Author Topic: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13  (Read 36245 times)

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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #90 on: September 11, 2011, 09:47:56 PM »
As a budding Hard/Lunatic mode player...

I think the game's Hard mode was fine. The lack of abundant resources meant you simply had to not mess up when it was most vital (ie dying right before stage 5's finale). Some boss patterns seemed legitimately challenging (Futo's first, Miko's first and penultimate) but nothing was as awesome as Radiant Treasure Gun or Devil's Recitation. I certainly don't feel that exhilarating rush of seeing "Get Spell Card Bonus!!" after capturing anything, really, except maybe Guse Kannon.
Newborn Divine Spirit doesn't have that grandeur that Legendary Flying Saucer or Virtue of Wind God has.

Sure, I can say "I 1cc'd Hard" or "I captured all of Miko's spells" but even it wouldn't hold nearly as much personal weight as saying "I 1cc'd UFO Hard" or "I captured LFS Hard with ReimuB at 3.xx power."
And then I tried Lunatic and 1cc'd it on my first try. Despite it almost being a "HURR HURR WHY CAN'T I 1CC THIS" run, it still scored more than when I actually tried dodging stuff on Hard. Go figure.

The atmosphere in general doesn't seem as good as in other games. Shou, with Tiger Patterned Vaisravana playing a fierce, almost frighteningly powerful song as she uses among the most "powerful" patterns in the series, amounting to one giant "OH SHI-". Satori, with her eerily haunting theme playing, climaxing as she reaches her Recollection cards. Mountain of Faith's stage 5, where the music is just so epic when Sanae makes her midboss appearance. Yuyuko's Resurrection Butterfly and its conclusion.

I can appreciate what ZUN tried to do for newer players. Give them less lives, and they should learn how to use their resources more, right? Give them easier patterns so they ease themselves into more?
Except for newer players, they're missing out on the atmosphere and beauty that makes Touhou "Touhou."


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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #91 on: September 12, 2011, 05:12:31 AM »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #92 on: September 12, 2011, 07:11:02 AM »
Sweet one Aya. I'll just subscribe to your newspaper right now.  ;)

Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #93 on: September 12, 2011, 03:35:20 PM »
I just realised another reason why I dislike the patterns in the game so much (Except the Extra Stage).

They're pretty much the same from Easy to Lunatic, just harder. Almost all of the patterns are like this, unlike the Easy/Normal, Hard/Lunatic split (like most Imperishable Night spells). It really added some interesting variation to the spell list


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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #94 on: September 12, 2011, 04:13:05 PM »
Ten Desires. The newest addition to the Touhou lineup. I thought I'd take a moment to address my opinion about the game and explain it's features.

The music this time around is as solid as it's ever been, though it seems as though Zun's going in a completely new direction with it since UFO. Many of the themes stand out rather well and are quite catchy (Stage 1's theme, for example) and I find myself often booting up the game solely for the music if I don't feel much like playing it (which is often when I have "lazy" moments at my computer)

Well, this is a broad subject in-and-of itself, so I'm going to break this into a few parts.

I've found that the majority (if not all) of the spellcards in this game are very nice to look at, and almost seem to convey their "meanings" a little better than some previous entries.
Though there are some attack patterns in the game, where I thought, "this could've been made a bit more interesting", or in one case, "why didn't you just use lasers?".

Honestly, I feel right at home with the difficulty in this game. Not too difficult, but you definitely pay for your mistakes later on in the game (Stage 5-6 anyone?) Not to mention that the fewer extra lives given really makes you pay attention to your resources much more than in other games. I can't say too much about the overall difficulty scaling myself, however there seems to be quite a leap between Normal and Hard. (though at this point that's pretty much par for the course.)

-Unique Features
*Alternating Shottype
Playing as the four characters this time around seems less... time consuming, I'd say, as if you wanted to clear an entire difficulty, you'd need only do it 4 times, (as opposed to, say PoFV's 14(!). ) as there's no A-B shottype selection this time around. Instead, you alternate between strong shots as you press and\or hold the Shift key. (for example, Reimu fires Homing Amulets when unfocused, Persuasion Needles while focused.) I find this a pleasant change since I'd often find myself requiring a shottype I didn't pick during certain stages in previous games.

I don't have a whole lot to say about the whole "Spirit Item" thing as a whole, But it sorta goes like this. You'll want to be playing the game agressively, trying to kill the enemies as quickly as possible, as they drop more spirits that way, and when bosses are on screen, you'll want to risk staying as close as possible, so that they let out spirits faster. Spirits come in three varieties. Blue: these are what you'll be seeing a lot of. They serve to raise your "Item Value" a little bit. 10 points normally, 100 during Trance(More on this later.) Grey: These appear when you've managed to defeat multiple enemies in succession, and are similar to gold-bordered point items in MoF. These are worth your current full item value, regardless of your position on the screen. Red\Green: And these are where your resources come from. Red for lives, Green for bombs. That's really all there is to it on that :V

Recently, I decided to play this game for score as a little test, after I'd gotten the hang of how it worked. Honestly I found myself abusing invincibility frames on top of bosses for the bulk of my final score. To me, this seems rather counter intuitive, once you take into account that: 1. Bombing fails spellcards as well as dying. 2. If you're in Trance when a spellcard starts, you fail instantly. Granted, you could time your bombing\trancing so that you're not doing it during spellcards, but then you'd miss out on hundreds of millions of points. I mean, it turns out that capturing spellcards and playing the game well only results in, roughly 55% of my total score at the end of the game. (for example, 230m compared to 400m)

I felt rather disappointed that in order to score well, you pretty much had to throw away spellcards, it seemed at the time. To end this segment, I'll just quote myself from earlier today. "It's a good concept. It's definitely a good concept, but it needs better excecution."

