Well, the text versions use same space that item descriptions, so I'd assume it's 10 lines total (2nd and last one seems to be always empty) with no more than 36-40 characters each.
Huh. I guess I'll have to redo these pages.


  • Adventurer
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #192 on: July 02, 2012, 11:15:50 PM »
2 runs, first was a stupid death, second was a amazingly good run, except i never once got a preservation gap and only got a warehouse gap right before death (saved 2 carrots and some good stuff)

Stuff i noticed written in a text document in no real order

during the intro she talks about the warehouse and says something like “items in the warehouse wont disappear if you die” I think think should be turned into some cheeky touhou related remark lol

when the warehouse girl explains paladoin ship transfer (or whatever its called) reimu says  some grammer error, specificly I remember a word missing, I forgot the word

the *ofuda of knockback*’s description goes off screen
the *ofuda of damage share*’s description says  “hit enemy will receive part of your damage” I can’t put my finger on it, but it seems grammically wrong or something. …not sure lol it just bugs me?
The *ofuda of compress* text offscreen
The *ofuda of curse returning* text  ofscreen
The *ofuda of Lighting* text offscreen

The *Eye drops* drug’s description goes offscreen. This one is actually bothersome as it goes to say you can see something invisible, but what you can exactly see is offscreen.

The description of the food item *ohagi* goes offscreen
*synthsys* gap text goes offscreen. Its important information so… fix? (every sentence does this)

Tiwi and cirnos scene at pitstop 1 say tiwi with a missing word or something…I forgot
Enemy yuyukos attack needs a transulation, as all she does is something that makes a skull appear (and no obvious effect)

when you walk on flowers you might want to translate the message that appears as thats obviously important...corse ou dont know it till you randomly get shoved across a stage through sunflower walls xD

thats all for now. so what alls left besides shop item descriptions and random battle log single words? also is there anywhere to change the onscreen map on/off/darker and enlarge/shrink/eliminate battle log? (besides looking at the full version, i just want 1 more line of it D: )

anyway i dont see how this is a verson 0.03 its pertty much complete already. unless theres a huge ton more then i am seeing, this seems 100% playable ATM aside from the shop (but anyone whos trying to play a rougelike should be familuar with memorising what items do and stuff :P )

Edit: It seems there was someone trying to translate this about a year ago and dropped it. i found a note file they uploaded, might help with...stuff
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 01:05:18 AM by dawnbomb »
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but i wish to be loved by someone in return


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #193 on: July 03, 2012, 10:51:01 AM »
when the warehouse girl explains paladoin ship transfer (or whatever its called) reimu says  some grammer error, specificly I remember a word missing, I forgot the word
Um... Maybe it's just me, but haven't noticed any...
Anyway, here's the conversation:
And it's usually good idea to screencap things like this.

the *ofuda of knockback*?s description goes off screen
the *ofuda of damage share*?s description says  ?hit enemy will receive part of your damage? I can?t put my finger on it, but it seems grammically wrong or something. ?not sure lol it just bugs me?
Well, I know that descriptions of few items still need relining. There were few posts about it and I even mentioned about it in the post with link.
And I guess it's the "hit enemy" part, but it's the best version I could think of...

Tiwi and cirnos scene at pitstop 1 say tiwi with a missing word or something?I forgot
Enemy yuyukos attack needs a transulation, as all she does is something that makes a skull appear (and no obvious effect)

when you walk on flowers you might want to translate the message that appears as thats obviously important...corse ou dont know it till you randomly get shoved across a stage through sunflower walls xD

thats all for now. so what alls left besides shop item descriptions and random battle log single words? also is there anywhere to change the onscreen map on/off/darker and enlarge/shrink/eliminate battle log? (besides looking at the full version, i just want 1 more line of it D: )
Well, there's 10 scenes with Tewi and Cirno... May be hard to guess which one.
And it seems I should write that most of special attacks still haven't been translated.
The attack with skull... I think it's supposed to be sudden death, but it's either timed or I've messed up again and due to another bug nothing happens.

As for the map and battle log... No idea, but I haven't started to translate the options in GameConfig yet.
(btw, you know you can scroll the full screen log?)

anyway i dont see how this is a verson 0.03 its pertty much complete already. unless theres a huge ton more then i am seeing, this seems 100% playable ATM aside from the shop (but anyone whos trying to play a rougelike should be familuar with memorising what items do and stuff :P )

Edit: It seems there was someone trying to translate this about a year ago and dropped it. i found a note file they uploaded, might help with...stuff
As for version, the number is just another release. I didn't intend to number it according to progress or something. Sometimes it's pretty hard to tell how much have been done (as percentage).
If I really had to, I'd say that about 60-75% of text has been translated so far.

