Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)  (Read 150860 times)

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2009, 01:40:51 AM »
Near the Military Armoury 11:00 PM Day 2

The tanks rolled slowly into the base. This would be the second time the armour was raided, but Frank was determined to get a big tank.


Caboose: ...may they rest in peace.

Frank: Amen.

The Lagann and the Talos rumbled across the wastes when they came across a bonfire. The rest of the men he helped escaped were at the same spot, waiting for their leader.

Escapee 5: Hey, it's Frank!

The escapees cheered as their leader returned to them. Frank recounted the events up until their arrival.

Escapee 5: Wait, you guys found an armoury?!?

Caboose: That's right.

Escapee 6: Then what are we waiting for?!? Let's go get us some tanks!

back to now, 11:59 PM Day 2

Austin: Alright, so here's the plan. I'll disable one of the big tanks and everyone else will grab one of the smaller ones. Nitori, Caboose and Frank will take the another one of the big tanks and get the hell out of Dodge. We will then rendevous with the rest of the escapees. Meanwhile I will release an EMP blast that will disable their systems, at least long enough for us to escape.

Caboose: Then let's take it already!

Frank: Not just yet. the big guy is probably going to be here. One General Tao Qwai. He is a nasty son of a bitch who could keep us from stealing any, but there's going to be some big thing going down in the morning. So, while he's briefing his men...

Austin: That's when we strike.

Everything was in place. All they could do now, was wait until the light of dawn.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 01:46:43 AM by Etch-E-Sketch »

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2009, 01:55:57 AM »
a small communal park, 10.36 AM, Day 2

Alex had recovered from Alice's blow to his family jewels enough to move about freely again and has decided to try to help those who decide to go look for alice to help them.

"Well i hope they found Alice by now and hopefully not before it was too late to save her" Lily black says

"Yeah i hope so two" agreed the rest of "team fairy harem" has alex and the fairys were nicknamed Alex and lily black personally hated it since it was mocking Alex and Lily Black but they knew it was also sorta based out of spite and jealousy in the fact Alex was lucky enough to have linked with just fairys which didn't require alot of support allowing them and Alex to be one of the most active groups of gensokyo refugees chances are that even Alex would be really strained from a linking like Mitaka did something that probably sould had killed him if he didn't get that miracle burst in his mana stores.

"i still worry for Mitaka i will do something tonight to help him with his linkings i do know basic spiritual exersices that sould help him out" he thought to himself when some fast movement caught his attention

Alex looked around then he spoted "Team FUBAR" in a good spot of trouble.

Alex motioned for the fairy girls to come close to him and help hid them in a consealed spot

"Alex who are those men attacking them they don't look like the men we evaded to get to the shrine from last night." Daiyousei asked in a quiet voice

Alex could tell who they are by some of their tatoos.

"Girls these are Yakuza basicly a bunch of thugs who do illegal acts from the like of extortion rackets and running prostuition rings to serious stuff like murder for hire and kidnapping. my only guess is these clowns are from the local chapter here in town. my guess is that women who was annoyed at the old man who gave us the shrine sent these men after us to scare us away from it for a good chunk of cash." Alex said.

Star sappfire responded "Thats horrible."

"Yeah" said luna child and sunny milk in agreement

"Worse of all some members do it just to get their kicks." Alex added.

Lily Black was ticked off about this infomation but amused in how her boyfriend knew so much about them and asked "how do you know all of this?."

Alex reponded "they made the mistake of trying to extort the heavenly dojo serveral times in the past only after some of their members died from the beatings we gave them did they stop bothering us Yagi back when he was friend of mine enjoyed beating the stuffings out of them for there stupid attempts."

Lily Black laughed in her mind " i guess even humans can be a stupid as THAT fairy."

"So whats the plan on helping them?" asked the 3 fairys

"Lily black and you girls stay here i'll go help , these men are usally scum and take great "pride" in using women has leverage to get their ways and will even resort to killing women hostages to get people to comply to their will." Alex said

"No Alex i want to go with you and help too i'm not a helpless human women." Lily black said

"Sorry Lily but we aren't in gensokyo if you die here there's no assurance you'll be able to come back i..i don't know what would happen to me if i lost you my dear."

Lily Black wanted to retort some how but Alex was right she would only get in Alex's way and Alex was also right there no telling if she could regenerate even from death here in the outside world.

"You win this time Alex but please be careful after all even with our fairy bodys that last longer than youkai's here we won't last forever here without you so please don't get killed." she responded

"Didn't you hear my when i made the links with you girls i'm gonna do my damn hardest to make sure i don't the only time i'll leave for good my dear love Lily is when its time for that lazy shinigami girl to collect my soul" Alex laughed.

Alex then motioned the fairy girls to say out of sight and moved toward the yakuza.

"Hey Yakubums how about picking on someone who can acually fight back." Alex shouted which got the attention of some of them who faced him with pissed off looks on their face

"well that worked better than i hoped" alex thought to himself

"WHY YOU DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH." one shouted in anger

"MIND YOUR OWN BEEWAXS UNLESS YOU WANT A BEATING TOO" another shouted in a similar tone

Alex mused to himself "don't see any familar faces must all be new members who haven't heard about the heavenly dragon's dojo extortion failures
boy they are gonna be wishing they haven't chosen today to mess with someone."

"please the only ones with dumb wishs are you guys i know little girls who have more smarts than you bricks." Alex taunted again

"THATS IT YOUR DEAD MISTER" one Yakuza rushed him with a metal pole.

the man swung it at him "TAKE THIS AND DIE" he shouted.

Alex thinks to himself "bah just a tinkertoy compared to the heavenly dragon's styles" then he readys himself

the Pole gets closer to alex Lily black is watching "Alex..." she thinks to herself

the pole connects wth alex's chest with resounding sound of metal on flesh impact.

"ALEX" lily black screams in her mind.

"heheheh" the yakuza giggles then notices Alex hasn't moved.

"Is that your best?" Alex questions.

"WHAT?" the yakuza is started instead of keeling over dead or being on the ground in pain Alex has took the blow with no noticeable effects.

"WHAT THE HELL?" some of the other yakuza.

"bah i just didn't hit you enough." he smirks.

"Fool" alex says in his mind.

TRY TAKING THIS RAGING 1000 TSUNAMI STRIKE!" he shouts in a blur he strikes alex many times over.

Alex is pushed back by the blows but still stays upright then in a flash he catchs the pole with his hands

"WHAT THE FU" the yakuza starts but then alex lifts him up by his pole

"OHHHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" he crys has has alex has hoisted him over his head on his pole alex then effortlessly tosses him and his pole up in the air.

"AHHHHHHHH" he screams .

Alex then Rises into the air and intersects the man's descent to the ground then with a finger strike he gives a sharp blow to the neck and then knees him in the face.

he then shouts "Heaven's Dragon Soft Fist: Withering Neck Blow Strike."

he lands gracefully and the yakuza lands on the ground with a thud with his pole making a clanging noise has it hits the ground

"OOF!." he goes

Alex turns to face him he gets up and picks up his pole

"What was that a touch to my neck and a knee to my face isn't enough to stop me." the Yakuza brags

"your a fool to mess with a master of the heavenly dragons martial arts you are already dead and you don't even know it." Alex says

"Bullshit this fight is just getting started..." The yakuza starts but then...

"tt..what t...he my body feels strange...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME." he screams  has his neck and head starts to contort with veins appearing all over his head and neck bulging seemly on the verge of exploding.

"i've stuck a vital point with my finger strike blood will rush to your head blood vessels until they eather rip open a blood vessel and you die from the massive blood loss or one of your neck's major blood vessels burst eather way you are a goner." Alex says with mild hint of coldness

"noo i don't want to die please make it stop. i don't wanna die" the yakuza begs.

"too bad give my regards to the devil" alex says coldly

"AAAAAYEARGBBBLE" he make this noise when his neck blood vessels finally give out from the sudden rush of blood and burst killing him in seconds he collapses to ground dead.

"Anyone else want to try their luck with me a master from the heavenly dragon's dojo." Alex gets into his stance.

The fairys watched in amazement at alex's feat "wow" Lily black only smiled "Thats my Alex go crush those horrble men they don't deserve mercy." she thought

The other Yakuza were dumbstruck at alex's feat they knew they had a serious foe in front of them now.

"He just took out Yagnai one of our best pole fighters without breaking a sweat with his bare hands" one of the yakuza says.

"You bastard you'll pay for that." another says

Alex laughs any says mockly "o rily?"
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 03:54:42 AM by AJC »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2009, 02:59:36 AM »
9:00 am Day 2 Shrine

Jalal looked serious in his robe holding a pipe.

"Eirin, you haven't quite been your self lately."

"Hm? I was wondering what happened to the Princess. We've haven't seen her since Gensokyo."

"Sorry, but I don't believe you."

Eirin looked uncomfortable.

"I...I'm sorry!"


"I-I shouldn't have given you that elixer. I don't want you to suffer anymore. I don't want to kill you anymore!"

Jalal silently held Eirin.

"I remember an odd dream I had when I got here," he said.


Yeah, you were running after me, but my perspective did not follow the me you chased after."

"I-I had a similar dream..."

"Really? Maybe we'll share dreams at night."  Jalal smiled

"What were all those Jalal's about, which one was you?"

"I only observed, I couldn't interact with the scene. I think all those Jalals were my personas."

"Let's go train and take our minds off these troubling things."

"Yes, we need to know our limits."

But their problems were not resolved.

They trained with only each other as company.

Scene ends at 1:00 pm day 2.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2009, 11:57:55 PM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2009, 07:00:17 AM »
a small communal park, 10.37 AM, Day 2

(( OOC: Team Fubar had managed to get away before Alex's showed up and the yakuza has split into two forces one to make sure that Fubar get away the other to make sure they were alone and that fubar didn't try to slip past the first little did they know that Alex had come looking for Fubar.))

The sounds of a beat down were echoing in the park has Alex was just tearing up the Yakuza in front of him eventally only was left that he saw that was still breathing

"s...sp..spare me...i..i i'll leave you guys alone if you spare my life." the Yakuza man was scared of alex who had just torn up his men and and clearly killed a couple of them those who weren't dead knew they had no chance and high tailed it as soon has they could

Alex looked at the man closely decided he was telling the truth after all he just watched a lone man stomp the hell out the asses of 15 others killing 5 of them.

"Very well but try a stunt like that again and i will hunt you down and give you a taste of a martial art strike that can only be used on those who truely deserve it."

Alex turned away and was walking back to the fairys when Lily Black was running fast "LOOK OUT" she said she dived between alex and the lone Yakuza

Alex turned to the man he turned his back while tracking lily Black and knows why she doing this the man now has gotten up had pulled out a gun while alex had his back to him and is now aiming it. first at him...then sees his target of oppurtinty....Lily Black and is tracking her has she gets in front of alex to shield him.


"NO LILY!!" Alex shouts rushing back

but it was too late the man fires his pistol which strikes her square in the side of the chest has lily gets fully infront of alex and the Yakuza she goes down on the ground

"for..give me Alex. i couldn't just stand by." Lily weakly says to her self not knowing if she had just did the last act of her life or not.

"hahaha what now mr Martial artist your girl has to be toast from that..hun were you go." he gloats at first then relizeses he's lost sight of alex.

a jab to the back of his neck reveals alex is behind him strike with one VERY PISSED off look on his face he jams a finger most forcefully into a vital point..a very special vital point one orginally ment for senarios worthy of its use like this.


"wha....what have you done to me i can't move my body and my heart is beating so fast i can feel it without touching myself" he says

This skill is was orignally for asssinations back when my arts first were made as a killing tool for the ones who founded it this vital strike causes your heart to beat faster and faster until it a) rips itself apart or B) gets so over worked it seizes up or C) causes major blood vessel to burst. all 3 fatal and unlike the other the other vital point strikes i know this strike can not be reversed even by myself you are already dead and you are going to hell for this think about the sins you've done in your life before you die slow and probably most painfull death.

Alex walks away from the man who is just screaming in fear scoops up lily black and heads back to the shrine as fast has he can.

Meanwhile the poor yakuza man stands there his heart is forcing blood in his body with so much force all of close to the skin blood vessels are showing and blood is starting to leak out of various spots eyes ears nose and mouth eventually his heart's can't take the strain of beating so fast and it rips apart in his chest and he goes down soon afterwards deader than a doornail.

meanwhile Alex is rushing back to the inn fairys hanging on to him and lily black in his arms he almost seems like a blur to anyone who can see him.

Alex asks in a worryed tone "LILY why did you do that you just did something i'd expect Cirno to do."

Lily Black smiles at him and weakly says "because i....i love you...i'm sure you ...would had done.... the same for me you know what...they can make you do stupid things."

Alex has lowered the flow of mana from the dayyousei and the 3 fairys links to increase his link with Lily black has low has he can safely go in a effort to help Lily black's fairy body help recover from this trama.

"Please hang in there my love." Alex says has he gets on the steps to the inn he then relizes it took him a few hours to walk to local part they were in and he was back at the steps of the in what seemed 3 minutes.

"Wow Alex you ran really really fast too fast for a human." Daiyousei said

Lily black replyed weakly "Alex's...youkai blood responding to a A WANT to save me."

Alex then reachs in lily blacks wound and manages the bullet out Lily screaming has alex manages to get out the bullet from her chest.

"Lily i've done all i can to physcially help you its all up to you to get better now its time to do something potentally dangerous to me."

