Author Topic: Luminous Dream v1.0.1 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)  (Read 75280 times)

Re: Luminous Dream v0.64 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame
« Reply #120 on: April 12, 2013, 04:47:45 PM »
What inspires you in your character development?
The characters, for the most part, are inspired by mythology. In the original story, Susano'o plays a prank on the sun goddess Amaterasu, and in her anger, she hides herself in a cave, covering the world in darkness, until she can be convinced to return.

Kasumi came from the idea that I find excessively funny of a low-level bat youkai who everybody thinks is a vampire due to her appearance.
Yayoi was largely because I needed a weak throwaway youkai for stage 1. When I read about the Otoroshi and its mythical penchant for hanging out on top of shrine gates, the stage 1 scenario of a wayward Otoroshi taking over the Hakurei Shrine came together quickly. The Otoroshi's penchant for leaping out and surprising people inspired her ability to hide in plain sight, which in turn inspired her disappearing/reappearing danmaku attacks.
Gara plays the role of Tachikarao-no-mikoto, the god of strength who pulled the boulder out from in front of the cave in the original myth. Her rocket punch attacks come from a combination of her role as a strength-based god (punching), her proximity to the kappa due to being on Youkai Mountain (technology), and my love of mecha anime (Mazinger). She's a yama-uba because I needed a nice mountain-like youkai.
Akeno is because I wanted an animal youkai, and asked myself, what kinds of cool animals live in dark, secluded corners of the world? The angler fish was the obvious option, which inspired both her blindfold and her lure. Hers is probably my favorite visual design to come out of my lead artist.
Yuzuki was created because the game is very earth-heavy, so I needed an earth youkai of some sort. Her attacks were created after conferring with a friend of mine who was big into geology (liquefaction!).
Mahiru plays the role of Ame-no Uzume-no-mikoto, the goddess who danced to lure Amaterasu out of the cave, hence the dance theme. I honestly can't remember why I made her an ame-onna, but it determined the theme of her rain danmaku.
Emi is very much a product of Houko's design - every endboss needs a right-hand girl, so for a light youkai, why not a mirror? Also, in the myth, the divine mirror Yata-no-Kagami is hung outside the cave during the revelry that lures Amaterasu back to the world.
Houko, in case it wasn't obvious by now, is playing the role of Amaterasu. The entire game concept actually developed from the idea of a Touhou boss with a "light and darkness" visual motif, although the darkness half was dropped. In the original concept for Monochrome Universe, the entire screen would be white, while the lifebars, sprites, and danmaku were all black silhouettes over it, but I couldn't get it to work. Her color scheme is a nod to her role as a sun goddess, her horn is because she's a kirin, and her rainbow orb and rainbow danmaku represent her power over light in all its forms. Her final spell is an obvious tribute to Ikaruga, flagship game of my favorite studio of all time.
Kyokukou, if you're putting the story together, fills in the last role as Susano'o, the prankster who caused an incident by trolling her sister. She's meant to be a bit tomboyish - the name Kyokukou is an old-fashioned but androgynous name, and she's got the vest and the very rough-and-tumble attitude in her dialogue. Her wing design and danmaku patterns are based on the fact that she's playing the role occupied in the original story by a god of storms - which transferred into Touhou Superpowers as control over electromagnetism, which I used to have some fun with sciencey crap for her later spell cards.
There was originally going to be an extra Phantasm boss named Dojaga, a dragon filling out the mythological set in the role of Yamato-no-orochi, but I decided I'd rather move on to a future project than stretch this one out any further.

What inspires you in spellcard making?
Touched on that a lot in the spiel up there.

Also, do you have any soundtracks/music you listen to while making the game?
These days I mostly listen to the music Joel wrote for the game.

I've got a list of tasks I need to complete before I can release the final game written down. There were 11 when I made it on Wednesday, and it's since grown to 17, but I've completed 8 of them, so 9 to go. If everything goes well, we should be looking at a Monday release.

Re: Luminous Dream v0.64 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame
« Reply #121 on: April 14, 2013, 02:32:54 AM »

Touhou Luminous Dream 1.0.

Thank you, all of you, for your feedback and patience over the past four years.

