Author Topic: Overwatch Thread: UPRISING PvE, HotS Promotional Event 2.0, and New D.VA Skin!  (Read 103468 times)


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #90 on: June 05, 2016, 12:57:42 AM »
I'm growing really fond of playing D.Va, Did they buff her yet like they mentioned, or did I just git gud with her?


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #91 on: June 05, 2016, 02:31:07 AM »
I'm growing really fond of playing D.Va, Did they buff her yet like they mentioned, or did I just git gud with her?

No buffs yet. You jusr got good.

Or dropped a matching bracket lower :v


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #92 on: June 05, 2016, 02:51:30 AM »
It's probably because despite being considered a tank, I don't play her as one. I take advantage of her mobility and flank their DPS chumps from behind while they're distracted dealing with my team in front of them. Which, from what I understand, is what she's supposed to do anyway, it's just that my rank, that's not very well understood yet.

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #93 on: June 05, 2016, 05:00:49 AM »
I don't know, DVA's damage seems far too low to be a particularly good flanker unless she's currently telling the opposing team to "NERF THIS!1!"

of course, I suck at the game so :derp:


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #94 on: June 05, 2016, 05:08:48 AM »
Her damage is not low at all and she's a fantastic flanker-- she's not supposed to be shooting from a distance because you'd just be giving your position away. Take side routes on the map and zip up behind people all close-and-personal-like and turn them into swiss cheese. At point blank, she can drop pretty much anyone  before they can drop her on a 1v1 basis. When you get ganged up on, yeah, you're probably going to have a blowout, but hopefully you prepared self-destruct before putting yourself in that situation. Either way, if you're not practically hugging them while you blast them, you're not using her at full effect.

My MO with D.Va is to lay low and ambush, and then immediately have an escape route planned toward a med pack if things go sour. I typically try to pick off opponents who are distracted by my teammates ahead of them (Reinhardt is the most hilarious target because he's a complete sitting duck from behind when he has his shields up.) If need be, I'll start boosting forward and self-destruct, effectively turning her mech into a gigantic aimed nuke, which also gives me some distance from it.

Also, she has a huge advantage on maps like Volskaya where the path to the second objective is so damned narrow. D.Va can simply fly around from the right onto the scaffolding and hop on down right into the objective, which allows me to pick off low HP targets and annoying Symmetra turrets before I die or self-destruct.

I guess that's what I really like about her-- she's a defense-based unit meant to be played very aggressively. She's highly mobile with a ton of HP, and deadly at close range. At best, you can clear a huge cluster of opponents. At worst, you can be a distracting high HP target and allow teammates to pick off distracted opponents.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2016, 05:13:19 AM by Matsuri »


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #95 on: June 05, 2016, 05:17:57 AM » has three main "problems".  I expect they'll address at least one:

1) Her damage is fine, but her shot spread is extremely wide.  Tightening it would allow for her to provide reasonable damage outside melee range.

2) The entire front side of her mech is her "head" as far as critical hits are concerned.  Adjusting this would give her needed survivability.

3) Despite her mobility, when firing she slows to a crawl.  This mechanic makes sense, but improving her movement speed while firing would help with keeping pressure on enemies.

Also, she has a huge advantage on maps like Volskaya where the path to the second objective is so damned narrow. D.Va can simply fly around from the right onto the scaffolding and hop on down right into the objective, which allows me to pick off low HP targets and annoying Symmetra turrets before I die or self-destruct.

She can also take the left path on Volskaya, which is neat because few players expect you to pop out there.


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #96 on: June 05, 2016, 05:26:26 AM »
I  think tightening her shot spread would mitigate the latter two issues somewhat, allowing her to be played less at "literally standing on you" range, and thus mobility would matter a bit less while making her front a smaller target due to greater distance.


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #97 on: June 05, 2016, 07:57:40 AM »
Keep in mind that all bullets have a drop-off behaviour where each bullet's damage is greatly reduced depending how far it dropped. This goes for most projectiles. A person has made a google sheet with data showing the values. Google for Oversheet or something.


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #98 on: June 05, 2016, 01:35:49 PM »
I don't really have an issue with that-- I just feel D.Va's midrange damage would improve if her shots didn't spread as much. I don't mind if it's less effective than close range, I just would like to be able to outdamage Mercy at that midrange :V


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #99 on: June 08, 2016, 05:14:23 AM »
Just had a round running D.Va where I got 37 eliminations, most of which were objective kills.

