Author Topic: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)  (Read 29838 times)


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« on: June 08, 2010, 02:33:40 PM »
Anyway This place is a place to suggest ideas for FF related things, you can post your ideas if you are unable to do Danmaukufu yet, but do not expect us to agree with whatever suggestion you have, If the suggestion is concerning the Project in the Making I promise you I will take it in some censideration, but if you are to only post suggestion for a Script/Pural/Plasma Stage I suggest you hope some-one will take it in interest (like a scripter or graphic designer).

I do not condemn any suggestion, but I will not promise you anything either.

If you are a FF fan and wish to post your script that are related in FF in any way, I'd like if you post it here (but yet again I have no right to say such thing), if you want to... since this is a forum dedicated towards FF fandom.

(  :ohdear: I hope I don't sound too offensive... or mean, It's just I can't promise anyone anything if it doesn't concern the project)


Project: Final Fantasy X Danmaku(fu)

FFX Project makers

Kylesky: Scripter

RavenHexer: Graphic Maker( + sprites) + Scripter for Seymour & Lulu

Kyaksa: Plot, Dialogue and Player Sprites (- minus Mima's Sprite)

We're are a decent group and we're working together in this project, If you'd like to join in help making a Crossover with Any Type of Final Fantasy I-XIII, I'd be happy, Whether it's a RPG or a Danmakufu one... >: D Tis awesome. However, It doesn't really matter as long as you enjoy making it.

PS: :3 Since we're working on it, I thought I edit the Forum Title and First post... DX

PSS: Anyway I hope there more FF fans XD (But we're in 2  :3 Makes you wonder... nvm people might be busy)
PSSS: *Embarass, hids in a corner*


Touhou and Final Fantasy 8O... Seeing are favorite childhood heroes/villians doing damnaku... or an RPG with an Ultimate crossover DX...

Why has no-one though of it? I would die to get a group of people an make a storyline... >.< But I shouldn't suggest this unless I've yet to learn either using Danmakufu or RPGMaker... learning how to make sprites and so on...

But I would die if this could come true....

Especially if it has the Turks...

Though I only know FFVII and FFX (x-2 never existed in my world). We could even do Dissidia but meh...

Anyway one with skillz is interested?  :ohdear: Oh well... Just suggesting it... if anyone is interested XD
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 10:43:13 AM by Kyaksa »


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 03:26:56 PM »
A lot of people are already making touhou RPGs... but yeah, no one thought (or said they were thinking of) mixing FF in it... (although I've used FF music in my danmaku already)

I'd like to help with this if a team gets assembled... although, I don't think danmaku can be put into RPGmaker :V

It'll have to be in danmakufu... I have a few vids of an RPG-system in my youtube account... I've stopped working on it, but I guess I can use the code to help with this thing...
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 05:42:31 PM »
LOL... I was suggesting of well... Let's make Either a FF Damnaku or an RPG with a mix of FF characters and Touhou characters...

^^; But if you were to help/make one of these what Final Fantasy would you crossover?

PS: LOL... are names are pretty similar XD


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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2010, 06:27:12 PM »
^^; But if you were to help/make one of these what Final Fantasy would you crossover?
Why pick just one?  I doubt you'd pick only one Touhou game's cast to involve.
...Well I say that, but there's a huge tendency in the Touhou fangame community to only make stuff with EoSD's cast... @_@


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2010, 06:52:34 PM »
Why pick just one?

 ??? I was just asking a small question of curiosity. Anyway I would put FF i know XD since I wouldn't want to make a bad Danmakufu/RPG IC of any character.

ESOD is... the best of the best... it was the start of the Windows era and Cirno and Meiling rock <3...

XD I would love to put as many characters as possible.... but Touhou has like more than 50 and 1-13 have something close to 40 D8.... So some characters would be Minor, Cameo, Supportive, Playable, changable.... etc etc... XD

PS: I'm starting to watch a tutor of RPG Maker VX <3... and I already downloaded it 8D Now.... >.< alll That I can hope for is that some ppl are interested in FF....

