Author Topic: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]  (Read 25981 times)


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Update: Chapter IX
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2010, 06:38:10 PM »
I hope that some tape recorder justice gets served here real soon.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Update: Chapter IX
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2010, 06:49:29 PM »
Oh dear. Now we've got evil laughter thrown into the mix! :V


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Update: Chapter X
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2010, 09:13:53 PM »
Chapter X ? Squeezing them smoothly

The next morning at school Leo and John arrived at the same time near the front gates. They both stopped for a moment and stared at each other. Then Leo started walking towards the gate but then turned around towards John and reached out his hand.

?Man, I am sorry for previously. I was just upset about the whole case. But Rico phoned me yesterday that you went solo to their dorm to infiltrate.?
?The infiltration failed though.? He shook his hand and accepted his apology: ?We will discuss this during the short break.?

Avelia and Shimuka were observing Leo and John from the school building. ?Damn it, those two became best buddies again.? Acidud said with a soft smack on the wall.
Shimuka chuckled: ?My, but that doesn?t mean Mr. Butler will be getting away what he did yesterday. We already have a target as a hostage.?


The school bell rang as the students quickly made their way to their for a mini break of fifteen minutes. Leo and John wanted to meet up with Mack and Rico to come up with a plan, but the Venus High girls appeared in front of them. ?Good morning Mr. Butler.? Amy said who folded her arms under her chest. A beautiful view for John in the early morning. John whispered Leo to go ahead as he would quickly meet up. He first hesitated but followed his advice. Slowly he walked towards the Venus Girls. Were they going to ambush him? Or cause trouble? His heartbeat accelerated rapidly. He could see their eyes following his moves carefully as he walked by. But nothing happened and Leo passed by them.

The four then focussed their attention on John and started grinning. Shimuka and Amy walked over to John where Shimuka put her arm around his neck: ?Mr. Butler, could it be that you harassed one of our friends yesterday evening.?

But John closed his eyes and adjusted his neck tie and at the same time removing Shimuka?s arm. Obviously she was not charmed by this rude attitude and changed her gentle smooth look into a slightly chilly glare. ?Mr. Butler, I think we might have to remind you of your warning.?

John then immediately concluded it was the Venus Girls after all. ?You naughty girls. It was you who send Miss Rivers at us weren?t you.?
Amy then closed in close into John face, as if she was going to kiss him but she just gave him a close-up glare. ?John, we will make you pay for this. If you want to protect your friends, meet us at the school back yard after school together with your other smooth Gentlemen.?

?What do you mean.? He said confused.
Shimuka giggled and stroked her hair as her glasses sparkled for a moment in the light: ?That girl in your class seems cute. I wonder how she will scream when I tie her up.?

At that moment John? eyes widened and his face turned pretty angry. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth for a moment. ?You bitches, don?t you dare lie a hand on Teresa. She is Leo?s girlfriend. I will destroy you.?
Amy grabbed John? face:  ?You can?t do a thing. John. You and your Smooth Gentlemen group will fall.?
?That is right.? Melisa said holding her hands in her side. ?This school will no longer will have you freaks around but shall be under our command. The beautiful Venus High girls.?

In first time of his life, John felt totally cornered and mentally defeated. How could he both protect himself, his friends and Teresa. Only because of his own stupid act, he endangered them. He loosened his fists and sighed in defeat. ?What are your demands, Miss Sanders?

?Become our slave butler.? She said.
?You heard her.? Amy said while fiddling with his neck tie:  ?You will become our slave butler.?
?And fight your friends.? Avelia said.
?That is nonsense, I cannot betray my friends and turn against them.?

But neither of them wanted to listen to John? begging. They just wanted him to go down along with his friends. John realised this but he had no choice. He agreed but said that Teresa has to remain unharmed.

?We promise.? Shimuka said while licking her own lips. She grabbed John hand and put it inside his own pocket, telling him to grab his phone: ?Now how about you call those friends of yours to meet you after school at the back yard.?

?I cannot phone them. We agreed to meet up at the roof during out short break. It will cause suspicion He answered.
?Don?t give me that bullshit.? Amy said pulling his neck tie roughly. John was almost going to choke for a moment. But Melisa told Amy to stop it and let him go. Slowly he stepped away from the four and walked away as they laughed behind him, teasing him with words and gestures.

