Author Topic: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]  (Read 241036 times)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #720 on: November 05, 2016, 08:23:57 PM »
Map files don't affect save files. Only very specific things, like adjusting character stats, would force a restart at all.

There's no nice way of doing that nor coding that, so it won't happen for a while. The game's pretty straightforward anyways I feel.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #721 on: November 05, 2016, 09:08:57 PM »
Well, I made copies of my save files anyway.
Doesn't look like there's anything wrong/different on my YM grind runs.

But.. I tried out Nitori's Armor Command and it seems to disable her 50% MP cost from her Engineer's Coat.
And when I used the Water armor command, Reimu for some reason didn't want to use Youkai Buster.
(And, I think I've realized how important Nitori is against those really hazardous party spells like Watera being spammed or Wind Sickle...)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #722 on: November 05, 2016, 09:15:14 PM »
Yeah, the Armor Bless stuff needs finetuned as well. I know HOW to do it, it's just...gonna take a while TO do it, since I have to basically do it all from scratch. Basically, the way it's set up right now is the Armor Bless (and Weapon Bless) puts a status effect on the target. Then the game checks if they have that status. If they don't, they keep whatever they had on on. If they do, then the code runs through and equips them with the appropriate version of it in the database (which is what took so long to do it in the first place, I had to copy/paste/edit each piece of equipment multiple times over just to do this, hence how it took 7 months straight to do). I probably didn't update any of the Blessed versions in terms of values and whatnot because ugh. That'd take ages. The reason I'm thinking of removing Weapon Bless is A) Nobody really uses it, and B) That's probably the main cause of the game doing "hiccups" during battles (those pauses when actions are taken), because the coding is MASSIVE.

Nobody really uses Nitori so I can't say how good she really is. I recently changed her skillset and how to get her skills so that she might be more useful, but even then...nobody has really used her. ^^;

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #723 on: November 05, 2016, 10:11:07 PM »
I like using her (and Sakuya) when exploring random not-story-related places.
Her Stock commands give you free P's and Antidotes so there's your best healer outside battles right there.
I'm not sure it's worth teaching her the Large P one too since you already have infinite P's and Nitori lacks the MP to be using anything in large quantities...
She's interesting in terms of combat. Her skills are kinda limited at the point where I am, but her multi-target water skill is pretty decent and her starting equipment has some really awesome side effects.

But wow, if you had to add different versions of every single armour piece, that's probably blown up the database.
Sure you can't just make a status effect that simply changes one's element? (Though you'd need to add special elements that don't absorb all the damage, for obvious reasons...)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #724 on: November 05, 2016, 10:26:27 PM »
All of Nitori's base Stock commands cost 0 MP right now. It's her EX versions that costs MP. And the free healing outside of battle is a thing I plan on fixing to where she can't use it outside of battle, but can inside. I mean, free 1000 HP healing is pretty nice, I think. Especially when Large Ps cost as much as they do.

I cannot. That's what this new plugin thing I have is for, which is what I'll have to do from scratch. It won't work for weapons though, only armor pieces (armor, helmet, accessory, shield). I'm also debating if Nitori's Armor Bless should reduce the damage by half their current value, or nullify that element for the period that the status is on. And if it nullifies the element, it'd have to last shorter than 30 turns. Hmm...

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #725 on: November 06, 2016, 08:51:57 AM »
I think reducing damage by "at least" 50% suffices. Full negation would be a bit too powerful since the stronger attacks of later bosses would be obsolete with Nitori.

So all her stock skills are free? Guess I'll have Yuuka pay the Misty Lake a visit to retrieve some P's.  :P
Well, that only works out for me if all the stock skills you can teach her are free.
(Then again, it's a bit of a long-term goal since you need so many of them...)


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #726 on: November 06, 2016, 08:55:07 AM »
It is, but considering that she can use them for no cost and isn't restricted by Silence/Blind when using them, I think they're where they should be probably. Maybe...

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #727 on: November 06, 2016, 09:55:06 AM »
Hmm. Buying P's and combining them into Large P's is more cost efficient than buying Large P's directly.
...I need about 49.500 Yen for that, not counting in the money and P's/Large P's I already have.... This'll take some time.

I think I can farm money more easily than P's from Misty Lake, even with Yuuka.
Or I sell my 50 Tents that dropped from all those red wolves. That would already cover half of the cost...

If she really can use ALL her stock commands for free, wouldn't that already make her the best healer of the game? Then I'm not sure why people wouldn't use her.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #728 on: November 06, 2016, 09:57:07 AM »
Probably because of how much time it takes to get all of her abilities (originally you COULD just buy them, but they cost like upwards to 20,000+ for each ability or something really high), and they originally did cost MP to use. I decided to go this route to make her a bit more viable at the very least.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #729 on: November 06, 2016, 01:41:25 PM »
Guess that justifies all the grinding I've done.

Then again, those enemies in the Winter Forest are really tough and levelling up everyone is really inconvenient.
Then again, it's a Touhou fangame, so it has to be hard, but doable...

I don't think it's possible to overlevel at all.  :)

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #730 on: November 06, 2016, 06:55:59 PM »
It can be easy to overlevel depending on where you're at. Also I'm having a little bit of trouble with Fallen Shrine's puzzle with the 4 switches. I've found 3 of them but I can't find the blue switch even when I fell like I've searched everywhere I can reach.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #731 on: November 06, 2016, 08:30:45 PM »
Oh no, it's totally possible to overlevel. Remember, Speed, HP, and MP are really the only stats that matter in this game right now. Attack, Defense, and Magic are kinda just there, because 2k3's damage formulas are all dumb. T-T

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #732 on: November 07, 2016, 05:00:28 PM »
Wha...? Then how come almost every boss so far has been able to wreck my party??
Ah well. I enjoy more relaxed playing, so even if a boss can only deal as much damage as a papercut, I think it would still be enjoyable.  ;)

On a side note, Nitori's Armor Blesses seem to make Reimu unable to attack (with skills). Every time I use her right after that, she just does nothing.
But I guess that's just a side-effect of the inefficient armour blessing...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #733 on: November 07, 2016, 08:52:03 PM »
Might be due to lack of items, different party members, equipment being used, etc.

