Author Topic: The EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Topic  (Read 32338 times)


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« Reply #150 on: March 27, 2011, 06:03:47 AM »
Pokemon White, up against
. My team is getting utterly rolled, and I'm down to my last, Vanilluxe. It would take a miracle to not lose here.

The miracle happens. Fire Blast misses. I promptly strike back with Ice Beam, taking out Hydreigon and paving the way for a comeback

Similar scene here, except my Vanilluxe actually tanked the freaking Fire Blast. I was elated.

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« Reply #151 on: March 27, 2011, 06:04:21 AM »
Pokemon White, up against
. My team is getting utterly rolled, and I'm down to my last, Vanilluxe. It would take a miracle to not lose here.

The miracle happens. Fire Blast misses. I promptly strike back with Ice Beam, taking out Hydreigon and paving the way for a comeback. I start spraying Max Revives all over, and my team promptly rolls over the opponent in short order.

Did you nickname it Cirno?

« Reply #152 on: March 27, 2011, 06:14:15 AM »
Did you nickname it Cirno?
Sorry, it's named Hee-ho as a Megami Tensei reference. I don't think the Vanill* series is quite fairy-like enough


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« Reply #153 on: March 28, 2011, 02:47:31 AM »
Reminds me of a DnD quest a couple of years back. I played a pseudo-katana (read: bastard sword) fighter, our party is running around the walls of a citadel and generally looking for a way in when we met a squad of patrollers. The corridor was single-file only and our cleric was tanking things up front, when my fighter decides to screw it all and leap-charge through a corner, sheer 40-feet drop be damned. So I rolled Jump, got a decent number, and rolled a 20 on the attack roll. After that, I got a 10 on the damage roll. The DM said "Whoa, cool." and decided to just double that damage instead rolling a second time since my fighter just sailed through 20 feet of chasm and splitted a patrol in two vertically.

Not making any new multi-chapter fics until i finish This fanfic!

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« Reply #154 on: March 28, 2011, 07:20:30 AM »
Reminds me of a DnD quest a couple of years back. I played a pseudo-katana (read: bastard sword) fighter, our party is running around the walls of a citadel and generally looking for a way in when we met a squad of patrollers. The corridor was single-file only and our cleric was tanking things up front, when my fighter decides to screw it all and leap-charge through a corner, sheer 40-feet drop be damned. So I rolled Jump, got a decent number, and rolled a 20 on the attack roll. After that, I got a 10 on the damage roll. The DM said "Whoa, cool." and decided to just double that damage instead rolling a second time since my fighter just sailed through 20 feet of chasm and splitted a patrol in two vertically.

"You gain a +10 bonus just for doing some utterly cool shit!
Also, you used Berserker's Rage to nullify the harmful effects of a hard-vacuum."


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« Reply #155 on: March 29, 2011, 10:17:45 PM »
Somewhere about 60% of the way through STALKER, I walk out of camp and directly into a trio of thugs who think I would look GREAT with a perforated line from my neck to my groin. They get shut up by a group of guys from the Duty clan, whose camp I had just walked out of. I figure that it would be great to help these guys out, so we storm a local compound filled to the brim with these 'Freedom' thugs and I take out three of their snipers. I join back up with the platoon, take out a few foot soldiers, then run right into their head honcho's building, smite his two elite guards with some explosives to the FACE, then watch one of the guys who helped me take out the original thugs make sure that the last thing to cross Head Honcho Lukash's mind is a 5.56mm bullet. After all that, NO. HEALING. NECESSARY. I had way too many medkits as per usual, and needed ZEE-RO. I wound up with a sniper rifle, as well.

Next, I pass through a radiation-filled highway to a place just CRAWLING with ghostly apparitions. I had been playing for quite some time, so I stopped for dinner and exercise, but I'm full of anticipation and cookies.

Day-later edit: I bludgeoned a Hunter to death with Gnome Chompski in L4D2. I made him miss.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 02:23:41 AM by Reddyne »

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

The Greatest Dog

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« Reply #156 on: March 31, 2011, 03:43:31 AM »
Playing Demon's Souls some more (I know I'm late to the party, I just got it recently)

I've managed to defeat the Flamelurker, Dragon God, the pair of Maneaters, the Old Monk's possessed Black Phantom, the Penetrator, and a whole slew of other Black Phantoms.

