Author Topic: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side  (Read 140029 times)

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #300 on: March 04, 2015, 04:19:48 PM »
as opposed to Lakshmi's shitty set damage strike

You're gonna have to explain this one to me, because I don't understand.

Lakshmi's max attack without +eggs is 1336, meaning that active does 26720 damage and heals 13360. Not exactly what I'd call bad, especially if the leaders don't have RCV multipliers (and if the leaders have an above-% conditional this very well might get them back over that threshold).

Even if we take a boss with actual defense, like say Mephisto, that's still (26720 - 3350)/2 = 11685 HP healed, on top of the three heart orbs for more healing if you need it. Using it on a fire boss might well be a full heal without the need to combo for it.

I agree that Parvati's lower cooldown makes that active more easily accessible, but Lakshmi's isn't bad.

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #301 on: March 04, 2015, 04:37:45 PM »
An actual cool thing about Lakshmi's active is that you have a 13000+ heal readily available every 8 turns. Naturally, this goes twice if you run dual Lakshmi.

Hell, by using Zeus Mercury or Noah and both Lakshmi actives you have the most trivial 80% water board on a 20.25x multiplier. Bonus damage for using Wadatsumi or Hera-Is to enhance - Hera-Is has more orb enhance power while Wadatsumi delays, so the choice is in the air.

Since Noah and Lakshmis are all physical, you can even forgo the orb enhance and go straight for King Bubbly (or Aquaman if you like actual stats) on an already killer board!

To add more physical damage to the mix, you can use Siegfried to the mix alongside a double conversion like Gabriel or Andromeda. Just make sure to use Siegfried before Gabriel to keep heart orbs available!

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #302 on: March 04, 2015, 04:51:47 PM »
You're gonna have to explain this one to me, because I don't understand.

Lakshmi's max attack without +eggs is 1336, meaning that active does 26720 damage and heals 13360. Not exactly what I'd call bad, especially if the leaders don't have RCV multipliers (and if the leaders have an above-% conditional this very well might get them back over that threshold).

Even if we take a boss with actual defense, like say Mephisto, that's still (26720 - 3350)/2 = 11685 HP healed, on top of the three heart orbs for more healing if you need it. Using it on a fire boss might well be a full heal without the need to combo for it.

I agree that Parvati's lower cooldown makes that active more easily accessible, but Lakshmi's isn't bad.

Edit: i can't read

Lakshmi also has the better ls imo


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #303 on: March 04, 2015, 04:52:13 PM »
I think I'd rather run a heartmaker, like Gabby or Andromeda. They do that on the same cooldown, and are more versatile. Two sets of heart orbs for 4.5x doesn't sound very appealing when Sarasvati exists.

I disagree with your use of "versatile" here.  3 hearts means 3 hearts regardless of the state of the board.  You won't get any hearts if there are no dark/light orbs for gabriel/andromeda respectively.  Your entire board could be jammers and Awoken Lakshmi will still heal you.  You can't really get more versatile, imo.

I think her leader skill is up in the air, but I feel it's much easier to activate than andromeda's or sarasvati's, and has the full fallback 3x damage to boot if you couldn't activate the bonus damage.

this just makes me worried for Isis cause yamap just seems to hate water physicals


Are there any other very notable, attainable (not Dmeta) dark subs for rainbow teams? I wish black Ra had real-ass big boy awakenings so I could use him.

Dark Izanami is probably the go-to farmable dark sub.

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #304 on: March 04, 2015, 05:28:53 PM »
bodin doesn't count :V

also didn't think about zeus merc, that actually works pretty well i guess

parvati still feels way more versatile since she'd be a welcome addition to like any spike team (especially bastet holy shit) while lakshi seems to generally be for some kind of blue row team, and even then i'd rather use andromeda cause her awakenings are far more useful. you basically trade an extra row+skill lock resist for auto heal, water+, and a tpa bluh

well her leader skill is better i suppose. higher upper end + a trivial lower end

and yeah the active heals a lot but 8 cd stall move is still eh. if it was less then it would be great, but 8 turns is almost as long as a 7 star. it can help in a pinch but it won't let you stall like parvati's

meanwhile juggler is still way better than either of them :derp: :derp:

The Greatest Dog

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #305 on: March 04, 2015, 05:34:08 PM »
Dark Izanami may have the HP to help out rainbow teams a lot, but I'm still voting Beelzebub for best farmable dark mob.