 :ohdear: Still... I would die to see Reno doing Damnaku ( or cloud...) XD He would be so bitchin' with ya... acting all lazy but kicking your ass unexpectabl-ily XDDDD

;3 But....  :] I would love to make the Out-of-the-box commentary of Touhou  always gives us XD in confrontattion of certain situation of the Characters of FF


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 01:53:08 AM »
1-13 have something close to 40 D8

I've only played 8, 10, 10-2 and 12 (sorry for never playing 7 :V) and I can think of

8: Squall, Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Irvine, Rinoa, Cid, Seifer, his 2 guys, Edea, Ultimecia, that other girl who keeps on finding Squall forgot her name... that's 13, and it's more or less only the main cast
10/10-2: Tidus, Rinoa, Auron, Wakka, Rikku, Lulu, Khimari, Peine, Seymour, the 4 summoners, Tidus' dad, etc

Don't even make me go to 12 :V

I'd say FF has around the same, or even more characters as Touhou...

EDIT: I'd love to see Diamond Dust in danmaku form... although I already have an idea of how it would look like :V

Shiva would go to the top center of the screen and fire a laser (around 1/2 master spark width) downward... while the laser's shooting, blue icicles creep out sideways and they move up a bit when they're near the edges of the screen... Laser ends and Shiva does her "snap" thing... All the icicles shoot up and fall down... That would be awesome :o
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 01:59:53 AM by Kylesky »
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 07:57:42 AM »
EDIT: I'd love to see Diamond Dust in danmaku form... although I already have an idea of how it would look like

Shiva would go to the top center of the screen and fire a laser (around 1/2 master spark width) downward... while the laser's shooting, blue icicles creep out sideways and they move up a bit when they're near the edges of the screen... Laser ends and Shiva does her "snap" thing... All the icicles shoot up and fall down... That would be awesome

 :3 That- That is amazing D:

Would it kind of be similar to Marisa's Master/Final Spark/Canon Last Spell in IN were she spams you with Stars and continues to shoot her large Laser :3?

I know FFX (and if we did FFX Let's pretend FFX-2 never happen 8D.... it would make FFX stay to it's wonderful true self V-V) I would have for stage:

1st Stage

2nd Stage

3rd Stage

4th Stage

5th Stage
Yuna (Magic spells: All the Aeons!)

6th Stage

>8D I don?t care what people think? Tidus is just as awesome as most FF heroes


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 12:03:55 PM »
Would it kind of be similar to Marisa's Master/Final Spark/Canon Last Spell in IN were she spams you with Stars and continues to shoot her large Laser :3?
I guess...

also, it's Auron... not Aurora :V

EDIT: If this is gonna be a normal Touhou game with just FF characters (I think that's how you suggested it in your last post), if someone could come up with ideas, a storyline, may be sprites and other graphics... I guess I could do the scripting/part of the scripting...
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 12:06:54 PM by Kylesky »
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2010, 12:31:17 PM »
:D Actaully I'll do the story line XD Maybe even help suggesting Non/Spells attacks

also, it's Auron... not Aurora

 :) I failed big time... anyway been a whiole since I've played FFX but I do love the character (though not big fan of Rikku).

I Might try to learn spirting for the sake of this 8O... since I'm still learning alot of shit with RPGMaker VX.... putting in ATB/side veiw battle... DX it's painful and harsh.... TT-TT It's going to take forever!!!

Anyway... I'm thinking of learning how to make simple sprites for Danmakufu... nothing that big of a complication.

But one question....

For each stage how many spells is needed for each? I know 1st stage is 2 non spells and then 2 named spells

But after that @.@ it becomes to hard to do the mathematical deducations Of how many spells to make artiscally... Titles.... DX

Can you help me with the number of spells each for each stage? Like how many spells for each stage.... @.@.... it's really hard.

PS: I hate this message board DX!!!!! It keeps going up!!! When I write!!!