"alex..w.hat are you gonna do." Lily weakly replys

"you'll see my dear."

at that moment lily blacks out

"Shit she won't last much longer i have to this now or i lose her on the spot here from her blood loss." alex says to himself

Alex places a hand over her wound and closes his eyes focus his energy and mana on the spot.

"i'm about to focus a large of my energy into boosting my her regeneration ablity i'm not 100% sure it will work but its worth the shot after it done i'm gonna be out for a while i'll say at least a good 5 hours at least here it goes." he explains his plan to the 4 fairys who are watching scared of the potental loss of Lily black.


Alex's focuses his power into his palm and presses against lily black's wound and slowly but surely it starts to mend itself and close up 2 minutes later its closeds up and alex finally gives out and faints on top of lily Black apparently with a mirrored injury on himself in exchange for healing Lily blacks "well i've done my best dear the rest is up to me i think can make it my dear lily." alex thinks to himself while he blacks out while daiyousei and the 3 fairys scream "ALEX!!! LILY!!!"

Daiyousei and the 3 fairys team lift Alex and lily back inside the shrine and look for help worryed that Alex might die and they will be needing a new source of mana to stay among the living here in the outside world.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 08:04:27 AM by AJC »


  • Charisma!
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2009, 11:53:03 AM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:06:40 PM by Helepolis »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2009, 01:01:41 PM »
Edge of Town 8:00 PM

The Sky Ray slowly moved towards the shrine. People would be asleep, and it would be best to catch them off guard.

Ria sat at the bridge of the Sky Ray, giving orders.

Ria: Have the 3 teams of two buggies spread out and search the surrounding area.

Pirate 1: Yes, ma'am!

Little Miss Vampire's house was easy enough, but the shrine would be much harder to deal with.

Suddenly, Ria's right eye began to flare up with pain. She winced and grabbed the right side of her head.

Pirate 2: Captain!

Ria: I'm alright...

The pain had subsided. This has happened before, and Ria knew the remedy for it.

Ria: Change of plans! Bring the Sky Ray about!

Pirate 1: Captain?!?

Ria: tell the teams to get the water and wait for our return. We're heading to G7!

Pirate 1: Alright! Now that more like it! Let's go get us some Mana!!!

Pirate 2: Dirty Magazines!!!

The Sky Ray turned towards the blasted wastes and sped off, leaving the teams to attempt to steal the water, as the bulk of their firepower zoomed off into the wastes. Not that this was anything new...

Team 1: Alright, well, I'm going to head into town.

Team 2: Alright, but get back soon, and watch for Yakuza.

But, as it stands, Yakuza would be the least of their worries.


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2009, 01:30:34 PM »
Opposite Mansion, 8:10pm, Day 2. (Characters: Team Onii-san + Team Scarlet Samurai)(Note: Ending was due to what I did in the beginning)

Zei was disappointed about what happened.

Zei: How the hell this happened... I thought, wait a minute.

Minoriko: Hm?

Zei: They didn't take all of our supplies.

Everyone that was in the mainhall:

Zei got up and went to a certain place in the mainhall. He knocked on the wall a certain amount of times and a door opened up.

Zei: Do you happen to see, that I have gotten extra supplies before the raid happened?

20 MORE crates of food and medical supplies were spread around in the hidden room.

Minoriko: How did you..

Zei: Neh neh.. I got everything under control. even though...that just goes about everything I had in my original home.

As soon as he turned around, Flandre jumped into his arms, happy for what he did.

Zei: Oi.. I knew it was going to happen.

Minoriko: ...guess we're safe for the night.

Flandre: Nii-san..! That was very nice of you to help!

Remilia: ..huh, guess it was.

Flandre got off and went off to the hidden room, but Zei grabbed her arm at the last minute.

Zei: Now wait a minute. You and Remi said that you were going to try "something " out, right?

Flandre: Yup!

Zei: Not unless Koji approves it.

Flandre: Awwww...

Remilia: I'm sure he wouldn't mind..

Zei & Minoriko: OF COURSE HE WOULD.

Just as Flandre had went off into the room, Zei heard a distant door being opened. It was Shizuha walking out of the room and into the mainhall.

Shizuha: ...what's going on-- ! ZEI-NIISAN!

She jumped into his arms, tears were already filling up in her eyes. About everyone in the room noticed what the hell just happened. Flandre, wasn't all that happy.

Zei: Ah hey, Shizu-chan. How was your sleep?

Flandre shouted out loud and decided to glomp Zei from behind.

Flandre: NO FAIR. I thought he wasn't wi--

Zei: shit...not now. I'm not Taihou damnit. I'm not with Shizuha. Why'd you ask?

Shizuha: Of course he is--

Minoriko interrupted her in time.

Minoriko: NOT.

Remilia: if he's not with Shizuha, then he's with Flan-chan, right?

Zei blushed at the question and thought for a minute. Youmu walked in and saw what happened.

Youmu: this is what Marisa meant by a "trio".

Zei: Ah shit..! Youmu, this is not what it looks like.

Youmu: ..uh-huh. Did she ever mention about a "foursome" then?

Youmu tried to find a safe spot where she can hug Zei and aimed for it, successfully. The situation looked like a dogpile just happened on an unfortunate person.

Zei: GUH! Help......can't......breathe......

Zei fell down on to the couch, helpless. Remilia couldn't help but laugh at the moment.

Zei: It's not funny!

Shizuha: Aw come on..

Flandre: Dont' be like that, Zei-niisan.


Koji walked in, disturbed by the noise.

Koji: Dood, keep your voi--

His jaw dropped at what just happened.

Koji: ...aha.... AHAHAHAHAHA. Dood, you're one unfortunate person! XD

Zei: ..of course I am.

Zei managed to get his arms out onto the the side of the couch, but couldn't move any further due to the force that the girls are putting on him.

Zei: ...goddamnit.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 01:53:36 PM by ZeiAkabane »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2009, 04:44:41 PM »
(I should have probably done this last night, but I wanted to sleep~)

Jan had been trekking through the town to get to the supposedly-opened shrine and hot springs he had heard about from the innkeeper. It had been a fair number of hours since he had arrived in the town and secured new supplies for his trip through the mountains, and it was around eight o'clock that he came across a mansion while going to the forest. Ordinarily, he would have ignored a single big house on the edge of a town, but it was a westernized mansion, so he came closer.

Jan, who had been studying psychology and the differences in Western and Eastern methods, was curious to see why a Western mansion would be in the middle of the Japanese countryside, even if it was still connected to Kuruisuwa. Maybe some rich person just wanted a place to go for the Onbashira festival? ...Well, it's not until next year, so why is there so much noise over there-

As he came over a rise, Jan stopped to listen to what sounded like a great deal of shouting. Peering ahead with a pair of binoculars, Jan could see some kind of land cruiser being loaded up with crates from the mansion. He carefully made his way closer by moving off of the small road and into some bushes and trees along the side. As he got closer, he still could not tell what was going one, but it did not seem to be too much of a problem... As rough as those guys look, I don't think I can safely say they're stealing... There's others just looking on there, so it may be some storage facility...

He crouched down and waited a couple of minutes, hearing the suspicious people board the cruiser and move away. It looked like they were headed for the same shrine as he, but he had a new primary objective: To investigate the strange mansion. Moving closer through the bushes, he came out when he was close enough to rush at the door.

Confident that he had stayed out of sight, he listened carefully. It seemed that there was at least one man's voice, and few others that he could not pinpoint. It only took a while before he heard the male voice yelling, but it was brief. Knocking loudly with his walking stick, Jan called out, "Who's in there? Do you need help?" He knew that if there was an assault going on inside by the ones taking supplies from the mansion, there would be no response... So he didn't plan on waiting too long to break his way in.


  • Crimson Asuratic
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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2009, 06:27:45 PM »
Opposite MAnsion 8pm Day 2 start (Koji's team, Zei's team)

Kojiro had slept rather hard for those 8 hours. So hard infact that he didn't even wake up when his mansion was raided 2 hours prior. He woke up finallly and stretched. Very groggy and exhsuted. He recalled the dream that he had since it was the 4th time he had that recurring dream. was...different this time...*holds his head*....who was...that voice i wonder? ....*shakes his head*

He gets out of bed and changes clothes. He wears Baggy red pants with flame designs on them and a Red T-shirt with a dragon and swirling on it. Something casual to relax in.

Koji: ah...I hope Pearl came back from the store. The girls could use some more clothes and undergarments.