That's actually due to the weird thing that 2k3 seems to be doing where if you apply a buff to a character and then take a turn with them, it'll skip their turn for whatever reason that I cannot fathom.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #734 on: December 18, 2016, 08:09:18 AM »

Hey there, everyone! I've been kinda dead lately, mostly working on boss designs in a document and whatnot. Finally getting back to working on the game again having finished my Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Let's Play, so that's what's up! I'm currently testing True Pandaemonium, and it's a really dozy! I'm actually being forced to grind characters I haven't used since I got them! Not sure if that's a good thing or not. It gives the player a chance to catch them up as well as buy skills they haven't gotten yet (especially if they find the right encounters in this area. Three Hecteyes = 5600 Yen and 3200 EXP, which is the best fight in this area). However, I've been trying to keep the game grind-free for the most part (there's only one part in particular where you'd have to grind at all, and that's way back at Youkai Mountain after finishing it for the first time if you wanted to get everyone's skills, which isn't REQUIRED but it's nice to have everyone decked out). Back then, if you were to swap out every character once they hit level 20, that'd be just about enough to get everyone's skills. Here? I got characters that are level 20-25, whilst my main party is about level 35 or so, and it's really hard to keep up in the dungeon due to how the enemies are (Archaeodaemons are jerks and can wipe a low-leveled party out with an untimely Gigaflare or two, and Tri-Faces are the same way with Poison Gas). Anima is of course a big jerk, and apparently I forgot to code her Graviga spell (same with Archaeodaemon's Lifebreak). It's still not bad for a party that's up to speed in the game, but for lower leveled ones? Yeah, pretty tough. And you cannot leave Pandaemonium either since you're locked into the dungeon.

So I guess the question is this: Should the player be forced to grind in this particular dungeon or not? The reason I ask is that, for those who don't know, the bosses of this dungeon force the player to use every character bar Byakuren/Hope in set boss fights (for example, the first boss fight forces you to use the team of Meiling/Aya/Nitori). I don't want to make the area TOO difficult despite being near endgame (it's the 5th to last final dungeon of the game), but I still want it to have difficulty. >_<

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #735 on: December 18, 2016, 12:18:49 PM »
A boss rush with (almost) all playable characters?
Sounds neat. I don't mind the grinding, really. As long as people have multi-target skills, it's all fine.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #736 on: December 19, 2016, 09:17:43 PM »
Well, I put in a solution to the problem for those that don't want to spend time grinding on these enemies forever (they may still want to though just to get the skills), in that there are chests that give EXP to specific characters equal to (35 - character's Level) * 5000. Meaning if they're level 35 or higher, that character only gets 5000 EXP, but if they're lower than that, they'll get more (for example, a level 20 Yuuka would get 75,000 EXP, which is enough to level up to around level 26 or so). That'll at least help catch up characters (sadly, the optional characters, Hope, and Byakuren do not have anything like this in this dungeon, so if they're behind in levels, well...they're gonna be even more behind in levels). I might re-seal the exit again too since originally I was going to let the player leave after getting to the end if they wanted to go elsewhere to grind, but...since this exists, don't need to worry about that!

I've also learned that Byakuren can become RIDICULOUSLY powerful, and I never even thought about it heh. The problem though is without a Golden Hairpin or any source of Half MP Cost, she takes up a lot of MP. @_@;


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #737 on: January 26, 2017, 01:44:56 AM »

What's that?? You thought the project was dead!? Not yet! I was just busy LPing Crisis Core and Final Fantasy XII, but now that both of those are over, getting back to this game again! And taking my sweet time because mapping sucks. Speaking of mapping, the above is part of the Silent Cave mini-dungeon, which links Gensokyo to Makai right by Silent Shrine. It's slightly inspired by the switch puzzle found in Turtle Rock in Link to the Past, but heavily modified. Instead of there being 2 colors, there's going to be 5-6 colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and light blue), with some being up and some being down. I'm not THAT great at puzzles, so this one is going to take me a while to set up. The goal is to get to the top of the room, which is the exit to the final area (no puzzles there, just straight up exit, but you can't go back the way you came once you leave that way). Silent Shrine is already set up pretty much, just a few more things to sort out there and it's done. Funny how the mini-dungeon may be much longer than the actual dungeon itself!

Once Silent Cave and Silent Shrine are done, I just have Palanquin Ship and Hokkai left for beta5. Palanquin Ship is already fully mapped, just no gimmicks put into it yet. Hokkai is where I'll have to do mapping from scratch yet again, but from Hokkai onwards, there aren't any puzzles in the dungeons. It's pretty much straightforward as it gets. So we're getting closer to finishing the main story! Once main story is done, then I'll go back and update/fix characters, and then probably work on the optional sidequests, if I ever feel up to it. The crafting system? May also get reworked, who knows?

Oh, and if there's anyone interested in taking up finishing Hope's battle sprites, do let me know!

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #738 on: January 26, 2017, 06:10:55 PM »
I'm liking the project so far but i have a question is there any specific reason for using this older version of RM. I mean usually people use RMXP or the newest engine i'm just curious. I'll be keeping an eye on this project it may be an old engine but you did a good job so far, especially by keeping the art style similar of the engine. I wish you good luck with you're project.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 06:48:52 PM by Ribon-san »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #739 on: January 26, 2017, 09:28:29 PM »
1) Back when I started this project 7-8 years ago, I didn't want to deal with all the scripting and junk that came with XP/VX, so I stuck with 2k3.
2) 2K3 had the most resources for it way back when to work with.
3) 2K3 was easier for me to work with than XP/VX when I was dealing with the trial versions of those. Plus...trial versions of those.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #740 on: March 07, 2017, 07:05:13 AM »

Well, that took entirely too long to do...yay or nay for first main area of Hokkai? I'm trying to go with different paths for the dungeon, all but one path are either optional stuff or dead-ends. The player can come back later for actual optional stuff, but for now, a lot of areas won't have much purpose, as most areas that seem to have no purpose are in the game. I'm trying to go for that "sealed region of Makai" feel with what tilesets I have, and this is what I already used for one of the premonition scenes in Hokkai with Sariel in Hokkai...also yes, those big circles? Those ARE teleporters that take you to regions you cannot access by foot at all. I'm trying to actually do mapping now to get the final 3-4 dungeons done, and Hokkai's next on the list since Palanquin Ship is already fully mapped (but not evented). Once I finish Hokkai, I have Hakurei Shrine Forest (super short mini-dungeon), End of Gensokyo (shouldn't be too bad to do, also short), The Void (lots of various mash-ups as usual), and Heart of Pandora (no idea how to handle the tileset for this one...any suggestions of what the lands inside Pandora's Box may look like?!).

In addition, there are going to be some changes to characters sooner or later. These are: Suwako, Sanae, Utsuho, & Koishi.


*Replenish MP: Will possibly be a buff for one of Sanae's abilities, probably Daytime Guest Stars, which will take 1% of the damage taken and restore that as MP, starting at 20 turns, up to a maximum of 40 turns (5 levels max). Yay or nay? 1% is pretty low, but the ability may not cost anything, or is very low cost, to make up for that possibly.
*Gray Thaumaturgy: Cures most negative statuses with a % chance to fully restore each ally. Starts at 5%, gains +2% each level up, to a maximum of 13% at level 5.
*Overly Bright Stars: Restores MP to each party member equal to 20% of Sanae's MAG, with X% chance to damage each party member. Starts at 80%, -10% per level, to a minimum of 30% chance. +5% per level up for usage of Sanae's MAG stat being used, up to 40% at level 5.


