That's how it is, since I don't know japanese I can't translate info whatever they gave up on it or not, but I do imagine it's due to the fact not enough people seemed to care as much as the dev did.
It's really easy to see from his previous game which I'm currently playing - "Avant-Garde Discerning Paralleler", ADP or Parallerer for short, that game's honestly both the best, hardest, most crazy dumb and yet most original danmaku game I've ever played (just the fact that you can select your stages like it's a one big journey with a bunch of extra stages) and no one has ever heard of it or talked about it much. It has like 16 stages + appearences from most Touhou OCs either with spells, their themes and overdrive mode... maybe even more I think. Again, I can't even finish it, I've finished one route, but I'm stuck and I doubt I'll ever beat the stage I'm stuck on.
It's also the most bizzare thing in existance and has a lot of things I'm surprised people haven't talked much about. Feels like I'm playing Len'en for the first time.
But there's also no coverage for it even after all the years, no OST on Youtube, even Touhou wiki's page doesn't cover like half of it.
Just finding the download link took me a while and since I'm dumb and I dunno' how to extract things like OST I can't post it myself. I can host and post dl to the game if you wanna', but I'm not sure if it's allowed.
I just hope Souten releases something again and if not, I hope more people will cover his works. When I saw this bump I honestly almost got a heart attack. I'm not overexaggerating... overreacting maybe.