Hot damn, I've found my preferred hero. Now all I have to do is learn a Support class and I'm good to go; I'll have become fairly good at a hero from each class-- McCree for Offense, Mei for Defense, D.Va for tank, and probably Mercy for support, especially since I have no idea how to play the other three efficiently. :V

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #100 on: June 08, 2016, 10:21:24 AM »
I have trouble playing any Support beside Mercy too. I don't like Symmetra's roles, Zenyatta is super slow and I have trouble playing Lucio well.

Not that I like to play Support anyway... :V


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #101 on: June 08, 2016, 01:24:44 PM »
Symmetra I personally found highly map situational. There are a few maps for both Payload and Capture points which are extreme bottle necked and keeping constant pressure is somewhat required.

I still am trying to figure out Zarya's usefulness as a tank in general. She can take punishments. Good ult but further is terrible on open maps and ranged combat. No gap closer like Winston, D.Va, Reinhart or Roadhog.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2016, 01:33:52 PM by Helepolis »

Spotty Len

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #102 on: June 08, 2016, 01:48:40 PM »
Here's a Zarya example.

Not sure about open maps, she really seems better in chokes.


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #103 on: June 08, 2016, 05:18:58 PM »
Zarya is secretly the best tank in the game and the most competitively viable - she appears in competitive matches on offense and defense very frequently (albeit often alongside a Winston or Reinhardt since tanks are extremely viable in general).

Her shield can completely negate enemy Ults (like literally, you can stand next to a D.Va Ult, pop your shield, -also- shield your fellow Mercy or whatever, and you'll both survive with full health), and her DPS at max charge is probably the highest in the game - primary fire will melt tanks in about two seconds and secondary fire is almost comparable to Bastion's ult tank rounds.  She's also the only tank who can refill half her health pool by ducking behind a corner for a few seconds.

The thing with Zarya though is that if you aren't working well with your team, you're just better off playing Winston.  She works best when hanging around with someone else who she can constantly throw shields on, and who can combo with her Graviton Surge to wipe out the enemy team on a point.  She works especially well with Tracer, since the shield is a huge boon for Tracer's weak ass and her pulse bomb charges super fast and can KO anyone caught in a graviton surge.  This is why you don't see much of her while playing with randos.

Silent Harmony

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #104 on: June 08, 2016, 05:53:35 PM »
re: How to play Lucio.

Even though I'm likely a low-ranking player Lucio is my #1 played hero. Basically whether I play with him, Zen, or Mercy depends on a number of situations.

1) Are we on a map with a lot of potential environment kills (2/3 of Ilios, Lijang garden, etc).
2) Are we on attack on a map where the group will be constantly together (Route 66 is a favorite)?
3) Do they have a combo of a good sniper and a lot of squishy, stationary dps (Bas, turrets, etc)?
4) Do we have a Mercy already?
5) Am I on another support and basically doing nothing because I die too fast?

These are just some of the thoughts that come up in my head before I even pick him. In the right situation Lucio is a very strong pick. One thing people really underestimate is his speed boost (especially amped-up). I am constantly switching back and forth between it and healing aura during a match because sometimes you need to help yourself and/or an ally escape damage rather than try to heal through it. Also when you use Q you basically have little reason to heal anyways.

The best way to play Lucio sometimes (see: a lot of times) is to basically be a giant p.i.t.a. in the enemy team's eyes. Constantly jumping, boosting, knocking people back, knocking people over cliffs, constantly sneaking around the map and behind a Bastion (always my favorite part). Lucio is really a support that does everything, just no one thing very well (his damage is especially poor without headshots). However when things start rolling in your team's favor, he can always be there in a flash to do something to put off the enemy just enough for your team to win the fight. He's especially strong alongside a Mercy if your team's damage is already decent, because her single-target HPM is so much higher and he has so much more utility that you don't have to worry too much about keeping people alive and can instead focus on the rest of his kit.

I hope that gives some ideas.

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #105 on: June 08, 2016, 06:18:26 PM »
Healing-wise, Mercy holds down the fort by herself pretty well because it's all she does.  I like to play Lucio or Zenyatta when there's another Lucio/Zenyatta/Symmetra on the team as they play off each other quite well.