*Retro Atomic Model: Halves damage from % attacks (100% > 50%, 50% > 25%, etc.) or may nullify % damage entirely. Not 100% sure on this one yet as I don't know if that'd make some fights TOO easy or not. Seeing as there's probably one attack from bosses, if even that, that are % based like this, it's probably not going to be THAT bad. It'd only really gimp enemies that heavily rely on it, or bosses that do like the Iron Golem in Cave to Pandaemonium.


*Monstrous Toad God: Inflicts Doom: 20, Haste: 20, and grants a buff per level.
*Ancient Jade: Adds Earth-elemental damage and hitrate to 70%. Damage is high, but can still inflict buffs.
*Native God's Curse: Inflicts Disable: 5 to one enemy. +5 turns for each level up, to a maximum of 20 turns.
*Blighted Earth: Inflicts Curse on all enemies at a % chance for 10 turns. +5 turns per level up, to a maximum of 25 turns.


Blue Magic List:

Diamond Edge: Inflicts moderate Ice-elemental damage + Berserk: oo to one target.
Lightning Orb: Inflicts moderate Lightning-elemental damage that ignores Defense to one target.
Shadow Flare: Inflicts major Shadow-elemental magic damage to one target.
Bio: Inflicts minor Poison-elemental magic damage + Poison: oo to one target.
Biora: Inflicts moderate Poison-elemental magic damage + Poison: oo to one target.
Bioga: Inflicts major Poison-elemental magic damage + Poison: oo to one target.
Poison Mist: Inflicts minor Poison-elemental magic damage + Poison: oo to all enemies.
Gravity Bomb: Inflicts moderate Gravity-elemental damage to one target.
Pandaemonium: Inflicts major Mystic-elemental damage to all enemies.
Special Missile: Inflicts moderate non-elemental physical damage and lowers one target's Physical resistances.
Mighty Guard: Grants multiple buffs to the party.
Night: Inflicts Sleep: 50 to friend and foe alike at 100% chance, unless immune.
White Wind: Restores HP to the party equal to Koishi's current HP.
Drain: Drains minor HP from one target.
Magic Hammer: Drains 100 MP from one target.
Flare Star: Inflicts damage to all enemies equal to target's level x40. 75% accuracy.
Chaos Drive: Inflicts damage to all enemies equal to 25% of Koishi's current HP.
Nova Storm: 50% chance to reduce each target's HP to 1, friend and foe alike.

Sakuya might also get her Private Square changed to where either A) All allies & enemies are under Slow until Sakuya has taken 3 actions, +1 action for each level up, or B) Depending on the level, it will reset all global timers (not for statuses, but things such as enemy buff timers for things like Nul-, Protect, or Shell), reset all Bomb Charges, and a couple other things. I don't know, I haven't thought TOO hard on Sakuya, but she's due for an upgrade with some of her abilities too. Yay or nay to any of the above?

And yes, Curse is now an officially dangerous status. It now prevents any healing that's not % or special based (so things like Healing Potion, Hope's Fairy Circle, or Reimu's Pray can bypass it, but straight healing like Reimu's Hakurei Amulet, Cirno's Great Fairy, or Meiling's Rainbow Wind Chime won't work. Disease also exists now and halves healing effects.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #741 on: March 10, 2017, 01:17:28 AM »

So, this is all the maps I've done thus far for the dungeon, lined up. Yes, they're still meant to line up even when split up into separate maps, that's just how I like to do them. Having them as one big map presents its own problems. Anywho, this is just the first area of Hokkai, before the second boss of the dungeon (the first is at the entrance). After that boss, there's still 4 bosses left (2 of which are fought at the very end, so that's really only 2 bosses before that one, meaning at least 2 more areas kinda like this one). Not sure what else to do with Hokkai at the moment...any suggestions?? I don't want to really go the teleporter route as I've done that enough in this game as it is, and there isn't really any gimmick or puzzle in this dungeon as I was trying to omit that for the most part for the final 3 dungeons of the game...>_<


  • 魔法少女まどかマギカ
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #742 on: March 13, 2017, 04:26:44 AM »
Hey, I've been pretty interested in this project for a while and had a couple of questions:
-Did you say most of the project is complete and you're working on the final dungeons?  How long did you plan to make this?
-How did you get the art and music assets?  How much of the art and music is original vs. ripped/royalty free/default RPG maker assets?
-How are you gonna be distributing this?  On a website?  On a doujin site?  On mediafire?

I really like RPGs and I like Touhou RPGs, so thanks for undertaking this fairly intensive project.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #743 on: March 13, 2017, 04:47:21 AM »
*Final 3-4 dungeons of the game, aye. Hokkai would be the 4th to last dungeon. Originally, the plan was about 60 game hours, which is what I'm used to for RPGs in general. It's already around that mark where I'm at, but I can't really cut anything out without it being....weird. And no real sidequests are in yet.
*I didn't make any of the art or music. Whatever art was made for the OCs was done by others who were kind enough to help (same with the music for the OCs). All other art are from other sources (most of the sprites that aren't from Final Fantasy I already asked permission for using).
*It's already on Mediafire right now, and hosted at Although I'll have to see how they can host it when it's all done due to the music issue.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #744 on: April 06, 2017, 06:58:43 AM »

  *Fantasy Orb/Seal: Now 100% accuracy instead of 95%.
  *Magic Missile: Now 100% accuracy instead of 95%.
  *Demonic Kemono: Now grants NulPhysical, starting at 15 turns at level 1, up to 30 turns at max level. MP costs have increased as well.
    *Level 1: 15 MP > 28 MP
   *Level 2: 25 MP > 40 MP
   *Level 3: 40 MP > 56 MP
   *Level 4: 60 MP > 90 MP