But I'm biased [/beelzebae]

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #306 on: March 04, 2015, 05:44:01 PM »
Man this game is really boring at rank 25.  Waiting in that data restore

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #307 on: March 04, 2015, 05:49:09 PM »
meanwhile juggler is still way better than either of them :derp: :derp:

juggler sux he doesn't work with leilan

all hail neo parvati


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #308 on: March 04, 2015, 05:50:22 PM »
Dark Izanami may have the HP to help out rainbow teams a lot, but I'm still voting Beelzebub for best farmable dark mob.

But I'm biased [/beelzebae]

You think he works as a rainbow sub? That didn't occur to me, but that actually sounds solid. I am going to max out two Izanamis, but I'll get to work on him too. Give me something to do with all the spare orbs clogging my box too.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #309 on: March 04, 2015, 05:57:51 PM »
PADZ incoming again.

My body is so ready; gonna actually stone for stamina for the first time in a long while.

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #310 on: March 04, 2015, 06:50:32 PM »
i think the only reason why more people dont use beelz is cause he needs goddamn ONE OF EVERY JEWEL

also tried a red focused skill lock team for hera B but i blew up alarune and had no actives charged for hades

man he has a lot of hp


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #311 on: March 04, 2015, 07:00:40 PM »
awoken lakshmi more like awoken trashmi (i'll give it a month before i like her more than her old form like ceres)

parvarti got swole as fuck, I guess they realized the row thing wasn't working out for her :v

i think the only reason why more people dont use beelz is cause he needs goddamn ONE OF EVERY JEWEL


also a lot of the big stars have rows instead of prongs (lu bu, Fa luci, loki) even if a lot of the orb changers have prongs (perse, devil sirius)

so they gravitate towards rows

this is why i want prong lu bu

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #312 on: March 04, 2015, 07:03:01 PM »
inb4 he gets orb enhances


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #313 on: March 04, 2015, 07:44:14 PM »
also fuck beorc and fuck my verdandi friends for not skill maxing their shit :T

shynpy get though

two more and superman is skill maxed

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #314 on: March 04, 2015, 09:00:27 PM »
awoken lakshmi more like awoken trashmi

but she's hot trash
10/10 would get in the water

Edit: So I was walking out from class and then suddenly some weirdo guy jumps in front of me with his arms out going all H0O HO0 H0O or some shit, rudely preventing me from going forward. If only he knew how badly he was about to get destroyed.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 09:59:15 PM by OverlordChirei »

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #315 on: March 04, 2015, 10:21:38 PM »
i just realized the real fun part is awoken parvati is actually amazing juggler sub

low cd heal, is devil, and wood is still covered by juggler's active

so this really just adds to the juggler creep

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #316 on: March 04, 2015, 10:28:31 PM »
Do we know the general JP reaction to these uvos? If it's bad enough, we may see a second bastet coming in.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 10:30:31 PM by Toyosatomimi No Sacchi »


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #317 on: March 04, 2015, 10:34:36 PM »
Four more Izanami runs today, four more slightly different strategies and/or permutations of my team, four more ogres left with less than 10% health after four more major combos with zero skyfalls. By all accounts I should stop wasting stamina at this point and accept that Izanami is impossible for my team. But it's not, that's the thing, I think I should win this like 50% of the time. It's like that sinister PAD mastermind in his control room is watching me do this, realizing that I really want it and might get desperate or frustrated enough to stone for stamina eventually, and is hitting the "zero skyfalls" button every time I combo and it matters. I don't need that much luck, either a slightly better opening board or slightly higher combos, but I can never get them. I can't give up now, but I kind of want to. But I can't.