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2010, 01:11:42 PM »
Normally, the number of nonspells/spell cards for each stage's midboss and boss are like this:

Stage 1 Midboss: 1nonspell, 1spell card(on hard and lunatic only)
Stage 1 Boss: 2nonspells, 2spell cards
Stage 2 Midboss: 1nonspell, 1spell card
Stage 2 Boss: 2nonspells, 3spell cards
Stage 3 Midboss: 1nonspell, 1spell card
Stage 3 Boss: 2/3nonspells, 4spell cards
Stage 4 Midboss: 1nonspell, 0/1spell cards
Stage 4 Boss: 3/4nonspells, 4/5spell cards
Stage 5 Midboss: 1nonspell, 1spell card (with the exception of tewi)
Stage 5 Boss: 4nonspells, 5spell cards
Stage 6 Midboss: 1spell card
Stage 6 Boss: 5nonspells, 6spell cards
Extra Midboss: 3 attacks (1nonspell, 2spell cards OR 3spell cards)
Extra Boss: 8nonspells, 10spell cards

Also, so I guess the enemies would be moogles, chocobos, cactuars, flans, those bombs that explode after 3 hits, etc? XD those are just of the top of my head

And... I don't think Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima and the Magus Sisters can fit in one stage 5 boss :/
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 02:05:17 PM »
Stage 5 Boss: 4nonspells, 5spell cards
And... I don't think Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva, Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima and the Magus Sisters can fit in one stage 5 boss

Well... We could make it that Some of the summons are Non-spells.... :\ if we really wanted to put them all in. Tenically you find 5/6 of the Aeons in the Canon plot but if you search for them you get all 8 which I believe are the last three.

Also, so I guess the enemies would be moogles, chocobos, cactuars, flans, those bombs that explode after 3 hits, etc? XD those are just of the top of my head

 L O L... That's so true... Urgh,,, I'm playing FFVII at tthe moment and I EEFFing hate those bombs DX

Anyway.... For background.... I can't really draw all that much but This is the closes thing I can call decent background, what do you think:

DX.... up to you if you wanna use ripped background or not... But Two things are certain.... I will make the plot and sprites (give or tgake two weeks...) but I'm probably going to ripped BG and Music for the game.... I hope it doesn't bother you ._. ....

It's still crappy background... I'll look for better.... D: But what scares me is trying to make the Aeons.... DX Too much texture... it's scary.....

Anyway I would go....

3rd Stage Mid boss To be a Moogle,  5th Stage midboss to be aeon and 6th stage boss to be Yuna again with another Aeon.... :3 (are Aeon problem is sloved... we may only miss 1 aeon though.) But the 2nd Stage could have the catctus or Bomb....

You know.... The Cactus, bombs and most of the FF icons seem  to fit better with FFVVII or FFVIII but not FFX with the exception of the Moogle.... don't you think X3


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 02:10:46 PM »
You know.... The Cactus, bombs and most of the FF icons seem  to fit better with FFVVII or FFVIII but not FFX with the exception of the Moogle.... don't you think X3
I hope you haven't forgotten the arena in FFX

Area Conquest has Cactuar King... and species conquest has a bomb...

Also, I think it would be better to just make something like an organized list... also, we could talk about some stuff over pm
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 02:27:12 PM »
I don't think I went to the arena that much L O L... Because I don't remember that at all XDD but sounds really wacky and almost evil ( >.> Bombs.... my greatest enemy)

Alright Alright.... I'll fix some things up before I PM you.


PS: I just want you all to know.... :D


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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2010, 08:44:09 PM »
I can't believe NOBODY has mentioned VI / III yet! My gawd. Hell, knowing my tendancy to do things on a whim, I'll probably make my own version of it. :V

But I'd be happy to help with anything. I was already trying to somehow make an ATB system for danmakufu. But that's sitting on my computer about 1500 miles away. :V


Oh god bombs I hate them. I got killed so many times escaping from Home when it was being attacked. And then that giant snake thing... Evrae? DX
Mah arts! :3


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2010, 09:23:42 PM »
Oh god bombs I hate them. I got killed so many times escaping from Home when it was being attacked. And then that giant snake thing... Evrae? DX

D8... The damn snake.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-------------- God.... I was loooking all over the eeefing net to buy a stable for my Chocobo and I learned after a while(long while....) I had to get a chocobo without a stable so I eefing had to get chocobo.... the always run away in a half-hour or more so.... DX ARGH.....

I can't believe NOBODY has mentioned VI / III yet!

>.>.... But we did mention FFVIII.... D: I don know so things about the game (loooked it up) but I've never played it.

