Author Topic: Danganronpa V3 is here!  (Read 24682 times)


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2017, 01:35:57 AM »
I'm on the investigation for the fourth trial now. Maybe it's just that I like the cast of this game more than the others overall so I don't want anything bad to happen to them even more than usual, but it's really starting to grind on me. That's not necessarily a bad thing, makes it super tense and exciting, but it's also exhausting. And has the usual crazy tonal whiplash.

Fourth investigation:
I haven't done much investigating yet, but I'm guessing this was an accidental death/botched murder attempt. Miu was clearly up to something shady, I think maybe she intended to try to cut off everyone's ability to escape from the virtual world but got killed in the process. Kokichi definitely is extremely suspicious though, so he's probably at least involved, especially since the key card is still unresolved, just not sure it's to the extent that he could actually be called the killer.

Also, this is the second character after Ryoma that died while I was one point away from maxing out my relationship with them! Hooray!

Edit: There's also a distinct chance that a body swap has happened here. The most straightforward one would be Miu ending up in Kaito's body and then killing him in her body. But I'm not really convinced she has the subtlety to pull off that kind of elaborate deception.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 01:39:51 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2017, 08:08:41 AM »
Case 4 [Finished]

This case had the worst case of moving too slow. They took way too long explaining what happened to the sign that went upstream.

I was expecting Kokichi's question at the beginning of the trial to come up. He asked what happens when they tie the vote, and Monokuma had the really dumb answer of how it's okay as long as one of the tied players is the blackened. But it never came up. Maybe next case.

Here's one thing I did like about the case: the subtlety about how Gonta didn't understand anything about the VR. That was sneaky, but it did keep me guessing at what actually happens when you mix up "consciousness" and "memory". It sounds more severe than just losing your memory. I thought weirder stuff would happen, honestly.

Speaking of which, it looks like they ARE in a virtual reality program all along, inception-style. Didn't think they'd reuse it after the second game, but after Kebo mentioned the parallels in the simulation, how there's walls just like in the school, it seems pretty likely. The flashback images of the characters hooking up to a device wouldn't be a memory-wipe, it would be them hooking up to the big simulator computer.

Anyway, on to chapter 5. If it gets any close to last game's chapter 5 then I'll be happy.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #32 on: October 04, 2017, 03:09:46 PM »
I stayed up way too late last night to finish V3.  In short:

What the fuck.

This about sums it up. :V


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2017, 03:14:27 PM »
Case 5 [Finito]

I have so many notes.

Why did Shuichi help Monokuma? Is he an idiot or something?


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #34 on: October 04, 2017, 03:28:11 PM »
Notepad dump:

Why didn't Maki keep the Exisal again?

Man, nothing proves that the body swap happened at all. Only that it's, possibly, what happened.

"You saw him drink it right in front of you, but you couldn't confirm he actually did it." Uhh what am I reading

Every time they flash the image of Maki staring through the bathroom window while Kokichi fake-drinks the antidote, it just looks like NTR.

One of the things I liked about Kokichi is that he wasn't Komaeda. It was refreshing to have a villain who's goal-oriented and actually wants to survive and WIN.

They're making it out like Kaito's in the Exisal, but the Exisal is saying things only Kokichi would say...

Why are they solving this case when it's in their best interest to NOT solve it? Monokuma doesn't know squat. What are they doing?

"I will show you the truth. A truth you can't deny". Oh hell I will deny it. There's no proof any of the swap happened. Or how Kokichi drank or didn't drink the antidote.

In hindsight, instead of using the electrohammer on the exisal, Maki could've just used it on the electric panel. Doy. Oh... well I guess the alarm was there. So why not use the electrobomb she had on her?

Shooting to wound. It's a good thing Kaito's a natural at using a crossbow.

So Maki tried barging through the shutter and failed. So she left in shame? What the heck? Wouldn't she have returned to the bathroom window to talk to Kaito some more?

In the case summary, they said Maki tried opening the shutter, and only after she gave up, Kokichi used the electrobomb, but that makes no sense. He had to have used it before Maki slashed the panel or else the alarm would've triggered.

How'd Kaito climb inside an Exisal anyway?

Shuichi is really shitty at this lying business.

It's Shuichi's fault for waiting this long to lie about the culprit. What an idiot.

I hate Shuichi.

Kokichi wrote a book? When did Kokichi write a book??

Are they breaking the fourth wall by saying "someone is watching the game"?