  *Weapon Bless has been replaced by Recharge. Recharge restores 25/50/75 MP to the party, at the cost of 15/30/45 MP to Patchouli, depending on the level of the command. Command can be leveled up by equipping specific weapons.
  *Ultraviolet Field: Cures Berserk instead of Poison. 4 MP > 10 MP.
  *Weak Heart: Cures Paralyze, Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith, and Fear instead of Sleep. 6 > 14 MP.
  *Disorder Eye: Cures Venom, Petrify, Freeze, Slow, Stop, and Heat instead of Berserk. 10 MP > 36 MP.
  *Mind Bending: Cures Sleep instead of Confuse.
  *Corolla Glance: Cures Sap and MP Sap instead of Paralyze.
  *Ripple Vision: Cures only Silence instead of both Silence and Sleep.
  *Undersense Break: Cures Confuse, Lock, and Disable instead of Petrify, Freeze, and Stop. 16 MP > 22 MP.
  *X-Wave: Now starts at 23% chance to doublecast, gaining +3% every level up to 50% chance.
  *All EX Skills are dummied out.
  *Weapon Bless has been replaced by Chant, which restores 15% Max MP to the party.
  *Overly Bright Stars: Restores MP to each party member equal to 20% of Sanae's MAG, with X% chance to damage each party member equal to the MP recovered. Starts at 80%, -10% per level, to a minimum of 30% chance.
  *Ancient Jade: 70% accuracy on all levels, now Earth-elemental instead of Water-elemental. No longer can inflict Instant Death.
    *Level 1: ~400 base damage. 6 MP > 22 MP.
   *Level 2: ~650 base damage. 10 MP > 38 MP.
   *Level 3: ~900 base damage. 14 MP > 54 MP.
   *Level 4: ~1150 base damage. 18 MP > 70 MP.
   *Level 5: ~1400 base damage. 22 MP > 88 MP.
   *Level 6: ~1650 base damage. 26 MP > 102 MP.
   *Level 7: ~1900 base damage. 30 MP > 116 MP.
   *Level 8: ~2150 base damage. 34 MP > 130 MP.
   *Level 9: ~2400 base damage. 38 MP > 145 MP.
   *Level 10: ~2650 base damage. 42 MP > 158 MP.
  *Monstrous Toad God: No longer increases Speed.
    *Level 1: Doom: 20, Haste: 20, Zombie: oo. 5 MP > 22 MP.
   *Level 2: Doom: 20, Haste: 20, NulPhysical: 15, Zombie: oo. 15 MP > 40 MP.
   *Level 3: Doom: 20, Haste: 20, NulPhysical: 15, NulMagic: 15, Zombie: oo. 25 MP > 64 MP.
   *Level 4: Doom: 20, Haste: 20, NulPhysical: 15, NulMagic: 15, 100% Doublecast: 20, Zombie: oo. 45 MP > 80 MP.
   *Retro Atomic Model: Halves damage from % type attacks (50% would become 25%, 100% like Maelstrom would become 50%, etc.). Doesn't work on all % type attacks.

*Demonic Kemono now costs more:
   *Level 1: 500 > 1800
   *Level 2: 1000 > 5000
   *Level 3: - > 14500
   *Level 4: - > 28000

Still in the process of updating characters. Byakuren's Chant, Patchouli's Recharge, and Sanae's Overly Bright Stars aren't fully implemented yet, but they will be after testing is done on them. Trying to update characters again so that they're more useful. Will probably update Nitori's Armor Elemental Bless to actually nullify elemental damage when used as well. Might actually make those cost more MP too.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #745 on: April 12, 2017, 11:49:46 PM »

With the power of messing around, I managed to figure out how to set things up so that equipping multiple pieces of equipment with this plugin will allow for stacked bonuses! For example, equipping just the Raven Armor will give a 33% damage reduction to Fire-elemental attacks, but equipping Raven Armor with say the Red Hat (25% Fire-elemental damage reduction) will give the player a 58% damage reduction! On top of that, if the player were to have anything that outright nullifies or absorbs Fire-elemental attacks (such as the Fire Armor Bless & NulElemental statuses, or the Fire Ring for nullification, or the Flare Ring for absorption), then it doesn't matter what the other pieces of equipment are as those will always override those!

Man, I feel good figuring this out! It makes it so that I can give multiple equipment pieces actual use now instead of time only use things early in the game! Does anyone think this is a good idea to go with? I was originally using the default 2k3 attribute system, which was just A/B/C/D/E (200%/100%/50%/0%/-100%), kinda meh honestly, and doesn't allow the player to really...customize themselves as much I feel.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #746 on: April 16, 2017, 05:17:44 AM »

*Various pieces of equipment now grant % resistance to elements. Equpping multiple pieces of equipment with the same type of elemental resistance will now stack together.
  *Hakurei Armlet: -66% Dark-elemental damage (Humans only).
  *Scarlet Armlet: -66% Holy-elemental damage (Youkai/Sakuya only).
  *Tao Robe: -80% Holy/Dark-elemental damage (Mages only).
  *Atlas: -70% Earth-elemental damage (Non-mages)
  *Netherworld Dress: -40% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Saigyouji Robe: -40% Dark-elemental damage (Mages only).
  *Raven Armor/Cloak: -33% Fire-elemental damage (Cloak is mages only).
  *Soul Armor/Cloak: -25% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Mist Robe: -80% Fire/Water-elemental damage (Mages only).
  *Angel Robe: -66% Holy-elemental damage (Mages only)
  *Phantom Bracer: -40% Ice-elemental damage.
  *Nova Dress: -66% Fire-elemental damage.
  *Radiant Dress: -33% Holy-elemental damage.
  *Celestial Dress: -80% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Boundary Garb: -33% Holy/Dark-elemental damage.
  *Prism Dress: -25% All elemental damage (excluding Poison/Gravity/Mystic).
  *Baka Dress: -10% Water-elemental damage (Cirno only)
  *Twin Elemental: -33% Fire/Ice-elemental damage (Patchouli only).
  *Selaginella: -50% Fire-elemental damage (Meiling only).
  *Bunny Outfit: -33% Wind-elemental damage (Reisen only)
  *Tengu Armlet: -80% Wind-elemental damage (Aya/Momiji only)
  *Aqua Jacket: -60% Ice-elemental damage (Nitori only)
  *Funeral Gown: -66% Dark-elemental damage (Youmu only)
  *Sun Dress: -100% Fire/Water-elemental damage (Yuuka only).
  *Regal Shirt: -100% Ice-elemental damage (Mokou only).
  *Monk Robe: -40% Dark-elemental damage (Byakuren only)
  *Myouren Robe: -90% Poison/Gravity-elemental damage (Byakuren only)
  *KeroKero Armor: -20% Dark-elemental damage (Suwako only)
  *Anti-Snake Armor: -30% Earth-elemental/-80% Poison-elemental damage (Suwako only).
  *Barette: -50% Ice-elemental damage.
  *Dark Hat: -75% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Twist Bandana: -40% Earth-elemental damage.
  *Aerial Garland: -60% Wind-elemental damage.
  *Mermaid Cap: -40% Water-elemental damage.
  *Black Hood: -15% Holy-elemental damage (Mages only)
  *Circlet: -40% Wind/Water-elemental damage.
  *Seraphic Garland: -33% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Netherworld Ribbon: -10% Wind-elemental damage.
  *Flame Barrer: -50% Fire-elemental damage.
  *Gaia Barrier: -50% Earth-elemental damage.
  *Wind Barrier: -50% Wind-elemental damage.
  *Plasma Barrier: -90% Poison-elemental damage.
  *Hakurei Barrier: -100% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Bane Shield: -150% Poison-elemental damage.
  *Diamond Shield: -100% Thunder-elemental damage.
  *Dragon Shield/Crystal Shield/Hero's Shield: -25% Fire/Ice/Thunder-elemental damage (Momiji only).
  *Svalinn: -80% Fire-elemental damage (Momiji/Hope only).
  *Red Hat: -25% Fire-elemental damage.
  *Flash Hat: -60% Thunder-elemental damage.
  *Dragon's Necklace: -25% Fire/Ice/Thunder-elemental damage.
  *Buddha's Stone Bowl: -120% Earth-elemental damage.
  *Divine Ying-Yang Orb: -150% Dark-elemental damage (Reimu only)
  *Fire Ring: Set to 0% Fire-elemental damge.
  *Flare Ring: Set to -100% Fire-elemental damage.
  *Ice Ring: Set to 0% Ice-elemental damage.
  *Cirno Ring: Set to -100% Ice-elemental damage.
  *Thunder Ring: Set to 0% Thunder-elemental damage.
  *Shock Ring: Set to -100% Thunder-elemental damage.
  *Gaia Ring: Set to 0% Earth-elemental damage.
  *Earthen Amulet: Set to -100% Earth-elemental damage.
  *Wind Ring: Set to 0% Wind-elemental damage.
  *Gale Hairpin: Set to -100% Wind-elemental damage.
  *Water Ring: Set to 0% Water-elemental damage.
  *Kappa Ring: Set to -100% Water-elemental damage.
  *White Ring: Set to 0% Holy-elemental damage.
  *Hakurei Amulet: Set to -100% Holy-elemental damage.
  *Black Ring: Set to 0% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Devil's Wrist: Set to -100% Dark-elemental damage.
  *Poison Ring: Set to 0% Poison-elemental damage.
  *Bane Ring: Set to -100% Poison-elemental damage.
  *Matter Ring: -75% Gravity-elemental damage.
  *Fire Rat's Robe: Set to -100% Fire-elemental damage.
  *Special Parasol: -66% All elemental damage (excluding Poison/Gravity/Mystic) (Remilia only). 


