Author Topic: Benediction  (Read 70668 times)


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #210 on: March 26, 2010, 03:52:53 AM »
>Let them beat each other up a bit before making the final decision on whether or not to join in.
>Make sure the travel group doesn't get seen; direct them to hide.

>You decide that these servants are too fearsome and wait until later to make the final decision. You ask Patchouli and Remilia to take the group and hide somewhere they couldn't be seen. You then find another spot to hide where you think would be a good place to ambush and watch the scene before you.

"You've got a lot of nerve if you think your puny avenger can stand up to my Berserker, Yuka Kazami."

    Berserker rawred an earpiecing rawr as it flexed it's muscles.

"We'll see what happens when Avenger destroys your Berserker."

    Avenger got into a stance and pulled out two indescribable weapons. They look like daggers except at the same time they look like something else. They were also littered with hellish tatoos. The air between the two seemed dead quiet. Avenger made the first move and dashed towards Berserker with his daggers extended. Berserker took a step forward and brought his short sword down trying to cleave Avenger. But Avenger was too quick for him and dodged his slash while dealing damage of his own. Berserker tried to turn and slash Avenger again but Avenger disappeared. Avenger reappeared on the other side of the battle field preparing his curse. He tastes the blood of Berserker that got caught on his daggers and self inflicts wounds on himself. An aura of darkness covered Avenger and Berserker and it seemed like Berserker was in pain. Avenger was smirking as he continued to cut himself dealing damage to Berserker. That is until Berserker broke free of the darkness and slashed Avenger across the chest. Blood was gushing from Avenger's body and he started laughing hysterically. Avenger then turned into a shadow beast that was dark all over except for his fangs and eyes. Even though he was barely recognizable as human anymore you could still see a grin on his face. Berserker slashed Avenger again this time slicing off his arm. Avenger's severed arm then turns into a smaller shadow beast and bites onto Berserker not letting go. Avenger then opens his mouth showing a mouth full of sharp fangs to say in a demonic voice.

"Unlimited Remains"

    In an instant the little shadow beast on berserker exploded with immense force. You were sure that Berserker died but in admist the cloud of dust Berserker still stand practically unscathed. Avenger then regrows his arm and prepares another curse. They stood staring at each other for the longest time.

"My my aren't you a durable little servant."

    Said the woman in the irish plaid dress.

"You now see why you can't win? My servant is the strongest of all servants with a stockage of 10 more lives. His noble phantasm The Twelve Sons rivals that of Hercules."

    Retorted the woman with a blue afro. The woman in the irish plaid dress nonchalantly replies with a smile.

"We'll just have to kill him ten more times now won't we?"

    You were getting more and more dishearten at thought of fighting them. What will you do now?

>Wait a little more.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 10:25:36 AM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #211 on: March 26, 2010, 04:08:20 AM »
>Quietly ask who the summoners are.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #212 on: March 26, 2010, 04:18:15 AM »
>Quietly ask who the summoners are.

>You decide to ask Patchouli from below the tree that you were on who were the masters of Avenger and Berserker. Patchouli quietly replies.

"Avenger's master on the left is someone by who goes by the name of Yuka Kazami. She is usually known as the flower master of four season. She also claims to have received the ultimate magic that none knows. Berserker's master on the right is a goddess who is known as Kanako Yasaka. She is the goddess of Moriya Shrine where wind disciples come to pray."

    What will you do now?

>Wait a bit longer.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #213 on: March 26, 2010, 04:26:48 AM »
>Ponder what is known about Avenger. Is it pain that gives it power, or is it the act of being wounded? If the latter, does it come from any kind of wound?


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #214 on: March 26, 2010, 04:43:06 AM »
>Ponder what is known about Avenger. Is it pain that gives it power, or is it the act of being wounded? If the latter, does it come from any kind of wound?

>You try wonder where Avenger's power comes from. In an attempt to figure it out you came up with this theory. First of all you know that Avenger can deal damage when he is hurt. Second of all you know that whatever you do to him he'll always have a counter. And thirdly; you noted that Avenger can regenerate himself. Now you try and think back if you noticed any weakness that he has. You then came to realize something strange about Avenger throughout the battle. He seemed to be slowing down with each curse he uses. Its almost as if his expending mana to use his curses. You also notice that his regeneration isn't instantaneous and finally came to the conclusion that he'll need to be striked down with a single bow. What will you do now?

