Author Topic: Minecraft - The block building thread  (Read 159449 times)

Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #60 on: May 14, 2011, 08:15:21 AM »
Well done. The nether portal is a nice touch.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2011, 07:06:27 PM »
Now for a little image dump.  This screenshot, I like to call...

This is the very first home I had when I first started Minecraft.  It's hideous, but it was very practical.  No monster could intrude on mah propertah.  Everything there was legitly gathered.

On that very same map, I got tired of my hideous hole in the side of the mountain, so I went sailing a little and found a nice lake to build a new house in the middle of.

Here is a shot of it when it was under construction

It ended up becoming a massive tower.  It took forever to build because I had to gather all the cobblestone manually.  I never expanded on it horizontally--only vertically, putting new things on each floor.

I even had a painting gallery :V

In the end, the tower wound up reaching all the way to the vertical limit of the map.  It was quite a sight to behold, and it even had a rooftop garden, indoor pool, and a water elevator system by the time it was finished.  Unfortunately, the map file got corrupted during one one of the big Minecraft updates that converted all the maps into "Mcregion", and I've never been able to play it again since then.......RIP never forget...


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #62 on: May 20, 2011, 04:32:38 AM »

Found this on danbooru.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #63 on: May 20, 2011, 04:53:50 AM »

Found this on danbooru.
And I just got the idea of "we need a creeper youkai, now" as a result.

Meanwhile we also need Utsuho in the Nether :V
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #64 on: May 20, 2011, 05:06:50 AM »
Found this on danbooru.
I hope reimu likes explosions and lava  :V

And I just got the idea of "we need a creeper youkai, now" as a result.

Meanwhile we also need Utsuho in the Nether :V
Man if utsuho was in the nether it'd be like insta-death cuz we have a hitbox the size of a... man.  But uh if she got above ground....say goodbye to the world.


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #65 on: May 20, 2011, 05:13:32 AM »
Meanwhile we also need Utsuho in the Nether :V

Yukkuri Utsuho ghast skin?
...Maybe I'll go make that.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #66 on: May 20, 2011, 05:39:46 AM »
Yukkuri Utsuho ghast skin?
...Maybe I'll go make that.
And also we have Orins instead of Zombie Pigmen! >:D
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #67 on: May 20, 2011, 08:00:39 AM »
Anyone make Yoshika zombies yet?


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #68 on: May 20, 2011, 08:10:13 AM »
Anyone make Yoshika zombies yet?
Just find a Yoshika player skin.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #70 on: May 21, 2011, 05:00:00 PM »


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #71 on: May 24, 2011, 01:24:56 PM »
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet: the changelist for beta 1.6, coming out later this week. Since he's claiming to have already fixed some 103 or so bugs in this upcoming update, given his track record for bugs fixed to bugs created in the same updates, we can expect roughly five hundred new bugs. God help us.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 01:41:38 PM by Eraiya »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #72 on: May 24, 2011, 01:46:14 PM »
For anyone who hasn't seen it yet: the changelist for beta 1.6, coming out later this week. Since he's claiming to have already fixed some 103 or so bugs in this upcoming update, given his track record for bugs fixed to bugs created in the same updates, we can expect roughly five hundred new bugs. God help us.

+ Added Nether support to multiplayer
+ Added craftable maps
+ Added hatches
+ Added tall grass in some biomes
+ Mushrooms now spreads (very) slowly
+ Added server property view-distance. Sets the radius of terrain updates (in chunks) to send to the players. Range 3-15, default 10.
This is amazing. Now we can go to Nether without mods (though there will be bugs since you know, this is Notch we're talking about), Maps are going to be... I guess good? Grass is pretty cool too, and mushrooms spreading is great. I couldn't care less for the last thing though.

But fucking hatches?! That is going to help me so much, since I have a tendency to build underwater a lot.
i fucking love you notch <3

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #73 on: May 24, 2011, 05:06:39 PM »
I can see maps being useful for people who can't play online well, since you could fill a map, put in inventory, then save and send your map to people and share your world easily.


