Author Topic: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts  (Read 95758 times)

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #30 on: June 20, 2010, 05:47:58 AM »
Authors note: Jichou is an obscure term for Raven.  (Assuming anyone gets the REST of the reference)

Stage 2: The Frozen Lake
~In the Mist a fearsome opponent waits
But is this meaningful battle or a distraction?~
~Nature is Unnatural~

Ina squinted as the mist surrounded her.  It was just her luck to arrive over the lake at noon.  One of the Kappa had tried to explain exactly how the mist appeared every day regardless of the prevailing weather, but no one else had been able to understand the explanation.

Whatever the reason for it's existence, for Ina the mist meant poor viability, bone chilling cold and lots of fairies trying to ambush her.  One particular green haired fairy had persistently teleported about her while spraying bullets for a bit before fleeing.

She sighed, ?Was the lake always this big?  I know I'm traveling in the right direction...?

?When you lose your way it's because of the fairies.?

?I know it's because of the fairies.?  Ina's eyes narrowed.  ?And why are you here?  Don't tell me you've been commanding those fairies to attack me??

?Hey!  It's you jerks that make fairies slaves!  I just let them do whatever they want.?  The mists parted revealing the master of the lake.  The blue haired fairy floated proudly, hovering slightly above the shrine maiden.  Perhaps she was trying to make up for her lack of height.  ?Besides shouldn't you be worrying about the enemy in front of you??

?Aren't we on the same side?  I expect the stupid lesser fairies to mess around, but why are you interfering??

?Don't call me stupid!? Cirno yelled at the shrine maiden.  The fairy took a moment to compose herself before continuing.  ?It's not about sides.  When there's an incident fairies are supposed to play.  That's our reason for existence.  Just like how tengu are supposed to write newspapers.?

Ina frowned at the smaller girls antics.  ?No it's not.  I'm certain fairies can play without interrupting my work.  And I know tengu don't have some inherent newspaper affinity.?

Cirno smiled wickedly.  ?Oh really??  The fairy reached into her dress and pulled out a suspiciously newspaper like object  ?So what about this 'Monthly Shrine Report,' hmm?  I suppose I'm just imagining it??

Ina blushed in embarrassment  ?That's different!  It's an important method of getting information to the community.  And where were you keeping that anyway??

Cirno looked confused by the question.  ?Same place I keep my spellcards of course.?

Ina took a deep breath.  She couldn't let herself be distracted by this.  ?Well if you're going to attack me get on with it.  I've got an incident to solve, and no one's going to stop me.?

?Eh?  That's it?  Usually the shrine maidens think up something better then that.?  Cirno shrugged.  ?Ah, whatever.?  She smiled fiercely.  ?Your quest stops here.  You can't get past my attacks.?  The ice fairy raised one hand and an array of icicles began to form around her.  Ina narrowed her eyes to focus.

Then with a quick downward swing of her hand Cirno sent the waves of ice forward.

Ina adopted her defensive strategy again.  She had always known Cirno was abnormally strong for a fairy, but this danmaku was something else.  Simple patterns with easy weak spots suddenly turned into death traps, requiring perfect movement as follow up patterns washed over the field.  However there was still always a tiny weakness.  ?Your danmaku is too precise.  Someone like me can't be hit by this type of attack!?  Ina punctuated her remarks with a curving amulet shot that shattered Cirno's blizzard.

Cirno smiled.  ?But you can't pass by me either.  And now I've seen your style.  Lets see how well you do against a completely random barrage.?

Ina grimaced.  She knew the answer to that question and it was 'poorly.'  She could track a lot of random movements, but Cirno had already shown the ability to throw out more individual bullets then Ina could watch at any given time.  Instead she'd have to resort to a different tactic.

So as Cirno began her spell Ina closed her eyes and reached for her personal trump card.  Just as the fairy finished her declaration, Ina opened her eyes and unleashed her own spell.

There was a breeze, the sound of fabric tearing, and then Ina was on the other side of Cirno who was staring in shock at a broken spell card and a tear in her dress.

?Eh?  A bomb already.  Well it won't save you from...?

?Well now I'm past you, so I'll go on my way.?  Ina flew off with a speed only exceeded by jet engines and crow Tengu.

?Hey!  I still have cards!  That was just the start!  Dammit take me seriously!?  Cirno yelled futilely at the rapidly disappearing figure.

Cirno's rant was disturbed by a loud cry of, ?Helloooo stage two boss!? from behind.  Turning she saw another miko, this one in the more traditional red fly out of the mist.

?Stage two boss?? Cirno asked slightly dazed.

Aoi nodded.  ?Yeah.  I mean, that green haired girl can't count, she has to be a midboss.  So that means with auntie back there being stage one, you must be stage two.?

?Muki!!!!?  Aoi's tail bristled in shock as the ice fairy screamed.  ?Stage 2?  What's wrong with you people!  There was supposed to be a whole mountain worth of bosses before me!  This should have been stage 5!  The mountain used to be able to have a full 6 stages and an extra, with a couple of bosses left over for the fighting games!  How could this have happened??

?Uh...  I got no idea sis.?  Aoi was wondering about this stage two thing herself.  The fairy looked like an idiot, but her soul was burning incredibly bright.  It was different then anything she'd seen before.  ?Anyway I guess we gotta fight?  I've gotta go beat up that mountain miko, find out what the incident is, and solve it.?

Cirno took a few breaths.  Her equilibrium restored she smiled at the miko.  ?I can respect that goal kid, but I'm no ordinary stage two boss.  You should just hide under the kotatsu now before my cold freezes you solid.?

Aoi wondered if she was missing some reference.  ?Kotatsu?  The nuclear reactor puts off enough heat we don't need something like that.?

?What?  What kind of shrine has a nuclear reactor??  Cirno's eyes suddenly narrowed.  ?Wait.  You're HER miko aren't you?  That overgrown crow!?

Aoi's tail began to lash about.  This was getting interesting.  Not many people above ground knew about the boss, and most of those were very old and powerful youkai.  She dropped her slave amulets and bowed to her opponent.  ?Aoi Kaenbyou, of the Reiuji shrine.?

?As I thought.  Well then, for you I'll be the last boss!?  Cirno flung her hand forward and a mass of snowballs, icicles and ice lasers (ice lasers?) flew towards the underground miko, who began to spin away from the shots as her amulets returned fire.

The next few minutes for Aoi were a constant series of close calls and frantic dodging all while pouring as much magic into her ghost slaves as possible to keep up their rate of fire.

Suddenly the air was still.  Aoi glanced around the field.  The orb bullets that her opponent had been firing were sitting in the air, frozen, and Cirno held what looked like a marble in one hand.  The Ice fairy tossed the marble into the air, then flicked it towards a orb with a simple declaration.  ?~Perfect Freeze~?

The shot hit the bullet dead center and shattered it sending shrapnel everywhere, those bits struck more bullets which either shattered or began to ricochet into other bullets.  It seemed like a horrible game of pool with exploding balls.  Aoi scrambled madly backwards hoping to avoid having bullets in her blind spots.

She wasn't fast enough.  The crack of ice shattering behind her forced her to spin around and dodge forwards and sideways.  She dodged that bullet, and the one after it, but a shard that was hidden behind another bullet when she began her dive swooped past and tore straight through one of her sleeves before hitting her personal wards.  One of her spell cards shattered at her 'cheating,' reflecting her loss.  Fortunately the bullets all evaporated before her wards dropped again.  Aoi noticed one of her amulets falling away from an ice shield next to the fairy.  She must have gotten in a spell break of her own.

Cirno nodded.  ?All right.  That's it for warm ups.  I've seen your weakness and...?

?That's enough from a stage two boss!  Nanto Jichou Ken: Yatagarasu Tobikomi!?  A massive bird of fire swept down at the ice fairy causing an explosion as it impacted the area.  Aoi stared in disbelief as the steam cleared to reveal Utsuho in her full regalia adopting a cool pose over the battlefield, while Cirno recovered her balance.

With a flick of her wings Utsuho sent her star cape fluttering to properly frame her next pose.  ?That's right little one.  The Master of the Black Sun of Chireidan shall be your opponent now.  Know that you once again stand against a god!?

?Oh dear.? Aoi muttered to herself.  ?She's on a roll this time...?  She looked to see if Cirno had been angered by the sudden (and technically illegal) attack.

But the ice fairy seemed to have lost all interest in her former opponent.  The mist behind her began to snap and crystallize into ice as Cirno adopted her own cross armed pose.  ?Heh heh heh.  HA HA HA HA.  At last... the main event.  This time I'll beat you so bad even a birdbrain like YOU won't be able to forget it!?

Utsuho sneered, ?Every time we've fought you've either been knocked out or vaporized.  What makes you think this time will be different??

?I've never been vaporized!  You've just refused to admit I knocked you senseless and left you on the ground!  But this time I'll freeze you solid!?

?Ha!  Taste the ultimate power of fusion!?

Aoi, watched the two for a bit before heading on her way.  She had an different incident to solve after all.  ?It's good to see the boss having such fun with her friends,? she remarked to herself as she left.  With luck they wouldn't blow up anything valuable.

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #31 on: June 20, 2010, 07:06:49 AM »
I'm just going to assume it was a Fist of the North Star reference.

But yeah, another good chapter. |3


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #32 on: June 20, 2010, 07:18:46 AM »
"Nanto Jichou Ken: Yatagarasu Tobikomi"

No clue what Nanto or Tobikomi mean(What do they mean anyway), but Jichou being Raven and Ken being Blade/Fang, I was assuming something like the Tales move Razing Pheonix/Burning Pheonix. But sadly, that's Hiou Zetsunshou. And this, summed Utsuho to be epicherself.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2010, 10:08:55 PM »
Renko looked up at the sky and frowned.  "Hm...  It's just not right."

"What isn't right?" Mary asked while fanning herself.

"The stars," Renko replied.  "I always feel they should be brighter.  Especially on Tanabata."

Maribel shrugged slightly.  "I know, but with all the light pollution..."  She carefully began to walk up the steps to the Hakurei shrine.  She still hadn't grasped all the intricacies of the yukata/geta combo so she wanted to take her time and avoid tripping.  Renko spared one last glance to the heavens before following her friend.  There was a decent crowd today, but it wasn't as busy as the shrines closer to the city would be so they didn't need to worry too much about getting lost.

Neither of them could really explain why they'd started going to the Hakurei shrine for festivals.  But ever since their first visit they both agreed to keep coming back.  Maybe it was the atmosphere.  Or maybe it was because, despite Renko's complaint, both their eyes seemed to work a little better here.

The two ladies stood in line to toss their donations in the shrine box before ringing the bell then moving over to the bamboo polls where the slips of paper were being tied up.

"Hey Renko, over there!" Maribel pointed towards the far side of the bamboo poles.  "That one looks real."

Renko moved up and inspected it.  It did seem like a real bamboo tree.  There were a couple of other real plants as well back here, or so it seemed.  "Huh.  Well that is interesting."  She smiled.  "Well it's gotta be better to put you wishes on real bamboo, right?"

"Of course," Mary replied with her own smile.  The two girls tied their paper slips to the branches.

Renko looked at her friend.  "So, um... What did you write?"

Maribel was about to answer when her eyes saw the boundarys of the place twist.  Puzzled she leaned forward to look at her wish again.  "Huh?  This isn't mine..."


Maribel checked to make sure she hadn't missed her own paper somewhere in the branches, then pulled the slip off the bamboo and inspected the paper closely.  "I want to see the stars of the outside world once.  ~Marisa Kirisame"

Renko looked over Maribel's shoulder at the slip.  "'The outside world?'  Could it be from there?  What's the paper like?"

Mary rubbed the paper.  "It feels different.  Rougher.  And the color is slightly different too."

"I wonder if mine changed as well?" Renko excitedly reached for her slip.  Sure enough the paper felt different and when she flipped it towards her the writing was in a far steadier hand then Renko's.

"What's it say?" Maribel asked excitedly.

Renko glanced at the paper and blushed slightly.  "I think we should let 'Alice' keep her wish secret."

Maribel frowned.  "What?  Come on you've already read it!  Let me see too!"


Marisa frowned at the paper in her hand.  It was incredibly smooth, and more importantly, despite repeated searching she was sure it wasn't hers, despite being in the exact same place she'd tied her wish up.  "'I want to see the sky of Gensoukyo someday?'  Why would someone write that?  Maybe this Maribel girl's blind or something?  And where'd my wish get to?"

Alice frowned as she inpected it.  "That doesn't look like the paper slips that Reimu's selling.  Maybe it dropped across the barrier?"

Marisa pondered that for a moment.  "Maybe it did.  Hey, check yours Alice."

Alice sent Shanghai over to where she'd tied her wish and retrieved it.  She carefully looked at the altered paper.

"Is yours different too?"

Alice nodded.  "Yes.  How odd."

"So what's it say?" Marisa asked.

Alice smiled and sent Shanghai to tie up the .  "I think 'Renko' would want to keep this wish a secret."

Marisa frowned.  "Oh come on..."  She sighed.

"Still," Alice said.  "if those wishes can sail across the milky way and end up here, it should be easy for them to become true."

Marisa thought about it for a moment.  "Maybe that means our wishes will become true too, eh?"


The two stood in silence for a bit longer.

Then Marisa jumped up and zoomed over to where Shanghai had tied the wish.  "You saw the one I got.  Fair's, fair right?"

"Dammit Marisa!  Are you five!?"

On the slip of paper was a simple message.  "I want to be with Mary, wherever she goes. ~Renko"


Day late, dollar short, and totally out of tune with the lunar calender.  Oh well, a tanabata fic none the less.

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2010, 10:31:08 PM »

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #35 on: July 09, 2010, 04:11:11 AM »
cute :)
More Maribel and Renko is always appreciated.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2010, 11:19:34 PM »
Well between looking for a job, stressing over not finding a job, and trying to clean up ESR my brain is too fried to get something good out.  Maybe the weekend will help me get back into shape an allow me to finish another chapter of a New World.  Until then I offer this explination for my mech/ fighter choices for the weekly writing challenge.  Mainly because doing random stuff helps my brain relax.

The pilots were all chosen to mimic SA.  Yukari got placed in support because I felt she should be a jumpship pilot, what with her normal space warping powers.  Utsuho sadly also became support both for plot reasons and because I couldn't find a broken enough mech.  Kanako got billing because the scenario was her fault, and Sanae joined the fun because I needed to balance the teams a little.

The weakest mech setups were the Sulla's for Koishi and Satori.  Satori and Koishi were made Clan areospace pilots because of their ZUN art.  I picked those planes to demonstrate to those unfamiliar with the setting how broken the Clan advantage is.  Of course the two sisters fighting styles come stroght from the game, with Satori reading her opponents like a book, and Koishi moving to catch them off guard.

Likewise Patchouli's Stingray is also kind of weakly connected.  I mainly chose it for the Sunspot PPC, representing her royal flare.  It is a very nice craft though.

Nitori's Rogue comes from her super youkai warhead status.  It combines a whole lot of missiles with... not much else.  But then with that many missiles you don't need much.  Nitori of course turned her old stealth gear into the ability to look harmless until it's too late.

On the ground, Alice's modified Archer comes from her tendency to work with her dolls, or in this universe, her friendly infantry units.  The Arrow IV system takes up most of the mechs weapon room, so most of her power relies on the doll squads getting a target.

Of course in this scenario Aya also helped.  The Raven is a perfect mech for everyone's favorite paparazzi.  It's fast, great at finding out things you don't want it to know, and with it's NARC pod, it can tell everyone else in the world where you are too.