>Wait a little longer.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #215 on: March 26, 2010, 04:46:00 AM »
>Let the two expend their resources killing each other.
>To Patchouli, "How confident are you in your magic? I do not think it would be possible for you to idly stand aside this time."


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #216 on: March 26, 2010, 04:54:35 AM »
>Let the two expend their resources killing each other.
>To Patchouli, "How confident are you in your magic? I do not think it would be possible for you to idly stand aside this time."

>You decide to let the two battle it out for a little while longer. You then turned your head towards Patchouli to ask her how confident she is in her magic. Patchouli then replies.

"Very confident in them. But there are rules to this war. A magician may only use support magic on their own servant and that is all. They cannot interfere with a battle between servants. Why is it that you ask?"


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #217 on: March 26, 2010, 05:00:13 AM »
>"Ideas that would violate the spirit of that law. What sort of support may I expect of you?"


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #218 on: March 26, 2010, 05:06:31 AM »
>"Ideas that would violate the spirit of that law. What sort of support may I expect of you?"

>You decide to ask Patchouli what kinds of magic she could use to help you. She replied

"You may expect healing support and empowerment. I can increase your stamina temporarily so that you won't tire as easily in battle and a healing aura in which will regenerate any wounds that you have. I can also give you a steady supply of mana for your skills." What will you do now?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #219 on: March 26, 2010, 05:08:35 AM »
>Wonder why she did not do this when Archer attacked.
>Observe for now.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #220 on: March 26, 2010, 05:57:43 AM »
>Wonder why she did not do this when Archer attacked.
>Observe for now.

(OOC: Uuu~ plot hole found.  :ohdear: )

>You decide to ponder why she didn't help you when archer attacked. You remember that archer kept casting a spell that did nothing whenever he had the chance. You thought to yourself that maybe Archer was blocking out her magic with his own. You resolve to ask her about it later. For now you keep watching Avenger and Berserker's battle. For the longest time ever the two servants seemed to be locked in a stare down with none backing down. Then berserker took a step forward with his battlecry.


    Avenger in his shadow beast form quickly dodged Berserker's attack by disappearing in a blur. Berserker looked around trying to find Avenger until Avenger appeared behind him and clawed Berserker's back with his black claws.  Berserker spun around with his sword and severed Avenger's legs off. The legs then became two smaller shadow beast. Avenger regrowed his legs then jumped back to get distance from Berserker. One of the shadow beasts bit onto Berserker not letting go no matter how much he was thrashed around. The other shadow beast was clawing itself and from it's wounds spewed another shadow beast. This cycle repeated until Berserker was swarmed with shadow beasts. In the distance Avenger could be seen breathing heavily but still retained his smirk. Berserker then did something that Avenger would not expect. He broke free of the shadow beasts' hold and charged at Avenger with his sword. Avenger tried to escape but he was too tired to move. Just when Berserker was about to descend his sword on Avenger 3 shadow beasts latched onto Berserker's back and Avenger said in his demonic voice.

"Unlimited Remains."

    The explosion was too great and sent Avenger flying through 10 trees. It seems his plan backfired on him as he was having difficulty getting up. Berserker stands in admist the rubbles once again with practically no damage whatsoever. Or so you think. Berserker was also breathing heavily and was not as fast as he used to be. As Berserker was getting nearer Avenger starts to prepare his ultimate curse. Avenger's shadow beast form started to glow red with the markings you saw on his human body. Avenger just stood there with his final curse as Berserker descended the blade upon his body.

"Verg Avesta."

    Suddenly a burst of red mana could be seen towering the sky and Berserker's body looked like it was thrown in an incinerator. However Berserker's body instantly regenerated and collasped backwards. Avenger returned to his human form unconscious as Yuka Kazami carried him and walked away from the battle scene. Patchouli decides that now is a perfect time to finish what Avenger started. What will you do?


*Note - Avenger just killed 8 of Berserker's lives.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 08:39:31 AM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #221 on: March 26, 2010, 06:04:38 AM »
>Realize that we might have been paying more attention to the wrong opponent. =[
>Size Berserker up before announcing our presence or doing anything, unless Patchouli orders otherwise.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #222 on: March 26, 2010, 06:10:16 AM »
>Realize that we might have been paying more attention to the wrong opponent. =[
>Size Berserker up before announcing our presence or doing anything, unless Patchouli orders otherwise.

