Author Topic: ... Don't think Gamestop gets digital distribution, will sell DD codes in-store  (Read 2885 times)


  • Arcade Maid
  • *
  • United Federation
I can't make this up.

Quote from: Article
GameStop offering PC digital downloads in-store
by Steve Watts, Jul 28, 2011 4:45pm PDT
Related Topics ? Deus Ex: Human Revolution, GameStop, PC
Retail giant GameStop announced today that it will begin selling digital PC games at its retail locations, starting with Deus Ex: Human Revolution. While it might seem counter-intuitive to sell downloads at a brick-and-mortar store (all the download times with none of the at-home convenience!), GameStop is aiming to make it pay off with some smart benefits.

The move seems like a natural extension of the company's other in-store downloadable pushes, including the ability to buy Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network games, downloadable content, and the expansion of its digital storefront and purchase of Impulse.

Pre-purchases of the digital Deus Ex: Human Revolution kickoff, for example, will come with digital versions of Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition and Invisible War, the Explosive Mission DLC pack for Human Revolution, double PowerUp Rewards points, and entry in the Augment Your Living Room sweepstakes. GameStop didn't promise that all of its in-store digital offerings will pack so many goodies, but it's starting off on the right foot.

Plus, if you're a tinfoil hat wearer who prefers to stay "off the grid" and goes without credit cards, this means you can purchase digital downloads using cash or trade-in credit. You know, for the computer that the government is definitely using to track you right now.

"This is a great illustration of how the digital distrubtion model and in-store experience really complement one another," said GameStop digital distribution manager Steve Nix. "We have seen great success selling DLC for console titles in our stores, so expanding on that model and helping customers discover digitally distributed PC games in stores is a natural fit."

Isn't... the point of digital distribution, not to have to go to a store to get games?  Why would I want to go to a store to get a piece of paper with a code instead of the boxed copy?

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."


would i be able to trade in used codes for pennies on the dollar so they can sell it again for close to retail price :comedycentral:

Because Gamestop needs to steal more money from the Game industry.
And it will work, too, because of playstation notwork.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
well I guess there's those kids without credit cards

I mean, I sure know my mom would only pull out her credit card to buy something online for me if it was my birthday or christmas, for example, while buying something at a store was fine every now and then (plus could be done with my own money) I mean, I don't have to worry about that anymore, but it was a big problem for me before!

also since
playstation notwork.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 01:31:07 PM by K-Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Arcade Maid
  • *
  • United Federation
Maybe for DD only titles but those are extremely rare (read, indie only).  If you're in the store just buy the boxed copy.

Twitter: @hipsterfont | Discord: helvetica#0573 | LINE: hipsterfont

He thought that on that same day he was to take the city of Priam, but he little knew what was in the mind of Jove, who had many another hard-fought fight in store alike for Danaans and Trojans."

This isn't anything new, I remember a lot of stores doing the download code thing in 2009 when EA announced that RA3 Uprising would be download-only.

Still dumb though.


  • Long twintail-o-holic
I don't think of DLC's purpose as saving a shopper the trip to the retailer so much as saving money on both sides of the transaction (the developer and the gamer I mean, not the retailer) for development/print reproduction/whatever costs and whatnot. I imagine a shopper and retailer still get this benefit when buying a DLC code from a retailer.

But given how many DLC games there are out there, I can't imagine a retail store ever really having a fraction of it, I would just stick to the hard copies myself, especially since it's already hard enough to get some of the rarer games still in print  from them sometimes.