Reimu's Albatross sadly isn't as well connected.  It's kinda a jack of all trades Assault mech, but unlike most main characters Reimu isn't a jack of all trades.  The Exterminator would have fit her job better, but it also would have blown up way too easy.  It's not something a commander should have.

Similarly Sanae's Shugenja is kind of an odd fit.  The name works, since Sanae's a wind priestess, but it's status as a command mech doesn't really work for Sanae.  Still it's unguided missile launcher gives plent of room for divine intervention.

Suika's Akuma is also slightly a stretch, but it's pretty close.  It's big, has a sorta Oni like mask, and is designed to walk up into your face and blow you up.  Sadly there's no real way of duping the mini Suikas.

Anyone who can't figure out why Marisa's piloting an Assault mech with 3 Particle Projection Cannons needs to go replay any of the windows games.  The fact that it's actually called an Awesome is just icing on the cake.  I feel bad about blowing it up, and I'm certain the whims of the universe will give her a new one.

Similarly the Behemoth was the only real choice for Yuugi (who of course has Elemental blood befitting her stature).  With another gauss rifle replacing the large pulse lasers I think I was able to decently recreate her "knock out in three steps."  Too bad it doesn't work as well in the MW universe.

Orin got the souped up Mad Cat of course.  Both for the name, and because the Varient D madcat is a serious pain to fight.  And because that doesn't fully represent how much Orin can make people cry I upgraded it beyond that.

Parsee was granted the Loki, which kinda makes sense, in a loose fashion.  Since it's the Hellbringer in Clan terms it's name fits her well both for her jealous nature and as the bridge keeper to hell.  It's load out is also kind of a sprinkling of random stuff, making it a decent fit for a girl who wants what everyone else has.

Yamame's Stalking Spider was mostly given to her because of the name and because it's a four legged mech.  It's also totally out of it's element in this kind of fight, so alas, it fared poorly.

Lastly the bucket loli's Solitaire was a much better fit then I expected to get.  The Solitare is designed to drop out of nowhere and blow up your stuff.  Kisume is designed to drop out of nowhere and bucket you in the face.  It was a perfect match.

And thus ends my useless info dump.  I'd feel bad about it, but I'm sure someone out there will understand it.  And I hope that one person enjoys it.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2010, 11:32:21 PM »
It was nice to see this because although I enjoyed the fic, I had absolutely no clue what the various mechs looked like.   :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #38 on: July 17, 2010, 02:19:35 AM »
I'm so glad I spat up this challenge for the WWC. This is a true gem of a story.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #39 on: July 17, 2010, 02:22:26 AM »
I'm so glad I spat up this challenge for the WWC. This is a true gem of a story.
Heh, makes me glad I didn't take the cheap way out and do the Mokou/Kaguya redo of the G Gundam ending.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #40 on: December 25, 2010, 12:17:04 AM »
So tommorrow's installment of A New World isn't in the Christmas spirit.  Neither is this either, but it's more uplifting so enjoy.

Note: This is so very not Erebus safe.

Alice was surprised by the figure when she opened the door.  ?Oh.  Hello, Meiling.  I thought you would have been getting ready for the party.?

Meiling laughed as she readjusted her grip on the packages she was holding.  ?Actually I have the day off, but I'm doing this as a favor to Sakuya.  She wanted me to deliver these presents to you.?

?Well thank you,? Alice waved the gate guard inside so she could set the presents down.  ?But I'm planning on coming to the party later.  You didn't need to come all the way out here to give them to me.?

?Actually these are pretty heavy.  The mistress was worried that you might have a hard time with them, even with all your dolls.?  Shanghai moved to watch as Meiling set the bottom three packages down on the floor, then placed the other two on the table.

Alice looked them over.  The three bottom packages seemed fairly long and wide, but not all that high.  Yet as she stared at them she realized they all contained some kind of magic.  ?Did Sakuya alter the space in those boxes?? she asked with interest.  She'd never had a good chance to study the maids powers directly.  These boxes might be more interesting then their contents!

Meiling shook her head.  ?It's Patchouli's design apparently.  They're just a little bigger on the inside then the outside.?  She pointed out each package.  ?That one's from Miss Patchouli, the next one is from Koakuma, and the third large package is from the Mistress.?  She then motioned towards the ones on the table.  ?And since I was bringing those already, I brought my gift and Sakuya's as well.?

Alice supposed Sakuya was enough of a mage to keep an eye on her spells.  ?Thank you again Meiling.  Should I give you my gifts for the mansion?  It'll take me a little while to gather them but I could get you some tea while you wait.?  She set her dolls to preparing the tea.

?No, but thank you.  I'd better make sure Sakuya isn't swamped.?  The gatekeeper bowed again.  ?I'll take my leave.?

?Very well then.  I'll see you later, Meiling.?  Alice had Shanghai wave to the gatekeeper as the woman left, then used her doll to close the door.  Then she turned to the presents.

?Well, we might as well open them up!? Alice said, while Shanghai and Hourai nodded eagerly.  ?Let's see what Meiling and Sakuya got us first.  There's one each, so go right ahead.?

The two dolls fluttered to the packages and deftly opened them.  Shaghai revealed a very nice looking cake from Sakuya, while Hourai held up a very nice blue Cheongsam with flower embroidery from Meiling.  Alice smiled.  ?Hm...  Looks like Meiling appreciated the turret dolls.  I'll have to drop by and repair them some time.?

Then she turned to the other boxes.  She was kind of curious as to why Patchouli and Koakuma were sending her such large things.  Remilia she understood.  Remilia always bought something far too expensive.  But Patchouli and Koakuma knew that she preferred small, useful things.

Well there was only one way to satisfy her curiosity.  She untied the ribbon and opened the box from Patchouli.

As she lifted the lid off the package began to shake and she heard a muffled muttering.  She tossed the lid aside to find Marisa stuffed in the box.

Whoever had placed the magician there had obviously been in a festive mood, as Marisa usual outfit had been replaced by a santa hat and a large number of ribbons.  There were two bands of nearly paste on red fabric which could, if one was particularly generous, be called a top and a skirt and the whole ensemble was topped off by a bow gag, which is why the brilliantly blushing magician was currently only making muffled protests.

Alice felt her face flush, and she took a step back wards away from the box.  Inside she heard Marisa making some sort of protest again, but she needed to regain her composure.  Seriously, what was Patchouli thinking!?

She took a few breaths so her cheeks didn't feel like molten lava.  She had to remain calm.  Treating this as anything more then a joke would only make the next month or so awkward.  Well, more awkward.

She shook of her feelings and looked up again only to blush furiously again when she saw Shanghai hanging around the box with a pair of scissors.  ?What are you saying,? she hissed quietly as grabbed the doll and put her on the table.

The fact that the dolls were working off her own subconscious was even more embarrassing.

She took a few more breaths until she was fairly certain that her cheeks were merely 'rosy' instead of 'glowing like Rudolph's nose.'

She looked into the box again.  The embarrassed glare Marisa was giving her sent her internal temperature up another few degrees, but she kept her calm this time.  ?So how did you manage to get yourself into this mess Marisa??

?Mrph,? Marisa replied while failing to look innocent.

Alice sighed.  ?I see.  And this was Patchouli's idea?  Not one of your cunning plans??

?Mmmph!  Mrph!?  Marisa shook her head violently at that.  Her movements helped push a piece of paper out from where it was hidden behind her.  Alice forced herself to focus on that instead of the other magician's figure.  She waved her hand at the paper and one of her dolls swooped down and delivered it to her hands.

Written on it in Patchouli's scrawled script was the a simple note.

I know this may seem a little extravagant, but we had too many of the little book thieves in our library, so Koakuma suggested we send you one, since your home is better built for it.  I hope you can find some use for it.

I also have acquired a set of notes from the doll maker Rozen.  If you're interested I'll be happy to give you the works in question.  I've already made a copy, and I know you enjoy collecting originals.

Merry Christmas,

Alice rolled her eyes at the note.  Why did Patchouli's sense of humor revive itself at the worst possible times?  ?So you finally annoyed Patchouli enough for her to think up some revenge for you, eh??

Marisa muttered something again, but Alice noticed Marisa was looking very guilty.  Or maybe the other magician was still embarrassed about being seen in such a revealing outfit.

Still Alice had to admit it was amusing revenge, in a very twisted way.  Served Marisa right for looting other people's books all the time.  She didn't know why she had to be embarrassed as well.

After a few moments Alice smirked.  She should get some enjoyment out of this after all, right?

She looked back down on Marisa, who seemed somewhat distressed that she wasn't out of the box yet.  Alice waved her hands and a platoon of dolls carefully lifted Marisa up and put her in a seat.  Marisa tried to look behind her to where Alice was sitting, but with all the ribbons the other blonde magician couldn't turn around without losing one of the two pieces of 'clothing' she still possessed.

?Now now Marisa, you just sit there politely and I'll give you a change of clothes to go home in.?  Alice smiled mercilessly.  ?I might even let you have some cake too.  And if you're real good, I promise not to take pictures.?

Marisa straightened up considerably at the threat of pictures.  Alice grinned then turned to the next box.  She figured a bit of cake and a set of clothes (which she'd probably never see again) would make up for letting Marisa stew for a bit.  Then they could plot revenge against Patchouli.

As she pulled up the lid on this one there was a thump and a muffled ?Mmky!?  Alice's hands froze.

It couldn't be.  Koakuma wouldn't have....

Alice carefully moved the box lid aside.

The little devil had.

Patchouli was lying at the bottom of this box, also wrapped in ribbons.

Koakuma had apparently decided that Patchouli's pale skin didn't match the red fabric as well so she'd made the 'skirt' and 'top' out of velvet with white fluff at the hem.  Of course she 'fixed' the fact that this concealed more flash by using a segment that was too small for the top and using laces to tie it.  In the front of course.

Once again Alice had to step back.  Her face had to be beet red.  It was a good thing Marisa was facing away from her.  She did not need people to see that reaction!

Deep breaths.  Deep breaths would keep her from focusing on Patchouli's generous cleavage or Marisa's pert... Ah!  Deep breaths.  Deep breaths.

After a few moments she managed to calm down enough to look back in the box.  The other magician usually never showed embarrassment, but right now Patchouli actually looked somewhat flushed.  Alice wondered if it was the outfit, or the humiliation of being stuffed in a box by her familiar.

She felt her blush returning a little as she realized a great way to test that theory.  She almost discarded it, but then she remembered Patchouli owed her for the stunt with the last package.

Alice sent Shanghai down to hover over the laces holding Patchouli's top on.  The purple haired woman looked straight at Alice in shock and blushed deeply, before starting as the doll suddenly moved past her and grabbed the note at the bottom of the box.

Alice ignored Patchouli's ?Hmmmm? of annoyance and read the paper.

Miss Patchouli's a little too embarrassed to send this to you, so I thought I'd do it in her stead.  I hope the colors match well, but if not I'm sure you've got something that will work.

I encourage you to take this gift to the bath.  It should be lots of fun.

Happy Hanukah,

PS: Don't worry about showing up late to the party.  I'll cover for you.

Alice looked up from the letter at Patchouli.  ?Well, it looks like I'll need to punish your familiar.  After I get through embarrassing you of course.  What were you thinking??

Patcchouli had the decency to turn away from Alice's questioning, though Alice had to admit her face was probably more amused then angry.

Again Alice called on her doll army.  The little ones flew down, picked up Patchouli and placed her lightly in the seat opposite of Marisa.  ?There.  Now Marisa can enjoy the view as much as you did when you boxed her up.?

Both the magicians attempted to protest, but Patchouli's soft muttering sounded more like and excuse then utter mortification, while Marisa's seemed more incensed.  That was good.  She didn't want to accidentally take this too far.  Okay, it had gone way past too far before she'd even gotten the packages, but she didn't want to overdo her revenge.

?Now you two sit there quietly and think about what you've done, while I finish opening up the last box,? Alice said heading to the third one.

As she pulled off the lid of this box there was just the jingling of bells.  Relieved that this time she wasn't greeted by someone trying to escape she opened the box.

And found Koakuma inside.

Whoever had wrapped the little devil had decided to skip the top and skirt in favor of more ribbons.  They'd also added bells to the devil's wings, which jingled as she flapped them helplessly.

This time Alice just stared down into the box.  She knew she shouldn't be surprised.  After all it had already happened twice.  But she was.  She hadn't expected Remilia of all people to do something this... blatant.  As she stared she wondered if it would be more creepy if Sakuya had helped her, or if the tiny vampire had done it herself.

Koakuma of course looked only mildly embarrassed at her predicament.  In fact Alice was almost certain that most of the wing fluttering and eyelash batting were for Alice's entertainment.

After a few more seconds of staring Alice had her dolls sweep the devil up and dropped her into a seat at the table with the other two magicians.  The little devil was unfazed by the glares Patchouli and Marisa gave her.  She was probably appreciating the more appraising looks she was getting as well.

Alice turned away from that mess for now and grabbed the note that had been in Koakuma's box.

I overheard you asking about a research assistant, so I found you one.  I hope she serves you well.  I considered sending a few maid outfits with her, but I imagine you have better ones at your disposal, given your skill with a needle.

Have a Merry Christmas.  And do make sure to boost your home wards, so we don't have a repeat of last incident.

Remilia Scarlet

?Repeat of Last incident?  What's she talking about,? Alice muttered.

She put the note down.  Well now she had to figure out what to do with the three.

Patchouli and Koakuma still owed her for this stunt of course.  And Marisa... well she was guilty of something.  Probably several somethings.

And somewhere in the back of Alice's brain a small bit of her was admitting that she really enjoyed the current view of her table and it's occupants.

Well, she was a doll master.  Perhaps she should have a tea party.  She'd keep her promise to Marisa, and hand them some clothes after she was finished ribbing them about the matter.

With that thought she had Shanghai go pull over a pot of tea, as she sat down at the table.

?I'm so glad you could join me for this little tea party,? she said as Shanghai poured a cup of tea for each 'guest.'  ?I also want to say I appreciate you choices in clothing.  It's very... festive.?  Alice waved her hands and removed the gags from Patchouli and Marisa.

?Very funny Alice.  I'd like a coat now.? Marisa stated.

?Perhaps you could free our hands as well?? Patchouli asked.

?Mph hmm mm hgm hmmyg?? Koakuma mumbled through her bow.

?Oh no, I couldn't let all the work you did go to waste so quickly Patchouli,? Alice said with an evil smile.  ?And Marisa, you remember that little event in our childhood right?  It's my turn to return the favor there.?

?You had your clothes on then,? Marisa protested.

?You have clothes on,? Alice replied.  For certain definitions of clothing.  ?And Koakuma you get to keep the gag for a bit more because I just know you'll be making suggestions in poor taste.?

?Because keeping us tied up in ribbons and lace is in good taste?? Patchouli asked.

?No...? Alice admitted, ?But it was your idea first, and given the looks you're still giving each other everyone is enjoying it to some degree.?

The bells on Koakuma's wings jingled again as she tried, and failed, to add what was likely a cheery, 'helpful' and totally inappropriate comment.

?Well if we are having a tea party we'll need our hands free,? Marisa said.

?Oh no that won't be necessary,? Alice said as a doll carefully sliced the cake and dolled out half the slices.  ?Say 'ah'?

?Wah!? Marisa's question was cut off by a doll carefully placing a bite of cake in her mouth.  She got over her surprise fairly quickly however and ruefully accepted the cake.

?Now your turn, Patchouli,? Alice said looking over at the other magician.  Patchouli frowned for a few seconds before looking away and opening her mouth.  ?Ah.?

