Author Topic: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons (deadline extended to Apr. 28)  (Read 31046 times)


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
It?s been a while since the last RaNGE contest, so I think it?s about time for contest #20. 20 contests in 10 years, woo!

In many places winter is ending and spring is beginning. Shifting seasons are normal.

In Gensokyo, though, life is anything but normal. Residents find themselves able to harness the power of the seasons once more, just like in Hidden Star in Four Seasons, but this time the seasons are really going haywire. Everywhere, all the time, the season changes within minutes! When the season changes, one?s abilities also change.

The theme of this contest is to make a boss fight where the chosen character?s danmaku is influenced by the constantly-changing seasons. Just like in Okina's boss fight, your character will cycle through the four seasons.


* All scripts will have a minimum of 8 patterns, with each nonspell or spell being one pattern. This minimum is designed to accommodate one nonspell and one spell for each season.
* All scripts will have a maximum of 17 patterns. This maximum is designed to accommodate someone who makes two nonspells and two spells for each season, plus a grand finale.
* Multiple difficulties are allowed. Judges are not obligated to play all difficulties and will likely pick one that matches their skill level, so be sure each one is balanced!
* Midbosses and stages are optional. If a midboss is present it may have up to 3 patterns. These 3 patterns don't count towards the pattern minimum or maximum.
* Choosing Okina Matara as the boss character is not allowed. She may be present as a midboss as long as she follows the 3-pattern rule.
* Having multiple bosses present is allowed.
* Despite the usage of the word "script", entries do not need to be Danmakufu scripts. Entries can be made in any engine that you like, but keep in mind that it must at least be able to run on a Windows machine.
* Regardless of the engine you use, game errors or other bugs may lead to docked points or complete disqualification depending on the severity of the issue. Be sure to thoroughly playtest!
* Participants may work with up to one other person if they really want to. Both people will receive the same score.
* The relevant seasons are winter, spring, summer, and fall. The seasons need not be in that order. Seasonal danmaku is up to interpretation, but can be represented by playstyle differences and aesthetic changes.

* Danmakufu Wiki
* Helepolis' Video Tutorials
* Sparen's Written Tutorials
* Sparen's ph3 Function Reference (in case Danmakufu Wiki is dead...again)


Scripts will be judged with the majority of the score attributed to the quality of danmaku. Visual effects and music are nice, but they are ultimately secondary to your entry's gameplay. Since this is a themed contest, a part of your score will also be attributed to how well you follow the seasonal theme.

Post your entries in the thread when they are ready to be submitted.

(click the link for a countdown timer!)
Optional Sign-up Form Here (to gauge interest - see here for form results)
Entries 2 seconds late will be accepted (we close submissions a bit after the deadline, but don?t procrastinate!)
« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 04:01:08 PM by Trickysticks »
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • The Ghost Living through Everyday Life.
  • Eh, it doesn't matter.
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2019, 09:31:04 PM »
owo I might participate for once, and with a good idea

Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2019, 01:19:59 AM »
If I have enough free time, I'll be submitting an entry.


Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2019, 04:28:49 PM »
I've been slammed with real life, but it should be letting up in a week or so. I think I'll participate in this contest to get back into the flow of coding stuff, and, with how far away the deadline is, I think as long as I don't get too ambitious I will actually have an entry ready this time.

Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2019, 06:46:17 PM »
Hoi ~|?0?|~

It?s me :V

Me V:

I would like to make a script, too.

