Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240150 times)

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #450 on: January 05, 2014, 06:29:38 AM »
>Is the third one here this time?
> As a matter of fact, she is.

>Well, considering how the parser apparently really wants us to get involved with them we ran into them a second time so quickly we might as well overhear a little bit about what the nimrods are up to. Maybe find a way to chase them off again if necessary.
>... if only while taking a moment to consider our next destination. Would those other star charts be closer than the legendary animal books from where we are now?
> DISCLAIMER: The parser does their best to leave all options available, it is up to the players to decide on the best course of action.
> The Star Charts are closer than the Legendary Animal Books, but thankfully you remembered that you have a TELEPAD set up to warp you there. You just have to figure out where it is...
> While you contemplate that, you overhear the fairies' convo.

Code: [Select]
LUNA: So like, isn't a guest coming over today or something?
SUNNY: I thought there was! I wanna meet them!
STAR: What if it's just Kaguya-sama again? That's not exactly exciting...
SUNNY: Still! It's always fun when she's around. I wonder what she's been up to recently.
LUNA: Probably playing one of her "com-pooter" games again. I'll never understand how those work.
STAR: Yeah...It seems like everyone's talking about those these days, even Patchy-sama has one. I don't think I'm
ever going to own one of those, they're too heavy!
SUNNY: Aren't they making smaller ones too? I know the head maid has one...
STAR: Well, they are kind of expensive, aren't they?
SUNNY: We'll just have to take multiple jobs, then. Maybe Kourindou is hiring!
STAR: Don't be silly, it's a small shop. They'd never consider us.
LUNA: ...Maybe they'll open a chain store sometime...?
STAR: Oh, oh! Better idea! We open up our own shop!
LUNA: That's brilliant!
SUNNY: Yeah! And with all these books here, we can become crazy good business fairies! We'll be famous and rich! Even
Reimu will be in envy of us! Come on, let's go do some research!

> And with that, the fairies leave. You're not sure if their endeavours are a good or a bad thing, so you leave them alone.
> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #452 on: January 05, 2014, 08:24:41 AM »
> Wonder if Kaguya could pass herself off as Star Sapphire.
> You wonder about it, and believe that Kaguya would absolutely be able to pull it off. Poor Sunny and Luna wouldn't know what hit them!

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #453 on: January 05, 2014, 04:27:07 PM »
> Wait a second, Sunny suggested doing research. She must be an imposter. Expose her!

> Wonder what's taking our brother so long.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2014, 04:30:36 PM by capt. h »


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #454 on: January 05, 2014, 05:10:42 PM »
>If we have a way to contact Koakuma, inform her that the business section may become a mess in the near future due to fairy dumbness. If there IS a business section...
>Does the telepad lead to the Legendary Monsters or the Star Charts? Head for whichever we don't have an easy alternative for while trying to recall where the warper would be. We don't have a recent library map anywhere, do we...
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #455 on: January 07, 2014, 04:20:57 AM »
> Wait a second, Sunny suggested doing research. She must be an imposter. Expose her!
> You consider doing that, but any moment not spent with you is one you're happy with. Besides, this'll be a good learning experience for them.

>If we have a way to contact Koakuma, inform her that the business section may become a mess in the near future due to fairy dumbness. If there IS a business section...
> Oddly enough, there is. Remi asked you to organize all the business-related books a while back, into a convenient shelf near the lounge.
> ...Crap. this might not work as well as you expected.
> You sigh as you pull out your MAGINOTES (sticky notes made from magical parchment) and scribble a warning to Koa. It vanishes and reappears on bulletin board back in the kitchen; recent notes glow to separate them older ones.

> Wonder what's taking our brother so long.
> A lot of things, potentially...First, he has to pass through the Hakurei Shrine, then fly across the countryside (while avoiding getting shot down), fly across the Misty Lake (while avoiding getting frozen or lost), and remind the security fairies who he is before heading inside. And heaven help him if Flan manages to strike up a conversation with her...Oh well, he'll get here when he gets here.