(Symmetra is probably my most-played character so I'll just play her whenever I want, even on offense :V)


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #106 on: June 10, 2016, 08:16:34 PM »
I'm starting to really get the hang of Zenyatta.  Once you get the hang of the flow, you can keep almost everyone topped off on health even from long range (though having another healer on the team certainly helps) while MELTING enemies with discord orb.  It's awfully satisfying to see a tank fall within seconds by smacking them in the face with your balls.  And if you can get a Torbjorn to give you armor, your survivability increases significantly.

Spotty Len

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #107 on: June 10, 2016, 08:59:52 PM »
Man, Mei is so much fun to play. I'm pretty crap at playing her, but I'm having fun.

It's awfully satisfying to see a tank fall within seconds by smacking them in the face with your balls.
I didn't think I would read that sentence one day...


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #108 on: June 10, 2016, 10:55:47 PM »
Do we have enough people for inhouse custom matches yet?

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff

Spotty Len

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #109 on: June 10, 2016, 11:13:40 PM »
Depends. I don't think EU and NA can play together decently.


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #110 on: June 11, 2016, 12:59:10 AM »
If you need another warm body my husband recently picked the game up.  There's no way in the world my laptop can run the game and also it'll melt my brain from the motion so I'm out :(


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #111 on: June 12, 2016, 12:31:22 PM »
Depends. I don't think EU and NA can play together decently.

I played in NA servers before, with an average ping of 170ms, maybe that's how EU/NA feels ?


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #112 on: June 13, 2016, 05:38:25 AM »
I swear, are loot boxes programmed to only give you things for heroes you don't play? :(


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #113 on: June 13, 2016, 05:23:44 PM »
My battletag is scorps#1739.

I'm a bad Mei, but there's absolutely n o t h i n g worse than having a really bad Mei on your team.

Silent Harmony

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #114 on: June 14, 2016, 07:17:04 PM »
Added. Also I can think of many things worse than a bad Mei. Having 2+ snipers on offense that couldn't hit the broadside of a Reinhardt shield for instance. Knowing my history I'm sure I've had that at least once.

On the complete other end of the spectrum, though, I somehow ended up in a pug with at least 2 really good players who communicated on mics. Who apparently felt I was a good support and weren't afraid to say so. I felt like I won the lottery.  :D We ended up going on a big win streak (5+ games I'm sure) and the enemies definitely got tougher; the final win before I went to bed we successfully held defense on the last Dorado point with just over 2.00 meters to go. One of them added me as a friend; we'll see if anything comes of it.

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #115 on: June 14, 2016, 09:24:43 PM »
Oh yes, there is nothing better than meeting decent players who know how to communicate.  One of my best recent experiences was when I was solo queue-ing and wound up with two friends who were coordinating the team through mic.  Even though I didn't have a mic myself, I was using the voice commands to communicate with them.  For instance, we were on Numbani on Defense, and the payload was near the end.  We held the point for a good 7 minutes, and one of the guys was a Lucio keeping everyone healed up and watching for flankers.  I was Pharah, and he'd let us know when he saw enemies coming and where, like "We got a Genji coming from the right, Pharah can you take care of it?"  I'd throw up a quick "Acknowledged" and either scare-off or even eliminate the flanker. 

In the end, I managed to wipe out their team with JUSTICE during overtime and they all complimented me on the mic for a job well done.  There is no better feeling~  I even added them as friends, and we continue to play together from time to time.


Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #116 on: June 14, 2016, 10:36:47 PM »
McCree and Widowmaker got nerfed. Feels good man.


  • Danmakufu Scripter
Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #117 on: June 15, 2016, 04:24:12 AM »
McCree and Widowmaker got nerfed. Feels good man.
Rejoice, Zenyattas and tanks.  Now we just wait for the D.Va buff.


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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #118 on: June 18, 2016, 09:53:43 AM »
As main McCree I admit that "Fan of Hammer" Nerf make him kill tank harder ( If enemy team have Torbjorn or Symmettra that make  enemy kill more harder) but at least flash bang combo kill still can kill some heores ( Tracer ,Genji or  Soldier76)

« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 01:27:05 PM by Buggy »

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Re: Overwatch Thread: The Cavalry's Here - Now Live/Rolling Out!
« Reply #119 on: June 19, 2016, 02:36:40 PM »
I'm in for 6v6 inhouse-motk.  I can play decent on Americas ping. Aprox 120. Not the best for FPS games but better than Asia which is 250.

Also on some maps I am starting to like Zayra as tank. Except her ultimate takes so long to charge.