?Very good.  Now...? Alice turned to Koakuma, ?I'm guess I'll have to remove that gag so you can eat, but do try to be good.?

Koakuma's wings jingled in acknowledgment.  But the first thing out of her mouth when the gag came off was ?If you want, you can remove the rest of the ribomph,? Alice cut her off with a chunk of cake while taking a bite of her own slice.  It was very good, a little heavy on the chocolate frosting, but the strawberries inside made up for that.

Patchouli just shook her head.  Marisa on the other hand looked down and said, ?Um, Alice...  I'd like some tea, please.?

Alice felt strangely warm again when she looked at Marisa acting so helpless.  She quickly covered by sending one of her dolls to bring the teacup to Marisa's lips.  Seeing Patchouli giving her a needy glace as well and sent another doll to give the other magician some tea.

And in the back of her head a tiny voice warned Alice that she was enjoying this juuuust a little too much.  She'd probably better bring this to a close.

?So, what do you all think?? Alice asked sweetly.

?I think Koakuma's in for a lecture when we get back,? Patchouli said.

?I think we should never speak of this in public,? Marisa replied.

?I think you're overdressed, Alice,? Koakuma said with a grin.

Patchouli turned slightly towards the puppeteer.  ?Indeed.?

Marisa opened her mouth a couple of times then finally said, ?Yeah.  Overdressed.?

Alice shivered as she found herself the focus of three pairs of appreciative eyes.  Maybe she'd gone overboard.  She could let them get the last word in.  ?Hm...  So what would you suggest I change into??

Patchouli looked down at the other gift box.  ?You should wear Meiling's gift.?

Marisa coughed, ?Um, you should wear the cat outfit.?

Alice stared at Marisa.  ?How do you know that I own that??

Koakuma smiled widely.  ?You should wear Sakuya's present.?

The three magicians all turned to the devil.  Then looked at the cake in the middle of the table.  Then all eyes went to Alice.

The puppeteer sat there for a few moments then, very slowly, stood up and picked up the cake.  Then she walked back to her room.

After a minute of shocked silence, the three women each felt a doll untie their hands and legs.  Alice's voice came out from the bedroom, ?I... think I need some help putting it on.  If you three would be so kind...?

There was another moment of silence, then Koakuma jumped to her feet with the ringing of bells and fluttered to the door, quickly slipping inside.

Marisa and Patchouli looked at the door.  Then at each other. Finally Marisa turned walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bottle, and took a swig off of it.  Then she handed it to Patchouli.  ?Plausible deniability,? she said.

Patchouli inspected the bottle.  It seemed to be sherry.

She took a pull, coughed a little, then followed Marisa through the bedroom door.

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #41 on: December 25, 2010, 01:36:47 AM »
?Repeat of Last incident?  What's she talking about,? Alice muttered.
This one puzzled me, then I realized that this must be a sequel to "Chain Reaction".


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #42 on: December 25, 2010, 01:49:16 AM »
That was too damn amusing.  I had to stifle some laughter from the rest of the house. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #43 on: December 26, 2010, 06:18:14 AM »
In the immortal words of Cirno in the picture that inspired "Down On The Corner," "What is this!? What is this!? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!"


  • Sure you're straight dash....
  • ...I totally believe you
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2010, 06:10:10 PM »
i wanna a Yuri Doujin Alice x Marisa x Patchouli x Koakuma

Oh... what a pervert i am  :ohdear:

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #45 on: April 26, 2011, 05:21:04 AM »

Remilia shook her head to clear the pain, then forced herself to stand up perfectly straight.  She stared past her father's angry visage doing her best to hide her pain.

?I've given you years to fix this!  So what's your excuse for this farce!??

She knew that there was no answer that could satisfy him.  She simply gritted her teeth and replied, ?I don't have one, father.?

?You don't have one??  The second slap was lighter then the first, though it still sent her small body flying.  She thought she heard Flandre whimper in fear.  Or maybe that was her own voice.

Her father dragged her upright, glaring down at his wayward daughter with fury in his eyes.  ?You disgust me, Remilia.  How could someone of the Scarlet bloodline be so pathetic??  He sneered at her.  ?A noble of house Scarlet who can't even correctly transform to and from bat form?  Pathetic!  And what's worse is that you failed in the most egregious manner possible.  Now every time I look at these,? Remilia trembled in fear as he placed his hands on her wings, ?I'm reminded that my daughter is inferior to a commoner!?

Remilia couldn't help but scream as he ripped the wings from her back with his monstrous strength.  She collapsed to the ground, desperately fighting back sobs.  He'd stop hurting her if she didn't cry.

Her father tossed her broken wings aside and walked away in disgust.

Her mother walked over and looked down upon Remilia as she tried to stand.  ?I should toss you out into the sun and start over.  Give Flandre someone worthy to compete against.?

Remilia gritted her teeth.  ?But you won't.?

Her mother smiled at that.  ?Yes, I suppose it's hard to threaten you since you know the results.  So long as you keep that power you are of some use.  Maybe your sister will keep you alive if she proves herself worthy of the Scarlet name.?

Remilia grunted in reply and stood.  Most vampires had powers, but normally they simply gained greater strength in one of the vampire's traditional skills.  She on the other hand was weaker, physically and magically, then the norm for her race.  But her power was unique.  She possessed the ability to see fate, and plan around it.

She wondered if her parents would be more or less impressed if they realized she'd been lying to them all this time.  Because the one thing she could not see was her own fate.

Her father had moved to stand before Flandre, the lesser daughter forgotten.  Remilia could sense her sister's fear, but it didn't show on her pale countenance.

Her father looked down at the girl.  ?Bat form.?  Flandre immediately transformed into a bat at his command.  ?Vampire form.?  Flandre switched again, quickly resuming her true form.  Unlike Remilia no wings marred her form.  Of course their father wouldn't be satisfied with just that.

?Wolf form.?  In Flandre's place sat a night black wolf with blood red eyes.  ?Mist.?  Now there was just a haze where Flandre once was.  ?Vampire.?  Then Flandre was back, whole again.

?Mist, Wolf, Vampire, Bat, Mist, Vampire, Wolf, Vampire,? her father rattled off.  Flandre immediately began shifting, trying to keep up with the commands as they came.  She of course fell behind, but she did all the transformations, in the correct order.

Her test complete, Flandre stood there awaiting judgment.

?Acceptable,? was her father's final verdict.  ?Your mist transformations are still slow though.  Work on them.?

?Yes father!? Flandre replied quickly.

?Well then, shall we have dinner Flandre?? Mother asked.

Flandre glanced back at Remilia for a moment, but the young girl quickly turned back.  ?Yes Mother.?

Father nodded as well, and the three left towards the dining room.  Remilia didn't follow.  She knew she'd been dismissed for her poor showing.  She would get no dinner tonight.  Her stomach and body would complain, but she wouldn't cry about it.  That would only show she was less worthy then she already was.  She would stand there until the massive doors to the dining hall slammed shut.

Then she could collapse to the floor and try to wrap her arms around herself.

She wouldn't cry about it, when they could see.

As her choked sobs slowly subsided, she smelled something sweet.  Her hunger drove her towards the smell, and she found herself looking down at the blood she'd lost when her father had ripped off her wings.

She pushed herself off the ground in disgust.  She was a vampire.  She wouldn't resort to licking her own blood off the floor like a wounded beast!

Or that's what she wanted to say.  She hadn't eaten in two days, and the scent of blood, even her own, was distracting to the point of madness.

Remilia stared at the puddle of blood for a long time, before running off to her room to escape the enticing smell.


?Big sister, can I come in??

Remilia nearly jumped from her bed at the voice.  ?Of course.  Hurry.?

The door opened and Flandre slipped through.  ?You don't need to worry Remilia.  Mother caught a priest.  They'll be gone the rest of the night.?

Remilia stood and hugged her sister.  ?That's good.?  She almost felt some pity for the priest, but considering the fact that the way Mother hunted was seduction, it was obvious he wasn't a very pious man.

Flandre hugged Remilia back, then loosened her collar.  ?Here big sis.  I ate too much at dinner, so you can have some.?

Remilia stared at her sister's neck.  Kin feeding was possible, but frowned upon.  ?It's okay Flandre.  I'm a light eater, I don't need much food.  Besides they might notice.?

?They won't notice if you don't spill anything.?  Flandre paused, then said in a meek whisper, ?Besides, they're going to take me to the village tomorrow.  I'll get more blood then.?

?Eh!  Tomorrow??  Remilia started at that.  She was only 17, and Flandre had just turned 13.  To go on an active hunt so soon...

Then Remilia understood.  ?It's because of me isn't it.?

Flandre didn't say anything, but Remilia could tell by her sister's silence she'd hit the mark.

Soon after little Flandre had mastered speech the two sisters had learned the reason their parents had gone through the effort of having two children so quickly.  They were only going to let one of them inherit the Scarlet family name.  One of them was going to become one of the rulers of the night, the other was simply to be a challenge for the true vampire to overcome.  A tool to be discarded.

Thus for the next three years the sisters had been at each others throats.  Both knew only one of them would survive.  Remilia had the advantage in age and her ability to see fate.  Flandre however quickly started beating Remilia in strength and magical aptitude.

Then shape changing lessons had come, and everything fell apart.

Remilia's failure had made it impossible for her to pretend to be human.  She'd been terrified her parents would have killed her right then, but her ability to see the future convinced them to spare her.

But that meant Flandre had no 'worthy' competition.

Which meant their father had come down twice as hard on her.

The two sisters had slowly banded together after that.  Flandre needed Remilia to help tutor her.  There was no way someone her age could understand the subjects being thrown at her with simple self study.  And Remilia...

Remilia needed a friend.  Someone who thought she had the right to exist.  Especially since most of her life these days was being used as an object lesson in the penalties for failure.

Remilia sighed and shook off her reminiscence.  ?Well, I guess feeding should help you calm down a bit.  I'll be careful not to take much.?

That brought some of Flandre's color back.  ?Yeah, and no bloodstains, alright,? Flandre said in an imperious tone.  ?It's bad enough you've ruined your own dresses like that.?

Remilia smiled weakly before slowly biting into her sister's throat, her hunger allowing her to ignore the terrible taste of vampire blood.  Flandre sighed and relaxed as the tranquilizing agents in Remilia's vampiric saliva helped remove her fear and tension.

After a few seconds Remilia stopped drinking and very carefully drew back.  To her immense relief she hadn't spilled any blood this time.  And despite the foul taste, she wasn't starving anymore.  ?Thank you sister.?

?Hm, well sisters are supposed to look after each other.?  Flandre crossed her arms and turned away.  ?Though you're supposed to be helping more, big sister.  When are you going to stop slacking??

Remilia smiled weakly.  ?One day you'll be able to rely on me for everything you need.  Just you see.?

Flandre's voice seemed to shift as she said, ?I know.?

Remilia shuddered at that.  Only she had seen it happen, but Flandre sometimes knew things.  Things that even Remilia couldn't see.

Flandre started walking for the door.  ?I should go to bed early.?

?Yeah.  Take care Flandre.?

Flandre opened the door, then stopped.  ?Remilia??

?Yes, Flan?? Remilia replied.

Flandre hesitated a little longer.  ?I know it won't matter, since you can't change fate, but I need to know.  Does everything go okay tomorrow??

Remilia stood up and called upon her ability.  She stared at Flandre, and the rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving her sister in a darkened field.  Then the scene changed.  There was a village full of fire.  Blood.  A broken cross.  And mad laughter ringing through the air.

Remilia closed her eyes.  ?Yeah.  It'll all turn out okay Flandre,? she lied.

?Thank you sister.?

Remilia waited until the door latched before burying her face in the pillow to contain her new tears.  ?I'm sorry Flandre.  I didn't want to lie.  But you should have one good night's sleep.  It's all I can give you.?


The waiting was interminable.

Flandre and their father had left after lunch.  Remilia had been ordered to her room at the same time.  She hadn't even been able to say goodbye to Flandre.  Not while their parents watched.

And so Remilia was left to pace.  Thirty seven short steps one way.  Thirty seven short steps the other.  A mindless exercise to keep her body occupied while her mind wandered.

She'd often wondered why she hadn't aged from her current state.  Perhaps it was because she felt she was still a child.  Her parents had beaten that into her enough.  Or perhaps it was because she felt more like Flandre's little sister then her big sister.  She hoped Flandre didn't have the same problem.  It would be sad if both of them were trapped at this age forever.

She hoped that her worries about Flandre would actually matter.

The vision once again flashed through her mind and she shook it off.  It didn't matter.  It was a vampire's job to cause pain and suffering to humans.  If there wasn't blood and fire after an attack from Flandre her father would be disappointed, right?  All that mattered was keeping the fact that they were actual vampires hidden.

Remilia started as the door opened.  She quickly snapped to attention and found her mother standing there looking displeased.  ?Follow me,? her mother said curtly.

Remilia followed.

Mother led her to the sitting room.  Father was already there, staring at his painting while growling.  His clothes were torn slightly, and he smelled of smoke.

When Remilia entered he turned his glare on her.  Remilia couldn't help but flinch back at the hate in his eyes.  ?You!  Prove you're still useful and tell us where we'll be in two days time!?

Remilia desperately wanted to ask why, but she didn't dare anger her father further.  She quickly concentrated on her parents.  She saw a manor, similarly decorated, but not the same.  She saw mother and father sitting there, looking annoyed but relieved.  And a place entered her mind, 'Bavaria.'

?You'll be in the Germanys, Father.  Bavaria.?  Remilia paused for a moment.  ?I... don't see Flandre, Father.?

?That's not of your concern wretch,? her Mother said.  ?You've proven useful enough to let live again.  Now go to your room until we call for you.?

Once again Remilia desperately wanted to know what happened, but she didn't dare refuse.  ?Yes mother.?  Remilia turned around and walked out.  The door slammed shut behind her.

Remilia walked halfway down the hall towards her room, then stopped and turned into a bat.  She might never be able to get the bats wings off her back, but she could still make the transformation.  And she needed the bat's hearing now.

She focused her ears at the crack in the door and listened in on the conversation.

?Are you sure we need to flee?? mother asked.  ?The Church isn't usually so quick.?

?Normally they don't trust some random villagers claims.  After all who cares if a few peasants die to vampire attacks.  But that little thing revealed a power no one should possess.  The church will be here in force to kill her.?  Her Father's voice almost sounded worried.

?Is it really that bad dear?  Power is power,? Mother replied.

?Power is fine, but the little child went mad!?  Her father's exclamation was followed by a loud thump.  ?She killed one human, then just went utterly mad.  She broke the church while hovering in the moonlight for all to see, then started attacking people at random to see if 'they all broke the same way!'  She even attacked me!  I was lucky that a strong slap brought some semblance of sense back to her.  But she was giggling even then and muttering things in tongues.?

?Hrm, that is bad.?  Mother sighed.  ?How foolish, to break over some human.  I guess we'll have to start over then.  We can't have madness in the family, no matter the power.?

Her father grunted.  ?Especially with that power.  I swear half the time she just looked at something and it would explode.  I feel lucky that she tried to kill me in a conventional fashion.?

?You think she's that dangerous dear??  Mother seemed shocked.  ?Is that why you let her live??

?Yes.  Tomorrow night we just pack up and leave.  Don't even bother with the seal on her door.  Let the church handle this mess.?

Remilia had heard enough.  She flew away towards her sister's room.


The doors to Flandre's room had been sealed with a powerful spell.  One far beyond her skills.  Remilia could admittedly tunnel through the walls, but the door itself was impassable.