>Does the telepad lead to the Legendary Monsters or the Star Charts? Head for whichever we don't have an easy alternative for while trying to recall where the warper would be. We don't have a recent library map anywhere, do we...
> The pad warps to the LM cache, and now you remember...The pad you use to warp there to begin with is in an alcove near where the Star Charts are located, so you head there first. You remember having to move it there because people kept accidentally stepping in and warping through it.
> You have a map in your pocket, but you've been around the library so many times that you don't need it. This also means the parser doesn't have to bother with drawing the map

> So, where to, boss?
> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #456 on: January 07, 2014, 02:52:23 PM »
>Stash some of those Star Charts for reference.
>We don't have a way to magically peek out into Gensokyo for him and see where along the route Bro is and whether he needs help, do we?
>How upset would Remi be if Koakuma and Sakuya don't manage to keep those fairies under control and it ends up a mess for a little while?
>Would Monarda understand if we met up in the business section in order to keep tabs on the fairies and/or take potshots at them when they act up?
>Gain +4 Sadism points!
>Barring any urgent decisions to be made, head through the warp to check in on the legendary monster books.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #457 on: January 11, 2014, 04:29:31 AM »
> Back from the not-quite-dead, it is I! Gandalf! YOU SHALL NOT PASS! (staff whack)
> ...
> Sorry, let's return to our regularly scheduled fanfic--I MEAN story.

>Stash some of those Star Charts for reference.
> You head for the Scroll Storage and add Charts #10, #14, and #20 to your inventory. You recall these have to do with Cosmic Ghosts book you picked up earlier.

>We don't have a way to magically peek out into Gensokyo for him and see where along the route Bro is and whether he needs help, do we?
> Patchy does, but it takes a lot of magical power to do so. The enchantment that dictates the manor's layout makes it almost impossible to see through, so Patchy just decided to invest in some security cameras instead. Sadly, she needs her Magicomputer to gain access to those. Patchy laments the lack of a tablet or other handheld device, while you snicker at the prospect of hacking into said security.

>How upset would Remi be if Koakuma and Sakuya don't manage to keep those fairies under control and it ends up a mess for a little while?
> As long as it's confined to the library, she's cool with it. Remi doesn't have to contend with cleaning up book-related messes after all :V

>Would Monarda understand if we met up in the business section in order to keep tabs on the fairies and/or take potshots at them when they act up?
> You might want to inform Koa first, so she can tell you when he arrives.

>Gain +4 Sadism points!
> Your totally existent SADISM level goes up!

>Barring any urgent decisions to be made, head through the warp to check in on the legendary monster books.
> No time to lose, you step through the nearby Telepad and appear in a large, circular area. In the middle of the floor is a MAJESTIC LION RUG, marking the location of the Legendary Beast Book cache. You can hear faint growling from below...Dem beasties are hungry.
> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #458 on: January 13, 2014, 03:08:53 AM »
>Magic another note for Koa about Bro and our shenanigans collecting stuff for him. take a moment to ponder our self-insert Homestuck erofic
>Should the books be hungry at this point? How bad an idea would it be to head in there without tribute? Where would we be able to acquire some, if need be, and how long would it take?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #459 on: January 13, 2014, 04:00:06 AM »
>Magic another note for Koa about Bro and our shenanigans collecting stuff for him. take a moment to ponder our self-insert Homestuck erofic
> you are struggling with Roxy's characterization dear gods why is she so hard to write for
> You scrawl out another note, asking Koa if Monarda's arrived yet, and send it to the bulletin board.

