Author Topic: Blindness of Observer (The "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame) [Beta 1.6.0]  (Read 7674 times)

This is my first real post to the forums. I'm new to everything here. :blush: but anyway...
Touhou Batch Game Project - Blindness of Observer (Now Beta v1.6.0!)
[Featuring Marisa Kirisame!]
One of the few Text-Based RPG Touhou Fangame ever made!
Including Text-Based Cirno Training!(Not working well on Windows XP)
I need a better name though. :(

This is my first (and the only) Touhou Fangame I've created. However, this fangame is entirely Text-Based, no graphics involved at all!
(Remember those old DOS Text-Based Adventure games?)  It is created as a Batch File (Scripting language for the Windows' Command Prompt)
The development of this game started on June 17, 2011 (Over 6 Months) and I've been posting the development on my YouTube channel (ukimenustah)
Since I can't seem to get the slightest bit of popularity there (But with few people who watch Batch Games only), I created my website about this game and then posted this.

What I want to help me for this game is:
  • Try to increase the popularity of this game.
  • Post your suggestions/changes.
  • And post bug reports too if you found them.
  • Add a Plot and/or Endgame for me. After all, I'm only bad at making stories. :(
  • If possible, post your suggestions on my website's Forum page instead.
Download Link (Beta v1.6.0) Enter Y to play the game.
Visit the website on my signature for the most recent version. I update on my site first.
Older versions if you are interested to my past development: Download (up to Bata v1.5.2)
Screenshots here
Screenshots of Beta 1.6.0 Update

(Click on that little www below the post for my website.)

  • Entirely Text-Based (And not a forum game)
  • New Main Menu Screen!
  • Includes Chibitami's Cirno Training
  • Game saving/Loading
  • Turn-Based Battle System
  • Ciritcal hits, Speed (Who attacks first) & misses in battle
  • Continues based on blood volume
  • Difficulty, Easy :]  to Lunatic :o
  • New item, tea (From defeated Sakuya)
  • Global Commands
  • Mountain/Stairway climbing progress
  • Levelling up
  • DONATIONS to increase defense  :D
  • Score/High Score
  • Random Chances
  • Time progression with turns
  • Changeable Text and BG color
  • Playable even on very slow PCs
  • Various rare and little features.
  • And, include some internet references~ ;)
Edit: My first post just promoted my site too much...
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 06:19:03 AM by ukimenustah31 »


Re: Blindness of Observer (The only "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2012, 06:51:56 PM »
Um, no, this isn't the only text-based Touhou fangame. I've seen a few others; I can't name them, but I have seen others.
I cannot think of a good signature, and probably never will.


  • Excuse me while I prepare /your/ demise. <3 TSO
Re: Blindness of Observer (The only "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2012, 07:18:56 PM »
Um, no, this isn't the only text-based Touhou fangame. I've seen a few others; I can't name them, but I have seen others.
I agree with Kumori. There are others out there.
" Borders are Borders. They were meant to be manipulated and mistreated. "

Re: Blindness of Observer (The only "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2012, 07:10:39 AM »
I played through all the features I could find and it was amusing, all in all. The ui system is easy to get used to, actually. You have a bunch of minor spelling erro, btw.  A plot based game (medium shortish in length) would be a more interesting goal then an rpg or sandbox game imo. You can take advantage that the player is are paying all your attention to the text. The grinding or rpg elements I feel are so so. They need a larger base (more complex battle and whatever system) , which doesn't really suit a small-scale game, which can find other ways to become memorable.

Re: Blindness of Observer (The only "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2012, 07:32:09 AM »
Finally my first post was successful! :D

Um, no, this isn't the only text-based Touhou fangame. I've seen a few others; I can't name them, but I have seen others.
Ok, I'll fix the OP and the title then.

I played through all the features I could find and it was amusing, all in all. The ui system is easy to get used to, actually. You have a bunch of minor spelling erro, btw.  A plot based game (medium shortish in length) would be a more interesting goal then an rpg or sandbox game imo. You can take advantage that the player is are paying all your attention to the text. The grinding or rpg elements I feel are so so. They need a larger base (more complex battle and whatever system) , which doesn't really suit a small-scale game, which can find other ways to become memorable.
English is of course my 2nd language, And this game is quite big so I wouldn't brother finding typo there.
As I said, I don't have any good ideas for the plots. (Maybe some kind of quests?) :wat:
For the battle system, I can make it more complexed (Misses, Critical hits, Speed [who attacks first]). Will be added in Beta v1.5.3 Thanks for reminding me. :)


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: Blindness of Observer (The only "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2012, 07:35:16 AM »
The screenshots looked pretty cool. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to run a .bat file in Wine without installing "Command Extensions". I look forward to trying this on my work comp, though, which uses Windows XP.

The grinding or rpg elements I feel are so so. They need a larger base (more complex battle and whatever system) , which doesn't really suit a small-scale game, which can find other ways to become memorable.

I dunno, I think an RPG can work for a smaller game, provided a) it's a quick run, or b) you have a large enough cast to make numerous possible outcomes.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
  • *
  • Make a yukkuri and take it easy with me
Re: Blindness of Observer (One of the few "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2012, 07:41:25 AM »
For a starter plot you could visit Mystia's Stored Games and implement one of Purv's completed text adventures.

Re: Blindness of Observer (One of the few "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2012, 10:22:44 AM »
Beta 1.5.3 now released!
Added Critical hits and Speed (Who attacks first) :)
(Misses is not implemented yet)
After this post I won't have much time on this forum now. :(


  • That Yin Yang orb is evil, I tell you!
  • ...intrigued by that butterfly.
Re: Blindness of Observer (One of the few "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2012, 07:43:11 AM »
Ah, I remember the old days. I used to play (and fail miserably at) Zork in my free time. I'll play this as soon as I can
remember to
Don't you let this die, now!

Re: Blindness of Observer (One of the few "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame)
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2012, 09:55:00 AM »
sorry for wrong info, but actually I'll be busy on some of the days. Beta 1.5.4 would make speed depend on Level you're on and accuracy will be implemented.
BTW, the idea that already in my mind for beta 1.6.0 update is that, "no Tea"/"Tea" will be added, from defeated Sakuya. It will help fill up Continues.

What I wanted for now is an ASCII artist. Help me create a half protrait of Marisa. So the main menu would no longer be a bunch of text about bugs/features. Remember though, maximum of 40 columns and 20 lines, more than 20 line and it may be too large.


  • i won't depend on anyone anymore
Re: Blindness of Observer (The "Text-Based" RPG Touhou Fangame) [Beta 1.5.3]
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2012, 05:36:15 PM »
Heh. I've made a Touhou Fan-Game in Java before. I had over 1000 lines of code for the engine xD. Full inventory and item usage, spells could be used, boss battles, etc.