Author Topic: Touhou Mystical Chain 2 - Ideas and Speculation  (Read 1744 times)

Touhou Mystical Chain 2 - Ideas and Speculation
« on: November 19, 2014, 11:36:13 PM »
Well guys, I don't have the programming habilities to do a project of this magnitude. But everyone's imagination capabilities are extense. So why not dream? Mystical Chain is a game made by LIONHEART with a unique gimmick, unique bosses, stages and oh god don't lemme even get to aestethics. It's an awesome game but unfortunately its... Too short? I mean yay we got to the end... What now?  This is a Sequel deserving game, but well, we can't really go and say, hey dudes let's totally ignore that LIOHEART has dibs on this game and make Mystical Chain 2. But well, we can dream, can't we? So... If you guys were to make a Mystical Chain-like game, what would be your Playable character choices, Storyline and Bosses? I'll expose mine and you guys can either criticize or even give your own options! Maybe we could motivate someone to do it or call LIONHEART's Attention? Anyways Let's get down to Business.

Playable characters:

Well since Marisa, Patchouli and Alice were the focus of the first game, I think that Good ol' Reimu would be the most reasonable choice over there, right? I mean, we can just copypaste the plot point and the characters. Well we do Have Sakuya and Sanae as other possible characters, Sakuya would be a nice choice, But I'd rather save Sanae for a Boss Fight.  So... For Main Characters I'd either Pick Reimu, Suika and Aya or Maybe Reimu, Suika and Yukari? I wouldn't use yukari as playable... Too OP~

Reimu would be our typical Long ranged melee, a mix between Marisa and Alice. I suppose she'd rely on combo (like Marisa),  as well as trap-setting system (much like alice), wet she'd lack laser and long range (screen covering). Her speciall would Either be 'Divine Arts - Demon Binding Circle' (Like Patchouli's Silent Selene) or her signature move 'Divine Spirit - Fantasy Seal' (MUSHOU FUUIN!) A Homing Spellcard, Good for spellbreaking, yet would lack damage. (We need to nerf something, don't we?)

Suika would be a long range, Heavy Hitter. Like Patchouli She'd use an array of powerfull spells to kick people's asses, Yet she'd be not a very good comboer. (Throwing people far, you'd have to get a good idea of where to be to combo). Probably she'd throw explosive stuff at people, rocks, firebreathing at short range, fire pillars and... you get the idea. Her spellcard would probably be 'Breath - Small Oni's Deep Breath' (Two stages spellcard like Patchouli. If the inhale gets enough damage, She'll exhale)

Aya would be the combo queen! Medium range point of balance like marisa just because she's a fast ass and she'd cover a lot of area withou needing much range. She'd probably use tornados and shit as her common attacks, She'd be easy to combo yet would have either low damage or maybe some weird gimmicks like the wind would twirl or go curvy, making her attacks not very accurate.  And what is Aya without her signature move ' Illusionary Dominance?" She'd probably be like Alice, she only combos if the special connects. (She'd run once in a straight line forward, if she hits, she'd go and slice-and-dash the targets she was able to get).

Plot Point:

 Since Mystical Chain one has... a Pretty lost in storyline plot points, let's just say that the girls are after a valuable artifact within gensokyo, requested by Yukari, that wasn't able to get there due to some strange magic. (Actually She's blatantly lying, she's just lazy,) The girls then must search for the artifact in different areas in gensokyo that Yukari seemed to sense the artifact's presence.


-Stage 1-
Introduction Stage not much to see here probbaly can be settled at SDM's gate, common Kedamas and Fairies, with only a sunflower fairy to add some gig, maybe even cirno as a midboss. The Boss of the stage would be Meiling. She'd pretty easy to beat since she's just about short range, melee. Her spellcards would go as the following.
- Lotus Palm Burst (She'd follow the Lead character dishing out a punch followed by her short range 'crystal danmaku')
- Rainbow Chi Kick ( Floating to a corner of the screen, she'd descend in a kick leaving a trail of crystals that rain over the character Quite easy to avoid being in the upper side of the screen)
- Eternal Meek Punishment ( This spellcard features Sakuya. She'll go to an upper corner of the screen and rain knives on wherever Meiling is, Meiling will do a multipunch barrier blocking the knives, Not a safe place to be. You can Either Hit Sakuya Midair and leave meiling taking a breath or attack Meiling and let sakuya watch the show.)