Perhaps that was for the best.  After all, she had lied to her sister.

Remilia hesitated then knocked on the door.  ?Flandre.  It's me.?

?Big sister!? Flandre's voice rang out.  ?One sec!  Lemee open the door!?  There was a few steps from inside, then a thump as Flandre hit the warded portal.

?Flandre, it's sealed,? Remilia said.  ?You can't....?

The mystical seal cracked, then the doorway shattered into a million pieces, revealing Flandre.  ?Kyuu!?  Flandre said.  Then she started giggling.

Remilia could only stand and stare at the altered form of the girl who was her sister.  ?Flandre, what...  what have you done to your back??

?Oh!  The wings!? Flandre laughed again.  A strange painful laugh that caused fear to shoot up Remilia's spine.  ?Well I'm a failure now, just like you Remilia!  So that means I can get pretty wings like you too, right??  Flandre turned around, causing the strange crystals attached to the 'wings' to chime.  Flandre's back was a mass of blood and Remilia could see where the iron bars had been jammed into her skin.  ?Do you like them big sis??

Remilia was terrified.  The girl that she had spent so much time with, who she'd fought against, who she'd tried desperately to support, had obviously broken.  But she forced herself to step forward and hug her sister, ?They're beautiful.  They must hurt a lot, but they're beautiful.?

Flandre stiffened at her embrace, then slumped into Remilia's arms.  ?I can see it big sister.  Why did you lie to me?  I can see it all.  Killing people made me understand.  Everything is so fragile.  That door.?  Flandre kicked a piece of the ruined wood.  ?My bed.?  Flandre made a fist and it exploded into fragments.  ?Even you big sister.?  Remilia froze in fear as something in her chest tightened.  It felt like she could pop at any moment.  She wanted to scream.  To run away.

But she'd had years of practice fighting back those emotions.  She forced herself to hug her sister tighter.  ?I'm sorry.  I didn't want to believe what I saw was real.  I didn't want to know.?

The tightness vanished.  ?I understand,? Flandre said mournfully.  ?Sometimes not knowing is safer.  Sometimes not knowing is the only thing that makes it stop hurting.?

Flandre leaned back into her.  ?Big sister.  What will happen to me??

Remilia closed her eyes.  She didn't want to see.  But she couldn't escape the visions.  A head with blond hair lying on the floor.  A silver knife.  Broken crystals atop the shattered fragments of Flandre's bed.

?Do I die, big sister??

Remilia bit her lip.  Finally she said, ?Your bed's broken.  Do you want to sleep in my room tonight, Flandre??

Flandre started.  ?Ah!  It is broken.?  She giggled again.  ?I'm starting to forget whether things are broken or waiting to be broken.?  Flandre paused and thought.  ?Well, normally I'd get in trouble, but that doesn't matter, so sure!?

Remilia sighed and closed her eyes again.  The vision flashed in front of her.  Her sisters broken form.  A silver knife.  A ruined room.

Her ruined room.

And then she understood.

?Let's go to sleep early, Flandre.  I think we'll have a long day tomorrow.?


Remilia was always a light eater, which was great if you wanted to keep a low profile as a vampire.  But she had another quality that was of great use for survival.  She was a light sleeper.

Incredibly light for a vampire.  Most vampires couldn't move at all once they retreated to their beds and the sun rose.  However some, like her mother and her sister, could act normally while the sun was up.  And Remilia alone could wake when the sun was high in the sky without stumbling about in lethargy for a while.

Which was a good thing.  She knew what she needed to do, but her mind fought against it tooth and nail.  She'd been trapped in a cycle of helplessness for so long she could barely believe she could escape it.  It took her a full hour to pull herself out of bed.  Another to get the items she needed.  Then a third hour to push open the door to her parents room.

She thanked whatever dark forces might listen to a devils prayers that her parents didn't sleep in coffins, otherwise she might have lost another hour, and she didn't have that time.

She walked up next to her mother first.  The tall elegant silver haired woman hadn't shifted at all.  Remilia stood there for a while, trying to summon her courage.  Then the woman's eyes fluttered open.

The shock and fear in her mother's eyes gave her the courage to raise the oak stake above the woman's breast and drive it home with preternatural force.

Her mother spasmed and jerked as blood splattered about.  Remilia had hit the heart, but not pierced it.  But the young vampires fear was gone, replaced by rage.  ?It figures your breasts would save you, fucking cow!? Remilia swore as she slamed her hand down on the stake again.  ?After all, that's all you ever used to hunt!  Well they aren't big enough to keep you alive forever you stupid bitch!?

Remilia slammed her hand down one more time, and her mother jerked and was still.

She whirled around towards her father's bed.  The elder vampire's eyes were open, but unlike his wife and daughters, he couldn't even begin to move while the sun was up.  Remilia took her time walking to his side.  ?Well well well.  Who's weak now!?  She carefully put the tip of the second stake over his heart, reveling in his fear.

?Before I kill you father, I want you to know something.  I lied to you every time I said you wouldn't kill me.  I can't see my own fate.?  She paused and smiled even wider.  ?Because I don't have one.  I can change the future as I see fit!  I am Remilia Scarlet, and fate is mine to command!  Am I worthy now, Father?!?

She looked down at her old man's face, and she froze.  He was smiling.  Weakly, but he was smiling.

?NO!? she screamed as she hammered in the stake with her fist.  ?NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!  You don't get to approve of me now!  I don't want your approval!  I don't need your approval!  I'm murdering you God dammit!  Scream!  Beg!  Cry!  Plead for your life!  Say you were sorry.  That I was always worthy of being your daughter!  DON'T JUST LIE THERE AND SMILE LIKE THAT YOU BASTARD!?

But her words were futile.  Her father wouldn't be doing anything anymore.


Remilia wiped her eyes again before stepping into her room.  ?Hey Flandre, wake up.?  She held out a bowl with some soup in it.  ?Breakfast.  Sorta.?

Flandre yawned and turned to look at the bowl.  ?Good morning.?  Flandre took the soup and started slurping it down.  Remilia should probably complain, but that was faster.  And faster was better right now.

?When you're done, pack your clothes sister.  We're going on a trip.?  Remilia started gathering her own belongings.

?Where to?? Flandre asked quietly.

Remilia paused for a moment, then smiled weakly.  ?Bavaria.  There's a mansion there for us.?

?What about Mother and Father?? Flandre asked quietly.  ?Won't they be mad??

Remilia's hands started to tremble.  She took a deep breath.  ?They don't care about us anymore, Flandre.  We can go where we wish.?  She waited until her hands stopped shaking, then went back to packing her clothes.

Flandre looked over at Remilia, then back down at her soup.  ?Big sister, what's going to happen to us??

Remilia shook her head.  ?I don't know Flandre.  I can't see our fate anymore.?  She turned around and hugged Flandre tightly.  ?But I promise you, I'll do my best to take care of you.  Because you're my sister.?

Flandre sniffed, then hugged her sister back.  ?I knew you would.?


To His Grace, Cardinal Borgia,

Our inquiries into the matter in the village of ____ have turned up more questions then answers I'm afraid.  Two of the devils were found slain by our crew, but there is evidence of more that escaped.

Further complicating matters is evidence that the Silver Witch is also hunting the creatures.  Once again the woman evaded capture, and I fear she took the evidence we'd need to pursue the creatures with her.  Then again this may be the work of the Lord in disguise.  If nothing else the two groups meeting should eliminate one of our problems.

The bodies we did claim are enough to soothe the townspeople, and tithes are up in the area.  I suggest a commendation for Brother Mark on keeping the matter local with a minimum of bloodshed, and I will report when our hunters have more news on where the other devils may have fled.

In Humble Service,
Brother Mikael.


So I've always wanted to twist the whole Flandre murdered her parents story.  And now I have.

I had this in the back of my mind for a while, but Squidtentacle's excellent WWC entry sorta kickstarted it in my brain.  Thanks to him for starting the ball rolling, Anathe, Rou and Ryuu for looking it over, and all you readers.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 03:54:25 AM by Iced Fairy »


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #46 on: April 26, 2011, 08:16:15 PM »
That was quite the interesting short!  I liked it a lot.

Also I assume this took place in Italy?

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #47 on: April 27, 2011, 12:16:02 AM »
More a generic Europe.  It chose the Cardinal's name because I knew the Borgia family had power within the Church at the time, and vampire extermination notices don't just get sent to any old monk.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #48 on: April 27, 2011, 12:22:11 AM »
More a generic Europe.  It chose the Cardinal's name because I knew the Borgia family had power within the Church at the time, and vampire extermination notices don't just get sent to any old monk.
Ah good point.  I just thought it was Italy due to the name and what little history I know related to the family.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2011, 04:00:58 AM »
Alright, I threatened myself with this on IRC before, and since my brain is fuzzy I'll go through with it now.

While this isn't the FIRST fanfiction I've written, it's the first one I tried to take seriously.  Still it's hardly a masterpiece.

However I find I don't totally hate it.  And it covers several principles of early writing I consider very important.  Write what you want to write, start small, and edit for style before tone.  Maybe it can be of some learning value.

Anyway if you don't want to see how I wasted my life at a much younger age, or have no interest in Gundam Wing fanfiction (due to sanity say), just ignore this post.

Edit: This is the only editing this story has had.  I left it in 'pristine' condition.


AC 197

Quatre sighed as he watched the numbers in the elevator slowly count to five. His appointment with Mr. Juni was going to be difficult. Juni ran most of the mass media on the L-4 colony, and he was decidedly unhappy that Quatre had assisted two rival start up stations. If he had simply attacked Quatre through normal business channels it wouldn't have been a problem, but Juni had decided to expand the conflict into the media by using his stations to attack the Winner family itself.

Quatre knew how effective such tactics could be. When he saw the first series of attacks on the news the memories of his father and sister's deaths rose like a bloody specter. But this time he couldn't use Wing 0 to escape. He wasn't a Gundam pilot anymore, he was head of the Winner family.

The doors slid open. A uniformed man waved him down the hall.

"This way, Mr. Winner."


Dorothy stepped off the shuttle into the artificial world of the colony. She had no idea why she had returned to space. Ever since the affair with Libra she had traveled aimlessly. The whole affair had given her back her will to live, but removed her clear sense of purpose. It wasn't as if she had to work, as she was a member of one of the richer families of the Romefeler foundation. Maybe she was just looking for something to do.

"So which floating hunk of steel did I end up on this time?" she asked herself. She looked around then froze when she saw the number.


...that's the home of...

"Quatre Raberba Winner."

How strange she would end up here, she thought as she walked down the streets of L-4 colony. She smirked and wondered if she should drop by the estate. She could almost see it. "Oh hello Quatre. Sorry about stabbing you and everything. Mind if I drop in for tea?"

The guards would never let her in of course.

She sighed and continued to walk down the street.

At that very moment the five story building a block down decided to burst into a spray of glass and fire.


Mr. Tenma had been a faithful employee of Juni broadcasting. He had stood by them through thick and thin. He had even been a personal friend of Mr. Juni himself. However as a result of recent scandals a scapegoat had to be found. Tenma was chosen. The resulting black mark on his career caused him to sink into debt and depression. When his wife left him, he snapped.

This, at least, is the story the investigators of the bombing put together. Mr. Tenma was unable to comment as he had been driving the truck full of homemade explosives. No one questioned, however, that the results were catastrophic.

Dorothy was the first person on the street to snap out of shock. She immediately began to run towards the mangled wreckage. "Strange," the voice in her head muttered, "I thought I was done with running towards explosions." She reached the edge of what had been the building in moments.

Dorothy was used to the damage left by wars, but the carnage was still unsettling. She began looking through the rubble for survivors. Then her eyes fell on a blond kid lying unconscious under some loose rubble.

Her eyes opened wide in shock.

It couldn't be... It was too unlikely... but it was....

"Quatre Raberba Winner," she whispered.

Dorothy ran over and furiously pushed aside the rubble covering him, then assessed his injuries. Her studies of war had given her a good notion of first aid. Broken ribs, legs and probably a concussion. Didn't look like she'd kill him by moving him. She lifted him carefully on her shoulder and dragged him over to a taxi that had stopped.

She gently put Quatre in the back seat, then ran around and jumped in the other side. The driver had, all this time, sat staring at the ruined building with a dumb look on his face.

"The nearest hospital!" She snapped. "Now!"

"But Miss-"

"Do it you fool!" Dorothy yelled in her best command voice.

The driver snapped into "work" mode and immediately sped off. Dorothy tried to keep Quatre stable through the ride.

"Haven't used that tone since Libra," she muttered as the taxi screeched to a halt in front of the Winner Mercy Hospital.

"Figures" Dorothy muttered. She threw the driver twenty credits, ran out, then began to carry Quatre in.

"At least they won't need him to give proof of insurance."


Dorothy sat outside the ICU. Getting past the initial secretaries had been mildly difficult, but it had been easy once she told them who the patient was. After that she simply had to wait. Not that waiting wasn't difficult enough.

The door opened and a man in surgical scrubs stepped out.

"Hello miss. I'm Dr. Z," the man said. "You're the one who brought Mr. Winner here, correct?"

"Yes," Dorothy replied.

"I figure you should hear this first then," Dr Z said. "Mr. Winner's legs and 3 of his ribs were broken. Actually that damage isn't too severe, however he suffered massive head trauma. As far as we can tell he's in a coma. We stabilized everything but he still hasn't woken up yet. In this case the only thing we can do is wait and hope he comes out of it."

Dorothy looked surprised. "Just wait?" she asked. "You make it sound as if he might not wake up."

Dr. Z sighed. "That's a possibility."

Dorothy quickly cut off any emotions. "May I see him?" she asked in her eerily polite tone.

Dr. Z waved a hand. "Of course, just don't tire him if he does wake."

"Thank you so very much."


Dorothy looked down at Quatre's still form. Even two years after they first met he still looked like a child.

"It seems so strange for me to be here," she whispered to the comatose Quatre. "I nearly killed you what, twice?"

She gave a slight smile. "Hardly a good impression was it?"

"Why am I here anyway? I don't even know myself... Maybe because it was you and your friend Trowa who put my life back into place during Libra's death. Maybe because of that speech you gave. Perhaps because you could have finished me during that duel, but you didn't, and got stabbed as a result." She looked towards his side, where the rapier's mark would be.

"Damn it! Anyone who survives me shouldn't be stopped by something as weak as an exploding building!"

"Sorry, it's just that, well... remember on Libra... after I stabbed you... you said that I was kind... kinder then you. But the truth is, it was you who fought for the people of the colonies, even though they had forsaken you. You always put yourself at risk to help others, even your enemies, like me..."

"You said I was kinder then you. But really... the reverse is true..."

"You can't die Quatre. The world needs someone as kind as you..."


Quatre's mind was cluttered. He remembered the meeting hadn't been going well. Then he heard the explosion, felt the ground giving way.

His mind wandered. He saw the first meeting with Trowa played out again. He saw the argument he had with his father over Operation Meteor. Then he saw his father's death. Then it was the fight with Dorothy on Libra. He could swear he could almost hear Dorothy's voice. Something was different, but his mind was too scattered to pin it down. Then the full blackness of sleep claimed him.


Dorothy sat and waited. Sitting was another skill she had picked up over the course of the war. She looked around the large hospital room again.


Dorothy's eyes snapped back to the bed. Quatre was still lying there, but this time his eyes were open.

Dorothy showed surprise for a brief second then snapped back into her eerily polite mode.

"It's good to see that a hero like yourself hasn't slipped," Dorothy said. "The great Heero Yue managed to survive self-detonation. I'd be disappointed if a mere building exploding did you in."

