Author Topic: You Know You're Addicted To Touhou When ... Vol. 8 Imperishable Night Edition  (Read 222577 times)


  • Garden of Death
  • Reaper
You no longer kill bugs in respect to Wriggle. Capturing them and bringing them outside is sometimes difficult, but well worth it.
That time, is breakfast time!
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Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
You no longer kill bugs in respect to Wriggle. Capturing them and bringing them outside is sometimes difficult, but well worth it.
...and when you see a black cat, you greet it, addressing it as "Chen" or "Orin".


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
When you write this

in the school's blackboard, and then you make your friend write this

because he's interested in Japanese.
I told him that it stood for well, "Eastern" and that it was pronounced "Touhou". I even told him to check it out if he wanted, but I doubt that'll be the case.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
When you listen to Byakuren's ULiL Theme while playing a racing game.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 08:11:52 AM by Kageshirou »

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you find yourself essentially in love with this gif.

I need to find out a way to crop it so as to set it as my icon on the forums. It's just that good!


  • Retired
Had to write the word "Parse" a few times today. It was hard to resist accidentally placing an extra "e" at the end.

Also found out I respect domestic spiders now. All thanks to Yamame.


  • pichuun
You can't watch Kill La Kill without seeing Seija instead of Ryuko.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)

On the Yamame thing, because of her my arachnophbia is not as crippling.  Funny how I end up really liking that spider girl...

That moment when you notice that for some reason a part of the melody of MS Stage 5 theme seems like it may have been the basis of Charming Domination.

When while being scold by someone, your consciousness drifts away to Sanzu River... is it Eiki, who's scolding you again? But of course, I am not slacking off, I am just doing things in my own pace  ;)
« Last Edit: June 07, 2015, 02:52:04 PM by Vilikusan »


  • Border of Whatever
When you read there's someone called Riesen in "Dominion", and the first thing you think is "What is Reisen doing in a TV show?".
When you are walking alone at night, and think that if you you were in Gensokyo Rumia could easily attack you from one of the many dark places along the road.

>See's a mounted spotlight/searchlight


  • Do Tank Girls Dream...
  • *
  • Of Floating Eyeballs?
You finally bother to see the new character in 14.5; after delaying it SPECIFICALLY to give time for theories to form; to immediately disapprove of and find counter-arguments to the main theory.

There are multiple reasons why it makes no sense for Sumireko to be Renko's ancestor. Older Sister seems far more likely. Such reasons include how on earth would a club she made specifically to isolate herself survive GENERATIONS, how she found out about Gensokyo in the first place without Maribel when Renko only knows through Maribel; we've seen nothing to suggest Renko is from the far future; indeed; we can say Sumireko is either modern or very near modern, and given when Renko was created, ZUN might have overshot tech advances.

The only things we have that suggest Renko is from the future are her subject [Super Unified Physics] and the fact she's a University Student and Sumireko is High School; yet is the 'First President'. [Perhaps Renko and Maribel took the club with them from High School to Uni]. But that timeline only makes sense in the continuation of the club is if Renko is a younger sister. Especially given Sumireko's reasons for forming the club in the first place.

There's even the possibility that Sumi's her younger sister and simply is mimicing Renko and is the first President of her OWN sealing club; in her High School while Renko is at University.

Also the irony that now Renko has relationship theories just like Maribel.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2015, 10:33:13 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you read there's someone called Riesen in "Dominion", and the first thing you think is "What is Reisen doing in a TV show?".
When you are walking alone at night, and think that if you you were in Gensokyo Rumia could easily attack you from one of the many dark places along the road.

I'm currently in Germany right now and I've spotted several buses labeled "Reisen".

I'm currently in Germany right now and I've spotted several buses labeled "Reisen".

You probably know this already but "Reisen" means something like "Travel/Traveling/To Travel" in german, i think.
Interesting stuff.

I'm wandering around at an anime con and I see a guy in a basketball uniform labeled "Shoutoku."  No, I don't know what it's from (mostly due to little interest in High School or Sports Anime) but all I can think of is Miko challenging Byakuren to a basketball match...


  • pichuun
When you rant at people thinking Youmu is a female zoro clone because of a three sword style picture.

When you actually get your guitar teacher to play a touhou song.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Crimson Blade Hidden Amidst the Darkness
Whenever you see the word "Scarlet", you always think of a certain vampire living in a mansion.


