Author Topic: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?  (Read 396509 times)

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #570 on: March 23, 2014, 03:37:11 PM »
It worked this time, thanks.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #571 on: March 26, 2014, 06:51:05 AM »
akh101, are you still there ? Is your teacher's uncle still working on the translations ?


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #572 on: March 29, 2014, 08:29:25 PM »
So I decided to take a crack at translating some of the leftovers, as per a request.  I think it went alright.

Here's what I have so far.  Could definitely use some TLC, though I've marked the ones that need it badly.

I don't know what kind of formatting you want, so I'll just put it up as I have it in my notes.


Soul of Durga (Skill 7)

A magic that strengthens the body, releasing a strong attack after defending.
It can only defend from attacks while chanting, but the attack released will be stronger the more hits she
It is also possible to extend the amount of time the defensive chanting takes.

Heaven Sign: Sakyamuni's Five-Element Mountain  (Spell 3)

Hijiri's faith becomes the hand of the Lord Buddha himself.
This attack of gratefulness knocks the opponent prostrate to the ground.
Her great faith is, more than anything else, worthy of pride in that it's on a greater scale than the giant,
powerful Unzan can hope to match.


合局風* (Skill 7)

A vortex caused by a plate that sucks in the wind.
The vortex doesn't have any attack power, but if it sucks in a previously set-up plate, it'll grow into a
tornado that will ensnare and frustrate your opponent.

* Not sure what this translates as, but I'm pretty confident it's not even close to the current translation ("Total Wind Hurricane").  Unless there's some sort of reference here that I'm missing, the name doesn't refer to hurricanes or totals at all.  "Place of Harmonious Winds" is a better translation, but I'm pretty confident it's still wrong.  Please point it out if I've missed a reference somewhere, or if you know what the hell 合局 is supposed to mean.
**This was a bit ambiguous, so let me know if the skill doesn't work like this.

Fortune: Open Gate of Catastrophy (Spell 3)

Showing her ability in manipulating the fortunes of all things through Feng Shui.
Creating a spot of great misfortune, the attack incurs great misfortune on the opponent within it.
Any plates that are caught in the attack will greatly increase it's effectiveness, causing the opponent's misfortune to become much more severe.


Blessed Rain of the Shining One (Skill 7)

Miko raises a hand to the heavens, calling swords of light to rain down.
The swords that come down are her authority itself, so rich that those who face it will have their faith itself

Human Sign: Tradition of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil  (Spell 3)

Miko works her popularity itself into the blade of her treasured sword, using it to pierce through her opponent.
The greater her popularity, the more powerful the attack will become.  Negative emotions can also be used, so it
is still a convenient attack even when her popularity is extremely low.

*Needs a TLC, especially the second one.


Cucumber Sound System (Skill 7)

A powerful wave of sound is released from the speakers at her sides. The opponent is stunned from the sheer
intensity of the sound.
Inertial movement is strong when firing, and the angle of the attack can be adjusted, meaning the attack can be
treated something like a machine gun.

Torrential Rain: Great War of the River Bed (Spell 1)

By firing a torrential rain device into the air, a Guerrila Rainstorm and Flash Flood are caused, sweeping the
opponent away in a torrent of muddy water.
The current of water is controlled by elaborate calculations, meaning the audience and surrounding area have
nothing to fear.


Unanswered Love (Skill 7)

Koishi advances as if she was dancing, drawing hearts as she goes.
Once activated, she won't stop until she makes contact with the opponent, so if used incorrectly she can put
herself in a lot of trouble.
Similar to the curse of the red shoes.

Dream Sign: The Ancestors are Watching

Six shadows appear to watch the opponent, and can attack them later on.
Two of the shadows disappear whenever they attack, so it provides a total of three attacks.


Youkai Omokage Transformation  (Skill 7)

Mamizou transforms into a likeness of her opponent, drawing forth their various skills.
She doesn't copy them, but instead makes a personal arrangement that looks similar.

*Needs TLC

Transformation: Futatsuiwa Clan's Judgement  (Spell 3)

Transforms the opponent into a powerless form.
For the duration, she can attack them in a completely one-sided manner.
The opponent can do nothing run around, but Mamizou also becomes able to only use standard strikes.

