Author Topic: Dairies - Daiyousei's Diary  (Read 3656 times)


Dairies - Daiyousei's Diary
« on: November 10, 2011, 06:53:25 PM »
A/N: Well, here I am again with new-found motivation, here to write a series of diary entries. This series of diary entries (in this thread) are from Daiyousei's point of view. Here we go!

Date: I don't know!! Haha!
Time: Again, no idea.. I never know these things!!

Hello, my name is... well... Cirno-san named me Daiyousei, but that is NOT my real name! My real name is-
   Oh! I forgot! Cirno-san gave me this diary for my birthday a few days ago, and she said she wants me to write in it as much as I can, because "life as such a rarely-seen fairy must be depressing. Let yourself go a bit, Dai-chan!". Cirno-san is right... I can be too uptight. Oh, today was fun, though!! I'll tell you about it, because I know you all want to hear it!

   Last night, Cirno invited me to stay with her at her house with her, as she was stuck there keeping an eye on the Three Fairies' house after the three fairies left her and they were off on a prank-expedition. I wanted to go too, but Cirno-san said it was too dangerous. She said I could run into youkai, and be killed. I would regenerate, but Cirno said it still hurts anyway.
   Anyway, when I woke up I found a plate of fresh sushi at the guest's bed-side table with a note saying 'out to sho eyem da strongesst, dy-chan! bee bak soon! if yoo cee Riggle, tell hur eye am out!' and I nearly died. I wanted to get a pen and annotate her careless spelling mistakes, but that would upset her. Stupid as she is, Cirno-san is a brilliant person. She's kind, caring, and not to mention she tries to protect me if we get attacked. O-oh! I'm going off at a tangent?! Sorry!! I'll carry on...
   I put down the note, despite my brain telling me to take her to Keine-sensei and have her show Cirno-san the right spelling. Tying up my green hair in my favourite yellow ribbon, I changed out of my white nightie and into my regular blue dress with the white trim and white sleeves. I always have to struggle a bit so as not to snag my wings and tear them.
   I put on some socks because I was scared of splinters, and I walked into the living room to find Cirno sprawled out on the floor, knocked out!! I thought she had been in a fight with... oh, what was her name?! I forget! Oh, it was Rumia! Cirno-san and Rumia-san had been in an argument over who should be able to claim the big oak tree right on the shore of the lake. In all respect, Rumia had been there first, but I couldn't tell Cirno-san that or she would get mad and freeze me! When I saw Cirno, I saw a shadow over her.
   When I looked up, I saw it was Mystia-chan! Mystia looked battered, but it was because Cirno-san's wings weigh more than she does on her own. Water is heavy, even more so when frozen! Behind Mystia, I saw Wriggle, who looked equally battered.
   "What's wrong, Wriggle-san? Mysti-chan, what happened?" I asked the pair of them, and they hadn't seen me so they kind of jumped. Mystia batted her wings once and Wriggle moved hair from her eyes.
   "Had to, uh, you know, evacuate. Quick. Rumia's here too, look, she's behind you." I had only just noticed the ball of darkness, and inside I saw the darkness youkai with her arms in her signature "saint-was-crucified" pose. She looked ragged, torn and she had a few remnants of what seemed to be cards stuck into her clothes.
   "Dai-chan, this is bad! You have no idea what went down out there, sorry!" Mystia quickly looked over her shoulder, screamed and shut the door. Wriggle had been dragged in with her, and was trying to get her shirt out of the door. Rumia descended from her ball of darkness, and we suddenly heard several squeals from our weaker fairy friends outside. I looked out of the window to see several green missiles and what looked to be sort of.. paper-charm-things flying at my friends and causing them to disappear within the second. It was all happening over the lake, and in the mist I could barely make out two streaks of red, white and black.
   "Wh-who are they?! W-why are they killing the fairies here?! Wri-Wriggle-san! Mysti-chan, please tell me!! I can go and fight them!!" I had began to cry, the tears leaving heavy damp blotches on my shirt collar. Mystia wrapped her arms around me and I sobbed into her shoulder. Wriggle patted me and frowned out of the window.
   "I've never seen them in my life before. Obviously, they aren't good. Slaughtering fairies like that, it's so savage." Wriggle murmured, and I rested a tear-soaked hand on the window. Blinking back the tears that were threatening to stain Mystia's dress some more, I pushed the two aside and opened the door.
   "Daiyousei, no!! You'll get slaughtered like everyone else out there!! At least-" Mystia's voice was shut out as I slammed the door shut behind me. I took a deep breath to steel my nerves. These people are professionals, and I will die. It's good to give the rest of the girls (including Wriggle. She is a girl, but people think she's a boy. Shame, really, because when they hear her they think she's a chibi-boy!!) a chance to prepare. I kicked off of the ground and sped up to the attackers, but I kept a low-profile.
   "Hey, Marisa, do you see that over there?" a bored voice called out. It seemed to be coming from the red-and-white girl. I squeaked and flew under the mist close to the water.
   "What is it? Think it's the mastermind of this bloody fog, ze?!" the black-white blur yelled, and seemed to lift her arm. I panicked flew closer to them, frowning. I threw out several spirals of red and green danmaku, changing positions to fool them. They simply glided past them as if they were insects!! I decided to up my game. I fired several silvery-blue bullets at them, but at the last second I made them home. The bullets skimmed past the red-white, who yelped a little, but the black-white lifted up her arm and yelled again.
   "MASTER SPAAAAARK!!" I heard, but then all I felt was a searing pain, and I plummeted into the lake.
   "Takes care of that. Cheers, Marisa." the red-white murmured.
   "Don't mention it, Reimu. Let's see if anyone else is here. This place is confusing, ze." and in my last look at the world before unconsciousness, I could've sworn I saw the sun reflecting off of wings of ice.

