Author Topic: Unlimited Heroes - Touhou Gendansyou Y  (Read 2170 times)

Unlimited Heroes - Touhou Gendansyou Y
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:23:52 PM »
I've noticed that there's no thread for this, and there's nothing on the googlebox, aside from some gameplay videos and download links.

My Japanese is fine, but my kanji recognition is crap, so if we could get a team together to work on making this playable for those that never mastered moonrunes, that'd be super.

Default buttons are ZXCA, and the game comes with pad support.
Once in the game, there are the 8 bosses, and two more pink boxes.

"Special and Status" and "Manual".

"Special and Status" brings you to what looks like an upgrade menu.
The 8 slots on top look like they're designed for your special weapons, while the four on bottom are upgrades to the character.
Heart (stock) is lives.
Cloud (life) is HP.
Red Star (Attack) is Attack damage... I think?
yellow dots (tore-su) - Unsure.  Increased tore-su for spending on installing?  Increased for spending at this screen?  Increase at both?

The manual has 6 pages.
1 - ???
-This page shows the buttons, and labels some things on screen.

Skill Menu: ???
Install:  You can spend TORE-SU to install a power from a slot.  [Slot ga tore-su de?? chitatokina, ??ka wo install dekiru.  ]
Jump:  You are able to jump.  If WING is installed, you will fall slower[?]  [WING wo Install shite ireba yukkuri ???(Kanji for down/under) dekiru]
Shot: You can shoot[?] [??? ga dekiru.]  ??? [sore ??(Kanji for above?) demo sore ???(down/under again), demonai.]

Picture - Left to right:
-TORE-SU (powerup points)

2 - Stage Select
3 - Install
4 - Special Skill
5 - Level Up
6 - ???

I've got nothin' on these pages. 

Selecting a stage will drop you in a megaman platformer situation.  Fight the baddies, level up your stuff, and lose it all if you die.  Things keep changing on me, however.  My attack style looks different, my WIDE powerups seem to change on me.  It's probably all very well explained in the manual I can't read :p