Author Topic: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine  (Read 4035 times)


  • Radio Personality at Gensokyo Radio and their Resident Touhou Music Reviewer
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Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« on: September 30, 2013, 05:02:55 AM »
I came up with this idea with a bunch of guys while standing around at Touhou Arcade machine in the Arcade at Anime Weekend Atlanta. It was a Touhou Super Arcade Machine. It would be loaded with all the games and have two pairs of controls: A Roller Ball for the shooters, and a joystick for the fighters. The screen will be a LCD display, along with another display above which will act more or less like a moving Top Panel that will also show game stats during play. There will also be what i will call "pill" seating that will have speakers and lights inside of them to add effect to the experience. I also have been toying with the idea of a "Touhou OS" that will just boot straight into a selection screen, and the idea of having coin operation that can be toggled on and off.  If anyone else want to help me brainstorm with this idea, feel free. I really want to get this to the point of starting up the construction of the case.


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Re: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2013, 08:40:08 AM »
Roller Ball for the shooters

Anyways this sort of thing has been done before and having a launcher just for the games should be pretty straightforward, especially if some random third-party application already does something like that. Coin operation would be complicated since you'd have to disable the possibility for continues until you put in a coin, and you'd also have to figure out how to send messages to the OS to say a coin was put in.

You wouldn't need a second display, THRotator does this sort of thing well enough and I think a second display would be distracting.

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  • Radio Personality at Gensokyo Radio and their Resident Touhou Music Reviewer
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Re: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2013, 12:11:41 PM »
Coin operation would be complicated since you'd have to disable the possibility for continues until you put in a coin, and you'd also have to figure out how to send messages to the OS to say a coin was put in.

I was going to think it more like One credit would get you one full set of continues.


  • Radio Personality at Gensokyo Radio and their Resident Touhou Music Reviewer
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Re: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2013, 01:09:13 PM »
I also have been thinking about materials. I want it to be light enough to haul, but strong enough to take a beating.


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Re: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2013, 04:43:49 PM »
Interesting idea, but Drake brings up a good point. How do you plan to handle extra credits/continues? Unless the firmware arcade cabinets use has some reaaalllllly special trickery to do this, I can't really see any way short of assembly hacks that modify the continue screens of each individual game. Not to mention continuing sometimes plays a special role in a game (ex, IN). So, why even have "credits" to begin with? It doesn't seem to me like it serve a purpose (unless you have commercial applications in mind for this - for personal use, you could just put/take money in/out at your whim and have infinite credits so...), and would probably bring about a lot of technical problems. You could easily write yourself a small game selection/launcher program and letting the selected game take over "as-is" (ie, with whatever continue system it has) until the player quits it, I'd say...

Do you have plans for this other than personal use? I'm wondering what the scope is here - sounds like it'd be pretty expensive and time-consuming for just the occasional personal use if you already have a PC that can play all these games just fine. ;)

Lookin' forward to screenshots once you'll have started building the cabinet. :D

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  • Radio Personality at Gensokyo Radio and their Resident Touhou Music Reviewer
  • Music and Games keep me alive.
    • Gensokyo Radio
Re: Ideas: Touhou Super Arcade Machine
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2013, 05:02:11 PM »
Do you have plans for this other than personal use? I'm wondering what the scope is here - sounds like it'd be pretty expensive and time-consuming for just the occasional personal use if you already have a PC that can play all these games just fine. ;)

My intentions are two fold, to create the ultimate Touhou experience keeping it simple but flashy (but not overly flashy) I want it to unique.  I also want create a machine I can take places and do charity events (hence the Credits).