Arriving on the roof his friends asked what kept him so long but he replied it was all right.
?Well then.? Leo said while grabbing out a piece of paper he had been writing all this time: ?Shall we discuss the girls. I have some interesting data about them.?
?Body measures?? Mack asked out of curiosity and snatched the paper out of Leo?s hands.
?Hey calm be careful with that, it took me a lot of effort to gather that data.?
Mack however seemed disappointed as he returned the paper back: ?What is this man, it only reports their outfits and clothing and some sketches.?
?Yea so, it still remains precious data.?
Rico sighed for a moment: ?Shouldn?t we discuss what we discovered with John??

Rico then started explaining quickly that they played back the digital recorder which was supposing a log of principal Highway?s office times. Every time the door opened, it automatically started recording. John played back the part where the principal got ambushed.

?Wait, those voices are completely unfamiliar.? Leo concluded when the recorder finished playing.
?Exactly? John nodded: ?Yesterday I infiltrated their dorm and tried to question a girl but she refused to say anything. I got discovered by Avelia and Amy and barely survived.?

Leo was surprised upon hearing on John? individual act: ?Wait what?! Why did you go on your own man?! Now you will get expelled.?

But John explained it was a risk he had to take as he claimed it was a hopeless case like this. He also slowly added that they challenged him and Leo, Mack, Rico. ?They are expecting us at the school backyard after school.?

Mack stood up and cracked his knuckles: ?It?s spanking time.?

But before any spanking could be done they had to return back to class in time. But John kept Teresa being a possible hostage a secret. He couldn?t man up to tell Leo the truth. When they returned to class, Leo quickly visited the men?s room but John went ahead. Inside the classroom, Melisa leaned over and asked one more time if he was going to follow their orders.

?Who do you think I am?? he replied back cold.
?You better be following our orders.? Melisa firmly warmed again: ?As we have the ability to get you and your friends expelled for ever and then nobody can save that Mr. Knight?s cute girlfriend anymore.?

Leo was already standing next to them, but didn?t heard the conversation. He only noticed Melisa and John staring at each other with fierce looks. But they quickly regained a normal posture and pretended nothing had happened.


The final class ended which was ironically enough their workshop on an assignment about historic events among schools. Surely the entire event at Jupiter High was worth a research paper. Leo was already joking on performing a research on the pants of Venus High girls.

The four arrived at the back yard but couldn?t see anyone around them.

?There is nobody here.? Mack said.
?Maybe they got scared for receiving a good beating from us.? Leo laughed.

Rico noticed John was not responding at all any more but silently staring ahead of him. Rico pinched his eyes for a moment but before he got realise what was going to happen, Mack already got kicked in the stomach which made him fly few meters backwards. Leo blinked, unable to understand what was going on when another kick approached him but he blocked it with his leg as well.
?John! What the fuck are you doing man?? he shouted, but John didn?t respond back. He made a spin and tried to kick Leo again. The kick was yet again blocked by Leo.

?Seriously John, this isn?t funny any more. If you want to prepare us mentally you could have told us.?
John quickly jumped back as a rose was almost about to impale his leg. Rico told Leo to step back and avoid coming close to John.

?I don?t get it man John. Why are you attacking us.? Leo started shouting in anger. But all that remained in John? eyes was sadness and silence.

Then a laughter occurred from behind them. It were the Venus High girls who walked in. ?Because he is now our slave.? Melisa said chuckling: ?Your smooth gentlemen times are over. Hahahaha.?
?That is right.? Avelia said cracking her knuckles: ?To protect your precious friends he agreed to sacrifice himself and you for the sake of some girl.?

?Some girl?? Leo asked: ?What girl!?
?Your girlfriend.? Melisa answered: ?He thought you were unable to protect her and thus agreed on our terms. Now then, would you all line up so we can strip all your clothes??

?As if that is going to happen!? Leo said while leaping over to Melisa. But Amy quickly interfered slashing her wooden sword on Leo. On time he back flipped to avoid the slash, but there was no time for resting as Avelia charged in with punch. It Leo in his stomach which made him falter on his knees. A pair of roses got thrown at Avelia but slashed away by Amy?s sword which after that Shimuka somersaulted over and dealt damage at Rico?s upper body.