I've checked the notes and it seems there are only names and effects in there (+ extra info). In case of names I'd stick with current translations. The extra info may be useful when updating (creating) wiki pages.


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #194 on: July 03, 2012, 10:58:01 AM »
Ah, I thought I gave you the special abilities file.
In case you forgot,

Actors_Locations_Menus_Misc > Actor > enemy_common.csv

Also, Yuyuko's death ability is a time bomb. If you manage to kill her before time runs out, nothing happens.


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #195 on: July 03, 2012, 11:12:48 AM »
Ah, I thought I gave you the special abilities file.
In case you forgot,

Actors_Locations_Menus_Misc > Actor > enemy_common.csv
Erm... I found the post with it. Seems that I even replied to it. No idea why I forgot about this one :blush:
Now I'll take care of it for sure.

Also, Yuyuko's death ability is a time bomb. If you manage to kill her before time runs out, nothing happens.
Good to know, thanks.
Gonna test it at least once, just to make sure it still works.


  • Adventurer
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #196 on: July 04, 2012, 01:04:37 PM »
Harden and strengthen in shop ? changed in inventory

It seems the spellcards *REIMU Must Die* *Passage of Death* *Resident Evil* *Neuralizer* *Power of Atom* and *Planet Zun* are ALL different in the shop, as he decited to sell only spellcards, and I happened to have 14k by F10 (I found lots of money lying around, it was weird) 

Semi unrelated things:

I noticed drinking tea at max HP ups your max HP, extra for refined tea :o

I found a bug you likely cant fix. If your at reimu?s shrine go to the ?backdoor area? to screw around and alt+F4 when you resume you will still be there. When you leave  *you will have teleported to the first pitstop between floors 4-5 instead of being at reimus shrine* this can easily get a unprepared adventurer killed with valuable items. ? can also be abused to mass forge items and warehouse them instantly if you bring a extra item to sell for 1k+

and im currently on "the run" i have the gourd and meilings hat with 2 sanae's hairpins. i used them with a monster house summoner to kill high tier enemies and get tons of items twice :D

on another note, i shat brix all over when i got to the red floors and i spawned in a square room with no staircase, took me 10 minites to realise i needed to use the tele trap
There's no way I could love anyone
but i wish to be loved by someone in return


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #197 on: July 04, 2012, 06:53:28 PM »
Harden and strengthen in shop ? changed in inventory

It seems the spellcards *REIMU Must Die* *Passage of Death* *Resident Evil* *Neuralizer* *Power of Atom* and *Planet Zun* are ALL different in the shop, as he decited to sell only spellcards, and I happened to have 14k by F10 (I found lots of money lying around, it was weird) 
Well, all spell cards in shops used only the sign part of name. The thing is that in Japanese version sign is always visible, while translated version shows it only in description (space issues). For now I've decided to leave the original version, but I guess it'll be better to replace it with card's name.
Semi unrelated things:

I noticed drinking tea at max HP ups your max HP, extra for refined tea :o
Yup. And it's something that wasn't mentioned in original descriptions too.
I found a bug you likely cant fix. If your at reimu?s shrine go to the ?backdoor area? to screw around and alt+F4 when you resume you will still be there. When you leave  *you will have teleported to the first pitstop between floors 4-5 instead of being at reimus shrine* this can easily get a unprepared adventurer killed with valuable items. ? can also be abused to mass forge items and warehouse them instantly if you bring a extra item to sell for 1k+
Erm... Never noticed anything like this, but I've almost never entered the backyard... Does it happen in unpatched game too?
Well, I doubt it's some hidden feature, but so far no idea what may be causing it.
on another note, i shat brix all over when i got to the red floors and i spawned in a square room with no staircase, took me 10 minites to realise i needed to use the tele trap
Ah... These rooms. This type of floor starts to pop up randomly around floors 25-30 IIRC.
And it's the only floor that "Gale" trap works even if you have Keystone (or transfered it's ability).


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #198 on: July 05, 2012, 02:27:06 AM »
How do you exactly do this bug?
I tried it, but Reimu just goes to the Shrine menu.

For your information, Summon Trap and Pitfall Trap doesn't have errors. Not sure about Cash Trap, though.

Is there anything else I can translate?


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #199 on: July 05, 2012, 09:32:25 AM »
For your information, Summon Trap and Pitfall Trap doesn't have errors. Not sure about Cash Trap, though.

Is there anything else I can translate?
ok, thanks
The Cash trap has a new line in it, so I guess I've done this one already.

I guess the next in line would be the *_common.csv files in Items folder. These are rather short in comparison to previous ones.
And there are few files in Actors_Locations_Menu_Misc\Script (Item.csv, Lib.csv, and the files in Menu).
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 09:35:09 AM by DennouNeko »


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #200 on: July 05, 2012, 11:37:23 AM »
The files in the Actors_Locations_Menu_Misc\Script\Menu are the ones that pop up when you select 'New Game'
Something along the lines of 'Is it okay to delete the save data?'
I'm not sure what ページ(page) is supposed to do.

