Author Topic: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland  (Read 4198 times)

Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« on: September 13, 2010, 03:09:35 AM »
This isn't entirely new to the internets, so I'm slightly hesitant, but I guess I'll just leave this here.


Kaguya blinked as she rose. New experiences were, of course, to be treasured when you would exist until the universe suffered full entropic failure and ceased to be, which was why she would allow the occasional indignity if Tewi's antics were properly amusing.

This, however. This was no mere jest. She could tell without having to extend her senses overmuch that not only was she no longer within the halls of Eientei, but she was outside the Hakurei Border itself. No simple feat, as she had lain down to sleep within both.

Her mind flicked thoughtfully through potential suspects as she rose and, judging correctly from the size of the small bedroom that nobody would be coming to attend to her, dressed herself appropriately, her Impossible Requests lifting gently off the drawers nearby to float around her.

Eirin, Reisen, and Tewi were immediately struck off the potential list, as with the many other youkai rabbits of Eientei. After a further moment, she reluctantly removed Moukou's name as well, concluding that she had no hand in it. The other immortal preferred more... visceral games, and had she made her way undetected into the very heart of Kaguya's abode, she certainly would not have done anything but immediately struck out at her in her moment of slumbering weakness. No, leaving her alone and confused in a place she had never seen, while an intriguing psychological tactic, was not something that she would have thought up on her own.

That left the two most likely suspects as the collective members of the Moriya Shrine, who had demonstrated a habit of compulsive meddling in others affairs, and Yukari, who admittedly had regularly demonstrated similar habits. However, which of them were to blame was proving to be a troublesome question. Certainly, Yukari could have easily plucked her out of her home and deposited her elsewhere with a Gap, but then the Shrine had also demonstrated the ability to traverse the border unaided simply by arriving in Gensokyo. It was, she decided, a question she would have to ponder another time, as there was simply too little evidence to base a firm conclusion and accusation upon, yet.

Finding herself suitably garbed and armed to meet the day, she left the room and descended the stairs to the ground floor, intent on speaking with the people whose home she had apparently intruded upon in her slumber. The woman she saw seemed surprised to see her.

"Ah? Kaguya, sweetie, you're already up? Usually you like to sleep in as late as possible, and then have to run to make it to school on time. Did you decide you wanted more time to eat breakfast, honey? Oh, what are you wearing? You'll have to change into your uniform soon, dear."

Kaguya hesitated. This... this boded ill. The woman was addressing her as though she were her own daughter. Naturally, and without thought. Not a good thing at all. Was Yukari capable of tampering with the minds of others? Were any of that shrine? She was forced to admit that she didn't know.


The day had been one long string of confusion for Kaguya. An awkward meal with 'parents' and a 'little brother' who she had never before seen in her life had been interspersed with curious comments about her wardrobe. But none, she noted, about the Requests floating about her person. It was as though they did not see, or were not capable of seeing, the items of power.

Upon finishing the meal, she was instructed to change into what she understood was official attire for communal tutoring, and for the moment seeing no other recourse but to play along with whatever bizarre game was currently being enacted, she did so. She did regret it, however. The... uniform, such as it was, was quite similar to Reisen's own chosen attire, a short, thin skirt and a blouse with hardly any sleeve to it. A commoner or soldier would think nothing of the revealing attire. Kaguya, being of noble birth and accustomed to heavy, concealing kimono and robes, felt shamefully exposed in the outfit, as though she had chosen to parade herself about in no more than undergarments.

She concealed her distaste as best she could, helped along by the fact that nobody spared so much as a passing glance to her display, which she was paradoxically both relieved and incensed about, as she made her way to the institute of learning to which she had been directed.

It had been a bizarre sort of day even after then, as the classes seemed to operate on a specific social order and structure of which she was supposed, from their perspective at least, to be perfectly well aware, and she was uncertain for some time where she was meant to stand. She was not well pleased as the tutoring progressed, and the character of the person she was known as in this place was revealed through social interaction and testing of the pupil's knowledge.

Kaguya Horaisan was not at all pleased, for it seemed that Tsukino Kaguya was well known to be an uprightly cheerful and friendly, but completely empty-headed girl.