"I hated Kokichi. He was a lying sack of shit." Also a KILLER hello
(Note: I didn't mention this in my case 4 post, but if Kokichi wanted to avoid Miu's trap he could've, you know, NOT convince everyone to enter the simulation. He wanted to kill. He's a psycho asshole.)

The execution.... was that the intro to DR1?!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2017, 03:34:30 PM by BT »

Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #35 on: October 04, 2017, 04:06:06 PM »
There?s a lot to unpack in BT?s notes that I can?t address on a phone, so I?m just going to respond to this:
Case 5 [Finito]

I have so many notes.

Why did Shuichi help Monokuma? Is he an idiot or something?
It basically comes down to Kokichi being such a shitbird that they?re unwilling to side with him, especially after he tricked Gonta into killing and after Kaito?s supposed death: they don?t trust him to do anything but lie, so they aren?t willing to trust that he actually has a plan for ending the game, especially since he?s the leader of the RoD. By the time Shuichi figured out that it really was Kaito in the mech, it was way too late.
There?s also a few things in Chapter 6 that might explain some questions you have.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #36 on: October 04, 2017, 04:32:24 PM »
Aaah I want to read all these spoilers but I still have so much game leeeft!
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #37 on: October 04, 2017, 05:23:48 PM »
Having a blast playing V3 although the steam version seems to be having some audio desync issues on the video cut-scenes other than that I'm having a grand time I might try and go for 100% friendship fragments.
My danmakucopter goes pew pew pew!

Check out my newb PAD box it's a thing right?


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2017, 04:02:39 AM »
Post-trial four

Well, that wasn't quite THE worst thing that's ever happened in a Danganronpa story, but it's in the top five for sure... Christ. How awful.

Is it a plot hole that Kokichi's plan seems to have hinged on the random chance that Gonta would fuck up his helmet? I guess not since Kokichi probably figured implicating Gonta would be easy.

And as if the general goings-on weren't bad enough now the franchise is teasing me about not having had Alter Ego appear in a long time. Give me best girl laptop boy character!

Edit: And it's worth noting that Kokichi and Miu both seem to be pretty evil after all. I still could buy that Miu is just a pathetic weirdo cracking under stress, but it's pretty hard to defend Kokichi at this point. Even if the same case is true for him, and it may be, he's still gone waaaay past the point of redeemability...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 04:23:04 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2017, 07:40:55 AM »
I just exploded chapter 6

I approve of everything


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2017, 02:58:41 AM »
Beginning of investigation for fifth case:

Here's my current understanding of events:

-The ship is still in space. Kokichi was lying about it being on Earth, and the outside world we saw was some kind of trick. The stars don't match, so it's still in space or is landed on another planet.

-Kokichi probably either killed himself or faked the death scene with the hydraulic press entirely. Kaito is probably alive for now.

-Kokichi is not actually the mastermind. The key card gave him access to the remote control for the Exisals, but he isn't actually Ultimate Despair. I'm not even sure he's a member of the Remnants Of Despair at all.

-It's possible that Maki is responsible for the death here, but I don't think she is. I think Kokichi killed himself and implicated Maki hoping that Shuichi would get the identity of the killer wrong, resulting in everyone's deaths.

Edit: Yeah, all of the evidence is pointing toward Maki having killed Kokichi. I reeeeally hope that isn't the case. If Maki dies too then... Well then I won't be very happy. My theory is still that she's being set up, but she sure is acting weird which isn't helping...

Edit: Post-fifth trial

Jeeeesus, that just about gave me like a dozen separate heart attacks throughout. What a roller coaster.

I think it's fair to say that this case is the best thing in this entire franchise so far. Holy shit. The crazy twists, the surprisingly happy conclusion, the way it sort of redeemed Kokichi a bit while still keeping his motivations ambiguous, the several crazy reveals at the end...

I've been having a hard time playing this game because it's so oppressively brutal, but I kept powering through it because I needed to know what was going to happen and was hoping it would be something like this. Now if the ending can just follow up on this then this will be the best entry in the franchise hands down.

The execution.... was that the intro to DR1?!

