The enemy task included and called in the stage script : the stage function (called in the stage script): the task for spawning shot: some reason I separate all this things and play with include so I can't past the entire script (or I will past many little part of scripts).
If that can help, I explain:
In the same script I make several sub-stages with a task and a specific pattern (with it's own task) for each stage. So I separate sub-stage task, pattern task and enemy spawning function. I don't think it's come from this separation...
Now I've got the same problem with the enemy shots. A simple circle of 20 bullets make the frame drop ? 15 fps...
Is there a collision between enemy and enemy shot? And I have this problem with shots even if I comment the ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToShot and the
ObjEnemy_SetIntersectionCircleToPlayer line.
It's seem collisions are not deleted but... why?
edit: okay. It come form the player and not form the enemy/stage/otherrandomscript.
I try to see it by myself and... I come again if I don't find
edit2: I found it. Player's hitbox was created every frame like enemy hitbox. I don't know haw I could make a such thing but I found it.
Thanks for the help. And Thank you Drake. Your explanation help me a lot.