Author Topic: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)  (Read 39700 times)

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #90 on: August 06, 2012, 02:34:47 PM »
Granite 20, Year 108
"You're in charge now."


"I said you're in charge. Now get out of here, I'm in the middle of my training."

Before long I found himself standing blankly in the meeting room, without a clue of what to do. "You're in charge now." Was what the previous commander of the fort, Syanas the gorgeous crazy hammersuika told me. Not that I actually knew what being in charge meant. I'm a pirate, I do pirate-y things. None of the governing stuff for me, no sir!

Great swinging ear lobes? Totally hot material.

Of course, I had no choice, because all the suikas were now staring at me for orders.

"Uh, just do whatever you were doing. Thanks." I mumbled. Some of them gave dubious looks, but others just grumbled a little as they went back to work. I swore I saw Totaku rotating his finger around his temple in the background. I told him to get back to digging.

"So..." I took a look around the fort. Everything seemed almost new to me, even though I've been around for nearly a year.


My eyes caught the sight of a bunch of levers. Levers! I used to pull them in my pirating days, if I ever had pirating days. I rubbed one of the knobs slowly, drooling as I thought what might happen if I pulled it.

"Uh," Scruffy raised his head from the fields of plump helmets, "I don't think you should pull any of that."

"A lever is meant to be pulled," I replied sharply, "and this, this lever is asking to be pulled. Hard."

Scruffy looked at Nyotor, who shrugged. Then he looked back at me.

"Well I don't know what those levers do either, but I'm sure there were notes that Sya-"

I wasn't listening. With a single grunt I slammed the lever down with all my worth, hearing the sweet grind of stone as the gears turned. I grinned and wiped my sweat in satisfaction, my lever pulling urges satisfied. I turned back, to see that a wall had now lowered itself. It was...a bridge?

"Hey! The outside!"

"There are corpses outside too, let's loot em!"

"Hey, wait!" I couldn't even say another word as I was stampeded over by a few suikas, all clamouring to stake their claim on the loot of their dead friends. I personally don't care about the looting, and I was just about to dust myself off and walk awa-


"Oh geez!"

"The undead!"

"I think I wet my pants!"

"Get back here you nitwits!" I roared. There was no time to waste. I scribbled a few places to be designated as a burrow and ordered everyone back in. More grumblings, but we got everyone safely in. What remained the problem was that those damned undead were going to do the same. I had to do something.

"Pull all the levers!"

Heliopolis dropped the mushroom he was about to put into a stockpile, "are you serious?"

"Pull them like you damned well meant it," I hissed, slamming one onto the right with a single thrust. A squelch. All the suikas who heard it immediately looked outside.

Did I just?

The undead were gone. Appeared in their place was the sickening blood, now smashed to paste under the bridge. Ah. I know what to do now.

"Read the notes," I finally said, "we're going to pull the ones at the entrance. All of them wretched corpses can have a little taste of suikan atom physics."

I enlisted the help of two other suikas to smash the levers left and right. Tempt them with an unguarded entrance, then smash them right out! We did this for quite awhile till most of the zombies outside the entrance were either gone or crushed. As I would later find out, this would be a good idea.

On an unrelated side note, one of our dead diagnosticians had risen and started haunting the fort. He was put to rest after being memorialised.

1st Slate, Year 108

Things were going swimmingly. And by that I meant that I was busy exploring the fort. It was tiring, going up and down. Everyone was doing their own designated tasks, so I had little to do, thankfully enough.

And then suddenly...


The sign of them first came when I heard thumping of footsteps above me. Steady, lively footsteps, not like the shambling shuffles of those accursed undead.

"Anyone home?"

"No one's here, I say we just head back..."

"Oh man, this place is creepy..."

Whispers. I started to panic. How were they supposed to get in? In a rare gesture of both sympathy and annoyance, Syanas informed me that the bridges I had been encrusting with undead blood were part of the entrance way for the migrants to get in. Well, blow me. I told everyone to stop smashing the levers and hoped that the new suikas could get in safely. After all, most of the undead outside must've been gone thanks to our cleansing...

"Hey, look! An undead!'

"It's alone, beat it up! Smash it into fine pulp!"

Oh dear.

The suikas finally arrived, some of them bloodied, but mostly triumphant.