"What are you doing here Dorothy?" Quatre murmured.

"I was in the area when the building exploded. I thought it would be a waste if you were to up and die right then," Dorothy replied.

Quatre smiled weakly. "Thank you."

Dorothy looked away. "Why am I being so cold?" her inner voice asked. "Is it that hard to admit I have emotions?"

She stood and walked to the door, then paused. She looked back at Quatre and said quietly, "You should get some rest. Most people wouldn't have recovered at all, much less in one day."

She turned and stepped out the door. "Take care" was all she said before the door closed behind her.

"You too, Dorothy."


The door opened again. For a second Quatre thought Dorothy had returned but it was a man in a doctor's coat.

"Really Mr. Winner, you should stop being so paranoid. The brain wave scanner didn't even blip. The young lady who brought you in had to tell us you woke up."

Quatre smiled. "Sorry, force of habit."

"I suppose it doesn't matter now. I'm Dr. Z. I'm going to have to handle the press soon so I'll try to be brief. Aside from the head wound your injuries aren't serious. You'll have to stay a couple weeks so we can monitor you, and you'll have several casts for a while, but you should be OK. Any questions?"

"Yes," Quatre said, his smile growing. "Why does every doctor I know use a single letter for their name?"

Dr. Z laughed. "My name is Zacharias. It's just no one on staff can pronounce it right."

"I see. Thanks."

"No problem. Now get some sleep. And stop faking out the instruments!"


Quatre awoke to the smell of flowers. Lots of flowers.

"Well, well. You're finally awake. You gave us a little scare."

"Duo!" Quatre immediately looked up. "And Trowa! I'm so glad to see you."

"I convinced the ringmaster to drop by L-4 on our tours," Trowa stated. "It wasn't too hard to find out where you were staying from there."

"It was so nice of you to come out here," Quatre said. "Dr. Z told you about everything right?"

"Yeah." Duo nodded. "It seems you just got unlucky. He said you could leave in about a week, but considering the number of reporters outside you may want to stay."

Quatre laughed. "That's okay. I'll just send for my hellicopter."

Duo smirked. "Just as long as you stay inside the chopper instead of jumping out around the fifty story mark."

Trowa and Quatre stared blankly.

Trowa shook his head. "By the way, would you know who sent that flower?"

Quatre looked at what Trowa was pointing to. It was a single pink rose right next to his bed.

"Relena?" Quatre guessed.

"No," Duo replied, "Her's are there, next to Heero's card. Sally's are there, and I think Wufei signed the card. Those are from me and Hilde. That set's from Trowa and Catherine. Those are from Noin, and your sisters and the Maganac's all got sent to your estates because there wasn't enough room."

Quatre looked over. The rose and its vase sat atop a small paper. On the corner was an elegantly hand-written D.

Quatre smiled. "I see."

Duo blinked. Trowa looked up.

"Quatre?" Trowa queried.

Duo looked in astonishment. "You're hiding something aren't you?"

Quatre's grin got wider. "I don't know what your talking about."
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 04:07:08 AM by Iced Fairy »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2011, 05:14:52 AM »
Ice forms on the glass
Now pacing without footsteps
Lost or forgotten

She wipes clean the window pane
Looking for a new friend

The lily opens
Butterflies flee their cocoons
An empty mansion

Watching the blossoms falling
A warm fleeting memory

Fireworks ascend
A brutal dancing contest
She still stands alone

Brief darkness turns into light
A dance for two begins now

Sweet potatoes bake
A strange new blue sky above
Feelings of desire

A purple pinky string now
She carries the tea to her


A pseudo renga.  This one sort of tells a Touhou game story.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2011, 12:30:09 AM »
This is sort of cheating in that it isn't my work, but my sisters.  Also it's non Touhou.  However I think it's a great short, and some books reminded me I've been wanting to get it some views outside the small site she posted it on, so I'm gonna cheat and place it here.


In his home, there were tales told of Koschei the Deathless.

There were tales told elsewhere, of course. They told of an immortal sorcerer and his emerald heart, set apart from his body so that he might never die. Some spoke of his death at the hands of a brave and noble hero. Others said he had been trampled by horses. Some, speaking in whispers as if afraid he would hear them, claimed him to still be alive, haunting the woods to this very day. Many called him a man. But none told the story as he did, and so he told it now, as he had been told by his mother, and his grandmother before her. This is the story he told.

A long time ago, when the world was still young, and magic was practiced by the good and evil alike, there lived a beautiful sorceress in a city of wonders. She had golden hair that shone like the stars, and pale skin as white as milk, and eyes as blue as the clear sky. She wore a long-sleeved gown of the purest white silk, and all that looked upon her praised her beauty. There were many young men who asked for her hand, but she loved none of them, and refused their advances.

One of her suitors, who was a powerful enchanter, cut his own shadow from his body and sent it into her chambers while she slept. From her pillow the shadow stole a single strand of hair, which the enchanter worked his magic over. By the time the maiden had awakened, the spell had taken its effect, and she fell madly in love with the enchanter. Within a week the two were wed, and lived happily for several years, though at times the woman felt a great sadness upon her that she could not explain.

But one day a great rival of the enchanter saw the pair. Realizing what had been done, he flew forth to the woman and snatched her away to his tower. There he broke the enchantment upon her, and comforted her, and spoke such honey sweet words of love to her that she gave her heart to him. Together they set about creating the ruin of the enchanter. They unveiled every one of his secrets until his life was in shambles, and no one of any standing would be seen speaking with him. This having been done, the woman confessed her love to the rival, but he rejected her, saying,

?What want would I have for you, who bears the touch of my enemy? Just a month ago you would have given your life for him, and yet I won you away in less than a week. I have no need for a woman who?s heart is so easily swayed.?

At these words the woman wept, and begged him to reconsider, but his heart was hard and cold, and he turned away from her. And so she spat at him, and cursed him as only a woman spurned could, and flew away from him in a great rage. With her magic she wove a dark spell over him, for she was a great master of changing the forms of all things and creatures. His limbs stiffened, and his blood slowed, and in time he had turned to a stone statue, standing for all eternity in his lonely tower.

But this revenge did not sate her grief, nor her burning anger. With a knife of purest darkness the woman carved out her own heart, so that she might never again be led astray by it. Day and night she cast her enchantments over it, until it had become an empty locket of silver. She took it and hid it away on a far away island, placing it within an unlaid egg inside a duck, which she placed inside an great iron chest, which she buried under a tree. Without her heart, the woman forgot her grief and anger, and with it her kindness and joy, and the locket beneath the tree turned black as soot.

And so it was that there was no use in begging to Koschei the Deathless. No tearful plea nor tragic tale could move the heart that was not there. Yet it was said by some that any man who held her locket could command her every move, for she would have no choice but to love them...


He lived in a village far to the north, where the trees were green in the summer, and red as flame in the fall, and black and dead in the winter. The winters were long and cold in that place, with bitter winds that sapped the joy from the air. The land produced little to eat, and had to be worked hard, which made the farmers weary and sullen. The nearby forest was a great one, pristine and majestic, with the singing of birds from the lofty branches, but the village took no pleasure in it. It was whispered that dark and strange things dwelled within it, and even Koschei?s minions dared not enter it.

The village itself was a small one, and the people within it kept to themselves. It was a rare chance to find one laughing or celebrating. They lived in fear, and not a single one would set foot outside after dark, for at night Koschei?s minions moved throughout the village freely, despite the village walls, and it was said Koschei herself would sometimes fly overhead.

Children were rare, and strangers rarer still, so Alexander remembered clearly the day the Doctor had come to town. Even now Alexander marveled at how different that man had appeared. Where the villagers were dark, the Doctor had hair the color of dark honey, where they were tanned and weathered, his skin was pale and smooth. A pair of thin-framed spectacles sat upon his nose, bespeaking wealth and education beyond what any of the townsfolk could ever aspire to. He looked as a man of five and twenty years, though he gave his age at seven and thirty. His clothes were of an unknown fashion, with a strangely cut coat, and silken vest, and a frilled collar at his neck, all made of pure black cloth. The villagers whispered that the color was to hide the blood, and the Doctor, when asked, which was rarely so, would agree with them.

No one had asked his name, and so he had never given it. To them he was simply ?the Doctor.? He spoke little of himself, and nothing of his past, and would secret himself away for days at a time, and allowed no one to know what he was doing. And there was something about his gaze and movements that unnerved those who spoke to him, for he always wore a slight smile upon his face, even when gazing upon the most stricken and pitiable of souls. He was an alchemist of some note, and a master at his craft, mending those that all others thought lost. Yet many wondered why one patient under his care might die, and yet another in the same condition would live. Some who visited him were wracked with nightmares for weeks afterwards. It would have been a lie to say that he was trusted, but Alexander knew that many who condemned him in health would secretly visit him in sickness. The village had no priests to turn to for healing, for the harsh land and dark nights had leeched the faith from even the most devout.

It was to the house of the Doctor that Alexander went now. Alexander himself was a younger man, one and twenty, with dark hair and a full mustache. He wore his uncle?s sword at his side, and his uncle?s shield upon his back, and the insignia of the head guardsman upon his tunic. There were few times when Alexander regretted his profession, but he was considering making this one of them. He took the knocker of the front door, dusty and stiff from lack of use, and rapped it three times upon the metal plate. Even without looking Alexander could feel the furtive glances of the townsfolk, watching the man audacious enough to enter the Doctor?s lair in plain sight.

The knock went unanswered. Alexander took the knocker again and had drawn it back when the door opened with an abruptness that startled him. He found that he had pulled his sword free from his sheath, and made no moves to replace it, for now that he was in the presence of the Doctor he found himself unnerved.

?Greetings,? the tall man said in a clear, deep voice. ?I apologize for the wait. I do not receive many callers.? Smiling, he gestured for Alexander to enter, and held the door, quite unfazed by the four feet of naked steel that the guard held in his hand. Alexander did as he was bidden, but since the Doctor made no mention of the sword, he left it unsheathed.

?I have come on behalf of the gravedigger,? Alexander said.

?The good Mr. Machitov? I cannot fathom why,? said the Doctor.

?Then he is a dead man,? Alexander replied. He searched the Doctor?s face for any change of expression, but he found none.

?Is he ill, then?? the Doctor asked. ?He did not tell me of it when I last visited him.?

?He has been accused of grave robbing and desecration. Quite serious crimes, you must agree. We have witnesses who saw him digging up the graves in broad daylight, and they are quite certain that it was him. Not that I am surprised he would not wish to dig at night.? Alexander paused for a second, then continued, ?We also found many gold coins in his possession, far more than he could ever have made with his work as a gravedigger.?

The guard left it unsaid that the coins had borne the strange stampings that had only been seen upon the Doctor?s currency. No one knew where they had come from, but they were gold, and they were plentiful, and so they had bought the doctor some measure of tolerance when he had first arrived. ?Until now,? thought the guardsman, as he awaited the Doctor?s response.

He had been hoping for some reaction, and found himself disappointed. ?And the penalty for such crimes is death?? the Doctor inquired, still wearing his infuriating smile.

?More than death,? said Alexander, who hoped to impose the graveness of the situation upon the other man. ?By the laws of our land, he will be stripped of all his status. He will not even be considered human. He will be dragged to his execution, and buried without rights, like a common beast.?

?This is the fate of all criminals?? asked the Doctor.

?All who commit crimes punishable by death,? Alexander answered.

The Doctor broke out into a broad grin, catching the guardsman completely by surprise. ?But that is wonderful!? he said, triumphantly.

At this, Alexander quite lost his temper. ?You call such a thing wonderful? You laugh at another man?s misfortune?? he yelled. ?We know him to have been selling the bodies to you, and you will burn alongside of him!?

The Doctor chuckled at this, fueling Alexander?s considerable ire. ?I hadn?t meant it like that, My apologies if you construed it as such,? he said, not sounding sorry at all to Alexander. ?But if what you said is true, there has been no crime committed. I can name the two bodies that the gravedigger exhumed, and they were both criminals that had been just recently put to death. Since they had no rights as humans, there are no laws against what was done to them.?

For a second, Alexander was too shocked to say anything. When he regained his speech he stammered, ?But what was it you did with the bodies??

?I did not say I did anything with the bodies,? the Doctor responded. ?And even if I had, I should hardly think it?s any of your business. You would not ask me what I had done with the body of a dog, or a stag.?

?Even though these criminals may not have had human rights, you might still have used them for black magic, or other crimes,? the guardsman countered.

?You are free to examine the bodies, then,? the Doctor said. ?You will find no sign of it.?

Alexander responded that he would do just that, and they both went out into the graveyard, along with Mikhail, another guardsman, who was skilled in detecting the signs of black magic. After an hour of digging both bodies were retrieved, encased in fine coffins that the Doctor claimed to have provided them. The coffins were opened, and Alexander grunted in disgust, for he could see the thin lines of scalpel marks across both corpses, and the stretching of skin where it had been pulled back from the muscle. And he knew that it was the Doctor?s handwork, who had cut them open with his slender knives. But search as he might, Mikhail could find no mark of the black arts, and the pair were criminals, as the Doctor had claimed them. The guardsmen had to re-bury the two men, with nothing to show for their efforts.

Alexander turned to the Doctor and, in an attempt to remove the smile from his face, said to him, ?If I were to tell the town of this, it would not matter that these men had no rights. You would be hung by sundown, and left out for Koschei to take you.?

?I do not doubt it would be so,? the Doctor said, ?if you were willing to so condemn a man outside of the law.?

And it was here that Alexander knew that he was trapped, for the law was everything to him, the only thing that brought order to his life, and he could not break it. For years he had stood against the vigilante justice of his fellow villagers, which had unfairly and irrationally sent many an innocent man to his death. To throw the Doctor to the mob would be undeniably just, and yet to do so would be to deny all that he was, and undo everything that he had worked for.

?You are a monster,? the guardsman spat.

?I? I have done nothing more than dissect a dog, by your own assertion. I even granted them the proper burial rights... for a dog, of course. I knew that old mastiff of yours was treated rather well, when it passed on.? The Doctor?s eyes glinted with humor, and it took all of Alexander?s strength not to strike him.

The Doctor seemed to see his struggle, for he smiled widely and said, ?I am glad I could straighten this matter out for you, Mr. Pesovich. You can see that there is no one at all to blame, and I?m sure you must be satisfied with that.?

As it happened, Alexander was not at all satisfied with that, but there was nothing in the world he could do about it.


Children often vanished from his town. In truth, anyone who was too careless would vanish, but children were the most common, for anyone who lived to a certain age would rarely stray far from their home. The townsfolk would take great pains to keep their children safely locked away, but it only fueled their desire to stray, and they would pay little mind to the dire warnings their parents had told to them. Sometimes, even those children who stayed inside would go missing, vanishing from their beds without a trace. There was no laughter or sounds of childish games in that town, and the women would often wear the colors of mourning.

On one day, like many others before it, a child vanished. Her name was Isabella, and she had been loved by all who knew her. It was on that day that Alexander was faced with the embarrassment of learning the goings-on in his own town from the Doctor. The guardsman had taken to the Doctor like a hound to its quarry, for he neither liked nor trusted him, and would constantly follow him, waiting for the other man to break some law that he might be arrested on. The Doctor himself was unperturbed by all of this. Whenever he spied the guardsman upon the street he would invite him in, and treat him as though he were a cherished friend. This behavior only increased Alexander?s dislike of the other man, and so he was quite irate when the Doctor informed him, with no sign of concern, of the child?s unfortunate fate.