Flamelurker is a giant flaming beast who is absurdly hard to attack without being hit by his huge attack areas.
The Dragon God is just like, eh, sneaking and running like hell, so it's not as much of an accomplishment.
The Maneaters I only did recently, so I think I was overleveled ^^;
I did the Old Monk right after, but someone else got possessed and he seemed low level so I had an easy(ish) win.

After killing myself a handful of times on 4-2 to lower my World Tendency, I encountered the Black Phantom Satsuki with one-shot kill katanas and everything. You can block them with a shield easily, but when he's at low health he'll use an unlimited supply of full healing items unless you interrupt him or go all out before then.  :colonveeplusalpha:
But I beat him, and got a Hiltless, a powerful katana that lacks a hilt  :V and it's my most powerful weapon but it causes damage to me when I swing it, but it's minor enough for me to ignore so AWESOME KATANA THAT DEALS 300~ DAMAGE YEAH!

And the Penetrator.
Hoo boy, he's fun. He's about three meters tall clad in heavy armor with a huge rapier-thingy that's as tall as he is. One of his attacks involves him thrusting his rapier at you, and if he penetrates you with it... Have fun being impaled by a two meter sword, being slowly lifted up before he throws you across the room for a one-shot kill.

Oh, I beat him after about six attempts being ruined by being penetrated. And I did it solo.
I found a video of the Penetrator landing a Penetration on somebody. The only reason he lives through it is because Second Chance instantly revives you with 50% HP upon death.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 03:47:32 AM by Fast Fanatic »

Third Eye Lem

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« Reply #157 on: March 31, 2011, 07:49:00 AM »
I finished God of War I. I don't care what difficulty, I don't care what trophies I got, I just FINISHED IT. That game is HELL to play and I'm satisfied that I finished it. :D


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« Reply #158 on: March 31, 2011, 07:57:15 AM »
Did the Artemis Blade do you good?
Or whatever it's called. The big ol' sonuvabitch that'll take your head off if you heft it onto your shoulder wrong.

Third Eye Lem

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« Reply #159 on: March 31, 2011, 10:37:59 PM »
In a word...HELL FSCKING YES IT DID! I didn't think to use it during the final battle, but it was very helpful in pretty much annihilating every other minor enemy in my path. Forget the Triangle-Circle juggle, I never bothered with it. I just mashed Square and watched torsos and heads fly off. =3

The Greatest Dog

  • Grazing at Mach 10
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« Reply #160 on: April 01, 2011, 06:37:14 AM »
Demon's Souls.
I got a freaking Pure Bladestone.
Uchigatana + 5 here I come!


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« Reply #161 on: April 01, 2011, 07:28:16 AM »
In a word...HELL FSCKING YES IT DID! I didn't think to use it during the final battle, but it was very helpful in pretty much annihilating every other minor enemy in my path. Forget the Triangle-Circle juggle, I never bothered with it. I just mashed Square and watched torsos and heads fly off. =3

It's such a gratifying weapon to use, isn't it? It also prepares you for the final battle, because the giant statue blade uses the same controls, sans charging ability.

Third Eye Lem

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« Reply #162 on: April 01, 2011, 08:55:49 PM »
It's such a gratifying weapon to use, isn't it? It also prepares you for the final battle, because the giant statue blade uses the same controls, sans charging ability.
Too bad Ares is vulnerable for like two seconds during that part of the battle.


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« Reply #163 on: April 05, 2011, 10:35:55 PM »
Beat Half-Life 2 Episode 1 to get the achievement The One Free Bullet. In order to get it, you have to go through a few solid hours of gameplay with using only the gravity gun and explosives. The one free bullet refers to the one you use to shoot the padlock off of the door just after you get the pistol.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


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« Reply #164 on: April 07, 2011, 05:29:48 PM »
Beat Half-Life 2 Episode 1 to get the achievement The One Free Bullet. In order to get it, you have to go through a few solid hours of gameplay with using only the gravity gun and explosives. The one free bullet refers to the one you use to shoot the padlock off of the door just after you get the pistol.

SO gratifying to do that, because then you get super-proficient at the explosives weapons and how to properly richochet things with the gravity gun.

That being said, I've never managed to succeed at that particular achievement. Mostly because I personally frown on eccentric achievements put there for the sake of making you walk around on your hands with your feet painted red. though. Friend of mine had earned it and I was amazed at just how well he could land grenades precisely where he wanted them, fling things into people with the gravity gun coming out of a snap-turn, and the like. Very impressive work.

