Author Topic: Puzzle and Dragons Thread 15 - We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop (ry  (Read 134929 times)


  • _m廿廿m_
7 Grimoire Mythical runs, 2 Red book, 2 Blue book, 3 green book, exactly in that order. :V

Got 5 Cyclops, 1 Cockatrice, 1 Minotaur from wave 2. This is so unbalanced lol

Only 1 Blue fairy dropped from wave 3, out of 7 runs.
So, like Noah, this won't be a good source of fairies, but if you're skilling up Grimoires, you'd get some fairies along with it.

Red book 1 up 1
Green book 2 up 1
Apollo 5 up 1


This descent has some pretty nice rewards.

Christmas Genie's SS preview on the livestream showed her max skill cd is 11 turn, but it was actually 15 turn and they were going to reduce it in the next update.
So as an apology everyone gets a free stone and they'll update the active cd for the elementals today.

But here's the thing:
All players who have pulled a Christmas Genie before 5pm JP time on today (12/15) will get all their stones spent on Christmas REM back

did not roll a genie. sad. :V

Edit: The reason why they're taking such an extreme measure may be due to how it's illegal to have advertised something in the gacha to be better than it actually is.
However, the ones that actually aimed for Genie but did not get one is not getting any compensation ???
Those whale ppl that rolls thousands of stones to get the complete set of Christmas REM must be really happy right now.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 11:44:49 AM by Thaws »


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi

Here's the tweet from YamaP regarding Santa Genie.

Some people have indeed already responded to the tweet -
狙って出なかった人にはなんで無いの?? People who tried to roll for Santa Genie don't get anything?
狙って出なかった人にはどう対応なさるおつもりですか? Do you plan to support those who tried to roll for Santa Genie?
コラ画像を作ってツイートしたことが問題なんですよ まあツイ消ししてるみたいですけど Damnit if there was an error in the image you tweeted you should have deleted it

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
The US server did that once, where a godfest was up but it wasn't actually set to godfest rates, so they refunded any stones used during that time.

Kirin team still obliterates satan, but I'm not realyl sure why I'm running this - I don't really need a green jewel or satan himself.


  • _m廿廿m_
JP also had mistakenly advertised muracore to start earlier than scheduled in the in-game ad and had to refund stones to those who rolled before it started.

But this time is a different matter though.
Since they already fixed the cd on Genie yesterday, theoretically, those who got a Genie expecting 11cd has no loss, those who didn't get a Genie expecting 11cd has no loss either.
The only thing is that there was a period of time that there were people holding 15cd Genies when they advertised 11cd Genies, so these people have the right to sue Gungho for false advertisement or something.
Gungho is probably most afraid of this, thus the full refund for anyone that held a Genie before they fixed the cd on 5pm.

However, people are jelly at people with Genies obviously, and it's definitely not a "fair" compensation since I doubt anyone actually aimed for Genie :V It's as Yamamoto said on his tweets: "Those who didn't have a Genie by 5pm are not considered in the compensation policy, as they had no actual loss." (17時までにサンタジーニャを入試されていない方は、実質損害がないと考えていますので、個別補填は検討しておりません。) This decision doesn't make sense nor is it fair, it is only made from the perspective of a company preventing lawsuits. So the only difficult thing here is how to end this nicely to keep PAD's public relations and reputation.

My understanding on this incident after reading stuff on fb pages and forums.

Useless anecdotal stuff nobody asked for, but I felt like sharing anyway: (tl;dr 0 mythlits, 6 +eggs)


i feel your pain. I spent like two days' worth of stam last Wednesday and Thursday trying to get a Dub-Mythlit from Goddess in Paradise and despite multiple ones showing up during individual rounds, none of them dropped.


  • alter cool
Jesus Thaws, your I&I team is identical to my team except my guys are in different roles and one of my I&Is is Beyzul instead.

I've actually had pretty good rates of getting Dub-Mythlits from Starlight Sanctuary. There aren't many floors, but they seem to show up often and the experience cost is low.

I've never had much success getting evo materials of any kind to drop from technical dungeons. I think the drop rates are too low, the appearance rates are too low, and the number of different possible rare encounters is too high (if that even makes a difference, maybe it doesn't but I  can't remember ever seeing two different rare drops on one floor). Today it's probably worth fishing for them anyway because of the +egg thing, but usually evo materials from the main body of the technicals is a trap.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

[20:28:45] <rdj522> So do you think I should run more of the low-level technicals and try to find mythlits, or wait for Friday and just do ECO for now?
[20:29:27] <Chirei> hmmm
[20:29:34] <Chirei> any challenge modes you haven't cleared?

Clearly I just wasn't multitasking hard enough. One more and then I can Endless Corridors a bit to see if I'm ready for Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 02:47:24 AM by Wardjeity of the Night, Tsukuyomi »

Moogs Parfait

  • Plz Send Naps
    • Danmaku!! Official Site
What is this I don't even.

So tempted to stone but I know it doesnt' work that way.

So over 200ish runs of no flampy drops, I get two of them in back-to-back runs(check timestamps). The second one spawned on wave 1 with a high metal, that fucker.

Also I began this at the start of Rotation 3, but some anecdotal statistics for alt. dungeons for anyone who's interested here.


  • _m廿廿m_
Jesus Thaws, your I&I team is identical to my team except my guys are in different roles and one of my I&Is is Beyzul instead.

Which means you'll have an awesome I&I healers team when you pull one, and you'd be able to clear most mythical descents with it. :D
Also means we're both Hatsume refugees ;-;
Ruka was really worth the investment I put into the pink REM. Saved me so many times with the bind recovery and heartmaking.

