Author Topic: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...  (Read 12520 times)


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #30 on: December 08, 2014, 07:31:52 PM »
Anything, I repeat, ANYTHING, that related to cats :)
A giant (unnamed) Catfish would be nice then, I guess. :P

As for me? Tsukumogami of a baton. The kinda baton Yuuka has in MS. I could whack people and lead a marching band.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #31 on: December 09, 2014, 12:01:07 AM »
Pessimist answer: TBH I'd decline. Gensokyo looks fun from an outside, entertainment-centric perspective, but half of the characters are canonically bored out of their minds IIRC, and coming from a society with access to the internet and thus the entertainment produce of millions within easy reach, I imagine I'd fare far worse. If regular humans weren't barred on account of not being supernatural, I'd probably choose that so that I could get reincarnated somewhere more fun.

Optimist answer: Magician all the way! Long-lived human with magical powers and the capacity to expand the scope, depth and presumably scale of said powers over time, no weird quirks or weaknesses like photophobia or sardine heads, and human mentality. Or a Hermit. Or a Hermit onmyodo-using Magician with shapeshifting powers, why not.


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #32 on: December 09, 2014, 12:19:13 AM »
Gensokyo looks fun from an outside, entertainment-centric perspective, but half of the characters are canonically bored out of their minds IIRC, and coming from a society with access to the internet and thus the entertainment produce of millions within easy reach, I imagine I'd fare far worse.

Yes. I think just the culture shock of going from, say, an industrialized society to the kind of society they have on the other side of the border would be something to contend with. Gensokyo is like a libertarian nightmare dystopia with flying magical girls, numerous youkai, extraterrestrials, and deities; endless power struggle after power struggle, danmaku everywhere. Even if it didn't effect Random Shoemaker in the Village directly, I think that kind of environment would take some getting used to, to say the least.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #33 on: December 09, 2014, 03:57:50 AM »
A CatMan

A time youkai(Yggdrassil?) unlike human sakuya
« Last Edit: December 12, 2014, 01:19:27 PM by IshikoriRai »

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #34 on: December 10, 2014, 04:20:37 AM »
Uhh, I think that running away (screaming) is the safest option here. If it's Yukari, it's almost CERTAINLY a trap.

That said, native gods seem pretty chill. Probably just a minor god like Minoriko, so I could hang out with worshipers and live off small amounts of faith.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #35 on: December 10, 2014, 09:39:19 PM »
I would be a fairy who lives alongside a tranquil creek. Either that or a Kappa.

Ahh I could have sworn a mimic was something more then just a chest monster... but I get nothing. I guess the closest thing I can think of that's close would be a Doppelganger. Maybe I should pick something else.

Perhaps a shapeshifter?

If I can't be Yukari a fairy's the nexy best thing, I guess. They get to live freely, and even if the are powerless in the grand scheme of things they're either too dumb to realise or too dumb to care. And since they never have to worry about dying why should they care? Ignorance is bliiiissss~

As I said, you would retain all knowledge that you currently have, for example, a PhD who becomes a fairy would be the smartest fairy in all of Gensokyo.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #36 on: December 10, 2014, 11:54:44 PM »
As I said, you would retain all knowledge that you currently have, for example, a PhD who becomes a fairy would be the smartest fairy in all of Gensokyo.

I was going to make a joke, but that would be too obvious even for me. I still choose fairy, though >_< maybe an Oni or Satori (ie: Koishi) any of those carefree type races.
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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #37 on: December 11, 2014, 12:57:35 AM »
Uhh, I think that running away (screaming) is the safest option here. If it's Yukari, it's almost CERTAINLY a trap.
I don't think that's the best idea...

And for the reasons presented in said movie, I'd rather not go into Gensokyo, and refuse in an agressive but safe way. (What that is, I'll leave it to you to decide.) But if I had to, I'd become a turtle youkai, somewhat like Bowser except not.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 01:24:42 AM by Goomba98 »


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #38 on: December 11, 2014, 08:08:49 AM »
And for the reasons presented in said movie, I'd rather not go into Gensokyo

I think you took that movie way too close to heart while missing a key point. Gappies there stand for fanfic writers who barely know anything about Touhou yet still write Touhou fics. But what if Yukari was to gap in someone who knows and loves that world, someone who wouldn't try breaking it no matter what? I doubt there would be any point to do that if her motives were the same.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2014, 10:27:26 AM by C.Angel »


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #39 on: December 11, 2014, 08:44:40 PM »
I think you took that movie way too close to heart while missing a key point. Gappies there stand for fanfic writers who barely know anything about Touhou yet still write Touhou fics. But what if Yukari was to gap in someone who knows and loves that world, someone who wouldn't try breaking it no matter what? I doubt there would be any point to do that if her motives were the same.
You're right, but I still think Gensokyo would be boring to live in due to the lack of technology.

