Author Topic: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)  (Read 46188 times)


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #60 on: October 09, 2009, 10:32:30 PM »
Neo Flying Iron Fortress MazinGetter: Episode 7 [Dangerous Rescue From Certain Death!]

After the Transmission from bucket force and getting to the Southwest corner

Once seeing the situation, Anthony quickly acts "Letty! I need something to stop that falling debris!" he yelled out, trying to find a weapon to quickly handle this

"W-well, we could either destroy the falling debris with the weapons we have or create some sort of barrier with the freezing laser cannon" Letty replied, worried about Anthony's possible choice, which was met with a sudden boost towards the escape pod getting close hit by debris 

"Well lets break some stuff and save people!" Yelled out Anthony, with having the MazinGetter pull out the tomahawk to the left hand and prepping the right for a rocket punch, and letting the two fly at the debris as the MazinGetter swooped in to collect the escape pod with the MazinGetter's now free left hand. Letty was in shock from the sudden boost through.

"A-anthony! you gotta tell me when you're gonna do stuff like that!" Yelled out Letty, annoyed that Anthony risked the MazinGetter, which it's rocket fist returned, and caught the tomahawk in it's right, holding the escape pod in the left

"Well, I'm just used to acting before saying anything" Anthony said, which then he landed the MazinGetter by the other escape pod already under debris, and started to pick away at it with the tomahawk

"That isn't an excuse, just don't act like that, you're not the only one piloting this nightmare!" yelled out Letty, getting angrier at each word coming out of Anthony's mouth

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't want to wait anylong because I thought the pod would have been crushed before we could get to it." Anthony muttered, starting to get a bit down from Letty's words "so, lets just take care of the other pods..."

"Ok, just tell me when you're gonna do something like that in the future" Letty said, as the MazinGetter finished up cleaing off the rubble and picked up the 2nd escape pod.

Anthony brightened up a little bit from Letty's words "Well, lets get the other 2 escape pods and head back to Bucket Force as soon as possible!" he said energetically, taking flight with the MazinGetter towards the other 2, picking them up and flying towards Bucket Force


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2009, 08:56:29 PM »
Civilian Surveyor Ship Amaterasu

The Faust slowed to a crawl as it reached the Amaterasu's general area, microthrusters firing throughout the main body until it drifted, relatively inert, in space.  Inside, the machine was a flurry of activity with all three of the crew working to balance the engineering difficulties of this sudden influx of energy into the core.  A small line of text crawled across Elise's display monitor consisting of a string of numbers that only a pilot would be able to understand.  It was an approach vector for the unmarked docking bay that was used to transport top secret cargo.  There was still much about Faust and Elise herself that Gensokyo still didn't understand and it had recently been decreed that her unit be kept under lock and key until it could be studied further.

"Command, this is Unit-10.  We are starting our approach."

Acknowledgement runes flashed on the display and Elise took the mech in for a gentle landing at about the point where she guessed the docking bay entrance to be.  The Faust drifted gently through the optic camouflage net and shook heavily as it "tripped" over the lower edge of the airlock and almost slammed into the ground.

"H-hey!" Mugetu reproached, "be a little more careful next time."

Elise ignored her.  She was doing the best she could and they both knew it.  Instead she concentrated on righting the mech so that it could be secured for regular maintenance.

"Err...1-0 could you run another check and make sure you've stabilised it properly?  I'm picking up some abnormalities in the harmonics and core temperature."

"This is 1-0, nothing wrong on our end.  Right, Muge-"

An image flashed through her mind.  Writing started to appear in her vision as if it were engraved on the back of her eyes or seared permanently into her retinas.  She could see places that she had never been to and people that she had never met.  She was lying on a table underneath some kind of bizarre machine that gave off a purple light, being examined by doctors with a strange symbol stitched into their starched lab coats.

The light went out of her eyes.

Elise stood up.

"Eh?  Elise, what are you-"

There was a thump and Mugetu crumpled to the floor.  Gengetu did not fare better as she turned to subdue the rampant pilot.

Emergency klaxons wailed in the hangar.  The Faust's core temperature had spiked to insane levels and was resonating at a very different frequency from what was considered acceptable.  All of a sudden the comms channel went dead.

"1-0!  1-0!  Elise, respond now!  What is going on down there?!"

Meanwhile the mech drew its sword and began to carve holes in the bulkheads.  Secondary explosions rocked the area and fire bloomed out into space, out of the Amaterasu's optic camo net.  It was like a headless chicken, except with a sword and a very bad attitude.  The Faust was out of control.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2009, 10:45:57 AM »
Bucket Force dodges and weaves through the thickening hail of of debris, using its melee weapon to shield itself well as possible as the rain of falling objects becomes more and more of a withering hail. Only it and MazinGetter remain there now, everyone else has fled. Much of the former core chamber is now buried in at under a few feet of rubble. A few couple pods remain, desperately flashing their beacons in the hope that someone will see them before they are entombed.

There's little banter between the three pilots of Team Bucket now. Shizuha keeps a careful eye on the chamber's integrity, trying to detect where the next problem will be. Kisume, drawn deeply into dodging and retrieving the pods, barely has time to think let alone speak. Rumia, doing her best to turn the nachtmare's artillery against the falling debris to clear a path, sings "Fry that chicken~" over and over again, periodically adding "You here me?"

Water begins to pour into the chamber, as an aquifer begins to leak through the weakening structure. Shizuha indulges in a rare profanity, suggesting a new route to Kisume, who does not even grunt in acknowledgment.

Finally, they meet with MazinGetter close to where the core once stood. "This is Red," Shizuha gasps through the comms as Bucket Force quickly takes the pods off MazinGetter's hands, "There's just one pod left, but there's another problem. The way out has been covered. Handle it for us, Over!" And with that, Bucket Force jets toward the southeastern quadrant of the chamber.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #63 on: October 16, 2009, 12:00:00 PM »
Neo Flying Iron Fortress MazinGetter: Episode 8 [Great Wall Breaking Escape!]

This is Red," Shizuha gasps through the comms as Bucket Force quickly takes the pods off MazinGetter's hands, "There's just one pod left, but there's another problem. The way out has been covered. Handle it for us, Over!" And with that, Bucket Force jets toward the southeastern quadrant of the chamber.

"All Right! Breaking down walls is one of my specialties!" Yelled out Anthony as the MazinGetter flew to the debris covered exit, which then the MazinGetter took it's Rocket punch position "Now, FIRE ROCKET PUNCH!" but then, the fist did not fire at the debris. "W-what the heck?! Why didn't it fire?!"

"Just hold on Anthony, the fuel in the jet for the rocket punch is getting low, there's only enough for it to fire off once, and it doesn't even have enough for a return trip" Explained Letty, who had prevented the firing of the punch

"Then we'll just pierce it through with the Bang Nail!" he yelled out

"From the sensors, the wall is too thick to pierce through with just the nail too, plus you know that the tomahawk won't work either, and the chest laser isn't made for breaking through objects, just freezing" explained Letty, trying to put common sense into Anthony's head

"Well, if none of the attacks work by themselves, then I'll just combine them all!" Yelled out Anthony, with MazinGetter taking the tomahawk into it's right hand, and pulling out the bang nail with his left "Now start charging the Breast Freezer, I'll need it ready for this!"

"Well, we got nothing else to try, just make this count" said Letty, who started to charge up the chest laser, and giving permission for the rocket punch

"Now! Piercing Nail of Justice and Iron Cutter MazinGetter edition!" Yelled Anthony, with the MazinGetter throwing the bang nail and following up with the rocket punch holding the tomahawk, the two attacks line up with the rocket punch right behind the nail, "Now, BREASTO FREEZER!" he cried out, firing the freezing chest laser, encasing both of the previous two attacks into one giant icicle, geting ready to hit the debris wall, "Quickly, Getter Wing!" with those words the MazinGetter boosted up to speed, coming right up behind the Icicle, getting ready to punch with the right arm, to reconnect the rocket punch "Take this! DYNAMIC IRON CUTTING BLIZZARD BANG!" he yelled out at the top of his lungs, which then the icicle made contact with the wall of debris, and the MazinGetter punched with it's right arm, breaking into the ice and reconnecting the rocket punch, and driving the bang nail deep into the wall, with the added boost the MazinGetter busted through the wall of debris, getting some damage in the process

"God you're one freaking insane nut case!" Yelled out Letty, shaking a bit from the sudden almost crashing into the wall

"I get that alot, but we at least made an entrance right?" said Anthony, giving a big grin to Letty "...also I've noticed, that other person you brought with you, is that person dead or just a really heavy sleeper?" he said, pointing to Orange on the floor

"She's a heavy sleeper" said Letty, "either way we should contact Bucket force that the entrance is open" said Letty, who started to set up a communication line with Bucket force. "Hello Bucket force, this is Mazin Robo, we have opened the exit, so hurry up because that place isn't gonna last much longer I think"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #64 on: October 21, 2009, 06:58:28 PM »
Bucket Force collects the last of the escape pods as a loud rumble echoes through the already hectic chamber. "The hell?!" Kisume cries, jerking Bucket Force aside and nearly dropping the escape pod.