Hell, knowing my tendancy to do things on a whim, I'll probably make my own version of it.

:D Welll.... MOre FF love the better XD....

I was already trying to somehow make an ATB system for danmakufu. But that's sitting on my computer about 1500 miles away.

L O L.... THat... would be unnesscery X,D Seeeing how Touhou's realtimje XDDDDD

But anyway.... I just wanted to a suggestion of doing Danmauku of our beloved childhood hero's/games/Villians of the FF era.... XD.... :3 But group help makes it faster XD!!!

ps: PS: D8< Why do we have such sucky writtting boards?!... I mean really.... D,8 I can't read what I'm writinng.....


  • Now how'm I supposed to stop those mean ol' Mother Hubbards from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer, use a gun. If that don't work...
  • Gaming-Obsessed Illusionist
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2010, 09:49:19 PM »
L O L.... THat... would be unnesscery X,D Seeeing how Touhou's realtimje XDDDDD

Well, I'm somehow managing it, as far as I can remember. Oh, yes. I had all but the player's skill support done (apart from the scan spell. It was easy. :V). Came to Italy before I could get it coded, but the rest of it's there. HP, MP, attack gauges, EXP, stats, elements, items, popup windows, stuff like that. But it's slow. As. Anything.

>.>.... But we did mention FFVIII.... D: I don know so things about the game (loooked it up) but I've never played it.


Also, I just noticed this...

3rd Stage

4th Stage
3rd Stage

What. Lulu's the BEST Black Mage EVER in a FF game. Excepting Seymour, of course. I mean, c'mon! HER OVERDRIVES ARE COMPLETE OVERKILL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. [/Lulufantardism]
Personally I think even Extra's not awesome enough for her. :V

Meh, whatever you pick. As long as I can burn/explode the player, I'm happy. Dibs on Lulu and/or Seymour if they're in game, though. : V
Mah arts! :3


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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2010, 02:44:23 AM »

you beat her by drawing her own spell and using it against her :V :V :V

Also, I never really liked Lulu :ohdear: WAKKA+ATTACK REELS+99,999 DAMAGE PER HIT = PURE AWESOMENESS
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2010, 09:24:23 AM »
What. Lulu's the BEST Black Mage EVER in a FF game. Excepting Seymour, of course. I mean, c'mon! HER OVERDRIVES ARE COMPLETE OVERKILL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. [/Lulufantardism]
Personally I think even Extra's not awesome enough for her. 

8D I loved Lulu for Black Mage?. I agree she awesome?. V?V But really I put her third stage because She?s not wholly important plotwise but strong enough to get third place?. Since Yuna and Tidus are like the  actual plot they deem last and also AEON WILL EAT YOU ALIVE! And nothing beats Auron badassery That?s why he?s Fourth.


:derp: So true?.

Came to Italy

8D You moved to Italy too??! Do agree with me that the grammer in Italy EEffing sucks? Because I hate it D8<!!!! Where?s my simplicity?! The horror!!!

Meh, whatever you pick. As long as I can burn/explode the player, I'm happy. Dibs on Lulu and/or Seymour if they're in game, though. : V

:3  Seymour? He was another sexy villain like Sephiroth, just less strong?. I?m one of the few people who were not annoyed with him? but he always came back for more? XD

You can have Lulu if you want :3 But make it like going to Stage Three? Meaning Fairies/Ghost/monster?. D8 I say we rip them from the damn game?. TT-TT?. Anyway remember follow the set of rules of spells for each Stage?. (with the exception of mid-life spells that can be added in my opinion). And remember the moogle!!! :D

Btw Who do you want to be our playable characters? I would only make two since :3 I saw how eeefing hard it is to even make a playable character DX. I think Reimu?s canon choice (as so is Marisa?) Are we going to do it Canon Style? Or do you have a particular character you want to become playable?

PS: I thought of asking an Extra to fulfil the Touhou Style but one thing? Who would be Mid-boss and Boss?

I selfishly want to put Reno as the Extra boss since Gaia is the world Spiral and Zanbkard are in?. The boss from the far future?. But that may not go well with FFX base? So if not reno?. Which Character would you choose to be an Extra?