Luminous Dream is still far from a perfect product, but it always will be. I'm officially done with it, because I could keep tweaking it for another two years if I let myself. Consider this the final version, and any flaws in it unfortuately permanent.

Alternate download type and high-quality OST will be uploaded later tonight. I will now immediately begin work on my next project, Tree of Life.


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #122 on: April 14, 2013, 02:37:02 AM »

~~~Finally, the game I spent so many hours trying to understand, the mountain of code to study...

The game is done.

Now I have to hope that the BGM doesn't screw up.

Look forward to your next project~ Good luck!

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #123 on: April 14, 2013, 03:36:03 AM »
Scripts-only download for people who already have Danmakufu.


Soul Devour

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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #124 on: April 14, 2013, 04:01:02 AM »
Played this final version. I gotta say, some of the backgrounds are absolute fantastic. The rain effects in Stage 4 and the Extra Stage, as well as the background for the final boss stand out as some excellent eye candy. Speaking of the background for the final boss, I feel like it really works extremely well with the bullets being fired and for the most part, a lot of stages follow this pattern. Overall, I'm liking a lot of the art in this game and I'd be hard pressed to nitpick on it...although if you *really* want me it me or was the background of Stage 5 and Stage 6 the same? Eh, not a huge deal.

The music is strong and makes its presence known throughout the game. Of all the pieces, I think I like Stage 4's theme the most if only because it's a lot more distinct when compared to a lot of the other pieces (although Stage 5's theme is great as well). If you were going for a central theme (or a set of themes) you certainly got it across, since some of the songs sounded similar at times, particularly in the entrances of several boss themes (I'm looking at you, Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 4). While I like variations (Oh hi Dai, how are you selling this version of Hope to me?), just make sure it's unique from each other. Also, you have a lot of strong, powerful pieces and you know what you're doing with them. That's great. But the later stages lose impact when most of the early stages are just pound you with epic, high paced music. Don't be afraid to do more stuff like Stage 4's theme, it was both a really unique and fun piece of music and broke up the momentum that charging through from Stage 1-3. The music was probably the weakest part of the game but composing is no easy task. I personally can't stand to do it if only because I lack the patience and time to learn the software and get my thoughts down. I say the music is the weakest part but I bet you could easily improve upon it in the future. Diversity is a good thing...typically.

The gameplay. Ah, I've gotten rusty at a lot of Bullet Hell games if this and my re-run of Shoot the Bullet is any indication. It's been a while since I played v0.64 so I can't really comment on to many changes (if only occurred) but I really don't have any complaints on any patterns or spellcards, which is good because it seems like a lot of them are similar to what I remember. The only thing I do have a comment on is continuing. If you grab that first extend and game over, you're pretty much screwed in getting another extend, making a run to clear very difficult. But hey, if you're going for a 1cc, this isn't even a concern. Not only that, but the scripts for the stages and all non-cards and spellcards are on the menu so there's not even the concern of unlocking stages for practicing. Just mentioning, is all.

Anyways, I had a lot of fun with the game and look forward to seeing what you put out in the future. Thanks for not giving up on this (I know I'm glad!) and hopefully the next project goes smoother for you!

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #125 on: April 14, 2013, 04:28:05 AM »
I look forward to your next project.
And, congrats on finishing this project. My projects end with my laziness.
Also, since I'm trying to finish my project, I want to know what music program you use to compose music, unless someone else does that for you.
But anyways: I look up to you.  :3

Also, is Reimu breaking the fourth wall during the third boss talk?
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 04:46:47 AM by Lavalake »
Currently a normal player


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #126 on: April 14, 2013, 02:55:29 PM »
I look forward to your next project.
And, congrats on finishing this project. My projects end with my laziness.
Also, since I'm trying to finish my project, I want to know what music program you use to compose music, unless someone else does that for you.
But anyways: I look up to you.  :3

Also, is Reimu breaking the fourth wall during the third boss talk?

He got music composers.

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #127 on: April 14, 2013, 03:25:03 PM »
Indeed, I did not write the music myself. I don't know what program Joel used, but I know he was tragically unsuccessful at finding a proper Touhou Trumpet soundfont. I've got him on board for my next project, and this time I'm taking the ZUN approach of music first, then danmaku to fit the image of the music, so hopefully they'll be more in sync.