Watch me change my opinion in the near future.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 10:24:51 PM by Goomba98 »

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #40 on: December 15, 2014, 01:18:47 AM »
 I'd like to be like Bill Cipher.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #41 on: December 15, 2014, 08:28:04 PM »
I don't think that's the best idea...
Oh god... what are these... beads of liquid coming from my eyes... I haven't cried at an anime/cartoon/whatever since Clannad After Story.

But in all honesty, I'd probably refuse her offer. I've got too much to leave behind in the real world. If Yukari insists on it (or drags me in), I'd be a fairy, and just hang out trying to stay out of others' way, occasionally have a danmaku duel here and there.

Although I'm bad enough at Touhou to probably get shot no more than 1 minute into the duel...

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #42 on: December 16, 2014, 01:30:56 AM »
I'd love to be a kamaitachi.


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2014, 02:08:10 AM »
I'd like to be a Magician. Think of all those magical stuffs you can do with magic! and also I'll be happily ste...borrowing magic books from Patchouli.

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2014, 06:51:57 AM »
I'd like to be a Magician. Think of all those magical stuffs you can do with magic! and also I'll be happily ste...borrowing magic books from Patchouli.

You'll have to compete with Marisa for that. :3

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #45 on: December 17, 2014, 05:57:58 PM »
You'll have to compete with Marisa for that. :3

I wonder if she takes apprentices, though.....? Hey, that actually might be kind of nice. If not incredibly dangerous.

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #46 on: December 17, 2014, 10:27:51 PM »
How about a Satori? I don't give a damn about ugly, horrible thoughts ::)

But yeah, since I'm still too attached with this world I would probably refuse her offer.
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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2014, 09:35:23 AM »
You'll have to compete with Marisa for that. :3

I'm sure Patchouli has enough books for both to steal. Her library is like a TARDIS after all.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Razzi Zadhna

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #48 on: December 18, 2014, 08:55:26 PM »
Or maybe you could, just, like, get to know Patchy and borrow her books like a normal person?

Also, everyone here seems to be forgetting that you're becoming a man-eating monster who thinks in ways incomprehensible to humans who are averse to bonding together unlike humans.

>B-but that only happen in bad grimderp doujins, Razzi-kun

Okay, fine, you're still a walking Humanoid Abomination whom most humans think to be a flesh-devouring monster that will eat their babies and terrorize them

I hope you like living alone and never getting laid


But on a happier note, I think I'll change my decision from before. I might wish to be a Kitsune, for their long life, power, and precious fluffy tails. Plus they're highly intelligent. I wouldn't try to woo Ran, though. I'd rather go and catch me a cute Crow Tengu or Rabbit (Moon or Earth, doesn't matter) boy, 'cause, you know, foxes prey on birds and rabbits...


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #49 on: December 18, 2014, 09:10:25 PM »
I hope you like living alone and never getting laid

Explain Rinnosuke. And youkai-born magicians.

Razzi Zadhna

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #50 on: December 18, 2014, 09:15:05 PM »
That's probably the exception, not the rule. Most youkai don't really need a reproductive drive because they just sort of "pop" into existence; they have no families, no legacy to carry on, and the like. Those that actually have formed societies and don't just pop into existence from the elements like Tengu, Kappa, and the Oni...maybe. They actually have a reason to breed. But do they even breed? I heard that Crow Tengu lay eggs but I don't know if that's canon or not. 

And youkai actually consorting with humans would of course be extremely rare. Most people don't screw their food, and most people don't scree something that wants to eat them.


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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #51 on: December 18, 2014, 11:07:32 PM »
I heard that Crow Tengu lay eggs but I don't know if that's canon or not.

It is. Eastern and Little Nature Deity, chapter 5.

Miki Revolverhead

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Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2014, 01:05:29 AM »
I believe I'd be a Bake-Danuki. I'm not gonna lie, I just want the fluffy tail.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2014, 07:21:37 AM »
Also, everyone here seems to be forgetting that you're becoming a man-eating monster who thinks in ways incomprehensible to humans who are averse to bonding together unlike humans.