The only characters left for the Extra are Jecht, Braska, Seymour, Yevon/Sin (? I don?t wanna do Yevon to be honest!) and maybe some-one else I forgot.


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2010, 12:11:14 PM »
The only characters left for the Extra are Jecht, Braska, Seymour, Yevon/Sin (… I don’t wanna do Yevon to be honest!) and maybe some-one else I forgot.

Honestly, I was thinking for extra... Seymour midboss, Braska+a bit of Jecht AND Auron for boss (since they're his guardians... Braska should alse be able to summon that 2-phase jecht, a.k.a. Braska's Final Aeon)

also, the player scripts don't have to follow the reimu, marisa staples... you can't imagine how creative one can be with player scripts...

EDIT: also, if we're gonna make a phantasm, how bout changing some stuff...
EDIT2: what happened to khimari? possibly a midboss I guess? (and can't rikku be lower than wakka T_T)
EDIT again: I loved seymour too :V I literally had to do that fight inside sin 3 times (meaning I beat it 3 times, not I died 2 times) before continuing XD
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 12:18:27 PM by Kylesky »
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2010, 12:36:28 PM »
Honestly, I was thinking for extra... Seymour midboss, Braska+a bit of Jecht AND Auron for boss (since they're his guardians... Braska should alse be able to summon that 2-phase jecht, a.k.a. Braska's Final Aeon)

My Sir... This is perfect! D8 I would love it! it has pratically everybody!

EDIT2: what happened to khimari? possibly a midboss I guess? (and can't rikku be lower than wakka T_T)

V-V When I first wrote it.... I was just thinking Wakka is the first person you meet... you know the 1st stage feel.... D8< I feel offfended by my own stupidity!!! Stage 2 characters are loved by all!! Parsee/Cirno/Mystia How could I've been so blind?!

And anyway I agree Wakka is just as awesome... So he goes 2nd stage... To be honest I use to like Rikku but FFX-2 DX It has ruined any feelings I had for her.... But she really weak with her cocktails and so on... so she's perfect for 1st stage. Too be Honest... I don't know what to do with Khimari... He's pretty quiet... I would make him a Mid-boss if anything...

PS: FFX-2 ruined many beautiful things of FFX? They destroyed Yuna and Rikku and took out Lulu? and Brought back Tidus!!! WHICH IS AWEFUL?. I love the saddest scene? They won but in return they have to lose something and seeing how Tidus and Auron were already dead when they arrived in Spira.

EDIT: also, if we're gonna make a phantasm, how bout changing some stuff...

Change what, exactly? I?m open to all? But I?m firm in dealing is the plot? D8 That?s all I ask for.

also, the player scripts don't have to follow the reimu, marisa staples... you can't imagine how creative one can be with player scripts...

To be honest? I really would like Hong Meiling But--- ^^; Plotwise I?d use either Keine, Reimu, Marisa, Mima and Aya? But if I had to go against the normal Canon Touhou Style The characters I?d try to fit in is: Hong Meiling, Keine, Aya, Mima and maybe, just Maybe Shinki?

>.< But I say massime 3 characters? But since this is a group project We should all decide who?s going to be a playable character (once we do that I?ll start writing the plot).

PSS: I hope I haven?t forgot anything :3


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2010, 01:03:22 PM »
they didn't remove lulu :V

she got pregnant :derp:

EDIT: if it's any help... I'm listening to this right now :V I know you'll like it XD
« Last Edit: June 11, 2010, 01:16:08 PM by Kylesky »
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2010, 01:23:23 PM »
she got pregnant :derp:

 :derp: Well... doesn't stop it from sucking

EDIT: if it's any help... I'm listening to this right now  I know you'll like it XD

X3 It's a good instrumental....


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2010, 05:45:27 PM »
 :o :o :o :o :o : :getdown: :getdown: :getdown: :getdown: :getdown:

This must be the first site I have ever went where there are actaully more boys than there are girls D8

I feel like my mind is blown....


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2010, 03:36:13 PM »
This is to Kylesky ( if your interested too Raven you can look) Please give it a look... I kinda want to do like the Momiji-midboss style... This is a sketch ^^; Bad one at least, but do you think the spell okay?

