Author Topic: Touhou 14.5: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo. is HM sequel, demo at Comiket 87  (Read 840406 times)

To clarify, cuc, Fear meant this tweet where someone mentioned about the crashing. Then Unabara replied that he confirmed it as a bug.
This was back on April 30th

But still:

"We've confirmed a bug that there are certain times where, if you don't have an internet connection, the game will crash/freeze."

At least they also acknowledged that needing internet is also a bug. This is a good step towards fixing the latest problems.

We've confirmed a bug that there are certain times where, if you don't have an internet connection, the game will crash/freeze.

Hmmm... the thing I'm thinking of here is that they haven't actually acknowledged if IP address lockouts are actually a part of this problem or not. They said it was only if you don't have an internet connection, not if your IP address is outside of Japan.

The possibility of them actually having a Gaijin lockout that was intentional is still there unless they say that was a bug as well.  :ohdear:

I guess in its current state, the game needs internet because it needs to contact tasofro's servers (even if I don't know why it needs to). And when the game freezes, that's because it can't reach tasofro's servers.
And within regions where tasofro's IP is blocked, the game can't reach tasofro's servers, and so the game freezes.

But yes, we can't exclude the fact that the IP block was intentional, and the game freezing without an internet connection may be only a side effect of this IP block.
Maybe we will see in the next update. They may fix that, and if they do something like keeping the connection but checking if the computer have internet before doing so, the possibility that this is an IP block will still be there.

On another note, tasofro seems to have stopped releasing updates for now, so we'll work on updating the english patch for the new game version. And I'll update the thing I made to remove the IP block as well.


  • Hisouten/soku Enthusiast
Hmmm... the thing I'm thinking of here is that they haven't actually acknowledged if IP address lockouts are actually a part of this problem or not. They said it was only if you don't have an internet connection, not if your IP address is outside of Japan.

The possibility of them actually having a Gaijin lockout that was intentional is still there unless they say that was a bug as well.  :ohdear:

I guess in its current state, the game needs internet because it needs to contact tasofro's servers (even if I don't know why it needs to). And when the game freezes, that's because it can't reach tasofro's servers.
And within regions where tasofro's IP is blocked, the game can't reach tasofro's servers, and so the game freezes.

But yes, we can't exclude the fact that the IP block was intentional, and the game freezing without an internet connection may be only a side effect of this IP block.
Maybe we will see in the next update. They may fix that, and if they do something like keeping the connection but checking if the computer have internet before doing so, the possibility that this is an IP block will still be there.

On another note, tasofro seems to have stopped releasing updates for now, so we'll work on updating the english patch for the new game version. And I'll update the thing I made to remove the IP block as well.

This one is an older problem. I can't cite resource, but as far as I recall they admitted that their server provider blocks some IP (and they can't really do anything about it).

In the first place, it's not exactly a "region" block. For one, some people from my country can't access it, while some others (majority) can.

This one is an older problem. I can't cite resource, but as far as I recall they admitted that their server provider blocks some IP (and they can't really do anything about it).

In the first place, it's not exactly a "region" block. For one, some people from my country can't access it, while some others (majority) can.

Not to mention that the same thing is happening on the Japanese side as well, so that kicked the "blocking gaijin" theory out the window.

This one is an older problem. I can't cite resource, but as far as I recall they admitted that their server provider blocks some IP (and they can't really do anything about it).

Ahhh, so it's the company that hosts their servers that blocks certain IP's and it isn't a deliberate effort on TasFro's front to keep us gaijin's out. Gotcha. Perhaps since they are a small doujin circle, they could only afford cheap server options for the game and one of those ways that the server provider keeps their costs down is by blocking IP's from long distances that would be resource intensive to those servers?

The plot thickens!  :V

On another note, tasofro seems to have stopped releasing updates for now, so we'll work on updating the english patch for the new game version. And I'll update the thing I made to remove the IP block as well.

Brliron you glorious guy, show TasFro how it's done for great justice!  :D

But wait, what about the whole potential update where TasFro might add Reisen as a fighter in the PC version? I mean, it hasn't been announced as concrete yet but that will mean another whole story branch for Reisen to be added if it is announced for the PC version. Is it worth updating the English patch yet if something like that is potentially on its way in the future?

I think Reisen on PC won't happen soon. It don't think it will happen before the PS4 release, and I'm quite sure the PS4 release won't happen anytime soon.
On the other hand, updating the patch won't take that much time. Well, translating all the Reisen-related stuff would take some time, but the things to translate between 1.11 and 1.31b are close to none. And on the technical side, we don't need months to update the patch. Well, we didn't do it because it still takes some hours, and we didn't want to waste these hours while the updates were coming every week.


  • Hisouten/soku Enthusiast
I think Reisen on PC won't happen soon. It don't think it will happen before the PS4 release, and I'm quite sure the PS4 release won't happen anytime soon.
On the other hand, updating the patch won't take that much time. Well, translating all the Reisen-related stuff would take some time, but the things to translate between 1.11 and 1.31b are close to none. And on the technical side, we don't need months to update the patch. Well, we didn't do it because it still takes some hours, and we didn't want to waste these hours while the updates were coming every week.