Uhhh, with passion this time♪

Wish us all good luck UwU


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2019, 10:17:42 PM »
Submissions & Script Videos

Sparen: Seasonal Rabbit - Download
Danmakufu Video Database: DVDb

Kinedyme: Shrine-Visiting Season - Download

Andi: Hanami in Four Seasons - Download

JDude: Seasoned Alice - Download

NecroHeart/Vigor: Unseasonal Mooning Daydream - Download

Zino: Seasonal Chaos - Download

Conarnar: Youmu but with Seasons - Download

Crescendo: Seasonal Misplacement - Download

Tad Marx Barba: Seasonal Dreams - Download

Asthmagician: Download

Python: Four Colors of the Moon - Download
Danmakufu Video Database: DVDb

Gregory: Twin Seasons with The Most-Despicable and Disastrous Gods - Download

TTBD & Adam: The Netherworld's Feast of Four Seasons - Download

Achy: Download

Scripter Name: Entry Name Here
Danmakufu Video Database:
Uploader: Link w/ name
« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 04:27:53 AM by Sparen »


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2019, 11:11:04 PM »
Ack, I was thinking about trying running one myself but I guess I'll hold off. I might submit something for this, though.
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2019, 12:28:40 AM »

It is available.


More information:,13738.msg1421772.html#msg1421772

There may be bugs. There may be splats. There may be lasers. There may be strange things.

Enjoy responsibly.


EDIT (April 6, 2019):
I've updated my entry in an attempt to fix an annoying bug/potential crash. If there are any issues with the new version, please let me know.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 02:28:06 PM by Sparen »


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2019, 06:19:18 PM »
Around one week left, woo. Remember that your script has to be posted here in some way when it's done.
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • Dream Magic - Duplex Spark!
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2019, 09:47:06 AM »
What's the best way to upload the script?
I'm having trouble registering for bulletforge.


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
  • ;
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2019, 12:05:08 PM »
What's the best way to upload the script?
I'm having trouble registering for bulletforge.
If my memory is correct BulletForge registration is technically down..?

I upload and share the file through MEGA, though there are other sites to share as well.  MEGA honestly looks the nicest so I trust it more lol
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2019, 06:22:38 PM »
Yeah, BulletForge registration is currently down. If you don't already have an account you can use any filesharing service you like (Dropbox/MEGA/whateverFire).
Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • Dream Magic - Duplex Spark!
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2019, 09:43:47 PM »
Okay. Thank you.

Here is my entry:
Shrine-Visiting Season (Old)

It is a light-hearted script featuring Marisa as the player, and Reimu as the opponent.
Please be wary of bugs: Crashes are bad for the script.
Please be wary of bullets: Pichuuns are bad for Marisa.
Please give feedback as appropriate: Improvements are good for my technique.
Please have fun: Fun is good for everybody.

Take it Easy!

Oh, I also just realised that this is the first script I have released on this forum, so... Hello world?

I have updated the script with some fixes to make it less annoying.

The boss position is now tracked at the bottom of the screen.
Marisa's seasons will reset when you restart the script.
Marisa can bomb during her respawn invincibility.

The previous link has been replaced with the new one.

I have updated the script a second time.

Removed files and functions relating to unused sound effects.
Dialogue does not advance through actions made in the pause menu.

The old link has again been replaced with the new one.

Yeah, BulletForge registration is currently down.

Is that so?
It's okay, I will add this script to there once it is back up.
Is there any indication as to how long it will be down for?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 01:48:45 PM by Kinedyme »


  • Danmakufu Artist
  • Git ready, git set, PUUSH!
    • AFCDTech
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2019, 02:32:38 AM »
It's okay, I will add this script to there once it is back up.
Is there any indication as to how long it will be down for?

Until someone else is willing to pay for the site's upkeep and is also willing to moderate it when trolls come to spam garbage on it.


  • A stick of the tricky variety.
Re: RaNGE Contest #20: New Stars of Four Seasons
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2019, 03:59:36 PM »
Good (insert time of day) everyone,

Since multiple users have expressed that they'd really like more time and since I'm going to be omegabusy the week immediately after the original deadline of April 21, I've decided it's a good idea to extend the deadline by 1 week to April 28 instead. This way everyone will have more time to finish and judging will only take 2 weeks instead of the usual 20 it'll be done ASAP I promis. There's a new countdown timer here and in the original post. As usual, you can modify your entry as many times as you want before the deadline, so those that have already submitted can keep going if they want to.

Interested in playing some boss fights I made? Have Danmakufu? Then check out my Danmakufu creations!


