Author Topic: Let's Politics! - Issue 1: Hydras. I -hate- Hydras.  (Read 53024 times)


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #60 on: August 03, 2011, 11:16:52 PM »
Heck, I just put myself forward as an alternative fuck/love hydras, but whatever.

Momijibot is standing down

An appeal to those who wish for conciseness:
Dormio is trying to kill you.
I will try to save our nation.

Which outcome do you prefer?

##Vote:Dormio, Mafia Nukophiliac :dealwithit:

Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #61 on: August 03, 2011, 11:22:14 PM »
It's George Dubya all over again. :blush:


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2011, 11:28:51 PM »

Don't lynch me.


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2011, 11:34:20 PM »
Dormio is the purveyor of broken promises. Those quest endings he's promising now? Those were supposed to be done weeks ago.


Also, to all the people actually playing the game, I'm pretty sure that in the end Dormio will just ignore everyone's arguments and choose the path he likes most. :V
Also bribes and corruption etc.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2011, 11:35:12 PM »
My opponents are horribly misrepresnting me.
It is not my intent to kill all of you.
I intend to solve anything that I deem to be a threat with nuclear weaponry.
A thought for the masses.
Zakeri has admitted his cowardly ways.
Momijibot has offered nothing of note, content to sit on the fence regarding our issues.
Are these the types of people you want to lead?
Would you trust these people?
They may call my path to be one of war and fear.
What is my response?
My path is one of domination.
A necessary step in order to guarantee our future.
I may be regarded as 'evil' or 'villanous' because of this.
I do not care.
If I must become evil for the greater good of Kaleidescopedia, then I shall become evil.
Unlike my pathetic opponents, I will not mix words.
Instead I will leave you with a question.
If Kaleidescopedia is about to be conquered by a larger nation, what will be our savior?
Flowers? Hugs? Or nukes?
Think hard, the answer should be obvious.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 12:16:46 AM by Ran Yakumo »

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #65 on: August 03, 2011, 11:37:50 PM »
@Conqueror: I have said it before, I will not make a pretence about this like my opponents are trying to.
I do not care about your opinions.
I care about doing what is good for Kaleidescopedia.


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #66 on: August 03, 2011, 11:42:31 PM »
I do not care about your opinions.
^This is Dormio's campaign slogan, folks.
Do you really think he will follow through on his pledges after all is said and done?
At least Zakeri can be bought with money and words. He can be controlled. Whereas Dormio is a loose cannon.

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Teaching old dogs new tricks
Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #67 on: August 03, 2011, 11:45:39 PM »
I feel like this presidential election should be an IP contest.

Don't lynch me.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #68 on: August 03, 2011, 11:47:48 PM »
Dormio: 9
Zakeri: 4

Currently looks like Dormio'll become President. Zakeri may drop out of the game if he wants to and I won't care. :V


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #69 on: August 03, 2011, 11:48:42 PM »
1)Zakeri has admitted his cowardly ways.
2)Momijibot has offered nothing of note, content to sit on the fence regarding our issues.
3)My path is one of domination.
4)If Kaleidescopedia is about to be conquered by a larger nation, what will be our savior?
Flowers? Hugs? Or nukes?
Think hard, the answer should be obvious.

-insert picture here (phone posting lol)-
1)Zakeri has admitted he is more likely to listen to the people.
2)I've already stood down.
3)As it stands, we are too small to dominate anything.
4)I would like to ask you a counter question.
   After we have sent our nukes, what do you suppose everyone else would do?
   Flowers? Hugs? Nukes?
   Think hard-I'm sorry, I've overestimated you. The answer is Nukes, by the way.
   And how would the Dormioship respond?
   With nukes! Oh, wait, all of our other nukes were nuked by everyone elses nukes, we don't have the fund to   start a potato farm, nethermind a nuke and the entire world has placed economic sanctions on us.
So-Nukes is it?
Think hard about this one.

Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #70 on: August 03, 2011, 11:55:25 PM »
I promise to listen to each and every one of you.
I promise to listen to all concerns.
I promise that all people are treated equal under my rule.
I promise that I will think carefully, with your help, what the future of our nation needs.

Dormio only promises destruction.
Destruction begets destruction.