"Where's your leader?" I inquired, upon giving some of them jobs to do.

"She's outside," One of them stated bluntly, "got her leg smashed open."

"Ah," I opened my mouth in realisation, "and, none of you thought of helping?"

My words were met with snorts of laughter. I guess not.

You have more worries than getting caught in the rain

Etur, that's the name of that poor suika. She started tantruming, shouting about how the world was so unfair to her. I know because I could hear her muffled cries above. Only Suika herself knows why Etur didn't freak out at the sight of the zombies. She must've been really pissed.

She came back eventually, but not before tantruming in the fort again. I wonder if I should have smashed her open when she came. Sounded like a really good idea then.

Bridges lifted, barriers up, then I realised we didn't have a hospital. Beds have been designated, but the room hadn't been carved out yet. I immediately ordered to miners to get to it. Furniture were safely installed in empty rooms incase we hadn't had enough room for everyone. I shuddered in disdain at the cramped rooms. Sure, they had plenty of furniture, but they were meagre quarters. I had always been told that every suika should sleep in good, spacious rooms filled with awesome. I shall have to fix this issue soon.

Totally built for comfort.

Thankfully, we had material for some traction benches, and spare cloth, crutches splints. Etur was put to bed in no time.

As for the military, I designated some of the suikas to join, although they had to do it without any sort of weapon. Seeing this, I told CaptainArchmage and the rest of the miners to get to digging into the cavern, in hopes that we would find something other than zinc. Some precious gems were uncovered, but nothing of use as of yet.

Disaster! Etur is growing thirsty! Before she was able to walk with her crutch to the barrels, but now it seems like an impossible task for her. We need to build a well. Now.

I don't exactly know how a well works, but hey, we have cavern water, and so I ordered a miner to dig a path straight above the cavern floor and installed a well. Now we have an unlimited supply of water. Hopefully.

Definitely Suika-falling-into-the-water-proof.

1st Slate

As the new month approached, something else did.

Hippie vans!

Will they make it? Will we finally have some wood to use?


Then there's the problem of whether I should risk the entire military for wood and these hippies. I decided to wait, despite seeing Syana's fingers itching to grab that hammer. I swear she's making me nervous.

The Parsees didn't make it. Guess I'll have to wait.


Hoho. Ohohoho.

Whoever sent them must be a sadist.

I've lifted the bridges for them to arrive. Hopefully they won't get mobbed by the undead before then.

They're here!


Hoho. Hohohoho.

Yuuka would've been pleased.

In retrospect, smashing them open with the stone fall traps would've allowed us to loot them, but there's always next time.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #91 on: August 06, 2012, 02:36:36 PM »

8th Hematite

Scotty287 has been missing for a week. I have no idea what happened to him. Mayhaps a by product of my atom physics experimentation?

CaptainArchmage has given me wonderful news:


Finally! An ore worth kissing! Man the furnaces people, we're going to-

Ah, nevermind then.


The file name is 'pigeonsex' I couldn't help it.

The military is, for some reason, still incredibly lacking. I will have to keep an eye on this beast once in a while. It shouldn't be able to reach my fort. Or should it?

A seigakkuri corpse. The irony.

Wymar begins a mysterious construction. I didn't know how I had hare bones, but thankfully they were there when he needed them.


I've received reports that the uninvited guest has broken in from the caverns! Damn, why didnt' I think of blockading the doors?!

I hear Patchouli's cries below. The pigeon is going up, but it's only a matter of time before it heads down to kill off everyone mining below.

"CaptainArchmage," I turned my head sharply, "I'm afraid I'll need to put your mining skills..."

Oh perfect. Just perfect.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #92 on: August 06, 2012, 03:59:29 PM »
Always sleeping when you need them.

I'll fight the beast. I don't care if I'm retired. I'll hold it off.

Also this is inspiring me to try an Evil embark of my own again. Last time I tried I got dove by zombie sparrows before I even struck the earth though.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #93 on: August 06, 2012, 05:33:11 PM »
Excellent work, both of you. Good to see you guys haven't had the fort doomed yet.

Pirate, do me a favor and press Tab to get rid of the minimap. You'll thank me for it.