Obviously you can fiddle with names and wordings to meet spacing restrictions that I may be unaware of.

If people don't hate my translations, I'll probably move on to doing the music room comments next.  If there's anything that needs translating after that, just point me to where and I'll put it on the list.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #573 on: March 30, 2014, 12:53:01 AM »

From extensive google search I found that it (合局) refers to the 12 chinese signs (the four triads). But oddly enough my "ctrl+f"s didn't find a single 風 (kaze) in all those sites.

See this link from the japanese toho wiki for a bit info:

As for how we should translate it, though, I have no idea.

ps: See this other link:

It refers to the move as 合局嵐 (third kanji is the "arashi"). It may be just a typo, but it may be worth a check since I didn't play the game yet.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #574 on: March 30, 2014, 10:08:45 AM »
Thank you for all these translations !
I'll see if there is spacing problems.
BTW, what does TLC means ?


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #575 on: March 30, 2014, 03:26:04 PM »
From extensive google search I found that it (合局) refers to the 12 chinese signs (the four triads). But oddly enough my "ctrl+f"s didn't find a single 風 (kaze) in all those sites.

See this link from the japanese toho wiki for a bit info:

As for how we should translate it, though, I have no idea.

I had found something similar (albeit somewhere else) involving the zodiac, but I wasn't confident in making much of a connection between because the zodiac reference always used 三合局, leaving me unsure whether it was really referring to the same thing.  So the link you gave does a good job of proving they are related, which is a nice step forward.

You probably aren't going to find any references that involve 風 because it's just going to be a whatever 合局 means plus wind.  I dout there'll be much references to wind in the zodiac :P

As for how to translate it, now confident that it is actually involving zodiac trines/triads, we can take a look at this:

A trine (abbrev. Tri) is an angle of 120? (1/3 of the 360? ecliptic). A separation (orb) of 120?04? is considered a trine. The trine indicates harmony and ease of expression, with the two elements reinforcing each other. The trine is a source of artistic and creative talent, which is innate. The trine has been traditionally assumed to be extremely beneficial, providing ease even if undeserved, but it can be a 'line of least resistance' to a person of weak character.
Source, my emphasis.

So that leaves me to believe that 合 is referring to Harmony.
風 could either be 'Wind' or 'Style,' but considering the move itself I'm pretty confident it's going to mean 'wind' here.
局 then means ???  Dictionary gives: Channel (as in TV), Affair/Situation, Lady-in-Waiting, a Low class prostitute/a room for such, a separate room in a palace (esp for a lady).  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's trying to mean "affair/situation," but...yeah.

Harmony - Affair/Situation - Wind

It refers to the move as 合局嵐 (third kanji is the "arashi"). It may be just a typo, but it may be worth a check since I didn't play the game yet.

I see, that makes a lot more sense as to where the translation came from.  I actually don't have the latest version installed yet, so can someone check in the game how it's displayed?  There's probably a typo, but we need to know whether the JP wiki or the En wiki has made it lol.

Thank you for all these translations !
I'll see if there is spacing problems.
BTW, what does TLC means ?

TLC = Translation Check

And no problem, glad to be of service!  It'll probably take me at least a day or two before I can do much more work on it, but I'll do what I can to see this through to the end.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #576 on: March 30, 2014, 03:39:27 PM »
I see, that makes a lot more sense as to where the translation came from.  I actually don't have the latest version installed yet, so can someone check in the game how it's displayed?  There's probably a typo, but we need to know whether the JP wiki or the En wiki has made it lol.

The game uses 風 (kaze), not 嵐 (arashi).