*Regen now restores 3% Max HP instead of 1% Max HP.
*All Armor Elemental Bless abilities nullifies the element chosen for 30 turns. NulElemental now exists as a buff via Suwako.

I will probably mess with the Physical/Magical coding later on so that it can work with Protect/Shell (Either 33% or 50% damage reduction from physical/magical attacks, haven't decided yet) as well as with various equipment (for example, equipping Atlas would give a 33% damage reduction against physicals, but a +33% damage taken from magic attacks). I haven't actually made anything increase damage to anything else yet, but it'll happen at some point! This also means that some equipment descriptions are going to be changed too to deal with this. Ancient Jade is also being updated to lose giving enemies buffs as well as lower MP costs since it's too high I think. I will probably be dealing with more Suwako stuff here shortly, but yay for more optimal choices with equipment?! Maybe the Rings will FINALLY get some usage! \ o /


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #747 on: April 22, 2017, 03:01:31 AM »

  *Dark Side of the Moon: 12 MP > 15 MP.
  *Swarm of Bright Bugs: 24 MP > 15 MP.
  *Shikigami: Protect duration reduced from 50 to 25 on both versions.

  *Ultraviolet Field: No longer cures Berserk, now cures Venom, Stop, Petrify, Heat, and Doom. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Eyesight Cleaning: No longer cures Blind. Now cures Blind, Berserk, Slow, Fear, and Cursed. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Weak Heart: No longer cures Paralyze, now cures Slow and Deshell. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Disorder Eye: No longer cures Venom, Petrify, Freeze, Slow, Stop, or Heat. Now cures Sleep, Paralyze, Freeze, and Stop. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Mind Bending: No longer cures Sleep. Now cures Blind, Silence, Lock, and Disable. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Corolla Glance: No longer cures Sap and MP Sap. Now cures Cursed, Zombie, and Disease. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Ripple Vision: No longer cures Silence, now cures Poison, Venom, Sap, and MP Sap. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Undersense Break: No longer cures Confuse, Lock, and Disable. Now cures Berserk and Confusion. Restores ~300 HP. Now costs 14 MP.
  *Private Square:
   *Level 1: Slow: 10 (All enemies) > Slow: 10 (All enemies/Allies) [Ignores immunity]
   *Level 2: Slow: 20 (All enemies) > Slow: 15 (All enemies/Allies) [Ignores immunity]
   *Level 3: Slow: 30 (All enemies) > Slow: 20 (All enemies/Allies) [Ignores immunity]
   *Level 4: Slow: 40 (All enemies) > Slow: 25 (All enemies/Allies) [Ignores immunity]
   *Protectga: Now grants Protect: 25 instead of Protect: 50.
  *Native God's Curse: No longer reduces speed to one target.
   *Level 1: Disable: 5. 5 MP > 12 MP.
   *Level 2: Disable: 10. 15 MP > 24 MP.
   *Level 3: Disable: 15. 25 MP > 36 MP.
   *Level 4: Disable: 20. 45 MP > 48 MP.
  *Blighted Earth: Inflicts unblockable non-elemental damage to all enemies equal to the party's missing HP.
   *Level 1: 100% damage
   *Level 2: 125% damage
   *Level 3: 150% damage
   *Level 4: 200% damage
  *Ancient Jade: MP costs have been readjusted.
  *Brave the Elements:
   *Level 1: NulElemental: 10, Cursed: oo. 20 MP.
   *Level 2: NulElemental: 15, Doom: 20, Cursed: oo. 32 MP.
   *Level 3: NulElemental: 20, Doom: 20, Cursed: oo. 44 MP.
   *Level 4: NulElemental: 25, Doom: 20, Cursed: oo. 56 MP.
   *Level 5: NulElemental: 30, Doom: 20, Cursed: oo. 68 MP.
  *Frog God:
   *Level 1: If target's HP is below 25% Max HP, grants Auto-Regen, Auto-NulPhysical, Auto-NulMagic, and Doom: 20.
   *Level 2: If target's HP is below 30% Max HP, grants Auto-Regen, Auto-NulPhysical, Auto-NulMagic, and Doom: 20.
   *Level 3: If target's HP is below 30% Max HP, grants Auto-Regen, Auto-MP Regen, Auto-NulPhysical, Auto-NulMagic, and Doom: 20.
   *Level 4: If target's HP is below 35% Max HP, grants Auto-Regen, Auto-MP Regen, Auto-NulPhysical, Auto-NulMagic, and Doom: 20.
   *Level 5: If target's HP is below 35% Max HP, grants Auto-Regen, Auto-MP Regen, and Auto-NulPhysical, Auto-NulMagic, Auto-Haste, and Doom: 20.