Also FYI I meant for those dormitory walls to be dug out when I designated a hospital :V
You don't have to leave it in some weird wrap-around room thing
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 05:36:41 PM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #94 on: August 06, 2012, 07:45:01 PM »
Not sure why those images aren't going back to original size when I click on them, some of them are really hard to read.

Also, nice to know the air lock is working. If you manage to get all the biokkuri corpses to path in and crush them, the next caravan should be able to arrive safely.

Which reminds me, the suikan caravan has had 0 profit 2 years in a row. Don't expect them to bring too much this year. And that's funny, I could've sworn I'd sealed the caverns up completely aside from the edge of the map. Maybe I missed something on the upper Z levels....

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #95 on: August 07, 2012, 01:44:31 PM »

"Go daddy, beat him up good!"

Go Suikas! Show the sex pigeon how pointy our horns are!

This Peachick is badass

His heart isn't even working anymore. How is he not dead.

I have no idea what he's going to do with it, but he can hump it for all I care.

The beast is dead, hurrah!

I congratulate Syanas and the rest of the suikas for their hard work. Some of them grinned and stuck thumbs up. Some were not so lucky...

"Oh, hey my right horn is rotten! Heheh. Hahaha. Oh it's so funny."

Atis is doing his individual combat drill while his arm is dancing about in the caverns. He's a total role model, I tell you.

Oblivious to what was going on around him, Wyamar proceeds to finish his work, becoming a legendary engraver in the process.

spikes on a crown? That's like sticking birthday candles inside a cake.

Even in death the pigeon refuses to retract its necrophiliac nature

Of course, the pigeon isn't going down without a fight, no sir, it will fight till the end.


Having heard of the sex pigeon, more migrants decide to join. I attempt to smash the bridge on them, but Patchy slaps my hand away in time. Oh well, guess I'll bring them in then.

There weren't many migrants. One of them lost their way and was promptly munched on. Most of us were still bothered about the pigeon reviving again, so I had put most of my attention to it instead. Thankfully it was thrown into the refuse with little casualties during its reanimation.

Following Gosm the sex's revivals I have ordered the construction of a butchery and a tanner's workshop next to the refuse for easy processing, as well as more space dug behind so that more refuse may be put. Gosm was then successfully butchered without incident.

We're swimming in meat!

I hastily order a cook to get to preparing all this delicious meat. Oh, the sweet smell of sex pigeon meat is already in my mind. What ho!


*Hastily scribbled on a bloodied note*

Pirate has succumbed to injuries from a broken spine. He was, thankfully buried before he came back. I personally don't like him much but it seems like I will have to take on his name.

- 'Pirate' Wheelancient, 25th Galena

Atis has finally cracked under pressure. We subdued him, but many of us are miserable from the undead and killing. I might end up like Atis soon, if we don't have anything to cheer us up.

Many people have gone missing, including Arashi,  The cause of it, I do not know.

Chaore has turned melancholy, muttering about boneless skeletons. Make no mistake, this is a tantrum spiral. This might be the end of half the fort. Even the human merchants that can arrived here have gone insane for some reason. We could not order any of their wood.

Atis has revived and brought another suika to rest with him. I am beginning to fear for my life.

I gave up the mining expedition. For now everyone must start building better rooms for everyone. Rooms that will cheer us up even when we are not sleeping in them.

More migrants, on the other side of the land. I opened my bridges, hoping that they may join before the undead claim them.

They eventually make it without casualties, despite the undead humans lumbering outside.

14th Sandstone:

Highzealot has been possessed and took over a workshop. I pray he has the materials to finish whatever project he has in mind.

Now that suitable bedrooms have been carved out, I will start assigning them to the military suikas to cheer them up. That is, if I am ever able to recover any logs....

Periodic cleansing. When all the undead outside are more or less cleared I shall see if I can't cut down the trees outside.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #96 on: August 07, 2012, 06:14:43 PM »
R.I.P Pirate's Liver.