[...] you're a walking Humanoid Abomination whom most humans think to be a flesh-devouring monster that will eat their babies and terrorize them

I hope you like living alone and never getting laid


But on a happier note, I think I'll change my decision from before. I might wish to be a Kitsune, for their long life, power, and precious fluffy tails. Plus they're highly intelligent. I wouldn't try to woo Ran, though. I'd rather go and catch me a cute Crow Tengu or Rabbit (Moon or Earth, doesn't matter) boy, 'cause, you know, foxes prey on birds and rabbits...

If you're going to take the stance that turning into a Youkai alters your brain chemistry, wouldn't that include turning off your libido? Not much point in a sexless organism feeling the need to boink after all.

Razzi Zadhna

  • bye chagen
Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2014, 03:24:39 PM »
Perhaps, but us humans love to give our supernatural creatures a libido whole "I hope you like living alone and never getting laid" thing was just a cheeky joke, by the way.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2014, 11:37:27 PM »
Most youkai don't really need a reproductive drive because they just sort of "pop" into existence; they have no families, no legacy to carry on, and the like. Those that actually have formed societies and don't just pop into existence from the elements like Tengu, Kappa, and the Oni...maybe. They actually have a reason to breed. But do they even breed?

You're making some pretty big assumptions there...... What need does a supernatural creature have for food when they're basically made of magic/superstition/belief? But youkai eat. What need do they have for language, for that matter? Or humanoid shape? Or human/human-like emotions? Really, anything that makes them in any way relatable from a human perspective? It stands to reason if they have those, a youkai with a libido or some kind of need for companionship/emotional connection with other beings isn't very far-fetched.......

I heard that Crow Tengu lay eggs but I don't know if that's canon or not.

........Aw man...... I can't get that image out of my head anymore. Thanks. You just ruined Aya for me. =P

Razzi Zadhna

  • bye chagen
Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #56 on: December 20, 2014, 12:56:02 AM »
You're making some pretty big assumptions there...... What need does a supernatural creature have for food when they're basically made of magic/superstition/belief? But youkai eat. What need do they have for language, for that matter? Or humanoid shape? Or human/human-like emotions? Really, anything that makes them in any way relatable from a human perspective? It stands to reason if they have those, a youkai with a libido or some kind of need for companionship/emotional connection with other beings isn't very far-fetched.......

........Aw man...... I can't get that image out of my head anymore. Thanks. You just ruined Aya for me. =P

I can see what you mean, but it's canon that youkai are naturally asocial and that ones who HAVE formed societies like the Tengu and the Kappa are simply living a travesty of actual human culture.

I don't actually have a problem with youkai looking for companionship and having libidos--it's a necessary concession for pretty much any doujin, be it porn or not--but I'm just going by canon here, which is actually pretty damn somber on these matters.

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #57 on: December 20, 2014, 01:51:14 AM »
I can see what you mean, but it's canon that youkai are naturally asocial and that ones who HAVE formed societies like the Tengu and the Kappa are simply living a travesty of actual human culture.
Huh? You seem to be confusing "having a large, complex society" and "looking for an emotional/friendly connection with another person" - just look at virtually every single character to date. Yes, true: they don't live in "youkai cities" or anything like that (save for tengu and kappa), but that has absolutely nothing to do with "reproductive drive" (your words) or "need for companionship/emotional connection" (my words)...

On the other hand, it's canon that just about every character bar a few small exceptions end up establishing a handful of close friendships with one-another here and there. Even with humans (who do stand out from the crowd, but humans nonetheless), like Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya, and other non-youkai species. Ex, Satori and her pets, Kyouko and Mystia, Suika and Yukari, Keine and Mokou, Rin and Utusho, several characters form larger closely-knit groups (the myouren temple, the SDM group, the eientei group (technically aliens...... Ill concede that much), the four devas of the mountain......) the list goes on and on.....

There's more than enough proof, in canon, that youkai actively seek out relationships. While they're probably not as sociable as humans are, and while there are a handful of exceptions, they're clearly not the asocial beings you seem to be making them out to be, much less "in canon"......

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #58 on: December 24, 2014, 05:24:28 AM »
I'd like to change my answer to "Punch Yukari the face."

Re: Yukari appears on your doorstep and...
« Reply #59 on: December 27, 2014, 06:21:27 PM »
 Crow Tengu would be the best for me!