PS:Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 14 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.
- Shoiuld I worry about this? They're not going to delete it or anything, right?

Ah... The space between the Spirals should be tight but not too tight. It's in the attachments


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (merely a suggestion at the moment)
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2010, 03:45:22 PM »
This is to Kylesky ( if your interested too Raven you can look) Please give it a look... I kinda want to do like the Momiji-midboss style... This is a sketch ^^; Bad one at least, but do you think the spell okay?

PS:Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 14 days.
Unless you're sure you want to reply, please consider starting a new topic.
- Shoiuld I worry about this? They're not going to delete it or anything, right?

Ah... The space between the Spirals should be tight but not too tight. It's in the attachments

hmm... why did you not just pm it? :V

I can't check it right now since I'm getting my computer fixed and other stuff (maybe in 2-3 days, sorry for the to-be long wait...)

Also, Hele won't delete this unless he deems it to be spam or something else that's useless :V
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2010, 03:54:03 PM »
  hmm... why did you not just pm it? :V

V-V Because in PM's I can't find the attachment button... or I'm pratically blind D8

PS: I edited the title... >.< and first post... It's kinda too late to ask but should I had posted our group :3 In the FFX project... I don't see the bad but since I was at our forum, I wanted edited before I forgot.

Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2010, 04:43:33 PM »
*fansquee* ahem.

If you want to fit in all the Aeons into one stage 5 boss, consider making something similar to EoSD stage 4 Patchouli - the first four aeons will always be the same (Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion, Shiva) and then the fifth will vary depending on character/sign, assuming four total (respectively Bahamut, Yojimbo, Anima, Magus Sisters).

Lulu should totally not be a stage 3 boss. Stage 4 minimum.


  • Fred-Erika Bernkastel Mirrors Rika's True Nature: Spoiled child
  • When They Cry: You are probably dead now
Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2010, 05:00:14 PM »
Lulu should totally not be a stage 3 boss. Stage 4 minimum

:) She's the best Black Mage in all of FF but still In my opinion
What. Lulu's the BEST Black Mage EVER in a FF game. Excepting Seymour, of course. I mean, c'mon! HER OVERDRIVES ARE COMPLETE OVERKILL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. [/Lulufantardism]
Personally I think even Extra's not awesome enough for her. 

8D I loved Lulu for Black Mage?. I agree she awesome?. V?V But really I put her third stage because She?s not wholly important plotwise but strong enough to get third place?. Since Yuna and Tidus are like the  actual plot they deem last and also AEON WILL EAT YOU ALIVE! And nothing beats Auron badassery That?s why he?s Fourth.

But after that... 8D Another FF fan (yay!)!

Which were your favorite FF?
 Mine were X (X-2 Never ever existed), VII and I'm becoming a fan of FFIII (DS)

EDIT: Your going to have to wait for Kylesky's reply... But I think we already got a way though. But thanks for the idea/suggestion
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 05:01:46 PM by Kyaksa »

Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2010, 05:25:53 PM »
Which were your favorite FF?
Mine were X (X-2 Never ever existed), VII and I'm becoming a fan of FFIII (DS)

Tough call. I'm gonna call it a tie between XII, X, X-2, Tactics and IX(though I haven't finished that one yet...only on disc 2). Although, I haven't played XIII, and only played a bit of III, V, VI.

EDIT: Hang on, there's no Cid in this thread. Stage 1 should totally be fought on the  Fahrenheit, with a Cid midboss (or rather, the ship itself - salvos like in the few Airship battles in FFX), and then Rikku can be fought on the Fahrenheit's deck.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2010, 07:31:38 PM by Alpha Werewolf »


  • *The Unknown*
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Re: Final Fantasy Danmaku... (One project in Making)
« Reply #29 on: July 16, 2010, 11:59:37 AM »
I was pretty much already set with the 5 storyline aeons during stage 5, magus sisters during stage 6 midboss... and yojimbo and anima going somewhere else :V

Actually... whatever you guys want if fine with me, as long as it makes sense and I get to at least script diamond dust (I have a cool idea)
Danmakufu Script Thread :V Latest Script: Intertwining Mechanical Intervention (temp name)

Yooooouuutuuuubeeee Channel Latest Video: Contest #8 Entry