"I'm no-" says Shizuha, before she is cut off by Letty's message. She listens to it, then says, "I expect that explains it. Let's follow her advice, shall we?" Then she opens the comms line to MazinGetter and says, "This is Red. Could you lead the way and keep the debris off us? We're a little burdened down at the moment."

"Okay then, we'll cover you, you heard that Anthony?" Letty says, trying to get his attention

"Yea, I got it, just keep the debris away from the others" shouts Anthony. still on a bit of a high from busting that wall. The Mazingetter then paused at the newly made entrance, waiting for Bucketforce to make it

Major portions of the chamber had caved in, with others following, forcing Team Bucket to take a roundabout route though a labyrinth of fallen rock; often disappearing entirely from MazinGetter's sight. But soon enough, its arms and bucket loaded with more escape pods than any one Nochtmare should carry at once, Bucket Force arrives at the entrance.

"So, are we ready to go now Letty" mutters Anthony, getting impatient, shifting around in his seat.

"Yep, Bucket Force is here now, so start the trip through the opening" responds Letty, with the MazinGetter starting to make it's way into the tunnel out.

Bucket Force falls in behind MazinGetter, letting the bulky Nachtmare take a fair deal of the brunt from the debris raining down the tunnel. "Hey," Rumia says, leaning back into her seat now that her job is done, "Who're these guys, anyways? That's Letty you're talking to, right Red?"

 "It is," Shizuha answers, "But as to the rest of that question..." She hails MazinGetter again.
"This is Red. Letty, I don't think I really paid too much attention beforehand, but that doesn't quick strike me as the Nachtmare you started with."

"Hi Letty!" Rumia callss from her set, twisting around to face Shizuha's station.

"Hi Ruima" Letty says in response to Ruima "Oh, well we had something happen a bit ago, the Nachtmare we originally went out in got shot down due to Orange taking it out before Konnagara was finished with tuning it up, after getting Orange out of the wreckage I saw a solar frame crash nearby so I went to check it and found a passed out pilot, after bringing him back to where the nachtmare...crashed, the mana core started to act up and it did some weird stuff, which involved it flying off to the crashed solar frame and combining with it, creating this new nachtmare" Letty takes a deep breath after the long winded explanation

"...Orange," growls Kisume from her seat with a definite undertone, thankfully too low for the comms to pick up and relay.

"Is everyone alright?" asks Shizuha, trying to discretely hide her own frown behind folded hands.

"Currently this Nachtmare is still in good condition, Orange is still knocked out, and that solar frame pilot named Anthony is helping us by piloting" say Letty ("Ha!" says Rumia, prompting Shiziha to give her a look),  "...but I'm kinda worried he's a little, you know, crazy in the head" muttered Letty, being sure that last bit wasn't audible to Anthony

Shizuha returns her attention to Letty. "Oh yes, he was shouting quite a lot, wasn't he? Is he one of ours?"

"Bah, all this breaking debris is getting boring, lets pop in something to watch" says Anthony, searching through a box of tapes that surprisingly survived through the previous experiences, along with the TV and VCR, he pulled out a tape of Getter robo and set it to play, the Getter robo theme being audible in the background

"Well," Says Letty, "as I said he was a solar frame pilot, he isn't originally one of ours, but I'm sure he's going to stick with us" said Letty, confident in her choice

"Oh," Shizuha says, "do you know him?"

"Well I got to know him a little bit, but honestly, I just met him after crashing, but he....he kinda reminds me of someone I once knew" mutters Letty, getting a little worried

Shizuha purses her lips. "May I pry?"

"Gust Gust Getter Gust!" yelled Anthony as he was singing along with the opening theme of getter robo

"Go ahead" responds Letty

Shizuha nods. "Who does he remind you of, exactly?"

"I bet it's Misuzu," says Rumia, "She shouts a lot sometimes!"

"He just reminds me of someone I met one Winter a long time ago, before Gensokyo left the planet " says  Letty, unsure of her words

"I met someone one winter," says Rumia with a solemn tone that defies the bouncing she does in her seat. "He was getting firewood, but he tried to throw it at me because I wanted to borrow his boots for awhile. He was a meanie puss."

Shizuha pays little heed to Rumia, and says, "Well, I suppose that will do. Just out of curiosity, why did he join up with us, anyways? Not that I'm upset about that, mind you."

"He joined up with us because he found out that the higher ups at Mars were lying to him, so he broke off from them and joined up with us" responds Letty

"Yes, Go Getter-3, show them Musashi!" Yells out Anthony as he continues to pilot and watch Getter robo

"Mars?!" says Kisume, her dismay audible to Letty. Shizuha gives Kisume a cool look, though the latter is too busy piloting to actually note this. Rumia, offscreen, frowns a little as she ceases her previous restless bouncing.

"Interesting, why was he with the Mars, if he was so obviously against their methods?" Shizuha asks.

"He said that he originally thought that Mars was fighting against the evil of the galaxy, but apparently the higher ups lied to him for most of the missions, keeping him in the dark" explains Letty, starting to feel a little worried for Anthony

"He must've been really sheltered," Rumia says, her prior fidgeting resumed as though nothing had interrupted it. "There're people like that."

"Golden Silver does raise a fair point," says Shizuha. "But I suppose we have no real idea how they do things on Mars, do we? So, how did they trick him? Might be good to know this for other such people."

"I didn't ask him about that, it didn't come to mind, I'll have to ask him later" responds Letty

"Quite," says Shizuha. "Do you know anything else about him? It's going to be...interesting to explain him to Yukari. Though I suppose Suwako and I's good word will carry some weight."

"Well, the only other thing is that, he's rather, like one of those stereotypical mecha pilots back in those really old mecha series, at least he is if Sanae's words are anything to go on" said Letty 

Shizuha raises her eyebrows. "Oh, he knows Sanae?"

"No no, he just acts like one of those pilots from the old series that Sanae talks about, I'm sure he doesn't actually know Sanae" exclaims Letty

"Ah," says Shizuha. "I hardly know her well enough to know anything about her tastes or experiences. Oh, speaking of people that we know. Is it just me, or did that one pilot sound rather like Remilia?"

"Yea, that one did rather sound alot like her, I was wondering where she went" says Letty

"That wasn't Remilia," says Rumia. "Remilia is back home, remember?"

"Either way," says Letty, "I think that pilot, Remilia like or not, is going to be a problem in  the future, since Anthony is from Mars and he just broke off from them, that pilot is going to probably give chase."

Shizuha gives a nod. "Likely so. Oh, I have a question. Does your friend know how they found us here? I was under the impression that no one knew about Avalon."

"He was just sent out after given orders to attack, he wasn't told anything about how they found out though" explained Letty

Sighing, Shizuha says, "I didn't think it would be that easy. Hopefully one of these people we saved will have something useful to say on that issue."

"Yea, I hope so too..." muttered Letty as she soon noticed something ."Oh man, Konnagara is gonna have our heads..."

"Well, it is not as though the situation demanded any less," says Shizuha, adding a little warmth to her tone. "I think it all turned out for the best, don't you?"

"I mean," Letty continues, "we kinda wrecked the Nachtmare that Konnagara was working on...I'm sure that's not going to end well. I'm just, going to try to not think about it" She shakes a little

"It seems to be working quite well, wouldn't you agree?" asks Shizuha. "Just a little different than before. No doubt she'll have a grand time mapping out what has changed."

"Possibly," Letty admits, "just sorta worried that she'll be angry that we broke the original model she was planning on modifying"

"I think she should be happier that you came back in one piece and with a newer machine. I'm sure she can modify that one one just as well if she still has that notion."

"Yea, Konnagara won't be too angry, and I'm sure that she'll be happy to see the make of this new nacthmare, now I just hope that she'll get along with Anthony"

Shzuha nods, as the sensors tell her the end of the tunnel is coming up. "That could be a concern."

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #65 on: November 13, 2009, 10:17:51 AM »
The Battle of Avalon is, for all intents and purposes, over.

Since the destruction of the Palace, the field battles mostly came to an end; with only assorted skirmishes between individual invaders. For the most part, it was now the work of the recon teams, seeking out escape pods; both their own and the enemy's. In particular, the Martian forces scramble to gather their fallen from the fallen capital ship, trusting upon the proximity of their home world to keep the other forces too worried to try anything drastic. Others, with the heat of battle taken down below, turn their scanners toward the curious and anachronistic world that they had discovered, before the next wave of anticipated fighting would begin.