It was not so much to the first that she objected, having been reliably informed that her own personality was quite pleasant, but the second simply would not stand. It had been over a thousand years since she had been tutored in any formal way, of course, but the maths and sciences that governed the world were much the same as those she recalled being taught, and the indescribable expression on the tutor's face as she marked those papers was something akin to driving daggers of flame deep into the princess's stomach. She knew this full well, having experience to base the sensation against.

Worse still were those subjects in which she was not particularly good... the histories and such that she had seen pass but had little cause to learn much of, and so were, by her standards of expectations, completely abysmal. The tutor's expression had not been in the slightest different from any of the others. What that meant was that the poor grade, to her, was equally unbelievable coming from Kaguya as the excellence she could display in other areas, and as such...

She seethed, privately, over that realization for the rest of the day, even as she paused later to sharply chide some delinquents who were tormenting a stray cat.

Removed from her home, placed in a position where she was expected to behave as an airheaded and petulant child by all those who 'knew' her, and subtly punished through social distancing and whispers when she did not live down to this expectation... New, interesting things were all well and good, but she had had quite enough of whatever warped and twisted game was being played.

And now the cat was speaking to her. Which was not in and of itself unusual, as Kaguya had made excellent conversation with a number of cats previously, but never while they wore the form of a beast, and she had received no more than a blank stare when she had offered that the cat change forms and make herself more comfortable as they spoke. And really... the cat wasn't a particularly gifted conversationalist. It had pressed a horribly gaudy trinket upon her, insisted that she was some 'Sailor Moon', whatever it may mean by that, and urged her to go out and hunt some manner of monster that it had apparently 'sensed'.

She had gone, but chosen not to partake in the silly activation phrase and posing that the cat had instructed her to perform, electing instead to simply fly. The cat had boggled at this, and seemed to only just notice the artifacts floating about her, something she took note of and filed away. When she arrived, she was spectacularly disappointed as well, as she had been hoping for a rousing battle to alleviate the stress of this new situation. Instead, this Youma creature had disintegrated to ash at the first glancing shot she had launched to get its attention, before she had planned to introduce herself.

It was so...

"Frustrating, isn't it?" A voice called out from above and to the side. She turned to look, seeing a woman dressed in a man's tuxedo and ornamental mask, carrying an umbrella, green hair topped with a plaid top hat. She cut an interesting figure, to say the least.

"We've never met." The woman continued, a grin widening across her face. "But I have heard of you, Kaguya-hime, of Eientei. That alone convinces me... that you are in much the same situation as I."

Green hair and plaid. That struck a chord in Kaguya. She was sure there was something about... ah. Yes, she recalled now.

"You are... that flower youkai. Kazami Yuka." She said, without an ounce of uncertainty in her voice.

"Oh! You know me as well! I'm honored, pri-n-cess... and that confirms it. Ah! How wonderful. It has been two months.... two long, painful months, nestled deep in the heart of this teeming hive of humanity. For a short time, I had considered despair... trapped and alone in this fresh hell of poisoned air and earth covered in stone... until I realized how truly pointless it was. As pointless as it would be to slaughter this entire morass of wasted flesh, or to try to leave for more comfortable environs."

Her smile grew further, and twisted.

"I have, of course, tasted the fruitlessness of both endeavors. No matter how many I kill, or how far I stray from this place... should I merely lay me down to sleep, I arise afresh, here once more. There is no escape... it is maddening."

Kaguya frowned at this new information. In all honesty, she hadn't actually considered yet the two possibilities that Yuka had brought up. Good to know, though, in any case. She would be happy to allow others to make the mistakes for her to learn from.

"But now, the rules of the game are finally coming clear." the youkai continued. "There is no penalty to the killing of these creatures. Neither is there sport or satisfaction, with them so unforgivably weak. But now... now, there is another piece. Come, Princess Kaguya! Show them to me, your brilliant danmaku! And in turn, this rage, frustration, and insanity... I shall lay it all bare before you, to lose myself in the joy of the combat I seek, if only for a moment!"

"Oho! I was wondering when you would get around to asking." Kaguya chuckled, as the two floated slowly upwards in the sky. "In truth, I had a similar proposal on my mind myself!"


In the morning, tabloids were running headlines on the strange, unannounced firework display of the previous night.


Yes. Touhou Moon. Why? Why not?