He stretched again and left for the main hallway.

~~~~ roughly 3 hours ago (5:40pm) when Remilia woke up from her nightmare~~~~

Remilia woke up drenched in sweat and heavy breathing. Her eyes were still teary and she sat up hugging herself, choking back sobs and tears.  Eventually she calmed back down.

Remilia: No...he...can't exist in this world. I'm sure of it...I'm sure of it. us can't be in this world anymore. I know...he can't be here anymore.

She sounded like she was trying to convince herself. Her father was a terrible vampire who held the original name for "Scarlet Devil". The way she carried the name on herslef was a mere joke compared to him. She hastily pushed the memories out of her head and got out of bed.  She headed out of her room and strode down the main hallway. There was music playing through the entire mansion. She listened to it, the mansion was rather dim and the music swayed her emotions.

Remilia: He always liked this style of music now that i think about it. Its always relaxing...yet sad.

Patchouli: its called "Jazz".

Patchouli was in front of her outside the library door. Holding a book on Magic from another world that Kojiro written himself.

Remilia: yes that's right, he would listen to this even at our mansion all the time. It was rather....soothing.

Remilia blushed a little as she thought of the 2 of them sharing private moments together. Having wine under the Scarlet Moon suddenly seemed very romantic to her suddenly and it bothered her for a second as she shook her head and continued walking towards the living room area. Patchouli accompanied her and they both listened to the music together. It was set to loop infinitely in the mansion.

Patchouli: I read in a book that people who like this type of music tend to be emotional or sentimental. It seems more like a stereotype but one that isn't shunned down on.

Remilia: everyone has their own tastes, and indeed you need a certain ear for whatever type of music that fits your fancy.

Patchouli: i wonder what kind of music you enjoy most now Remilia?

Remilia thought about it for a bit.

Remilia: I don't know. I guess this type of music is fitting enough.

Patchouli: *buries face in her book* So Remi is emotional and sentimental too?

Remilia: *taken aback* tch! as if! don't read into information that is incorrect again!

They reached the Living Room and saw Zei and his team getting ready to leave.

Flandre: Onee-san! your up ^^

Remilia: yes i'm awake now...where are you guys going?

Flandre: Onii-san was bored and wants to take us "shopping" i don't want to do a boring human activity like that -3-

Zei: well its better than sticking around here doing nothing?

Remilia and Patchouli sat on the couch and listened to them argue for a bit

Minoriko came into the room holding a small box in her hands.

Minoriko: umm...guys?

Zei: Minory? what is it?

Minoriko: if....we're bored lets try playing this?

She was holding a board game "MONOPOLY"

Flandre: YAY! A game! that'll be much more fun than stupid shopping!

Zei: oh god! i love that game! How many of us are there?

he counted himself, Flandre, Remilia, Minoriko, and Patchouli.

Zei: sweetness this is gonna rock!

Patchouli: no thanks...*is reading her book still*

Zei: aww coem on patchy-patch you can leave the book for a few hours!

Patchouli looked up at him with a "glare" that was so subtle but he knew she was mad by that

Zei: okay fine fine read yer book >_>

Everyone except Patchouli was playing the game but soon thier game was interrupted by a megaphone

(Insert Etch-E-Sketch's part about the mansion raid)

It took 2 hours to get the supplies out. However Kojiro was unaware of its happening and by the end of it he was waking up at last (Insert Zei's part about the aftermath)

Koji: Well i see everyone is up....but why all the commotion? *stretches*

Remilia had forgotten about the raid as she looked at him in his new attire until Minoriko spoke up and hugged him a little shaken

Minoriko: we were raided! Some people in these huge tanks forced us to give them food and supplies! unless we gave into their demands they'd force......questionable reading material

Kojiro's eyes stared blankly... TOTALLY confused by that

Youmu: i heard nothing of this either I was totally asleep! I'm sorry senpai i should have been more attentive.

Koji: tch....its not your fault Youmu don't worry. Zei what happened? ._. I'm more lost now then i ever been in my existance

Zei: dood calm down there was no way we coulda fought back in our current states anyway. All they wanted was food and supplies and they'd leave us alone. No one was hurt.

Koji: what the hell was this questionalbe reading material?! They didn't threat to like blow us up or anything?!

Zei: would you rather they threaten to attack us?

Koji: *sweatdrop* well no.....but STILL!

Flandre: this is the stuff.  we want to try it out with Minory and Shizu later! ^_^

Minory: NO!!! *she hugs him more and gets behind him*

He took teh magazine and flipped through it quickly

Koji: ._. ooooookay? well your definitely NOT doing this to minory or Shizu -_-

Fland+Remi: awww

he threw the magazines in the garbage and everyone went back to the living room

Koji: ? Hey did Pearl get back from shopping yet?

Zei: ? No i haven't seen her yet either.

Kojiro wondered if she was caught up with somethign and if he should go look for her but then a knock came at the door.

??: Who's in there? Do you need help?

Koji: o_o ara? well that's not Pearl that's for sure.....Everyone stay back I'll get the door.

They stood out in the hallway on the balcony and Koji walked up to the door and responded to it.

Koji: Hello? who is it?
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 06:56:17 PM by Kojiro »
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2009, 07:12:33 PM »
Hearing a response from a different voice, Jan could guess that the situation was more innocent than he had thought. Relaxing his grip on his walking stick, he quickly replied, "I'm just a hiker that saw some suspicious activity here... If anyone needs help, I have food and first aid..." Coughing lightly as he finished, Jan waited for a reply. It sounds like a lot of people are in there, so this is probably something I didn't anticipate. But... Now I'm interested...


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2009, 07:31:14 PM »
Opposite Mansion 8:40 Day 2 (starring Koji, Zei Jan-san)

Kojiro opened the door and saw someone with supplies and a bag. He looked like a tourist.

Koji: uhh no one is here here at all. We're all fine thanks. Those guys were with the....

He had to think of a lie on the fly right then and there

Koji:-salvation army ^_^ We donated a lot of food to be distributed to places where it is needed best. And they give us magazines to sell and whatnot.

Jan: ah really? they looked kinda shady from where i was.

Koji: ahha nah its all gravy no need to worry about it. ^^;
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2009, 08:05:31 PM »
"Gravy..." Something is definitely going on here... And the delay in his speech pattern makes me feel that he just had to come up with an excuse. Still very suspicious of the mansion, Jan reached into a pocket of his pack and produced a tissue to cough into before stuffing it into one of his pants pockets. "...If it's no trouble, would you allow me to take a look at the magazines inside? I could always use some more reading material." Even if his reasoning was different, this was at least true; he had read most of his books on the way.

Making his way into the large entry room, he put down his two bags and supported himself on the walking stick. Hopefully, he could show that he was tired enough to not be taken as a threat. Before he could give the man at the door a chance to protest, Jan gave a quick bow and introduced himself. "My name is Jan Monteiro, a student and traveler. My apologies for imposing on you here, so I'll be brief."

Cracking his neck now that he had all the weight off of his shoulders, Jan waited to be shown the magazines.

((I'll wait a bit before taking control of anyone else's characters, just to get a feel for it. I don't want to go and make Kojiro do something he wouldn't, for example.))


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #72 on: April 25, 2009, 08:34:28 PM »
Opposite Mansion 8:40 Day 2

Koji:...My name is Kojiro Hiragumi. Master of the Opposite mansion here.  Sure i'll be back with em i guess

He casually walked out of the living room and into the hallway.
Patchouli was sitting on teh couch still reading her book without looking up at all. She merely turned pages from time to time and continued to read as if no one could ever bother her.

Jan was curious about what she was reading but it was in another language, it looked like German...but it wasn't.

Remilia was around the corner and walked with Kojiro

Remi: are you really going to give him those lewd magazines?

Koji: no way

Remi: then what are you doing?

Koji: an idea.

He goes into Pearl's room and gets a few of her cooking magazines that she subscribes too. She finds one for "The Cooking Newtork". "Hell's Kitchen" and "Shish Kabob the Kabob" .

Koji: sweet. Pearl may be a little upset but she read these as soon as she got them yesterday so meh.

Remi: so heartless going through your daughter's belongings without permission.

Koji: well i'd rather than then be seen as a pervert -_-

Remilia giggled at that thought and stayed behind.

Koji: he looked like a normal human so its best if you stay here. for now or something. It doesn't look like he's going to do anything so you guys could come out but just in case this is a trap or something stay hidden. I'll be back.

Remi: okay Koji-kun take care

That was the second time she said that and she said it with a smirt on her face. Koji watched for a second and went back to the living room.

He found Patchy talking to the stranger in more or less 1-3 word responses

Jan: so they really have magic books out there huh? i only hear about them in stories

Patchy: ....they exist. you go these are some of the magazines we get. seems they have sponsership with cooking and fine dining or somethin now. meh it changes.

Jan: ah neat. i was beginning to think they gave out those Magic Books that she is reading.

Kojiro noticed what patchy was reading.

Koji: oh those. Nah but Patchy is really into those kinds of books so its what she reads the most.

See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #73 on: April 25, 2009, 09:00:13 PM »
Jan tried to speak normally to the... Purple-wearing woman who had suddenly approached him, talking about books. Magic books... It's odd that this woman would just start talking about them, but I don't see any indications that she's lying. As soon as the man came back, he was given some cooking magazines. "...Maybe I can find soething useful here. Thanks."

Putting them into his bag, he took out some of his books, the largest being a book titled, The Universe in a Nutshell. Wondering if the magical-woman would be interested, he showed it to her. "I may not know anything about magic, but I have books of this type... Would you like to see?"

As they began sharing the books, Jan could already feel a fondness for the girl. While he could not read a thing in the magic book she let him see, he could feel some sort of faint energy coming from the text in his had... For a few moments, he didn't feel the need to take a deep breath or even cough. "...Wow, somehow... This is the real deal..."

Repeating his introduction for the girl with a small bow, she give a bit of a bow back and introduced herself as Patchouli Knowledge, a former librarian. No wonder she likes these books so much... Jan's thoughts were interrupted when she coughed, much the same way as he usually did. "Oh, here! You can have this back!" Awkwardly giving her the magic book, Jan gave his own little cough as soon as it left hand.

"Oh, no! Here, you may ha-" As soon it left her hands, Patchouli predictably coughed again, dropping the book on the ground. As the two book-sharers had a short coughing fit, a second woman rushed to pick up the book and placed it so both of them could hold it. "...Thank you, Koakuma... This is my a- Former assistant. Koakuma, this is Jan.."

Giving his little bow to the redheaded woman, she bowed back. "Patchouli-sama, are these new books?" Jan thought for only about half a second before interrupting, "Yes, they are." Receiving a slightly shocked look from Patchouli Jan smiled back. "It's okay, the only books I really need are the ones still in my bag. Besides, I should thank you for letting me see this magic book..."

Slightly flustered, Patchouli responded quietly. "Thank you... Would you like to stay for a while? I'm sure we could share more books if you wanted to..." Not failing to notice the hopeful look on Koakuma's face, Jan nodded. "I would be happy to." As the unlikely trio walked further into the mansion, Jan picked up his bags and followed the library duo past Kojiro. "I hope you don't mind, Mr. Hiragumi...?"

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #74 on: April 25, 2009, 09:13:57 PM »
Back in Alex's and lily's room in the shrine's 8 PM day 2

in what seemed to be a amazing feat of strength for fairy kind Daiyousei and the 3 fairys have manages to team lift both lily black and alex to their rooms and beds before becoming tired from the effort of it.

"Daiyousei do you think Alex will be ok?" Luna Child asks with a a gasping voice

"No clue thats a serious wound Alex inflicted on himself to save her." Daiyousei replyed.

"I hope he will be." says Sunny Milk.

"Please get better" Star Sappfire says

"theres nothing more we can physcially do now its up to Alex himself to recover from this we can only hope that his body trained to react well to trama can pull through." Daiyousei says

Lily Black appeared now to be nothing more than just knocked out she's breathing fine and isn't showing signs of having what was potentally a fatal injury anymore.

Alex on the other is hoarse sounding in his breathing and while not able to say he's in pain one look at his body tells that he's in great pain the bleeding from the wound he got from using the skill to save Lily black's life is now just now stopped bleeding with his body reacting to contain the injury.

"i can't believe he stopped bleeding so fast once we got him inside." Sunny milk said

"too fast for a pure human body for such a injury the youkai part of him must also be helping along with his trained human body he probably has a good chance of making it but only when and if he comes out of his blackout will we know for sure." Daiyousei replyed

Meanwhile while Lily black and Alex are out they dream..well more like both have a nightmare
the time Alex and Lily black's almost shared nightmares 8.01 PM

Lily black's nightmare

"AALEEEEEEEEEX!!" Lily screams infront of her is Alex tombstone it looks like it has been ransacked.

"Nooo i'm sorry alex don't leave me alone you promised me you wouldn't." she sobs.

"You didn't listen to him and you endangered yourself and he sacficed himself to protected you and now he's dead all because you don't trust in his strength just like any dumb bitch who doesn't trust in his man would." a voice says..a voice that sounds like Yagi's.

"No thats not true...THATS NOT TRUE" Lily crys out.

"Admit it your the cause of this." the voice says mockingly

"NO i won't I won't accept that." Lily sobbingly says

"Then..I'LL MAKE YOU DIE ALONG WITH HIM." the voice maternlizes into Yagi. who does the same attack from the first Nightmare Alex had while sleeping with the others it makes a gunshot sound.

Lily screams in her dream has it connects but instead of a messy end she snaps up awake gasping.

"what...i'm still...alive..nasty dream. chest hurts a bit but i think i can manage..." she says in her mind

"LILY!" says the Daiyousei and the 3 fairys

Lily then notices Alex isn't among them.

"Alex were is.." she starts

They point to the bed were alex is

Lily gets out of her bed and grungly goes over to Alex a look under the gauze on his chest reveals the awful truth.

"OH MY GOD ALEX, what did you do!." She starts to say with a tone of panic

Daiyousei replys "Lily calm down we think he WILL make but right now he needs to rest the skill he used to save you apparently made the injury you got jump from you to him."

"I remember him saying he was gonna do something before i blacked that is what he meaned..." Lily says

"we've done all we can from the outside to help Alex its up to his body to do the rest." says Daiyousei

"Alex..." Lily thinks to herself.

Alex's second nightmare before lily black woke up from her's

For Alex his nightmare was losing the first and only woman he loved forever without any chance of her coming back.

"LILY!!!" he crys has he watchs what looks like slowmotion replays of the yakuza in the park shooting Lily Black.

"Your love for that woman makes you weak" a voice says again it almost sounds like Yagi's but not enough for alex to come to that

"Noo she was just trying to help me." he sobbly replys

"bullshit she got herself killed because of blind love for you and now your again all alone now accept that or perish.' the voice says again


"Well then Alex...i guess i just have to kill you. my old friend my old..*brother*..." just like in Lily's dream the voice maternalises into the Shape of Yagi and does the same attack from Alex's first nightmare

"NO I WILL NOT EVER ACCEPT THIS END I WILL FIGHT IT HAS LONG HAS I CAN I WILL FIGHT ON FOR HER." Alex stops the Nightmare Yagi and then with the same Rage that made the Yakuza wish he didn't shoot Lily Black he strikes this nightmare Yagi in the same vital point he appears to die in the same way the yakuza did

"bahahaha i'm gonna enjoy seeing you trying that in real life lets see you have the guts to REALLY KILL" the nightmare yagi says in a cold laugh has he appears dies but then the he reachs for the exact same point alex does and presses it hard Alex screams but..instead of suffering horrible death.

Alex wakes up with a scream

"LILLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!" he screams scaring the hell out of everyone in the room



Lily let goes of alex "Sorry Dear the girls told me what happen and well i was worryed they might be wrong."

Alex gasps a bit to help relax "Wow i'm not dead i was sure a hole like that would be the end of me."

Daiyousei replyed "the Youkai blood in you must had saved you because it stopped bleeding soon after we got you and Lily inside and man that was alot of effort for our tiny fairy bodys to do so."

Alex sat up on the bed he was on and thought to himself "i see looks like all this sudden trama and emotions must be triggering my Youkai blood to start to activate."

"How long was i and lily out?" Alex asked

Daiyousei replyed " it was 10:39 AM when you ran back here and did your trick to save lily you then blacked out afterward you two have been out for over 10 hours twice the time you said it would take which made us worry its now 8:45 PM. "

"how do you feel now Alex." Sunny milk ask

Alex replys with a weak laugh "like i've been ran down by a train totally horrid but i think i'll be fine in the next few days with some rest thanks to your guys fact action after i blacked out and my true family bloodline protecting me and third like hell i would want to kick the bucket that easy and break my promise to my Dear Lily."

"Alex..." Lily says...but she says now more has she just goes in and kisses Alex probably with the most passion kiss The couple have had in a long time.

"awww" says the 3 fairys

Daiyousei replys "we sould leave them alone they been though alot we'll be in the next room if you need anything."

with that Daiyousei and the 3 fairys leave Alex and Lily black alone in their room

after the kiss Lily says then asks " Wow those did so much to help us even risking hurting themselfs taking us to our the way what did you do to the man that shot me?."

"Yes all this time i thought THEY would be the one who would get in the way not you...and has for the cowardly acts of that man he got a death from a skill just for foul minded men like him deserve he will never be able to pull a stunt like that ever again." Alex replys

"if you don't mind dear i'm gonna take another nap i still hurt like hell and like this i'm a liablity right now to fight also no *fun* for a while." Alex says has he lays back down in the bed but then gets up when he realises something

"lily your wings their back not has big has they were in gensokyo but they are there."

"hun" Lily says reaching back she can feel a bulge on the back of the shirt she was wearing she then reached under the shirt to feel feathers.

"" she starts

Alex then remembers why "woah better redistrite my mana linkings in desperation to make sure you lived i lowered the amount going to Daiyousei and the 3 fairys to increase the amount to you to help save you"

After a while alex manages to put the mana distrubtiaton back but then notes how tired he is after doing so he was so caught up in the moment he didn't feel how tired his body acually was.

"woah man i'm even more tired than before...must be a result of the Youkai blood in me helping repair my body must be drawing mana to help repair my body. Alex says

"Get some rest my dear you deserve it." Lily says now without the the bulge and some feathers in her hand

"Next time dear... please listen to me don't do that again we got lucky this time." alex says

Lily black kisses him again "ok get some rest." with that alex finally gives in to his tired body and goes back to sleep this time peacefully.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #75 on: April 25, 2009, 09:57:27 PM »
?Junes? Department Store, Karuisuwa, 10.35 AM, Day 2, Featuring team FUBAR and team Akasaki

?What?s Reimus doing, ze?? Marisa murmured, rubbing her twitching eyes as they traversed the rows upon rows of storage racks. It seems they were in one of the rear storage rooms. Convenient.

?She?s going to lead them in here.? Mitaka said. ?I sure hope she doesn?t attempt to fight those goons.?

?Lead them in here?! Why?? Alice gasped.

?So we can fight, off course!? Suika said, as if it was blindingly obvious. ?You don?t sit down and take fairy dung from others! You stand up and fight!?

?And how do you suggest we do that?? Alice asked, impatiently. ?You were just hanging 2 feet above the ground last time. What are you going to do next? Let him use you as a door-stop??

?Did you just call me a door-stop?!? Suika gasped.

?Be quiet, you two.? Mitaka said. ?Now?s not the time.?

?Reimus?? Marisa looked around at the miko who was running up after them.

?They saw me.? Reimu said, panting a little. ?I gave a few a beating before shutting the door in their face and collapsing a storage rack on it. That?ll hold them off for a bit.?

?Reimu?! I thought you said you weren?t going to fight!? Mitaka gasped. Though he should have expected something like that from the ever-defiant miko. ?Sigh?lemme guess, how many of them did you poke in the eye??

??.none!? Reimu gasped indignantly. ?I wouldn?t resort to such tactics!?

?Oh??? Mitaka raised an eyebrow as he went along the shelves, inspecting their contents. Marisa and Alice were huddled in a corner with a shelf full of cans and jars. Ruukoto was in another corner, inspecting a metal broomstick with glistening eyes. Suika meanwhile was?

?fashioning for herself a flail with some spare chains and dumbells?

??I kicked them in the shins, kneed them in the groin, and I didn?t poke them in the eye?they just bent down into the shinai and did that themselves.? Reimu said.

??.right. Somehow I knew the lack of mana wouldn?t bother you?much?? Mitaka sighed.

?If you think a miko?s simply all about her danmaku then you?re much mistaken, good sir.? Reimu shook her head disapprovingly. ?Anyway, I spotted a commotion in the park before I shut the door. I think I saw someone else fighting them.?

??someone else?? Mitaka mused. ?Might be Alex. He knew about Alice running off, after all.?

?They?re calling for reinforcements. I heard them shout orders to surround the store and attack once everyone?s here.? Reimu said. ?Mitaka, you?d better have a plan. A few nut-cracker kicks is all good and well but there?s only so many of them I could bereft of offspring before they get wise to my tricks.?

?As a matter of fact, I do.? Mitaka grinned.

"You, with the shinai," A voice called out from behind them. Mitaka turned around and aimed the shinai defensively at the source of the voice?but lowered it the moment he saw who it was.

?Hirowaza-san?? Mitaka sighed. ?Don?t sneak up on us like that. I almost turned you into a scabbard.?

"How did you get involve with those guys? They're pretty dangerous... I was just here when you had first encountered them, so I had no real idea what was going on." Hirowaza said as he walked up to them.

A woman, who Mitaka barely recognized as Meira, leaned in to whisper something in Hirowaza?s ear. Hirowaza nodded briefly in response. Mitaka felt a little uncomfortable at this. Was it something about him?

"Well, I just noticed you guys here, maybe we can co-operate to get out of this rut." Hirowaza proposed. Behind him, Alice was shouting something at Marisa who was climbing up the shelves of a tall rack towards a can sitting precariously at the very top.

?Well, err?.thanks for stepping in.? Mitaka said. ?I appreciate the help, but you shouldn?t have gotten yourself involved.?

?I?m already trapped in here anyway.? Hirowaza shrugged. ?You already know my name. Yours?? He offered a hand. Meanwhile, behind them, Marisa had fallen atop Alice in a shower of miscellaneous cans?which Ruukoto casually swept out of the air safely with her broomstick.

?Mitaka.? Mitaka said, grasping Hirowaza?s hand and shook it. ?I saw you this morning at the shrine and Jeremy told me who you were. He said you used to hang around the human village. We were a little busy running about at the time though so sorry for not introducing myself.?

?Enough talks, peoples.? Marisa said, stepping up. ?Hirowaza?? Marisa raised an eyebrow at the familiar face from the human village. ?Never minds, times for talks laters. I found materials for bombs, Taka-Taka!?

?Bombs?? Mitaka raised an eyebrow. ?What??

?You knows, sprig of figs, peppers, sake, mushrooms, flour, ginger root, essence of chamomiles, and apples.? Marisa said.

?Are you baking a cake?? Meira asked, failing to disguise the excitement in her voice.

?Yeahs, it?ll be a bigs birthday cakes ze! For a big bash ze!? Marisa replied excitedly.

?If you can make that out of cake ingredients, I fear to know what you could make with fertilizer?? Mitaka shook his head.

?A farm?? Marisa suggested.

?Never mind.? Mitaka sighed as Marisa bustled off to start concocting her bombs. ?Alice??

?I found some fine fishing lines.? Alice said, showing Mitaka the result of her search. ?I can fight with them. I?ll also be able to do something with these.? She said, showing Mitaka four small dolls the size of eggs. ?I can?t animate my fighting dolls but at the very least I can throw my Artful-Sacrifice bomb dolls at them. I only have a few of them though.?

?Can you use Marisa?s bombs as well?? Mitaka asked.

??.euh?.? Alice looked over at Marisa who was bent over a convenient pestle and mortar (sale, 2000 yen!) she found in a corner. ??.maybe?but they?re a little crude?? She said, uncertainly. ?Maybe, if I can put a frilly bow on them first?.?

 ?Done!? Suika declared cheerfully.

?Suika?! You?re fighting?? Mitaka asked, worriedly.

?Off course.? She said with a confident nod as she brandished her new flail(?). It was a long length of chain with two small dumbbells on either end. ?With this, even a child can have the strength of a giant!?

?A flail?? Mitaka raised an eyebrow.

?More than a flail, Taka.? Suika said. ?Wait and see. I?m a whole different oni now!?

?And Ruukoto?? Mitaka was embarrassed about it but he was relying on Ruukoto. She was the only one whose body wasn?t affected by the lack of mana, plus Yumemi had originally built her as a combat android and Nitori has been boosting her arsenal ever since they came across each other.

?Always ready, Mitaka-san.? Ruukoto smiled, showing him the metal broom she found. ?The broom is the maid?s sword, her apron her armour, her smile her shield, and her uniform her moe.?

??moe?? Hirowaza asked.

?Umm, that was programmed.? Ruukoto said, nervously.

?And Hirowaza?? Mitaka looked around at Hirowaza. ?I?m not saying you should fight, but at least arm yourself with something for self-defense if push comes to shove.?


The sound echoed hollowly around the room.

Silence fell as the seriousness of the situation descended upon them. It was a gunshot, and it wasn?t too far away.

Screams emanated from within the store. Pandemonium ensued as everyone seemed to start running in panic in a mad dash to get as far away from the source of the gunshot as possible.

The group looked around at each other, looks of serious apprehension on their faces.

?If that was Alex or any of the fairies?.? Mitaka muttered, his knuckles tightening on his shinai until they turned white. ??.ugh?we?ve got to hurry. They might need our help.?

?Ready?? Mitaka looked around at the assembled team with their assembled equipment. ?Right, we fight here for the rest of the team. We can?t let the yakuza take advantage of the shrine and inn now, not when so much is at stake. So here?s the plan??

Out in the department store, at the front entrance?

?All right!? Ryoji roared into a megaphone as people tore out of the store in panic to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. ?You Shrine people had better have said your prayers! Your gods are long dead anyhow! We?ve even killed one of your girls! If you surrender now, we might consider letting you live!?


?go.? Ryoji muttered to the assorted band of ruffians. And they charged into the store.

?and they slipped on something slippery?

?before crashing into a huge towering stack of powdered milk that was on sale by the entrance?

...and getting buried under an avalanche of Grade-A formula, with extra calcium.

?Sir, we?ve lost 3 men to baby milk?.? One underling reported as the others pulled out the three unconscious bodies, all covered in white goo flaked with white powder out of the huge pile of misshapen cans. ?It was a pool of body lotion. We didn?t expect??

?Idiots!? Ryoji punched the man into a vending machine. ?Now all of you, go! And god have mercy on you if you come back and report to me that they kicked your asses with bananas! Because you won?t be getting any from me!?

OOC: We meet Taihou after this?


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #76 on: April 25, 2009, 11:25:02 PM »
Opposite Mansion 8:45 Day 2 (Koji, Zei and Jan teams. )

Koji was a little surprised that Patchouli was talking to someone else for once.

Koji:"I guess all she needed was another bookworm one that WON'T steal her books and she'll talk rather normally hehe cute" Yeah thats' fine with me. *scratches his head* Come and see our library eh?

Jan: Oh yes sure I'd love to.

They walked briefly to the library and opened the door to reveal a semi-large collection of books that went 2 floors down into the basement. (entrance on first floor and goes down one really) The library was like a giant circle. With stairs that goes down from the circular balcony, into the inner section. Imagine an auditorium in which the stage is down below you and you have a view of everything from up top. Jan went to the balcony and looked down to see books on a table and many more shelves.

Jan: wow impressive. Not many mansions with this kind of set-up

Patchouli and Koakuma walked down the stairs to their "study" and and the 2 guys followed suit.

Jan: wow the air down here is rather pleasent and it smells of flowers?

Patchouli: insence.

Jan was liking the soft-spoken woman more and more now even if they met just 5 minutes ago.

Koakuma: m'lady should i continue the sorting?

Patch: yes please continue

Koa: yes ma'am

Jan: so is this your library or miss patchouli's?

Koji: this is my library but i let her use it. She and her friend manage it really well so i don't mind it at all.  I'll be back with something to drink

Patchy: persian pomegranate please.

Koji: Will do patch " I hope that wasn't raided"....

Kojiro leaves the 3 of them to make tea, Koakuma continued sorting books that were on the shelves in the library and Patchouli was writing in a book

Jan: What are you writing Miss Patchouli?

PAtchouli: Memoirs of my time here.

Jan noticed that the title of Patchouli's book was called "The Great Armageddon of Gensokyo". Gensokyo....he heard that name before and thought about where he heard such a term.  He asked the inevitable question.

Jan: Isn't Gensokyo some sort of magical realm outside this one or something?

Patchouli looked up and smirked a bit.


Koji: lets see we still have some tea left it seems. *sigh* guess I'll hav eto go out with Pearl later and restock again. 20 dam crates of foodstuffs gone. *depression cloud* dam that sucks.

Minoriko was behind him and watched.

Minory:  Is that person still here?

Koji: yeah he is with Patchouli right now. I don't sense any ill intent from him so i think its safe enough. But lets keep it on the down low for a bit alright?

Minory: alright....are you making tea?

Koji: yeah Patchouli wanted some and i thought to make some for the new guy too.

Minory: wait wait let me

She went onto the tea bags and used what sliver of power she had to enchant the tea leaves  with her goddess breath. The leaves opened perfectly and released a suculent scent that was nearly hypnotic.

Koji: That..smells ...great @_@

Minory: ^_^ its the least i can do since you saved me. I never would have thought that a god would depend this much for her survival.....I mean sure without faith we can die off, but this is really pushing the subject...

Koji: *crosses his arms* yeah...i know waht you mean.

He watches the Orange mana link tied to his finger snake around minoriko and connectin to her chest. He then notices that the Green and Red links are together as well apparently.

Koji: "hmm i wonder what Youmu and Remi are doing. hehe" 

He was still looking at Minoriko's chest however and she got a little apprehensive.

Minory: *puts hand up to her chest* W-waht are you staring at Koji-sama?

Koji: ? hmm? i'm just thinking, sorry.

he puts his pinky finger up (the finger tied to minoriko)

Koji: yeah...its a really bad metaphor.....*notices tea* ah sweet the tea is finished...*prepares the rest of it and puts it on a tray* Well i'll be back soon Minory alright?

She waves back and he leaves for the library.