?Damn it, a four versus two we never are going to win. Fuck this.? Leo shouted in anger: ?John! You better fucking??

But John was lying on the floor already. Leo and Rico looked shocked as they didn?t see anybody attacking him. Even the Venus High girls seemed shocked as they didn?t get it either.

But then a female stepped on John? back. Before anybody could see what was happening she leaped over to Amy and slammed her sword away.

?What is going on.? Leo asked as he witnessed this fast moving person disabling all the Venus High girls in no time.

John slowly regained his vision and stood up. When he saw the girl in front of him who had already disabled Melisa, Amy, Shimuka and Avelia. Even Mack regained his senses and slowly struggled towards Leo and Rico.

?You?It can?t be.? John said in surprise.
?Who what?? Mack asked and noticed the girl in front of them: ?Woah who is this hot babe??

John sat on his knees in mental defeat: S-s-shino?

?That is right Mr. Butler.? Shino replied with a evil smile.
?Hey, I recognize her voice.? Rico quickly noted: ?It?s her.?
John nodded: ?No doubt, she was the one who ambushed the principal. But makes me wonder who the other person was.?

?Oh that was my underling. No need to mention her.? Shino said while walking slowly over to the Venus High girls.

Melisa and the rest looked up, being unable to move for no reason: ?W-w-wait a minute. Who are you. I thought the principal from Venus High, Miss Waters allowed us to defeat the Smooth Gentlemen here.?

?Nah, that was just a plan to distract you. I enjoyed watching you Smooth Gentlemen and Venus High girls. You both did well at your own schools in harassing people. I wanted to see how you would do against each other. But the Smooth Gentlemen failed it, they w ere too nice to follow the rules.?

Leo?s jaw dropped as he couldn?t believe the entire story but he was still angry: ?But you ambushed our principal and hospitalized him you fiend!?
Shino turned around looking with a dull stare at Leo: ?Oh Mr. Highway. Don?t worry he never got attacked in the first place. He is at home watching football.?

Both Venus girls and Smooth Gentlemen?s jaws dropped now in total surprise. ?WHAT??

?Y-you set the entire scene up. Didn?t you.? Avelia said gritting her teeth: ?I should bash your skull in right now and destroy that face of yours.? Somehow Avelia regained her strength and jumped over to Shino. But she grinned silently and got behind Avelia and ripped her cloths.

Avelia was now half naked, totally embarrassed she tried to cover her body parts but it was already too late. Then Shino flashed past Amy, Shimuka and Arasahi, ripping their clothes off as well. They all screamed out in panic.

Shino then glanced at John, smiled and walked over to Melisa who started fearing now. She begged for mercy but Shino didn?t want to hear any of that.

?Wait!? John shouted: ?Shino, please wait!?
?Too late John, hahahahaha. This is what you wanted no?? she replied while holding Melisa?s body: 'Squeezing her breasts, right?'

?Too late John, they are already squeezed.? Shino said and performed her act on Melisa. All the other males and females saw Melisa squealed like a little girl. John dropped on his knees and started punching the ground in anger and defeat: ?Not fair. Not fair. Not fair!? and started crying manly tears.
Leo also started crying: ?I ? I wanted to take pictures of their underwear.?
Mack whined that he wanted to get his hands on Amy?s butt. Rico... Rico remained silent as he dramatically dropped the rose, holding his arm in front of his eyes: ?Ah, the beauty in front of me got defiled by the legendary lady.?

?Well then, see ya later boys and girls. I need to go home and play some games now. It was fun.? And Shino walked away waving towards Melisa and John.

The silence took over as both teams were sitting on the ground. The birds were singing their evening song and the crickets slowly took over. Leo looked at the Venus girls:  ?Well. Now what.?

?DON?T LOOK YOU PERVERTS? they shouted and the Smooth Gentlemen got their ass kicked. From that day on. The Smooth Gentlemen formed an alliance with the Venus Girls who renamed themselves to The Silky Ladies. Now neither the females and males were safe at Jupiter High.


A scream of a female occurred through the hallway. And the shouting of a male.

?Let go of me.? The girl student shouted, but John was holding her firmly.
?Please don?t.? One of the male students begged but Melisa already was dragging him along by his pants.
Then a voice over the intercom spoke with a sigh: 'Mr. Butler, Mr. Knight. Mr. Back, Mr. Martini, Ms. Sanders, Ms. Aoi, Ms. Verezis and Ms Northwind to my office please.' It was the voice of principal Highway.