>You try to make an estimate of how much of a threat Berserker would be and you come to the conclusion that your Tsubame Gaeshi is quick enough to slice down Berserker before he can hurt you. What will you do now?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #223 on: March 26, 2010, 11:34:04 AM »
>Related to that, are we quick enough not to get cut down by him?


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #224 on: March 26, 2010, 12:04:26 PM »
>Related to that, are we quick enough not to get cut down by him?

>As an assassin you will only need 3 seconds to prepare your technique. It should be enough time considering you saw how Avenger weakened Berserker. You are fairly confident in your abilties at the moment. What will you do?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #225 on: March 26, 2010, 12:12:50 PM »
>As an assassin you will only need 3 seconds to prepare your technique. It should be enough time considering you saw how Avenger weakened Berserker. You are fairly confident in your abilties at the moment. What will you do?


>Let's do this. Say, "Enhance my stamina first, then healing, please," to Patchouli.
>Approach Berserker, and presuming he doesn't instantly flip out, bow and say, "I apologize for the circumstances of our meeting," then draw sword and get to work.
>Should he flip out,  skip the pleasantries and get to work.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #226 on: March 26, 2010, 12:33:27 PM »
>Let's do this. Say, "Enhance my stamina first, then healing, please," to Patchouli.
>Approach Berserker, and presuming he doesn't instantly flip out, bow and say, "I apologize for the circumstances of our meeting," then draw sword and get to work.
>Should he flip out,  skip the pleasantries and get to work.

>You tell Patchouli to increase your stamina and cast a protective healing shell around you. She nods and does exactly that. You then jump down from your position in the tree and started to get into your stance as you approached Berserker. For some reason you felt sorry for Beserker as he tried to get up only to fall down again.

"I am sorry that I have to be the one to do this to you Berserker."

    You were responded with a loud rawr from Berserker as he tried to lift his sword to cleave you.


    You forgot that any shred of humanity left within him had been shattered by the mad enhancement placed on Berserkers. He was just a mindless killing machine guided by mana now. The only way to free him was to kill him. You turn your back to Berserker as you raised your sword close to your face. You then close your eyes and as you prepare to strike.

Hiken, Tsubame Gaeshi!

    In a moment you were on the other side of Berserker with your blade extended. Berserker stopped moving for a bit then collapse on the floor. His body had been cut into pieces. A moment before Berserker fully disappeared. You notice that his eyes were no longer red and he opened his mouth to say.

"To think that your sword technique could kill me 3 times over. You are truly a servant fit for the Holy Grail."

    Berserker's body parts were slowly dissipating and you wonder if you have any questions for Berserker before he goes.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 12:40:45 PM by Wylfred »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #227 on: March 26, 2010, 01:22:04 PM »
>"I apologize for not facing you properly. Were I more in control of circumstances, it would not be so. If it pleases you to expend your last breath on such, tell me more of this Avenger, and the other spirits."


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #228 on: March 26, 2010, 02:07:13 PM »
>"I apologize for not facing you properly. Were I more in control of circumstances, it would not be so. If it pleases you to expend your last breath on such, tell me more of this Avenger, and the other spirits."

>You apologize for not having a proper better against Berserker and said that if it were your decision that you would rather fight Berserker fairly. Berserker chuckled lightly to himself and smiled before saying.

"I know you would assassin. I can see it in your eyes right now. You are but a humble man."

    You bowed towards his praise then asked.

"If I may, can I ask you what you know of the servant that you were engaged in combat with?"

    Berserker closed his eyes and said.

"Avenger is a class made for people who resent the world when they die and become heroic spirits. This particular Avenger used to be a villager boy named Angra Mainyu. One day everybody in the village got together and discussed why there were sinful behaviors still left in humans. They finally came to the conclusion that for people to see good in each other they must take all the world's evil and put it into someone. Angra Mainyu happened to be the one that was picked. An innocent family boy like him was picked to be the world's ultimate evil. If you knew him before that day you would probably see a kind hearted boy who helps his mother do chores. After the village picked him to be the source of all the world's evils he was tortured until he had died. They carved markings into his body fill with ancient text of sinful behaviors. When he finally died the people's minds were at ease and that was heroic enough for him to become a heroic spirit."