Still haven't figured out if the I&I friend lead for more rows or the Metatron friend lead for a higher multiplier matters more. One of them is probably the more consistent option, but I don't have the understanding of practical math or PAD math to figure out which it is. At this point I'm considering shit like a Santa Sakuya friend lead to get an even higher multiplier to hopefully ensure a kill on the first floor, but that's a terrible idea.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #318 on: March 04, 2015, 10:39:29 PM »
I don't want him

Look Chirei, if I say I don't want Lu bu, I don't get Lu bu


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #319 on: March 04, 2015, 11:09:10 PM »
Mothafuuuuuuuuuuck Mephisto's dungeon.

I meticulously plot through the entire dungeon using CUNNING and GUILE and U&Y, and I get him down below 40% having exactly 128 life after using dmeta's shield to tank part of a hit and lmeta's heal to clear part of his binds, and all I need to do is make one more U&Y combo... and I'm short one dark orb.  I pray for a skyfall, and a shit ton of dark orbs do drop, but none make a combo and it's really sad and bah ;_;


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #320 on: March 04, 2015, 11:09:46 PM »
Heart orb troll immunity or ability to heal in no rcv dungeons >>>>>>>>>>> water orb enhance.  The latter is available from several other subs anyway, including PQ hera-is.

3 hearts is jack shit useless when i can just use 5 cd heartmaker lol

edit: I've got chester and wee jas for jammer and poison boards sooooo lack pf caring :v
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 11:12:31 PM by tranceHiME »

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #321 on: March 04, 2015, 11:11:07 PM »
3 hearts is jack shit useless when i can just use 5 cd heartmaker lol

I disagree with your use of "versatile" here.  3 hearts means 3 hearts regardless of the state of the board.  You won't get any hearts if there are no dark/light orbs for gabriel/andromeda respectively.  Your entire board could be jammers and Awoken Lakshmi will still heal you.  You can't really get more versatile, imo.



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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #322 on: March 04, 2015, 11:14:19 PM »

edit: I've got chester and wee jas for jammer and poison boards sooooo lack pf caring :v


« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 11:16:59 PM by tranceHiME »

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #323 on: March 04, 2015, 11:34:38 PM »
Four more Izanami runs today, four more slightly different strategies and/or permutations of my team, four more ogres left with less than 10% health after four more major combos with zero skyfalls. By all accounts I should stop wasting stamina at this point and accept that Izanami is impossible for my team. But it's not, that's the thing, I think I should win this like 50% of the time. It's like that sinister PAD mastermind in his control room is watching me do this, realizing that I really want it and might get desperate or frustrated enough to stone for stamina eventually, and is hitting the "zero skyfalls" button every time I combo and it matters. I don't need that much luck, either a slightly better opening board or slightly higher combos, but I can never get them. I can't give up now, but I kind of want to. But I can't.

Still haven't figured out if the I&I friend lead for more rows or the Metatron friend lead for a higher multiplier matters more. One of them is probably the more consistent option, but I don't have the understanding of practical math or PAD math to figure out which it is. At this point I'm considering shit like a Santa Sakuya friend lead to get an even higher multiplier to hopefully ensure a kill on the first floor, but that's a terrible idea.
you're targeting the yellow ogre right? basically you need to deal 600k in 2 turns or 300k per turn, so you can theory craft you damage in endless corridors until you have something that can burst that hard right away.


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #324 on: March 04, 2015, 11:41:27 PM »
3x Cao Cao(why!?)
2x DQXQ(One is good, two is sorta not so helpful but maybe it'll be a skillup)
1x LZL(Adorable, but sadly the LS just isn't good enough now that his fullsize form has 4.5x.)

I must conctinue to pursue Lu Bu and/or Sun Quan.
If you're a Pazudora player and aren't on #puzzleandlibrarians, come join us!


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #325 on: March 04, 2015, 11:44:34 PM »
meanwhile juggler is still way better than either of them :derp: :derp:

suikama pls

Do we know the general JP reaction to these uvos? If it's bad enough, we may see a second bastet coming in.

imo Parvati is good, Lakshmi... I think yama just hates her for some reason.