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog

here is script

I decided to explore a more season-themed side of someone who's caused a seasonal incident in the past - namely, Komachi. Rather than traditional "fire-themed stuff for summer, ice-themed stuff for winter, leaves for fall, cherry blossoms for spring" I decided to make danmaku inspired by different seasonal flowers.

This is a photography-based script - the controls are the same as in Double Spoiler. Hopefully I was able to strike a balance between the traditional challenge of photography-based gameplay and keeping it fair enough to avoid too much frustration, but just to make sure, the difficulty can be changed from the pause menu without needing to restart. Two modes are available, Pointdevice and Legacy; Pointdevice requires you to take all the photographs of a spellcard in one go, like the original photography games, while Legacy allows you to get hit as much as you want, resetting your camera's charge to 50% but keeping your photos taken. These can also be switched between freely in the pause menu.

Known issues:
- occasional crash towards the end of the fight - I'll update if I figure out a fix but in the meantime just play the rest as singles if it happens, I guess
- i forgot to restrict the player before uploading and I'm too lazy to fix it right now so just put the included Aya player in your free players folder (or use your own player if you want, the photography stuff is handled by the system not the player)
- i didn't actually test it again after going through and deleting unused resources so let me know if i accidentally removed something important lol

-Reuploaded with fixes
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 07:56:16 PM by Andi »
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker

JDude :3

  • tururu
  • boy with code
RaNGE 20: Seasoned Alice

Yay I done something again for a contest, I still have faith in myself  :toot:
this is a joke plz don't take it seriously...

Download is here in Mediafire (it's fixed, don't worry) - Thanks Crescendo ^^

Code: [Select]
hmm i wonder who's the boss  :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat: :wat:
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 11:04:24 PM by JDude :3 »
"dnh is hard" - said no one
"dnh is bullshit" - everyone making a creative pattern


  • Touhou is cool i guess

here is script

I decided to explore a more season-themed side of someone who's caused a seasonal incident in the past - namely, Komachi. Rather than traditional "fire-themed stuff for summer, ice-themed stuff for winter, leaves for fall, cherry blossoms for spring" I decided to make danmaku inspired by different seasonal flowers.

This is a photography-based script - the controls are the same as in Double Spoiler. Hopefully I was able to strike a balance between the traditional challenge of photography-based gameplay and keeping it fair enough to avoid too much frustration, but just to make sure, the difficulty can be changed from the pause menu without needing to restart. Two modes are available, Pointdevice and Legacy; Pointdevice requires you to take all the photographs of a spellcard in one go, like the original photography games, while Legacy allows you to get hit as much as you want, resetting your camera's charge to 50% but keeping your photos taken. These can also be switched between freely in the pause menu.

Known issues:
- occasional crash towards the end of the fight - I'll update if I figure out a fix but in the meantime just play the rest as singles if it happens, I guess
- i forgot to restrict the player before uploading and I'm too lazy to fix it right now so just put the included Aya player in your free players folder (or use your own player if you want, the photography stuff is handled by the system not the player)
- i didn't actually test it again after going through and deleting unused resources so let me know if i accidentally removed something important lol

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't play your script. Each time I try to open it, danmakufu raises this error:
some day i'll finally beat UFO... some day


  • Shameless spender
  • gaining big pounds
I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I can't play your script. Each time I try to open it, danmakufu raises this error:
I receive the same error when trying to execute the script. Upon closer investigation, the "Package" folder that the "include"-function refers to appears to be nonexistent.
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK Legacy, HSiFS, WBaWC
Hard 1cc: IN, DDC, HSiFS
Extra clears: MoF, DDC, HSiFS, WBaWC

Goals: Going Extra Hard!


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
I receive the same error when trying to execute the script. Upon closer investigation, the "Package" folder that the "include"-function refers to appears to be nonexistent.
Whoops, that'd be me accidentally removing something important. I forgot that was in that folder. Should be fixed now, try downloading it again.
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
  • ;
Whoops, that'd be me accidentally removing something important. I forgot that was in that folder. Should be fixed now, try downloading it again.