-Stage 2-
This stage business starts to get a little more harsh. You'll be going up the Mountain of faith scenario. New enemies introduced, like Generic Kappas that attack you with bubble bullets and Hatate eventually dropping by to make your life harder with some danmaku rain on the last midstage before boss. The boss battle will feature Sanae, the Luigi of Gensokyo. She won't be very happy to see that Reimu is invading her temple looking for something that Sanae Herself Might want as well. She'll have the Aid of her two goddesses, get your spellcards ready.

- Great Miracles Barrier ( Sanae will make her signature star seal and it will open just like in danmaku games, the harder the level, the more layers, The safest place is to dash to where sanae is.)
- Lady Kanako's Bless ( Kanako will come to help. She'll dish out Falling Onbanishiras while Sanae executes her homing snake Attacks from side-to-side in the screen.)
- Lady Suwako's Aid ( Kanako leaves to get some rest and in replaced by the youthfull Sukawo. Sanae will limit your screenspan using her wave patter 'Mystic Square extra all over again' and Suwako will make some water spray where your lead character is. The spellcard has a vulnerability time where sanae stops using her wave and gets vunerable.)
- Suwa War Reenaction. ( Sanae Leaves and Kanako and Suwako take the Lead. Kanako Uses homing Snakes and Suwako uses her trademark ricochet rings, They will keep doing their patterns even if you are attacking one of them)

-Stage 3-
Bhava-Agra, the realm of benefactors and... Well whoever managed to ascend there actually. We'll be introduced some new threats like some tennin (the angels that appearn in SWR's ending) absurd lifespan, not a big threat when alone, but their one hit attack takes quite a bunch of damage if connects (Too slow and predictable to do so alone) and other Tennin that use bullet spray at short range. The midboss there won't be in screen, the stage threat will be thunders and falling keystones that will try to make your progress harder. The bosses couldn't be more obvious. Tenshi Hinanawi and Iku Nagae. Tenshi is pretty sturdy while Iku is hard to hit as she's always floating.

- Dragons Divine Punishment ( While Tenshi Dashes in the ground hitting anyone in her way with her sword, Iku throws aimed thunderballs at the stubborn Tennin, tenshi will simply take the hit as a thundercatcher and and deflect it as a straight line thunder aimed at the player.)
- Keystone Storm ( Tenshi simply hits the earth and invokes a keystone to be aimed at the player while Iku shows her dancemoves in the sky throwing thunder pillars in a hard to read pattern.
- Oarfish Labyrinth ( Tenshi will hit the ground changing the landscape making a 'mound' with the pillars wherever she hits, while iku follows you slowly with her body fully charged with electrical power.)
- Scarlet Clouds Maelstrom ( Tenshi will start to Float and will throw her Scarlet Beam of All-Humankind moving throught a half of the screen [Like Flan's LavaeTheinn in Mystical Chain] leaving some bullets that ricochet floating astray . Once Tenshi Finishes her attack. Iku will strike her dancemove and the stray bullets settled will throw a thunder 'link the dots' way.)

-Stage 4-
And from the high skies we go down to earth the underground is a place filled with threats like zombie fairies, that always ressurrect after beaten unless you manage to beat cat Orin along the stages. The bosses will be the komeiji sisters, unlike mystic square, at stage five we won't fight the player not chosen, so the stage 4 is the one with different spellcards for different teams. The sisters have 5 spellcards, only 4 of them will be used. 2 will be Satori mimicking the chosen characters spells with Koishi's aid, and 2 will be original attacks from the komeiji sisters.

- Subcounscious Fingerprint ( Satori will throw green spheres that will Vanish and disappear, while Koishi slowly stalks you while invisible. After a time She'll fully appear booming her love at you and activating the green spheres her sister threw. Be carefull to not bring koishi to the safespot. The timing is essential in this spell combination.)
- [If you pick Reimu] Yin-Yang, Ego and Id ( Satori will throw Aimed huge bouncing Ying-yang balls, Koishi will pop them releasing hearts that spread in the screen and then are recollected by Koishi Herself.)
- [If you pick Suika] The Embers of Pandaemonium ( Satori will take a more offensive position this time. She'll hammer down to the ground and release Fire pillars, while Koishi randomly throws her suggestive shaped danmaku around the ricochet 3 times in the edges of the screen before vanishing into oblivion.)
- [If you Pick Aya] Emotional Maelstrom ( Koishi will release her trademark roses around in the screen. Then Satori will throw a tornado that will collect them. Satori will then make the tornado explode in a fast array of petals.]
- Komeiji Sisters Ambush ( Koishi will Vanish and reappear a lot throwing aimed hearts at you. Her sister will do the same but with her radar-like lasers. At the end They'll both appear at the same time koishi will use the lasers of her ancestors spellcard and Satori will throw random shaped danmaku aimed at you. After the pattern is finished both are at the same place and vulnerable.)

