Author Topic: Saqrundica ((Script Thread))  (Read 1854 times)

Saqrundica ((Script Thread))
« on: October 12, 2010, 12:05:46 AM »
Dear Reader:
Hopefully I've organized this well enough that you can find your way around. And hopefully I'm a good enough scripter you don't find yourself bashing your head against the wall from frustration.
I beseech you to criticize my work, hopefully constructively, especially if you do find yourself bashing your head against the wall from frustration. I usually patch over problems if they're pointed out to me, so don't feel your barbed words are in vain.
I hope to keep this thread alive in the future with more projects, including a possible EX-Yuki and Mai and updates to the current projects.
With all due respect,
   ~Supreme Gamesmaster Yddisac

Full Game
Revelation of Procella
The alpha build, version 0.12.
The BGM; see also Misc.
A Touhou clone made out of an RP (that failed to get off the ground -_-), Revelation of Procella chronicles the battle between Genner Sitiens's world-conquering army and Desdemona Valtiel's resistance. There's poorly-defined morality, fiendish plotting and manipulation, and a bit of humor for those willing to fight through the (unfinished) grueling six stages of gameplay. If you manage to save the world, Procella, the goddess of gods, will indeed have a revelation for you... in version 0.13.
Version 0.12 is the alpha build. The bosses are mostly done, the preliminary stages are established, and some of the music is in place. However, version 0.13 will be a true beta, with all the stages and bosses in place, including the Extra Stage. It's well on the way -- all that's left is to finish the fifth stage as of today -- so, uh, wait for that.

Lucky Star Phantasm Stage
[]Ganbatte~ Harikitte~ My darling darling please~!
I tend to use Alice to test Danmakufu, on the grounds that she's always experimenting with danmaku anyway, but some of my trickier ancient cards revolved around the four main protagonists of Lucky Star on the grounds that they'd never be found danmaku fighting anyway. Then Sanae showed up and I started thinking otherwise, so I made this out of those old scripts.
There is a long, complicated story behind it I might publish if/when I'm done with Rev o' Proc, but in short, it's a very short stage punctuated by a midboss encounter with the Hiiragi twins and concluded with a three-card fight against Konata and an eight-card fight against all four main characters.
Oh, and the end-of-stage bullet patterns are those from the last three stages of "Story of Eastern Wonderland" in reverse order, which ties into this grand plot quite well. The culprit is...?
There is now an Easy Mode in place for those of us who have lives find Yukari-sama a tad beyond their danmaku skills.

Random Patchouli
Enter Voile...
I got a random urge to make a boss.
Then, in one of the worst puns this side of the Floow, I got an urge to make a random boss.
In the depths of the Voile Library (probably), Patchouli Knowledge will give you four of eight possible spellcards in random order, for a quick and relaxing but enjoyable (I hope) boss battle. And, just to sweeten the deal, you get a free CTC shot replace script for no reason whatsoever (this uses ZUN bullets).

Revelation of Procella OST
Version 0.5.
I wrote the music for "Revelation of Procella" myself. It's pretty good (read: it's better than Resurrection of Heaven's Liquor), so I hope you enjoy it (read: please don't die listening to it, I don't really want to do time for manslaughter).
« Last Edit: October 14, 2010, 07:28:42 PM by Supreme Gamesmaster »


  • I think Im a game dev. And Musician.
Re: Saqrundica ((Script Thread))
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 07:40:14 PM »
Some of your scripts are really fun~
I've evolved a lot. When did I make this account again?

Re: Saqrundica ((Script Thread))
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2010, 08:50:02 PM »
Erm, thanks. Which ones are these?


  • I think Im a game dev. And Musician.
Re: Saqrundica ((Script Thread))
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2010, 09:22:38 PM »
Erm, thanks. Which ones are these?

Most of the Lucky Star Phantasm scripts.
I've evolved a lot. When did I make this account again?