Amulet_common.csv, Shield_common.csv, Weapon_common.csv are just simple "*** is cursed!"

"<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> ate $itemDisplayName;.", "It was unsatisfactory.", "Stomach is full!", "Max of Hunger Gauge went up by <1:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>"

"$itemName; is actually $itemRealName;!", "<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> has selected $itemName;.", "But nothing happened."
Might need a extra \n in some of the lines.

"$itemName; is actually $itemRealName;!", "<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> drank $itemName;."

"<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> took out $itemDisplayName; \nfrom $baseItemDisplayName;.","Can't take out $itemDisplayName; \nfrom gap."
"<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> put  $itemDisplayName;\nin $baseItemDisplayName;.","Can't put $itemDisplayName; into gap."
"<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> used $itemDisplayName;."
In the first sentence I had to switch the two parameters.

"<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> hurled $itemDisplayName;!" (It's different from the normal 'Throw')

"But nothing happened.","It has no effect.","<0:COLOR>$actorName;</COLOR> stepped on Trap of $itemName;!"

The item.csv and Lib.csv will take some time because I'll have to check how they are used in the game.

Is there any file with 脱力してしまった in it? Or maybe just 脱力?
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 11:39:09 AM by Sungho »


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #201 on: July 05, 2012, 12:36:06 PM »
ok, thanks

脱力してしまった is again in exe.
I found it together with some other texts, that seem to be put into one table with few empty texts.
Not sure how these are used, but dumped them here:


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #202 on: July 05, 2012, 01:50:15 PM »
The first two ones have to do with Reimu's strength. Or maybe more.
The others are texts that show up when someone is inflicted a status effect.
Similar order with the aforementioned status names.
Although it is missing the は that connects the name and the part in the exe.
I can't do much if I can't find a way around the はpart.

Is there truly no way to find all the Japanese Strings in the exe file?
Maybe we should get advice from other English Patch makers?

全ての装備 and 回復, can you look for them in the exe?

In Actors_Locations_Menu_Misc\Script\item.csv

"$itemDispayName;\nは割れてしまった。" : "$itemDispayName;\nshattered."
Appears when a Gap is shattered by the Surprise Trap.

"$itemDisplayName;は\n彼方へ消え去った。" : "$itemDisplayName;\nvanished far away."
Appears when an item disappears by throwing with the Far Throw or on open places like the Heaven.
Not sure about the English, though.

"$itemDisplayName;は地面に落ちた。" : "$itemDisplayName; fell on the ground."

"$itemDisplayName;は崩れ落ちてしまった。" : "$itemDisplayName; broke down."
One of the effects of Frog and Snake Hair Ornaments.

In the Korindou menu (Conversations\Script.WorldMap\Scene3.txt, I think), 16:4:$帰還する was translated to 'Back'.
Should change this to something like 'Return' because it causes Reimu to end her journey and go back to the shrine.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 03:18:06 PM by Sungho »


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #203 on: July 05, 2012, 08:25:49 PM »
The first two ones have to do with Reimu's strength. Or maybe more.
The others are texts that show up when someone is inflicted a status effect.
Similar order with the aforementioned status names.
Although it is missing the は that connects the name and the part in the exe.
I can't do much if I can't find a way around the はpart.
The first two may be used by several of the "has dropped"/'was raised" lines, but I replaced them together with code, so texts alone weren't translated.
As for the は, it may be added in some other places, separately. Will try to find them, but it may be tricky...

Is there truly no way to find all the Japanese Strings in the exe file?
Maybe we should get advice from other English Patch makers?

全ての装備 and 回復, can you look for them in the exe?
The first one is actually not in exe, but it's in one of "Disarm" trap's files. Seems that I've skipped this one. Sorry about that, but there's just too many files with single line of text that's very easy to overlook :/
Full line reads: 全ての装備がはずれてしまった。
As for second one, there's 回復した in exe. I'll try to check if there are other texts related to this one.

Well, if anyone knows good and reliable method to dump all the texts (also the ones in tables), best with references to them, be my guest.
And it's annoying for me too. The parts in exe could have been in scripts as well. No idea why they are embedded.

In Actors_Locations_Menu_Misc\Script\item.csv

"$itemDispayName;\nは割れてしまった。" : "$itemDispayName;\nshattered."
Appears when a Gap is shattered by the Surprise Trap.

"$itemDisplayName;は\n彼方へ消え去った。" : "$itemDisplayName;\nvanished far away."
Appears when an item disappears by throwing with the Far Throw or on open places like the Heaven.
Not sure about the English, though.