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
Were creating a game for Web Development class yesterday. The teacher basically showed us how to develop the "engine" of sorts, but the rest we had to do ourselves.
After the engine was done and I saw what it did... I immediatly thought:
"Hey, I can make a Touhou game with that."
and I'm gonna try to do it, seriously o3o

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
Were creating a game for Web Development class yesterday. The teacher basically showed us how to develop the "engine" of sorts, but the rest we had to do ourselves.
After the engine was done and I saw what it did... I immediatly thought:
"Hey, I can make a Touhou game with that."
and I'm gonna try to do it, seriously o3o
Please teach me how. :V


  • Love Sign
  • Master Spark
Please teach me how. :V
Hope ya know how to play around with HTML and Javascript files! ^3^
I'm still trying to figure out a way to allow you to move up and down and how to make the game get faster with time.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


  • Mukyuu!
When you see The Powerpuff Girls reruns and it seriously bugs you that the girls almost never use their eye beams (or Blossom's freezing breath). Trying to shotgun punch everything is fine and dandy but not if ranged attacks are as good if not better. Even TD Youmu has some reach.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2015, 12:07:54 AM by Maple »


  • The Alpha
  • Let Super Saiyan Okuu rekt you
Powerpuff Girls?? Okuu can do better.

When you lie awake in bed at night wondering if a certain Border Youkai isn't going to pay you a visit...XD


  • I need to stop changing my name
When you name your Pokemon after Touhou characters.

When you're feeling sad or angry, or just need a pick me up, you open up some Touhou music.

When you constantly fantasize about situations and events in Gensokyo, how it would happen and be solved, etc.

When you have the background that changes every 30 seconds, and more than half of them are Touhou pictures.


  • Border of Whatever

When you constantly fantasize about situations and events in Gensokyo, how it would happen and be solved, etc.

Oh dear, i always do that, especially before and after sleeping. It's so damn fun, too bad i don't have any drawing skills to put those fantasies somewhere :)
Also, when you take touhou-like nicknames in most of the other games.

When you lie awake in bed at night wondering if a certain Border Youkai isn't going to pay you a visit...XD

The recurring dreams I have imply that it happens...  It is an absolute honour to meet her and it is a gift to meet her on good terms.  She is very wise and you learn much from her wisdom.  Real or not, the experience of the dream creates the same effect regardless.

You know you are addicted when you look forward to the next time it happens.  XP

The addiction only truly sets in once you start referring to all fictional laser beams as Sparks of some kind.

Did you ever had a situation when you buy something you don't really need, or buy something just to please yourself, even though you feel that you shouldn't do it? For example: some unneeded magazine or journal, some snacks, extra beer or two, sweets, pistachios,  manga and anim.... errr.. I mean... mangos' and anigozanthos fruits, etc.? ;)
I usually didn't had any concrete method to restrain myself from doing this, aside from simple awareness that maybe I should keep my money for something more useful or that this would just waste them, but not anymore!

After reading through 'poverty' tagged pictures on Danbooru, of which majority is about our dear miko, I started to treasure every bit of food much more that before. Not that I didn't valued it already, but now it advanced onto whole different level! I can now empathize with Toriko's "Giving thanks to all the ingredients in the world!"!

Therefore, if I go shopping now, I can just start saying to myself something like:
  • Remember the Reimu! Reminisce her situation! Think about Reimu!
  • Think about Reimu! How can you buy something like that, while this poor girl is starving!?
  • Will you really buy this, while Reimu is eating dirt? You bounder! Have some compassion and empathy!
  • Etc.
And the problem disappears  :V
[Warning] It is very effective auto-suggestion, so use it wisely!

The same with finding a coin, be it either a cheap one, or a one with reasonable value, I just cannot pick it up without remorse. What if the next person going this path, or the next noticing this coin, will be Reimu? What if I don't leave this coin as it is and deprive her of opportunity to eat something? How can I deliberately harm her in such cruel way? If I don't really, but really, really need this coin, how can I so awfully torment Reimu by divesting her of joy from finding this coin, so she can buy something to put into her poor, grumbling tummy?  :ohdear:
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 10:38:11 PM by Vilikusan »

Abraham Lincoln

  • Mendelssohn for President 2016
  • Make Bach Great Again!
When you "vandalize" pictures of celebrities and other real-life personalities by drawing the hair, headwear and ornaments of Touhou characters on them. If I had more talent, I would do this to some of my spare dollar bills.

Vilikusan, how would you like a US$1 Reimu-Washington? :V

When you are proud of some random girl, wearing black hat, because she must be portraying herself as Renko : 3

You are right Abraham Lincoln, I didn't noticed it before, but his protruding hair just asks for ponytails and ribbons . :]
I hope I had more skills in painting things, but unfortunately, "The things that can be draw by these hands are close to none." Although it will change, just wait and see me. Before next flower viewing I will change the destiny! (or at least repaint some famous faces^^)
« Last Edit: June 21, 2015, 10:17:20 AM by Vilikusan »