Author Topic: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons  (Read 124873 times)


Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #720 on: January 18, 2014, 06:59:35 AM »
Yo Suikama I amended the Suzaku team you set me up with

it is now
Burning Phoenix Knight Homura
[insert Suzaku friend, Kushinada friend, Isis friend etc here]

Susanoo takes the role that the light keeper used to play and the Poporing's type role as wood type. Paired with Echidna, I have lots of time to stall for skills. Which is where Verche, Homura, and Suzaku come in! I'm using Verche instead of Drops because I'd much rather get rid of useless dark orbs and get light orbs instead-- and same goes for Homura and turning water orbs into fire orbs. This way, my heart orbs remain since they actually have a use. A good combo will fully heal me. Kushinada is a fantastic friend for this because she can absorb a blow just in case Susanoo is still charging.  In this way, I can effectively both use burst attacks as well as stall and heal as I wait for Suzaku/Verche/Homura to charge up to go on the offensive.

I have effectively created a team that has the ability to take and avoid hits and combined it with the excitement of a burst team. And once I get my cost up and evolve some of these monsters, my HP won't be all that bad, either. It's the best of both worlds.


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #721 on: January 18, 2014, 07:09:55 AM »
You guys get things done so fast...

I think around this point, I was trying to get a Siren and was super happy my brachys/parvati team got me through Legendary Dragon Expert.

Even making plans for twinlits, and that's certainly not on my radar for a while.

*currently under repair*
Puzzle Dragon stuff


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #722 on: January 18, 2014, 07:40:41 AM »
Waffling on Hoursu/Orochi/Echi/Hade/Hera/Bastet or Horusu/Orochi/RK/Hades/Hera/Bastet.

I'd like to not spend a stone trying twinlits but double delay strong?

I'm really worried about doing enough damage to twinlits actually...


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #723 on: January 18, 2014, 07:49:12 AM »
Yomi for a DMeta sub.

It's legit because he's got a disgusting attack stat- even if his awakenings and skill are not useful for DMeta.

edit: also he's on type unlike sonias :v

Also he's so shiny and awesome looking :3 I want to be part of the cool Yomi club.

The awakenings might not be super useful for DMeta, but Yomi would be pretty good on Byakko and Bastet, hell even Kirin. 1 extra second is 25% more movement time. That and I could always use Yomi as a leader for a 9x Light team.

Waffling on Hoursu/Orochi/Echi/Hade/Hera/Bastet or Horusu/Orochi/RK/Hades/Hera/Bastet.

I'd like to not spend a stone trying twinlits but double delay strong?

I'm really worried about doing enough damage to twinlits actually...

I'd say go with the Orochi/Echi combo unless you have trouble hitting the 13334 threshold.. even so, without two delays I'd feel like it'd be difficult dealing with wave 2 and 3 back to back before the Dubs 1shot you.
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #724 on: January 18, 2014, 07:53:25 AM »
Also he's so shiny and awesome looking :3 I want to be part of the cool Yomi club.

The awakenings might not be super useful for DMeta, but Yomi would be pretty good on Byakko and Bastet, hell even Kirin. 1 extra second is 25% more movement time. That and I could always use Yomi as a leader for a 9x Light team.

I'd say go with the Orochi/Echi combo unless you have trouble hitting the 13334 threshold.. even so, without two delays I'd feel like it'd be difficult dealing with wave 2 and 3 back to back before the Dubs 1shot you.

Really his attack stat alone makes him pretty damn good.

And yeah the main reason is I can't hit 13334- or 13100ish with hera defense. This caught me flat footed so my orochi isn't ult'd yet. also jesus christ watching luci vids made me forgot those dublits one shot o.o

yeah I basically need double delay then- which means atleast a stone to try. Eew.


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #725 on: January 18, 2014, 09:09:14 AM »

Took me like 7 stones altogether, but I fucking did it.

I ran Dark Meta, Byakko, Hanzo, Lilith, Echidna with a Dark Meta sub. I got a rank up stam refresh at 3am and ran it 3 times until I finally got a favorable first turn on the 4th attempt. This team requires at least 5 dark orbs on the board, preferably 8 to survive wave 1, which is why max skilled Hanzo is so important) It went very smoothly, popped a stone on the preemptive and stalled on the Tamadra, and then wave 4 hit. Popped Byakko and Hanzo, and blasted the board, then popped Echidna. This was the result.

4 turns might be enough to whittle down that much HP as long as I don't heal up by accident, right? WRONG.

Close enough. I Lilith poisoned, spent two stones, and 1xed him into the ground. Done with this godforsaken dungeon, at least for now.
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #726 on: January 18, 2014, 09:18:47 AM »
Well atleast you didn't get trolled by a devilit drop :v

...i have to get two of those.

If it took you seven stones with a semi-legit team I may not want to do this >>...


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #727 on: January 18, 2014, 09:39:29 AM »
Well atleast you didn't get trolled by a devilit drop :v

...i have to get two of those.