*Physical/Magic resistances adjusted:
   *Frostbite: -25% Magic damage (Cirno only)
   *Reaper Cloak: -80% Magic damage (Komachi only)
   *Heavy Robe: -12% Physical damage (Mages only)
   *Atlas: -8% Physical damage, +5% Magic damage (Non-mages only)
   *Tao Robe: -5% Physical damage (Mages only)
   *Raven Armor/Cloak: -10% Physical/Magic damage, +20% Physical/Magic damage.
   *Shield Bangle: -12% Physical damage, +24% Magic damage (Non-mages only)
   *Magic Armlet: -12% Magic damage, +24% Physical damage (Non-mages only)
   *Mystery Veil: -20% Physical/Magic damage.
   *Grand Ribbon: -20% Physical damage.
   *Wizard Hat: -20% Magic damage.
   *Divine Ying-Yang Orb: -33% Magic damage (Reimu only)
   *Dragon Star: -50% Magic damage (Meiling only)
   *Tengu's Camera: -80% Magic damage, +80% Physical damage (Aya only)
   *Control Rod: -80% Physical damage, +80% Magic damage (Utsuho only)
   *Damage Charm: Half Physical damage, doubled Magic damage.
   *Spell Charm: Halved Magic damage, doubled Physical damage.
   *Protect Ring: Auto-Protect.
   *Gleipnir/Brisingal/Key to Success/Draupnir/Kaustuba: -4%-20% Physical damage.
   *Coin of Fortune/Ray of Light/Princess's Crown/Brisingamen/Yata no Kagami: -4%-20% Magic damage.
   *Crimson Blood/Yasakani no Magatama/Iron Duke: -5%-15% Physical/Magic damage.
   *Quartz Charm: Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell.
   *Jewel of Hourai: -100% Magic damage, +100% Physical damage.
   *Magician's Barrier: -5% Magic damage, +5% Physical damage.
   *Maple Shield: +10% PBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Heavy Shield: +80% PBlock, x2 Magic damage (Momiji Only)
   *Bane Shield: +10% MBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Berserk Shield: +80% MBlock, x2 Physical damage (Momiji Only)
   *Diamond Shield: +25% PBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Dragon Shield: +33% MBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Crystal Shield: +33% PBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Hero's Shield: +50% PBlock/MBlock (Momiji Only)
   *Aegis: +30% MBlock, +10% PBlock (Momiji/Hope Only)
   *Svalinn: +25% PBlock/MBlock (Momiji/Hope Only)

*Regen reverted back to 1% Max HP.
*Protect now gives -33% Physical resistance instead of doubling Defense. Deprotect and Fear now gives +33% Physical resistance instead of halving Defense. Shell now exists and gives -33% Magic resistance. Deshell now exists and gives +33% Magic resistance. Fear now affects Magic resistance by +33%.
*The Pierce, Blunt, and Slash attributes have been removed from all skills. Weapons still retain these attributes.

There's more to still come in terms of abilities and updates too (for example, more PBlock/MBlock stuff). For those who are wondering what PBlock and MBlock are, they stand for "Physical Block" and "Magic Block", granting a chance to completely nullify damage of that type. It's your basic shield evasion in FF games. I figured now would be a good time to implement this, and it works best on Momiji's shields. I'll probably also put it on armlets/bangles for PBlock (mostly), and for Robes they might get some MBlock stats perhaps. Suwako's Frog God is next to be coded after I get done with Physical/Magic resistances. For other abilities that are to come, here's that!

For Marisa:

*Orreries Sun:
   *Level 1: Shell: 35
   *Level 2: Shell: 40
   *Level 3: Shell: 45
   *Level 4: Shell: 50
*Orrery's Universe:
   *Level 1: Shell: 10
   *Level 2: Shell: 15
   *Level 3: Shell: 20
   *Level 4: Shell: 25

For Patchouli:

*Photosynthesis: MP Regen to the party.
*Philosopher's Stone: Make it give NulElemental: 20 to the party.

For Aya:

Demonic Kemono:
   *Level 1: PBlock +10%
   *Level 2: PBlock +20%
   *Level 3: PBlock +30%
   *Level 4: PBlock +40%

For Momiji:

*Clairvoyance: Doubles Momiji's PBlock/MBlock.
*Decoy: AoE Provoke.
*Barrier/Shield Wall: Grants Momiji's PBlock/MBlock to one ally/the party.

For Nitori:

*Optical Camouflage: Self-Blink/Shell, starting at 5 turns, up to 50 turns.

For Youmu:

*Phosphoric Slash: Inflicts weapon's status effect to all enemies with 100% chance.
*Reflection Slash: Grant 20% chance to reflect all skills back at enemy party. Buff lasts 30 turns.

For Yuuka:

*Orreries Sun:
   *Level 1: Shell: 10
   *Level 2: Shell: 20
   *Level 3: Shell: 30
   *Level 4: Shell: 40

For Sanae:

*Daytime Guest Stars:
   *Level 1: MBlock +8%
   *Level 2: MBlock +16%
   *Level 3: MBlock +24%
   *Level 4: MBlock +32%
   *Level 5: MBlock +40%

For Utsuho:

*Atomic Fire Visor: PBlock +50%/MBlock +25%. Return Damage: 100%. Buff lasts for 30 turns, only usable on Utsuho.

And a quick poll of sorts!

A) Continue updating characters, work on maps whenever time allows for it.
B) Work on maps and finish them, then work on updating characters.
C) Work on maps and finish main storyline before doing anymore database work.
D) Quit working on the game entirely.

So yeah! Just curious what you guys think I should be doing (since I can be bad about it, as you can tell by how long beta5 is taking to come out due to database overhauling, but it's been for the better!). I'd also like to hear what you guys have to say about the game, if you've played through it at all, since hearing how the game was before compared to what it's going to be will be interesting.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #748 on: April 26, 2017, 01:20:49 AM »

  *Orreries Sun: No longer raises elemental resistances. Now grants Shell to a single ally.
   *Level 1: Shell: 35. 8 MP > 15 MP.
   *Level 2: Shell: 40. 16 MP > 30 MP.
   *Level 3: Shell: 45. 24 MP > 45 MP.
   *Level 4: Shell: 50. 32 MP > 60 MP.
  *Orrery's Universe: No longer raises one ally's Magic resist. Now granst Shell to the party.
   *Level 1: Shell: 10. 15 MP > 5 MP.
   *Level 2: Shell: 15. 30 MP > 10 MP.
   *Level 3: Shell: 20. 45 MP > 15 MP.
   *Level 4: Shell: 25. 60 MP > 20 MP.

  *Demonic Kemono: NulPhysical levels reduced by 5, starting at 10 turns to a maximum of 25 turns.
  *Photosynthesis: Now grants MP Regen to the party.
  *Philosopher's Stone: 150 MP > 80 MP. No longer reduces enemy's elemental resistances, now grants NulElemental: 20 to the party.

*Reisen's elemental resists have been fixed. She now has the following resists: Weak vs Dark, Halves Holy, Halves Poison

  *Clairvoyance: 150 MP > 80 MP. No longer lowers all elemental/Physical/Magic resistances to all enemies, now doubles Momiji's PBlock and MBlock.
  *Barrier/Shield Wall: No longer grants resistance to Physical attacks. Now grants Momiji's default PBlock/MBlock values to one ally/the party.

  *Optical Camouflage: No longer grants attribute resists or Blink: 50 on all levels. Now grants Blink and Shell on each level, starting at 5 turns to a maximum of 50 turns.
  *Orreries Sun: No longer raises elemental resistances. Now grants Shell to a single ally.
   *Level 1: Shell: 35. 8 MP > 15 MP.
   *Level 2: Shell: 40. 16 MP > 30 MP.
   *Level 3: Shell: 45. 24 MP > 45 MP.
   *Level 4: Shell: 50. 32 MP > 60 MP.