This fragile peace soon comes to an end, as the land begins to rumble and quake while frenzied communications from below tell the tale of Avalon's coming demise. The battle below is quickly forgotten, as mecha flee from there as quickly as possible, some grabbing lost escape pods and others simply trying to escape. The attack on the Amaterasu comes to an end, already pressed by stiff resistance, and the Avalonian escape vessels make their bid for freedom unmolested. The land heaves and buckles, as great gashes tear themselves open. The dome, already stressed from the hole the invaders had earlier torn into it, shatters in into innumerable pieces. The already failing vacuum shield cannot handle the total loss and fails as well; the air within Avalon rushes into the void in a final gust, tearing into what structures remain and carrying with it the items of the people who had evacuated, as well as the corpses of the fallen and stragglers beyond the help of anyone now.

But, most inexplicably, Avalon begins to move. No ones' sensors can find a reason why it is so, but they cannot deny what they are seeing; the land is moving away into deep space. They can detect no motive force, nothing that should propel the land away from Mars' gravity, but it is moving away despite all such logic.

As the forces withdraw, and panicked mecha emerge from the tunnel, Avalon continues to buckle and shake, more and more of it crumbling away into space. The various forces return to their capital ships, wounded and frightened by the turn of events they had experienced. Here and there, a few pilots take half-hearted shots at departing foes, but nothing comes of it. The battle is over, their commanders and their senses tell them. For the Martians, it is time to draw back and recoup from the loss of a capital ship, while the people of Luna Corp and Earth know they have only so long before Mars can mobilize the rest of its fleet to deal with invaders. As for the Gensokyoans, returning to the Amaterasu, it is time to go home, the meeting between the various peoples beyond the borders having amounted to little.

Avalon continues its course away from Mars. But, as it breaks apart, its velocity slows. Soon, what was once Avalon has become a field of asteroids, surrounded by the vapor of water held there for the time being by the land's weak gravity. Among the asteroids float the remains of Avalon's civilization; broken cottages and bits of armor. Ropes and hay wains and crafts off all kinds; sad reminders of the people once there. Terra and Luna Corp both note this newborn asteroid field carefully, for among it they can detect a wealth of untapped minerals. Anyone could see this would become yet another battlefield, and another strain upon Mars' forces.


For those who had never entered the Amaterasu, the transition is something of a shock. While its exterior looks moderately normal, its interior resembles nothing more than the inside of a shogun's palace. Wooden floors and rice paper walls, many places decorated with hanging scrolls or ink paintings; it is easy for the uninitiated to almost forget where they are. Light comes from paper lanterns hung about, though a discerning eye notes that no candles burn within them.

Thankfully, despite it's curious decor, the Amaterasu bears a spacious mecha bay, with more than enough berths to take care of the full compliment of nachtmares, as well as the new arrivals. Numerous kappa dash back and forth, tending to machines and the wounded, though many find that their work is a lot lighter than what they had anticipated in the wake of the Core's restoration. An armed party of human guards take care of the escape pods that Bucket Force had retrieved, escorting them away to be properly imprisoned.

As the pilots leave their mecha and take care of themselves, a green-haired woman enters the bay and walks roughly to the center. Wearing her customary red dress, matching ribbon, and a wide smile, many Gensokyoans would easily recognize Hina Kagiyama. "Excuse me," she calls loudly, "We have quite a few new arrivals with us now! If anyone would like to be shown around the Amaterasu, please accompany me. I'll be sure to show you where you can get medical attention or something to eat, or simply a place to relax and meet everyone. I'm sure you're all tired, but this will only take a little time, and it's rather easy to get lost..."

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #66 on: November 17, 2009, 08:43:34 PM »
Outside Margaret's Room

As Margaret is drug from her nice warm bed and into the hallways for unwanted socializations, she and Eirin can hear some rather animated conversation down the hall. That, and a weird sound that makes Margaret think of someone kicking a metal wall.

In the hangar

"So, how does it look?" Kisume asks.

Shizuha paces around Bucket Force, frowning and rubbing her chin. Meanwhile, Rumia pirouettes in place, arms extended out as is her custom, smiling at the world. After a moment, the goddess rejoins her companions and says, "Cosmetic damage. The armor is not compromised in any way, but it will be a liability until the kappa see to it."

"Know what we should do?" Rumia says, stopping her spinning suddenly. "We should find Alice and make her make Bucket Force change colors when it changes. Then it'll be six times better!"

"Rumia," says Kisume, hopping and turning in midair with a well-practiced motion to face her, "That is... genius."

Rumia nods. "I know." Then she looks around, and starts to run toward MazinGetter. "I'll see you in the park later for practice!"

"This'll be so freakin' sweet," Kisume says as she looks back to Shizuha.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 09:23:53 PM by Captain Purvis M.F.D. »


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #67 on: November 18, 2009, 08:53:46 AM »
Yokoso he AMATERASU号!

Rem left his Nachtmare alongside Shingyoku (who was now a floaty orb, emotionless) and Sariel. Kikuri was present too, for obvious reasons, but she seemed to recognize little miss Green Spinny. "That's a Hina," she said. Sariel and Shingyoku batted an eyelid to see the red-garbed curse goddess. "I suggest we go to follow her, we're obviously quite new here!" Shingyoku was strangely silent, as if some emotion had overcome her. Sariel was too busy looking around to pay any sort of attention. Rem simply sighed and nodded in approval. So, this is the so called Amaterasu I hear about... he thought in his mind before Kikuri sent a telepathic disturbance and knocked Rem out of his reverie. "Ah, yeah, yeah, let's go already." he said, looking back at the Ophelia, which seemed to be relatively unharmed. Kikuri didn't seem to be new to this place, and it was more evident when she blurted out "Oh, I'll catch up with you guys later, I need to check something on here. Y'know, see if the SR is busted or anything."

The SR should be fine, liar.

Rem approached Hina timidly. Sariel suddenly looked on forward and tilted her head.

"Uh..." he muttered slowly. "Well, I guess I'm kinda new here, and I heard you mentioning something about a tour of some sort. So... Uh, yeah..." Rem said, not looking at Hina even once. It's quite clear that Rem was both nervous and bitter at the same time, something was definitely on his mind.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #68 on: November 18, 2009, 10:57:27 PM »
The Hangar

Hina gives her little-too-wide smile to Rem, and says, "Then let me welcome you to the Amaterasu! You don't have to be shy, you'll be welcome here." She checks a clipboard, then glances at Rem's mecha for a moment. "Oh! You would be the one who backed up my friends when they were trying to break up that fight, weren't you? Then let me thank you for that. Kisume, that would be Green, has a good heart, but sometimes she's a little reckless. But aren't we all?" She laughs. "What were you doing around there, anyways?"

Not Far from Margaret's Room

Eirin and Margaret round the corner, and see a half-dozen kappa transporting what seems to be an escape pod of with Terran markings. Or rather, they were transporting it and are now standing around it in various states of puzzlement. The noise that they both heard is clearly coming from the pod itself; it seems whomever is inside it is kicking against it.

"What the hell's wrong with this pod?" asks one of the kappa. "First she doesn't respond to any kind of hails, now she's trying batter the damn thing down!"

"Maybe the air cycler's busted?" says another.

"That'd be a problem," says the first kappa. "Better pop it open." Then the kappa notices Margaret and Eirin. "Oh hey, good timing. I need you guys to be ready in case this gal tries something tricky, eh?" She jerks a thumb toward the escape pod for emphasis. "That goes for the rest of you, too! Get those cutters ready quick-sharp! Yoriko, open the pod."

One of the kappa moves to fiddle with the pod's controls, while the rest of the kappa ready the naginata that they were carrying. In short order the pod opens. Moments later, a tall red-haired man emerges. Though the pod is of Terran design, rather than any kind of Terran uniform the man wears a set of plate armor with a white, green-trimmed tabard featuring a stylized raging lion over it. A shield is strapped to his back and a broadsword rests at his hip. It is hard to tell how old he is by looking at him, for his clean-shaving face has a sort of timeless quality to it that could range anywhere from mid-twenties to well into his fifties. His hair tumbles to his shoulders, framing a face currently twisted in a rather sour expression.