If it took you seven stones with a semi-legit team I may not want to do this >>...

Yeah I was so stoked when I bombed the board and Angelit dropped. Sweating bullets up until the last minute, and was a bit crestfallen when I realized how little damage I was doing per turn. Luckily it ended up being enough.

I think you'll have an easier time with the Horus team to be honest. You'll be less likely to be orbtrolled round 1 like I was, though I guess it'll require a little bit of luck to kill everything but 1-2 Mythlits on the first wave. Calculate your damage carefully. And then, as long as you stall for your delays before the second wave hits, you should be fine.. Though the second and third wave can be scary to kill the dubs before they oneshot you. Also, stalling on Tamadra might be tricky too, because you'll be dealing damage every orb match. >_< Maybe I take back what I said about 'easier time', ehehe..

As for the last wave, you'll essentially have 9 turns to burst them down. You gotta kill at least one of them before the first delay ends, and then delay after the remaining one Angrilits. Good luck.
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #728 on: January 18, 2014, 02:31:49 PM »




Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #729 on: January 18, 2014, 02:35:04 PM »



  • gotta stock up on dark matter
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #730 on: January 18, 2014, 02:42:09 PM »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #731 on: January 18, 2014, 05:09:37 PM »
Yeah I was so stoked when I bombed the board and Angelit dropped. Sweating bullets up until the last minute, and was a bit crestfallen when I realized how little damage I was doing per turn. Luckily it ended up being enough.

I think you'll have an easier time with the Horus team to be honest. You'll be less likely to be orbtrolled round 1 like I was, though I guess it'll require a little bit of luck to kill everything but 1-2 Mythlits on the first wave. Calculate your damage carefully. And then, as long as you stall for your delays before the second wave hits, you should be fine.. Though the second and third wave can be scary to kill the dubs before they oneshot you. Also, stalling on Tamadra might be tricky too, because you'll be dealing damage every orb match. >_< Maybe I take back what I said about 'easier time', ehehe..

As for the last wave, you'll essentially have 9 turns to burst them down. You gotta kill at least one of them before the first delay ends, and then delay after the remaining one Angrilits. Good luck.

Yeah first wave is the trickiest. It helps I'll be using bastet and bastet does less damage than straight up horusu

Tamadra is just matching whos bound.

And yeah slightly worried the 9 turns might not be enough, since I don't have a big fuck you button like you do but welp.




Ecchi-sama~ <3

It looks like the red/red evo. Looks like they're going for Attacker type Ecchi. This... Is slightly sad because she had a passable attack and really needs HP, But could be neat.

Also makes me wonder if they're going to have something silly like Dragon-type Siren :v (I'm really hoping not, she'd be a shoe in for Water/Light then. Devil siren might be sunk because I was hoping for Attacker Lilith that dropped healer for Attacker/Devil instead of being boring)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 05:13:53 PM by Chaore »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #732 on: January 18, 2014, 06:40:31 PM »
New ecchi is cute! Eeeek.

All my archie-hades friends are leading something else and pdx suggetions are too, qq.

I tried a desperate attempt of twinlits with my valk team but wave 1 turn 1... 2 light orbs... Yeaaahhhhh.


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #733 on: January 18, 2014, 07:14:13 PM »
Huh, the PAL egg machine really does have some oddities in it.  Just got a Neneko.  A plus'd one, too!
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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #734 on: January 18, 2014, 07:38:03 PM »
alright time for twinli-




>W/F Parvati


>W/L Parvati


also also D/L Anubis has the better leader skill AND better attribute AND needs no devilits

but D/D Anubis is the one true mother fucking god

also also also ECCHIIIIIIIIII


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #735 on: January 18, 2014, 10:02:33 PM »
more twinlit evos holy shit what the fuck and they're all angelit?

gungho are you really purposefully devaluing devilits just to force people to run more for the materials that actually matter

also water/light lakshimi's elephants are fucking adorable jesus christ fucking gimme

And huh, if these are all available by the end of the month, maybe ecchi-sama isn't getting a twinlit evo- replacing her leader skill with a 2xhp 2xpatk modifier wouldn't be a huge loss :v

This means even less chance of glorious devil siren thou ;w;

edit: oh wait twinlit isn't confirmed or anything

hopefully not- though tbh parvati and lakshimi's leader skills suck so hard they could use them
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 10:05:31 PM by Chaore »

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #736 on: January 18, 2014, 10:06:32 PM »
guess who's the new op leader

it's sonia

BUT ONLY 6.25x ATTACK you say

doesn't matter still 1 hit ko's satan EASILY with no gravities

although i'm trying to do the calculations for where all that damage is coming from and uh i cant seem to figure it out

some how the first rwo of orbs itself gives 160k damage PER SONIA

This is BEFORE combo multiplier and Sonia's leaders skill 6.25%

2370 attack Sonia * 1.75 for a row of fire * 1.36 for an enhanced row * 1.60 for 3 row awakening abilities * 3 for baddie is STILL only 27k damage... not even close to 160k

there is some sort of strange sorcery that is making Dark Meta and Sonia do way more damage than they appear to be able to...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 10:19:17 PM by Suikama »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #737 on: January 18, 2014, 10:17:33 PM »
guess who's the new op leader

it's sonia

BUT ONLY 6.25x ATTACK you say

doesn't matter still 1 hit ko's satan EASILY with no gravities

Sonia pretty much makes up what she lacks from being 2.5x via having -both- red and purple enhances

doing a team with three sonias also triples that and she has a fantastic attack stat, oh and she has hera-ur enhance.

