Alright, I'll rank these as that one guy who only plays Easy Modo because I suck at Touhou. That is me.
1. UFO - I never made it past Stage 2 until recently. Then I only made it to Stage 3.
2. SA - Never beaten it, but I did get to Utsuho's very last spell.
3. PCB - I've seen people say this is one of the easier Touhou games. They must be talking about other difficulties compared to other games, because Easy is... not fun. Stage 4 in particular is a nightmare (though I think it is no matter what).
PRISMRIVERS...4. LoLK - I thought this was actually pretty hard, but part of that is because I was playing on Pointdevice so I only had one life. Clownpiece and Junko were frustrating beyond belief. My second run was easier because I managed my bombs better.
5. DDC - I agree, resource management.
6. TD - I might have to try your suggestion of not trying to dodge, because I had some trouble with TD. Stages 3 and 4 in particular were nightmarish to me.
7. EoSD - It's not all that bad honestly, the hard part is not being able to see your hitbox, but you can fix that with a patch if you don't mind not being able to upload your score. And really, if you're playing on Easy, why would you care about score?
8. MoF - Not too bad, made it through this game with not many problems.
9. PoFV - The only bad part about this is Eiki. I have never beaten her without a continue on Easy, but everything else? Pretty smooth sailing.
10. IN - My favorite game is also the easiest IMO. This is the game I play again and again because I know I can do it with relative ease.
Yes I know I suck at these games.
6. EoSD - I have no idea why so many people recommend to start with this game. It's choppy and full of bad RNG.
I personally do this because it's the first in the series not counting PC-98. My recommendation has nothing to do with mechanics, but I always tell people if they want to start off easy to start with IN.