Author Topic: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8  (Read 10829 times)

Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« on: September 07, 2014, 10:17:04 AM »
The first games are working, and surprisingly enough, the 14TH game is working as well (as well as the x.5 games), for some reason, the 6TH game WORKED the first run, but the next run just crashed the game, window opens, black screen, not responding, any help???


Touhou 6 works again... and it is the only one...


Changed the applocale from UK to Japan (and my entire PC isn't full of gibberish! ) every game is now working,  :D ahp, nevermind, some applications are now in japanese, I'll get this fixed (sorry folks from japan, I don't know the language).
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 07:46:03 PM by Lustranas »


Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2014, 02:23:20 PM »
Windows 8, Single Language here.
All these games work perfectly for me, with the sole exception of 06 Touhou Koumakyou: EoSD.
Have you installed Direct X9.0c yet? Not all of its modules are present with the default install of Windows 8.x. Its worth a try, so install that even if you think that you may have.

There are plenty of thread about EoSD on this sub-forum (HME/Tech Support), i'm sure that some of those tricks could help you out.
For now, could you please tell that in what exact circumstances do these games not work.
As in, what happens when you run the executable. Also, are you using any mods or English Patches?

Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2014, 03:01:46 PM »
Windows 8, Single Language here.
All these games work perfectly for me, with the sole exception of 06 Touhou Koumakyou: EoSD.
Have you installed Direct X9.0c yet? Not all of its modules are present with the default install of Windows 8.x. Its worth a try, so install that even if you think that you may have.

There are plenty of thread about EoSD on this sub-forum (HME/Tech Support), i'm sure that some of those tricks could help you out.
For now, could you please tell that in what exact circumstances do these games not work.
As in, what happens when you run the executable. Also, are you using any mods or English Patches?

Cannot install directX 9 on windows 8, and yes, I have english patches but it doesn't really matter because not even the vanilla versions work, actually, the vanilla version of touhou 6 doesn't work, only the patched one.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 05:04:48 PM by Lustranas »


Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2014, 03:40:19 PM »
You may want to edit that post, and remove that link. Mentioning downloads or piracy will decidedly get one banned here.

The thing is, older games expect to find some Direct X dll's which are not found on the regular Windows 8 install. E.g. Operation Flashpoint:Dragon Rising wants you have d3dx9_39.dll (was it?), or it won't work. Do you play any other games, btw? Installing Direct X9.0c on Win8 is pretty much mandatory to be running most older games.

Yes, some people seem to have problems installing DX9 on Win8, even though it should work perfectly (as it does for me). Try booting into Safe Mode to install DX9 if it doesn't work off the head. (with networking of you use the web installer). Use Microsoft's own copies of DirectX 9 End-User Runtime Installers to install it.
Web install for DX9.                    Full Install for DX9.

Need some third party confirmation here. Aren't certain requisite Direct X modules included with the install of some Touhou games?


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Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2014, 05:42:43 PM »
You may want to edit that post, and remove that link. Mentioning downloads or piracy will decidedly get one banned here.
I cannot remember the last time anyone was banned for posting DL links. What actually happens is the first offense warrants a post edit and a warning. This is almost always enough. Repeat offenses (and again, I cannot remember any) will warrant a time-out. DL links, in theory per the rules, can lead to ban hammering. But no one in recent memory has been "decidedly" banned for it, even if they are absolutely not allowed.

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Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2014, 06:47:42 PM »
Mine works normally and I don't need the DLLs. Though I have installed multiple major commercial games here, maybe their redists installed stuff here or something. Win 8.1, btw.

the vanilla version of touhou 6 doesn't work, only the patched one.

That's because the unmodified version rely on DATs with japanese characters, that might not be recognized properly unless you use applocale or change your system language to Japanese. However you can avoid that by naming them using the pattern g–‚‹?XX.dat (there's a necessary invisible character before the g, you can only copy the name correctly selecting then using Shift + Left to reach it, or copy the space then delete it).

I cannot remember the last time anyone was banned for posting DL links. What actually happens is the first offense warrants a post edit and a warning. This is almost always enough. Repeat offenses (and again, I cannot remember any) will warrant a time-out. DL links, in theory per the rules, can lead to ban hammering. But no one in recent memory has been "decidedly" banned for it, even if they are absolutely not allowed.

As far as I know, if the first person to spot someone mentioning piracy is an admin, they're automatically probated for 3 days. Can't remember anyone being permabanned for piracy as well though.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 06:53:21 PM by Jirachi »

Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2014, 07:28:03 PM »
You may want to edit that post, and remove that link. Mentioning downloads or piracy will decidedly get one banned here.

The thing is, older games expect to find some Direct X dll's which are not found on the regular Windows 8 install. E.g. Operation Flashpoint:Dragon Rising wants you have d3dx9_39.dll (was it?), or it won't work. Do you play any other games, btw? Installing Direct X9.0c on Win8 is pretty much mandatory to be running most older games.

Yes, some people seem to have problems installing DX9 on Win8, even though it should work perfectly (as it does for me). Try booting into Safe Mode to install DX9 if it doesn't work off the head. (with networking of you use the web installer). Use Microsoft's own copies of DirectX 9 End-User Runtime Installers to install it.
Web install for DX9.                    Full Install for DX9.

Need some third party confirmation here. Aren't certain requisite Direct X modules included with the install of some Touhou games?

Thanks for the links to Dx9, it installed, unfortunately, there is  no difference at all with the games, they still crash.

Mine works normally and I don't need the DLLs. Though I have installed multiple major commercial games here, maybe their redists installed stuff here or something. Win 8.1, btw.

That's because the unmodified version rely on DATs with japanese characters, that might not be recognized properly unless you use applocale or change your system language to Japanese. However you can avoid that by naming them using the pattern ?g????XX.dat (there's a necessary invisible character before the g, you can only copy the name correctly selecting then using Shift + Left to reach it, or copy the space then delete it).

As far as I know, if the first person to spot someone mentioning piracy is an admin, they're automatically probated for 3 days. Can't remember anyone being permabanned for piracy as well though.

From what I know, applocale doesn't matter for touhou, though I will try this one too, ty.


Fixed it! Thanks, Jirachi, every touhou game is now working.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2014, 07:40:14 PM by Lustranas »

Re: Touhou 6-13 not working on windows 8
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2014, 05:43:37 AM »
Hey, I'm using a Surface Pro 3 and Windows 8.1 and can confirm I had the same problem. I just installed the Windows AppLocale and ran the game through it. English patch didn't seem to do anything.

Make sure to run AppLocale through an older OS compatibility, though.

E: So apparently Touhou doesn't recognise my up diagonal movements. I know it's a hardware issue and that I have to remap my keys, but I'm not sure how to go about doing so. Can someone give me an example line of a remapped key?

« Last Edit: September 12, 2014, 06:20:13 AM by Blumiere »