"$itemDisplayName;は地面に落ちた。" : "$itemDisplayName; fell on the ground."

"$itemDisplayName;は崩れ落ちてしまった。" : "$itemDisplayName; broke down."
One of the effects of Frog and Snake Hair Ornaments.

In the Korindou menu (Conversations\Script.WorldMap\Scene3.txt, I think), 16:4:$帰還する was translated to 'Back'.
Should change this to something like 'Return' because it causes Reimu to end her journey and go back to the shrine.
ok, gonna update it.
Maybe "Shrine" would work instead of "Back"? If not then I'll just put there "Return".


  • Give my nose back!
  • I translate stuff
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #204 on: July 05, 2012, 08:41:18 PM »
Maybe "Shrine" would work instead of "Back"? If not then I'll just put there "Return".
In this context "Go home" is the most accurate translation. But "Shrine" could work too.


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #205 on: July 06, 2012, 05:08:07 PM »
Well, managed to find a bit more free time.
As for the missing は, not sure if it helps, but the later texts from are used as $2; in "<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>は$2;!".
In same function there's also "<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>は$3;$4;!", but $3; and $4; seem to be unrelated to the mentioned texts (actually no idea where these come from).

Texts that may be somehow related to 回復 (all used in one function):

Also, managed to add the "common" texts. Some of them may have to be split into 2 lines and gonna fix later some punctuation problems (like single dot or asterisk in new line), but this requires a bit more effort than replacing text alone.
Managed to find and reline one or two item descriptions too. I guess it would be much easier if you could save the game after finding item with description going of screen and upload the r000 and r001 files.
One thing I've noticed about descriptions, that there's usually only 36 characters of space per line. 40 if there's a lot of narrow characters :/

And finally cleared the old well...
I was unable to reproduce the mentioned backyard bug. Following the mentioned steps I've ended up in Shrine as I should.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 05:47:30 PM by DennouNeko »

Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #206 on: July 07, 2012, 01:20:28 AM »
I want to say thanks for your work because I love this game.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 01:26:43 AM by Neyen »


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Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #207 on: July 07, 2012, 10:48:58 AM »
Now my head hurts a lot.

For the Disarm trap,
All equipments fell off.

For the status messages,
"<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>は$2;!" -> "<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>$2;!"
243:0057A524:$ became confused
244:0057A528:$ became drunk
245:0057A52C:$ became faster
246:0057A530:$ slowed down
247:0057A534:$ became unable to see
248:0057A538:$ is seeing strange things
249:0057A53C:$ fell asleep
250:0057A540:$ went into a Kotatsu
; empty
251:0057A548:$ became binded
; empty
252:0057A550:$ became invisible
253:0057A554:$ was sucked into a gap
254:0057A558:$'s attack power leaped
255:0057A55C:$ became invincible
256:0057A560:$ lost sanity
257:0057A564:$ そっくりな姿になった
258:0057A568:$ hibernated
259:0057A56C:$ is deprived of strength
260:0057A570:$ became fatigued
261:0057A574:$ ゆっくりしていってね
262:0057A578:$ was surprised

259 is debility, 260 is muscle relaxation. Really confusing.

257 is message for Bait
means something like "figure became exactly the same", but I can't translate it perfectly without messing up.

261 is "yukkurishiteittene". translate as you want.


  • The Cat of Knowledge and Shadow
  • I do some coding and image editing
Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #208 on: July 07, 2012, 11:08:22 AM »
I want to say thanks for your work because I love this game.
I'll say thanks in the name of everyone involved :)

Now my head hurts a lot.

For the Disarm trap,
All equipments fell off.

For the status messages,
"<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>は$2;!" -> "<0:COLOR>$1;</COLOR>$2;!"
243:0057A524:$ became confused
257:0057A564:$ そっくりな姿になった
261:0057A574:$ ゆっくりしていってね

257 is message for Bait
means something like "figure became exactly the same", but I can't translate it perfectly without messing up.

261 is "yukkurishiteittene". translate as you want.
Ok, will update it in a moment.

For 257 I'm thinking about "looks just like you".
For 261... Hm... "is taking it easy" ??

I hope you'll feel better soon ::)

And small question... I wasn't able to test it a lot, but anyone noticed crashes since last update?

Re: 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo) Translation Thread
« Reply #209 on: July 08, 2012, 11:03:42 PM »
It seems that Aquastyle is going to release a Fushigi no Gensokyo CHRONICLE. Basically it's a remake in one game of the first storyline. It contains five games: "Fushigi no Gensokyo", "the Express Trial", "Motto" prologue, "Under the moonlight" and "The Dungeon of Dreams and Magic". They will all run on "Motto" engine.