>Should the books be hungry at this point? How bad an idea would it be to head in there without tribute? Where would we be able to acquire some, if need be, and how long would it take?
> Judging by their growls, yes, they are quite hungry. Walking in right now would be tantamount to suicide unless you're collecting all the Bad Ends. Sakuya's in charge of collecting the human meat for the two Scarlets as well as your menagerie, so you should have a bundle in your pockets somewhere...
> ...Except you do not. In your recent researching rampage, you forgot to grab the aforementioned meat. Damn. You'll have to go out to the kitchen and acquire it.
> *PING!*
> Huh? It takes you a second to assess the sitch, but it seems Koa has replied to one of your notes, and it has appeared in one of your pockets. You take it out and read it.

Code: [Select]
"Funny you should say that, he and Zakuro just arrived. And they've come bearing gifts!"

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #460 on: January 13, 2014, 04:45:12 AM »
>The gift... of being food! MWAHAHAHA!
>Damn. Oh well. Guess we won't be bothering with the monsters for now.
>Go greet brother dearest.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #461 on: January 13, 2014, 07:10:06 PM »
> We didn't even get to introduce him yet, at least wait until something important happens :V

>The gift... of being food! MWAHAHAHA!
>Damn. Oh well. Guess we won't be bothering with the monsters for now.
>Go greet brother dearest.
> You make haste via telepad back to the lounge.
> Upon arrival, you can see Patchy's brother and his cohort. Monarda is dressed in dark blue PJs with lighter blue wear underneath, has short brown hair, and dons a sun crest on his hat. Zakuro has spiky orange hair and a purple-and-block outfit befitting that of a samurai; he also has an appropriate sword sheathed at his side, and is carrying two rather large packages. One is a large box, the other is more lumpy and rounded.
> "Sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I thought I'd stop by the mountain and pick up your computer for you," Monarda says with a smile. "Miss Sakuya also asked us to deliver the meat for your, um, pets."
> "Bloody things must eat like Snorlaxes," Zakuro complains. "Can I put these down, please? My arms feel like they're about to snap."
> You grant Zakuro's request, and he gently but begrudgingly places the food and computer on the table, causing it to shake. Thank goodness this thing has so many legs!
> "I'm gonna go sit down for a bit..." Zakuro drags his exhausted person to a couch and flumps down on it. Koa awkwardly glances at the flaming-haired samurai before remembering she has to prepare some more tea for the two of them.
> Monarda chuckles as he turns to you. "Remind me to get a Bag of Holding one of these days, if I keep having him carry things, I think he might quit on me. That being said...How've things been for you?"

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #462 on: January 15, 2014, 02:08:21 AM »
>Oh my. Were we expecting such generosity in his task-providing?
>How difficult would it be for us to acquire a Bag of Holding, perhaps as a gift for him as thanks for the assistance?
>How HAVE things been? Has Bro heard about the various Incidents we've been at least tangentially involved in and the white-black rat that keeps stealing our precious things?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #463 on: January 15, 2014, 04:20:16 AM »
>How HAVE things been? Has Bro heard about the various Incidents we've been at least tangentially involved in and the white-black rat that keeps stealing our precious things?
> To an extent. The last thing he heard you were directly involved in was the Scarlet Weather incident; since then you've been dabbling in various projects: Polymorphing and Transfiguration, Mind Control, Long-Distance Teleports, and Magical Television Streaming. However, due to Marisa going on her own magical research spree, you've had to up your anti-witch countermeasures a bit, and the Elemental Fusion was a part of that initiative.
> You tell Monarda what you've been doing today. "Going into overdrive, I see? Well...You'll be please to know that I've been extensively researching an interesting technique...Freezing energy." You reel back a bit in surprise. "I know, it's a bit far-fetched, but it is quite possible! I'd love to share this info with you...If you're willing to listen," he says, eyeing the package of human meat. "Of course, I assume you wish to feed your pets as well..."

>Oh my. Were we expecting such generosity in his task-providing?
> As you ponder what Mon has said, you ask him what's in the box. "Oh, that's your magicomputer. You told me it was being repaired, so...I decided to pay the kappa mechanic a visit. Zak wasn't keen on the offer, but I greased his palms with a few extra pounds, if you get my drift..." Zakuro snorts and mumbles in response to this.

