Author Topic: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)  (Read 3837 times)

Forte Blackadder

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So, I for one am bloody tired of danmaku. I'd like to see our girls on full-body-contact actions.
Now, this is no place to powerlevel discuss, so let not put them on any kind of ring ok?

First is my wife Yukari. A wise, lazy calm, elegant beauty. It's quite hard to imagine her rushing to the opponent with a fist isn't it? That's why I presume Wudang is best for her.

So what's Wudang? It's a Chinese ancient art that use "The Flow" to fight. People said it's Tai Chi Quan but actually, Tai Chi Quan is just a part of the clan's skills. The founder of Wudang, Zhang San Fung, was thought to be under Shaolin training and when he went out, he developed Shaolin's fist with his own philosophies and created Wudang. Wudang's arts is strictly connected with Yin-Yang. In Yi Jing, the universe goes as follow:

Void -> Tai Chi -> Yin Yang -> Four Beasts -> Ba Gua -> Unlimited

So, it's Taoism. The arts tried not to fight, but to master the user's own body and mind. Wudang is one of the arts that Japanese would call it "Sei" style for being calm, collected in the fight (Jujitsu) and often goes for defense. The skills are usually used with the palms, move along with the opponent's attacks and counter. Or transfer her Ki (Chi/Inner Force/Magic/...) into the body and attack from within.

The art is quite fitting with her gap ability.

Next is my all time favourite, Mokou. I always think highly of her as a warrior. Why, she definitely went through living hell after drinking the Hourai Elixir. Canon didn't say it, but it's impossible for her to not be freaking strong after a thousand years being immortal. At that times, youkai and human think eating the heart/liver of an immortal being will grant immortality. Mokou must be hunted a lot.

So what style? I personally want her to be a Dou type, with lots of punch and kick and her outfits support my idea: Karatedo.

Well, of course, at the time Mokou drank that elixir there was no Karate, so I'm a bit lost. Nevermind, I'll just make something up and go along. See, for long long time, martial art is all about fighting. Self-defense, killing, attacking, or training, they all conclude in the user hitting something else using parts of her body. Mokou knows how to punch, and that trousers is damn fine for kicks too. I'd let her make an art of her own, quite close to modern Karate, but not necessarily the same.

Let's talk about her ability, using fire. Because she uses phoenix in her fight so I'll give her that for beauty effects. There is a fist, called "Dynamic Punch" (暴破拳) which basically is one of the most destructive fists ever. The theory is, the user focuses heat into her fist, uses her whole body to throw the punch without any hesitation and let the heat explodes after contact. The point is the heat should be transferred into the opponent's body first, the goes to the vital points and explode there. The skill of course is impossible in reality, but this is Mokou we're talking about. They also said that you can use Chi to make the heat, but will result in your hand getting destroyed. Mokou is immortal, so the recoil isn't a problem. This fist is said to be "ultimately destroy anything on its path" but can't be used repeatedly with high speed.

Next, everyone'll hate me if I don't  mention Drunken Fist. Of course this has to be Suika's. Drunken Fist is a famous art, however its origin is unknown. Many people thought it was Shaolin, but no. It indeed has connection, but to be exact, Drunken Fist was first used by the League of Beggars. Shaolin monks after quit mediating (out of the temple, live as a normal guy) usually had drinks with them and mixed the art with Monkey Fist, thus improved the art quite far.

Drunken Fist mimics a drunkard, focuses very strongly on balance and unpredictable moves. The art itself doesn't have a fixed "category", so to use Drunken Fist, the user has to control his body perfectly while being drunk. Pushing her feeling sense to the max to avoid all coming attacks and strike in the most surprising moment. Drunken Fist is not solid as a Karate's punch or a Taekwondo's kick, but it can hurt a hell lot with someone like Suika. The gourd is also the user's weapon, in Drunk Fist, every move is an attack move, even if it's the move when user drinks her booze.

Another girl with Drunken Fist can be Meiling, but I'll talk about her later, so now, Yuugi. An Oni, loves drinking, being free and doing anything she damn well like. How less beggar-like can this girl be? None. And that's why I want to see her with the strongest attack, the ultimate all-offensive skill of the Beggar League: 18 Subduing Dragon Palms (降龍十八掌). The skill that can defeat a dragon in 18 hits. Using Yi Jing as the base, these 18 hits are all how to use the user's Chi at its finest. This skill alone can defeat everyone, everything and use in every situation. It originally had 28 palms, but later was refined into 18 by Xiao Feng, the legendary leader of the Beggar League and Xu Zhu, his sworn brother.

Actually, this skill in Yuugi's hand is like giving Rambo a light saber...

As the Chinese thing flows (why the hell do I know so much about Chinese while I'm Vietnamese? I don't know, bugger.) Let's talk about Meiling China. The only Chinese in the game (Miyako‎ is dead, deal with it). She's often seen as a master in Chinese kempo, I don't blame the fan, because with that outfits and being a gatekeeper, she's bound to know some martial arts. So just how much does she know? It can't be "all", no, because Chinese styles have a lot of conflicts. Not only "this style opposes/supports that style" in combat but also in training and philosophies. Like Dou and Sei, training everything at once will lead to insanity or death, of course even as a youkai and can manipulate Chi and stuffs, Meiling can't help herself when she's training "human is the highest form of creature" in Shaolin and "human is created from evils and sins" in Mani Sect together.

