Author Topic: Subterranean Animism: shot key randomly stops working.  (Read 1239 times)


Subterranean Animism: shot key randomly stops working.
« on: May 13, 2012, 01:02:32 PM »
My issue is just as stated in the subject. When playing Subterranean Animism, everything is OK for a while, then, usually after a dialogue or losing a life, the shot key simply stops working. Nothing like this has ever happened to me in earlier games. To provide a few more details: due to problems with my laptop's keyboard, I usually play Touhou games using VJoy, with UHJK serving as directional keys.  This was fine with earlier games, but Subterranean Animism refused work with VJoy, so I used GlovePie to the same effect.  Now the steering works OK, bombing works OK, the focused movement key is fine, but the shot key just randomly dies and stays that way until I turn the game off and back on. Any ideas how can I fix this?