And why did they release something so directly comparable to Juggler this early. Aren't they trying to get people to forget Juggler or what. ==

The Greatest Dog

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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #326 on: March 05, 2015, 12:15:23 AM »
... not sure why everyone is hating on Lakshmi. At eight turns, it's easily the most powerful and low cd healing active that goes up to 17000 with +eggs.

LZL can only heal 10,000 on ten turns, and LMeta can only go up to 7,000~ per six turns, I thought? Basically, it's a huge healing skill on a physical mob that has huge HP and low RCV to begin with.

The only comparable thing is G/D Ceres being -skillmaxed- on double Satan/Beelzebub leads.

The braindead x9 and the trivial Noah+6heal 20.25x combo is also like "you're already dead"

Skuld>Hermes>2Lakshmi also works and you have 80% skill bind resist right there -and- you're still full Physical typing for Noah and Bubblie shenanigans.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 12:20:14 AM by Fast Fanatic »


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #327 on: March 05, 2015, 12:27:16 AM »
you're targeting the yellow ogre right? basically you need to deal 600k in 2 turns or 300k per turn, so you can theory craft you damage in endless corridors until you have something that can burst that hard right away.

Yeep. With a x4 (or x4.7 with Metratron) team unfortunately, since I don't think I can clear the rest of the dungeon with anyone but Gabe. And my phone is broken right now in such a way that I can't screencap (at least I don't think I can, is there a way to screencap on an android without the power button?) so I can't easily count my damage in TEC. Maybe my problem is that most of my strategies so far have revolved around clearing away blindness turn one and doing one huge burst turn two and I would be better off trying to split my damage. But since I can't screencap, cheating around the blindness isn't easy. I'm not used to doing it by peeking at each orb one at a time.

This has always been, and will always be, my team's biggest problem. I can't output damage very quickly without all of my skills up. Early countdown floors are killer and they don't get much harsher than this one.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #328 on: March 05, 2015, 12:33:01 AM »


We're discussing pad in general not your personal monster box

As far as skuld is concerned, why yes a special god is better than a regular god :V

Re: Puzzle and Dragons 18: Swing your orbs from side to side
« Reply #329 on: March 05, 2015, 12:35:10 AM »
... not sure why everyone is hating on Lakshmi. At eight turns, it's easily the most powerful and low cd healing active that goes up to 17000 with +eggs.

LZL can only heal 10,000 on ten turns, and LMeta can only go up to 7,000~ per six turns, I thought? Basically, it's a huge healing skill on a physical mob that has huge HP and low RCV to begin with.

The only comparable thing is G/D Ceres being -skillmaxed- on double Satan/Beelzebub leads.

The braindead x9 and the trivial Noah+6heal 20.25x combo is also like "you're already dead"

Skuld>Hermes>2Lakshmi also works and you have 80% skill bind resist right there -and- you're still full Physical typing for Noah and Bubblie shenanigans.
yeah realistically both leader skills are good enough to annihilate every descend out right now (I mean if you can clear descends with leaders like Isis and Leilan you should be fine with anything that can deal at least x3.5). Lakishi + Skulds in particular is like ronia tier of push button get damage with even better leader multiplers and does more damage without actives and has Lakishi active for healing.

its just her design is awkward as hell, like being a cursed blue physical instead of the loved blue healers, and especially her awakenings which are a mess. like come on focus on either +orbs, TPA, or rows. don't mash them all together like that. unless yamap has plans for some weird new +orb hybrid buff i dunno.
as a sub the lack of focus in her awakenings means it's hard for her to fill any niche optimally. like for a blue row team andro is better. also she's not a healer and everyone loves blue healers so much more than physicals
as a leader i guess it does let you build whatever you want, but generally you want to focus on either tpa or rows so having random amounts of the other stuff is generally a waste (well I guess bodin makes it viable though)
and for subs you're limited in some ways since you can't use ronia or chinese girls cause no heart orbs, so basically you want a shitload of skulds and bodins and yeah have fun rolling those
also have fun finding friends who also use her :V