There are many fixed 'glitches' that will induce the fury in many people. Since said glitches are infact considered game mechanics these days.

* Made booster tracks speedier
Very likely to still not be able to overcome momentum limit

* Seeds are now found in tall grass, using a hoe on the ground no longer works
which spawn in only specific biomes. Quite a few people are saying "oh tall grass is just cosmetic, wont affect me" wrong, making bread is already a shit to do and hardly worth the effort and time put into it, and now you cant just do it either.

* Fixed a system clock change messing up the game speed
bit annoying. if your waiting for say, grass to grow, open the inventory and go on IRC for a while.

* Fixed rain sounds not playing with fast graphics enabled
I wouldn't have called that a glitch, if you are running with lower settings you'd rather less processing was being used... if the computer is slowing down, sounds fuck up terribly.

* Fixed submerged boats rising very very fast
Boat elevators - now pointlessly slow.

* Fixed falling while riding not dealing damage to the rider
Boat elevator returns can't just be a straight drop anymore.

* Fixed dispensers shooting through walls
didn't know about this personally but sounded pretty damn cool for a trap level.

* Fixed entities reaching water through wall corners
water ladders no longer possible.

* Fixed ice so it regenerates regardless of whether it?s snowing or not
just wait for your world to hit an ice age!

* Fixed minecarts next to each other causing extreme velocities (sorry!)
Trololololol - so many useless rail systems out there now! hahaha

* Fixed animals only spawning near light during the night
Thought this was a core mechanic? So long, friendly mob spawning machines!

* Fixed records not playing for other players in multiplayer
Noisy neighbors!

Stuff with good potential I see on the bug fixes

* Fixed network packets being sent unbuffered, causing huge amounts of packets being sent
This might fix the horrible lag that keeps happening online perhaps (when combined with the clientside limiting)

* Fixed loads of exploding tnt generating way too many particles, possibly crashing the client
Nice, might see TNT blasts that aren't slideshows now.

* Fixed a game crash when riding a vehicle or animal into the nether
Has potential but we'll see on this one.

* Fixed fences and stairs sometimes becoming invisible
Useful, to be honest. I've had this glitch a few times.

* Fixed rail tiles sometimes not properly connecting to a new neighbor
useful, this was damned annoying building big rail links.

I'm waiting for piston mod personally. Also I'd love to see minecarts coupleable into trains. As now the only realistic way of travel imo is powered minecarts (which is actually what my rail ran on anyway) but they are a bit of a pain in the arse to set up, since you have to flip the train around manually at each station. coupling so you could just send the powered cart any direction and the minecart goes with it infront or behind would be awesome.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #74 on: May 25, 2011, 02:26:22 PM »
Well you win some you lose some. BUT NETHER IN MULTIPLAYER. AND HATCHES.


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #75 on: May 26, 2011, 03:33:10 AM »
I'm still angry about the no climbing skipped ladders thing. Now water elevators are gone, too?


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #76 on: May 26, 2011, 05:00:31 AM »
And also we have Orins instead of Zombie Pigmen! >:D

I'm doing this in my next texture pack update. Because I've posted this, I've stated it as a fact. By going against it, that would make me a liar. Now, I must do it whether I like it or not. Thank you. :3

Anyone make Yoshika zombies yet?

Edit: Would you like for me to make a texture pack for you that changes zombies into Yoshikas? Since it would only involve editing that one little thing, really, it would be no trouble at all and might even help teach me something new! ... Also, after thinking about it for awhile, I plan on doing it anyway! :> (Note to self: Possibly make a simple, Touhou-themed texture pack sometime in the future.)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 05:11:14 AM by Eraiya »

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2011, 05:14:55 AM »
Anyone make Yoshika zombies yet?
I hope this answers your question.
also you make textures eraiya? Now I know who to bother :V


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #78 on: May 26, 2011, 05:54:05 AM »
I hope this answers your question.
also you make textures eraiya? Now I know who to bother :V