« Last Edit: October 07, 2017, 07:19:26 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Thata no Guykoro

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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2017, 02:57:59 PM »
chapter 4/chapter 5 stuff:

it's never outright stated but it's basically implied that a combination of learning the truth about the outside world (if nothing else there was the METEORS BITCHES flashback light) + not doing well under pressure in the first place + paranoia from the first three cases caused miu to fracture under pressure and go for the murder plan in the belief she could save the world with her genius, rather than her being a malicious killer from the start

notice that it's not until after trial 3 and the flashback light that she throws herself full-time into working on the virtual world

(she's still my favorite tbh, maybe i just have weird taste)


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2017, 04:19:52 PM »
chapter 4/chapter 5 stuff:

it's never outright stated but it's basically implied that a combination of learning the truth about the outside world (if nothing else there was the METEORS BITCHES flashback light) + not doing well under pressure in the first place + paranoia from the first three cases caused miu to fracture under pressure and go for the murder plan in the belief she could save the world with her genius, rather than her being a malicious killer from the start

notice that it's not until after trial 3 and the flashback light that she throws herself full-time into working on the virtual world

(she's still my favorite tbh, maybe i just have weird taste)

I genuinely don't think Miu is a bad person and I don't think the characters think that either. She's a weak person, at least compared to the rest of the survivors past that point, but she's not malicious. She's an emotionally fragile kid who didn't have an effective coping mechanism for an extreme situation like this.

She's not quite my favorite, but she's up there. Top three or four probably. At the very least she's about as sympathetic as someone who's acting purely out of reckless self-preservation can be.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2017, 04:50:26 PM »
the way it sort of redeemed Kokichi a bit while still keeping his motivations ambiguous,
Just a personal thing:
I don't think it redeemed, or it meant to redeem, Kokichi. Kokichi's a bastard, and he always was a bastard till the moment he died. His actions were inexcusable, and neither the game nor the characters try to excuse them. What the game does is make him more understandable, but at the same time insert that bit of ambiguity that makes everyone a bit unsure if they were able to figure him out in the end, or if it was just another lie.

And that's why Kokichi is the best worst character in the series. He's the worst because he's an absolute bastard that plays with peoples' lives even while he's (maybe) trying to save them and has an absolute blast doing so, and he's the best because every single bit about him, from the writing down to the voice acting delivering, is top notch.

And Case 6 is a doozy. It's been about, what, four or five days since I beat it, and I still am trying to come to terms with it.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2017, 05:08:47 PM »
Just a personal thing:
I don't think it redeemed, or it meant to redeem, Kokichi. Kokichi's a bastard, and he always was a bastard till the moment he died. His actions were inexcusable, and neither the game nor the characters try to excuse them. What the game does is make him more understandable, but at the same time insert that bit of ambiguity that makes everyone a bit unsure if they were able to figure him out in the end, or if it was just another lie.

And that's why Kokichi is the best worst character in the series. He's the worst because he's an absolute bastard that plays with peoples' lives even while he's (maybe) trying to save them and has an absolute blast doing so, and he's the best because every single bit about him, from the writing down to the voice acting delivering, is top notch.

I certainly don't think the intent or my impression was that he was a good person at any time, but he wasn't a pure evil person like he tried to pass himself off as. He was a terrible person with pretty terrible motivations, but is at least sort of understandable on his own terms.

And yeah, he wouldn't have worked at all without the pitch-perfect delivery from the writing team, his voice actor, or the artists.

And Case 6 is a doozy. It's been about, what, four or five days since I beat it, and I still am trying to come to terms with it.

I don't know whether to be concerned by that or not. I do really want to plow through and finish it this weekend, but there's only so much my heart can take from this game.
Chapter five left me in a good place, but I seriously doubt the ending is going to be all happy...

Wild ending speculation possibly including spoilers from marketing material:

My for the ending, based on something Kokichi said offhand a while ago, the very beginning of the game where the first meeting with the Monokubs happens twice, and what amounts to spoilers from the announcement of the game, is that there's a time travel element and the ending will involve a choice between the survivors continuing their mission and trying to rebuild humanity or using a time machine to go back and stop themselves from ever leaving Earth in the first place.

I'm assuming that Earth was not completely destroyed but was badly damaged, and that they have to choose between trying to help rebuild after the meteors or start over on Earth-2. This seems to be sort of corroborated by the revelation that there are in fact other surviving humans, but information that's come to light since then makes me wonder if we're not actually hundreds of years in the future after all. Maybe it's just a few decades later, so no contrived time travel would be necessary to create the choice between leaving Earth or staying. Which means that there might not be a chance or a necessity of undoing all of the deaths after all.

I had also been assuming that one person would need to stay behind to operate the time machine, and that that person would be Kaito. But since Kaito is dead that thematic loop has kind of been closed.

I don't know what to keep my fingers crossed for. On one hand I want everyone to be okay, but on the other hand this franchise has already pulled one ludicrous "lol nevermind everyone was actually okay after all" ending twist, and that one had considerably more setup than this hypothetical ending would, so a miraculous last-second reversal might feel too cheap.