>How difficult would it be for us to acquire a Bag of Holding, perhaps as a gift for him as thanks for the assistance?
> Kourin usually has them in stock. You're not entirely sure where they come from, but you have a sneaking suspicion that Yukari's been crafting them in her spare time. The problem is paying for one; a quality BoH is akin to a designer handbag in the outside world.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #464 on: January 15, 2014, 06:24:46 AM »
>Burn Monarda for his energon
>How bad would it be to leave the monsterbooks hungry for a little longer? If they can deal with a few hunger pangs, hear Brother out.
>Actually, would Koa be able to take care of feeding once she gets back from tea? Butchery isn't exactly our profession.
>How valuable is the magicomputer relative to a Bag of Holding? How do our usual finances operate?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #465 on: January 15, 2014, 08:35:33 PM »
>How valuable is the magicomputer relative to a Bag of Holding? How do our usual finances operate?
> Extremely valuable. Like, 20 times more valuable. While your computer is capable of gaming, you don't use it for that; you use it for graphics design, music, photo management...And of course some intense magical programming. It's way easier to craft complex spells with this thing than it is to do it by hand. You've also programmed/enchanted this thing with a loudspeaker spell, so you can play classical music across the library. Not too loudly, of course; you want to relax, not rupture your eardrums. In short, this computer is built for magical purposes, and you'd be damned if you're going to give this thing up. You should probably set this thing up if you're going to do any serious magical business with Monarda.

> As for your finances, you pretty much live off of Remi's rather vast fortune and income, you're still her tutor after all. You have enough money to get by and take care of upkeep around the library, including your PC--you paid Nitori up front for the repairs, so there's no need to worry about payment. You've also started charging fees to those who borrow your books...Marisa is gonna have a hell of a bill to pay when she's about to kick the bucket (she isn't gonna need that money in the afterlife anyways). Koa is bound to you by blood, so she doesn't need to worry about payment, though you slip her a few bucks now and then. The fairies' only payment is not causing trouble, they're pretty much free help (and yes, they have learned how to read by now).

>How bad would it be to leave the monsterbooks hungry for a little longer? If they can deal with a few hunger pangs, hear Brother out.
>Actually, would Koa be able to take care of feeding once she gets back from tea? Butchery isn't exactly our profession.
> Eh, you usually don't need to butcher anyways, the monsters will tear into any meat with ease. That being said, Koa conveniently comes back with more tea and cookies. You ask her if she could handle the feeding duties for today, and she agrees to take care of it. Koa also takes a glance at the half-asleep Zakuro, and giggles before heading off.

> You discuss the topic of freezing energy with Monarda as you set your computer back up. The teal-colored case is of an interesting design--the monitor and keyboard fold up and attach to the side of the desktop case, so it's all in one nice package (everything's still connected by cords, though). Mon suggests it'd be easier to show you with a simulation instead of with words, so you fire up MAGA (it's like Maya but for 3D spellcrafting). Mon produces a flash drive that contains his simulation, and plugs it in for you to see. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's less "freezing" the energy and more like trapping it in a crystalline form. Humans have been trying this in the outside world with laser light. The trick is to create a crystalline molecular structure that lets light and energy in, but not out. However, Mon has been having problems creating just the right formula for such a crystal, and was hoping your expertise with the elements would help him find the (ahem) magic formula for his experiment.