"Gah! Finally!" he cries, "I was beginning to wonder if ever I would get out of that blasted thing!" Then he notices the array of weapons pointed at him, and his expression grows yet more sour. "By all means, continue to wave those around. Perhaps you'll make a refreshing breeze to cool my face after that trial!" He looks around a bit more, noticing Eirin and Margaret. "You two, I sense that you possess some quality. Where am I? Was that cacophony of voices with in that mechanized armor correct in proclaiming Avalon no more?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #69 on: November 20, 2009, 02:52:33 AM »
The red-haired man slams his fist into the Terran escape pod; his gauntlet and the pod's metal meeting with a resounding clang. "Damn them..." he says, as Margaret and Eirin debate among themselves. "Damn every last one of their callow hides..." Then he takes a deep breath and steadies himself. The kappa, more or less satisfied that the man isn't going to cause immediate trouble, put their weapons away and move away to give him some space. He seems not to really take any notice of them.

"I suppose," he says at length, "you would not know who I am. I am Sir Kay, Son of Sir Ector of the Forest Sauvage, Senschal to His Royal Majesty, King Pendragon II. And you?"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #70 on: November 20, 2009, 03:17:48 PM »

I hope so... Sariel mused to herself looking at Rem's distant look. Rem turned his attentions to Hina and nodded. "I was actually in search of this ship," Rem said bluntly. "I suppose I was a little lucky to land here after that ordeal. I was in search of information, so I took a job that happened to center around the area. Information about what? ...That's not to be discussed here." he finished. Sariel sighed with relief. Rem's gaze still looked rather distant and he didn't seem too enthused with talking a whole lot.

Shingyoku's emotionless husk of an orb vibrated, as if it sensed something.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #71 on: November 21, 2009, 11:20:37 AM »
In the Hanger

Anthony, and Letty with a knocked out Orange exit the cockpit, now standing at the feet of the towering MazinGetter, Anthony was gazing up at the tall standing mecha, unaware of something about to happen, in which a flying wrench nailed him in the side of the skull, throwing him off kilter, along with another clashing into the head of Orange, causing her to jump out of Letty's arms rubbing her head with a yelp of pain.

"What's the big idea doing that?!" Anthony and Orange yelled out, looking towards where the projectile tools were coming from, a tall standing figure in a Red robe with grey sleeves, long black hair and a glaring pair of red eyes, a sword by her side along with a spike protruding from her forehead in the shade of red like her robes.

"What's the big idea? WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?! You two go off and take my masterpiece of a mecha which wasn't even complete yet, fly into a battle and get it completely wrecked, come back with this odd looking abomination of a machine and a Martian pilot who we don't even know is on our side!" Yelled out this woman, her eyes giving off the glare of death, Orange and Letty avoided making eye contact knowing what they did, while Anthony took the glare head on, and walked against it towards Konngara

"Shouldn't you be more worried that these two are still alive?!" he shouted back, now only a foot away from Konngara, in which one of her hands shifted to rest on the hilt of her sword.

"Where do you have the right to say anything here? This is a private team matter!" Konngara yelled back, now closing up to Anthony, a few inches from their faces touching

"Well I might as well be apart of this team now since that Mecha is mine!" Anthony cried out, in which the two started to grind foreheads together, seeing who would falter first, they continues to yell at each other while Orange and Letty was off on the sidelines, until Orange came in and smashed her head into the side of Konngara and Anthony, breaking up their yelling contest

"Look, I don't know what's been going on, but if this guy hasn't done anything yet I say he's good on my part, if he was some sort of traitor he wouldn't be sticking around, heck he would have probably jet a while ago if he was one of those backstabbers" Orange stated, now standing in-between the two, Konngara crossing her arms, realizing that Orange was probably right

"Fine, I'll trust him for now, but the first time I see him pull anything, and I mean anything sneaky, he's getting launched out of an airlock with no suit" Konngara deadpanned, now walking away from the others and started examining the mecha, getting several Kappa to help.

"So...can at least one of you tell me what happened?" Asked Orange, cocking her head to one side "all I can remember is just getting out onto the battle field before blacking out..."

"Well..." Letty muttered, walking over to Orange and soon informing her of all that happened while she was out.

"You mean all of that happened while I was out?" Orange asked as well.

"Pretty much" responded Letty.

"Man I miss all the best stuff!" cursed Orange, stomping the ground a bit in anger.

"Don't worry we'll have many more chances to strike at evil and come out on top!" Anthony shouted, pumping a fist into the air, Orange got a bit of encouragement from that comment, which after the three talked a bit more to get to know each other a bit better.

Anthony got his box of tapes and DVD's along with his special TV set, once getting out of the cockpit, hearing Rumia speak "I'll see you in the park later for practice!"

Anthony dropped the box and TV set, surprisingly it doesn't shatter, and responds to Rumia "I'll be up for that, but I guess I need to see more around the ship, so I'll see you later" he said, giving a big grin to Rumia, which after so he grabbed his stuff again and made his way over to Hina.

"Hey, I'm ready for this tour thing, I would kinda like not being lost around this big place" Anthony said, with Orange and Letty following behind. The trio ended up standing next to the Trio of Rem, Sariel, and the floating orb that is Shingyoku

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #72 on: November 21, 2009, 12:39:37 PM »

Rumia falls into step with Anthony, arms extended out as is her custom. "Oh, I wasn't talking to you," she says, "I was talking to Kisume and Shizuha. We're a team and we have to practice! And you're that guy who shouts a whoooole lot!" She then looks Anthony in the eyes and says, "Thank you for helping us out with that big mess and getting us out of the tunnel." And with that she grabs one of Anthony's arms with both of her hands.

"Rumia! Stop that!" cries Hina, but the blonde-haired youkai pays Hina no mind as she sinks her teeth into Anthony's forearm. Thankfully, and surprisingly, it doesn't hurt him much; feeling more like the early stages of a blood pressure test than any kind of mastication attempt. Then Rumia's eyes fall upon Orange, and the bite suddenly grows much sharper and more realistic.

This lasts but a moment, though, before Rumia tears herself away from Anthony (thankfully releasing her bite beforehand) and sticks her tongue out at Orange. "You'll get yours, jerkhead!" she says with a scowl then runs away toward the hangar exit.

Hina frowns in the wake of all this. "Ahahahaha..." she says at length, scratching at the back of her head. "Please forgive Rumia. She's just a little different." She checks her clipboard again, and glances at MazinGetter for a second. "You're Anthony, yes? Please, let me introduce you to Rem. Let me say that you did us quite a service out there, as well. Thank you very much. Shizuha mentioned you used to work with Mars? Well, you both should know that we try not to hold people's pasts against them, as long as you make a genuine effort not cause too many problems here. But I will warn you, there are very nosy people. So, have you two met before?"

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #73 on: November 24, 2009, 07:37:22 AM »
The Hallways

The kappa take the opportunity to clear out while Eirin and Margaret introduce themselves to Kay. The knight stares hard at Margaret for a moment as she rolls her eyes, then bows stiffly toward them. "I would say the pleasure is mine in differing circumstances. What is news, then? Particularly, have you started to take the names of the survivors and the missing people? I need to find my lady wife and my children."


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #74 on: November 24, 2009, 08:54:47 AM »
The Hanger

After being bitten by Rumia and hearing her response to seeing Orange, Anthony turned to Orange, saying "Orange, is there some bad blood between you two?" his head cocked to the side for a bit.

Orange sighs, "It's just something that happened awhile ago, I don't feel like talking about it okay?" she responds, slightly avoiding eye contact.

"Okay then..." Anthony said, trying to push the recent event out of his mind, as well as turning to Hina.

Hina frowns in the wake of all this. "Ahahahaha..." she says at length, scratching at the back of her head. "Please forgive Rumia. She's just a little different." She checks her clipboard again, and glances at MazinGetter for a second. "You're Anthony, yes? Please, let me introduce you to Rem. Let me say that you did us quite a service out there, as well. Thank you very much. Shizuha mentioned you used to work with Mars? Well, you both should know that we try not to hold people's pasts against them, as long as you make a genuine effort not cause too many problems here. But I will warn you, there are very nosy people. So, have you two met before?"

"Oh uh, I haven't met him before" Anthony responded to Hina, which then he followed up with turning to Rem "Either way it's nice to meet ya, I'm Anthony" Anthony said with a grin on his face, holding out a hand to Rem.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #75 on: November 24, 2009, 01:17:46 PM »

Rem noticed that the guy who owned the outlandish Nachtmare "MazinGetter" had introduced himself and extended a hand. At least he was polite and didn't seem like a very mean person. Rem tried to force a smile, but instead scrapped the idea and returned the polite gesture with a firm handshake. "...Yes, as she says, I am Rem. Rem Farsalina. ...I hope we can get along." he said, with barely any emotion. Almost as if he forced himself to be nice back. Something about him itched whenever he tried to be nice to others, it's as if something from his past bit his mind and has been plaguing him. Sariel sighed. "...Please don't mind him, dear Anthony," she mentioned, in an attempt to save face. "He doesn't mean any harm, but he's a troubled person. He's too used to only seeing me and the others. Please don't take this the wrong way!" she continued, bowing politely. Rem looked at Sariel solemnly, as if he were thanking her. Shingyoku by now had released itself from its spherical husk, and was now the sagacious priest he usually was when he wasn't in the Ophelia. Rem looked up for a moment, shrugged and looked back forward, thinking of something.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #76 on: November 24, 2009, 02:31:13 PM »
earlier, in the Avalon Mana core

"Damn... it can't end here... not now!" Forte struggled to get the Nightmare to move, but ot no avail.