Ahh, sort of! I've made what is arguably the most widely used transparent/x-ray/wireframe texture pack for Minecraft, but outside of making things transparent, (which is basically just deleting specific bits and pieces of things), I haven't really made anything, aside from sun/moon compasses, numbers 0-9 for block destruction animations + wheat and making the player's screen appear to be covered in goggles, (night vision ones, specifically), when equipping a pumpkin. (Edit: And slightly modifying the appearance of pumpkins to match this.) Aside from those four things, I can't think of anything that I actually made instead of deleted, despite the 30+ hours put into this pack- and others- over the past year.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #79 on: May 26, 2011, 06:02:32 AM »
Ahh, sort of! I've made what is arguably the most widely used transparent/x-ray/wireframe texture pack for Minecraft, but outside of making things transparent, (which is basically just deleting specific bits and pieces of things), I haven't really made anything,
oh well oka
sun/moon compasses, numbers 0-9 for block destruction animations + wheat and making the player's screen appear to be covered in goggles, (night vision ones, specifically), when equipping a pumpkin. (Edit: And slightly modifying the appearance of pumpkins to match this.)
that is a lot. And I'm pretty sure they're all popular too, as I've used the very same texture for block destruction.


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #80 on: May 26, 2011, 06:08:11 AM »
Aww, thank you for saying so! That also just gave me a great idea. Make a separate texture pack that utilizes all the non-transparency-related aspects of my most popular one, Strongestcraft. It'll be like Strongestcraft, just without the transparency! It'll include the night vision pumpkin helmets, block destruction numbers so you have an idea of how close you are to destroying something when working with blocks like obsidian, sun/moon compasses, the modified wheat growing animation... Not sure about whether or not I should remove clouds/rain/snow in this one too, though... Hmm. What should I call it?

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #81 on: May 26, 2011, 06:15:26 AM »

It's nightvision, You can someone see how long its going to take to break something, and you always know just what time it is.


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #82 on: May 26, 2011, 06:28:23 AM »
Hehe, maybe. I never thought of it like that. That name is a definite candidate! :3

Azure Lazuline

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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #83 on: May 26, 2011, 03:16:35 PM »
I'm still angry about the no climbing skipped ladders thing.
But you get twice as many ladders per craft, so I don't see a difference. Plus you can hold onto ladders by sneaking now.
Anyway, Notch specifically said to not get used to any bugs, and stuff like water elevators and minecart glitch boosters were obviously bugs. With all the cool new stuff in each update, who cares that a few things get "fixed"?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 03:23:51 PM by Azure Lazuline »


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #84 on: May 26, 2011, 04:47:29 PM »
Good news and bad news. Bad news: I'm updating Strongestcraft within the next ten minutes with a few changes, one of which is not Orin-skinned pig zombies. Instead, they'll be Yoshikas, thanks to their outstretched arms and their common, zombie-related traits. Good news: I said I'd make one featuring Orin instead, so I did. Here's the link. Enjoy! :3

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #85 on: May 26, 2011, 06:03:40 PM »
But you get twice as many ladders per craft, so I don't see a difference. Plus you can hold onto ladders by sneaking now.
Anyway, Notch specifically said to not get used to any bugs, and stuff like water elevators and minecart glitch boosters were obviously bugs. With all the cool new stuff in each update, who cares that a few things get "fixed"?
it's a problem on premade maps. You know, Maps that were made back when the game was still in Alpha and such.
also yeah I remember that post but people still got used to it, And its not like the glitches were a bad thing or anything.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #86 on: May 26, 2011, 10:46:09 PM »
Notch broked the server, now to wait for DDR to update.


Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #87 on: May 27, 2011, 05:32:26 AM »
Called it, if in an exaggerated manner.


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Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #88 on: May 27, 2011, 10:54:48 AM »
ffs, Mojang's programming is such a joke

I bet a competent programmer could reproduce the entirety of Minecraft in a month and make it a hundred times more efficient.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Minecraft - The block building thread
« Reply #89 on: May 27, 2011, 01:54:21 PM »
Called it, if in an exaggerated manner.

ahahaha thats fantastic.