But now Danamkufu simply crashes :'D

I think something in the package system is off. I only say think because I have zero knowledge of package scripts work, but that's my only lead at the moment.
or I put it in the wrong spot which would not be surprising

I do hope it doesn't end up being a massive problem though, your StB styled entry caught my attention so I'm very curious on how it turns out!
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • Dream Magic - Duplex Spark!
Whoops, that'd be me accidentally removing something important. I forgot that was in that folder. Should be fixed now, try downloading it again.

I'm having trouble running your script still.  :( :(
I am a little confused which script to run. Perhaps I am blind, but I also can't find any readme.
I guessed that the correct script is ./Package/Package.dnh, which is titled "MAIN MENU"?
However, standalone running this script causes compilation errors:

Code: [Select]
#Include file is not found[C:/Users/funct/Downloads/Touhou Danmakufu/script/RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/Library/selibrary.txt].
(#includeで置換するファイル[C:/Users/funct/Downloads/Touhou Danmakufu/script/RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/Library/selibrary.txt]が見つかりません)
C:/Users/funct/Downloads/Touhou Danmakufu/script/RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/Package/PackageFunctions.txt
PackageFunctions.txt line(行)=1

#include "./../Library/selibrary.txt"
#include "./../Library/DirPaths.txt"
#include "./../Library/EventList.txt"



Danmakufu cannot find the include files for your package scripts.
I hope you don't mind that I looked at the source file that caused the error.
The path for the includes in ./Package/PackageFunctions.txt and ./Package/Package.dnh is specified as "./../Library/*" .
Will it work to be changed to "./../RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/Library/*" ?
Or is it that the ./Package folder should be placed inside ./RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons ?


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
But now Danamkufu simply crashes :'D

I think something in the package system is off. I only say think because I have zero knowledge of package scripts work, but that's my only lead at the moment.
or I put it in the wrong spot which would not be surprising
I'm having trouble running your script still.  :( :(
I am a little confused which script to run. Perhaps I am blind, but I also can't find any readme.
I guessed that the correct script is ./Package/Package.dnh, which is titled "MAIN MENU"?
However, standalone running this script causes compilation errors:
It's not actually meant to use the package at all, it's just including some of the helper functions from there for the pause script. The package stuff is just left over from another thing (that's why I deleted it originally). Just run the plural in the main script folder (HiFS.dnh).

I do hope it doesn't end up being a massive problem though, your StB styled entry caught my attention so I'm very curious on how it turns out!

I hope you don't mind that I looked at the source file that caused the error.
Not at all, feel free to dig through it. I intentionally made the stuff for the photography fairly standalone so it should be easy to adapt for your own scripts if you want.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 05:51:42 PM by Andi »
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Dream Magic - Duplex Spark!
Ah, no it's not that. That's left over from another thing, which is why I deleted it originally. Just run the plural in the main script folder (HiFS.dnh).

Ah, I see.
But I don't have any player to run with?
If I run with Rumia, I get this error:

Code: [Select]
2019/04/21 18:41:33.098 Array index out of bounds.
C:/Users/funct/Downloads/Touhou Danmakufu/script/RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/RaNGE20 - Hanami in Four Seasons/Library/DirPaths.txt
DirPaths.txt line(行)=5

dir = slice(dir,0,min(i+1,length(dir)));
let dirstring = dir[0];
ascent(i in 1..length(dir)){dirstring=dirstring~"/"~dir[i];}
return dirstring;

let root

Could it be that if the there is no folder name "th_dnh_ph3" on the current path, the value in variable "i" arithmetically underflows?
If th_dnh_ph3 is meant to be the folder that contains the running danmakufu executable, maybe getting a string acquired by GetModuleDirectory() might work instead?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 06:00:34 PM by Kinedyme »


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
Ah, I see.
But I don't have any player to run with?
If I run with Rumia, I get this error:
...I knew that hack would bite me in the ass someday.
I'm guessing you renamed your danmakufu folder to something other than th_dnh_ph3? It's looking for that directory to find the main directory for the script without having to worry about where it's getting called from or if the main stage script is actually running yet. Either rename your danmakufu folder to th_dnh_ph3 or change "th_dnh_ph3" in DirPaths.txt to whatever your danmakufu folder is called.