    You can't help but feel pity for Avenger. But you shake the feeling off long enough to ask Berserker another question.

"Do you know of any other servants in this current Holy Grail war?"

    Berserker gave a sigh before saying.

"I will give you this warning only for my time is running short. You will meet a man riding a horse. Be wary of this man for he brings the last battle of this Holy Grail war. Now go, back to your master."

    In the distance Kanako Yasaka watched with mild interest. She then went back into her shrine when Berserker's body fully disappeared. You decide to head back to your group that you were traveling with only to find the maids badly bruised and a missing Remilia and Patchouli. What will you do?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #229 on: March 26, 2010, 02:16:01 PM »
>"I expect I am going to be upset when I hear what happened."
>If there are wounds that can be treated, tend to that.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #230 on: March 26, 2010, 02:32:26 PM »
>"I expect I am going to be upset when I hear what happened."
>If there are wounds that can be treated, tend to that.

(OOC: ;))

>You frown hard at what you are seeing right now. You feel like this is some kind of bad joke. You decide to ask Kaori what happened.

"Kaori, are you alive? Who attacked you guys?"

    Kaori painfully opened her mouth and said.

"T-that man came... H-he took the mistress and Patchouli. H-he was a on a horse..."

    Kaori's head fell to the side but you could still feel her pulse. You decide to position Kaori and the rest of the girls in a row and wrapped towels soaked with in warm water over their head. Even with your limited knowledge of treatment you still tried to treat every visible wound on the girls' bodies. You didn't dare try to undress them fearing that you might become a pervert. After doing all you can you decide to sit by your makeshift campfire. What will you do now?

>Scout the area.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Benediction
« Reply #231 on: March 26, 2010, 06:09:40 PM »
> Preform a LIGHT scan of the area, not full on traps and such, just a quick run over for likly ambush locations.
> Ponder how far Remi and Patchy could be by now.
> If nothing new or important comes up after the pondering and scanning, rest.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #232 on: March 27, 2010, 12:03:20 AM »
> Preform a LIGHT scan of the area, not full on traps and such, just a quick run over for likly ambush locations.
> Ponder how far Remi and Patchy could be by now.
> If nothing new or important comes up after the pondering and scanning, rest.

>You decide to not go overboard on the defenses this time and just do a once over on the camp site. You then sit back down and wonder how far Patchouli and Remilia are. If you can follow the horse tracks before they grow cold you may be able to find them before its too late. But you need to protect these girls at the moment. All of a sudden from behind a bush two figures could be seen walking towards your campsite. You decide to draw your sword fearing that they might be enemies. As they got closer you suddenly recognized one of them. One of them was that man that helped you when you were lost in the village. The girl besides him said.

"Looks like your going to need some help ze~"

    You were questionable on how trustworthy they were and raised your sword. Beowulf raised his palm and said.

"Were not your enemy assassin. Don't make us out to be your enemy."

    You didn't drop your sword and they both sighed. Saber sat down on a log by the campfire and the girl with him brought out ingredients. Then the girl said.

"Were going to be borrowing your fire ze~ I figured you guys might be hungry after that fight with Berserker so I'll cook up a large meal."

    You drop down your sword for a moment then sat back then. Then you open your mouth to say.

"Why are you helping us?"

    The girl grinned at you with saber crossing his arms and also smiling. Then she said.

"I figured that the way you are now. You not much of a threat. We need to focus on the even more dangerous Avenger still on the loose."

    Teaming up to take down a big foe. It seems fine for the moment. But you best not get attached to them. Dinner was a little unusual to say the least. Your main course was rice paste with a mushroom in the middle wrapped in banana leaf with some added spices then cooked over a fire. For your side dishes that girl gave you two raw eggs cooked over a fire. It was a fairly delicious meal. Not the best you've ever tasted but it will have to do. You look over at what the girl was doing now and saw that she was spoon feeding the maids with a soup that she made. She noticed you looking over and said.

"If they don't eat they'll stave to death ze~"

    You turn your head towards Saber who seems to be staring intently into the fire. You are currently sitting on a log near the campfire. What will you do now?