?Well then, if you know so much, be useful,? said Alexander, ?and tell me what has been done about it.?

?I was told,? said the Doctor, ?that you would do something about it.?

?Me?? said Alexander, quite surprised by this.

?So I was told,? replied the Doctor. ?For you are, after all, the nephew of the great hero Piotr?? But here he was interrupted.

?Do not speak his name!? the guardsman shouted, and had he not been so angry he might have been surprised that the Doctor complied.

The two men stood in silence for a time, and then Alexander spoke again. ?Tell them that I will go make the rounds,? he said, and turned to leave.

The rounds were little more than a sham, and everyone knew it. The guards would not ride out of sight of the village, so any child that had gotten lost would never be found by them. It was a rare day that a child ever returned to the village, alive or dead. But the rounds were all that anyone expected. Sham that it was, it was a ride that only a brave man could make.

The mastiff at his side whined as they passed by Koschei?s minions, the half-rotted remains of those people who had been lost to the night. The creatures had never been known to attack during the daytime, unless attacked first, but it did little to soften the cold, blank stares that followed them as they rode onward. Alexander pressed on, carefully keeping his gaze straight ahead, for fear that he might recognize someone among that sea of faces. Mikhail rode close beside him, nervously scanning the area.

The guards rarely spoke on those somber journeys, which left Alexander alone with his thoughts. The mention of his uncle burned upon his mind. There had been little love lost between Alexander and his father. His father had been an ill-tempered man, and he had ruled Alexander?s life with an iron fist. He had refused to allow his son to enter the town guard, and became furious at any talk of the old heroes. When he was growing up, Alexander?s uncle Piotr had been his stalwart champion. But Piotr had ridden out to fight the darkness, and had been carried home by his companions.

The village had called Piotr a fool, and Alexander himself could not help but feel some resentment, for he was now all alone in the world. He took his uncle?s sword, and he took his uncle?s shield, and he joined the town guard against the wishes of his father, but he swore that he would never cast away his life so foolishly. Under his watch the villagers huddled behind the village walls, and locked their doors at night, and would not go out even for their own children, and the only people who went missing were the careless and naive. The villagers had praised Alexander for his good sense. And yet he could not help but wonder when it was that cowardice had become more valued than courage.

Simargl, the mastiff, caught wind of a scent, and was half-way to the forest before Alexander called him back. The two guardsmen looked at each other uneasily. The child had gone into the Black Woods, where the guards would not dare go, for even the minions of Koschei the Deathless did not set foot in that dark forest. Mikhail shook his head sadly, and turned his mount around, preparing to return to the village. Alexander was about to do the same when, by accident, he caught the mindless gaze of one of the walking-dead. Shuddering, he turned away, struck with the sudden thought that he might see young Isabella when he next made the rounds, staring out from among that silent throng.

Suddenly making a decision, Alexander spurred his horse forward, galloping into the Black Woods. He could hear Mikhail shouting at him, but knew the other guardsman would do nothing to stop him, for that would involve riding closer to that dread forest, and Mikhail was not that brave a man. Alexander slowed as he approached the tree line, letting his eyes adjust to the murky light. The great trees stretched into the sky, and it seemed to the guard that he could not see the tips of them. The ground crunching beneath the horse?s hooves cut through the unnatural silence. He could not shake the feeling that something was following him, but he could see no sign of his pursuer. The mastiff whined beside him.

Suddenly, the horse reared up, screaming. Alexander only caught a glimpse of what had startled it before his mount pitched backward, sending him to the ground. The horse landed upon him, lashing out wildly with its hooves, before it stumbled to its feet and ran off. Alexander tried to stand and chase after it, but the pain in his chest was too great. He sunk to the forest floor, his breaths coming in short, wheezing gasps.

It was the faithful mastiff, Simargl, that brought Alexander out of those shadowed woods. The guard himself remembered little of the journey, only the pain, and attempting to crawl, and something large pulling at him. He awoke within a familiar home, with Mikhail standing worriedly above him. The other guard seemed shocked to see him stir.

?He?s awake!? Mikhail exclaimed. ?He?s alive!?

?Yes, I did say he would be.? Although Alexander could not see him, he recognized the voice of the Doctor.

?The Doctor is a worker of miracles,? Mikhail whispered to Alexander. ?For I know of no man who could have blamed him if you had not survived.?

The Doctor, who had not heard this, continued, ?He will have to stay here for a while. I do not think it will be too great a bother to him, for he is a frequent visitor to my house.?

And so Alexander found himself under the Doctor?s care. In time, his wounds had healed completely, and he had not become a monster, or a murderer, or compelled to follow the Doctor?s will, as many had claimed he would. Yet he could not help but feel that something that had been burning within him had been snuffed out.

There was one night, the night before he went home, that Alexander asked the Doctor, ?Why is it that one as skilled as you has come to such a place as this??

The Doctor smiled wider and replied, ?I will tell you that the day you tell me of your uncle.?

That night Alexander dreamt of children, crying out in fear as the darkness swallowed them.


In that village children were often guarded fiercely by their parents, and so it was rare for many children to go missing at one time. But the young Isabella, who had gone missing before, had a brother, who was rash and headstrong, and said loudly that he would retrieve her, although this got him punished. It was of little surprise when that boy, Dimitri, went missing right before sunset. His parents were greatly bereaved, for they had now lost both their children, and a black shadow hung over the town.

Alexander had been about to order everyone to their houses, for it would be dark soon, when he spied the Doctor slip away from the village, and head out into the fields. Ordering Mikhail to take care of the villagers, Alexander followed him at a distance. When he had gotten far enough out, the doctor pulled from under his coat a small lantern. He took a little bit of tallow, whiter than bleached bones, and placed it in the lamp, and then took a flask of oil to fill it, and finally lit it. The light was stronger than it ought to have been, and it seemed that even from a distance Alexander could smell the oil burning. With these preparations completed, the Doctor began to walk towards the forest, halting only when Alexander called out to him.

?You are a stranger in this town,? the guard said, ?but you must have some knowledge of the walking-dead that plague us. When the last light of the sun leaves us they will attack all of those who are not safely locked within their homes. I have no great like of you, but I would be failing in my duty if I allowed you to walk to your death.?

The Doctor was calm, for Alexander had not told him anything he did not already know, and said, ?If what you have said is true, then it is all the more reason that I must go now, for the boy will have little time left. But do not fear, for I do not go blindly to my demise. You know me to be an alchemist of some skill, and I have just tonight finished a formula of mine. Look here!?

And as he said it, he swung the lantern forward, so that it cast its light over one of Koschei?s minions. With a great moan, the creature shambled away from the light, seemingly unable to bear it.

?Why, that is wondrous!? Alexander exclaimed. ?Give it to me, and I might yet bring the boy back home.?

?I should hardly think so, for it is my lantern, and my oil,? the Doctor said. ?But I suppose you may be of some use to me. Fetch that great dog of yours, and we shall go together.?

So Alexander returned to his home, and brought Simargl back with him, and the two men set forth. As the sun slipped below the horizon, the monstrous zombies sprung to life, shambling towards them with murderous intent in their eyes. But the Doctor?s lantern held, and the corpses could do little more than press around the circle of light, unable to approach any closer. So passed an hour for the Doctor and Alexander, surrounded by gleaming eyes in the darkness. There were many times when the light would gutter and dim, and Alexander was sure that it would plunge them into darkness, surrounded by those villagers whom he had abandoned and failed. The Doctor simply walked onward, following Simargl and sheltering his little lamp from the wind, and if he felt any fear he showed no sign of it.

?And now,? said the Doctor, gesturing to the lantern, ?you see what it was I did with them.?

?Did with who?? Alexander asked.

?Ah, never mind. It is of no import, if you do not remember.? And they traveled on to the forest.

Alexander felt no little anxiety upon entering that place, for the forest seemed much larger in the darkness, and he remembered keenly the injury it had inflicted upon him. What had been so silent in the day now echoed with strange sounds, and he could again feel the invisible eyes upon his back. Though the minions of Koschei had departed when the pair had reached the tree line, the guard still felt as if he were surrounded, only now by creatures he could not see. He started when he heard the Doctor call out the child?s name.

?Look!? Alexander hissed suddenly, grabbing the Doctor?s arm. He had spotted a figure in the trees. The light was too poor for the guard to see its face, but he could see by the shape of the ears that it was not human. ?Elves!? he whispered fearfully, and the Doctor cautiously nodded.

?We have come looking for a child,? the Doctor said to the figure in the trees. ?Or perhaps, I might guess, for several children.?

?They are ours, now,? the figure replied. Its voice was soft and melodious, and Alexander could not tell if it was male or female. He wondered how many others were hidden in the shadows, with their bows pulled taunt and knives ready.

?By what right are these children yours?? Alexander asked the figure, covering his great fear with anger.

?They have been abandoned by you, and so they are ours,? the figure replied.

?We have come here in search of the children,? the Doctor said in a patient voice. ?So you can see for yourself that we have not abandoned them.?

?You have come in search of one child, and so we will return him to you,? said the elf. ?But the others will be left behind.?

?Left behind!? cried Alexander, forgetting his fear. ?I bear the scars from that day, when I followed a child into this forest. Do you call it abandoning her, that I could not find her when half-dead??

There was a long pause at this, and Alexander began to fear that he had said too much, and had called the wrath of the forest down upon his head. But after a while, the figure spoke again.

?Very well,? it said. ?The child you seek today, and the child you sought before, one more for the scars you carry, which were unjustly given to you, and the horse you lost in these forests.? With those words, the figure melted back into the shadows, and Alexander could hear the sound of his horse trotting towards him. They found the three children asleep on its saddle? Isabella, Dimitri, and one other, Tanya, who had vanished over a year ago.

?How many more do you think are here?? Alexander whispered.

The Doctor did not answer.

The town did not often celebrate, but it did so the next day, when the weary travelers returned the children to their parents. Though the celebration would have been considered a quiet one by most standards, there had never been as much cheering and laughing among the townsfolk as that night. Many a glass was raised and toasted to Alexander, the brave guardsman who had rescued he children thought lost forever. But Alexander himself took little part of the celebrations, for he thought of other children, still lost within the Black Woods, and he remembered the day that Simargl had pulled him home, when the village had called him the most foolish of men.

Of the Doctor, there was no sign, and no one spoke of him.


In a land far from his village there had once been a young man of power, wealth, and learning, and all the world had been laid out before him. Had he just asked for it, he could have had anything he had desired. And yet he threw away all that he had known, and traveled to a far off land, where he was neither wanted nor loved. It was something Alexander could not understand, despite the time he had spent with the Doctor. Where he once watched the Doctor in hopes of bringing about his downfall, he now watched him in hopes of understanding.

The snow fell softly about him as he entered the Doctor?s house, closing the door behind him as he brushed the ice from his coat. He found the Doctor sitting at a table in the back, with a silver locket in his hands, that he had carefully cleaned and polished until it shone in the candlelight. At the sight of it Alexander gasped, for he had been told the tales of Koschei the Deathless by his mother, and his grandmother before her, and though he did not know how he knew it to be her silver heart. He turned to the Doctor, his eyes filled with wonder, and a thousand questions upon his lips.
The Doctor spoke, seemingly to no one, and said, ?Now that I hold it in my hands, I know everything that I have done to have been worth it.?

?It is the silver heart, then,? Alexander said. ?Think of the good you could do with it! Koschei would obey your every command, and you could make this village a prosperous one.?

But the Doctor shook his head.

?Then you must destroy it!? Alexander said. ?You must rid the land of Koschei and her minions, and let the village live at last without fear.?

But the Doctor shook his head again.

?Then you must give it to me,? Alexander said, now angry. ?For I will not let you use it for ill, and if you will not destroy it, that I shall.? And with that he snatched up the silver pendant.

The Doctor said to him, ?I am sorry, for you were a fine companion, but for that pendant I paid thirteen years of my life, and most of my fortune, and all of my prospects in society. And I will not let you interfere.?

At these words Alexander realized that he had taken his eyes off the other man. He reached for his sword too late, for the Doctor suddenly clasped a rag over the guard?s face. Alexander?s legs fell out from under him, feeling as if the bones within them had turned to jelly. Blackness welled up around him, and he could not fight free of it.

Now his horse thundered across the snow, following the crisp tracks that the Doctor had left behind, and he cared little at how low the sun was in the sky, or what he intended to do when he reached his quarry. He followed the footprints to a great tower of white marble, with iron gates that hung open. Cautiously, he ventured inside.

The entrance hall was thin and cold, and Alexander hurried across it, climbing up the black stairs.
On the first floor he found a hall lined with stone statues, each with an expression of terrible agony, and Alexander turned his gaze away from them, for he thought he could recognize some of their faces.
On the second floor the hall was lined with skeletons, and it seemed out of the corner of his eye that they would turn to watch him as he walked by, but when he looked straight at them he found they had not moved.
On the third floor the hall was lined with books, and fine red tapestries, and other regalia that could make a man rich, but Alexander did not touch them, for he knew their owner to be a powerful enchantress.
On the fourth floor there was nothing, save the Doctor and Koschei herself.

Alexander stopped in the doorway, unable to move, for no tale told by his grandmother could prepare him for her beauty. Her golden hair shone like the stars, and her pale skin was as white as milk, and her eyes were as blue as the clear sky. He likened her to a lily, a thing of great beauty, but a harbinger of death. She wept a thousand bitter tears, for with her heart so close by she remembered her grief, and her loneliness, and the many evil deeds she had committed, and every tear that fell from her cheek threatened to shatter Alexander?s heart with sadness.

She said to the Doctor, ?Who are you, who so easily found what I had hidden away so long ago??

For once, the Doctor did not smile, and he said, ?I am no one, just the spoiled child of a rich noble. When I was young I went forth into the world, for I had no fear of the darkness, as I knew that the light of reason could overcome it. In my travels I came across a village ruled by three witches, who hated me for the knowledge and hope I brought to their subjects. They told me to leave, but I refused them. The first witch turned herself into horrible monster, but I soaked my cloak in the most bitter herbs I could find, and when it set upon me it could not swallow me, for it was seized by retching. The second witch turned herself into a plague, but I am a skilled physician, and I found an antidote for even her black presence. But the third witch gave me your picture, and told me your story, and left without another word. From that day on I could not close my eyes without seeing you.

It took me five years and one-third of my fortune to find the iron key. It took me another five years and another third of my fortune to find the island. I dug the iron chest from beneath the great tree, and opened it with the iron key. There was a duck inside that flew away, and I chased it for weeks before I caught it. Inside it I found an egg, and inside that I found a little locket, black as soot. I cleaned the tarnish from it until it gleamed silver, and then traveled for three more years, searching for its owner.?

?You have found me,? said she, ?and since you hold my heart I love you with all of it, and whatever you desire you shall have.?

But the Doctor just shook his head. ?I desire you to have this,? he said, and stepped forward, placing the locket within her hands. Then he turned and left, without another word.

Alexander shook himself free from his spell as the other man passed by him, and caught him on the stairs, drawing his sword. ?What have you done?? he cried. ?You have thrown away our only chance to destroy her, and rid the village of her presence! Or you could have held on to her heart, and prevented her from doing harm. No one could have blamed you for doing so.?

?When I became a doctor I swore an oath to give what aid I could, and never to do harm,? the Doctor. ?Even to those such as her. Especially to those such as her.?

?You are a fool if you think such monsters can be helped,? Alexander said.

?Perhaps they cannot,? the Doctor replied. ?But I have found it takes far more strength to try.?