-Stage 5-
Tired of running in circles Reimu walks back towards her shrine, just to find that it was invaded by youkai and other beings, The midboss is Mononobe no Futo with her nice boat and arrows and Shou Toramaru with her curvy Lasers. The girl find Hakurai Shrine invaded by Byakuren and Miko, they'll have to fight to recover the shrine, that seems to be the holder of the artifact all this time, they'll be fighting against eachother and your team, be carefull.
- Mantra of Soul vs Goose Kannoon ( Toyosatomimi will be raining her rainbow shiny and homing danmaku, while Byakuren will shield herself with a Golden Shield of Bhudda, but be carefull she'll lay eventual falling kicks at you, so be carefull. Stay under The umbrella untill the rain stops and you can attack Miko or attack Byakuren right before she kicks your ass.
- Mantra of Body vs Delusive Cape ( This time Byaku takes the offensive, throwing Vajras at distance or comoboing at close range. Miko will be teleporting and redirecting the vajras)
- Superhuman Byakuren vs Desire Catcher. ( Miko will collect desires and then unleash them all at once at the same time Byaku will trace a danmaku pattern that will be released along with Mikos Burst.)
- Devil's Recitation vs Sacred Tao-Sword ( Byakuren will throw 4 lasers, 2 aimed at your current position and 2 at miko's current position and they'll stay put as well as Byakuren. At the same time, Miko will dash with her golden sword and attack you and byakuren in a chain. Fight for a safespot and dash as much as you can.)

-Final Stage-
There will be just a boss battle. After beating the Tao Saint and the Bhudda Master, Yukari pops out of her gap and grabs the artifact out of you hands, thanking you for being so gentle in finding it and fighting for it as she was too tired to do so herself. The girls get mad and dare to attack Yukari, The gap youkai finds a funny diversion after a nap quite enjoyable and will not hold back.
- Border of Heavy and Light ( Yukari will play with Gravity. Your characters will be floaty or heavy at different times, She'll spray bullets around and they'll move freely in low gravity, or fall heavily at one of the side of the screen.
- Border of Fast and Slow ( She'll throw coloufull circles of bullets at different speeds, find a safespot or get damaged, not sofisticated but flashy and practical.)
- Express Gensokyo Sattelite ( 3 platforms to stay, Yukari will open gaps that will follow you throwing lasers. At a given time she'll call her trademark train in the platform you are currently, the lasers still keep on going even with the train. Hitting Yukari is a hard task)
- Shikigami Ran and Chen ( Yukari flees preparing for an ambush, While at that, Ran and Chen distract you in a timeout spellcard much like her 'Profound Danmaku Bounded Field - Phantasm, Foam and Danmaku-' When the pattern ends she comes out of the screen and uses her star shaped border to deflect some lasers on the whole screen, a flashy entrance to her last spellcard.)
- Border of Life and Death (A field Version of border of Life and Death. She'll use 7 danmaku kinds that will behave differently on their own way. Red Petal Danmaku that will behave like normal danmaku in rows pattern,  Orange balls pattern that will make an Halo that will travel fast across the screen,  yellow raining stars, green aimed knife danmaku, turquoise butterflies with random twirly patterns, blue thunders and purple homing seals. She'll start using one at a time and then at half of the health she'll start combining them. From now on it's a survival spellcard, she'll throw random combinations of bullets, hope for luck and you may get to finish it untouched.

Those are my ideas, I'd like to get some criticism and new Ideas and general discussion about the game, we could either get lionheart's attention or get to make a whole new 'mystical chain'-like game! Well Thanks for your time please warn me about any typos and this kind of stuff.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 07:34:36 PM by kakunabe »