Am I still alive?
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #97 on: August 07, 2012, 10:25:05 PM »
Still alive.Tantrum spiral excluded, noone actually died from pigeon sex. in fact I didn't even enlist you in the army. just the military and ten other migrants I had enlisted earlier to get them into the fort.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #98 on: August 07, 2012, 10:26:15 PM »
Huh? What's even reanimating? The pigeon I can understand since it takes long to get down to the refuse, but what killed Pirate? I thought you got all of it to the refuse?
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #99 on: August 07, 2012, 11:09:54 PM »
$10 says it's the bones and/or skin of the sex pigeon.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #100 on: August 08, 2012, 04:49:59 AM »
Huh? What's even reanimating? The pigeon I can understand since it takes long to get down to the refuse, but what killed Pirate? I thought you got all of it to the refuse?

Some corpses which didn't like staying where they are. How they died, I don't know. Skin rot maybe.

but man, they were seriously guerillas. One second they're disturbing people doing their jobs, then the next second they get clobbered by them military and I can't find them. Probably revived while they were getting hauled some where.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #101 on: August 08, 2012, 07:41:03 AM »
Ok I finally got everything up to date! Took me a bit of time thanks to everything that's been going on.

Buy anyways, I do want to inform everyone that even though Syanas didn't exactly meet the specifications of the quest that was given, she's getting credit because I learned that several players were confused about what was meant by paying your proper respects. What I wanted was to have them bury the bodies IN the coffins, but apperently miscomunication in the description lead to confusion on what to do with the bodies. So in the end, let it go.... for now.

Next time I WILL be detailed on what I will want done. Also Pirate was suppose to have a quest, but because I was so busy I didn't have time to give it out (it would need a year's time to complete anyways. So I'll give it to the next person....
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 107
« Reply #102 on: August 08, 2012, 09:06:41 AM »
Autumn. The dwarven caravan has arrived. Unfortunately, we had to lower our bridges to welcome the outpost liason in the middle of our cleansing operation, so there was the part about random zombies coming in to party

Stuffman is overzealous about no parties.

Stuffman, once again, charged forth, breaking a few of his own limbs in the process of dismembering a zombie. He'll be hauled to the hospital shortly after, but I have no idea how long he will take to recover, if at all. As his right arm dangled uselessly on the bed he assured me that they were only flesh wounds. I doubt it.

The caravan finally arrive. I swiftly went in to trade all their wood, charcoal and wood related products with the crafts we have.

Highzealot was scared to death by some ghost. As I haul his body off the ground, the spectre mumbled something to me.

You're next.

...I immediately send a suika to carve it a memorial.

With our broker gone I told Patchouli, with her master skill in judge of intent to replace him. She narrowed her eyes, and finally judged me to be a douchebag. I don't disagree. A few minutes afterward she told me she couldn't be bothered with all this brokering. She had, after all, a meeting to conduct

A likely story.

I finally got ahold of a craftsuika, Deler, to do the job. He seemed fairly willing, better than lounging about the dining room, he assured me.

With the amount of crafts we had, we were able to buy every metal object they had, as well as their wood. With my little knowledge of prices I attempted to trade with the least losses as possible.

Noticing that they had plenty of leather I proceed to buy most of them. around 50, to be exact. We do not have much opportunities to obtain it, and we would need to to craft leather armour for the military. Not the best substitute, but without lignite or coal to fuel our metal industry it would have to do.


As I lower the bridges for the merchants to leave, Mokou-power dashed out like a madman. He told me he was going to pick up equipment. I dismissed it as the ramblings of a suika looking for death.


The other suikas came out to help him in the dispatching of the monster. I grabbed his screaming body back into the fort in case he had any other notions of immortality.

I start the construction of the walls in a bid to build a safe area outside for suikas. One of the masons suddenly came down, paralysed, suffocating shortly after. I suspected it was the syndrome rain, and immediately ordered everyone back inside. The construction will have to wait.

Construction is halting. More undead come to disturb my masons. I'm afraid at least half of them will die. A necessary sacrifice, however.

More disaster.

The door guarder has arrived to take our doors.

I hastily ordered everyone back inside, but the corpses are refusing to leave my men be. I slam my axe into some, but more keep coming back. A recruit was killed in the massacre, and two others unconscious. We might have to abandon them.

The meilingkkuri arrived unexpectedly fast. I decide to abandon the two recruits and make a dash for it. we will be waiting for their corpses behind the bridges. Recruit Monom has finally snapped, attempting to attack all of us. I dodged some of his flailing fists, and he eventually calmed down. I could hear screaming above. Our recruits did not make it.