EDIT: Regarding 合局. In english they are called "triangles of affinity". I could suggest "Wind of Harmony", but I'm not sure if it's correct or not. "Affinity Wind" could also be used.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 04:05:37 PM by Ghildrean »

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #577 on: March 30, 2014, 10:22:02 PM »
The game uses 風 (kaze), not 嵐 (arashi).
Right. Here is the skill's name, directly pasted from the game's files : 合局風

I checked if there is some spacing problems.
For the descriptions, there isn't any problem in what you did. There is only one that was never fixed, for the kokoro's 1st spell, Angry Mask 「Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf」 :
A dashing technique that lunges at the
opponent with Kokoro's emotions.
Her trajectory can be changed in realtime by
using the up and down keys.
Also, the spiritual energy used by this card
will increase each time Kokoro's emotion
switches after the card is declared.
The card's performance when used will
strengthen accordingly.
The last 2 words overflows a bit, so it would be nice if someone could shorten this a bit.

For the names, there is more problems. I'll take the worst :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil」
In game, we see this :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good an

Also, in the profile menu, this overflows after :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding G
I'll see how much I can play with letter spacing, font width etc to provide more space.

And a last thing :
Transformation: Futatsuiwa Clan's Judgement  (Spell 3)

Transforms the opponent into a powerless form.
For the duration, she can attack them in a completely one-sided manner.
The opponent can do nothing run around, but Mamizou also becomes able to only use standard strikes.
I'm not sure (after all, I'm not english), but I think it should be "The opponent can do nothing but run around", or "The opponent can do nothing except run around".


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #578 on: March 30, 2014, 11:04:16 PM »
The game uses 風 (kaze), not 嵐 (arashi).

EDIT: Regarding 合局. In english they are called "triangles of affinity". I could suggest "Wind of Harmony", but I'm not sure if it's correct or not. "Affinity Wind" could also be used.

I agree, Wind of Affinity sounds good.  Something like Wind of Harmony would also work nicely.  Both do a fine job of conveying as much of that meaning as possible imo.

Also thanks to both of you for the confirmation.

There is only one that was never fixed, for the kokoro's 1st spell, Angry Mask 「Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf」 :The last 2 words overflows a bit, so it would be nice if someone could shorten this a bit.

I would do something like, take out "in realtime," and change the last sentence to "The card's power will rise accordingly."  If that's still not enough space, you could cut out "spiritual" from "spiritual energy."

For the names, there is more problems. I'll take the worst :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil」
In game, we see this :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good an

Also, in the profile menu, this overflows after :
Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding G
I'll see how much I can play with letter spacing, font width etc to provide more space.

Well, that's quite the cutoff.  You might be able to get off with some poetic license and do like..."Human Sign 「Good Conquers Evil」," but that's stretching the meaning an awful lot, so if people don't like very liberal translations to make that fit, you might be better off finding another solution :x

And a last thing :I'm not sure (after all, I'm not english), but I think it should be "The opponent can do nothing but run around", or "The opponent can do nothing except run around".

Ah yes, quite right.  Typo on my part, sorry.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #579 on: March 31, 2014, 01:22:20 AM »
Does anyone know how to open HM's .dat files


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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #580 on: March 31, 2014, 05:10:04 AM »
I can't really help out much, but I have been keeping an eye on the thread since the beginning (about the first few pages).
However, I figured I'd at least try out rewriting "Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil」

The first one 'should' fit the profile menu length, but might be a little bit too liberal:
Human Sign 「Honour Good, Shun Evil」

The second idea probably fits a bit more, though it would still need a little more room:
Human Sign 「Tradition of Right and Wrong」

Just my little piece. Hope it helps
Normal 1CC's: SoEW, LLS, MS, EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, GFW, TD, HM, DDC, ULiL, LoLK(PD), CtC |IaMP|
Hard 1CC's: EoSD, PCB, MoF, IN(B), TD, LoLK(PD), |???|
Lunatic 1CC's: None
Extra 1CC's: SoEW, MS, EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF(NB), SA, UFO, GFW, TD, DDC, CtC, LoLK, |???|


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #581 on: March 31, 2014, 06:40:01 AM »

The first one 'should' fit the profile menu length, but might be a little bit too liberal:
Human Sign 「Honour Good, Shun Evil」

I like this one a lot actually!