Also, is Reimu breaking the fourth wall during the third boss talk?

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #128 on: April 15, 2013, 01:44:08 AM »
Aw yis, our patience has been rewarded! Game looking awesome, tea did a really awesome job <3 I knew it'd be worth waiting :3

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #129 on: April 15, 2013, 03:11:54 PM »
Man I was so looking forward to this for more than a year or so now. The last attack is balls for me, just because I suck X3 The music composition was beautiful, though Yayoi's theme seemed very repetitive, though it wasn't bad! Seemed totally badass for a stage 1 theme.

Love the background art, was done so well. The final stage background, those flowers, so many! Hmm not sure what else to talk about. What was the music you used for the game in v.64? And I really like the story you used, especially when based on the folklore.

Great job! And can we get a hint towards your new project? :3

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #130 on: April 15, 2013, 03:16:43 PM »
Yay! I can play it now!
Getting clipped since Feb. 2012.




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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #132 on: April 15, 2013, 09:30:33 PM »
Uploaded a video of a lunatic 1cc for those interested.

Damn! I think that's also the farthest I've seen anyone get into Silhouette Fantasy. Quick, impressive work.

I also see a couple glitches that might warrant a 1.01 release at some point, like how you managed to get into the Last Word with your shot button still enabled. I'm on the fence about whether or not to rebalance Unfocused Marisa Abuse, though.

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #133 on: April 15, 2013, 10:59:23 PM »
The spellcards didn't change much since 0.64 so we actually had a lot of time to practice for a 1cc.
But still, This game is impressive. I hope the next game will be easier to make. I'm following in your footsteps with my Touhou game.
I can never get through the last Ikareimu spellcard. I always lose on the flower shape part. There is always that one stray bullet that is camouflaged in the flower-shape making bullets.
And I think I've told this before, but the stage 3 boss gimmick was a little hard to catch on to. At least for me. I just thought:
"Run to the center of the circle when the fast bullets come out." I never realized I triggered the bullets. I've only got through one wave of fast bullets once, without dying by running to the center of the circle.
I love the dialogue. Seems to capture Reimu's grumpiness at incidents. I love the next project "Tree of Life" will start soon, and maybe a sneak peek at stage one.
Currently a normal player


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #134 on: April 16, 2013, 08:24:58 AM »
Manage to 1cc Normal Mode in 2 try, it's a good game.
And for Extra stage, I guess you need to extend the wait time for start of non spellcard, and for 2nd survival spellcard (which I'm dead suddenly before grab any item)

EDIT : Manage to clear EX Stage with 1 life left, but replay desync...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 10:41:21 AM by Yao-Kun »

~Yukkuri Shiteitte ne~
So much for Take it Easy...

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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #135 on: April 17, 2013, 08:55:15 PM »
This is amazing,  :] I love the danmaku. The patterns are fun, varied and gave me a feeling about who the bosses are before I read anything about them. I don't play games for the plot, but I still like how you based it on legends. The stages too are nicely designed (they don't feel repetitive or boring). The backgrounds and music add to the atmosphere of the game and contribute to making it an enjoyable experience.
Thank you very much for making and actually finishing this project. It was well worth the wait~
By the way, good luck with your next project!  :)


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #136 on: April 18, 2013, 01:01:32 AM »
AWEEESOME! Time to do that Extra Stage! I will post it when I'm able to beat it! Fun~Fun  :derp:
You are quite talented, I love your simply, yet beautiful patterns. How does it feel to get done with a project you worked so hard and long on?


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #137 on: April 18, 2013, 03:01:20 AM »
Oh man nice job with this game, I had fun playing it. There is a lot of good danmaku patterns since the first stage.

Uploaded a video of a lunatic 1cc for those interested.

And I did a Normal 1cc, tomorrow I'll try to watch this video and play the extra mode.

PS: I think that you should change the 3rd boss's last spellcard with the spellcard that comes before because it looks harder :P
My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #138 on: April 18, 2013, 10:14:05 PM »
Just uploaded a Let's Play of your game to my youtube channel here.

I really enjoyed playing it and have been waiting a long time to do this. I hope you enjoy my playthrough!

Maiden Synnae ミ☆

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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #139 on: April 19, 2013, 02:34:35 AM »
Really good script and I enjoyed it a lot, congratulations Professor_Scissors, I think this is the best full danmakufu game done by a western Touhou fan that I have played so far.