   I awoke the later to see a relieved Cirno sat at my side, as well as a distraught Mystia on the tear-soaked shoulder of Wriggle.
   "What, where...?" I began to stutter, choked off by Cirno hugging me as tight as the little dumb ice fairy could. Touched, I simply blushed and looked down to find myself in Cirno's bed. Overcome with embarrassment, I ducked my head under the covers as Cirno giggled.
   "Welcome back, Dai-chan. Looks like that red-white and the black-white got past me too. I was fine, though." Cirno put a fist to her flat chest and smiled triumphantly.
   "Daiyousei, it looks like you fell at that black-white's Master Spark. That thing is brutal, Rumia told me. Those needles that the red-white can through are pretty painful, lucky you didn't have to suffer those. At least you're okay now, though." Wriggle scratched the back of her head and looked away from Mystia still clamped around her waist. Mystia was on her knees, hugging Wriggle from the side. I giggled a little, and Mystia's attention turned to hugging me.
   "Dai-chaaaaan! I missed you~!! I hope you're not still hurt? Did you sprain anything? Have you any cuts left? Did you break anything? How many fingers am I holding up?" she babbled and blurred in her usual sing-song-y way. I looked outside and was shocked to find it dark.
   "I-it's night?! B-but I'm not tired..." I moaned, to which Mystia put a finger on my lips and smirked.
   "I'll sing you a lullaby. INTO BED EVERYONE, AND I'LL SING!" she screeched, at a pitch so high everyone literally dove for safety into camp-beds and sleeping bags (courtesy of Yukari-san). Mystia giggled and began to sing. I tried to fight to stay awake, because it was just so beautiful! But, like the sleepy-head I am, I was asleep in a matter of moments!
   I am writing this the day after, by the way.
   Lots of love,
   P.S: I have no idea why I wrote "lots of love" at the end of that, but you get me, right?