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #582 on: March 31, 2014, 06:53:57 AM »
As I said, there is a lot of spell's names overflowing. Here is the list :
Ichirin : Wind Blowing Down from Mountains of Mercy
Ichirin : Storm {Storm Clouds, Buddhist Retribution}
Byakuren : Heaven Sign {Great Trichiliocosm Master}
Byakuren : Heaven Sign {Mahavairocana Brilliance}
Byakuren : Heaven Sign {Shakyamuni's Five-Element Mountain}
Nitori : Torrential Rain {Great War of the River Bed}
Koishi : Dream Sign {The Ancestors are Watching}
Mamizou : Transformation {Futatsuiwa Clan's Judgement}
Kokoro : Angry Mask {Mask of an Angry Hated Wolf}
Kokoro : Melancholy Mask {Those of Qi Fear the Earth}

That's why I'll search if I can find some more space. I'll try some things soon (tomorrow, I think), and then I'll post some suggestions.
BTW, Human Sign 「Honour Good, Shun Evil」 fits, but I can't add a single character, so we can't take something bigger with the current space we have.

iori98 :
You're talking about the .pak files ?
If that's it, you can download the tools used to unpack them here :,14754.msg987412.html#msg987412 , and an explanation about how to use them here :,14754.msg987752.html#msg987752
Else, if you really want to open the .dat files (score.dat and system.dat), there still isn't any tool to open them, and I don't think there will be one someday.


  • DJ FlanFlan
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #583 on: March 31, 2014, 08:58:17 AM »
I see you guys have progress with the translations ^^
Do you guys still need any help?

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #584 on: March 31, 2014, 04:47:04 PM »
I searched if I can find some more space. I moved the title upside the picture, and I reorganized some things to make it looks better. Here is the result :
What do you think about it ?
If we use this, the only spell for which the name is too long is Heaven Sign 「Shakyamuni's Five-Element Mountain」.

Gamer251 : I don't think. If you want, you can discuss about translation choices.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 08:25:05 PM by brliron »


  • Munch-Munch Demon
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #585 on: April 01, 2014, 12:28:51 AM »
I can't really help out much, but I have been keeping an eye on the thread since the beginning (about the first few pages).
However, I figured I'd at least try out rewriting "Human Sign 「Tradition of Rewarding Good and Punishing Evil」

The first one 'should' fit the profile menu length, but might be a little bit too liberal:
Human Sign 「Honour Good, Shun Evil」

The second idea probably fits a bit more, though it would still need a little more room:
Human Sign 「Tradition of Right and Wrong」

Just my little piece. Hope it helps
One page on the wiki translates it as "Tradition of Just Rewards".


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #586 on: April 01, 2014, 01:06:48 AM »
I searched if I can find some more space. I moved the title upside the picture, and I reorganized some things to make it looks better. Here is the result :
What do you think about it ?
If we use this, the only spell for which the name is too long is Heaven Sign 「Shakyamuni's Five-Element Mountain」.

Gamer251 : I don't think. If you want, you can discuss about translation choices.

Looks great ^^
I guess I could help shorten some spellcard names and correct some errors.
How about Heaven「Shakyamuni's Element Mountain」or Heaven「Shakyamuni's Five-Elements」

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • Munch-Munch Demon
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #587 on: April 01, 2014, 01:19:41 AM »
I'd say "element" is the least important word there, given what it's referencing (my dictionary returns 五行 as "wu xing" and "five practices of the Boddhisatvas", for what it's worth). How's "Shakyamuni's Fivefold Mountain"? Alternatively you could replace "Shakyamuni" with "Buddha" (Shakyamuni = Siddhartha Gautama = the guy generally meant when you say "The Buddha" rather than "a Buddha").
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 01:37:48 AM by Prime32 »

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #588 on: April 01, 2014, 04:44:53 AM »

iori98 :
You're talking about the .pak files ?
If that's it, you can download the tools used to unpack them here :,14754.msg987412.html#msg987412 , and an explanation about how to use them here :,14754.msg987752.html#msg987752
Else, if you really want to open the .dat files (score.dat and system.dat), there still isn't any tool to open them, and I don't think there will be one someday.

Oh I see well thanks for the info.


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #589 on: April 01, 2014, 07:41:56 PM »
Okay, I finished translating the leftover song comments on the wiki.