However... I saw a couple of flaws with the game (not sure if it'd really be considered "flaws" to the others, but for me it kind of is)

The background of both stage 4 and 5 are the same. Or is it just my impression? Well, anyway... I think the game would be improved a lot if you change that. Stage 6 uses the same background as well, but at least it changes to a garden during the final battle, to compensate it.

The final and ex boss' designs are too similar. I know they're sisters, but I think you could change their designs a bit to make them look more distinct from each other.

Apart from those, the rest is pretty good.

Sweetness and love~ ♥

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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #140 on: April 19, 2013, 02:08:00 PM »
D'at spells.

gotta try this on Normal if I've got some free time.

also, Kyokukou reminds me of Yuugi :derp:
Easy Modo? That's for kids, and for me.

I have no name

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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #141 on: April 19, 2013, 04:24:35 PM »
No one seems to have shown off the extra stage yet so I went and recorded it.  Sadly replays seems to desync on the midboss so my first clear which ended 3/0 is unable to be recorded, but I cleared pretty easily next run anyway even with trying to capture everything  :V for those interested.  It's a pretty fun stage, I really like the second half.  There's a few parts of the boss that almost feel cheap (Kusanagi, final nonspell, whichever one has the silver bullets fly down really fast and turn into arrows) but everything is doable.


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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #142 on: April 21, 2013, 05:12:38 AM »
Started to record the OST... It can be found here


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
  • Currently working on a full Touhou fangame!
Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #143 on: April 21, 2013, 06:38:59 PM »
Started to record the OST... It can be found here
professor_scissors already gave out a download link to the soundtrack. Check the 1st post.


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
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Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #144 on: April 21, 2013, 08:59:51 PM »
professor_scissors already gave out a download link to the soundtrack. Check the 1st post.
I know that, but so you don't have to download it, or if you're causally strolling through Youtube and you happen to come across it you can find the game~ And even download the OST! I thought about this XD

Really good script and I enjoyed it a lot, congratulations Professor_Scissors, I think this is the best full danmakufu game done by a western Touhou fan that I have played so far.

However... I saw a couple of flaws with the game (not sure if it'd really be considered "flaws" to the others, but for me it kind of is)

The background of both stage 4 and 5 are the same. Or is it just my impression? Well, anyway... I think the game would be improved a lot if you change that. Stage 6 uses the same background as well, but at least it changes to a garden during the final battle, to compensate it.

The final and ex boss' designs are too similar. I know they're sisters, but I think you could change their designs a bit to make them look more distinct from each other.

Apart from those, the rest is pretty good.

1) It's mainly because it's a large path, to the garden in a cave, so it'd seem weird to change a lot of the background...
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 07:04:18 AM by Helepolis »

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #145 on: May 08, 2013, 07:41:51 PM »
Touhou Luminous Dream v1.0.1. Lite download pending.

-Kyokukou drops more shot power now.
-That one fairy in the second half of the EX stage no longer massively lags the game.
-Song titles weren't appearing on stages 6 and EX.
-One of Houko's nonspells and all of Kyokukou's nonspells now give more time for the player to collect point items.
-It is no longer possible to have your shot active during Houko's Last Word.

Also, just for fun, here's a tiny preview into the design work going into Tree of Life. I'll open a proper dev thread for it once I have something playable to present.

Edit: Lite package.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 08:22:41 PM by professor_scissors »


  • Veteran Danmakufu Scripter
  • Currently working on a full Touhou fangame!
Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #146 on: May 08, 2013, 09:03:54 PM »
-One of Houko's nonspells and all of Kyokukou's nonspells now give more time for the player to collect point items.
This wasn't in response to my Let's Play, was it? I appreciate the changes regardless, especially since I know you must be wanting to put this project behind you now.

Re: Luminous Dream v1.0 - Full-length Danmakufu fangame (COMPLETE)
« Reply #147 on: May 08, 2013, 09:38:17 PM »
This wasn't in response to my Let's Play, was it? I appreciate the changes regardless, especially since I know you must be wanting to put this project behind you now.

I think I had seen it before the LP, but that was what led to me basically saying "yeah, OK, I'd better fix this".