~~~~(Opposite Mansion Library 9pm  Day 2)~~~~

Koji: I'm back guys

They waited for him to descend back down to the floor below and then Jan spoke up

Jan: So there IS a magical world outside of this one? And your supplying mana  to 5 different residents?

Koji: o_o; .....

There is a pause. Jan looks rather perplexed and someone mad at the same time. Patchouli continued write her book and koakuma was still sorting.

Koji:.....I guess you told him everything huh? ~_~

Patchouli: yes *gets up form her chair* in fact I'd like to request something.

Jan: I'd like to help out.  It must be difficult for you to support 5 others, and apparently some need more energy than others right? I may not have inherent magical abilities like you guys but i can still help out *kojiro is putting the tea down on the table*

Koji: do know about the mana sharing and the restrictions that go with it?

Jan: more or less yeah. I'll have to be able to control it but Patchouli can teach me she said

Patchouli: yes. while it is true that normal humans outside of Gensokyo have smaller abilities to control mana as we established before we left Gensokyo it is still possible for them as it really depends on the spirituality of the individual.

Koji wasn't sure about it though he didnt' know what to think really though

Patchouli:....besides, Youmu and Remilia are taking a larger portion of your mana anyway. Having it split 5 ways won't be good for you. Consider this a favor from me.

Koakuma: wow..and patchouli-sama hardly asks for favors from anyone.