If our nation comes to war, then we will have war, but not for a moment sooner.
War, nukes, destruction. These are all things that should be reserved for our last resort, not our primary.
Tell me Dormio. What nation do you speak of? you say IF a large nation were to come and conquer us, you would be prepared to fight back. But then which nation do you speak of that is currently threatening us? Do you have plans in mind for whom we would go to war with?

Wisdom is not Cowardly.
Recklessness is not Bravery.
This position is an important position in our nation's history, and I intend to take it as seriously as I need to for the people's sake.
Vote for Wisdom to take the seat.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #71 on: August 04, 2011, 12:16:04 AM »
In regards to Momijibot's hypothetical situation, the answer is simple.
Other countries are led by beings like Zakeri.
They care about 'ethics' and 'morals'.
Their masses will not be able to, in good conscious, wipe out our entire nation.
I am sure that none of you would be willing to take this step either.
Which is why I am stepping up.
I am willing to take the full blame for my actions, I will not hide behind the cover of bureaucracy.
Momijibot asks: "What if we run out of nukes?"
We will not run out of nukes.
We are too small to dominate?
I am not bound by ethical restrictions.

Zakeri can be bought with words and money.
This is true.
May somebody explain to me why this is a good quality in a leader?
Leaders are chosen to lead, not to read.

To Zakeri: Any nation that acts aggressively towards us is our enemy and will have nuclear strikes launched against them.
And listen to him.
"Everybody is equal"?
These are the words of a COMMUNIST.

I recognize that not everybody is born equal.
Different people are gifted in different areas.
To try to ignore our individual freedoms and rights, will you people let this stand?



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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #72 on: August 04, 2011, 12:18:05 AM »
##Vote Zakeri

Dormio is clearly not going to listen to what any of us say.

[17:24:35] <Akiyama_dorMio> Nuke the west coast of america is now on my to do list
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 12:22:29 AM by PX »


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #73 on: August 04, 2011, 12:25:36 AM »
Even though technically I am voting Ran in.

Let me ask you this: In what part of the world, at what time, in what insane universe is size an ethical issue?

My protest was more along the lines of "We are (and I quote the game-runner here)  a SMALL country. This means we have less resources, less money, less land and more importantly less nukes than the bigger ones. If we decide to start a NUCLEAR WAR against a LARGE country, we will be swiss cheese. Swiss, nuclear cheese.

While I do admire your devotion to integrity and such, I would rather such devotion is not directed in such a way as to inevitably lead to destroying Kaleidoscopia and its marvelous capital, Kalifornia.

The people do not want to die.
The people do not want to suffer long draughts of economic downturn in your futile attempts to keep the nuke supply stocked up.
The people do.not.want.a. in power.

Unless you post pics of yourself in an ice fairy costume, then the people might consider it.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #74 on: August 04, 2011, 12:33:40 AM »
I am not talking about size.
I am talking about the loss of human life.
Other countries will be far to afraid to launch their nuclear warheads against us due to the negative reputation they would receive for having wiped out an entire country.
I am not afraid to take away millions, or even billions, of lives in order to guarantee our own safety.
Whilst the other countries hesitate, we will strike hard and fast.
We will be the only ones left standing if that is what it comes to.
Nuclear War?
It will not reach that stage.
We will launch a pre-emptive counter attack against any country that poses a threat to us.
We may not have as many nukes as the larger countries, but we still have enough to wipe out the world three times over.



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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2011, 12:38:44 AM »
Don't you mean:
American Hero!

KOREAN!!!!!!!! COMMUNIST!!!! BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

##Vote Zakeri
« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 12:41:42 AM by PX »

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #76 on: August 04, 2011, 12:43:41 AM »
If you would rather have Zakeri, the true communist, be placed into a position of power, go ahead.
Be my guest.
However, do not come running back to me when Zakeri ruins the country, tainting it with his communist ways.
Do not ask me for help if you have an issue that could easily be solved with a large explosion, only to find that Zakeri is unwilling to supply these explosions.
When Zakeri's loyalties are bought by the highest bidder, do not wish that you had a leader that could truly lead instead of being a mere puppet to the rich.


Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2011, 12:44:45 AM »
In regards to Momijibot's hypothetical situation, the answer is simple.
Other countries are led by beings like Zakeri.
They care about 'ethics' and 'morals'.
Their masses will not be able to, in good conscious, wipe out our entire nation.
I am sure that none of you would be willing to take this step either.
Which is why I am stepping up.
Other Countries want peace.
We want peace.
I personally, hope for peace.
Therefore, we should vote you into power, because you want to discard this peace we all enjoy and work towards.

i can not possibly see how you are appealing to anyone's best interest except for your own.