This Dull World's Unchanging Pessimism  (Intro Theme)

While it pretends to be the main theme, only one other song took any phrases from it, making it a bit of a
mysterious song.  The song itself doesn't use an orchestra, but it tries to come off that way anyways.  There
are Taiko drums in it after all!  The true purpose of the song might come out in it's use outside of the Title

Shinkirou Orchestra   (Title Screen Theme)

The song made to play during the display of Kei-Sensei's Picture Scroll.  The actual scroll itself is supposed
to be displayed at Reitaisai, but have you seen it?  I don't think it's in a state that could be made into a
scroll yet, but I'm sure he'll pull through.

A Popular Place      (Pre-Battle Theme)

If you make a good, generic song, you kind of end up not needing any other songs. You may get tired of it, but
please forgive me!  I secretly made it to have a proper, elegantly simplistic feel, but the chances of someone
listening to it that long are slim to none, as it's just the music in the background while people are talking.

An Unpopular Place   (Pre-Battle Theme)

Since it was meant to be used in a place that had a differing feel, it achieves that different feel by being in
triple time.  The "人気" in the song's title can be read as either "popular" or "presence of people."

Spring Lane ~ Colorful Path      (Reimu's Theme)

The way this song was arranged, especially with the bass, was to make you feel the need to go all out, similarly
to how the song is going all out.
...As for going all out, this song breaks the all-time record for the most uses of the crash cymbal.

Magus Night      (Marisa's Theme)

My most inspired song for this game.  However, from the amount of manual revisions to the Swing, to the amount
of time spent editing raw sounds, the amount of bothersome work for this song was great.  Even writing a comment
for the song is just more trouble.  Without a comment, there's also the problem of a lack of types of character

Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Kappa ~ Candid Friend      (Nitori's Theme)

While making songs, this was both the first one started and the last one finished.  It's a fairly fast song, so
I thought reaching all the notes in time would be difficult, but unexpectedly the real problem was finding
places to breathe.  Not enough consideration for the Woodwind players.

Hartmann's Youkai Girl      (Koishi's Theme)

The original song didn't have many phrases, so please forgive me!  I asked a lot of unreasonable things from the
violinist, but for some reason he played it all the way to the end.  However the Swings and rhythm changes of
the song apparently made it quite difficult.  Thanks for giving it your best!  There are a lot of songs to do
after all.

Futatsuiwa of Gensokyo      (Mamizou's Theme)

The ever-so-proud Mamizou, as if she knows something you don't.  But in reality she's just a youkai that only
appears when something interesting is happening.  The song was trying to portray the image that she was
completely unrelated to the actual story.

Questions/Comments/TLCs welcome, as always!

This was the last thing I was aware of that's untranslated on the wiki, so if there's anything else you need done, just point me in the right direction and I'll get on it.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #590 on: April 02, 2014, 06:48:27 PM »
For the spell card's names :
With Heaven Sign 「Shakyamuni's Fivefold Mountain」 or Heaven Sign 「Buddha's Five-Element Mountain」 , there is 1 or 2 characters overflowing.
And I just saw, but Transformation 「Futatsuiwa Clan's Judgement」 has 1 character overflowing in game.

For the music translations :
Thank you. I'm a bit busy with my school these days, so I won't look at this now. I should have more time monday, I think.

And for the remaining translations :
There were some changes in some skills' descriptions, and these changes were never translated. Here they are :

Also, the newspaper at the end of a fight in VS mode aren't translated yet.
I can't copy-paste them here, because they are stored into pictures.
Do you have photoshop ? I ask you this because these pictures are in a strange format (.dds). There is a photoshop extension able to open them. So, if you have photoshop, I'll be able to give you a link to download these pictures. Else, I'll have to convert them before to a more common format (png, for example).


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #591 on: April 02, 2014, 07:21:58 PM »
For the spell card's names :
With Heaven Sign 「Shakyamuni's Fivefold Mountain」 or Heaven Sign 「Buddha's Five-Element Mountain」 , there is 1 or 2 characters overflowing.
And I just saw, but Transformation 「Futatsuiwa Clan's Judgement」 has 1 character overflowing in game.