> Yes, the parser is fully aware that none of this makes a lick of sense when it comes to actual physics, just bear with it :V
> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #466 on: January 15, 2014, 08:59:35 PM »
>Make sure to thank Bro for his assistance and generosity. Perhaps we should reward his muscle servant as well.
>Would Monarda be aware of Bag of Holding availability at Korindou? Do we have any idea what his money situation is like?
>Where does Remi get her money from, anyway?
>Was that Koa flirting or just amused? HMMM.
>We use plenty of crystal-like attacks, at least... how much experience do we have with such fine precision, for the energy trapping?
>What books (especially from our special caches~) would be handy in looking up similar topics?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #467 on: January 16, 2014, 06:36:28 AM »
>We use plenty of crystal-like attacks, at least... how much experience do we have with such fine precision, for the energy trapping?
> For all your expertise, it's hard to make quality-cut crystals that aren't formed from danmaku. It takes time, concentration and a steady hand to craft a crystal, and even then, you're not sure you can pull it off. However...

>What books (especially from our special caches~) would be handy in looking up similar topics?
> There is one special cache of TALKING BOOKS that has a couple of Geology-related tomes. It's hidden in, appropriately, the Mountain Wing, but you don't remember its exact location right now.

>Make sure to thank Bro for his assistance and generosity. Perhaps we should reward his muscle servant as well.
> That you should! You mention your findings and expertise to Monarda. "Ah, no worries. I'm sure if we put our heads together, something resembling a solution should pop out." You chuckle at this, and thank him for helping you. "No thanks are necessary...Though Zak and I wouldn't mind a place to stay for a day or two, that barrier takes a lot out of you," he says, putting his hand over his chest.
> Patchy recalls that Monarda has a weak heart, so you'll have to keep this in mind while you're reconstructing this memory.

>Would Monarda be aware of Bag of Holding availability at Korindou? Do we have any idea what his money situation is like?
> Mon runs a book store in the outside world. From what you can gather from Patchy's recollection, business is running smoothly. You mention the bag of holding sitch to him. "Hmm? The man's still kicking around, huh? Sure, I guess I could pay him a visit...You might need to give me directions, I don't know this place as well as you do." You agree to do just that, and Mon looks pleased.

>Where does Remi get her money from, anyway?
> Remi's father was a successful entrepreneur before he died, and has several businesses still running to this day. Remi has since taken over, and is trying to get--of all things--a cellphone company off the ground. As long as said businesses are running, you don't think she has anything to worry about moneywise...
> "Hey...Hey you awake there, blondie?"
> Shit, your thoughts about the cellphone thing made you think about Nitori's auto-IM, and it's disrupting your RECOLLECTION TRANCE! You need to UNDISTRACT yourself to avoid complete and total MEMORY DESYNCIFICATION!

>Was that Koa flirting or just amused? HMMM.
> You chuckle as you think about Koakuma for a second, refocusing back on the memory...You never thought of her as the flirty type, but for all her prim and proper, she's a bit of a teenager still. Perhaps you should tease her about it when you get the chance...
> Speaking of which, here she comes, screaming in absolute terror!
> ...Wait WHAT?
> Koa skids to a stop, catching her breath. "The mon...The monster...The monster books....All gone, tried to feed, heard a noise...Turned around and...Oh my Shinki, I forgot what running felt like..." she says, collapsing into a nearby chair.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #468 on: January 16, 2014, 06:57:57 AM »
>... did 'we' leave it open? What the hell? How?!
>"Breathe, Koa. What was it?"
>Check the security cameras. If it's the rat...
>Does Mon's bad heart mean he shouldn't risk getting involved in this mess if he can help it? If so, where would be safe?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #469 on: January 16, 2014, 10:49:51 PM »
>Blame Marisa.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #470 on: January 19, 2014, 11:14:58 PM »
>Blame Marisa.
> As much as you'd like to do so, you'd rather make sure it's actually her before you start throwing accusations.

>... did 'we' leave it open? What the hell? How?!
>"Breathe, Koa. What was it?"
>Check the security cameras. If it's the rat...
>Does Mon's bad heart mean he shouldn't risk getting involved in this mess if he can help it? If so, where would be safe?
> You're pretty sure you locked that hatch up tightly...
> ...But just to make sure, you ask Koa what the heck happened.