---Just another day, at Jupiter High all right.

☆★☆ The end ☆★☆
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:07:57 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2010, 09:50:00 PM »

This is probably my first and last fiction (probably). It started as a joke but ended up as somewhat serious interweb fiction. Main goal of this fiction was random silliness. You can read in the opening post the reason for it.

Coming up with the names wasn't hard for me. I didn't wanted to make this an obvious high school 16 year old typical Japanese fiction. Even though the majority might like it or not. I rather preferred a more mature setting with bachelor students (even though their classes didn't make sense) with more mature events (cannot harass people if they are now 18+ now can we ** laughs **).

Oh well. I had the entire scenario planned from the start. So working towards the end wasn't a big deal. I also didn't wanted  to drag on the story too much with useless fights or drama events. I don't know if I did a good job in building up the tense, keeping it up and finishing it with a ZUN. I really hope the ZUN happened. And oh yes, Shino.

Some clarification on this character: This is Shino. Basically one of my favourite artists drawing Touhou comics. Her style is unique and she made a series of self insert comics where she plays from EoSD to UFO. Recommended for reading if you like good forms of self insert. The same link shows also the joke about the entire "please let me squeeze your boobs." which became somewhat a running gag and even an smiley on this forum (god knows who proposed that).

I wish I could draw humans correctly, so I would give you an impression how I actually imagined all the characters. Maybe I'll try that during my holiday. Oh did I clarify everything? No? Three sizes of the girls? Eh-- I don't want to get killed. Well ok. Imagine all them beautiful with perfect shapes and heavenly legs. Acidus and Sukima are modest stacked, Ruro moderate and Arashi has lar---  I really have to flee now.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 09:51:48 PM by Helepolis »

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2010, 09:52:50 PM »
Whoa, Shino herself became a character?

Is it counted as masochism if I could not stop laughing at the end :V

Enjoy your vacation, Hele. You deserve it. And what do you mean, moderate?


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2010, 10:02:10 PM »
Whoa, Shino herself became a character?

Is it counted as masochism if I could not stop laughing at the end :V

Enjoy your vacation, Hele. You deserve it. And what do you mean, moderate?
Modest = C for me , Moderate = larger than C :V  Thanks I really need the holiday. School pretty much wrecked me lately.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:10:07 PM by Helepolis »

Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2010, 11:21:49 PM »
You know, the end kind of reminded me of the "tower-shaking scene" with Rose in Overlord, because I got the exact same reaction: a combination of snickering and :V

That said ... I dunno. Maybe I'm just weird, but you managed to get the protagonists sympathetic enough that their "plight" seemed a bit too serious/tense to fit in with "random silliness" very well. I was half-expecting John to pull off some kind of Captain-Jack-Sparrow-in-the-first-movie-style "betray everyone, but in such a way that you and your friends come out on top." Maybe I should have kept the premise more firmly in mind ...

EDIT: Also, now that it's over, I'll finally confess: Throughout the entire second-half of its run, I kept thinking "The Smooth Mentlegen."
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:10:30 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #37 on: July 08, 2010, 12:11:18 AM »
Glad to see things worked out relatively well.

Also, I can't get Smooth Criminal out of my head.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2010, 07:00:46 PM »
(Replying from little far east)

"You've been struck by, you've been squeezed by, a smooth shino." would indeed be a fitting line here Kasunagi.

@Kimiko, That was one of the reason I wanted to keep the story short, to avoid too much in depth seriousness.

I noticed though I made some horrible mistakes through out the fiction. Not spelling or grammar, but wrong naming or silly mistakes. Oh well, that is what you get when you let a dutchy like me write a fiction.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 03:10:55 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2010, 07:04:26 PM »
(Replying from little far east)

"You've been struck by, you've been squeezed by, a smooth shino." would indeed be a fitting line here Kasunagi.
I was actually thinking more along the lines of replacing "smooth criminal" with "the smooth gentlemen," although that does work as well.   :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

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Re: The Smooth Gentlemen - Chapter X [Completed]
« Reply #40 on: July 14, 2010, 05:44:22 AM »
Make an Anime out of this, yes/ no?
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