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: Dairies - Daiyousei's Diary
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2011, 05:05:23 AM »
Nice.  I especially liked the touch with "Cirno's flat chest".  Made my day.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 06:08:45 PM by Wolfsbane706 »
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


Re: Dairies - Daiyousei's Diary
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2011, 03:51:16 PM »
A/N: Decided to write a few more entries, as this seemed a little unpolished. Nyan~ =^.^=

Date: I don't know... again...
Time: I can't tell.

Dear Diary,
   Yesterday was a bit of a mad day, but I woke up extra early today for some reason.  I went into Cirno's room to find her changing!! KYA!! So embarrassing! I stood there for about 5 minutes, just staring and my cheeks were so red!! And then Cirno turned around and grinned at me! YAYAYA!
   "I'm not going to charge you to watch, Dai-chan, so get an eyeful!" she said! I nearly fainted, so I went back to the guest room to get showered in downy feathers. Wriggle and Mystia had woken up and had a pillow fight. Wriggle had Mystia pinned down, had straddled her knees and was beating the hell out of her face with a pillow. It DID look awkward, but when they saw me, Mystia got up, held my hands behind my back whilst Wriggle slapped ME with a pillow. I've still got small feathers in my hair!! Gr.. anyway, back to the story.
   I decided to make some breakfast whilst Wriggle and Mystia caught their breath back, when Cirno hugged me from behind whilst I was steaming the rice! I nearly dropped the wooden spoon into the miso soup!
   "You're such a good girl, Daiyousei~! Making the breakfast too~! Oh, so selfless~!" she sounded drunk. Had Ibuki-san been by with the sake already? Hm. Whilst we were eating breakfast, Cirno kept grinning at me, but I couldn't meet her eyes. It's so awkward... I mean, I LIKE Cirno-san... but... not like THAT! Okay, maybe I do, a little bit, but what's the deal? We've been friends for ages, but that doesn't mean we can't get a LITTLE more than friendship, right? I mean, I heard that black-white witch from yesterday (her name is Marisa Kirisame, as I read in Bunbunmaru this morning) is friends with this puppeteer named Alice, but Alice REALLY likes Marisa, and Marisa knows it but plays tomboyishly hard-to-get. Maybe I should do that? Play oblivious? I had thought when reading it.
   That afternoon, Cirno asked me to go with her to the Hakurei Shrine in order to pick up the shipment of rice Mystia had asked the miko there to pick up for her on her next trip to the Human Village. I obviously tried to get out of it, in a cool off-handish kind of way...
   "What's up with you, Dai-chan? I haven't done anything to upset you?" everytime I looked away, Cirno would meet me there! I couldn't help it, but I blushed, nodded and then we set off for the Hakurei Shrine.
   There had been this annoying red mist around during the past few days, but since yesterday's incident with the miko and Marisa, it had gone. I think that weird mansion across the lake had something to do with it, if not then it was something weirder. I don't really care about that stuff, but when we arrived at the shrine the miko was nowhere to be seen. Cirno burst out laughing.
   "This means we can take some extra supplies without her noticing! I may be the strongest in Gensokyo, but she is really smart and can outwit me in a second! Dai-chan, you can grab the rice, I'll take care of the vegetables and meat!!" Cirno hissed, dodging around invisible enemies and grabbing the entire stock of the Hakurei shrine.
   "But Cirno-san, that's stealing!" I had complained, but Cirno grabbed my arms, wrapped them around a sack of rice, hooked her arm through one of mine (blush moment!) and we set off on a weighted journey home.

   I felt kind of guilty stealing the poor miko's food, but I forgot all about it when we arrived home. Cirno gave me a massive hug and thanked me for being so helpful. Kyayaya! I feel a little too embarrassed to even write down what happened next, because if Cirno-san reads this...
   Oh, whatever, she was there, she knows what happened! Cirno gave me a little kiss on the cheek and sped back into her house with the food, leaving me wide-eyed and blushing!! It was really weird...
   Anyway, today was an extremely embarrassing and fantasy-filled day for me. I feel a little dizzy writing about it now... eheh.
Lots of love~

Re: Dairies - Daiyousei's Diary
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 03:45:04 PM »
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.