Patchy hit her head with a book more playfully than out of discipline. 

Koji: alright. I'll relinquish Patchouli to you Jan-

Patchouli: -and Koakuma

Koji: ...and Koakuma

Kojiro raised his index and middle fingers  and chanted a spell

Koji: May the binds that merge our destinies be dispelled and placed under a new existence that isn't thine own...

The Purple and Black links on his finger became visible and were lifted up above them all.

Koji: The Master shall become the new Master with the same servant transferred forth with! In the name of Kojiro Hiragumi I now bind thee Jan Monteiro with one Patchouli Knowledge and Koakuma! Thus shall it be!

The strings woven around like a spider's web had attached themselves to Jan's arms

He was officially now bound with Patchouli and Koakuma

Jan felt around himself after a while and noticed he wasn't tired or fatiqued.

Jan: uhh i was...expecting some sort of effect

Koji: ? like what-oh yeah. Patchouli and Koakuma are attached to your for sure now but they are still going off a little residue mana from me. you won't feel fatigued until later perhaps. I on the other hand fell a bit lighter but ah well.  Take care of them and help us all restore Gensokyo. Its too bad you don't have any memories yourself but i'm sure PAtchy and Koa can share with you there experiences and maybe that will help.

Jan: Thank you. I will i'll do my best for the restoration. this is truly astounding!

Koji: oh but don't tell anyone or anything. I'm sure patchy told you but there are others pursuing us and we have to be on our toes. The border collapsed just yesterday and there ar epeople already trying to capture us. So be careful.

Jan: yes I will, thank you. I don't know how much help i can be but i will do my best nonetheless.

Koji: yeah *cracks knuckles* we all should. I'ma head upstairs for now so you guys should get to know each other better. Later.
They parted ways and Koji went upstairs to get out of the basement until suddenly Pearl came back home from shopping with ungodly amounts of bags

Pearl: Dad I'm home ^_^

Koji: O_O holy hell what did you buy!?

Pearl: clothes for everyone, and new sheets, and bedding and-oh! Victoria Secret had this amazing sale on bras so i had to look into that and-


pearl giggled. she loved teasing her dad like that.

Pearl: oh and this old shrine reopened up with a hotspring and bathhouse! it was amazing i had to take a dip! ^_^

Koji:....really? we were there just yesterday.

Pearl: really? huh i didn't know that well i heard some news from some of the people there. They said they were going to meet up at the Tourists Helpers place later tonight. if your with them you should go too maybe?

Koji: Mitaka, Taihou and the others will probably be there......Alright I'll be heading out-oh i better tell Jan too he should be with us i suppose.

Koji went to Jan's new team and told them about what's going down tonight and that they should all head to the Tourist Helpers which isn't too far off. He assembled his team which is now only youmu Remilia and Minoriko and along with Pearl (and new clothes for everyone) they headed off to the Tourist Helpers place with Gpop's team and Zei's and headed off to see everyone else.

Opposite Mansion 9pm Day 2 End
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #77 on: April 25, 2009, 11:35:59 PM »
=== Park Area ~ Playground - 10:35 ===

"I didn't see Alice or Mr. Mikata's ground around anywhere..." Luize reported in a regretful tone. As she looked toward the reassembled Team of Makai who also seemed to have not found what they sought. The lot of them had arrived her sometime ago and searched most of the park area upon entering it, but still nothing of useful information came up. "Oh dear, I hope they're okay..."

"They're fine Luize, I'm sure of it." Owlbear reassured the traveler as he turned behind him and sighed. "What we don't know is that if they even came this way...they're probably in a whole 'nother part of town right now..." Ironically enough, they were.

"Hmm, while I did not find Alice, may I report that there are...rather strange inidividuals here?" Yumeko said the others looking to her in confusion. "I'm not certain as to who they are but a group of them have been following our movements...albeit in a shady manner."

"Owlbear? Do you know who Yumeko might be talking of?" Shinki asked to her partner, she wasn't very fluent in the ways of the Outside World so she figured Owlbear might know at least something on what Yumeko just told them.

"Well...I dunno, for one I have no idea as to why someone would be following us..." Owlbear trailed off. "Yumeko, did they look anything like a bunch of military guys?"

"No. They wore clothing fit for this realm, although some were plastered in a strange body art that I've never seen before."

There was a brief silence one that only told of a looming threat that drew ever closer to them...

"...I don't think we should stay here much longer..." Owlbear said to his group. "These guys they sound like-"

"Well, well well..." came a voice from behind them, as they looked back they came to see group of men standing by apparently having followed them up to this point. "Looks like we finally managed to catch up to you?"

"Who are you?" Shinki demanded firmly. "I demand to know why you were following us!"

"Geeze, aren't we assertive." The man replied sarcastically. "Word has it that a group of people who live in some ratty old shrine just pissed off boss, so we're here to make sure we snuff out anyone affiliated with them."

"ratty old shrine..." Owlbear began as he pieced together the choice of words the thug had used. It didn't take long for him to realize what he meant. "You don't mean-"

"Yeah, the shrine some Mikata punk and his gaggle of girls just bought up," "Although, I've been told that he wasn't the only one who lived there, word has it that a group of folks also live in the inn as well...hmm a group that somehow looks awfully similar to you. Coincidence?"

The group did not answer.

"Ah, so you do live there. Well I suppose we have no choice then." The man chuckled as he gestured for the group of men to close in on Owlbear and the others. "You know if you people would have just did as you were told you wouldn't have to be in this shit...oh well, stupidity is never rewarded."

"Oh Geeze...this is bad." Owlbear muttered as he saw the group of yakuza goons slowly edge closer to them, whipping out sharp weapons to dispose of them with.

However they weren't the only ones packing knives today.

Yumeko reached toward her garter belt on her leg swiftly taking out 3 knives and hurling them forward in one fast motion while using her free hand to grab another from the other garter on her leg. The 2 knives managed to fatally injure one target while the other one sliced past the supposed leader of the group. "Tch, they're not fast enough." Yumeko muttered in exasperation. "My throwing speed is not as fast as it was in Makai."

"Don't worry, it's still better than nothing." Owlbear said patting Yumeko on the back. "I just hope your 'Ninja Maid' skills are still as sharp as they were."

"Yumeko smirked a glint of sadism in her golden eyes. "Of course, I am still Shinki's Head Maid and strongest demon of all Makai, regardless of what realm I may reside in or if I am restriced from magic."

"Good, I'll be joining you then." Owlbear said assuming a combat ready position.

"Owlbear? You're going to fight them?" Shinki questioned a bit surprised by her lover's actions.

"Yeah, I have to...they threatened you, my family, and our friends..I ain't gonna take this sitting down."

"No, you shouldn't, allow me to fight they're only after me and my subjects are they not?"

"No, I'm not letting you give yourself up like that, Shinki, they maybe after you, but I will NOT let anything happen to you no matter the cost." Owlbear said his words carrying more meaning in them than anything he's ever said before. "Yumeko and I'll do our best to protect you and the rest"

"What the hell are you standing there for?" The man said as he placed his hand on the area Yumeko's knife sliced past. "Get'em!" And with that order the remaining yakuza goons took up arms and charged forward.

"Here they come." Mai observed her voice raising from it's monotone to emphasize her excitment on the matter.

"Bring it on!" Owlbear roared. "I'll mess you all the fuck up!"

((Not my best post...quality doesn't improve when your hungry...))

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #78 on: April 26, 2009, 01:35:10 AM »
Park area 10:36

As these events transpired, no one noticed the music approaching.

Owlbear: Bring it on! I'll mess you all the fuck up!

The music got louder.

Yakuza 1: YAAAAAAHHHHuuh?

Everyone stopped, confused. It was music of Middle Eastern origins. Any one play Generals: Zero Hour?

A large, tan buggy with rocket launchers suddenly flew off one of the small hills and landed on all the Yakuza, save the leader of the group.

Pirate 1: HOLY SHIT!


The buggy was being chased by 2 military Humvees. The drivers were too busy chasing their prey to notice the Gensokyoites.


 A rocket flew from the buggy and struck the engine of one of the Humvees, exploding it.

Soldier 1: Oh man! This shit's getting real!

Soldier 2: I still think it's a good idea to cal this in!

Soldier 3: Ah, don't be such a baby!

The two vehicle left as quickly as they came, leaving a shocked Yakuza, stunned lolies, and a red mess on the ground. It seemed like the two vehilce were heading to Junes, but that was beside the matter. The fight was over.


I got bored waiting for the night events, so here.


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #79 on: April 26, 2009, 04:40:51 AM »
Being led to the library by Kojiro, Patchouli, and Koakuma, Jan got a good look at the mansion for the first time. He could tell that it was still in a state of near-abandonment, suggesting that Kojiro used it as a temporary home and had only recently arrived. Places this big usually have a staff, but maybe Kojiro couldn't hire one in time? ...Global economy and all that.

Walking into the spacious library, Jan made sure to take a good look and memorize the layout. The last thing he needed to do as a traveler was lose his way in somebody's house, of all places. "...Wow. Impressive." Jan said quietly as he looked down from a balcony, greeted by the sight of even more books below. "There aren't too many mansions with this kind of set-up, I'd imagine..."

As he moved downstairs with the group, he could smell something in the air. When he asked if it was a flower of some sort, Kojiro responded with incense. It kind of made sense to him, what with his new friend being named Patchouli and all. As Koakuma sorted Jan's books for eventual placement, he was able to ask Kojiro a few more questions about the library before tea. As Kojiro left to retrieve the requested drinks, Jan and Patchouli had a chance to sit and speak frankly.

"...What are you writing, Miss Patchouli?" Jan asked, trying to get a look at the cover of the book. "Memoirs of my time here," Patchouli quietly responded. Jan could hear a slight sadness in her voice, which was answered when he saw the title of the book, The Great Armageddon of Gensokyo. Something clicked in his mind, and he found himself asking a question he should have had no knowledge of. "...Isn't Gensokyo some sort of magical realm outside this one or something?" With Patchouli's smirk, Jan knew that he had somehow stumbled across something big.

"Gensokyo... You could say it was a place- No, a world separate from this one. In Gensokyo, magic flowed through the air and all of its residents could harness its powers freely. Tell me, are you familiar with the concept of Mana?"

Jan closed his eyes and adjusted his glasses as he thought of how to best respond. "...Yes, I'm familiar with the term, but I have never seen it applied in... Uh, a real-life situation."

Patchouli nodded. "That is to be expected... Perhaps you know about Qi, the energy that flows in all living things? Mana is much the same, but there are a few differences. Qi can only exist with the body, and only a few talented individuals can harness its power. But Mana is not only produced by all living things, but by nature as well. Gensokyo was a place in which nature produced all the Mana we would ever need..."

As Patchouli trailed off, Jan knew he had to ask the painful question. "...What exactly... Happened to Gensokyo?"

Patchouli gave Jan the summary of everything she had seen, from her plan to save the Voile library, the battle outside of the Hakurei Shrine, their brief stay at the Saniwa Shrine, and how they eventually came to the "Opposite of Common Sense" Mansion with Kojiro and a few other small groups. During the explanation, Patchouli mentioned the system the Mana-dependent beings from Gensokyo had to adopt with those from the outside, who were more used to storing up Mana in their own bodies.

By the end of the tale, Koakuma had also returned to hear. All three of them looked somewhat crestfallen, Jan less so than those that had been directly involved. However, he suddenly lit up with an idea. "Do you two think... That I could help you maintain your Mana levels? You said that Kojiro already has three others to help... I think I could really be helping everyone out here!" As he punctuated his sentence, he gave a light cough, but remained bright.

Patchouli and Koakuma were a little surprised by the idea, but they did not look like they wanted to deny it. rather, the look on their faces quickly became positive as well. As they heard Kojiro coming back with the tea, Patchouli gave Jan a quick nod, and Koakuma flashed a quick smile.

As he announced himself came down to greet them, Jan stood to face Kojiro directly. "So, there IS a magical world outside of this one? And you're supplying Mana... To 5 different residents?" The blank stare from Kojiro was enough for Jan to know that he had not been expecting Patchouli to open up so quickly, least of all tell him about Gensokyo. Patchouli made her request, as Jan had suggested, and Kojiro began to comply.

Luckily, Patchouli and Koakuma had mentioned the physical effects of the Mana share on the "hosts," so when Kojiro asked him, Jan only had to confirm it. Patchouli sealed the deal when she mentioned the responsibility to the other three women Kojiro had, and how being liberated of two bonds would help him help them. Even with Koakuma's playful tease and Patchouli's playful attack, Jan could not help but feel that something momentous was about to happen to him.

Kojiro began casting a sort of spell, transferring his bonds with Patchouli and Koakuma to Jan. While there was some light and a visible display of the Mana routes changing course, Jan still completely normal. "...Uhh, I was... Expecting some kind of effect..."

With a brief explanation, Kojiro let Jan know that Patchouli and Koakuma wouldn't need his Mana right away, resulting in no change... For a while. "Heh... Thank you. I will do my best for the restoration... This is truly astounding!" It was in Jan's nature to be happy for something new, but he was acting almost giddy at the revelation of a whole new world of magic waiting to be restored, and how he could play a role in it.

However, he was quickly brought down to earth with Kojiro's next words, "...I'm sure Patchy told you, but there are others pursuing us and we have to be on our toes. The border collapsed just yesterday and there are people already trying to capture us. So be careful."