After a moment of guarding a door outside, it entered the fort



Corpses of suikas and undead are littered outside. I dare not touch them.

Patchy has a shot of inspiration.

An artifact artifact?

Stuffman has a suicidal intention. I drag him back from the bridges before he could chop any of the undead outside.

A kappa caravan arrives.

I dismiss Stuffman from the squad after he told me that he dreamt of munching on suikan meat. I wish not to have him murder everyone in a tantrum. A decent room has also been put aside for him.

A biokkuri squad ambushes before we have the time to complete the final wall. While I considered pulling back, some of the suikas are sleeping and hence would be destroyed within a second. We will have to attack now.

We drove them out, but not without sustaining a loss. We were, unfortunately, unable to kill most of them in order to obtain Biokkurinite.

Another tantrum spiral. I hope it ends soon. It seems as though someone had smeared the sex pigeon's extract over the staircase leading to outside. Many others have rotting body parts due to this. I will have to clear the stairway and build a new one.

Alas. Before I could do this, spring has arrived, signalling the end of my reign. I shall resign back to my military post and hope my predecessor will do a better job than I have.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #103 on: August 08, 2012, 01:40:11 PM »
Since your done, I'm going to write up the next intermission segment... (I'm waiting for you to post your save) This will be for Grimlocke and onward....

As Marisa watch Suika survive as the mini copies survive, she became impressed with how well Suika was managing things inside and outside the fort.

"Wow, I know this was a bit of a challenge, but at least you managed to somehow survive to some degree in such a tricky situation. You even manages to (somewhat) bury you founders."

"Told ya I could do it!" Suika said with confidence as she took another swig of her sake from her gourd.

"I'm persoanlly curious how this will go, are you going to conqure the surface sometime?"

"Yeah, once I get some things establish...."

Just a short hair blond comes walking up seeing Marisa talking to Suika, Marisa turns and takes notice and waves at her direction.

"Yo Alice, whatcha doin' over here, daze?"

The short haired blond walks up toward Marisa and Suika and notices the "game" Suika has been playing.

"More or less, I just decided to go out for a walk, Marisa..."

"But you came all the way to the shrine? You must some kind of reason to come all the way here."

Alice hesitates for a moment before speaking again...

"I just want to take a different way today, I don't usually have time to go outside the forest these day since I have been busy working with my dolls."

"You really should do it more often."


Alice then looks over and notices all the miniture Suikas running around on the table on what looks like an undead world...

"What exactly is this?" Alice question...

"Oh it's just a little challenge Suika's been doing. She's been doing pretty good up to this point."

Alice examines the game Suika is playing and noticed all the strange things going on....

"Tell me Marisa, do you ever notice Suika's not giving a care about how she's storing her goods?"

"No why?"

"I personally think this is kind of messy to leave everything all around without storing them in thier proper container. It's like your home... just full of drunks."

"Hey, you know I have work on magic on a regular basis so so I have to have everything out ready as I work!"

"And when you came to my house?"

"But... that's a different case"

Alice's sigh knowing Marisa just trying to dodge the question.

"You know what would be interesting. Seeing if Suika here could one up you and make a clean and organize storage space for all the good to go in. Perhaps even make it possible to take it to where it's needed in short noctice too!"

"Hah, you think she'll do that?"

"Let's put it like this. If Suika can manage to clean up her fort here. I'm going to demand you clean up your home as well. Cause if a drunk can do it, so can you."

"Heh, you know what I'm up for a bet, I'll take it on. And if she fails, then I expect you to leave me alone about how I take care of my stuff."

"I suppose that's fine enough"

"Then it's on!"


Marisa's challenge
Surface housing:Build an basic above ground fort establishment in which the migrants and caravan from above ground can easily enter into to reach thier destination inside the fort. It must be built in the location where you first began building your fort (as in that small hill) (You must compelte this in 2 years before Spring.) Protip: If you already have a building in the works, you can find a way to connect it.
Alice's challenge
Tidy management: Create a storage room and store 90% of your belonging within bins, pots or any other storage device! (Must be complete be next spring!)
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 05:28:43 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #104 on: August 08, 2012, 05:27:24 PM »
Killed by a ghost... must have taken some sort of tactical genius.