Heaven Sign 「Buddha's Fivefold Mountain」
Transformation 「Futatsuiwa Clan Judgement」

Should be good enough.

Do you have photoshop ? I ask you this because these pictures are in a strange format (.dds). There is a photoshop extension able to open them. So, if you have photoshop, I'll be able to give you a link to download these pictures. Else, I'll have to convert them before to a more common format (png, for example).

I have GIMP, which tells me it can open DDS files, so it shouldn't be a problem.

And for the remaining translations :

Pretty short, these should be done very quickly.  I'll probably be slower with the Newspapers because, on top of the fact I expect there will be more of them, I'm a lot slower at working with images than I am at working with raw text :(  BUT it can be done.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #592 on: April 02, 2014, 07:59:01 PM »
Heaven Sign 「Buddha's Fivefold Mountain」
Of course...

I have GIMP, which tells me it can open DDS files, so it shouldn't be a problem.
My GIMP can't.
Here is an example, so you can try :


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
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Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #593 on: April 02, 2014, 10:26:50 PM »
Yep, opens up fine.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #594 on: April 03, 2014, 07:39:58 AM »
Ok. Here are all pictures concerning the newspapers :
Some were already translated by Ciel (the ones concerning the story mode).


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #595 on: April 03, 2014, 07:53:36 PM »

Wind's Ominous Hole (Futo's Skill 1)

Jumps to a previously setup plate, striking the surrounding area with a whirlwind.
By changing the skill's slot, it changes the order in which plates are used, depending on the order they were placed.
A ritual designed to keep things clean and tidy.

Stone Boat of Heaven (Futo's Skill 4)

Charges heroically forward on a boat called from Heaven.
If other plates are set up, reinputting the command will make her jump between them.
Just as it looks, its made of plates, so she just ended up making a mud boat that won't float.


Small Thunder Cloud  (Ichirin Skill 3)

The electrically-charged Unzan releases his built up energy, electrifying the area around him.
Any button can be used to finish the attack.
If the skill is equipped to the forward slot, Unzan will separate from Ichirin and they can attack separately, but until Unzan returns, Ichirin's movements will be limited.

Updated descriptions for Futo and Ichirin.  Futo's skill 7 was included in my last batch of skill descriptions, so I didn't bother to include it here.

Next up, newspapers.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #596 on: April 03, 2014, 09:28:06 PM »
Thank you. As for music room translations, I'll check it monday, I think.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #597 on: April 05, 2014, 10:49:50 PM »
Hi! First, thanks for the translation, that's really cool! Also, I thought you would like to be informed if any bugs are still remaining, so here is a little glitch I noticed

I suppose the flags of the Myouren Temple are not supposed to be blacks like that, right? (it gives it a feeling of some sort of mourning, while Reimu says the atmosphere is festive... quite unfitting xD)  I don't know if it is a known bug, and if so I apologize to have made you waste your time reading this ^^" Thanks again for your work guys!

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #598 on: April 06, 2014, 08:58:49 AM »
Yes, it's a known bug. And it is really hard to fix.
But you don't need to apologize. You made me lose something like 2 minutes, it's nearly nothing.
While I'm talking about this, does someone here has some knowledge about reverse engineering ? If so, his help might be useful.

Re: Testing out solutions to Touhou 13.5 patch?
« Reply #599 on: April 07, 2014, 10:11:59 PM »
TwilightsCall, I checked your translations. So, for the skill cards, there isn't any problems, but there is one in the music comments, for An Unpopular Place   (Pre-Battle Theme). You used japanese characters (人気), but there are lots of places where the english-patched game can't display them (when it uses the font, so when the text isn't in a picture).
We may for example use romajis here (Ninki, if google translation is right).

Also, do you think you'll finish newspapers' translation soon (less than 2 weeks) ? And do you take care of the image editing ?
I ask you this because I think I'll release a new patch's version with all your translations soon, and it's a good thing if I can also put the translated newspaper into it. If It's too long, that's not a problem, I'll just put them into a later version.