Yes, they do look legit. The Cirno run seems to just be stalling for Lily in every stage, as well as very good luck (though his Yuuka was horrendous sadly; this could've been 450m or more if she cooperated). Also interesting is that this run is apparently from 2013. Pretty strange that it would turn up on the uploader all of a sudden (only about a day ago), and that I would be lucky enough to notice it almost immediately. I'll have to attribute it to some mysterious PoFV sixth sense compelling me to look.
The Reisen run appears to just be solid playing and luck, with intentional hits for an early spell, which is interesting. Even more interesting though is his spamming of the charge attack. I mean, it's a powerful thing, but it's almost as if he's using it purely for the sake of having it on screen. At the start of each round for instance, you'd think he'd be better off carefully chaining the fairies, but he just bombards them with charge attacks all over the place. I recall CASH doing something similar in his Eiki run, in fact, spamming the charge attack at the start of each round. Makes me wonder if it has some hidden effect...
This game is twisted and possessed by devils. That's all I can say.