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2010, 03:26:45 AM »
Next bit:


The Mizuno matriarch was an important woman. She was a highly experienced and equally well paid surgeon, on call most hours of the day, and had forged iron-clad connections to a number of political groups. She had no husband, and though she regretted to admit it even in the darkest recesses of her mind, her only child had been an accident, the product of a mistake of her youth. She did not know who the father was... certainly, she could have found the answer through simple DNA testing, but there had been so many possible partners that alcohol-soused night so long ago. Some of them were pleasant to think of. Others, not so much, and that she had woken up alone suggested ill. She found a certain relief in the uncertainty, to be frank.

And so, busied with other things for most of the day, she had very little contact with her daughter. If she stopped to think about it, her stomach would have twisted at the careless neglect she had offered... but she didn't, as she was busy with other, important things, and simply never found much time. Her maternal caring extended to ensuring there was always food in the house, the occasional visit with school officials when it was necessary, and... well, that was mostly all. Her daughter had always been a responsible girl, though. She could take care of herself, and all that was ever necessary in terms of guidance was a hastily-scrawled note in the mornings before she headed in to work.

Except, one day, Mizuno Cirno woke, floated past the note without sparing it even a first glance, raided the pantry, and then flew out the apartment window on icy wings.


"I don't understand." Luna muttered to herself, pacing the roof of an empty fish warehouse, a habit she had picked up from living as a stray. "No incantation, no transformation... but, Sailor Moon still destroyed the youma. Is there something I'm missing? Have I forgotten..."

Luna paused in the middle of that thought as she considered the amnesiac swiss cheese nature of her mind, and the fact that it wasn't so much that there were holes in her memory as it was there was one enormous hole, and a few fragmented memories scattered about it that she could mostly recall properly.

"Of course I've forgotten something." She grumbled. "I could probably write full books with what I've forgotten. Just my luck that much of it is probably very important. Still... Sailor Moon..."

For the briefest of moments, she thought she could recall something, the briefest flicker of a woman in a white gown, golden hair drawn up into... and then it was gone, like it had never been. She uncomfortably disregarded it.

"I'm not entirely sure what I expected. Still, she wasn't it. And that masked tuxedo person... it was all very unnerving, for some reason."

Luna sighed and plopped down morosely on the edge of the roof, pondering her next question. She had found the Sailor Moon she had been seeking so long, and directed her towards the minions of the Dark Kingdom, and she would obviously have no trouble in dispatching them. There was only one question left, then. What now? As far as she knew, her duty was fulfilled. She was now left to her own devices... so, what did she want, then?


Well, at the moment, what Luna wanted was a nice, juicy, raw fish to tear into. Her stomach growled mournfully as she sighed. She'd rather intended to insert herself into Sailor Moon's homestead, but it seemed that her little brother could not abide cats. And that, as she had been told, was that, as Sailor Moon had very calmly left her to fend for herself again...

Luna was interrupted from her train of gloomy thought as a young looking child dressed all in cold blue and white floated by. Her eyes flashed, and she remembered. Only a single word, but it was enough. Mercury. Her duty, it seemed, was not yet complete.

"Hello!" She called out immediately, without thought, and the girl seemed to jump in midair, coming to a sudden stop as she glanced around. "Down here, miss!"

The girl's eyes finally locked onto her, and she floated curiously down.

"You're a cat!" She said, surprised interest undisguised.

"Please, I must speak to you." Luna insisted, and the girl fidgeted slightly in place.

"Do we... have to talk now? I was busy looking for frogs."

.... In the middle of the city? Luna couldn't help herself, as the conversation began to slowly sidetrack.

"Frogs? What for?"

"For hibernation training, of course!" She explained, in the sort of tone that implied the asker was foolish despite that Luna couldn't possibly have anticipated such a reply."


"Uh huh! I freeze the frogs, like this-" Her hand darted out, and Luna had to suddenly move to prevent her tail from being caught up in the sudden sheet of ice that formed over a patch of the roof. "-and when they thaw, they shiver and jump around really fast before going back in the water!"

"... Extraordinary." Luna whispered. "An attack that can cause full cryogenic stasis? Yes, I was right... you are the one I must speak to."

"Yeah! I'm really good at it, too. Only one in three frogs ever shatter anymore!"

Luna felt a cold chill roll down her spine at that statement, coupled with the cheery smile and happy tone it had been delivered in. It had very little to do with the cold radiating from the ice beside her.

And yet, she couldn't back down now. She had found Sailor Moon, and now it seemed that Mercury had found her, more or less. Slowly, she opened her mouth and spoke again.