*Byakuren: Replenish MP passive reduced from 5% Max HP to 1% Max HP for MP recovery.

  *Daytime Guest Stars: No longer increases the party's ATK.
   *Level 1: PBlock +10%. 8 MP > 12 MP.
   *Level 2: PBlock +20%. 16 MP > 24 MP.
   *Level 3: PBlock +30%. 24 MP > 36 MP.
   *Level 4: PBlock +40%. 32 MP > 48 MP.
   *Level 5: PBlock +50%. 40 MP > 60 MP.
  *Gray Thaumaturgy: No longer increases the party's DEF.
   *Level 1: MBlock +10%. 8 MP > 12 MP.
   *Level 2: MBlock +20%. 16 MP > 24 MP.
   *Level 3: MBlock +30%. 24 MP > 36 MP.
   *Level 4: MBlock +40%. 32 MP > 48 MP.
   *Level 5: MBlock +50%. 40 MP > 60 MP.

  *Atomic Fire Visor: No longer grants Fire resist up to the party. Now grants PBlock +50%, MBlock +25%, and Return Damage: 100%. Buff lasts for 30 turns, and is only usable on Utsuho.

*Koakuma: Now has 50% Magic resist instead of immunity.

   *Shrine Maiden Sleeve: All stats reduced from 5 ATK, 20 DEF, 5 MAG, and 5 SPD to -5 (Reimu only).
   *Arm Warmers: Resist: -60% Ice, -10% Physical. +10 Speed. Immunity: Freeze, Heat. +38 DEF, +10 MAG. (Reimu only)
   *PC-98 Garb: Blink: 30. +35 ATK, +58 DEF. (Reimu only)
   *Divine Red-White: Blink: 50, Return Damage: 20%, Absorb Damage: 20%. +100 ATK/DEF/MAG. (Reimu only)
   *Sneaking Suit: Resist: -6% Physical, PBlock +15% (Marisa only).
   *Purple Witch Clothes: Start with MP Replenish. Resist: Absorb Poison. +28 DEF, +55 MAG (Marisa only)
   *M Apron: -200 ATK, +40 DEF, +150 MAG, +10 SPD. Half MP Cost. Enables access to Mug, Bandit, and Master Thief. (Marisa only)
   *Frostbite: Resist: -12% Magic, +10% PBlock/MBlock. Immunity: Heat (Cirno only).
   *Critical Freeze: +99 DEF, +25 MAG, prevents Critical Hits. Immunity: Freeze/Slow/Sleep for the party (Cirno only).
   *0K: -99 ATK, +155 DEF, +112 MAG. Start with Return Damage: 20%. Resist: Null Fire, halves Ice damage to party (Cirno only).
   *Rainbow Dress: No longer gives +18 Speed (Meiling only).
   *Crouching Tiger: +200 ATK, +40 DEF, -50 MAG, +35 SPD, prevents Critical Hits. Immunity: Berserk, Slow. Status: SOS Protect (Meiling only).
   *Hidden Dragon: +140 ATK, +200 DEF, +55 MAG, -25 SPD. PBlock +20%. Status: Auto-Protect (Meiling only).
   *Five Elements: Resist: -33% Fire/Ice/Holy/Dark/Poison (Patchouli only).
   *Seven Elemental Robe: Resist: -33% Fire/Earth/Wind/Water/Holy/Dark/Poison (Patchouli only).
   *Medical Gown: Status resist lowered from 50% to 33% (Reisen only).
   *Lunar Jacket: +80 DEF, +99 MAG. Resist: -40% Dark/Gravity. Status: HP% Block (Reisen only).
   *Business Suit: +112 DEF, +40 MAG, +40 Speed. Status: Party starts with Auto-Esuna: 30. Bonuses: Millionaire (Reisen only).
   *Leather Shirt: PBlock +4%.
   *Magician Robe: MBlock +5%.
   *Scarlet Armlet: Resist: Absorb. Immunity: Sap, MP Sap. No longer can be used by Sakuya.
   *Netherworld Dress: MP Regen: 10.
   *Radiant Dress: Resist: -33% Thunder. MBlock +10%
   *Soul Armor: +10 Speed, PBlock +10%.
   *Soul Cloak: +10 Speed, MBlock +10%.
   *Mist Robe: No longer gives +10 speed.
   *Shield Bangle: Auto-Protect, Auto-Deshell, PBlock +10%.
   *Phantom Bracer: Immunity: Fear, Confuse.
   *Czar Robe: MBlock +10%. Immunity: Fear, Debrave, Deprotect, Defaith, Deshell.
   *Celestial Dress: Immunity: Death, Doom. PBlock +15%. Resist: -80% Earth.
   *Boundary Garb: Resist: -33% Poison/Gravity. +20 Speed. MBlock +15%
   *Robe of Lords: Auto-Protect. PBlock +10%, MBlock +15%
   *Sage's Armlet: Auto-MP Regen, Auto-Faith, MP Shield. MBlock +20%.
   *Magic Armlet: Auto-Shell, Auto-Deprotect. MBlock +10%
   *Magician's Barrier: Start with MP Shield: 50 turns.
   *Aegis: +30% MBlock, +10% PBlock (Momiji/Hope Only)
   *Svalinn: +25% PBlock/MBlock (Momiji/Hope Only)


*A Fairy Maid now appears at the Hakurei Shrine Ruins when you're meant to go to Eastern Forest to sell items.
*Blind now fixed to 50% accuracy instead of 10% accuracy (70% on player version). Player version no longer locks physical skills.
*Absorb Damage and Return Damage buffs now last 60 turns instead of 20 turns.
*Replenish MP now recovers MP equal to 1% of damage taken instead of 5%. Buff lasts 50 turns instead of 20 turns.
*Provoke now lasts 50 turns instead of 30 turns. Provoke can now wear off.
*MP Shield now lasts 50 turns instead of 20 turns.

All the updates! There's still more to come too in regards to equipment, but it's about to be wrapped up soon. Whether or not having specific equipment on will give abilities like Momiji's shields, I don't know yet. Probably? Characters still need updated too (for example, Sakuya needs a HEAVY revamp), but they're also getting pretty close to being done finally. I'm really REALLY hoping these updates make the game much more enjoyable!

On that note, there are some cutscenes I do plan on updating/changing (such as the intro) to make them...well, better! The SDM scene on the roof and library afterwards has been updated for instance, and there's more to probably come, but those won't happen for a VERY long time, or unless LockeZ decides to help revamp them a bit more. Any suggestions or feedback to these updates or to the game is still more than welcomed! As is any help, such as with spriting (I am still in need of spriters for Hope's and Chaos's sprites. Youki doesn't need it anymore since he's dummied out) and mapping (this is the thing that's holding up the game the most from being done)!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #749 on: May 03, 2017, 09:31:19 AM »

Yes! That's right, new update finally after...wait, when last time I released an update patch for this game?? Anywho, all armors are done (and only armors!) and everything SHOULD be in working order. I may need some willing testers to test out the game from the start to see how busted things get.