"This is New Moon, I'm going to retrieve the pilot now." The Whirlwind approached the Twilight Moon, which had slumped over against the core.

"Hey, Marisa?" Forte called to the girl behind him. "What was that weapon this thing's got again?"

"The Masterspark Cannon?" Marisa looked at where the Nightmare was laying, and understood what to do. Besides, it's a good excuse to test the weapon out.

"Hey, what's going on over there?!? Marisa!" The comm system squawked, but both pilots ignored the noise.

"Magicannon-Masterspark Cannon is ready to go, ze! Fire when ready!" . The chest of the Nightmare openned up to reveal an octagonal block with a mirror in the center.The comms system continued to make noise, but Forte already pressed the red button.

"Intense energy reading detected! New Moon, get out of there!" The Whirlwind's ejection pod fired as the Frame was obliterated by a massive energy beam fired from the Nightmare's chest. The remaining lunar machine fled, taking the escape pod with it.

"Whew, it's over. Hey, you ok? Oi! Don't pass out on me! HEY!"


What is this.... Is this... a dream? Must be.... What was I doing...? Who is that... calling me...? And  why... am I falling?

current position: Amaterasu

The Twilight Moon limped into the hangar bay. Nazrin and Alice rushed to the cockpit as the hatched openned up. Marisa hopped out of her chair and rushed up to Forte's seat.

"Hey, come on, wake up, you!" Marisa slapped Forte's cheek in an attempt to wake the sleeping Lunar soldier.

"Uh, Marisa?" Alice had a rather serious look on her face.

"Eh? What?"

"Exactly why did you take a lunar pilot anyways?!?"

"Hey, the machine wouldn't let the frame go! Ask the Nightmare!"

"Hey, I think he's waking up!" Nazrin piped up as Forte's eyes began to flutter open.

"Well well, about time." Marisa leaned into the cockpit. "Up and at 'em!"

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up..." Forte rubbed his eyes and pushed himself out of the chair.

"Alright, let me introduce th rest of the crew to ya. This is Nazrin, our mission analyst." Marisa pointed to the girl with the grey hair. come to think of it, she also had a tail and mouse ears. "And this is our mechanist, Alice Margatroid. Sometimes, she takes over as mission analyst for when Nazrin isn't available."

"Nice to meet you guys. Best I introduce myself. Name's Forte."

"Hey, everyone's gathering over there."

"I see. Well, we should probably head there as well. Quite frankly, I'm a bit curious as to who the pilots of those other machines were." Forte was about to head over to when he suddenly stopped and turned back towards the Nightmare. "Right, best I not forget this." Forte pulled an unusual cylindrical objject from the compartment before heading back to the team.

"Here, what's that?" Alice asked, pointing at the object.

"Eh? Don't worry about it, Alice." Forte simply said as he holstered the object and walked on.

There were a number of pilots in the hangar, making small talk or something. In any case, it seems like they were introducing themselves. Although... it looked like he was the only L.C. pilot. Whatever that operation was, it was huge, and the L.C. will probably want a share. Not that the L.C. mattered right now. They probably consider him a traitor. They won't consider him a friendly craft, not after the fiasco in the core.

Oh well, only one thing to do. Might as well introduce myself to the crowd. He caught sight of one pilot, who looked very familiar. Pilots who've shot him down all look familiar...

"Eh? Forte, what's wrong?" Nazrin asked.

Forte did not answer as all he did was look at Rem...


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #77 on: November 24, 2009, 03:02:33 PM »

As Rem was musing about his past transgressions, something, or rather, someone caught his attentions. It was Forte, and he looked at him with a distant gaze, as if he had recognized him of some sort. Rem immediately turned away from everyone else and tapped his foot on the ground to revert his attentions to something else. Sariel looked at Rem with much concern. "Eh...? What is the matter?" she asked. Rem remained silent, as he knew if he were to talk about it, it would cause a commotion. Rem knew better than to cause trouble in a place like this, especially if the people inside were hospitable. He had respect and decency, after all, for those who would treat him the same way. It is merely that in his life, he has never met anyone who treated him as an equal up to now, perhaps revealing his rough and cold exterior even more. Shingyoku tilted his head. "Miss Sariel, I believe there is a certain someone amongst us who has had... a falling out in the past. It would be best not to attract too much attention to it." he whispered in Sariel's ear, who immediately took the hint and knew exactly who it was.

...So, Forte is among us. Sariel thought. I hope he does not wish vengeance upon what Rem did, after all, it was a pyrrhic victory for them. An entire squadron reduced to only a few by the hands of less than ten frames... Truly, truly.

Shingyoku lowered his hat.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #78 on: November 25, 2009, 01:18:20 AM »

Hina looks between Rem and Forte, frowns, then checks her clipboard quickly. "Oh, you'd be...Forte, yes? Would you and Rem and Rem happen to know each other?"

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #79 on: November 25, 2009, 02:30:26 PM »
Amaterasu Hangar

"Huh? Yeah, you could say something like that..." Forte stated as he continued to look at Rem.

Alice could tell that something was up with Forte and one of the other pilots. She'd seen that look before. Forte began walking towards the group, something seemingly awakened in his eyes.

"Hey, HEY! Don't do anything stupid!" Alice quietly shouted at Forte.

"Eh? Oh, don't worry, I won't do anything...too extreme." Forte said as he walked over to Rem, who was looking away at the time. Finally, Forte got to meet someone who shot him down in person, as opposed to through a moniter.

"So," Forte started up, "You're Rem, huh? Rather nasty of you to shoot me down TWICE, you know."  Facing Rem, he put a hand roughly on Rem's shoulder. "Looks like we're in the same boat now. I guess we'll see if three times IS the charm, eh?" Smiling, Forte patted Rem's shoulder before moving away. Rather sobering to see a rival pilot in person, but Rem had been able to take him down, so he must be skilled, and skill is something Forte can admire. Of course, to others it seemed like it was tempting fate.

Forte turned his attention to the green haired woman. "Yeah, I'm Forte. All I really need to know is where's a good place to get a drink. Lunar alcohol just isn't that strong, you know."

Marisa and Nazrin were more interested in the large box, filled with archaic mecha shows, that this one pilot was holding. Judging from the uniform, the pilot was Martian. His voice sounded very familiar...

"Hey, you're the guy who was yelling, weren't you?" Marisa asked rather bluntly to the Martian Pilot.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #80 on: November 25, 2009, 02:41:06 PM »

He was approached by Forte, and the last thing he wanted to happen had happened. He did not face Forte, and sighed. "...Don't think you can take me that easily. I was only saving my comrades that day. You were foolish in being rash. I do not wish to start anything in this ship, lest needless commotion happen. Please. Leave me in peace." Rem muttered, as Forte had placed his attentions somewhere else. Sariel sighed, and Shingyoku could not resist but change into the preppy priestess we all know and love. "Hey, what's the big idea with him, anyway, buster?" Shingyoku squealed, stomping the ground softly. "Does he want to tussle with you?" Rem remained quiet and shook his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Shingyoku said. "I didn't know..."

Sariel whispered something into Shingyoku's ear, and that made her shut up.

"Please... Let me think for some time." Rem said, suddenly looking back at Hina and the others with a distant look on his face. He seemed to be ignoring the fact Forte was there. He wanted to put what had happened behind him, but it seemed that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Le sigh.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #81 on: November 25, 2009, 03:25:41 PM »

Sariel sighed. "...Please don't mind him, dear Anthony," she mentioned, in an attempt to save face. "He doesn't mean any harm, but he's a troubled person. He's too used to only seeing me and the others. Please don't take this the wrong way!" she continued, bowing politely. Rem looked at Sariel solemnly, as if he were thanking her. Shingyoku by now had released itself from its spherical husk, and was now the sagacious priest he usually was when he wasn't in the Ophelia. Rem looked up for a moment, shrugged and looked back forward, thinking of something.

"Don't worry about anything, it's just how some people act, anyone is a friend of mine as long as they don't align themselves with evil" Anthony spouted out, pumping a fist into the air with his box of mecha shows in one arm, completely unphased from seeing Shingyoku transform into his male form.