Wait a minute... This is probably nonsense but
is/was Kaede the real Ultimate Despair? That would explain a lot of things... And admittedly raise a lot of difficult questions, but that just popped into my head and it's weirdly making a lot of sense to me right now.

Sixth investigation:

Oh fuuuuck she totally iiiiis! Everything lines up. This covers up a lot of plot holes. It all makes sense.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 04:55:06 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2017, 05:14:41 AM »
Alright, game complete.

I see what people mean, of course.

I understand why people might not like the ending. It's explicitly formulated to pick on the kind of person who would play Danganonpa, since these games only really work if you can get invested in the characters and it almost feels like the game is dumping on you for liking it. And in a way it kind of is. But it's definitely not nihilistic, and the epilogue does help settle things into a place where they're easier to swallow.

I'm not sure I love the ending, but I at least like it. Which probably isn't surprising given my love for Evangelion which has a similar ending. I don't think I could fault anyone for hating it. But it's a bold choice, and I respect bold choices.

Do you guys think this completely closes the door on the franchise? Does an ending like that make another Danganronpa title impossible? Or at least, do you think it was the dev team's intent that this was the absolute final chapter?

Also, are we under the assumption that everyone who died in the game was actually murdered? I guess they would have to be since this wasn't a simulation or anything, but it seems like that would have been a much bigger focus of the last trial than it was if so.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2017, 08:35:14 AM »
Well, if you think about it, the DR1 and DR2 participants died whether it was real or a game show. It's not like that fact changed for the DRV3 people.

Anyway, aren't you glad they used Clair de Lune in the proper context? I can forgive them for chapter 1 now.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2017, 11:14:09 AM »
Not really, it still made me feel weird and bad. But that's my problem. :D

Having slept on it, I think the thing that I like the most about the ending is that its themes kind of dare you to choose to love it. It's saying "It's up to you whether you still think Kaito's sacrifice was beautiful". But if you liked it before don't you owe it yourself to take ownership of it now even though you know now how ultimately pointless it was? In a way it has much more resonance now than it did then, it's a far less pointless act, even if everything leading up to it feels hollow now.

There's a kind of bizarre honesty and understanding to that that I find weirdly satisfying despite how traditionally unsatisfying it is. What it comes down to is, at least for me, the ending left me feeling good. Much more so than I expected. And I think maybe that's why. I can still love Kaito and Maki and Shuichi and Kaede's relationship, I can still choose to find it meaningful, and in a sort of twisted way it actually means more now.

Edit: You know, it just dawned on me how crazily perfect the
Claire De Lune thing actually is. I can choose to love Car Boys after all. I loved it then and it was fiction then, and nothing has changed. It's almost eerie how perfectly that works.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:36:54 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Rin Kagamine

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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2017, 02:55:39 PM »
Real quick thoughts on case 1 before I start case 2:

Having the main character get killed was a pretty bold move that I really wanted to appreciate, but instead of Kaede being killed as the victim of of case 2 (which would have been an incredible shocker) we get a lightly reheated version of DR 2-5 that lacked impact and kinda made me angry since we're back to a bog-standard DR hero instead of having a girl MC. Even reversing their roles would have been more interesting if it meant we got to play as Kaede after case 1. It feels like a tremendously wasted opportunity and lost potential to...not buck the trend of guy MCs?


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2017, 03:05:23 PM »
Real quick thoughts on case 1 before I start case 2:

Having the main character get killed was a pretty bold move that I really wanted to appreciate, but instead of Kaede being killed as the victim of of case 2 (which would have been an incredible shocker) we get a lightly reheated version of DR 2-5 that lacked impact and kinda made me angry since we're back to a bog-standard DR hero instead of having a girl MC. Even reversing their roles would have been more interesting if it meant we got to play as Kaede after case 1. It feels like a tremendously wasted opportunity and lost potential to...not buck the trend of guy MCs?

Agreed, especially since I feel like the game was kind of advertised on the merits of
a protagonist with a useless ultimate ability. It's a crazy move and has constant ripples throughout the rest of the game, it definitely isn't a throwaway decision. But still, I can't help but be kind of disappointed by it.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2017, 07:31:52 PM »
So, i've just started it. First impressions. I want to murder most of the cast.
Mr Detective, Evil Overlord kid and Kaede are the only likeable characters so far. Amnesiac dood reminds me of Nagito and i am not sure if that's a good thing.
Edit: Hearing new
voice is weird. It doesn't quite match the original. Like there's not enough
in it.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 08:21:59 AM by CF7 »
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #51 on: October 09, 2017, 11:07:02 AM »
It weirdly gets way better as the game goes along? For some reason he seems to be doing a Mickey Mouse impression or something for the first chunk of the game, but that's temporary. He sounds perfect for most of it in my opinion.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #52 on: October 10, 2017, 01:16:38 AM »

Do you guys think this completely closes the door on the franchise? Does an ending like that make another Danganronpa title impossible? Or at least, do you think it was the dev team's intent that this was the absolute final chapter?