Withdrawing his breath for the moment, Jan curtly replied, "Yes... I will. Thank you. I don't know how much help I can be, but I will do my best nonetheless!"

As Kojiro departed to the upper floors of his mansion, Jan turned to look at Patchouli and Koakuma. The three shared a quick, quiet moment, before suddenly exclaiming at their success.


For a good while, Jan was able to share what he knew about Japan with Patchouli and Koakuma, as well as discuss some of the new things about the modern world they did not know about before. It wasn't too long before Kojiro returned, telling them that they were about to move on to a new location and meet up with some other groups. Jan, curious to know about the other people from Gensokyo and those contracted with them, wasted no time in getting up and moving. "Come on, Miss Patchouli; Miss Koakuma! We haven't any time to spare!"

One thing is still bothering me... Why did I believe Patchouli so easily? It is in my very nature to doubt... To seek the truth with my own hands. i can do that now, but before... Why was I so disarmed?

Why did I do that? How did I just entrust a complete stranger with the history of Gensokyo- Why did I even tell Jan about magic? I... I don't know why, but something feels different abut him...

Even Miss patchouli doesn't understand, does she? I guess they can't see their situation the same way and outsider can~ Miss Patchouli, until you can see for yourself... Don't give up!


  • 不聖女
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    • himegimi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #80 on: April 26, 2009, 11:25:29 AM »
JUNES DEPT. STORE, Karuisuwa, 10.35 AM, DAY 2
Teams: FUBAR , Akasaki
Engage Imminent!

"And Hirowaza?" Mitaka looked around at Hirowaza. "I?m not saying you should fight, but at least arm yourself with something for self-defense if push comes to shove."

Hirowaza turned a blind eye to this. He was not one accustomed to getting close and personal, that was what Meira liked to do. However, he procured a switchblade that was concealed in his pants. He eyed it and sighed. This will do for now, Hirowaza thought well, before I get the technique... and instead stared at what was going on. There was a gunshot, and it reverbrated from within the store. It had attracted chaos, invited it in like a crazed criminal who hadn't been shot. Hirowaza looked at his hands and then and there, a ball of electricity was developing from his palm as he concentrated a small portion of his vast source of mana, and started bouncing it within his palm as if it were a tennis ball, keeping the switchblade in his other hand. He looked at Meira, who threw back at him a wink. "Well, you certainly know how to cause a little..." Meira said as she propped Hirowaza's glasses up a little. "Shock~" And then and there Hirowaza sort of envisioned a sunglassed man in the sunset. Or something. In any case, Hirowaza had responded to Mitaka in actions. Saying vaguely to him "Well, Mitaka-san, I can fight if the conditions necessitate it... Just, simply not in the whole... CQC fashion, you know?" Meira kept her hand steady on her katana and walked forward, in front of Hirowaza.

"Are you ready to rock?"

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #81 on: April 26, 2009, 01:55:52 PM »
Outside Junes 10:35 AM, DAY 2

Yakuza boss "Spats" had arrived on the scene. A chubby man, he was only one of several Yakuza bosses in Karuisuwa. Although that's not the point of the story. We'll get to it a little later.

Spats: What you got for me

Yakuza 1: those guys from that old shrine are stuck in there. We've got 'em in a corner. We're getting ready to go in.

Spats: The boss will be please. But, why haven't you gone inside already? They're just girls.

Yakuza 1: They to down some of my men with white stuff.

Spats, an ambitious person, had an idea.

Spats: Get two of our cars ready.

Yakuza 1: boss?

Spats: The door is more than big enough for cars to go through. We get in the cars, drive in, and kill em.

Yakuza: That's why you a boss.

No one noticed music getting louder and louder.

Spats: Now, all we've got to do, is drive around inside and hunt them down.

Yakuza: You mean run 'em over?

Spats: You can't hit people in the store, what are you, an idi- where's that infernal music coming from?!?

It seemed like mariachi music.

A large, tan buggy with rocket launchers suddenly flew off a conveniently parked civy car and landed on Spats and proceeded to hit other Yakuza as the buggy speed inside Junes.

Pirate 1: Why are we going inside?!?

Pirate 2: Don't worry! I have an idea!

Pirate 3: Your idea is what got us in this mess in the first place!

A military Humvee gave chase and went inside.

Soldier 1: Oh yeah! This is it!

Soldier 2: I think I saw something like this on a show. What was it called again, Top Gear?

Soldier 3: Does it matter?!? Take this, you desert dogs!

Pirate 4: Now that's just hurtful!

Inside Junes

Teams FUBAR and Yakuman TSUMO were ready for the Yakuza. Their hearts raced as the moment of battle approached. All were shocked to see a Humvee and a buggy racing down the walkway. In anticipation of huge crowds, the builders made the walkways wide enough for military vehicle, just for the hell of it. And they built it so that you don't need stairs to go up a floor, just for the hell of it.

Both vehicle were exchanging fire as they took down various stalls of food and trinkets.

Pirate 3: The gun's not doing anything!

Pirate 4: then DUCK!

The array of missiles on the buggy roared to life as the missiles scattered to find their targets. None of them hit the Humvee.

Soldier 2: Son of a bitch!

Soldier 1: Why hasn't that thing stopped yet?!?

Soldier 3: We just need to keep at it! Aw, shit! Gun's overheated!

Pirate 4: Alright, shoot dammit, shoot!

Pirate 3: Crap! Gun's jammed!

Pirate 2: Unjam it! UNJAM IT!!!

The two vehicles raced around Junes, their engines filling the building with their warcries. When they reached the roof, the buggy turned around and headed back inside at full throttle. As expected, the Humvee gave chase.

A convenient barrier separated the two vehicles as they charged down the moving sidewalks exchanging fire. The missile barrage was unleashed once more, striking various coffee houses, such as Suncoins and Starbucks. A few of them hit a statue, toppling it over.


A large part of the broken statue fell on the Humvee. The weight crushed any occupants to a bloody mess. If that wasn't enough, the Humvee exploded. The pirates looked back to see the

Pirate 1: Alright!

Pirate 2: WATCH THE ROAD!!!

As it turns out, their victory was short lived, as the Buggy crashed into a hardware store, ejecting all the Pirates. They flew and landed in the store, unconscious. The Buggy sat idling in front of the teams, stunned by what had just transpired.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2009, 09:27:35 PM »
Deep Wastes 11:00 PM Day 2

Ria: Son of a bitch...

Pirate 1: Did we get the wrong coordinates?

Pirate 2: No, this is the place.

Pirate 3: The government must have moved it.

Ria: *sigh* plot a course for the "Graveyard". We're taking the mana from there.

Pirate 1: Aye aye, Captain.

Ria left the bridge and retired to her room. It was rather spacy, being able to hold many things, but in the interest of storage, most of it is taken up by various things. Ria walked over to her drawer and pulled out a syringe.

Ria: this'll have to do for now.

She jabbed the needle into her arm and injected the solution. Her body quivered as energy and heat began flowing back into her.

Ria: Well, no one's here.

She began to take off her eye patch when the comms system began squawking.

Ria: I'm here.

Pirate: We've detected life 50 meters from us.

Ria: Life? Out here? It must be a human. We're the only ones ambitious enough or stupid enough to go where there's no life. Park the Sky Ray and prepare a team of buggies. I shall be there momentarily.

Pirate: Understood.

Outer Wastes- wreck of the Kyusaris 11:20 PM

Ria: Special forces, huh? What are they doing out here?

The Buggies scanned the area in search of the life that was found.

Pirate 4: See anything?

Pirate 5: Nothing yet! Wait, I see someone!

Pirate 4: Holy shit. It's a girl!

Ria: What?

Ria ran over to a girl half covered in sand. She seemed to be alive, but barely.

Pirate 6: Captain! We found the mana generator! It's in horrible shape!

Ria: The special forces must have taken it along with them. Whatever did this to the craft probably used the generator.

Pirate 6: You mean a magic user?

Ria: Probably. Anyways, let's head back. Take the girl along with you and bring her to the sick-bay

Pirate: yes captain!

The Sky Ray- Sick Bay 11:25 PM

The tiny mana generator hummed as the girl slept.

Ria: How is she doc?

Doc: Uh, er, how can I say this...

Ria: Just tell me.

Doc: Her conditions are stable, but something's wrong. I think you'll need a magician for this.

Ria: What do you mean.

Doc: Have you heard of the Hourai Elixer?

Ria: Of course. The medicine which grants immortality.

Doc: I think this girl has drank it.

Ria: EH?!?

Doc: Think about it. Ordinary people would not last very long in the Deep Wastes, but she's completely fine, physically. Can you think of a reason?

Ria: Well, no.

Doc: I must go now. There are others that I must attend to.

Ria: What? What do you mean others?

Doc: Those supplies included some sort of "blood tea" and now some of our turret gunners are ill. Good night, Captain.

The doctor left, leaving Ria and the girl in the room.

Ria: Magician, huh?

She pulled out a syringe and walked towards the girl.

Ria: This should work.

She rolled up the girl's sleeve and injected her with the solution.

????: mmm? I'm not dead yet?

Ria: you are one tough cookie.

????: Wh-who are you?

Ria: My name is Ria Soguyen. You are on board the Pirate vessel Sky Ray.

????: Pirate vessel? Am I a hostage?

Ria: No, you are safe from that.

????: Ria?

Ria: ?

???? could I have some water please?

Ria: oh, sure, hand on.

Ria pulled out her canteen and gave it to the girl. She took a long drink, as anyone would if they were out in the desert for a while.

Ria: hey, you haven't told me your name yet.

Kaguya: Hmm? Oh, my name is Kaguya Houraisan.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2009, 09:40:16 PM by Etch-E-Sketch »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #83 on: April 27, 2009, 12:32:46 AM »
(OOC: Timewarp, catchup, etc)

Near the Abandoned Saniwa Shrine, Karuisuwa, ~7.31 AM, Day 2: Onsen Emergency

I tossed and turned a little bit in the changing room, trying to get remotely comfortable, but it didn't seem to work. I sighed, and sat back up.

"Fine, nevermind sleep. Anyone feel like talking strategy?"

Taihou opened his mouth to reply, and was rudely interrupted by the door to the men's side of the spring bursting open, revealing a towel-clad Alex.

He looked rather alarmed.


"Gggkh," I gurgled, intelligently.

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck I should have known they wouldn't stop trailing us damnit now what we need to get going and

One of the girls... I didn't recognize her offhand without the accessories, burst in the other door.

Alex rushed towards her. "Lily! Is everyone okay?! What happened?"


Lily took a deep breath. "Lily White sent me a warning via a link I have with her, as my ability. And yes, we're all fine, just worried about that person's intention... Sis also said that her Partner will deal with the sniper... she even says that she'll make him talk."

My eyes widened. This seemed too good to be true. I briefly wondered who this "partner" was.

"She also says we should ignore any odd ticks or whirl noises unless we want to lose control and act silly... sounds crazy, but I trust my sis."

... well, I'll try if I hear any.

Alex frowned, but reluctantly nodded at Lily. "Very well. We'll stay put, and hope for the best. Go back to the girls and tell them the situation is being handled and for them to stay in hiding as best as they can."

Lily nodded back. "Yes, dear."

She seemed sincere about the "dear" part. Huh. Guess they've gone pretty far.

Lily went back out. I stood up, heart thumping from adrenaline. This was a very ugly situation. I wasn?t sure how to scheme out of it. We'd need to set up better defenses next time, we need a secret bunker, not a shrine...

I clutched my drill tighter. As usual.

Chen paced around my legs, fur bristling. She was worried too, clearly.

A strange clicking came from nowhere. I wondered wh...

No, that was what we needed to ignore, wasn't it?

But it's so... I can't...

I closed my eyes and tried to drown it out by humming loudly. I started humming along with the clicks. Damnit. I needed a tune...

Necrofantasia popped into my head.

"Hmhmhmhm, hm hm hmm hm..."

That worked.

After a little while, Chen nipped at my ankle. I opened my eyes, and noted that the noises had stopped. Good.

I knelt down and scratched her behind the ears. "Thanks, Chen." She purred, proudly.

The room was silent. I looked around.

"Er... now what?"

Lily... must be Black, came back in the room, smiling. She reported the good news - the sniper was neutralized... compromised... something, and we could safely interrogate him.

I grinned nastily. Oh, I could NOT wait to get going with that.


Near the Abandoned Saniwa Shrine, Karuisuwa, 7.32 AM, Day 2: Sniper Interrogation

Yukari kept grilling me about whether I'd peeked on her on the way to where, apparently, our sniper problem had originated.

"Now, now, I know you're a healthy young man, surely you were at least tempted..."

I snorted. "For a moment there, sure. But I'm not suicidal."

"Neither am I, you know."

"Fine, I don't seek out grievous physical harm."

She pouted. "You're no fun."

"What, you want me to peek on you?"

Yukari tapped a finger on her cheek. "Hmm, I'm not sure. It would be far more amusing to watch the others lash out at you, but the mana..."

I thought for a moment. "Actually, peeking wouldn't work as well for that. It's trust, right? Sharing something highly personal or not, it's better if you're explicitly willing, rather than just expecting me to betray your trust."

"My, my, aren't you meta."

I smirked. "I can tell you enjoy that."

"Truly, you are a master of seduction."

About that time, we found Lily White and her partner, who was apparently a young, blonde-haired girl. For some reason, she reminded me of Paula. I'm not sure why.