Kips McKipzerson

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« Reply #165 on: April 07, 2011, 05:32:38 PM »
Was playing FE today. One  all stats for ones, translated of couse. +1 in all stats for THREE DIFFERENT PEOPLE. In the same match.
I love RNG's.

チソウ タイゼン

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« Reply #166 on: April 08, 2011, 02:57:18 AM »
I thought no-dodging M&L'd be impossible!
I found out why they're not- Who in their right minds set up their characters as tanks to begin with?
My chars. are Lv 27 and have almost 300 HP and like 200 DEF.
I wasn't ever taking more than 50 damage from Blizzard Midbus- and he was defeated in eight turns.
Exemptions to this play are now reduced to Giant Battles. It seems as though previous 1shot patterns can be tanked this way.

The Boss Dissonance has shifted from Kirby-Type to Mario-Type.

Airway enemies regularly recieve 4-8 attacks per turn and almost all of them cause status effects.
I'd buy A-OK Wears, but all of my money is going into healing items...!


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« Reply #167 on: April 11, 2011, 10:12:50 AM »
I have a few older exploits that would go nicely in a thread like this, but I should probably stick to the current stuff. Tale for another day.

Anyways, a good TF2-related moment comes to mind right now. The first was in a 2fort match, with me playing Soldier. A Spy and two Medic/Demo pairs had just taken down the other team's Engies, but they all died in the process. I managed to get to the front lines first on Soldier, but they had the workings of a defense building up again.

Cue the crockets.

Somehow, I manage to get three unboosted crit rockets in a row. First takes out a Soldier, Pyro, and Medic. The second finishes his Heavy buddy and a nearby Scout, and the third simultaneously gibs both Engies and their under-construction Sentries. Feeling like a missile-toting Rambo, I head up the courtyard stairs and down into the Intel area. Once I grab the intel, I hit my Buff Banner, considering it was charged by the crocket storm, and go up the ramp. I get smacked in the back by an Engie with a Southern Hospitality when I walk out, so I switch to my Equalizer, and when the bleeding wears off, nail him in the face with a crit swing and one-shot kill him. Now that my health is down to 50, the Equalizer's highest-level boost kicks in, so I sprint towards the gate with the speed boost. I manage to avoid a charging Headtaker Demo and finish him in two swings, then a Scout that drops down in front of me from the grate in one. From there, it seems that my team was busy holding them up to stop a full-scale attempt to kill me and save the intel. I run right out the front door unopposed, scoring the winning capture for the round. When alltalk came on at the end of the round, there was a LOT of screaming directed at me and my crits. Thus, my Black Box and Equalizer earned the name/description tags that I gave them.
Steam | NNID: InfernalExuro | 3DS FC: [whoops my 3ds died] | FFXIV: Violet Nolansson [Gilgamesh]

Fossil Goo

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« Reply #168 on: April 12, 2011, 12:28:06 PM »
Holy shit, that is AMAZING. You deserve a medal.
....What were the nametags for your Black Box and Equalizer?

Similar scene here, except my Vanilluxe actually tanked the freaking Fire Blast. I was elated.
brb raising my vanillite


  • Totally not dead, I swear.
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« Reply #169 on: April 12, 2011, 12:42:43 PM »
Exuro's Crocket Cannon and Exuro's Haxpick, the lattter being described 'the only thing worse than a random crocket'. The Equalizer is my best melee weapon across all classes irregardless, so melee fights are always fun. And I did get MVP for that round, anyways, so I have my medal.
Steam | NNID: InfernalExuro | 3DS FC: [whoops my 3ds died] | FFXIV: Violet Nolansson [Gilgamesh]


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« Reply #170 on: April 12, 2011, 02:37:58 PM »
Oddly, I think my highest killcount melee weapon is the Bushwhacka.

Nobody respects the melee sniper. :V  Still haven't gotten Jarate Chop yet, but that's just a ridiculous achievement.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
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« Reply #171 on: April 12, 2011, 09:15:42 PM »
Alsobrb raising my vanillite

I find it interesting how most critical hits happen as both parties are low on health
I would tank everything, but luck dictates that I don't.