Other countries will be far to afraid to launch their nuclear warheads against us due to the negative reputation they would receive for having wiped out an entire country.
This is false. A Nuclear launch is not something you can sneak into another country while no one is looking. If a nation were to launch their nukes towards another, no precedent will be set for a counter attack, and we will have nukes launched at ourselves. Nukes we won't be able to defend ourselves from. Not only that, but even if we were to assume that our target country did not have a chance to respond, we will become the military target of every other surviving country at once. We will have depleted resources, and the whole world would not tolerate a nation who would cast death with light fingers. The only logical outcome would be to destroy every country other than our own at the same time.

And even if we did have the resources to do that, and survive a counter attack, then who would we have left to support our country? The world will be destroied, there would be no farms left to make food, there will be no unpoisoned water left in the world. Most importantly ZUN lived in one of those countries. Our nation, founded on his masterpieces, would be the bloodied hands responsible for his death. Do you really believe our nation would be happy knowing that our founding father would be considered an acceptable casualty?

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2011, 12:56:27 AM »
The "peace" you speak of is for cowards and the weak.
True peace can only be achieved through complete domination.
With your plans, we will forever be a small country.
We will always be an easy target for the larger countries.
We will always be forced to submit to their wills.

You say that you cannot possibly see how I am acting in anyone's interests but my own.
My response is that I am acting on nothing but my own interests. I will not hide this, unlike you.
My interests are based around what is best for the country, because I will be the leader of this country.
Our nation will support itself.
What does not kill us will only make us stronger.

Our country will not have the blood of the innocent masses on their hands.
I will smear myself with blood so that the country can be clean.
I have said before that I will take full responsibility for all of my actions.



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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2011, 01:09:34 AM »
I will direct everyone who has faith in Dormio to proof of what he's done in the past when given access to the ability to wipe out other countries. His mission will be forgotten until he blows things up for the heck of it, followed by telling the world what a mass murderer he is.
Dormio wants to be a Traitor. ##Vote Zakeri. He is the cutest.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #80 on: August 04, 2011, 01:14:05 AM »

What does that make the scores now?

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #81 on: August 04, 2011, 01:17:39 AM »
Dormio's Unofficial Election Votecount For The Uneducated Masses

Dormio - 9
Zakeri - 5


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #82 on: August 04, 2011, 01:27:41 AM »
Dormio: 9
Zakeri: 4

Currently looks like Dormio'll become President. Zakeri may drop out of the game if he wants to and I won't care. :V

Momiji already voted.


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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #83 on: August 04, 2011, 01:28:26 AM »
Just don't nuke the sun, we're all dead if you do that.
Wait a second...

The Sun gets its energy through nuclear fusion correct?  Then...  If Dormio nukes the Sun he may prolong it's life cycle, thus saving the Earth in five billion years as the extra energy from the nukes would provide it with more energy and thus it would have to burn even more because of the fuel supplied by the nukes!  This means he'd be prolonging humanity's survival as a whole! [/flawless logic]

##Vote: Dormio

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #84 on: August 04, 2011, 01:28:48 AM »
I'm not counting Momijibot's vote, else I would be on 8.
Shadoweh voted for Zakeri.

And Kasu's vote shifts the balance to:
Dormio - 10
Zakeri - 5


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #85 on: August 04, 2011, 01:44:01 AM »
Shadoweh doesn't have voting rights!

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #86 on: August 04, 2011, 01:45:35 AM »
That works for me!

Dormio - 10
Zakeri - 4



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Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2011, 01:49:02 AM »
[18:50:46] <Bardiche> btw
[18:50:55] <Bardiche> I'll permit ##Impeach to throw away a ruler.



  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2011, 01:51:44 AM »
Only after you've handled one issue with him, and only by the five players who are /in for the game. ;)

Dormio: 10
Zakeri: 5

« Last Edit: August 04, 2011, 02:07:55 AM by Bardiche »

Re: Pass that Proposal - Let's Politics!
« Reply #89 on: August 04, 2011, 02:17:03 AM »
This election is rigged.
People voted for Dormio before considering who was the better canidate.
Pesco voted three times.