Yeah, that's all so far.

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2010, 05:46:30 AM »
Huh... Touhou-Sailor Moon crossover? Or, well... I guess it's more like character substitution which is also fine. I'm not too familiar with Sailor Moon, but from what I do know Cirno would make a good Usagi.

I am a bit curious as to why you say you are hesitant to post this.

Fiction: August Star in Autumn Sky Eastern Wonderland Story Book 1

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2010, 05:59:01 AM »
Hm? Oh, it's just that I've already posted this at, and for some reason posting it again someplace else, as is, instead of writing something new irritates me. Feels like I'm just fishing for extra feedback. Meh. I mean, not that I'm not, but it irritates me to think about it that way.

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 08:07:33 AM »
Yes. Touhou Moon. Why? Why hasn't this been done here yet?

fixed it for you.

also, Cirno's introduction made me laugh.


  • Evil Chibi-Dan -doesn't bite-
Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2010, 05:17:22 AM »
oh man, I remember this from FFnet. Good stuff!

Hmmm, I hope the people of the forum take notice of this story; the insanity of it is awesome, and the crazy awesome people of this place can only help. Yep yep.

Mokou as Mars would be the next obvious choice. Murder as comedy and actually being comedy.
In the other hand, Okuu as a miko gotta be at least a bit ironic, what with her being a goddess and stuff... right?
Orin as Mars, well, I think it could work, you certainly have a talent to pull out crazy awesome ideas and make them work.
so much evil it's poisonously healthy!

Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2010, 04:38:05 AM »
I love a good fusion so much more then a unthinking cross over.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2011, 02:07:13 AM »
mm... yeah, gonna admit it, not seeing myself pushing this one much further, as is.  Don't get me wrong, it's delightful, but I keep thinking things like 'maybe it should have been X or Y, instead of Z', and even now I just can't bring myself to make a choice between people, to decide who takes the roles. Aww, indecision...

But I just thought recently that maybe I should start this one back up again from scratch, as a CYOA type of thing, and see if that sparks anything back up for this. Thoughts in that regard, or should I just let this thing gasp it's last breath and die?

Re: Full Moon over Eastern Wonderland
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2011, 07:18:10 PM »
Flash of inspiration was had.


Inubashiri Momiji, Youkai Mountain's White Wolf Tengu, wasn't entirely sure what was going on. She had simply woken up one morning, sword and shield conspicuously absent, and apparently now a Miko of some kind. She wasn't entirely sure how Reimu or Sanae would take this turn of events, but as she didn't seem to be in Gensokyo anymore, much less on youkai mountain, she supposed it didn't really matter. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be any gods in the shrine proper, so that was at least one less concern to deal with. And in other respects, the situation was more than acceptable.

"Feeding those crows of yours again? Well, you know where everything is. Don't let me keep you." Her shriveled 'grandfather' cheerily declared, waving idly from his lounging seat, eyes not budging for a second from the tight bodysuits of the women exercising on the television. "Could you start dinner afterwards?"

"Of course, Grandfather." She replied, smiling brightly.

The sack of bird feed weighed something like fifty pounds when full, and was mostly composed of dehydrated corn, grains, and seeds. The sack was nearly full, and she hefted it thoughtlessly in one hand, no concern whatsoever for the weight, whistling lightly as she stepped back out of the storage shed.

"... Oh, come on. You're still doing this?" The complaint came as she measured out a handful of feed.

"That's one serving..."

Hatate nodded idly, cupping her hands to recieve the feed without any real complaint.

"Jeeze, do you have any idea how humiliating it is for you to give us bird food to eat?" Aya continued whining.

"I would suppose it would be roughly the same as giving me a can of dog food for a meal, and every bit as amusing. Consider it karmic retribution, perhaps, miss Aya?" Momiji replied, casual smile not shifting an iota. Her teethe were, however, if one looked closely, slightly grit.

Aya grumbled under her breath, but took the feed, ignoring the crunching sound of Hatate chewing at her portion.

"One for one seems pretty fair, I guess." the junior reporter stated, ignoring the glower Aya sent her way for the remark.

"I thought so as well!" Momiji cheerily agreed. "And since nobody else seems to register you as anything but slightly overlarge crows, this seems like the best opportunity I have to get even. So, from now, bird feed for you for....a week and three days still. And for Miss Aya, seven years, eleven months, two weeks, and six days until things have evened out."