I got my complete Eevee team :D

Flareon Lv 7
Vaporeon Lv 15
Umbreon Lv 17
Jolteon Lv 7
Espeon Lv 7
Leafeon Lv 39
Glaceon Lv 7

I don't know why, but it seems as though Espeon will be the hardest to raise out of the seven.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
« Reply #172 on: April 13, 2011, 05:31:50 AM »
Well, aren't low-level Psychics the hardest type to train that don't have gimmicks (e.g. useless Magikarp)? I remember having so much ire over an Abra that only knew Teleport.

I don't know whether to put this into EEEE or FFFF, but I recently managed to get 450 million score in BIT.TRIP FLUX's Epiphany. Considering the next-highest recorded score I've seen on YouTube only in the 300m, that's definitely EEEE. What's FFFF about that is that I'm so damn close to getting Perfect - and I know I can get the Beats I missed on a regular basis - I just can't seem to bring it all together along with the boss. As I've said, I suck hardcore at Pong and Breakout.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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« Reply #173 on: April 14, 2011, 10:04:29 AM »

Astrolabia completes the achievement [Burning Adrenaline]

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« Reply #174 on: April 14, 2011, 10:43:07 PM »
First time playing COD:BO (yes i know lolcodfag)'s Ascension zombie map. I don't notice the other three players leave until I look around. Have to fucking run through the map, zombies crawling out of the broken barricades, with literally no idea where I'm going. THANK YOU GENEROUS MAP LAYOUT FOR LEADING ME BACK TO MY BUDDIES.

We got to level thirteen after that. Shit was so cash.
Sonata of Scarlet Sunflowers, a Flandre x Yuuka story. | Laziness of Daemonic Wastrels, wherein The Dude, Frylock, HW Guy, and David Wong get their asses kicked in Gensokyo.  | T.O.U.H.O.U.: Land of Shadows, a S.T.A.L.K.E.R./Touhou crossover. | Abomination, a monster story.


  • Totally not dead, I swear.
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« Reply #175 on: April 15, 2011, 12:32:11 PM »
I've scored a lot of Bushwacka kills, myself. I get a lot of random crits from it even without pissing on people beforehand. Nobody ever expects to get their head lopped off by the seemingly unaware Sniper hiding at the back. Then again, melee is just one of  my strong points.

Which reminds me. While playing in what little free time I had last night, I managed to play Demoknight Baseball. Coaxed a Headtaker-wielding one to charge at me in melee while I had next to no HP left with the Equalizer. I've faced charging Demos tons of times before, so I know exactly how far their charge will carry them. I stood my ground until the last moment, at which point the Random Number God smiled upon me once more and I crit one-shotted him mid-charge. Sent his ragdoll flying from one side of the bridge to the other on 2fort.
Steam | NNID: InfernalExuro | 3DS FC: [whoops my 3ds died] | FFXIV: Violet Nolansson [Gilgamesh]


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« Reply #176 on: April 18, 2011, 11:11:54 PM »
Playing some Mount and Blade - Warband, with the Prophecy of Pendor mod.

Go to take an enemy castle, notice that it has over 500 men. I had one-hundred-and-twenty-three or so, and it's my first siege without AI lords helping me with their armies. Or me helping them, rather.

"Why the fuck not, if it goes badly I can reload my state."

* Unsurprisingly Kogasa proceeds to utterly demolish their defenses and only lose about 28 men, as opposed to their five hundred dead.



« Reply #177 on: April 21, 2011, 10:10:36 AM »
Aces High GET

Final Mastery GET

Liberty Completionist: Hard GET

Now for Brutal.


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« Reply #178 on: April 26, 2011, 03:59:56 AM »
Can I mention awesomeness in board games.  I mean it has games in the title.  I was playing Risk with my friends and I had one lone guy defend Madagascar from an onslaught of cannons and stuff. 

Okay, so most of what I owned was owned by Europe that round, except for Madagascar and I only had three units on it.  My first two were lost like that, but that last little dude held on.  Then America came through and took Africa from Europe and my dumb luck held through.

チソウ タイゼン

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« Reply #179 on: April 26, 2011, 01:25:03 PM »
I don't see why board games can't count.
That being said, I won a Monopoly game with all of the properties (minus two), having 5, 900 dollars left over and being worth over 9, 500 in property values.

Seeing everyone being forced to trade me their lots to pay off their dues was amazing.