She waved at us, and handed over a notebook, and a pen. It changed hands a few times before someone thought to read it aloud - apparently we could either write down our questions or wait for Paula to... "wake" him up, quotation marks and all. I guessed it was some sort of sensory manipulation.

"Can I have the book?" I asked. No one seemed to want to write stuff down, so I grabbed it and started on a list of some of my higher-priority questions:

What were you sent here for?

Do you know why your superiors ordered you to do this?

What do your superiors want?

Who organized your unit?

Who ARE your superiors?

What was the goal of the raid on the Hakurei Shrine?

And please begin to question your orders and purpose in your job. Encourage your peers to do so as well.

I smiled at that last one. Well... it might be too aggressive to work, but I'll see how this interrogation pans out.

I looked up to see Alex confiscating all of the sniper's equipment.

"Uh... is that really a good idea?"

He looked at me.

"No matter what he tells his superiors, coming back minus some million dollars' worth of equipment is going to be pretty suspicious. Especially if he was sent specifically to look out for people with unusual abilities."

He pointed out the heavy-duty sedatives and outright bullets that the sniper was packing.

"... right, just swipe the ammo, then. Losing that is somewhat believable and a rifle is just a crappy bludgeoning weapon on its own."

Alex reluctantly - very reluctantly - put the rifle back down next to our sniper friend and handed out the two types of ammo to free up his hands. I grabbed one of the sedative shots and looked it over.

"We'll have to ask Eirin about these."

"We already know what they are, dear." Yukari being condescending was not a surprise.

"Yeah, but she might be able to figure out how to make some of our own, or a counteractive."

An unfamiliar voice - male - interrupted us.

"Eh? Why am I lying here?" the sniper looked up from his position on the ground, and fixed his eyes on the girl I am going to have trouble not calling Paula. "And who are you?"

He didn't seem to notice the rest of us. Good, that was going right, at least.

'Paula' explained that she was a local student that wanted to interview him, and found him passed out. Uh, okay.

"Oh right, I'm the leader of the local defense corp. You can call me... Er, wait, that's classified info - Just call me Mister, that should be fine. I'm tired standing here ALONE for six hours while others are enjoying their damn party in the headquarters, so make it quick."

"Six hours?" I muttered, "What happened to the 15 minutes?"

"Amarillo said she'd collapse from doing this after 15 minutes." Lily White explained.

"Oh. That'd do it."

I didn't hear the first half of Pau...Amarillo's next comment, but the end was important:

"... after my interview you should head back to headquarters as soon as you can and tell the others you saw nothing, got it?"

Sniperboy stood up, and nodded.

Amarillo shifted her feet slightly. Alex asked the first question.

"Sir, have you heard any talk of strange people showing up around this place?"

Sniper-chan hesitated before nodding. "Yes, I've been posted here to look out for strange people. I haven't heard any talk about any of the locals here about actually seeing them in this area, but I was wandering around myself when I spotted odd activity coming from the abandoned shrine's hotsprings."

There was some general male grumbling about this comment. I overheard an "I told you so" or two.

I glanced at Yukari. The onsen visit HAD been a bad move, all things considered, but I don't think I would have objected to it too much... I didn't think we'd be tracked so quickly. But I was curious.

She looked... rather unhappy.

"... what's wrong?" I asked.

She turned towards me, and blinked. "Oh, nothing. Just wish I could hurt this guy a little."

"For what, exactly?"

Yukari's strained smile turned into an irritated glare.

I thought for a moment... oh. That'd do it. But...

I frowned. "I thought you wouldn't get up in arms about being peeked on."

"Not when I don't know about it!" Yukari hissed back.

... it's rare to have a valid excuse to look at Yukari Yakumo with pity.

"... being gap-less is really worrying you, isn't it?"

Her face scrunched up into an ugly expression. She turned away. Something brushed my leg. I looked down to see Ran giving me a death glare.

Well, that was clearly a bad move.

Alex managed to alleviate the awkward moment with another question. "Where is your headquarters?"

Huh. I should have thought of that one. I must be tired, still.

Sniper-man waved his hand in a general direction. I wasn't sure which one it was - my sense of direction is unspectacular. "It's about 1 mile south from the town near here. To be honest, it's more of a quickly thrown together field complex around existing, recently abandoned buildings."

"Sounds familiar." I muttered.


I blinked, and looked at Yukari. Found her looking back at me, a sad resolve in her eyes.

"I AM worried."

... I smiled, slightly. Put a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll fix all this, somehow."

I could hear soft giggling from behind me. Yukari stepped out of my 'grip' and threw her arms up at the perpetrators, saying something about mana links and accepting her current weakness.

I just hope that made up for the pitying look. She seemed really hurt.

One of the other girls spoke up, apparently less concerned with Yukari's tsundere moment.

"Is anything strange being kept there?"

Er, wait, WAS that tsundere? She just lashed out about her reputation, she was being somewhat honest to me and herself...

Our Friendly Distanced Assassination Expert glanced around, and answered in a conspiratorial whisper loud enough for all of us to hear. "... man, don't tell anyone else, but... I've seen some of the strangest things in there. I swear, there was this one girl with ice growing out of her back..."

I raised an eyebrow. "So they ARE kidnapping..."

The girl that asked let out a sob. "No!! Cirno... Cirno's already been..."

He went on. "...and a bunch of other strange girls. They seemed to be in extreme pain at first, like they'd been poisoned, until we got these strange devices that... somehow stabilized them within a short distance."

"Artificial mana producing devices?..." Alex wondered, aloud.

Ah! I cut in with a new question, over some more mumbling by Alex.

"Do you know anyone named Yumemi?"

Sunaipa-kun blinked. Frowned. "Doesn't ring a bell."

"So, she'd be in the background, if she's involved..." I muttered.

"My, you're suspicious." Yukari said, from beside me once more.

"I see you're feeling better."

"Can't let you do all the verbal sniping."


Alex coughed slightly, and pressed on with his own namedrop. "What can you tell me about a man named Yagi?"

Unfamiliar. Maybe a personal relation?

The Honorable Sniper-san paled. "I... I've heard about him. Rumor is he killed his former masters at the local dojo, plus everyone else there who resisted, just to get our CO's master some dusty old scrolls kept there. I've seen the man, and man does he give me the creeps... apparently, he was one of the first few to undergo these so called 'mana infusion' experiments for succeeding in his mission to get the scrolls."

CO's master, eh...?

He hesitated, clearly nervous. "After that... he seemed to get a lot stronger, and more aggressive... supposedly, now he's the leader of a whole squad that under went these experiments, and were trained to turn some of the strange girls we captured into weapons or something, from what I heard. How, I don't know."

I twisted my face into its own ugly expression of contempt.

"Weapons." I growled.

If that's Kikuri's goal with all this, then... then I've little mercy to spare.

"Don't approve?" Yukari asked.


Alex took a deep breath. "Yagi... now I see... one of the skills taught by the scrolls is how to control spiritual power. These people are gonna be used to link with the Gensokyo natives they captured..."

He bowed his head. A worried murmur spread through the crowd.


"Then we'll just have to find them replacements." I called out, crossing my arms.

The murmurs changed to a different type of worry.

Alex turned to the crowd. "But don't despair completely! The linking that I was taught about isn't a permanent one... we can still save them!"

I smiled slightly. He didn't do a great job of it, but...

"... unless they use a different, more permanent one..."

I rolled my eyes. What a letdown.

... but he did have a point.

Lily... I think it was the black one, spoke up. "How long has this project been active?"

Our unstealthed Ghost considered for a moment. "Mmm... since a few years before the founding of... our organization. Our CO's master became the new aide to the Prime Minister... she'd been crawling up the chain for a while. Don't know were she came from, she just appeared one day..."

"So this IS Kikuri's plot." I growled.


Alex remained silent, frowning. So did the rest of us.

"... any other questions?" I asked.

A beat of silence.

"Aside from mine, at least."

I jumped straight into the list. First one was answered. Second one was... mostly answered?

"Do you have any idea how high up the chain your orders came from?"

Having run out of witty nicknames, I settled on 'SUNAIPAMAN.' He shook his head. "We know the CO's master, but not what she asks him to do."

"Is this your... CO's master's pet project?"

SUNAIPAMAN frowned. "I... guess? She's been working on it for a long time."

"Do you know if any other higher-ups are involved in it?"

He shook his head.

... couldn't come up with anything more for that line of questioning. Back to the notebook. Third answered, at least as far as he would know. Fourth... worth asking.

"Who's your CO, anyway?"

"Agent Kuroga. Don't know much about him."

"Kuroga." I repeated. "Gotta Google that."

Hmm, what else... apparently the fifth question is redundant. The sixth is easy enough to get by intuition, but...

"What was the goal of the raid on the H... shrine?"

Not sure if he'd recognize the name, or if it was a good idea to mention.

SUNAIPAMAN raised an eyebrow. "The orders were to head there and capture the girls that were found."

He frowned. "Though... there was an odd incident at the shrine itself. There was a whole room full of people there, but... they all vanished into thin air, reportedly. Search teams couldn't find them.

And there was some guy that made some sort of speech during the raid..."

I grinned, slowly.

"Think about what he said."


Near the Abandoned Saniwa Shrine, Karuisuwa, 7.54 AM, Day 2: The Interrogators Return

The walk back from our interrogation was quieter than I expected. There was a lot more to talk about, but apparently the others had been too frightened by what'd been revealed to bring anything up.

Except one.

"... um, excuse me." Someone said, from behind me. I turned to look, still walking back towards the shrine. It was the girl that had asked about "strange" stuff and cried out at Cirno's capture. Still wasn't sure who she was. Maybe a fairy...?

She was looking right at me.

"... what's up?" I replied, after a moment's hesitation. People didn't pay attention to me unless I made a spectacle of myself... right?

"Wha... well, what was that speech for, anyway?"

I stared for a moment, then smirked. "I'm a bit of an anarchist, unfortunately."

She just looked confused.

"Well... let me put it this way. I know those goons are only being such jerks because their bosses are telling them to do horrible things.

I'm hoping to help them challenge that."

"Even Yagi?" Yukari countered.

"Maybe. Some people just want to be dicks and do nothing but hurt people.

I don't mind having those ones die, if they refuse to change."

Yukari chuckled. She turned her gaze up to the sky, for a moment.

"... and it helped us for more than that, too."

I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Remember how you couldn't even stay standing before that?"

I blinked. I'd... never noticed...

I finished the thought. "... and a minute later we're running through the woods..."

She smiled. "It seems that little speech really helped your mana reserves."

I brought my Core Drill up beside my cheek. "For obvious reasons."

We walked on in silence for a m---

A thought struck me like a Mack truck. I stopped. Something ran into the back of my shin with a grunt.


A small growl came from beneath me. I looked down to see Ran glaring back up, rather disgruntled.

"Uh. Sorry, Ran."

She snorted.

I continued. "Why did we even have that interview?"

The rest of the procession stopped to stare at me.

"I mean, we could have gotten the same results and then some with just one group."

Alex was not impressed. "WHAT are you talking about?"


We don't need to interrogate anyone.

We have a fucking MIND READER."
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Good gravy!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #84 on: April 27, 2009, 02:42:01 AM »
This post has been retconned. Refer to E-Mouse's post here.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2009, 02:53:47 AM by Sanasanasan »


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #85 on: April 27, 2009, 06:00:36 AM »
Tourist Helpers, 5:30 PM , Amarillo & Lily White

As Lily is changing the wet bed sheet, she heard Amarillo walking upstairs, she went out to greet her and was greatly surprised.

Amarillo is now wearing a pink dress instead of her usual wearings of jeans and jacket.

"Oh, my.." Lily is stunned. "Even in Gensokyo you had never worn a dress before."

"Well, felt surprised? Then I think I had do the right thing!" Amarillo laughs. "Actually I just to see for myself that what would I look like in a dress."

"And this is the result, It looks really good for you."

"And our friends also left this," Amarillo took out a pink hat decorated with ribbons, and wear that on the head.

"Wow, it's wonderful."

"According to Mr.Spark it's called Fan Service, however I just want to try a different way. After the usual clothes dried up I will reverse to my old wear."

"Then I hope tomorrow will be raining." smiled Lily White.

"Well, remember we are not here for play, a dress could pose more dangerous when fighting."

"Ahhhhhh..." Lily seems utterly disappointed.

"So there is still no one coming?" Amarillo asked.


"Well, things turns out to be dangerous, so you must be careful."


"And don't pretend that I don't know your sis's status."

"What? I haven't sense her since we left."

"That's because she's been shot in the chest by some bad guy, luckily there is Alex who saved her using his life, now the two are both safe. "

"Eh, I really don't know that coming..."

"Sigh, it's not your fault. Firstly there is sniper, and then Gang Member, and strange people who trapped you in a nightmare... We must get serious before we ran out of luck!"

"But how?"

"First, we will together with others, work out a plan." Amarillo sits down on the floor and continues, "Then, we will do research about HOW MANY forces are currently against us."

"There isn't only one?"

"Well, after seeing your nightmare I'm worried, you are tired on the EXACTLY same spear that I told you about."

"The spear that..."

"Yeah, killed Dai-Chan in the previously incident in Gensokyo."

"You mean killed? Youseis like us cannot be killed."

"Not when this thing pierced your heart and nail you on the wall of SDM." Amarillo slowly said in fear. "And it have the same effect toward all of us, humans, youkais, youseis, any of us."


"And it's the proud design of NOD - The spear of Despair - Which was fired by a force-sensitive or a machine, both will ensure the hit rate."