Also I began this at the start of Rotation 3, but some anecdotal statistics for alt. dungeons for anyone who's interested here.



It cost me two stones, but I now have another green jewel for when God Valk lands. But then again, if I can manage to get a Christmas Valkyrie from the (NOW CONFIRMED!) Christmas REM, I'll just save it for something else because that triple TPA is to die for. :P


  • alter cool
Which means you'll have an awesome I&I healers team when you pull one, and you'd be able to clear most mythical descents with it. :D
Also means we're both Hatsume refugees ;-;
Ruka was really worth the investment I put into the pink REM. Saved me so many times with the bind recovery and heartmaking.

I can already clear most mythical descends. And I suspect nearly all of them once I get my last few skillups in place and at least Valkyrie gets her final evolution, if not Sun Quan as well at some point. And I don't really want a Hatsume. What would you replace on your team for her?

You're right about Ruka. I honestly didn't think I'd use her over Siren at first, but she's amazing. The bind recovery comes up way more often than I would have guessed. It's extremely underrated. I got lucky and got mine on the second pull though, so I didn't really have to invest much (aside from the tons of time spent on skillups).
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


I started this because I called foul (unless some info was conveniently left out) on the jp statistics picture, since some alt dungeons have pengdra and whatnot and therefore all the data for at least plus eggs can't be universal for all of them. I have data for some of the other dungeons but this one is the one I've run most extensively. Not sure if I'll do this as hard on Rotation 4 since the exp rewards probably won't be as lucrative and the setup might be harder.

wow so instead of calling them chibis gunho na just made thier names all lower case wat

also i max leveled +200'd Nut and put her up if anyone wants to play with an egypt 2.0 :V


  • _m廿廿m_
I can already clear most mythical descends. And I suspect nearly all of them once I get my last few skillups in place and at least Valkyrie gets her final evolution, if not Sun Quan as well at some point. And I don't really want a Hatsume. What would you replace on your team for her?

You're right about Ruka. I honestly didn't think I'd use her over Siren at first, but she's amazing. The bind recovery comes up way more often than I would have guessed. It's extremely underrated. I got lucky and got mine on the second pull though, so I didn't really have to invest much (aside from the tons of time spent on skillups).

tbh you're right. I used to think I need a hatsume because that's what everyone say is the perfect blue healers team but once I got my Ruka skilled up and tried the team with her, I feel like I don't really need hatsume anymore. Can usually stall back valkyrie's skill after using it in early waves and Gabriel's active is my solution for tough mid-bosses just before bosses now.
And yea, they put loads of binds in descent nowadays, and binds is really tough to simply wait out of with hp boost leaders like Gabriel and I&I...

wow so instead of calling them chibis gunho na just made thier names all lower case wat

Also the Japanese versions of all of 'em are hiragana instead of katakana for the actual name-y part of the names (like the Leilan, Lilith, etc.) and instead of kanji/hiragana mix or katakana* for the entirety of the leader skill name. :3

*I wouldn't be shocked if there's at least one leader skill out there that has all three writing systems in the name but it's not any of the ones involved here. :V


  • *
  • You're gonna have a bad time
/facepalm..... so nice to discover the hard way that the suggested team i was trying to use for Challenge Mode "Omniscent, Omnipotent Creator" DOESN'T WORK at the very last step :matsuriscowl:


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Oh man, christmas REM tomorrow

Oh man :V


  • alter cool
And yea, they put loads of binds in descent nowadays, and binds is really tough to simply wait out of with hp boost leaders like Gabriel and I&I...

The important part for me was realizing how many of those binds are random. I feel like conventional wisdom is that the bind removal awakening isn't that useful because it doesn't do anything if the monster that has it gets bound, but binds that hit the whole team or everything of one color are actually fairly rare.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.



  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Holy bananas, ~SUPERBLESSED~ has some extremely awful stuff in it.

yeah bring some poisons

hera herself though isn't bad


  • alter cool
Oh cool, here I was like "Man, I suddenly need a ton of Dub-Emelits, I don't want to have to wait until Friday". And I'm stockpiling every Dub-Topalit that drops from that dungeon so I never have to farm them again.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
hera herself though isn't bad

just don't get overconfident

Oh cool, here I was like "Man, I suddenly need a ton of Dub-Emelits, I don't want to have to wait until Friday". And I'm stockpiling every Dub-Topalit that drops from that dungeon so I never have to farm them again.

I have way too many dub-topalits from that dungeon. i swear.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • alter cool
All those Topalits should make actually evolving the spoils from Tamadra Village a lot more viable.

Speaking of which, what kinds of results have you guys been seeing from Tamadra Village. Apparently my roommate ran it yesterday and he reported six adult Tamas in six runs. That sounds a lot better than I had been hearing at first. Apparently there are adult Tamadra invade floors that are fairly common. Has that been anyone else's experience, or did he just get exceptionally lucky?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

anyone know what's the drop rate on the snowglobes? I'd imagine it's super low...


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Very low even on superblessed, yeah


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
anyone know what's the drop rate on the snowglobes? I'd imagine it's super low...

Py-tier IIRC

Noels only drop on Legend+, Present Eggs are py-tier on Expert+

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Holy bananas, ~SUPERBLESSED~ has some extremely awful stuff in it.

I need mythlits for precisely that reason, to see if I can evo and level a certain monster that's been collecting dust in my box to deal with them.

Reminds me that I should tackle Polar Night Tower today since apparently PF says it's good for those...