> "Ok...So...I went to the hatch, just like you asked me to, I opened it...Then I heard something whoosh by me. I thought it was just one of the fairies, but they aren't that fast. Then I heard growling, and something was leering up at me from the darkness...I got spooked and ran for my life. Sorry..."
> You check the security cameras around the library, and sure enough, there are several Legendary Monster books prowling the halls. While you don't blame Koa for self-preservation (let's face it, you'd probably do the same thing), you are curious as to what distracted her. You don't see anything else out of the ordinary...Yet.

> "Sheesh, those monsters look fierce. Perhaps I should lend a hand..." Mon suggests. You ask him if it's ok for him to do this, especially after that long trip. "Perhaps you're right...I'll stay here and protect the entrance, maybe you can take Zakuro and round up the beasties?"
> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #471 on: January 20, 2014, 04:04:23 AM »
>Put Mon anywhere that would cause a time paradox
>When was the last time we opened the legendary beasts' hatch? What could have survived being stuck in there and darted out so fast? Maybe a recent addition to the collection with unexpected skills?
>How much of a fight can the monsters put up out in the open like this? How difficult would it be for Bro to hold his own?
>How bad is his heart condition? How quickly would he need help if something went wrong about it?
>Would it be appropriate to request help from Sakuya or other competent members of the household to handle this, or is this strictly a library problem?
>Skim the cameras to get a headcount on the escaped beasts and their locations. Can we remotely close it to keep in anything that hasn't escaped yet, if any are left?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #472 on: January 20, 2014, 05:25:10 AM »
>Put Mon anywhere that would cause a time paradox
> You guide Mon outside the lounge. On the enemy phase, he gets critted by a Chimera Codex and dies. Damn, you gave him all the S-Rank magic tomes too!

>When was the last time we opened the legendary beasts' hatch? What could have survived being stuck in there and darted out so fast? Maybe a recent addition to the collection with unexpected skills?
> Last week, when you had to feed the beasties. You haven't added anything since you got that Story of Snakes book a year or so ago; it was a gift of good will from Kanako.

>How much of a fight can the monsters put up out in the open like this? How difficult would it be for Bro to hold his own?
> They're about as dangerous as any other wild animal, and just as unpredictable. However, like most mythical creatures, they are weak to elemental attacks, and both you and Monarda are perfectly capable of using them. Just don't let them get too close unless you're well-protected.

>How bad is his heart condition? How quickly would he need help if something went wrong about it?
> Mon's heart can usually recover if he stops to take a breath, but if something goes wrong, you have several CARDIAC PENS handy to get his heart back in order. of course, if his heart takes too much stress for too long, he'll suffer a heart attack, and that could cost him his life...You'd best keep those monsters away from him if you can.

>Would it be appropriate to request help from Sakuya or other competent members of the household to handle this, or is this strictly a library problem?
> You might as well. The door guard would be an asset here as well. It'll take time for the two to arrive, however, so you'd best ping them ASAP. The sisters are asleep and thus unable to help you right now (it is daytime after all).

>Skim the cameras to get a headcount on the escaped beasts and their locations. Can we remotely close it to keep in anything that hasn't escaped yet, if any are left?
> Four beasts are roaming the halls:

- Chimera Codex in the Flame wing
- Octopedia in the Forest wing
- Aviary Almanac in the Mountain wing
- Story of Snakes in the Lunar wing

> ...And if you wanna close the hatch, you'll have to do it yourself, locking spells only work at close range (so as to avoid abuse). The three Potentially Endangered Fairies are spooked by the monster noises and are hiding under the Rotund Tableau like scared children. Can't say you blame them.