>Talk with the girl
>Talk with Saber

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #233 on: March 27, 2010, 12:06:49 AM »
>Talk with Sabre. See if his memories are as fucked as ours.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #234 on: March 27, 2010, 12:46:53 AM »
>Talk with Sabre. See if his memories are as fucked as ours.

>You decide to talk to your fellow servant. Walking over to where Sabre was you sat down right next to him and watched the campfire. You then open your mouth to say.

"I have a question to ask of you Sabre. Do you recall anything of before you got here?"

    He never once looked away from the fire but said.

"I cannot. A memory seal was placed on us servants. All I know is that I must win this war and obtain my wish."

    You place a hand on sabre's back and said.

"I too cannot remember anything from my past except for my killing techniques."

    Sabre shrugged off your hand then said.

"If we are to beat Avenger then I'll need your help. This sword of mine, naeling has the power to negate mana flow. I need someone who can deliver the final below while I cut off his magic."

    You nod in agreement. then replied.

"This is perfect then. With our combined strength maybe we'll win against Avenger."

    Then Sabre placed a hand on his chin and said.

"I highly doubt it will be that easy that. Avenger can easily escape my naeling and even if I hit him the damage would be returned to me. So I can only hold him for 5 seconds before he can escape."

    You nod in agreement. With that said Sabre went back to watching intently at the fire. The girl in the witch custom finished feeding the maids and say down near a tree. You decided to walk over to where the maids were and they all smiled towards you. Then Koizumi said.

"Mister Sasaki, please don't be mad at us. We tried our best to keep them from taking Miss Remilia and Miss Patchouli."

    You placed a hand on Koizumi's mouth and said.

"It's alright. I'll bring back both of them. With the help of these two kind people I'll definitely bring them back. So just rest for now."

    The girl in the witch custom smiled to herself and Sabre seemed to soften up. You are currently sitting on a log near the campfire. What will you do now?


Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #235 on: March 27, 2010, 12:49:56 AM »
>Ask the maids if they're more or less alright; given we were too bashful to give 'em a full checking over.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #236 on: March 27, 2010, 01:29:10 AM »
>Ask the maids if they're more or less alright; given we were too bashful to give 'em a full checking over.

>You decide to ask the maids if they were alright.

"Are any one of you girls hurting anywhere? I only cleaned up your outside wounds."

    Mizumi replied.

"Yes actually... there is one wound that you forgot to check. Its here"

    She pointed to a spot right below her chest. You blushed slightly as you pulled out a medicine kit from your backpack and returned to where Mizumi was. You pulled up Mizumi's maid outfit only enough to see where the wound was. After you were done treating the wound Mizumi smiled at you.

"Thank you mister Kojiro, it was really painful until now."

    You nodded at her. You then asked if any of the other girls had any similar wounds and and they all said yes. You hope to whatever god is listening that you would not become a pervert by the time this was over. After treating all their wounds that were in mildly questionable places you sit down back on your log. What will you do now?



  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Benediction
« Reply #237 on: March 27, 2010, 01:45:37 AM »
> Probably best to pack it in for the night.  We're gonna need sleep if we want to beat Avenger.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Benediction
« Reply #238 on: March 27, 2010, 01:47:07 AM »
>Rest. Keep near the maids. Do not turn back on Saber or Marisa. If possible, quietly arrange for the maids to keep a rotating watch so they can wake you if either of them try some funny business.


  • The Black Knight.
  • The Eternally Bored Butler
Re: Benediction
« Reply #239 on: March 27, 2010, 01:59:47 AM »
>Rest. Keep near the maids. Do not turn back on Saber or Marisa. If possible, quietly arrange for the maids to keep a rotating watch so they can wake you if either of them try some funny business.

>You decide that you weren't going to let your guard down just yet. Using your assassin like grace you silently arrange the maids in a way so that you could wake them up if Saber or Marisa tries something funny. Finally you allow yourself to rest sitting cross legged with your sword leaning against your arm.

    You wake up in the middle of the night hearing some rustling noise in the trees. You quickly got up from the your position that you were sleeping in and drew your sword. You noticed that Saber and that girl were still asleep. Suddenly four shadows descended from the tree tops. Each one of them was wearing a skin tight black suit and a cloak. White skull masks were covering their face except for the jaw. This wasn't good you decided. As you tried to take a step forward they raised a knife near the girls' throats. What will you do now?

>Hope your quick enough and try and cut down these guys.