Just to share notes (anybody can respond) how do you respond to bad games, whether it be teammates or yourself?
Me? This latest go-around I've tried something different. Rather than going in thinking "I am god awful and everyone else has to carry my sorry ass QQ" I think "no matter what I'm going to try and be a positive influence on the game through chat and/or through my play." This I feel has helped me not only have a ton of fun, but maybe even win. The first 2 games yesterday really solidified this in my head.
Game 1 had a Rumble top who constantly bitched our Lee jungle about not getting ganks (vs. Riven). Was he correct? I don't know, and I didn't care. Instead I tried to mediate when I could (Lee calmed down I believe) and play up my teams accomplishments and help, even when they congratulated me. Rumble being a cocky s.o.b. aside, we won the game. Even though I went 7/3/17 on Sona, I still feel like it was a team win because there were so many times where we worked together to get things done.
Games 2 was horrible because I had very little presence despite being the main tank of the team. It got really bad because our Jinx was getting pretty salty about my play and we actually went down 8k gold despite having constant pressure on their base. Unlike before, where I would get really down on myself for dying so much and with so little positive coming out of it, I kept psyching myself up to give it one more shot. Sure enough, we ended up getting a jungle fight late and a great charge and ultimate before dying landed me 4 assists and, more importantly, gave Jinx the path needed to charge the Nexus and end it. I'm under no illusion that I was the driving force behind the win, but I feel like I played a small, yet important, part late.
Hell even bad teammates don't get me down at all.
Game 4 had a Yi that spent the whole game either split-pushing or dead. One moment that encapsulated his performance was when their team was sieging mid and 2-3 of us were huddled around the inhib turret waiting for them. Sudden here comes Lee out of the jungle behind them alone. Needless to say got gibbed before getting a single attack off. My response?
I laughed. I laughed hard. I didn't get angry, I didn't scream at my computer. I just laughed. Because it's just a game, and I was having fun despite his idiocy.
Another thing that I've improved greatly on is my warding. I always tried to keep wards up in the past (and often failed) but whether it's the new system or what I noticed I'm a lot better now.
G1: 13/2 (Placed/Vision)
G2: 26/6
G4: 23/6