Marisa and Nazrin were more interested in the large box, filled with archaic mecha shows, that this one pilot was holding. Judging from the uniform, the pilot was Martian. His voice sounded very familiar...

"Hey, you're the guy who was yelling, weren't you?" Marisa asked rather bluntly to the Martian Pilot.

Anthony noticed the two girls staring at his box of Mecha media, which then he slowly set it down to his side to greet the two in-front of himself, "Yea I was, it's how I just do things" he said, his face sporting a look of confidence "Either way let me introduce myself, I'm Anthony" he said, holding out a hand to Marisa and Nazrin, while Orange and Letty were off talking to each other about a few current events.

"Letty, I just want to make sure again, what happened after we crashed?" Orange asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Well, as I said before... after we crashed the nightmare was utterly wrecked, except for the mana core itself, which then after a bit that solar frame Anthony was piloting crashed a bit away from ours, I checked it and grabbed Anthony, bringing him next to the mana core, which then it started to act weird, and float off with some parts of our nightmare, all the way over to the solar frame, which somehow it combined, I don't know why it did it or how, it just happened..." Letty explained, feeling a little clueless herself.

"Then, just remind me to keep an eye on Anthony, he seems like an odd fellow, but he may be special" Orange replied, looking over at Anthony

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #82 on: November 25, 2009, 08:53:36 PM »
"Marisa Kirisame, Magician Extrodinaire." Marisa said, doing a little salute. "This is Nazrin, Mousine Metal Detector."

"Man, this stuff is old! It'd be worth a huge fortune by now! Are you a collector?" Nazrin asked Anthony.

Forte caught what Shingyoku said and turned around. "Quite frankly, I would rather not fight Rem, as it looks like we're on the same side now. A pilot with that kind of skill, I actually resepct. I can only hope he doesn't shoot me down again..." Forte turned back to Hina. "Now, about the alcohol, if you could direct me there?"

Alice only put her face in her palm and shook her head. "Please, for the love of Shinki, don't start anything..."
« Last Edit: November 25, 2009, 08:57:17 PM by Etch »


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #83 on: November 26, 2009, 12:13:01 AM »
A lot earlier, on the final approach towards the Amaterasu

" how difficult is it to LAY OFF THE TRIGGER?!" Tenshi demanded.

"But all the pesky red swallows were trying to...." Trent began in defense.

"Trent, can you focus on landing?" Tenshi asked, exasperated, turning to point out of the cockpit.

"You have so little trust in our Knight, Tenshi-chan~" Yukari giggled. "He's done well so far."

"If you trust him then all the more reason for me not to!" Tenshi snapped. "We'll see if silly luck can get us on the ground safely."

"....landing....?" Trent blinked, welcoming the word with all the intellectual frustration of a neanderthal faced with a common pencil.

"...we're dead..." Tenshi facepalmed.

"Just follows the guide runes theres~" Suwako said, pointing out of the cockpit.

"Oh, the glowing spotty snakes, gotcha!" Trent nodded, guiding the Noble White towards the two lines of glowing runes projecting from the forcefield-protected hangar bay door.

It was a slow, almost graceful affair. Everyone who witnessed it could only do so with their jaws wide open in awe, amazement, and a cacophony of other random emotions. The more empathic may even wince with pain.

The Noble White's graceful legs were the first to touch the ground...or, ok, scratch into the landing bay tracks, eliciting sparks. It twisted, painfully, before buckling under the Noble White's gracefully turning frame. It spun gently, both horizontally and vertically, like a top doing a cartwheel. Every bounce across the landing bay was beautiful concerto of crashes and bangs as shimmering white armour bashed against cold reinforced jet-burnt steel, showering its surroundings with sparks.

The graceful dance ended with the Noble White in a heap at the end of the landing bay, just as the Prismbuster Squadron came up and landed lightly on the landing tracks behind.

"..." There was a long, awkward silence, before a pair of hands clapped commandingly.

"All right, team, we have a downed nacht. Let's show them how Amaterasu rolls!" Captain Murasa nodded at the stunned maintenance crew, who slowly unfroze and began to animate.

Kappas swam through the zero grave towards the Noble White with tools and a crane. Before long, the nacht was pulled out of its rather embarassing posture and winched over to its holding bay.

"I'm never co-piloting with you ever again!" The kappas opening the cockpit were bowled over by Tenshi flying out in what looked like a fit of rage.

"T-Tenshi-san..." Suwako called after her, before sighing as she gave up running after her. "U-ummm...w-well, Trents....good work?" She suggested.

"Hmm hmmm." Trent bobbed a nod at Suwako. "Ooh, nice digs. I like what you did with the pink flamingos." He blinked in an expresion of mild amusement as a few naginatas were levelled at his face. "Oooh, shiny~"

"W-wait! T-Trent's a friends!" Suwako gasped, flying out to get in between Trent and the naginatas.

"Suwako, let them take him away." Yukari said as she too left the cockpit to grasp onto the connecting bridge's transit handle.

"B-but...." Suwako began to protest.

"Suwako, if he is indeed on our side then he will be allowed to roam free once he's had a few minutes with Satori. All right?" Yukari suddenly broke into a smile.

"B-but..." Suwako said again.

"Don't worry, Suwako-chan. He'll be fine, I'm sure. Trent, you'll be a good boy, for Suwako-chan's sake, won't you?" Yukari asked Trent.

"If the paycheck orders it, then sure. I'll wait with Shirayuki-chan~" Trent nodded.

"Then it's settled." Yukari nodded. "Now....ah, captain Murasa and Yumemi." She said, nodding at the approaching captain Murasa and Yumemi.

"Welcome aboard, Yukari, Suwako." Murasa said with a grin.

"Thanks for the pickup. Was this Yumemi's idea?" Yukari smiled at the two.

"Indeed it was." Murasa nodded at Yumemi.

"It was a simple matter of necessity." Yumemi smiled modestly.

"Is the new refit ready yet?" Yukari asked as she began to make her way towards the crew room.

"Nitori is waiting at the Imperial Shipyards at the Takamagahara colony with the refit for the Amaterasu. Everything is ready for departure. We are simply awaiting your orders, Yukari." Yumemi replied, floating up to Yukari to join her.

"Then set a course for Takamagahara." Yukari nodded at her. "No point hanging around here any longer. Let's go."

"Captain Murasa to the bridge. We have the all-green." Captain Murasa said into her com-link. "Plot course alpha 1-3-4. Full speed, full stealth."

"I trust the evacuation went well, Reimu, Sanae?" Yukari asked them as they floated up from the Hisou Tenkou.

"Momiji and Mokou did their best to get everyone onto evac pods." Reimu said, gravely. "From there we got everyone safely through space onto the ship.'s difficult to say..."

"Don't beat yourself up over it, dear." Satori said, floating up with Koishi trailing behind. "We do what we can."

"Yep, what oneechan said!" Koishi nodded in agreement, smiling a radiant smile.

"Very good then. Excellent work, ladies~" Yukari nodded at them all with a smile. "We will debrief at dinner. For now, at ease~"


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #84 on: November 26, 2009, 08:52:04 AM »
The Hangar

"Marisa Kirisame, Magician Extrodinaire." Marisa said, doing a little salute. "This is Nazrin, Mousine Metal Detector."

"Man, this stuff is old! It'd be worth a huge fortune by now! Are you a collector?" Nazrin asked Anthony.

"Nah, I'm not a collector, all of these are a personal treasure of mine, you see if it wasn't for these, I wouldn't be the person who I'm today" said Anthony, bringing a fist to his chest "These shows, showed me the light, that justice always comes out on top, and victory goes to those with true courage!" he went on, reciting almost every justice based mantra of super mecha.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #85 on: November 26, 2009, 11:02:49 AM »
Hallways with Margaret.

"As well," Kay adds, "I would like to speak with the grand marshal. As it stands I am but a stowaway, and it would be nice to make certain of my welcome."


Hina watches the exchange between Rem and Forte with a carefully neutral expression, fearful that a firefight was going to erupt in the bay. While fights were by no means uncommon, the amount of bystanders in the hangar would make it inconvenient to say the least. However things seem to end, if not amicably, at least without tempers flaring.

"You can have all the time to think that you like," Hina says to Rem. "If you really need to be alone, that's fine. But it would help if we could show you around first."

Then she looks to Forte, "I'm certain we can find something full-bodied enough for your tastes. Though I would caution too strongly against getting particularly drunk, we aren't perfectly in the clear yet. Well... I suppose if you time things properly it shouldn't be a problem. Anyways, I think we've lingered long enough, this way please."