?It is not you who will pay for your delusions!? Alexander yelled. He shoved the other man to the floor and raised his sword, but his conscience stayed his hand. He thought of his uncle, who had died saving those who scorned him, and the tears that had streamed down Koschei?s face. He wanted to ask the Doctor if he realized the risk he had taken, and if he understood the damage he might have caused, and most of all if he loved that women. But he said nothing, for he could read all the answers in the Doctor?s sad smile.

?Well,? said Alexander gruffly, ?I do owe you my life, and so I guess can?t kill you.? He helped the Doctor back to his feet, and the two walked home. Although it was well past sunset, the dead did not bother them on the way back.


On the first day, the restless dead walked into town. Shambling into the graveyard, the corpses clawed their way into the ground, burying themselves in the cold earth.

On the second day, a throng of people returned to the village, claiming to have lived there many years ago. It seemed to Alexander that he recognized some of their faces, but he said nothing.

On the third day, there was a sudden crack, like rolling thunder, and Alexander rode out to find the marble tower shattered.

On the fourth day there was a great festival in the town, and for once the people celebrated without fear. But though Alexander searched, he could not find the Doctor among the crowd. The guardsman found him within his house, paying little heed to the revelry outside.

?The festival is in honor of your deeds,? Alexander said. ?Would you not take part in it??

?You know of the great risk I took,? replied the Doctor. ?Had it not turned out so well, I would be cursed as the greatest of fools by the very people who celebrate now.?

?Perhaps,? said Alexander. ?But that is not what happened.?

?It was not my actions that made that so,? said the Doctor. ?So I am hardly to be celebrated for it.?

?A festival of lilies, then?? Alexander suggested. The Doctor did not smile.

On the fifth day Alexander rode out from his small town, determined to bring light and hope to the land, as his uncle had sought to do before him. In his many travels he became a great hero, and his name was praised throughout the land, and he met many other great people, all who fought against the darkness. And every year, on the Festival of Lilies, he returns home to visit the friend he honors most, the stranger who defeated Koschei the deathless, not with fire or sword, but with a great act of kindness.

And it is whispered by a few that sometimes a woman in all white would knock upon the Doctor?s door, but the Doctor, when asked, which was rarely so, would just smile, and not answer.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2011, 03:02:43 AM »
This is a follow up of sorts to A New World, though as usual I'm hopping 3+ centuries.  I wanted to get some thoughts on youkai into the field so.....

The spider youkai ran through the trees.

She knew someone was there.  Someone was hunting her.  She could feel it's presence lurking in the darkness of the forest.

She changed her course, running deeper into the youkai infested woods.  Perhaps the fear of some stronger predator would get the hunter off her tail.

Her hopes were dashed when the song began.  A terrifying melody that youkai and human alike had come to fear.  As the wordless tune echoed through her mind the shadows seemed to deepen, leaving only the light of the moon as a piercing lance of illumination to her blurred vision.


She stumbled on through the woods.  She could escape if she made it to the canyon.  The bird youkai couldn't chase her beneath the ground, and the residents of Chireiden wouldn't ask questions.  She just had to get there.

Her hopes shattered as the melody changed to a triumphant tone.  She barely dodged the blurred spear that flew from the air in front of her.  She turned to run again, not caring about direction anymore, just trying to get away.  To escape the deadly melody.

She realized her mistake when she hit the first tree.  With the moon now behind her, she couldn't see anything.  She tried to sidestep the barrier, only to run into another tree.

The light crunch of leaves told her that the hunter was close.

She desperately put her back to the tree and threw her web all over the area.  ?Why, why are you here?!? she screamed.  ?It was just an old drunk!  An old rude drunk!  What was I supposed to do when he blundered into my web?  No one would miss him!  Why?  Who called you??

The moon darkened as a figure stepped in front of this, then there was pain, terrible pain, as the next spear tore through her heart.

As her consciousness faded she heard her killer say, ?The wind itself calls for justice.?


Mystia looked up from her meal when she heard the girl approach.  There was only one person who combined such innate grace and careless clumsiness.  ?Hello Kanon.?

The kassha miko popped out of the bushes and bowed her head to the young bird youkai.  ?Heya Misuchi.?  Kanon looked over at the youkai Mystia had killed.  ?I see you got her first.?

Mystia nodded.  ?So then he did have a family.  I wondered if she was lying.?  Mystia delicately tore off a bit of leg, then looked back to Kanon.  ?You can have some if you want.  I'm not that hungry, though spider doesn't taste that great, even if she wasn't an earth spider.?

?No thanks.?  Kanon sat down.  ?I'll just be carting off that corpse when you're done.  Though you might want to hurry if you don't want to wind up sharing with my sisters.?

?Hm?  She must have annoyed someone important.?  Mystia went back to her meal, focusing on the tastier organs and meats.

?No, we're just kinda bored.  Lady Reiuji's wandering around on vacation, so we don't have much to do.? Kanon stretched and started combing her hair.  ?Sanso was talking about raising every corpse in the cemetery for a musical number if something didn't pop up.?

Mystia thought about what that might look like for a bit.  ?That might be fun to watch.?

The two continued their various activities for a while.  Kanon grooming, Mystia eating.  Finally Mystia wiped her hand and turned to the kassha.  ?Hey, Kanon, um...?

Kanon's eyes flickered over.  ?Yeah??

Mystia took a deep breath.  ?Uh, I heard you were around during the war.  And, well, I was wondering... if you knew the first Mystia??

Kanon's ears twitched at that.  ?The first Mystia...?  Kanon's tails swished mournfully as she thought.  ?I was still young, even for a human, back then.  I know she had an eel stand just like you.?  Kanon frowned as she tried to think back across the years.  ?I'm pretty sure she was a night sparrow though.  That's why she had the blinding song.?

?Night Sparrow??  Mystia felt mildly insulted.  Sure sparrows were okay, but she was a shrike.  A proud hunting bird, not a seed eater.

?I'm pretty sure about that.?  Kanon suddenly gave a catlike grin.  ?Why don't you ask Mokou.  She'd know.?

Mystia flushed.  ?That!  I... er, don't want to bother her with that kinda-?

Her response was stopped by a sudden impact that sent her into a rolling tumble across the clearing.  When the world stopped spinning she found herself pinned under a much more feral looking kassha with fiery red hair.  ?Well, the criminal's already been apprehended, but I caught a birdie!?

Mystia fluttered her wings uselessly against the ground.  ?Very funny Hiso.  Get off me.?

?I don't think so.  You ate all the good parts of the corpse so you'll have to pay up!? Hiso said cheerily.

?Augh, Kanon help me here!? Mystia pressed futilely against her captor.

?Sorry Misuchi.  Gave you fair warning, so now the corpse is mine.?  Kanon whistled as she summoned up a wheelbarrow.  Then cried out as another kassha entered the fray with a pounce.

?Not so fast sis!  This corpse is mine.?  Sanso yelled as she landed on Kanon.

Mystia groaned the turned her attention back to Hiso.  ?So aren't you gonna go for the corpse too??

?Nah, I'm fine with what I caught,? Hiso said brightly.

There was another impact form the side, and when the whirling stopped Mystia was unsurprised to find Io there on top of both her and Hiso.  ?Heya sis.  Were you gonna share your catch??

Mystia groaned and started trying to flee again.  Cats were such infuriating creatures!


?Another beer please miss.?

?Sure thing,? Mystia replied before grabbing a bottle out of her ice bucket and placing it down in front of the man.  ?Though you shouldn't stay up too much longer.  The streets can be dangerous at night.?

The man tapped his pistols and smiled.  ?Thanks for the warning miss, but I think I can take care of myself.  Otherwise I wouldn't have come from the Shogunate?  He took a long drink before continuing.  ?Still I should be heading back soon anyway.  Don't wanna get locked out of the hotel.?

?A good idea sir.?  Mystia placed a slip of paper down next to the empty plates.  ?I'll leave the bill here so you can go whenever you need to.?

Mystia tossed a few more skewers onto the grill as the traveler finished his drink and left the tab.  Normally she'd close up about now, but it was the night after a full moon.

She always showed up on the night after the full moon.

Sure enough the lamprey was done when a slim figure landed next to her cart.  Mokou winced at her landing, then slowly slid into the chair.  ?Heya.  The usual.?

Mystia let her eyes wander over Mokou's wounds as she dished out the rice.  The immortal's eyes were surrounded by blood like someone had gouged them out, her shirt was burned all on the left side, and her pants were caked with blood around a spear sized hole.  Mokou must have done well tonight Mystia thought to herself.  She expertly flipped the skewered lamprey onto a plate and placed it and the rice before the immortal.  ?Here you go.?

?Thanks kid.?  Mokou dug into the meal like she hadn't eaten in weeks.  Which might be true now that Mystia thought about it.  She rapidly discarded that idea though.  Keine would never let Mokou go that long without eating.

?Something on your mind??

Mystia jumped at the question.  ?Ah no!  Nothing important!?  She turned to start washing the dishes, hoping the warmth in her cheeks wasn't obvious.

?Really??  Mokou raised an eyebrow at that.

?I was just thinking about something that happened earlier this week.  For my other job.?  Mystia let her wings flutter a bit before bringing them back under control.

?Ah I see.?  Mokou's posture slumped just a little, and her gaze flickered to the statue down the street.

Mystia found her own gaze wander to the statue.  It was hard to see in the dark, but she knew it by heart.  After all it looked a lot like her.  A statue to the first youkai to bear her name.  The hunting youkai that helped save the village during the war.

?Hey Mokou.  Can you tell me about my predecessor??

The question seemed to burst from her.  The second after she said that she cringed, knowing both how tactless and foolish it sounded.  She looked at Mokou to see if she'd offended the immortal.

Instead Mokou was looking at her with an appraising air.  Like a parent who is trying to decide what they'll tell a child about some serious matter.  ?That's a dangerous question to ask for a youkai.  Are you sure you want to hear the answer??

Mystia bristled at the accusation.  ?I'm not a child, Mokou!  I can handle hearing a story.?

?It's not that simple kid.?  Mokou waved her hand in annoyance.  ?You were born from her legend.?

Mokou's voice grew distant as she repeated the tale Mystia had known from the moment of her birth.  ?'The youkai of vengeance, who secretly hunted down those who betrayed the village.  She lived among humans as a simple food stand worker, singing songs that made the children laugh.  When the Lunarians came she led the youkai to save the village, fighting alongside Keine even to the point of death until rescue arrived.  Then she passed away from her wounds before she could be saved.'?

Mokou looked back at her.  ?That story is the basis of your entire being, the truth of your existence.  The history can never live up to that myth.?

?So?  You think I don't know that??  Mystia glared down at Mokou.  ?I know the story's got to be different from the truth.  But that doesn't matter anymore.  We youkai aren't slaves to people's imaginations anymore.  We're born from legend but we are what we believe we are.?  Mystia pointed to the celestial dragon in the sky.  ?That was the victory of the youkai sage.?

?Don't you get it??  Mokou sighed much to Mystia's annoyance.  ?Think about what you said.  You are what you believe you are.  And what if what I tell you changes all your beliefs.  What if what I say leaves you wondering what to believe??  Mystia froze as Mokou's glare pierced through her.  ?I can't hurt you, but you can destroy yourself.?

Mokou's gaze fell.  ?But...  I think she would have wanted the person bearing her name to know her real story.?

The immortal sighed.  ?So yeah.  If you think you can handle having your world turned upside down, I'll tell you kid.  But don't think it'll be everything in the stories but better.?

Mystia hesitated.  She wanted to know now, more then ever.  But Mokou's words ran through her mind.    The what ifs cascaded through her thoughts, each worse then the last.  She had to take a deep breath to steady herself.

She looked up at Mokou.  ?Tell me this.  She was still a hero right??

Mokou looked towards the statue again.  ?She was.?

?Then tell me.?

Mokou turned back to her, then smiled sadly.  ?Very well, then.?

?First you have to know her business was mostly a scam....?

The sun was rising when Mokou's tales finished.  And Mystia had to admit the immortal had been right.  The story had changed her.  Changed what she was.  Who she wanted to be.

But as Mystia sang to welcome the dawn she felt happier then ever.  Perhaps her namesake hadn't loved the village like she did.  Perhaps the little night sparrow had fought for her own sake instead of the lives of the villagers.  Perhaps her heroism had come from a fear of losing, instead of a need to protect.

No one could say that her predecessor hadn't stood for herself.

As the sun rose Mystia swore she would make this tale part of her.  She would not be a creature of blind loyalty or servitude.  She would follow her own path, even to her death.

And perhaps that path would be the path of justice that everyone thought she should follow.  But it would be her choice.  The one thing that was hers and hers alone.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 03:04:31 AM by Iced Fairy »

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #53 on: November 20, 2011, 06:31:32 AM »
Aya frowned as she went over her pictures of Utsuho.  Had she used this one yet?  It was so hard to tell, since the pictures all looked the same.  There weren't many different angles you could get on "giant sun."

She briefly considered scrapping this article and focusing on another rumor, but in the end that was a bad idea.  Even if Utsuho wasn't a tengu she was at least a crow, and it was important to have a certain amount of corvids present in any issue to keep the local readers interest.

"I'll just have to get more photos,"  Aya said  "Ones without danmaku."

The trip to find the hell crow took no time whatsoever for the fastest reporter in Gensoukyo.  Unfortunately there was a problem already there.

Aya glared at Hatate.  "What are you doing here kid?"

"Get lost, this is my interview," Hatate snapped.

Utsuho looked back and forth between the two in her normal state of confusion.  "Unyuu?"

Aya sighed.  She was tempted to beat the little kid into the ground but that would mean she'd only get pictures of danmaku again.  "Alright, look, you can waste your time however you want kid.  I'll just take some pictures and leave, 'kay?"

Hatate flipped her off and rolled her eyes.  "Sure whatever.  Just don't screw up any of my shots with your flash."  She turned back towards the hell raven.  "So anyway, ignore the fastest slut in Gensoukyo and tell me about what it's like being the pet of a mind reader?"

Aya tuned out Utsuho's cheerful reply and started working on getting a good shot.  She decided against the flash, no matter how much she wanted to spite the other tengu and instead turned on the fixed light on her camera.  She shuffled a little to the left, then back to the right a bit trying to set up a pseudo candid shot.

And then something caught her eye.  A strange glimmer that called to her.

Aya blinked and shook her head.  When she looked up again the glittering was gone.  Muttering curses at whatever god thought it would be funny to give crow tengu an attraction to shiny object she returned to setting up the shot.

Right as she was about to get the lighting perfect the glitter appeared again.  Aya instinctively looked towards it, but it vanished.

"Damnit, Aya. What the hell are you doing?" Hatate yelled.

Aya looked away, flushing slightly.  "Shut up.  The lighting in here is terrible without a flash."

"Oh you need light?"  Utsuho smiled at that.  "I can fix that!"  With a snap of her fingers the hell crow tossed up a miniature sun shedding light through the cavern.

Both Aya and Hatate froze.  The shining object had returned, and now it was clear to both of the tengu what that object was.

The brooch on Utsuho's chest.

Aya tried to focus on her camera.  The camera was safe.  She was a intelligent tengu.  A genius even.  She wasn't going to be distracted by a simply shiny gem!

As she fiddled with exposure times she heard Hatate rapidly putting information into her phone.  "So... uh... where did you get that necklace?"

"Necklace?"  Utsuho cocked her head.  "Oh you mean this?"  She tapped the gem, causing both Aya and Hatate to shudder.  "It kinda came with the Yatagarasu's power, along with some of my other wardrobe pieces."