In addition to that, here's what's new again!


   *Magic Star Sword/Eternal Meek: Deals extra damage vs. Magicians.
   *Bounce No-Bounce/Killing Doll: Power increased by 33%, deals extra damage vs. Undead.
   *Time Paradox: Only available while equipped with the Perfect Maid armor. Grants Doublecast: 20 to Sakuya, but prevents her from being able to recast it until KO'd and revived. 12 MP.
   *Perfect Maid: New starting skill. Grants 20% chance of Absorb Damage/Return Damage: 100% to Sakuya, then wears off immediately afterwards.

   *Ransom: Now set to 25% chance to activate instead of 100%.
*Mokou: Now Ghost type instead of God type.


   *French Maid Outfit: Attack increased from 25 to 50. PBlock +12%. Resist: -10% Physical damage (Sakuya only)
   *Winter Maid Outfit: Resist: -40% Ice damage (Sakuya only)
   *Elegant Maid Outfit: Dummied out.
   *Perfect Maid: +55 Speed. Immunity: Stop/Slow. Status: Blink: 20. Enables Time Paradox (Sakuya only)
   *Tengu Armlet: Loses 10 speed (Aya/Momiji only).
   *Great Tengu Robe: Loses 50 speed (Aya/Momiji only).
   *High Rank: +50 Speed. Resist: -50% Thunder. PBlock +10%. Lv2 passives (Aya/Momiji only).
   *Yamabushi Garb: Resist: -100% Earth/Wind. Auto-Regen. PBlock/MBlock +12%. Lv3 passives. (Aya/Momiji only)
   *Engineer Coat: Now enables Chemist (Nitori only).
   *Aqua Jacket: Now enables Mirror Items instead of Chemist (Nitori only).
   *Sherlock Jacket: Resist: -150% Poison damage. Immunity: Poison, Blind, Confuse, Sleep. Enables Chemist and Mirror Items. (Nitori only)
   *Spirit's Vest: Resist: -150% Dark, -8% Magic. Immunity: Blind, Confuse. Start battle by regaining 10% Max MP (Youmu only).
   *Funeral Gown: +80 Attack. Start battle with Instant Death immunity on the party (Youmu only).
   *Shinigami Robe: +10 Speed. Immunity: Sap. Bonuses: Start battle by reducing all enemies HP by 10% (Komachi only)
   *Reaper Cloak: Resist: -12% Magic. 20% MBlock. Status: SOS Shell (Komachi only)
   *Robe of Avici: Resist: -10% Physical/Magic, Absorb Fire. +50 Speed. Enables Ransom. Bonuses: Start battle by reducing all enemies HP by 10% (Komachi only)
   *Sun Dress: Status: Absorb Damage: 50%. Bonus: Party starts battle with Absorb Damage: 20%. Lv2 abilities. (Yuuka only)
   *Beauty of Nature: +250 ATK, +125 DEF, +25 MAG, +30 SPD. Half MP Cost. Bonus: 25% chance to halve all damage received. Lv3 abilities. (Yuuka only)
   *Bronze Bangle: PBlock +4% (Advent Cirno only)
   *Minerva's Armlet: Resist: Null Fire/Holy/Gravity. MBlock +20%. Doubles power of Boost (Advent Cirno only)
   *Ziedrich: +20 ATK, +100 DEF, +20 MAG. Resist: Halves all damage. Doubles power of Boost (Advent Cirno only)
   *Noble's Dress: Resist: Null Absorb. Immunity: -100% Poison, Venom, Sap, MP Sap. Bonus: Restore 75 HP every turn. (Remilia only)
   *Devlish Fate: +180 ATK, +99 DEF, -50 MAG, +25 SPD. Resist: Null Physical/Magical, x2 Elemental. Bonus: While HP is above 50% Max HP, party gains Auto-Regen and Auto-MP Regen. Lv3 abilities (Remilia only)
   *Regal Shirt: Bonus: When KO'd restores 10% Max MP, Protect, Shell, and Auto-Life to all allies except anyone KO'd (Mokou only)
   *Phoenix's Plumes: Party starts with Auto-Life. Bonus: When KO'd, fully revives Mokou, reduces Mokou's MP to 0, and inflicts MP Sap: oo on Mokou. If Mokou doesn't have at least 300 MP, will not work. Lv3 Sacrifice (Mokou only)
   *Gospel Robes: Immunity: -100% Cursed, Doom, Zombie, Disease to the party. Bonus: Increases healing potency by 25% to the party. Lv2 Faith (Sanae only)
   *Cleric's Robes: Omikuji+ Lv2. Bonus: 5% chance every turn to restore 200 HP and a 5% chance to apply a random buff to the party. Lv2 Recover (Sanae only)
   *Diviner's Robes: Bonus: Enemies take 50% more damage from Holy-elemental attacks. Lv2 abilities. Party starts with PBlock/MBlock +30%. 3% chance each to turn to gain Reflect for one turn. (Sanae only)
   *Kagura: Bonus: While a character's HP is below 25% Max HP, 10% chance to completely block attacks. While Suwako is in the party and not KO'd, Sanae gains Haste/Faith/Shell/Protect/MP Regen. Omikuji+ Lv3. Lv3 abilities (Sanae only)
   *Mountain Protector: Bonus: Reduces party's elemental weaknesses by 50%. PBlock +33%. Status: SOS Protect. (Suwako only)
   *Faithful Aura: Party begins the battle with Shell/Bravery/Faith. Lv2 abilities (Suwako only)
   *Mishaguji's Scourge: +200 ATK/DEF/MAG, +50 SPD. Bonus: Enemies take 50% more damage from elemental attacks. Lv3 abilities (Suwako only)
   *Hellfire Mantle: Resist: Halves Ice, Absorb Fire to party. Bonus: Enemies take 50% more damage from Fire-elemental attacks. Lv2 Kamikaze (Utsuho only)
   *Galaxia Neutron: Bonus: Elemental damage ignores resists. Enemies take 50% more Gravity damage. PBlock +15%, MBlock +10%. Lv3 Kamikaze (Utsuho only)
   *Philosopher's Robes: +150 ATK/MAG, -150 DEF. Changes the formula for some skills to replace it with Keine's instead of enemy's. Lv2 passive (Keine only)
   *Master Tactician: +500 ATK/DEF/MAG, +20 SPD. Bonus: Doubles item drop. Increases power of all of Keine's skills by +50%. Lv3 passive (Keine only)
   *Criminal Chains: PBlock +50%, MBlock +33% (Yuugi only)

I look forward to hearing from you guys, if you're still kicking around these parts and still interested in this ancient game! Now that I'm done with most database things, I on...mapping....*cries*. 4 dungeons left, lots of eventing to still do...but hey! Almost done, right!? RIGHT!? T-T