Hina leads the newcomers, and anyone interested in following, out of the hanger. Starting down a corridor lined with paper walls, she says, "The Amaterasu is special to us, it was the second vessel we've managed to make, the first of course being Patchouli Knowledge's rocket. It wasn't originally made for defensive use, but, well, let's just say that necessity is a mother of an inventor.

"To your left you'll see one of the many sets of stairs," she gestures toward a set of spiraling wooden stairs set into an alcove in wall. "There are four floors to the ship, though a lot of the room is taken up by the hangar, the storerooms, and such. But worry not, there's more than enough space for you to have as much privacy as you would like. The floor layout tries to be identical, to help out our friends who get lost more easily, but sometimes it can't be helped."

The group rounds a corner, and find that the corridor ends in a balcony some yards ahead. Beyond that, they can see sunlight, and a lone tree. "And up ahead is one something we are particularly proud of!" Hina leads the group to the balcony, and gestures outward toward a vibrant green expanse of trees and grass, nestled in the middle of the the ship. Looking upward, the source of the sunlight is not apparent, but the ceiling as been painted a shade of sky blue. All of the upper floors have been cut out to give more vertical space; they have been ringed with railings to make them into impromptu observation decks. In the middle of the park is a pond, fed by a stream that runs from a grate in one wall and flows out into another grate on the opposite side along a perpendicular all. A small flower garden has been planted along one corner of the park, with a few paths running through it, while trees dot the whole expanse.

"We would probably have gone nuts without this," Hina says. "It's quite the popular meeting place."


The rest of the tour is significantly less exciting. Aside from the park, there is a well-stocked cafeteria and bar, a few storage areas, and a dojo for those who might risk harming the park or wish for a quiet place to hone whatever they choose to hone. While they are not shown the bridge or the engine room, they get a good idea of where to find these locales. Finally, they are shown some empty rooms and invited to take what they like.

Bar and Grill

Kisume sits at the Amaterasu's bar, absently pushing some fried rice around a bowl with her chopsticks and not really paying any mind to anyone else. Instead, her mind wanders back to the events of the core. As much as she tries to ignore it, she cannot shake the panic that had gripped her then. By all rights, they should be dead. But somehow, that core had saved them. Not only that, it had spoken! What was that thing?

She takes a bite of her food and chews thoughtfully. No one would begrudge the core its intervention. But the fact it could intervene to begin with, what did that say about Avalon? And about the other worlds? Did the weird planets of this dimension also have those kinds of things? And why doesn't the fear go away? Everything is safe now, so why is it still there?

And...wasn't there a bottle of peach juice there at moment ago? Kisume frowns at the spot where her beverage was, mystified.

Halls of the Amaterasu

Shizuha wanders randomly, but with a purpose. Suwako had to be there somewhere, and she had a lot of questions that needed to be answered. But where had that little frog gotten herself off to?

The Park

Rumia, having fled from Orange, walks into the park. After waving to one of the of the kappa who greets her warmly, she flies up into her favorite tree and sits on a branch. And then...she waits. In time, the right moment will come.


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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #86 on: November 26, 2009, 01:46:55 PM »
The Park

Rem asked Sariel, Shingyoku and Kikuri for a temporary reprieve from other people for some time. Thanks to Hina, whom he had thanked after the conclusion of the tour, Rem was able to make his way here to a place where he could regain his composure and gather his thoughts about the transgressions that had occured only moments ago, everything from encountering Forte to what had happened now. That man... Forte. I guessed he survived. Even if he is not being hostile now, I can't forgive him for what he did to my friends. He completely ruined them. Rem thought deeply as he sat down on a conveniently placed rock and rested his head on one of his palms. I don't know if he can ever be seen as one who had repented in my eyes. ...His penance shall be something worse than death. Rem continued to muse, looking up at the ceiling of the ship.

Bar and Grill

Sariel and Shingyoku were at the bar, talking about several things that concerned Rem. Shingyoku had calmed down from her outburst earlier and was in her composed male form, and was busy initiating conversation with the silent, but contemplating, Sariel. Shingyoku tipped his hat off and mentioned something rather chilling to Sariel. "Have you considered talking to Rem about his problem? I believe he plans to set a plan in motion, a plan to get back at Forte. I do not think he wishes to kill him though, I believe he wants to do something even worse..." Shingyoku ranted, to which Sariel suddenly perked up and looked around.

"What, what?" Sariel exclaimed.

"You should talk to Rem. I'm worried about what he is planning."

"I do not wish to disturb his palsied mind."

"You have to, unless you want Rem to start something that he may end up regretting in the not-so-distant future. I'll force you to if I have to." Shingyoku said, nodding sagely.

"What do you want me to tell him?"

"Nothing that comes from me will pierce his cold exterior, my dear angel," Shingyoku said. "If you truly wish to save him from despair, you must liberate him yourself. I am only the progenitor of the information you need."

Sariel looked at the way to the park and sighed. Kikuri by this time had made her merry way into the bar and looked at Sariel's now distant gaze as she suddenly left and made her way back to the park. Kikuri inquired about the situation, but Shingyoku made a stare back at Kikuri that shut her mouth.

The Park

Rem was tapping his right foot in deep thought, but was interrupted by the sounds of wings flapping. It was Sariel, and she looked both indignant and genuinely concerned. She put up the sweetest, most concerned voice she could, and asked "...What is the matter? What ails your troubled mind?"

Rem looked at Sariel in a deadpan manner. "...Nothing."

"Something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong, Sariel. My patience wears thin."

"I insist. Don't try to set it into motion."

"...How do you know?"

"A motherly instinct."

"You're not as cryptic as you usually are with me."

"It's because I want you to change."

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks."

"You're hardly old."

"My soul is old, wearied, battered, and tired."

"That's not an excuse. You must cease this folly at once. You will gain the favor of no one this way. Are you that stubborn, Rem?"

Rem stood up. He was sick of this tirade. "I gain the favor of no one not because of my mannerism, but because of who I am. It is hardly my behavior. Have I not explained to you the circumstances of my actions?"


"The fates have decided it to be this way, Sariel. Not even you can change it. I am sorry." Rem said bluntly, as he looked down at the ground, downtrodden. Sariel clenched her fists and stood there, staring down at Rem.

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #87 on: November 27, 2009, 02:18:49 AM »

Alice left to attend to the Nightmare. It would indeed be a nightmare, working on two frames at one time...

Marisa stood in awe of Anthony, a seeming embodiment of hot-blood, and took careful notes in her head while Nazrin proceeded to assay the contents of the box...

Forte made himself scarce to get out of his pilot suit and into more civilian clothes before heading out with the rest of the group.

Bar and Grill

If Forte didn't know he was inside a ship, he'd have thought he was in a decent bar in the LC capital. The room was furnished with polished wood and even barstools from the pre-space era. Amazed, Forte walked up to the bar and took a seat. Time to see what kind of drinks this place had.

"Welcome, and what would you like to have today?" The bartender asked as he wiped down one of the cups.

"Hmm...That bottle over there seems like an interesing one."

"Ah, the Tanuki sake, an excellent choice. This is one of our finer sakes. It's sweetness is rather remarkable, and this brand is gaining more recognition as a fine sake. You must be good at spotting drinks, sir."

"Actually, no. The only thing I've had is Lunar alcohol, and that's not very strong, in alcohol or otherwise. The only good lunar drink out of there is the bootleg stuff." Forte sighed as a small bottle of sake and a dish was presented to him. He downed the small amount, slightly wincing at the burn of the sake. The sweet tingle more than made up for the unfamiliar burn. It was as good as Lunarian Bootleg, if not better.

"You look like you've had it rough."

"Yeah, well, things haven't really been a breeze recently." Forte sighed as he poured another drink for himself.

"Ah. You must be one of the new arrivals."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, your outfit for starters. Don't worry about it too much. We get all kinds of characters in here."

"Yeah, I'm kinda new here. I was hijacked by one of the pilots, and I ended up working with her."

"I see. Well, good to have you with us, sir."

"That doesn't sound odd to you?"

The bartender shook his head. "I've heard weirder stories."

"Weirder, huh?"

"Indeed. Ah, I must attend to some other customers right now." The bartender bowed and turned to serve the other customers.

Forte took another drink of the sake while he pulled out a very small TV. He switched it on and turned to the Lunar Networks.


It is three minutes after five, and time for the news. The Joint-Venture between the TMC and MFC appears to be over. Lunar Corporation forces discovered that the joint venture was to obtain more resources to use in manufacturing goods. Terran and Martian forces fought over the resources, believed to have been a stray asteroid, followed by Lunar soldiers joining the battle.

The Lunar Corporation has released this picture of this man, Forte Zokuranu, who turned on his fellow pilots during the battle above Mars. While it is believed that he died in an explosion on the asteroid, the Lunar Corporation Military has deemed this man to be a traitor, to be shot down by any able pilot.