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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #473 on: January 20, 2014, 06:56:04 AM »
>invoke hyadain
>... would we be able to get away with using the fairies as bait or decoys? Would they be helpful to keep an eye on Bro or more of a stressor/liability for him?
>Which of the four beasts would Sakuya or Meiling be particularly helpful against? Ping them either way to play it safe, but don't play it up as a complete emergency; just if they're available. Chinagirl may not be, because doorguard.
>Which sorts of spells would Koakuma be able to handle? Does Zakuro have an elemental specialty we're aware of? Ask Bro if uncertain.
>Also inform Monarada about which four are known problems; both him and us should prepare the necessary spells to take care of them, offensively and defensively.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #474 on: January 21, 2014, 03:26:02 AM »
>invoke hyadain
> You try to invoke Hyadain, but you mistake your pistol for your Evoker and shoot yourself in the head. MEMORY PARADOX

>... would we be able to get away with using the fairies as bait or decoys? Would they be helpful to keep an eye on Bro or more of a stressor/liability for him?
> Maybe, if you can convince them to come out and not flee in terror first. Having at least one of them to keep an eye on you bro might be a good thing, though.

>Which of the four beasts would Sakuya or Meiling be particularly helpful against? Ping them either way to play it safe, but don't play it up as a complete emergency; just if they're available. Chinagirl may not be, because doorguard.
> Sakuya's fast, so she might be able to keep up with the bird and the snake, but she might be better off with disarming the octopus instead. Hong is actually quite capable in melee combat, she's just lousy with the danmaku. :V
> You send each of them a magical note (with different stationary no less) casually asking them if they're busy.

>Which sorts of spells would Koakuma be able to handle? Does Zakuro have an elemental specialty we're aware of? Ask Bro if uncertain.
> Koa can use some low-level magic, at least. Zakuro...As far as you know, he's good for cutting things and heavy lifting (in spite of his complaining). He has no elemental skills to speak of.

>Also inform Monarda about which four are known problems; both him and us should prepare the necessary spells to take care of them, offensively and defensively.
> You totally do that, so far as to include him in the security camera skim not two posts ago. We can't leave him hanging, after all!
> Your best bet is a PROTECTION spell, which reduces physical damage, and the FEEL-FINE FORCEFIELD that stops status effects. Offense wise, the bird and octopus are weak to elec; the other two are weak to ice. You should also bring NULL FIRE as well; just because the library is fireproof doesn't mean you and the others aren't.

> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #475 on: January 21, 2014, 03:46:51 AM »
>How vital will elemental advantage be in restraining each of the books?
>Would Bro's little swordsman be as capable of handling the octopus as well as Sakuya, considering he has the bigger slicer? Try not to fantasize about tentacle yaoi
>How difficult will it be for us to keep up with the bird and snake? And the others available?
>Would it be a bad idea to let Monarda keep tabs on the camera system and guard the entrance to try and make sure they don't get out and cause further hassles?
>What do we have in the way of remote traps in the library that could help contain them?
>How vital would it be to keep Meiling on the front door compared to handling this problem?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #476 on: January 22, 2014, 02:27:09 AM »
>How vital will elemental advantage be in restraining each of the books?
> Stunning the books with an attack they're weak against will make things easier. Furthermore, those elements can paralyze/freeze, so you have the advantage here.

>Would Bro's little swordsman be as capable of handling the octopus as well as Sakuya, considering he has the bigger slicer? Try not to fantasize about tentacle yaoi
> There's nothing his blade can't cut!...Or so Zak claimed. The only problem is waking him up, he's still snoozing in spite of the chaos.
> The other problem is that you failed at fantasizing this situation spectacularly

>How difficult will it be for us to keep up with the bird and snake? And the others available?
> The Aviary Almanac is the only one that can give you real problems. The snake can get into some sneaky spots, but it's not too hard to reach: the challenge is getting it out of a hidey-hole if it decides to take up shelter. The chimera is agile, but not enough to really do much, and the octopus...Yeah, nothing will help this beast's situation, unless there's a sudden flood in the library (don't laugh, it has happened before).

>Would it be a bad idea to let Monarda keep tabs on the camera system and guard the entrance to try and make sure they don't get out and cause further hassles?
> You pose this suggestion to Monarda, and he agrees to do monitor duty. This should help tremendously.