So I think it's good for her to focus on one or two specific skills: Dragon Claw and Shadowless Kick.

Dragon Claw is thought to be part of Dragon Fist in Shaolin 12 Animal Fists which uses Water and Wood in Five Elements as base. This Claw is  very strong, very strong and mostly use to "scratch" the opponent. This move is unblockable.
Shadowless Kick on the other hand focuses on speed, it goes so fast that her kicks are the same as Lucky Luke's shoots. Of course Meiling doesn't put much force into the kicks, but at that speed its power can't be underestimate. This move is unavoidable.

Sanae, Reimu... What to say? Jujitsu all the way. And I think that solely because such art like Aikido looks damn good with mikos...

Now a bit of modern art don't you think? My choice is Letty. And of course with her fatty fanon crap, I'd love to see her wrestling. Not normal wrestling, no no no no no no no NO! WWE Wrestling! I suppose you already knew about normal attacks in WWE, so I'll just put her "finishers" here:
Swanton Bomb

Not hoping the topic to turn into a desert... Good night!


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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 04:14:19 AM »
I'm sure many of us won't have much to add, with our lack of martial arts knowledge and all.
Like you mentioned with Mokou, I think a lot of characters would create their own fighting style. I'd love to see Alice and Patchy have a serious book duel.

I always imagine Mokou to mainly fight with her legs, which could be made even showier if she kept her hands in her pockets at all times. You can redirect attacks by swinging your legs, can't you? Crescent kicks or whatnot...
And considering how you said the Dynamic Punch destroys the user's arm, it would be even more fitting!

Also, who'd use Wing Chun? Just wondering, since I know someone who practiced it.

Forte Blackadder

  • 雲龍九現
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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 06:51:08 AM »
I'm sure many of us won't have much to add, with our lack of martial arts knowledge and all.
Like you mentioned with Mokou, I think a lot of characters would create their own fighting style. I'd love to see Alice and Patchy have a serious book duel.

I always imagine Mokou to mainly fight with her legs, which could be made even showier if she kept her hands in her pockets at all times. You can redirect attacks by swinging your legs, can't you? Crescent kicks or whatnot...
And considering how you said the Dynamic Punch destroys the user's arm, it would be even more fitting!

Also, who'd use Wing Chun? Just wondering, since I know someone who practiced it.
No worry, just make things up! A human's imagination is very astonishing. Let's say like "I want Remilia to use a claws move that elegantly slides to the opponent's behind and tear off their back." something like that.

About Mokou, I've seen people fighting with their hands in the pockets. Yes, it's badass but quite off-balance. The kicks almost have to be mid-air or she has to be far stronger than her opponent. Can be Taekwondo. I forgot she can fly I'll put more for her in the next post then, damn I really love her in a non-sexual way. Not that I wouldn't like to have sex with her tho.

Crescent Kick can be used in both defense and offense, and it's true you can redirect attacks with it. In some unique style, people uses Reverse Crescent Kick to grab the arm (commonly at the elbow) and twist. The result is always broken arm so bad the bones stick out. It's quite agile and can be put in many combos.

Wing Chun, I know one expert in this, will ask him later.


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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 07:27:05 AM »
I know boxing isn't a martial art, but I'd imagine Ichirin being a boxer, what with Unzan punching down people...  Ya think so?

Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2011, 01:34:36 PM »
Yuka was trained by Master Roshi and learned how to Kamehameha.  Marisa was tben trained by Yuka sometime between LLS and MS.  I'm not sure if the martial arts style used was ever named though...


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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2011, 03:30:25 AM »
You mentioned Tai Chi Chuan under Yukari, I notice.  Isn't that canonically what Meiling actually uses, except with empowerment from her Chi control ability?
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2011, 12:03:10 PM »
Tai Chi Chuan has 2 routes: one for combat and one for improving health. Although it's not uncommon for people to know more than 2 styles, especially such a "master" like Meiling. Because of the Chinese arts' base, they mostly divided into 2 categories: "Good" and "Evil", you can learn both though, but still have to choose carefully so they won't conflict each other inside your body. There was a guy who learnt 100 styles and combine them into his own style.


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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2011, 12:11:51 PM »
Yuka was trained by Master Roshi and learned how to Kamehameha.  Marisa was tben trained by Yuka sometime between LLS and MS.  I'm not sure if the martial arts style used was ever named though...
At one point in the manga, it's stated to be called "Kamesen Budo".  The more you know~!

I know boxing isn't a martial art, but I'd imagine Ichirin being a boxer, what with Unzan punching down people...  Ya think so?
Actually it is!  "Martial art" simply means it's a  "extensive system[s ] of codified practices and traditions of combat".  As such, boxing is a martial art, as is fencing, kendo and other things that most people don't seem to think of when the term is used.

Ahem... Uh...

Oh right, Sakuya totally does D?j?-fu.  I can't really think of anything else that would fit so perfectly.
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Forte Blackadder

  • 雲龍九現
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Re: Touhou martial arts? (fictional/wuxia/realistic are all welcome)
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2011, 12:24:28 PM »
True, anything that teaches you how to control your body to deal more damage is a martial art. Sakuya can be a trained assassin that focused on throwing knife, that's cool.