Also, Grimlocke, don't bring me back yet. I'll have myself return on my own time in my own style.

Since your done, I'm going to write up the next intermission segment... (I'm waiting for you to post your save) This will be for Highzealot and onward....

That's supposed to say Grimlocke right?


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #105 on: August 08, 2012, 05:29:57 PM »
Killed by a ghost... must have taken some sort of tactical genius.

Also, Grimlocke, don't bring me back yet. I'll have myself return on my own time in my own style.

That's supposed to say Grimlocke right?

Yes, because I derped and was in a hurry. Also someone asked me to look over my stuff before submitting it since I have a known habit for grammer issues. (go figure) I'll let them do that and see how that goes when I introduce the next segment of the story.
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #106 on: August 08, 2012, 06:54:59 PM »
Save loaded, general choas and disorder met, and some challenges to boot. Looks like I wont be short on things to do.

1st of Granite, 109
No trees to cut, good time for a break!

Or at least it would have been if it wernt for our insane beloved overseer barging into my room shouting:
'Guess what Grimlocked!'.
'Dont put my name in past tense, and im on break. Guessing can come after.'
'Haha no your not. Cause your the new overseer, you dont get breaks. Now you know, and im done! Good luck and stuff.'


At least I can make someone else cut the damned cavern trees...

2nd of Granite, 109
Dispite my inclination not to, I have decided to make a plan!

1st goal: This place is a mess. I dont like mess and so im digging out more storage space, removed the old upper stockpiles and ordered production of bins and beds. Also ordered the basement to be expanded so we have some place to put the endless amouth of loose furniture.

2nd goal: Make a proper entrance, and damn the evil rain, its going to be right where the the first entrance was! Added to that some trenches, tunnels and fortifications so we can pick off zombies and the like without risking out hides.

3rd goal: Finish and expand the quarters. In order to distract us from everyone dying from zombies and sex pigeon I have told our two best engravers, Wymar and Stuffman, to make us some nice decorations in the rooms. Decorations they chose to make of...

4th goal: Dig down for magma and get the metal industry running. Lots of stuff to melt here!

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #107 on: August 08, 2012, 07:05:30 PM »
How the heck is Stuffman engraving with 2 injured arms?


  • The Highly Zealous Let's Playing Wolf Lord
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #108 on: August 08, 2012, 07:07:08 PM »
How the heck is Stuffman engraving with 2 injured arms?

Horns obviously. The equivalent of beards for onis.

Saber Nero

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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #109 on: August 08, 2012, 07:31:18 PM »
I'm pretty sure one of his horns rotted as well. And one of his legs is pretty much gone. He must be engraving on sheer willpower.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #110 on: August 08, 2012, 08:25:11 PM »
I'm pretty sure one of his horns rotted as well. And one of his legs is pretty much gone. He must be engraving on sheer willpower.

Hes actualy hauling slate now too, splints are powerful things. His horns are fine though.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #111 on: August 08, 2012, 09:07:17 PM »
I'm using my laser eyes. Why do you think I'm so good at it?


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #112 on: August 10, 2012, 04:32:22 AM »
Ooh! Make sure to dig out most of those ramps on the small hill!It'll save you a lot of headache!
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #113 on: August 10, 2012, 07:53:21 PM »
(several pages in the jounal have been torn out here, the remains reek of alcohol)

Damned drink spill... following pages are rewritten:

13th of Granite, 109:

Plans for our first sally into the vile, blue, zombie-riddled outside are finished. Here is a general summary and scetch:

The level just below the surface. The red parts are hills of the level above it.

From below the surface the miners are to dig a trench surrounding hill we dug our very first entrance in. Acces to this trench from the fort is through a door in the pasture. Ramps leading out of the trench are to be dug away immediately, eventualy keeping all lands creatures from reaching the hill.

The military is to stand guard outside the trench as it is dug, as there are some small zombie birds and fluffy white kedamas about there.

I have also... delayed the Kappas departure for a bit, hoping that once we breach the surface they will run out and clear some zombies.

Our plan is perfect! Could have the outside fort done in a year!

In other news, we havnt finished the walls Pirate ordered built. The last built was obstructed by some trees, and while I and Pirate argued over who cut the thing down (I was on a break after all!) a particularly nasty zombie, a big hairy cow called a yak, or whats left of it anyway.
I didnt like the look in its eyes, and ordered the entrance shut so we could focus on other tasks.