Thank you! Your IP block removed version is a huge help. It also seems to work in the latest version.

New version of the no ip block patch. This one is based on v1.31b, so it may contain some changes tasofro made between v1.30 and v1.31b that weren't changed when using the old no ip block patch.

On another note, tasofro seems to have stopped releasing updates for now, so we'll work on updating the english patch for the new game version. And I'll update the thing I made to remove the IP block as well.
Cool, looking forward to it!
In addition to the 1.31b update, are there any other changes or bugfixes that we can expect in the new English patch? I know the 1.11e patch currently has a minor text alignment bug in the Story character select and the 2P side of the Versus character select; the title of the first spellcard is a bit too far to the right.
Playing Touhou since 18 March 2012. Playing video games since 19XX.
Normal 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS, CtC.
Extra 1CC: EoSD, PCB+Phantasm, IN, PoFV (K&S), MoF, SA, TD, HSiFS, CtC+Phantasm.
Hard 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, CtC.
Lunatic 1CC: EoSD


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
  • *
  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
I talked with someone from TasoFro recently and they told me they didn't do any kind of banning for connecting from foreign countries. It was a matter of lag, where if your connection was below a certain threshold, then you were disconnected, simple as that. I forgot to ask about needing to make new accounts, but they did mention that they banned only as a security concern, what with that bug that could be used maliciously a while back.

I might not have understood everything 100% but I'm at least 80% certain they are not purposefully trying to harsh on foreigners. If more countries were closer to Japan where the majority of the playerbase is, it wouldn't be as pronounced. Although as was mentioned before, the disconnecting was experienced by a bunch of Japanese players too.

In addition to the 1.31b update, are there any other changes or bugfixes that we can expect in the new English patch? I know the 1.11e patch currently has a minor text alignment bug in the Story character select and the 2P side of the Versus character select; the title of the first spellcard is a bit too far to the right.
Oops, I forgot to answer to that.
Yes, why not. But in order to fix these bugs, we need to be aware of them. For example, I didn't know about this bug, and while I could have seen it for 2P side in VS mode, I don't think I would have found it by myself in story mode.

English patch updated to v1.31 (unofficial release).
This one comes with a network mode fix by brlrion, but I haven't been able to test it myself. Please report any bugs and oddities in the thread.


  • ForsakenSpitfire
When I see "Unofficial" I see that it means "Fan-Made".


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Unabara: If nothing goes wrong, patch 1.32 will be live on June 21.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Patch 1.32 is live. The startup crash is gone. No balance changes.

There are some bug fixes:
AI no longer fall into a state of moving in one direction repeatedly;
story mode double KO no longer crash the game;
the Lunar Capital's projectile slowdown effect no longer disappears first.

As well as changes to Practice mode behavior:
the dummy now only returns to its designated horizontal location only after being hit or guarding;
the dummy will move to the designated horizontal location before repeating the automatic upward or downward movement.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

The game seems to work without an internet connection now. Does it work as well in a region unable to connect to tasofro's servers?


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Works fine here.

Just a note that there's now a new patch on the tasofro site: ver.1.40 beta.
I'm not entirely sure what's this about since I haven't applied it yet...

Mostly bugfixes and balancing, it seems.
And a few sentences in story mode were changed.

I found this in 1.40b:

Bizarreness: Bullet speed slows down
Bizarreness: Lower places get dangerous
Bizarreness: The closer one gets to the gate, death approaches?
Bizarreness: Healing power lies in the balls
Bizarreness: Heavenly punishment lies in the balls
Bizarreness: The battlefield gets narrower
Bizarreness: Use as many occult attacks as you like

What. Do. You. Think?

« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 10:45:10 PM by Splashman »

I found this in 1.40b:

Bizarreness: Bullet speed slows down
Bizarreness: Lower places get dangerous
Bizarreness: The closer one gets to the gate, death approaches?
Bizarreness: Healing power lies in the balls
Bizarreness: Heavenly punishment lies in the balls
Bizarreness: The battlefield gets narrower
Bizarreness: Use as many occult attacks as you like

What. Do. You. Think?

The text is the descriptions for each Ocullt Ball effect originaly seen in the PS4 version and now added to the PC one. The Mokou sprites are originaly used in the PS4 version for her last attack in Reisen's story and might suggest her eventual addition to the PC version.

That's what I assumed.
Now, it doesn't have to prove anything that Reisen's gonna show up on PC, but it still is interesting that they'd (carelessly or intentionally) leave PS4 assets in there. Unfortunately they're non-indexed files, so we don't have their proper files names.

At the very least, we have video evidence of the Occult Ball texts from footage of ver1.40beta:

Yeah, I just confirmed it myself.

Looks like we still have some patching to do...

it amazes me that tasofro continues to break their own game

it amazes me that tasofro continues to break their own game
Please elaborate.

The text is the descriptions for each Ocullt Ball effect originaly seen in the PS4 version and now added to the PC one. The Mokou sprites are originaly used in the PS4 version for her last attack in Reisen's story and might suggest her eventual addition to the PC version.
that good news if true


  • Border of Whatever
Patch 1.40 released!