No new news on the Rebellion of Europa. The situation has ground to a stalemate, but the Premier is confidant that he will win in the battle of attrition.

The 32nd Marian Fleet returned to Mars in an attempt to take control of the situation in high orbit around Mars. The Martian Fleet seems to have lost their flagship, the Kronos, in the Asteriod field, although it is yet to be confirmed.

(The rest of this report is courtesy of Madness.)

Police found a large warehouse of the hallucinogen commonly known as High Tide in the capital. They also found samples of Sapient Dream, a potent drug that can send users into month long comas. This store is believed to be part of a large drug ring centered around the Lunar Colony.

In entertainment, Super Tenko has not been cancelled. There have been a few technical difficulties, but once resolved, production shall continue as scheduled.

Arnold Schwartzenburger, the Pyromaniac Chef, has announced that he is beginning a new documentary titled: Wings of Fire, The Dark History of the Moon. Not much more is known of the project other than there will be fire.

Jao Gar, the Hot-Blooded Archeologist Guy, has announced that he will begin a new Mecca series called "Secrets of Mecca, What Lies Under The Rock", It is believed that he converted to Islam expressly for this purpose.

A video was released today of legendary opera singer Setsuna F. Seiei dressed as a magical girl saying, "I am Gundam." The costume is believed to have been based off of Lyrical Nanoha, a character from an old TV show. His publicist denies that this video is true. You can find our video at our website...


"Figures..." Forte muttered to himself as he pocketed the small TV. Taking another drink of the sake, he found that he was getting a little woozy. "Whoa, better stop there." Putting down what he thought was a reasonable payment for the drink, he stepped out and headed for the hangar bay.


Forte stood by the rails of the cat-walk overlooking the Nightmares. He looked down at the Twilight Moon, his new machine. As outlandish at it looked, he could still see parts of the Garunda in the workings of the Nightmare. Forte could hear Alice hard at work, overhauling the Garunda's parts. That would be the fourth time around that it had to be completely overhauled, but this time it's not because the parts were so badly damaged. The combination hadn't been fully completed, and the Garunda was not up to par with the Midnight Sun's equipment.

...that, and the parts were badly damaged.

The dolls were hard at work, strengthening the Lunar equipment so that it could hold up to the rigors of Marisa's piloting. The damage seemed much worse, with the inclusion of Forte's piloting abilities which, as good as they were, were just about as reckless as Marisa's. Forte walked down to the hangr floor, where Alice was pondering some important questions.

"What's interesting is, why didn't the Midnight Sun let go of the LC frame?" Alice muttered to herself. "We can't very well ask the core, it's never been one for conversation outside of battle..."

"'Ask the core'? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's you, Forte. That drink do anything for you?"

"Yeah, the stuff this ship has is great. What was that 'ask the core' stuff anyways?"

"Well, in order to make the Nightmare move, we link to the mana core and command it's movements, essentially talking to it. For some reason or another, Marisa got us the core that loves battle, so it's rather silent most of the time." Alice frowned as she turned to the Nightmare. "You know, working on such an archaic model is hard when the parts are quite different."

"Well, excuse me for being primative." Forte frowned noticably.

Alice began to panic. "Ah! I-I didn't mean to--"

"Ah, don't worry about it. I've been through that whole thing before, 'old machine' and whatnot." Forte sighed as he shoved his hands in his pockets. He felt something that shouldn't be in his pocket, and pulled it out.

It was a bottle of peach juice. "How'd that get there?" Forte muttered as he tossed it off to the side. Looking back up at the Nightmare, he looked at a part which was from the Garunda and noticed an old war scar...


Space around Cratios Research Facility

The situation was spiraling out of control. Seven Frames, turning the tide of battle, was completely unheard of to Forte, but he was determined to win.

"Ravagers, take them down!" Forte roared as the Garunda dashed head-first into the firefight. The rest of the squadron followed suit and joined the battle. The enemy frames danced around the Ravagers and picked them off one by one. Forte finally managed to lock onto one of the enemy frames and fired. All the shots missed. The two machines danced around each other in a macabre, almost endless waltz before Forte finally charged the Bunkerbuster.

"Dammit, get back here, you bastard!" Forte roared as the Bunkerbuster finally smashed into the chest of the enemy.

"Damn you, Lunar dog! Rem will avenge me--YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGHHHH!" The pilot yelled as his machine exploded in a brilliant white glare.

Forte had little time to rejoice as another machine screamed towards the Garunda. This one seemed like the leader. There was a lot more emotion in the fighting style of this pilot. In any case, it was a very different sort of pilot.

"SIR! The enemy is flanking us! They're zero ARCs!"

Of all the times for them to appear! Forte diverted some of his attention to the thrusters andhead to the flank. This very short moment of unfocus was all that it too for the enemy to strike the Garunda mortally. And as the Garunda became limp in space, Forte contacted the pilot.

"Terran pilot, you're Rem, right?"

"H-how did--"

"My name is Forte Zokuranu. Remember it, as it is the name of the one who shall meet you in the future, and shall win!" And with that, the Garunda's systems shut off to preserve power for the life support.

*end of Flashback*

"Rem..." That guy seemed like he had a grudge or something. It understandable, as Forte did take down one of his friends. But that was then, this is now. This was a time when they would eventually have to work together, as they are on the smae side. Still, the way things look with Rem, things may not go very smoothly, not to mention the fact that Forte has to keep reminding himself that Rem is a guy...

Forte picked up the bottle of peach juice and took a swig. There was an odd hint of something in the juice. He wasn't sure, but for some reason, he was reminded of wood. In any case, it'll come in handy later.

The Park.

Marisa and Nazrin were on a hunt: a hunt for valuable objects. Surely, there must be some treasure somewhere. The money would at least pay for the cheese Nazrin liberally pilfered.

"Man, that bar-keep really has to chill out." Nazrin grumbles as she sat down by a tree.

"Well, you were caught taking cheese, and quite a large amount of it, ze." Marisa sat down beside Nazrin. "Don't worry, we'll find something of value. Besides, us pilferers have to stick together!"

"I thought you were a Magician Extraordinaire?"

"You consider yourself a Mousine Metal Detector?"

This continued for a while below Rumia...

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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #88 on: November 27, 2009, 10:39:47 AM »
The Park

Nazrin and Marisa might find their attention drawn by a small rustle in the trees, but should they look, nothing will seem amiss.

Rem, on the other hand, hears a soft thump and someone approaching from behind. "Hey buddy," says Rumia, wearing solemn face that seems at odds with her previous behavior he had witnessed. "You sound like you're really sad."

Bar and Grill

Kisume, trying to seek some distraction from her own worries, eavesdrops on Forte and the barkeeper for a little while. Hearing him complain about the poor liquor from the moon, she grins to herself. Having spent a good deal of her life around the oni in Former Hell, most liquor tended to taste rather poor in comparison. On the other hand, it is nice to be able to stay upright after finishing a drink. There was something about him that left her feeling a sense of worry from him. Unable to put her finger on it, she decides he must also be rattled about Avalon as well.

Would he enjoy someone to talk to about it or rather be alone with his troubles? It was hard to tell, he seemed willing to gab with the bartender, but mostly about little things. Before she can ponder much longer, Forte leaves and renders the point moot.

Instead, she decides to put the bar's dartboard to use.


  • 不聖女
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Re: Mecha RPG - Recollection of a Solar War (Story Thread)
« Reply #89 on: November 27, 2009, 11:04:51 AM »
The Park

Sariel by this time had left to leave Rem to his own devices, giving him a stinging message before she left.

You're a selfish, terrible fool. With your amazing skill in battle, you have thrown away all semblance of humanity. You are a cold, calculating sorceress who bewitches his enemies with destruction. No wonder people dislike you. I'm giving you a chance to repent. You deserve penance more than Forte does. He doesn't even want to fight you, but you wish to exact revenge on him for what he did to you YEARS AGO? That is not the way to behave. You're an adult, not a child. I cannot live with myself knowing you remain adamant in your stance. I want to help you. Let me, or you will be abandoned. Alone. Forever.

Rem looked up at the ceiling, but was interrupted in his thoughts as he heard a sound from behind him. "Hey buddy," says Rumia, wearing solemn face that seems at odds with her previous behavior he had witnessed. "You sound like you're really sad." Rem, from hearing Rumia's voice in the past, knew it was her and didn't bother to turn around to face her.

"Ah, so the youkai of the dark has seen me in this pathetic state," Rem stated, stifling a laugh. "It pains me so to see that my ways and methods have turned everyone against me. I am troubled by this turn of events... I should be, no? I do not wish to alienate myself from everyone."

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