Maybe that's their intention, but I doubt it's that. Who could say that they can't make another game, taking place in an alternate universe with fresh new twists? Even if the creators wanted to stop with V3, they might be forced to make another DR game. Or a new set of devs could be given control of the franchise to do that, if they resist that much. Kind of reminds me of how Tales started out, now that I think about it.

Real quick thoughts on case 1 before I start case 2:

Having the main character get killed was a pretty bold move that I really wanted to appreciate, but instead of Kaede being killed as the victim of of case 2 (which would have been an incredible shocker) we get a lightly reheated version of DR 2-5 that lacked impact and kinda made me angry since we're back to a bog-standard DR hero instead of having a girl MC. Even reversing their roles would have been more interesting if it meant we got to play as Kaede after case 1. It feels like a tremendously wasted opportunity and lost potential to...not buck the trend of guy MCs?

Is having a girl MC really that big of a deal? I would have preferred it myself, since it'd be a nice change of pace, but I just think you're overstating the importance of the decision to go with yet another guy MC. I think that having an MC that's not too much like the previous ones is a lot more artistically-important, guy or no.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #53 on: October 10, 2017, 01:27:21 AM »
Vague general spoilers

So what do you guys think of the Monokubs?

I found them annoying at first, but they definitely grew on me.
Not really sure I understand what the point of them was, they didn't really do much that Monkuma couldn't have done, but giving Monokuma more characters to bounce off of set up some good jokes. Some of them (by which I mean "not Monokid") are genuinely kind of likable, I definitely feel sort of bad for them for having such a terrible robo-dad...

Ending spoilers

Oh yeah, did Kaede have a twin sister or not? As far as I can tell that was just some kind of bizarre red herring, which is fair enough I guess, it genuinely did throw me off for a while in the last case. But was it a total fabrication? Did I miss something there?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2017, 01:31:30 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #54 on: October 10, 2017, 07:15:42 AM »
Oh yeah, did Kaede have a twin sister or not? As far as I can tell that was just some kind of bizarre red herring, which is fair enough I guess, it genuinely did throw me off for a while in the last case. But was it a total fabrication? Did I miss something there?
You're not alone.
Till this day I wonder if she was supposed to be a participant too. I guess it's a fabrication on the production's behalf, though.


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2017, 11:52:51 AM »
Even if the creators wanted to stop with V3, they might be forced to make another DR game. Or a new set of devs could be given control of the franchise to do that, if they resist that much.

How appropriate given the last trial.

Also, is there a way to view the epilogue again without going through all of trial 6? I couldn't find it in the event or movie collections.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Can you feel the LOVE tonight?
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2017, 01:37:10 PM »
Haven't played that much, since i more or less only play it while commuting.
Kinda gave up on trying to clear the despair road minigame after a few dozen times. It just feels like it wants to be IWBTG and it's successful.

Things that bug me so far.
Kurumi has spiderwebs on her dress. That feels kind of unmaid'ish. And she does not feel like a maid in general. I think she might be yet another serial killer or something.
I got a music sheet from monokuma machine. The only musician in the group is Kaede. Is she going to gift it to herself?
Sometimes rumors are just... rumors


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2017, 03:40:11 PM »
Kinda gave up on trying to clear the despair road minigame after a few dozen times. It just feels like it wants to be IWBTG and it's successful.

I'm almost certain it's impossible.

I got a music sheet from monokuma machine. The only musician in the group is Kaede. Is she going to gift it to herself?

Maybe the boy she likes would enjoy learning about her hobby..?

(I have no idea what it's for, never tried to use it. Possibly postgame stuff, I haven't looked into the postgame modes too much yet.)
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2017, 04:00:37 PM »
I got a music sheet from monokuma machine. The only musician in the group is Kaede. Is she going to gift it to herself?

I gave it to
Korekiyo, since it was described as a lost composition.  Seemed to work.


  • alter cool
Re: Danganronpa V3 is here!
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2017, 04:08:22 PM »
I gave it to
Korekiyo, since it was described as a lost composition.  Seemed to work.

I didn't talk to
because he seemed like
an asshole
. Good thinking though, that makes sense.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.