5th of Slate, 109:


Plans realy only exist to go horrably wrong do they?

Weeell, we made some progress, right? Could have gone worse...

Ah, who am I kidding. It was a debacle from the moment we saw the cursed, nauseating sun.
Guess ill start at the beginning:

After we waited for the 'rain' to pass, the miners slammed the door open and dug for their lives. At least, untill they spotted the zombie ravens.
Suikas just dont have a functioning fleeing instinct do they. Ignoring the safety of the fort, 2 miners flew outside, followed by a chaotic mob of angry kappa and even angerier military.

Fairly soon all zombie ravens were cut down, and it might not all have been that bad if it didnt start raining again.
Pretty soon half the military ran back inside to treat their blisters, another was outside throwing a tantrum, shouting thing about hating sunlight and blue goop.

And thats when the damned yak came out. All we had outside by that time was a fleeing kappa liason, a fleeing miner and a recruit. Only the liason got away...
Knowing things could only get worse at this point, I ordered the miners to stop expanding the trench and get rid of the remaining ramps. They complied, untill they reached the last bit of ramp.
Heard them say something about 'Thats Totakus bit!'.

And Totaku nearly got to it, but the yak beat him to it. Like a true suika Totaku ignored the door and fled into a dead end. Once realising this however, he somehow stormed past the yak unharmed whilst screaming and flailing is pick about.

Shot at 2012-08-10

I was tired of this yak. Someone even gave it the name 'Sawmad'! I shouted the military from their hospital beds, ordering them to storm the horror all at once.
The previously tantrumming hammersuika fell, but Pirate and an unarmed spearsuika finaly beat the thing down. Now to drag it off without it waking up.

Next plan is to use stairs instead!


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #114 on: August 13, 2012, 01:19:52 PM »
I might do a little intermission thing for this, sort of filler-style.

Specifically Adventure Mode, attempting to find this place.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #115 on: August 13, 2012, 03:05:21 PM »
I might do a little intermission thing for this, sort of filler-style.

Specifically Adventure Mode, attempting to find this place.

That's actually not a bad idea at all! These are usually good fillers between the actual game if your real creative with your story. I just need to determine when we should consider doing this. Perhaps after the fort hit's it's 5th year or so?

Also Nuserame / Grimlocke,

I've taken a look at your post and as you currently stand, your still in Spring time, you realize that as of 12:30 PM (central time) today. It'll be 5 days. I wanted to let you know this as a heads up because you will have 2 more days to complete everything , write up the events and post the link or give up the turn and pass to the next person... Or at get to the summer so I can grant a two day extension if it'll be needed.

I felt it was important for you to know this since I have asked everyone to try to complete the one year run in a week's time.
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Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #116 on: August 13, 2012, 05:38:16 PM »
I'd rather do it sooner rather than later, because:

1: It'll take more than a few attempts to even get to the fort, after all, you are at the mercy of the RNG Gods in Adventure Mode. [Unless I play an Elf but who wants to be an Elf in DF, and I'd die as soon as an undead showed up because herp wooden swords and low skills because AltY spamming is annoying]
2: Summer break is ending and Uni is calling.

Also, when I say you are at the mercy of the RNG Gods in Adventure I mean it. You're instantly screwed if you come across something with a fire attack, like a Futokurri or a Red Kedama, because once you're put on fire you CAN'T MOVE AND HAVE TO STAND THERE AND BURN. [Not sure if bug] Unless you manage to dodge or block the fireball, but even then if the fire spreads to you you're stuck and dead.

I think I managed to move once, and that was because my follower/thrown items killed or KO'ed all the Kedamas. Still died of Bleeding afterwards.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #117 on: August 14, 2012, 09:52:31 PM »
20th of Felsite, 109

Work is finaly progressing, despite the comlaints about the rain and the stares zombies give them the miners have done most the work on the trench.
At least untill they spotted a small band of fleeing Suikas outside. Work was paused to open the gate and shout the migrants inside the fort.

One of the stoneworkers got funny, kicked a coffin-making mason from his workshop and is now creeping around the fort gathering things.