"But - "

"No buts, it's not Gensokyo here."

"That's terrible!"

"Something more terrible is currently happening on ME." Amarillo continues, "see all this sweating there?"


"I never thought my ability was affected that much, ESP Sedation reduced to 10% effect and a simple Dream Diving cost me to sweat... Unbelieveable."

Lily White seems confused, but she said nothing.

"Now the only thing I can do without failure is keeping you , or other fairies like you survive with your full power, notice your wings." she points to Lily's wings on her back, "DO notice that your sis had lost her wings since there is a lack of mana, or force, if we use the way of 21XX."

"So what do you mean there?" Lily white asked.

"Sorry to make you worried, it's my problem, there is a door in my corridor that I cannot open by myself. You may seen it too."

"I didn't notice, there are too many doors."

"A special one, labeled "Viridian Forest" is always locked when I try it by myself. "

"That door leads to......"

"Just as what it says, Viridian Forest, which my original self lives."


"OK, enough with the confusing talk, let's do some business on the Net."


"And I will make supper. These guys who missed it gets...NOTHING"

Lily: *Sweatdrop*

Basically there are other things on Amarillo's mind, but she decided to hid it for now for Lily's sake.
She is always the top priority target of FARGO because of her unique ability.

Mana Spring is a branch of ESP, while "THE UNSEEN POWER" deals solely with telekinesis.

However, a ESPer can learn weak telekinesis and telepathy moves if one focus enough, like Amarillo's ESP Sedation and ESP Heal. However these are energy consuming.

However, she is not only a ESPer, she is also a force-sensitive.

Every one who is in the  MG-Series is a force-sensitive, simply because the Modified Genes.

"Yellow", blocked her force power in order to make her live a peaceful life.

However, now it's not some peaceful life anymore, and changes must be made.

There is no trace of NOD and FARGO here,

That's the thing she felt uneasy with.

She scrolled through the EFA Database, but there is nothing.

"Guess I will make supper, then. Thinking so much is not that good." Amarillo thought, then head to the kitchen.

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Guh..!
  • She is just too cute! I swear!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #86 on: April 27, 2009, 11:14:01 AM »
Opposite Mansion, 9pm, Day 2 (Characters: Zei's team)

Zei fell asleep, due to his mana being a bit low, but then we woke up, realizing that there's something missing.

Zei: I. FUCKING. HAD IT. *realizes Flandre was sleeping on his lap, as usual* ...oh. Sorry.

Flan: *wakes up* ~_~ wh...what's the problem Zei-niisan?

Zei: We were SUPPOSE to go to Tourist Helpers and catch up with the other guys.

Reisen: DUH! That's what I'm trying to tell you guys all the time, but you wouldn't listen. >_>'

Zei: Oh. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I'M REALLY FUCKING SORRY.

He then got up and walked over to Reisen, raised his hand in the air, and try to slap her across the face, as hard as possible. Reisen managed to block it, however.

Reisen: ...calm down. If you hadn't rescued all of us, I would've killed you, ya know. ~_~

Zei: Y-yeah... I know.

Reisen noticed his face being a bit red. She accidently grabbed his other free hand, just to make it worse.

Reisen: Sorry for?

Zei: ~_~...

Reisen: ....Well?

Zei: Sorry for being such an ass, like always.

Reisen: ...that's not good enough.

Zei: EH?! I was being sincere. D<

Reisen: Is that so..?

She then leaned close into his face, wanting 'something else' from him. They're all interrupted by Shizuha, yet again, walking into an unknown problem.

Zei: *looks at Shizuha* ?!'s not what it looks like. *pushes Reisen away from me* She's only fooling around, being a lunatic rabbit after all. Ahaha..

Shizuha: Z-Zei.....*Runs off, crying*

Zei: WHA?! Shizu-chan, wait! *Runs off after her*

After they both left, only Reisen, Mystia, and Flan were remaining.

Flan: ..He said something about being somewhere else, huh?

Reisen: Yup! Tourist Helpers, remember~?

Mystia: ...oh. That place... -_-

Reisen: What? Memes took palce over there?

Mystia: *Slaps Reisen and walks off, towards the door* Flandre, I'll wait for the others.

Flan: I'll help too! *Walks off after her*

Reisen was left alone, screwing up things as usual.

Reisen: ...yup. That's why everyone hates me.

(Part II will be posted as soon as I get back. Later all.)


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #87 on: April 27, 2009, 03:41:16 PM »
This is Gpop's Part that he PM'ed me to post. Enjoy! ^^

The Opposite Mansion, 1:10PM, (Characters: Koishi, Satori, Gpop, Zei, Kojiro, Remilia)

After they changed they walked down the hall to look for Satori. She was nowhere to be found at the moment. They searched every room, and found nothing other than Kojiro sleeping in his bed with Remilia. They noticed Kojiro groping Remilia in the middle of their nice sleep?

?Uhh?better leave them alone?? Gpop whispered quietly to Koishi while closing the door quietly to allow to continue sleeping. Koishi nodded and they continued search for Satori.

After searching for her for 10 minutes they found Zei reading the ?BunBunMaru? newspaper in the main hall and Gpop decided to ask him, ?Hey, have you seen Satori around??

?Hmm? Oh her? She left the mansion for a bit. She told me that she?s  taking a bit of a walk at the moment.? Zei said.

?Ah, ok thanks then. Oh, and by the way, don?t trust that newspaper crap, especially from Aya.? Gpop added.

?I?ll?keep that in mind.? Zei said.

Then both Koishi and Gpop went outside for a bit to search for Satori. They went into the forest and continued to search for her. It took a good 15 minutes to finally find her sitting on a log from a fallen tree.

Satori noticed them and told them, ??and I assume you?re here to ask me about your dreams? I knew that you?d find out one day.? Then she puts her head down, looking straight at the floor.

?What?s wrong sis?? Satori asked.

?It?s?nothing.? Satori replied. ?But?reading all of these minds?I sometimes wonder if it?s a gift or?a curse?placed on the two of us.? Then she lets out a huge sigh and continued, ?Many people may wish to have this ability, but those who have no idea of the depressing things we discover, and of all of the things we never wish read. But curiosity always gets the best of us, even me. No matter what, you always want to know what they?re thinking.?

Then Gpop and Koishi noticed that she?s on the verge of crying, ?And because?of this?I?I don?t have many?friends?and?and?? Then she began to cry, ?I?M?JUST GLAD THAT YOU TWO ARE STILL HERE. YOU TWO ARE THE CLOSEST PEOPLE I HAVE AT THE MOMENT. KOISHI IS MY SISTER, AND I LOVE HER SO MUCH. AND GPOP, YOU ARE NEVER BOTHERED BY THIS ABILITY, AND I?M JUST SO GLAD. YOU?RE THE ONLY CLOSE FRIEND I HAVE.?

Gpop decided to hug her out of sympathy, and Koishi does the same.

?I don?t care about whatever you see in me. I love you as a family member, and maybe beyond that. If this is what?s bothering you, don?t mind what they think, just ignore those people and continue to search for happiness.? Gpop said to comfort her.

?Thank?thank you?both of you.? Satori said as she calmed down. ?It?s just?that?happiness is hard to come by. The element of surprise is always gone, because I always know what it is by reading their heart. I understood why Koishi closed her third-eye. She did not want to suffer the same way I did??

?It?s alright sis. Sometimes I felt like I really wanted to re-open my third eye, not because I want to read their minds, as much as I want you to read mine, so you know how I really feel about you.? Koishi said.

?That?s okay, little sister. I trust every word you say. My powers aren?t required for you.? Then Gpop and Koishi noticed that she?s completely calm now, and they released her from their hug.

?I?m?sorry that I bothered you in any way?but I assume that you two wanted to ask me something?? Satori asked.

?Ah yes. It?s like you said earlier?about our dreams?? Gpop told Satori.

?Ah yes, I seemed to have forgotten about it already. Well then?? She glances at Gpop?s heart, ?So you two?had a dream?about?a beast?and you two fought it?but then it grew stronger?and as it caught Koishi?Gpop was?defenseless to save her?because of the lack of magic?? Satori then began to look surprised, ??then a mysterious figure?in a form of a female?save you two? Ah yes I know what this could possibly mean.? Satori told them.

?What? And who is this mysterious figure?? Gpop asked quickly, urgent to know who this mysterious figure is.

?Well, for starters, it?s pretty obvious that I think it?s time for Gpop to learn to?danmaku. Or at least attack with magic attacks. As you saw in your dream?physical force is not always an option. But?? then she started to trail off?

?But what?? Gpop asked urgently.

?But?it may also foreshadow the future events?I fear?? Then Satori began to look at Koishi and her face displayed how worried she was.

Gpop decided to change the subject quickly before things began to get dramatic again, ?So what about that mysterious figure? Do you have any idea who it was??

?Hmm?judging by the vague appearance?I may have a good guess on who it is??

?THEN WHO!?? Gpop asked impatiently.

?That?I cannot tell you?? Satori responded.

Gpop was shocked and enraged by this. ?W?WHY?? And he grabbed her by the shoulders.

?Because that?will defeat the other purpose of your dream?to discover who this other person is. It may be your savior, a lost friend, or someone who loves you dearly??

?Ah?FUCK!? Gpop knew that he won?t get anything from Satori, and he began to walk away.

?Gpop wait!? Koishi yelled, and followed him, leaving Satori behind.

Who is this mysterious figure? Gpop thought to himself. I need to know as soon as possible!

?Gpop!? Gpop turned around and saw that Koishi was following him.

?What is it?? Gpop asked in a rough voice.

?I know that you want to know who she is, but right what?s important is you have to learn magic, so we can prevent the events in our dreams from happening.?

??I guess you?re right? Gpop responded.

?Well then, I guess we could ask Patchouli for some magic books? Maybe it?ll have some spells that?ll help humans learn some basic magic.? Koishi mentioned.

?Patchouli?? Gpop knew Patchouli as the brain who owns a vast amount of books, and her head is like a library itself. Even if she didn?t bring the books over, she?ll most likely remember them. ??alright, I guess we could head back, but I guess I should apologize to Satori for my reaction.? Gpop felt ashamed after mentioning this.

?Sure, and then maybe we could have a peaceful walk together while we?re at it here. And since there?s no one else around, we could do other stuff?alone?? And Koishi grinned. Gpop knew exactly what she meant.

?Well then I can?t say no to that then.? Gpop responded. And they began to walk back to where Satori sat.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #88 on: April 27, 2009, 04:31:59 PM »
=== Karuisuwa (Urban Area) - going on 10:36 AM ~  Day 2 ===

Owlbear and the others had left the park area, after having realized the the Yakuza had been taken out by a group of individuals in a buggy apparently, silently thanking the group for their lucky drop in, Owlbear proceeded to hit up the leader of this Yakuza group for answers as to what the hell's going on.

"What the fuck is going on, what do you guys want?" Owlbear demanded to the downed gang member who promptly chuckled at his demands, apparently not taking him seriously enough to falter.

"Tch, simple...we opperate by having control over this city any new faction that comes in her has to agree with our way of things, your supposed leader didn't and lo and behold here you are."

"So your saying that if no one obeys your rules you kill them?" Shinki said her tone rising in anger. "That's a cruel and diabolical trick, as a ruler myself I find your ways of 'running things' deplorable!"

"Like I care...I'm not even the real big wig anyway so by killing me you won't accomplish shit anyway..."

"...Still do you know where our 'supposed leader' went?" Owlbear asked, using 'supposed leader' as away of saying Mikata being he wasn't sure if the man knew his name at all.

The man didn't answer, to which Owlbear grew impatient with, however as he was about to do something about the man's silence, Yumeko stepped in and insisted to take matter sinto her hands, Owlbear stepped aside and allowed her to take the wheel. The man laughed at the visage of a maid standing threatening before him...his laughter was soon silenced by the powerful stomp to his lower region, the heeled sole of Yumeko's shoes having connected to his private parts with ungodly force.

"Ooooh, that's gotta leave a mark." Yuki commented as she stifled a laughter at the high pitched screech of the victim to Yumeko's 'nut cracker' stomp just now.

"Indeed." Mai added.

"Speak now or I will break them." Yumeko demanded in a chillingly sadistic tone, her golden eyes showing the savage cruelty of a true demon.

"...A-At store...Ju-Junes I believe...Agh!" The man gasped out.

"Junes huh...why does that sound familiar to me..." Owlbear says.

"You know of it?" Shinki asked to which Owlbear shrugged.

"Can't say, but either way we should head there ASAP." Owlbear replied. "But first we're going to need weapons, I'll see if there are any baseball bats or something in the park.

((My next post will probably have my team jumping into the brawl at Junes))


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Story Thread)
« Reply #89 on: April 27, 2009, 06:28:29 PM »
10:35 Day 2 near Junes, but not in sight.

Scout team Bravo remained hidden in the bushes observing these events.

"Bravo reporting in. The situation is worst than we thought. The yakuza are moving openly and laying siege to Junes, over."

"What? A siege? You have got to be kidding me. They think they have time to starve them out? This is laughable. Do not engage. If you are spotted, your priority is to escape. I won't have you compromise our secrecy, over."

"Hold on...Mariachi music? It's wastelanders! Followed by our guys! over"

"Wastelanders? It can't be! Are they pirates? over"

"I couldn't tell, but I assume they were. Our guys opened fire. over"

"Get what details you can and make sure we hear them. The general will know about this. over"
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.