Author Topic: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?  (Read 4501 times)


  • No Bomb Enthusiast
Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« on: January 24, 2015, 02:33:29 AM »
I was searching for Ultra replays on Youtube and came across these 2 different versions of ultra for Touhou 6, particularly the Extra stage. The difference can majorly be seen in QED, with one of the versions even adding an extra spell card at the end with these really fast bullets.

This is the standard Ultra I was seeing:

This is the Ultra with the added spell card:

Can anyone tell me where I can buy (if for sale) or download the harder Ultra patch?

Thanks to anyone who replies, I would greatly appreciate it :)


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Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 04:07:48 AM »
I think that might be the original Ultra patch-- later on a different site added patches for all the Windows games that mostly just double the bullets (much like the transition from SoEW Normal to Hard mode).

I find it interesting that not only does it change bullet types and sometimes entire patterns, but even removes the graze cap, increases the score cap (to 231), and makes all the spell bonuses absurdly high.

I've seen it in a few other videos (including a TAS), but have no idea where to download it. If I recall correctly, the main game has been edited too, just as thoroughly.

Edit: On a related note, the video you linked was definitely played with slowdown.

I've seen a legitimate (as far as I can tell) run of it before though, here. Actually, there's what appears to be a download link for it in that video's description, so I suppose you could try that...
« Last Edit: January 24, 2015, 04:50:33 AM by Karisa »


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Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 05:09:18 AM »
The second video is not really "Ultra patch", but Rank cheat. You need some program like Cheat Engine to fix the rank (address 0069D710) into something really high: the video is done at 95 rank which is the highest non-glitchy rank I think (the rank normally caps at 32, how the patterns still make sense on much higher values is beyond my understanding). You can use lower values too to make the challenge more fair.

I think there might be random executables exported from CE or something that sets the rank into that with a key press, but I always used Cheat Engine itself.

(haven't checked Karisa's second video yet, but yeah, that video you linked is definitively tool-assisted)


  • No Bomb Enthusiast
Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2015, 05:54:48 AM »
Wow, thank you both for your quick replies!

Karisa - yeah that was a download link for a patch file, I'll have to try it out tomorrow. Thanks :) Yeah its awesome that most of the cards are modified, makes it feel like you're playing a different Extra xD You're definitely right, after comparing the two, the one I linked was with slowdown, the spell after QED in the link you sent me is insane. . .

Jirachi - I think you meant to say the first vid is the one with the rank cheat, the second vid is the one with the added spell card (which looks the same as the link Karisa posted). This rank cheat also sounds interesting, rank 95 from 32 is quite a jump. Could prove quite challenging :)

Thank you both for your advice :D


  • Wish Maker
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Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2015, 06:23:36 AM »
Jirachi - I think you meant to say the first vid is the one with the rank cheat, the second vid is the one with the added spell card (which looks the same as the link Karisa posted). This rank cheat also sounds interesting, rank 95 from 32 is quite a jump. Could prove quite challenging :)

Nah, the first video only straightly doubles the bullets, which is exactly what Ultra does. Still, I can't really check out the second one right now, so idk what is the "added spellcard". But from a quick look on Flandre's nonspell, it definitively looks like rank cheat.


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Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2015, 06:38:57 AM »
From what I can see, the patch changes pretty much all of the spells, and several of the stage enemies. It's evident starting from pretty early on (the enemies at about 45 seconds into the stage don't normally shoot bubbles) and becomes very obvious by Patchouli.

I think it also incorporates that rank cheat you mention, though, and Flandre's nonspells may be otherwise unchanged.

Re: Touhou 6 harder Ultra patch?
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2016, 05:34:01 AM »
The link to the video with the download has some password of sort.. what is the password?