23rd of Felsite, 109
Pirate lost it. Has been moping around the fort for a while muttering on about yaks, rain and sunlight. Yet another one of out few capable soldiers lost, think this is a good time to draft some of the recent migrants.

Having a look at our insane stoneworkers workshop revealed, I found out a rather interesting choice of material...

16th of Hematite, 109
Disaster! Again...

Should not have forgotten to send some Suikas to search around for Pirate after nobody saw him for a long time. Turns out he keeled over in an unused part of the housing quarters, not to be found untill he stood back up and immediately proceded to kill one of the farmers in his room.

In the resultant panic and disorder we lost several more Suikas, including Patchy and ThirdEyeGuy. All in all we have lost allmost a dozen due to failure to properly clean up corpses!

In other news, we now have a legendary gabbro coffer. Might have better been a coffin.

29th of Hematite, 109
Another Suika occupying a workshop, a farmer this time. Unlike most, he claimed a leatherworkers shop.

2nd of Galena, 109
Yet more Biokkuri invaders arrive! Why they are so eager to have this piece of wasteland is beyond me. Some humans with extremely poor timing arrived right after them. Didnt take them very long to either turn right back and run, or join the ever increasing zombie populations.

The invaders arrived at the worst moment though. The miners are still outside in the trench which has been progressing stupidly slow due bad weather, and the miners spending most their time in the hospital recovering from blisters. We have been unable to get them back inside due to a zombie having chosen to sit right by the entrance door, scaring off any miner trying to get past.

Tried to dig a second entrace, but the miners inside were busy sleeping and drinking, while the ones outside were busy panicking and dodging Biokkuri bolts. Only CaptainArchmage eventualy managed to get inside, the rest now sits in the increasingly crowded graveyard.

Our insane farmer has also finished his business in the leatherworkers shop. Came out carring a low boot of all things, had hoped he would make us some armor with all that leather he used...

1st of Limestone, 109
It is Autumn, the Biokkuri still havnt gotten tired, and we have been mostly spending time cleaning up storage, and digging some new tombs and wells.

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #118 on: August 14, 2012, 09:55:46 PM »
Hereby requesting an extension.

You're instantly screwed if you come across something with a fire attack, like a Futokurri or a Red Kedama, because once you're put on fire you CAN'T MOVE AND HAVE TO STAND THERE AND BURN. [Not sure if bug] Unless you manage to dodge or block the fireball, but even then if the fire spreads to you you're stuck and dead.

I think I managed to move once, and that was because my follower/thrown items killed or KO'ed all the Kedamas. Still died of Bleeding afterwards.
Its a bug. Being on fire increases the temperature of the squared around you, marking them as something you character does not want to go. You can still move using alt+direction key (also useful for jumping off things and climbing out of water).

Re: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! CrossedHorns: Spring 109
« Reply #119 on: August 15, 2012, 03:26:53 PM »
Hmmmmmm what to do after finding out you died before writing your last journal bit.

Oh well, plenty more Suikas for resuika. Speaking of which, the recent... misfortune, ill just call it that, hasnt been very kind on the name Suikas. Ill post of a list of re-suika-ing once im done.

Pirate: Macesuika is the closest thing we had. Assinged you an axe.
Anthy: Spearsuika, same as pirate.
ThirdEyeGuy: Broker.
Mokou-Power: Legendary tanner!
Patchy: Mechanic.
GoombaGeek: Expert stone crafter, your on 'Make rock gourd/R'. Seemed fitting.
Chaore: Nother stonecrafter.
Arashi Kurobara: Gem cutter. The request was 'something chemical' but we ran out of lye makers. Least your name is green now.
Eerol: Bone Doc. Adequate (rusty)! Dont break bones!
Purvis: Surgeon. Also rusty adaquate... Name was actualy allready there but didnt show up untill now.
Maid Xan: Manager. Techinically there is a bit of you alive in the caverns, but that doesnt realy count.
Scotty297: Beekeeper.
Me!: Died a second time... reincarnated as brewer for a lack of woodworkers.

Other notables: Despite rather high-risk professions, Totaku, Captainarchmage and Syanas survived so far! Highzealot not resuikad as requested.

Also I dont think I let this many die... oh well, we got everyone on the play and spectate list now.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 04:06:06 PM by Nuserame »