Author Topic: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring  (Read 4973 times)


  • Touhou fan-game Developer
  • Will make Touhou fan-games for food
    • EastGap
Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:14:02 PM »
It's currently 5am here (Sept. 10, lol eastern time) and i pulled two straight all-nighters to finish the winter vs spring game that I started 3 days ago

But anyway, here are the games - both of which are set close to the events in the official Touhou games

apk for android (version 1.1a 8mb)
exe installer for windows (version 1.1a 7.7mb)
Official page for more info:

zip for windows (7mb)
apk for android phones (7.9mb)
apk for android tablets (7.9mb)
HTML5 version (6mb) - play the game in any browser with HTML5 support!
Official page for more info:

There isn't really much more info at the official site - but it does have preview pics :D
That's because the games are simple - they're both designed to run on android phones (but they still have windows versions)

Development time of the games from start to finish?
3 days each, lol

Comments would be nice :D

But yeah i'm posting this in RaNGE because I ran out of time to finish Spring vs Winter - i originally planned to have a separate campaign with Lily as the playable, that'll have to wait until the sequel
Ahh well - how about playing the games so you can suggest stuff i can change / add for their sequels?
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 11:41:49 AM by bennelsey »


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Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2012, 09:44:49 PM »
Just finished Yuuka Shot. Fun and easy (emphasizing the fun).
First suggestion is an easy one, adding some kind of indicator that you've been hit. Makeing her flash white for a few frames or something would let me concentrate on Yuuka rather then the lives.
Second suggestion, get rid of all the shot types (or at least most). Yes they're cool but here's the thing I noticed. I would love some stats to pick the one I'd work best with. However, if I got those stats I'd be spending time picking a shot instead of dodging bullets. The game was easy to play and I feel that making multiple shot types useful requires me to spend too much time deciding between shot types.

I'll play Winter vs Spring now.


  • Touhou fan-game Developer
  • Will make Touhou fan-games for food
    • EastGap
Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2012, 09:51:33 PM »
The game was easy to play and I feel that making multiple shot types useful requires me to spend too much time deciding between shot types.
that's great feedback actually O:
I'll need to rethink of a better way to deal with weapon types on a phone
*Tho yeah, using stats would work just fine - i just need to learn how to code that first xD


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Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2012, 10:34:50 PM »
that's great feedback actually O:
I'll need to rethink of a better way to deal with weapon types on a phone
*Tho yeah, using stats would work just fine - i just need to learn how to code that first xD
My first idea is to have a power up at certain stages that increases the number of shots (since that's what the first 3 shot types really are). If you want more veriety, maybe have there be some kind of tree system so at those same certain stages, have the player choose to either increase power or number of bullets.

I have some stuff to mention about Winter vs. Spring which I now finished, but I can't write them up right now so I'll do it later.


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Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2012, 01:46:37 AM »
So, Winter vs. Spring is a fun way to pass the time. Problem is I'm not sure how easy it is to louse (I never lost even after spending half the stage attacking myself on accident). Also I'm kinda tired so this won't be well organized. Also this does contain a strategy to win the game so if you don't want that, don't read it.
Once you understand the key to playing the game it becomes easy to win. That key is that this game loves bottle necks more then Suika and King Leonidas combined. Trap your enemy (especially Lily, because dispite everything, she is the strongest) on one side of a key node, preventing them from taking more then half of the area, take most of the area and then attack repeatedly. The problem is that you are are being lead by Cirno who displays her complete inability to place units onto a battle field. Let me demonstrate with screenshots from Stage 6. Here is your first move of Stage 6 and here is your second. God dammit.
So, especially later in the game, getting your guys out there becomes more of a problem. Your enemy also has a head start with more and better units.
The problem is that you still aren't screwed. The AI is kinda sad. Ok, so once you find and start blocking the bottlenecks. It may be understandable that your opponent doesn't just make a break for it to stop you (that kind of AI might be hard to construct). What really annoys me about the AI is that it makes attacks that it knows it will louse.
Units blocking each other would be awesome if you were the one placing the units at the start of the game, but you don't making the inability to place two units on one node very annoying. This might also be really easy to implement.
Better AI. I don't want to say it would be easy to check if the the game is still winnable but I think it might be easy to check if the game is still winnable. That's a start. Maybe you can also do a check for key points on the map... I dunno. If you make you're AI much smarter without allowing for unit walking or unit placement, the game will quickly become un-winnable.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 01:52:39 AM by Imosa »


  • Touhou fan-game Developer
  • Will make Touhou fan-games for food
    • EastGap
Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2012, 02:49:51 AM »
The problem is that you are are being lead by Cirno who displays her complete inability to place units onto a battle field. Let me demonstrate with screenshots from Stage 6. Here is your first move of Stage 6 and here is your second. God dammit.
Oh hey, I didn't really expect that but that was one hell of a helpful post O:

I have been scratching my head over the whole "which unit goes first?" problem - thanks to those pics you gave me an idea of how to get rid of the "omg my units are stuck at the beginning" problem

That key is that this game loves bottle necks more then Suika and King Leonidas combined.
I lol'd so hard
But yeah - that's because of how the AI works
*AI prioritizes gathering territory over attacking
*Lily goes on a territory capturing rampage when there are several winter tiles next to each other
*The AI randomly attacks, instead of attacking with all their might when they have more territory - which means they have the tendency to hurt themselves when they're losing, and skip a lot of chances where they can hurt the player
*When the AI is surrounded by spring tiles, it chooses randomly between staying, and moving (attacking if there is a player unit) - simply put, they turn stupid at this point

Smarter AI will have to wait till the sequel then, since I'll have to rebalance this game if I add it in
For now Imma fix that turn order for player units, and somehow make stage 2 a little easier since i get a lot of comments about it rofl


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Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2012, 04:30:59 AM »
Well, I suppose it's nice that they attack themselves every so often. Since once you get ahead you can usually stay ahead.  One option might be to have control over the map only count as the chance to win the fights. That way even when cornered the opposing team would have a "chance" and might not look silly.

Also, map scrolling. I'd love to be able to view other parts of the map during my character's turn.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2012, 04:38:47 AM by Imosa »


  • Touhou fan-game Developer
  • Will make Touhou fan-games for food
    • EastGap
Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2012, 05:43:14 AM »
That way even when cornered the opposing team would have a "chance" and might not look silly.

Also, map scrolling. I'd love to be able to view other parts of the map during my character's turn.
chance based fights huh, i guess I can make that happen in the sequel - something like your territory controlled % would be your chance to win the battle. Would be up to the player to be really smart about things or to have really good luck lol

Yeah map scrolling, imma add in that feature to the current game


  • Touhou fan-game Developer
  • Will make Touhou fan-games for food
    • EastGap
Re: Two games I made for Cirno day: Yuuka Shot, Winter vs Spring
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2012, 10:18:55 AM »
Double post, but heh no other thread got bumped anyway so it should be fine (probably)

links in the first post and official site updated

v1.1 updates:
*stage 2 now easier
*stage 3 and 6 player unit movement order changed - getting stuck for several turns is now optional instead of forced
*scrolling added, hold left click / touch on your turn
*android tablet version added
*HTML5 version added

minor graphical bugfix update, AI no longer randomly teleports when surrounded by spring / occupied territories and now moves normally
still part of the v1.1 update
« Last Edit: September 11, 2012, 07:01:22 AM by bennelsey »