And then the all-mighty king baddy.

combined with her active, yeah, Sonia is pretty fucking hillarious. That team is nowhere near practical because three fucking red sonias though.

It's amazing though.

Edit: To give exact numbers, the modifiers combined is roughly x52.

EditEdit: Before row enhance, that is.

EditEditEdit: Ah! Theres numbers, So about 82somethhingx damage.

She's almost anubis with absolutely no comboing skill involved!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 10:20:50 PM by Chaore »

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #738 on: January 18, 2014, 10:20:39 PM »
Sonia pretty much makes up what she lacks from being 2.5x via having -both- red and purple enhances

doing a team with three sonias also triples that and she has a fantastic attack stat, oh and she has hera-ur enhance.

And then the all-mighty king baddy.

combined with her active, yeah, Sonia is pretty fucking hillarious. That team is nowhere near practical because three fucking red sonias though.

It's amazing though.

Edit: To give exact numbers, the modifiers combined is roughly x52.

EditEdit: Before row enhance, that is.
but even 2370 * 52 is only 123240 damage per sonia

each sonia was hitting for MILLIONS in that last combo

where is this damage coming from ???

I'm guessing row enhance does way more than I'm actually thinking...

okay hold on the fact that pad has numbers so big that they are hidden behinds each other is confusing the fuck out of me


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #739 on: January 18, 2014, 10:22:02 PM »
but even 2370 * 52 is only 123240 damage per sonia

each sonia was hitting for MILLIONS in that last combo

where is this damage coming from ???

I'm guessing row enhance does way more than I'm actually thinking...

Row enhance is about 10%, with three red sonias about 30% so yeah revised number it's pretty large.

And then you also have to add in the fact you're using the entire board which uh massively increases damage, and then COMBO.

It's not just her raw attack stat.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #740 on: January 18, 2014, 10:23:29 PM »
okay the number covering thing messed me up and I assumed there was an extra zero in there


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #741 on: January 18, 2014, 10:25:43 PM »
okay the number covering thing messed me up and I assumed there was an extra zero in there

Regardless the numbers this is utterly hillarious, not gonna lie.

Jesus shit, good by egyptians :v

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #742 on: January 18, 2014, 10:27:26 PM »
okay so matching rows is like 20k per sonia

then multiple rows caused it to be 50k

then 8 combo made it over 100k

then x6.25 leader skill and x3 baddie makes it in the millions mystery solved :V


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #743 on: January 18, 2014, 10:31:26 PM »
okay so matching rows is like 20k per sonia

then multiple rows caused it to be 50k

then 8 combo made it over 100k

then x6.25 leader skill and x3 baddie makes it in the millions mystery solved :V

Its pretty much massive multiplier stacking. It's silly.

Something tells me gungho didn't exactly see this coming.

It works in their advantage heavily though lol they're probably not gonna bother with it.

I still want my fucking blue sonia though gungho plz ;w;


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #744 on: January 18, 2014, 10:36:22 PM »
Fuck twinlits forever, fuck PAD, fuck gungho, fuck ;_;


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #745 on: January 18, 2014, 10:39:59 PM »
Fuck twinlits forever, fuck PAD, fuck gungho, fuck ;_;


Don't worry, twinlits are giant jerks and didn't deserve your love anyway.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #746 on: January 18, 2014, 10:51:10 PM »
doesn't matter still 1 hit ko's satan EASILY with no gravities

Is it weird that I mostly just spent that entire video wondering why they haven't bothered to awaken the Hera-Ur? :V


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #747 on: January 18, 2014, 10:57:40 PM »
Is it weird that I mostly just spent that entire video wondering why they haven't bothered to awaken the Hera-Ur? :V

well she's not full +'d either- I get the feeling she's just been neglected a bit?

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #748 on: January 18, 2014, 11:01:17 PM »
well she's not full +'d either- I get the feeling she's just been neglected a bit?

Yeah probably, it just seemed weird 'cause even the King Baddie's awakened and Hera-Ur's seem a little better (but only a little). :V


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 5 - So I heard you like fruity dragons
« Reply #749 on: January 18, 2014, 11:05:32 PM »

Don't worry, twinlits are giant jerks and didn't deserve your love anyway.

But... But... Super hera!

I still cant find an archie-hades to partner with qq