On the whole, I think 10D is a worthy addition to the series. It's fun to play and whatnot, but the scoring mechanic needs work, I feel.
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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #95 on: September 15, 2011, 03:41:01 PM »
Uh, I don't know. I'm known to get really attached to music once I give pieces enough time but still, the only music I somewhat liked on my first time was the final boss's (yes, I know, very original of me). I just really don't like the defining melody in most of the other themes, maybe it's the whole "new approach thing". I should give things more time, but honestly, the first impression usually means a lot.

Gameplay is kind of easy is what I'm picking up? I haven't actually played it yet because I'm going through games by order (still pretty new), so maybe soon, but it looks easy enough.


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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #96 on: September 19, 2011, 09:03:40 PM »
Difficulty: Very noticeably lowered. Easy mode is perhaps the easiest one from the whole series (6-13, at least). Would have been great if ZUN had included a fifth difficulty or kept lunatic at least as hard as UFO's was; especially considering the ridiculous amount of continues you get on lunatic. I miss that feeling of utterly getting raped. :V

Music: I like it, the title and 6th stage tracks, especially.

Other stuff: I really like the return of spell practice and continues that don't return you to the beginning of the stage. But the most welcome change by far is - not having to clear a stage to access it for stage practice.
Oh how I raged in earlier games when the game crashed or I ran out of continues on the final stage. But no more!
Trance mode is a nice touch; wouldn't want it to return in future games, but for one game it's an interesting change.

... Well, who cares about any of that. The game has Youmu! :V

Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #97 on: September 21, 2011, 10:40:49 PM »
After playing the game some more, I find the bosses fine, I still like the music and the characters but the stages are just boring, extra especially. I can kinda understand since I seem to recall an earth-shattering earthquake and near atomic disaster during the game being made. Makes me wonder if Touhou 14 will be Utsuho and Tenshi teaming up to do stuff.

Anyway, back to failing at UFO and EoSD Lunatic.
Quote from Myosotis:
"Marriage is a game you can't win. Also, no replay value and the level design is bullshit.


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Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #98 on: September 22, 2011, 01:23:02 AM »
I love it, nice music and decent gameplay. Lots of gimmicks(meatshields, health regeneration, in-boss fight dialogue, nice boats), and good music.

The one thing I don't get, though.

I honestly don't see what's so great about desire drive, yet people spaz out about it any time. I like True Administrator much more.
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  • Deranged Collector
Re: Soo.. uhh, "review" Touhou 13
« Reply #99 on: September 22, 2011, 08:09:44 PM »
I actually really liked the game, now that I finally played it. Can't make a final comment on the difficulty yet since I don't want to touch its Lunatic Mode just yet, but I do agree that it's somewhat easier than the other games, but overall still challenging.

Things I didn't like that come to mind are maybe things like
-Stages being unlocked for Practice upon entering them
-Continues not returning players to the beginning of the stage anymore
-Trance that carries over into a Spellcard causes it to be considered failed

The first two aren't even that important, I just won't make use of them and I'm sure they'll help some players, so it's not that much of criticism, really.

What really stuck out to me was the awesome job on the way the BGM complements the stages and fights, though. I found that especially notable during Kyouko's first appearance in Stage 2 and, more importantly, the beginning of Stage 4, Spellcards 2 and 3 during the Stage 4 Boss Battle and Miko's fourth and fifth Spellcard. It was amazing how well it matched and the stage design was really nice as well, Stage 6 had a beautiful background. Also loved the character design, really did.

Furthermore, Spell Practice is always welcome, but the menu did not quite live up to the game's aesthetics (not exactly going to complain about the menu design, though).

As far as Spellcard- and stage design is concerned, I'm not quite sure. A few Spellcards stuck out to me and there were some very cool mechanics (especially in Stage 4), but I didn't really find the Stages themselves overly boring. Stage 5 is maybe a bit too easy, at least it's less of a drain on ressources than in the earlier games (assuming you don't mess up, in which case you do miss out on a lot of Extra Lives and Bombs). The Extra Stage certainly was a little boring, though, the Stage portion at least. Mamizou's NS-Patterns could have used a little more variety too, I think, but aside from that, I have no complaints.

That's also another issue I have - a mistake at the wrong spot can really mean a lot to your ressources if it means that the Trance Gauge is empty at the wrong time. Seems somewhat harsh, at least harsher than, say, SA, so I guess that offsets the seemingly lower overall difficulty a little.

All in all, I think the game did do its name justice, boss battles definitely had a lot of that feeling to them that makes them fun and epic, especially because of the music. Maybe would have preferred having Reimu with only her needles since I like only being able to shoot straight, usually the most fun shot type to build strategies around, to me at least. Regardless, I like the game