I don't think the choice of player script should affect it but after checking again I think I might have put the wrong player script in there anyway, I'll just go ahead and set it up properly and reupload :p

Okay, fixed. I tried to fix some of the things that were confusing people as well, hopefully it should be easier to work out now. (I also fixed that thing with DirPaths.txt, now it just uses GetMainStgScriptDirectory like it should).
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 06:30:43 PM by Andi »
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Dream Magic - Duplex Spark!
Yes, it works now! \^_^/ Good job!
I ran into the crash at the end of Riverside Higanzakura, but until then it all felt very fun!
It took a long time to load everything though, is my computer slow??
The pointdevice system goes so well with the camera setup. Paru~


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
Yes, it works now! \^_^/ Good job!
I ran into the crash at the end of Riverside Higanzakura, but until then it all felt very fun!
It took a long time to load everything though, is my computer slow??
The pointdevice system goes so well with the camera setup. Paru~
Thanks ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it!

That's where I've had it happen, yeah. No clue what the cause is, I've played through it today several times without it happening.
Nah, it takes a while for me too. I think I'm probably just preloading too many textures, sounds, etc.

I played yours earlier and quite enjoyed it - I love the way you introduced each season, and the way Marisa's shot changes is very cool as well (especially during the last spellcard).
« Last Edit: April 21, 2019, 08:04:38 PM by Andi »
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Trying to be a little less lazy
  • ;
Ahh, a friendly reminder of how bad I am at StB.

Self-deprecation aside... woah. I am really  impressed. Both fall spells were really cool, and it all being based on flowers was a creative touch. Also, pointdevice is a godsend and it flows nicely in the script.

My only real problems are Higanzakura blending in with the background a bit, and pausing the game crashed the script... and personally finding the winter spells bonkers but I think that's just me complaining lol

Other than that, it was a lot of fun!  :)

« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 01:34:34 AM by Crescendo »
Normal 1cc's: EoSD(RA), PCB(SA), IN(BT), MoF(RA), SA(MC), UFO(RB), TD(R), DDC(SA), PDLoLK(Reimu, 921 tries), HSiFS(CWin)
Fangame 1cc's: HSoB-Normal(SPurple,KWhite)
Current goals:  EoSD hard, EoSD extra.
Attempting the art of danmakufu.


  • World's Gayest Danmaku
  • PlaySE("./se/Nyaa.wav");
    • 2hu blog
Ahh, a friendly reminder of how bad I am at StB.

Self-deprecation aside... woah. I am really  impressed. Both fall spells were really cool, and it all being based on flowers was a creative touch. Also, pointdevice is a godsend and it flows nicely in the script.

[...], it was a lot of fun!  :)
Thanks! ^^
My only real problems are Higanzakura blending in with the background a bit, and pausing the game crashed the script... and personally finding the winter spells bonkers but I think that's just me complaining lol
Crashing when you try to pause is one that I don't think I've encountered, I'll look into that later.
I could see having some trouble with the winter spells, yeah. Mountain Aconite doesn't give you much breathing room, and Asylum of Hellebore is, well, like that. Though I could say similar of most of the seasons, really, so I guess it comes down to what a given player finds difficult.

E: The crash on pause should be fixed now, I ended up making DirPaths.txt look for the "script" folder instead of the "th_dnh_ph3" folder since that should be consistent (basically everything #includes it, including the pause script, in which GetMainStgScriptDirectory is not defined).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2019, 03:15:13 AM by Andi »
Literally everything in this script will crash and burn.
1CC tracker


  • Danmakufu Scripter
Andi, I've tried playing your script, but Danmakufu just closes every time I try to start it.  No error message or anything.  I even made sure I downloaded your latest version.  ???