"Ah I see...."  Hatate obviously realized she'd made a mistake asking about it.  "So what other wardrobe pieces did you get?"

"The cape, cannon and boot of course."  Aya twitched again as Utsuho continued fiddling with the gem.  "It's odd though.  I figured out what all those other tools do, but not what this one is for."

Aya was sweating now.  Utsuho's movements were causing the gem to glitter even more then before.  The only reason she hadn't dropped her camera was because of the strap on it.  The gem sparkled yet again and she flinched.  She was stronger then this!  She wasn't just a bird!

Then Okuu leaned forward a bit causing the gem to glow with light and Aya gave in.  "Screw it, that shiny is mine!"

"Not a chance grandma!  It's mine!" Hatate yelled.  They both sprung for the gem as fast as they could, before Okuu even had time to blink.

Aya didn't bother with finesse.  She just reached for a handful of dress and tried to scoop up the gem along with it.  Her heart raced as she saw she was beating Hatate.  She'd grabbed a nice chunk of shirt and she was going to have the better grip on the brooch for sure.  The gem was as good as hers!

Then her fingers glanced off the bottom of the brooch and glided right across the surface.  She'd missed.

There was the sound of ripping fabric and Aya despaired.  Hatate must have gotten the prize, and soon she'd be left here with an angry (and topless) hellcrow, without the gem that had so captured her mind.

Then the gleam caught her eye once again.  Her heart soared.  Had Hatate missed too?

Sure enough Hatate was standing next to her equally dumbfounded holding the other half of Utsuho's shirt.  And before them gleamed the sparkling prize they both desired.  The gem was no brooch.  It was fused to Utusho's chest.

Aya snapped out of her shiny induced trance mere seconds before a strong arm put her in a headlock.  She found her head firmly caught just above Utsuho's breasts facing Hatate, who'd suffered a similar fate.  In between them the gem continued to glimmer with light.

"Ah, I think I've found out what this gem is for now," Ustuho said cheerfully.  "It's to help pick up chicks."

Aya's face turned bright red, and she could see Hatate turning crimson as well.  She was well and truly caught.

But she had to admit the gem was really shiny.


Orin caught her oldest friend's familiar smell when she entered the Palace of the Earth Spirits and she smiled.  It'd been a while since Okuu had been home.  She shifted out of her cat form and headed towards her friends room.

When she got a little closer though she noticed the presence of some other people.  Animals but not animals.  When she reached Utsuho's door she knocked.  "Hey Okuu.  We have guests?"

"Something like that," Okuu replied.  "Come on in Orin."

Orin opened the door.  "Should I get you some snack or-"  Then her jaw dropped.

The three figures in the room were all unclothed.  Okuu was sitting in the middle of the rooms couch with one of the tengu reporters under each arm.  They each seemed content to rest on her shoulders and stare longingly at the gem on her chest.  Orin pointed at the trio then waved her hands about, but she couldn't find any question to ask.

As Orin stood there searching for words Utsuho smiled at her.  "I don't think we need any snacks, but thanks Orin."  The kassha froze as Utsuho's grin became just a little wider.  "But I'm sure we'd all be happy to have you sit on our lap."

Orin finally let out a hiss.  "What the hell Okuu?  Are you letting the Yatagarasu's power go to your head again?  Seriously here, this is no joking matter."

Utsuho pouted.  "Ah come on Orin.  I'm not plotting to blow up the world or anything again.  I'm just having a little fun."

"That what you said the second time.  And we all know how that turned out!"  Orin turned away from her friend tails lashing.  "Well you aren't pulling me into this mess this time!"

Orin stared at the ground.  She knew she had to challenge her friend in order to slap some sense back into her.  Maybe she could tell Satori about this issue, since it wasn't as big as the last?  Her mind raced over possibilities, and then crashed to a halt as she saw something scurrying out of the corner of her eye.

Her tails and ears froze as she turned to look at what had caught her attention.  It was a small dot of light, but the way it skittered and dashed around the floor....  She wanted to pounce!

And so pounce she did.  Restraint was not a virtue for cats.

Of course she could catch the light.  It was light after all, but she gleefully chased it anyway, across the floors, on the walls, under the furniture.  She leaped and pounced... and on the final jump ended up landing right in Utsuho's lap.

When she looked up and saw the mini laser shining from the gem she realized just how she'd ben tricked.  But then Okuu was scratching behind her ears now... and she did have to admit lying across the three girls laps was kinda nice.....

Orin sighed then relaxed.  "Alright, you win.  But when Satori find out it's on your head."

Utsuho just smiled magnanimously, but Hatate snickered.  "Well Aya, we now have a better headline for when we finally write this up."

"If it involves the that gem being able to attract pussy I'm going to eat your eyes, birdbrain."
« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 08:31:07 PM by Iced Fairy »

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #54 on: November 20, 2011, 07:10:41 AM »
These puns are splendid~

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #55 on: November 30, 2011, 05:00:50 AM »
         Is Utsuho Reiuji cute?  The answer seems like such an obvious yes.  But then what would we say if someone who had not been exposed to the entirety of Utsuho Reiuji questioned her cuteness?  An opinion left unresearched withers in the light of evidence, even if that evidence is fanart of questionable merit.  It is not enough to simply look at a character and know she is cute, we as people of science must prove to the best of our ability that she is cute.  With facts and reason on our side we can banish the false light of misinformation under the brilliant light of truth.  Of course I would make no grandiose claim that we can give an exact measure of cuteness with our current level of knowledge, but measurement is not certainty.  We cannot say how moist something must be to qualify as wet, but we know what is wet and what is dry.  Similarly we cannot state how cute Utsuho is, but I feel confident in my ability to prove she is cute.  In appearance, demeanor and abilities, Utsuho Reiuji possesses a number of unique factors that are cute.  I'm certain that armed with the knowledge I will impart you shortly, you too will feel unshakable in this truth.

        The primary proof of cuteness comes from physical appearance.  When considering if something is cute appearance can completely override personality or powers.  After all a kitten is cute, even as it toys with it's prey before killing it.  Thus, if we can prove Utsuho looks cute, we can state she is cute.    I put forth that Okuu has four physical factors that make her cute; her wings, and because of her wings her cape, her overall figure, and her hair and bow.  I also will set aside some space to debunk the assertion that her accessories make her less cute. 

   We start with her wings, which are a huge factor in cuteness.  Wings exaggerate emotions, specifically emotions like embarrassment, happiness, excitement and fear.  The primary expression of this cuteness is of course the flutter.  While there are many non cute reactions to the above emotions the helpless flutter of wings or the happy quiver of feathers is always cute, thus a character with wings will always have cute reactions.  As an added bonus Utsuho?s wings are bird wings which, unlike bat wings, are soft and fluffy.  While white wings are the ultimate in fluffiness, black wings suffer only a slight loss in comparison leaving Utsuho?s wings comfortably in the ?fuwa fuwa? range.  And since they are full bodied wings they can completely encircle someone, granting a threefold increase in softness factor.  Softness, of course, is widely recognized as major boost to cuteness, as evidenced by plush toys everywhere.  This also adds to her personal softness, which we will speak about later.

   Alone, these wings would be a massive boost to our case that Utsuho is cute.  However, Utsuho Reiuji adds even more layers of cuteness to this matter by wearing a cape over her wings.  A combination of cape and wings is, in general somewhat ridiculous.  The cape, while impressive under normal circumstances, can only get in the way of the wings proper function and generally trip Utsuho up.  The addition of a cape and subsequent rapid shifts from imposing to comedic misfortune leads to Utsuho moving squarely into incompetence moe.  Specifically Utusho can inconvenience herself, but won't inconvenience others that much, an important factor in incompetence based cuteness.  The cape also increases Utsuho's natural softness.  The fabric itself increases the warmth of any wing hug, and the softness of her wings, while the switch to white coloration helps add to visual fluffiness as explained earlier.

   Continuing in the vein of softness, Utsuho's physical dimensions contribute greatly to her cuteness.    As it is commonly known, there are three main types of cute figures; boyish, childish, and soft.  While Okuu is too tall to qualify for childish, and her hair is too long for the classic boyish, she fits quite comfortably within the soft category.  The soft category draws it's cuteness from being pleasantly squishy without being too yielding or drawing too much attention to sexiness.  Utsuho avoids these extremes easily.  Her clothing and demeanor isn't designed to draw particular attention to her sexiness, and her body is fairly well toned.  In fact the main worry would be her waist and hips are too narrow for full body softness.  In order to check that matter we need to compare her measurements to a known soft quantity, Iku Nagae.  A quick reference in associated media shows that their measurements are similar across waist, bust and hip.  Utusho however is slightly taller.  Still even adjusting for height Utsuho ends up being almost as soft as Iku, and given how cute Iku's soft style is, we can state that Utsuho is close enough to also be considered cute in that department as well.

   Finally we get to Utsuho's hair and bow ensemble.  Hair strongly factors in to physical appearance, and various fair styles can add great greatly to cuteness, though a character can be cute without such attention to detail.  At first glance Utusho's hair seems to be a simple black long haired with a bow.  Bows are of course cute as they emphasize an interest in personal care as well as a certain amount of childishness, but not too far beyond the norm.  However, on further research it becomes obvious that Utusho has a ponytail as well.  A combination hairstyle like that is uncommon and requires attention, and the volume of hair required must add to softness as well.

   It is here I must set aside a moment to answer some counterarguments.  Some people point to Utusho's boot and arm cannon as items that detract from her cuteness.  They claim that the ability to destroy a city in an atomic fireball isn't cute.  While this is a shortsighted view that is currently under further investigation, I can skip that matter entirely, as it holds little bearing to Utusho's cuteness.  These are combat accessories, with no general use, and our interest is whether Utusho is cute in general, not whether she is cute in a fight.  While some claim these accessories are permanent we have visual evidence she can remove them and does so during day to day activities.  I would thus further go on to claim that these accessories increase Utusho Reiuji's cuteness factor slightly.  Weapons, especially big dangerous looking weapons, can increase a person's cuteness if they cause the person to suffer amusing inconveniences with those weapons either in or out of battle.  For example it would be cute if a girl who has a sword larger then her got stuck in a doorway, or was buried under the weight.  And while Utsuho is a skilled and tenacious fighter, we can state clearly that her accessories do impede general performance.  Her 'third leg,' in addition to allowing jokes that will emphasize her cluelessness, obviously interferes with her dominant hand, and will almost certainly lead to amusing situations where Utusho realizes too late she doesn't have enough hands for the job.  Meanwhile we have recorded data showing her cement foot unbalances her, even in combat, occasionally leaving her sprawling on the ground with an ?Unyu.?  These here are prime examples of grade B (possibly inconveniencing but easily remedied) incompetence moe.  Thus you can see how these accessories can only be a net positive towards Utusho's cuteness if factored in.

   With that we can conclude the physical inspection of Utusho's cuteness.  It would be tempting to stop here.  All of the factors of her person, wings, cape, build, hair and accessories only add to her cuteness.  It is obvious Utsuho looks cute, from a scientific standpoint.  However, it would still be premature to claim victory.  While Utsuho is physically cute she sadly hasn't overstepped the kitten mark, the point at which no act of ugliness could get people to look past her innate cuteness.  She lies close, but close is not enough in these studies.  With that in mind we must examine Utsuho's personality and powers in order to make a final confirmation on her cuteness.  The trial is simple.  If her personality contains cute elements, and her powers are not utterly revolting, we can stand confident in the knowledge that Utsuho's cuteness can not be denied.

   We see two sides of Utusho's character in her appearances, belligerent, which is not cute, and laid back airheadedness, which can be cute.  We will compare both to try to get a feel for the whole.  Her combative mode is highly dangerous, and she presses her attacks a little strongly.  Even in Gensoukyo, where a bullet to the face is a common greeting, Utusho is more bluntly aggressive then most.  Fortunately she doesn't really persist in this mode.  Utsuho's combat desires vanish quickly after the battle, and she's able to chat pleasantly with people she fought only recently.  As an animal youkai she doesn't fight when the outcome is already known and there's nothing to gain.  So the bad parts of her personality don't appear often.  This leads us with her default personality, which is nuanced but has clear themes.  She is unabashedly 'bird brained,' forgetting details that don't seem important to her, and not thinking through her actions as well as she could.  This airheadedness is a staple of cute characters, but it is also incredibly annoying.  Most characters that use it either have redeeming features or just get by on cute appearance alone.  In this case, Utsuho's bird brain is redeemed by her intelligence in every other field.  While she fails to recognize people or remember specific events well, her conversations show that she's able to reason decently well, and that her mastery of certain elements, such as her powers is very solid.  It is this intelligence that makes her occasional ?Unyu? and forgetfulness cute instead of annoying.  With that taken into consideration we can place Utsuho's personality as cute, satisfying the first of our requirements.

   Finally we reach her powers.  Utsuho has powers from two sources, her god powers and her hell raven powers.  Her god powers fall into the grey area of neither cute nor uncute.  Laser beams and bullets are pretty generic and while Okuu's are bigger, they aren't seriously different.  Meanwhile nuclear power does have radiation issues, but with the power of a god Okuu can avoid that nasty spot.  Her powers as a hell raven however have massive cuteness potential.  Her ability to eat corpses is a negative, but it's common to all youkai, so it shouldn't garner much attention.  However, the shape-shifting power of a hengayoukai unlocks a wide variety of cuteness.  Okuu's raven form is small, fluffy and cute to begin with, and with her additional intelligence she's far more playful and cuddly then a normal raven will ever be, as evidenced in her Grimoire of Marisa appearance where she is pictured cuddling Satori in bird form.  In addition as a youkai she has access to the ability to accessorize while in raven form.  Though sadly it is unreasonable to believe she can shape-change into the puffball ravens that fill the fanart, she almost certainly can keep her bow or cape in bird form, something sure to bring a smile to any face.  Her powers are far from revolting, thus satisfying the second part of our requirements.

   And there we have it.  Utusho has the physical base for cuteness, as evidenced by her body and style, while possessing none of the drawbacks that would force a discerning researcher to take that status away from her.  True none of her features are flawless.  Even her wing and cape combination have slight flaws that prevent her from being perfectly cute in any area.  But these flaws are in no way sufficient to steal her cute status from her.  And perhaps it could be said that those flaws enhance her character's cuteness.  If a character is only cute, without anything else to support their persona they fall into moeblob status, undeniably cute, but uninteresting.  This robust cuteness that Utsuho has, one with flaws and definition is perhaps a better cuteness.  Still, that is for future research.  For now we can rest our paper, confident in our ability to prove, Utusho Reiuji is cute.


Why did I write this again, Anathe?
« Last Edit: November 30, 2011, 05:11:30 AM by Iced Fairy »

Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #56 on: November 30, 2011, 11:33:22 AM »
You have done this world a wonderful service, FOR GREAT SCIENCE!

You are truly a top notch cuteologist, I was surprised to learn you did not have a doctorate in kawaii uguu~!


  • The Wandering Mind
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #57 on: November 30, 2011, 09:37:42 PM »
I don't think we can argue anymore about Utsuho's Cuteness. 

We got scientific proof of it!
This Space For Rent


  • Let's go, Trombe!
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #58 on: December 01, 2011, 05:04:05 AM »
Thank you.  I was becoming concerned for the future generations, but this new curriculum looks promising.

Keep it up!


  • Car = ma
Re: Iced Fairy's Random Shorts
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2011, 03:54:41 PM »
I knew it. Utsuho is a moe hell raven, and no scientist will contradict that!
Why is Youmu afraid of Unzan?

Because the things that her sword cannot cut are next to nun!