>What do we have in the way of remote traps in the library that could help contain them?
> Oh geeze, you almost forgot about the security system. You have various forcefields, electric and laser fences, and SLOWING SMOG that you normally use to keep Marisa at bay. However, they should be able to keep the beasts contained long enough for you to return them to book form. And if worse comes to worse, you can break out the good ol' PatchCon...

>How vital would it be to keep Meiling on the front door compared to handling this problem?
> You figure it's more important to keep stuff from getting out than getting in; Remi won't notice...Unless the beasts overwhelm you. It's like you keep telling Remi: "Here's a solution to our intruder problem, it's called a door lock."
> To which Remi would reply "I'll lock the front door once you figure out how to keep that black-white burglar out of your library," chuckling all the while. This would often leave you flustered.
> ...That is, if you were actually Patchy and not Marisa, so you find this doubly funny. :D

> "Are they gone yet?" Luna meekly asks from under the desk.
> _


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #477 on: January 22, 2014, 05:04:57 AM »
>dang whippersnappers
>"Not yet. But you may want to stick with Monarda if you don't want to be a fairy snack."
>Ask Monny about whether Zak would be able/willing to help, and/or if he'd be safe if left napping here.
>Warn him about Marisa as well, just in case things get even worse.
>What would the downside be to breaking out PatchCon? Marisa already stole that and presumably gave up on it/got tired of it, right?
>Is the Forest wing particularly prone to flooding?
>We have a good way to communicate with Bro while recollecting the books, right? To coordinate what defenses should be up/down for us to travel and keep track of where the books are, for starters.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #478 on: January 22, 2014, 05:37:17 AM »
>"Not yet. But you may want to stick with Monarda if you don't want to be a fairy snack."
> "G-Good idea..." Luna resumes cowering. Useless Meddling Fairies.

>Ask Monny about whether Zak would be able/willing to help, and/or if he'd be safe if left napping here.
> "Oh, I'm sure he would...He just needs a bit of a wakeup call. An airhorn spell usually works," Mon suggests.

>Warn him about Marisa as well, just in case things get even worse.
> "I doubt she'd show up, but...One can't be too careful,"Mon says, as a gust of wind flows over the lounge. You don't know if that was the bird book or...Something else, but it's making you edgy.

>What would the downside be to breaking out PatchCon? Marisa already stole that and presumably gave up on it/got tired of it, right?
> Other than flooding the library with clay dolls? No drawbacks whatsoever! :D
> Ok, that's a lie, you need to have some kind of resource to build more dolls if you don't have enough, but you usually use your own mana for that. Doing that would leave you in a potentially dangerous sitch, however. Mon could do it, but he has the same problem, Koa doesn't have nearly as much mana as you do, the fairies...Ehhh, you'd rather not trust them with it, but you might not have a choice.
> Also, to clarify, Marisa stole the plans for it, she couldn't actually steal the device itself. It is a portable magic circle after all, you'd have a heck of a hard time stuffing that into a Bag of Holding.

>Is the Forest wing particularly prone to flooding?
> Not really, though there's not much stopping it from being flooded in the first place. Besides, it's an octopus, not a water dragon, you think it'll be ok.

>We have a good way to communicate with Bro while recollecting the books, right? To coordinate what defenses should be up/down for us to travel and keep track of where the books are, for starters.
> You keep some walkie-talkies in the mini-kitchen in case of emergencies, so those may be of some use.
> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #479 on: January 22, 2014, 06:16:07 AM »
>Glance up for that wind. If that's what spooked Koa...
>Check the recent feed of the cameras from where we are right now to see if they caught anything.
>Would Koakuma be able to handle any one of the books on her own? Or should she tag along or invoke Patchcon?
>If there's no immediate emergencies, ask Bro to handle waking up his partner and asking whether he can handle fighting an octopus while we and/or Koa get the walkies. We DO keep recordings right
There was something here once. Wonder what...